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synced 2025-01-17 21:49:15 +01:00
Merge branch 'MDL-76291' of https://github.com/paulholden/moodle
This commit is contained in:
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
define("mod_bigbluebuttonbn/roomupdater",["exports","core/templates","core/notification","./repository"],(function(_exports,_templates,_notification,_repository){var obj;
define("mod_bigbluebuttonbn/roomupdater",["exports","core/pending","core/templates","core/notification","./repository"],(function(_exports,_pending,_templates,_notification,_repository){function _interopRequireDefault(obj){return obj&&obj.__esModule?obj:{default:obj}}
* JS room updater.
* JS room updater.
* @module mod_bigbluebuttonbn/roomupdater
* @module mod_bigbluebuttonbn/roomupdater
* @copyright 2021 Blindside Networks Inc
* @copyright 2021 Blindside Networks Inc
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
*/Object.defineProperty(_exports,"__esModule",{value:!0}),_exports.updateRoom=_exports.stop=_exports.start=void 0,_templates=(obj=_templates)&&obj.__esModule?obj:{default:obj};let timerReference=null,timerRunning=!1,pollInterval=0,pollIntervalFactor=1;const resetValues=()=>{timerRunning=!1,timerReference=null,pollInterval=0,pollIntervalFactor=1};_exports.start=interval=>{resetValues(),timerRunning=!0,pollInterval=interval,poll()};_exports.stop=()=>{timerReference&&clearTimeout(timerReference),resetValues()};const poll=()=>{timerRunning&&pollInterval&&updateRoom().then((updateOk=>(updateOk||(pollIntervalFactor=pollIntervalFactor<10?pollIntervalFactor+1:10),timerReference=setTimeout((()=>poll()),pollInterval*pollIntervalFactor),!0))).catch()},updateRoom=function(){let updatecache=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]&&arguments[0];const bbbRoomViewElement=document.getElementById("bigbluebuttonbn-room-view");if(!bbbRoomViewElement)return Promise.resolve(!1);const bbbId=bbbRoomViewElement.dataset.bbbId,groupId=bbbRoomViewElement.dataset.groupId;return(0,_repository.getMeetingInfo)(bbbId,groupId,updatecache).then((data=>(data.haspresentations=!(!data.presentations||!data.presentations.length),_templates.default.renderForPromise("mod_bigbluebuttonbn/room_view",data)))).then((_ref=>{let{html:html,js:js}=_ref;return _templates.default.replaceNode(bbbRoomViewElement,html,js)})).then((()=>!0)).catch((ex=>((0,_notification.exception)(ex),!1)))};_exports.updateRoom=updateRoom}));
*/Object.defineProperty(_exports,"__esModule",{value:!0}),_exports.updateRoom=_exports.stop=_exports.start=void 0,_pending=_interopRequireDefault(_pending),_templates=_interopRequireDefault(_templates);let timerReference=null,timerRunning=!1,pollInterval=0,pollIntervalFactor=1;const resetValues=()=>{timerRunning=!1,timerReference=null,pollInterval=0,pollIntervalFactor=1};_exports.start=interval=>{resetValues(),timerRunning=!0,pollInterval=interval,poll()};_exports.stop=()=>{timerReference&&clearTimeout(timerReference),resetValues()};const poll=()=>{timerRunning&&pollInterval&&updateRoom().then((updateOk=>(updateOk||(pollIntervalFactor=pollIntervalFactor<10?pollIntervalFactor+1:10),timerReference=setTimeout((()=>poll()),pollInterval*pollIntervalFactor),!0))).catch()},updateRoom=function(){let updatecache=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]&&arguments[0];const bbbRoomViewElement=document.getElementById("bigbluebuttonbn-room-view");if(null===bbbRoomViewElement)return Promise.resolve(!1);const bbbId=bbbRoomViewElement.dataset.bbbId,groupId=bbbRoomViewElement.dataset.groupId,pendingPromise=new _pending.default("mod_bigbluebuttonbn/roomupdater:updateRoom");return(0,_repository.getMeetingInfo)(bbbId,groupId,updatecache).then((data=>(data.haspresentations=!(!data.presentations||!data.presentations.length),_templates.default.renderForPromise("mod_bigbluebuttonbn/room_view",data)))).then((_ref=>{let{html:html,js:js}=_ref;return _templates.default.replaceNode(bbbRoomViewElement,html,js)})).then((()=>pendingPromise.resolve())).catch(_notification.exception)};_exports.updateRoom=updateRoom}));
//# sourceMappingURL=roomupdater.min.js.map
//# sourceMappingURL=roomupdater.min.js.map
@ -1 +1 @@
{"version":3,"file":"roomupdater.min.js","sources":["../src/roomupdater.js"],"sourcesContent":["// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/\n//\n// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n// (at your option) any later version.\n//\n// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n// GNU General Public License for more details.\n//\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.\n\n/**\n * JS room updater.\n *\n * @module mod_bigbluebuttonbn/roomupdater\n * @copyright 2021 Blindside Networks Inc\n * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later\n */\n\nimport Templates from \"core/templates\";\nimport {exception as displayException} from 'core/notification';\nimport {getMeetingInfo} from './repository';\n\nlet timerReference = null;\nlet timerRunning = false;\nlet pollInterval = 0;\nlet pollIntervalFactor = 1;\nconst MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_FACTOR = 10;\n\nconst resetValues = () => {\n timerRunning = false;\n timerReference = null;\n pollInterval = 0;\n pollIntervalFactor = 1;\n};\n\n/**\n * Start the information poller.\n * @param {Number} interval interval in miliseconds between each poll action.\n */\nexport const start = (interval) => {\n resetValues();\n timerRunning = true;\n pollInterval = interval;\n poll();\n};\n\n/**\n * Stop the room updater.\n */\nexport const stop = () => {\n if (timerReference) {\n clearTimeout(timerReference);\n }\n resetValues();\n};\n\n/**\n * Start the information poller.\n */\nconst poll = () => {\n if (!timerRunning || !pollInterval) {\n // The poller has been stopped.\n return;\n }\n updateRoom()\n .then((updateOk) => {\n if (!updateOk) {\n pollIntervalFactor = (pollIntervalFactor < MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_FACTOR) ?\n pollIntervalFactor + 1 : MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_FACTOR;\n // We make sure if there is an error that we do not try too often.\n }\n timerReference = setTimeout(() => poll(), pollInterval * pollIntervalFactor);\n return true;\n })\n .catch();\n};\n\n/**\n * Update the room information.\n *\n * @param {boolean} [updatecache=false] should we update cache\n * @returns {Promise}\n */\nexport const updateRoom = (updatecache = false) => {\n const bbbRoomViewElement = document.getElementById('bigbluebuttonbn-room-view');\n if (!bbbRoomViewElement) {\n return Promise.resolve(false);\n }\n const bbbId = bbbRoomViewElement.dataset.bbbId;\n const groupId = bbbRoomViewElement.dataset.groupId;\n return getMeetingInfo(bbbId, groupId, updatecache)\n .then(data => {\n // Just make sure we have the right information for the template.\n data.haspresentations = !!(data.presentations && data.presentations.length);\n return Templates.renderForPromise('mod_bigbluebuttonbn/room_view', data);\n })\n .then(({html, js}) => Templates.replaceNode(bbbRoomViewElement, html, js))\n .then(() => true)\n .catch((ex) => {\n displayException(ex);\n return false;\n });\n};\n"],"names":["timerReference","timerRunning","pollInterval","pollIntervalFactor","resetValues","interval","poll","clearTimeout","updateRoom","then","updateOk","setTimeout","catch","updatecache","bbbRoomViewElement","document","getElementById","Promise","resolve","bbbId","dataset","groupId","data","haspresentations","presentations","length","Templates","renderForPromise","_ref","html","js","replaceNode","ex"],"mappings":";;;;;;;uLA2BIA,eAAiB,KACjBC,cAAe,EACfC,aAAe,EACfC,mBAAqB,QAGnBC,YAAc,KAChBH,cAAe,EACfD,eAAiB,KACjBE,aAAe,EACfC,mBAAqB,kBAOHE,WAClBD,cACAH,cAAe,EACfC,aAAeG,SACfC,sBAMgB,KACZN,gBACAO,aAAaP,gBAEjBI,qBAMEE,KAAO,KACJL,cAAiBC,cAItBM,aACKC,MAAMC,WACEA,WACDP,mBAAsBA,mBAzCL,GA0CbA,mBAAqB,EA1CR,IA6CrBH,eAAiBW,YAAW,IAAML,QAAQJ,aAAeC,qBAClD,KAEVS,SASIJ,WAAa,eAACK,0EACjBC,mBAAqBC,SAASC,eAAe,iCAC9CF,0BACMG,QAAQC,SAAQ,SAErBC,MAAQL,mBAAmBM,QAAQD,MACnCE,QAAUP,mBAAmBM,QAAQC,eACpC,8BAAeF,MAAOE,QAASR,aACjCJ,MAAKa,OAEFA,KAAKC,oBAAsBD,KAAKE,gBAAiBF,KAAKE,cAAcC,QAC7DC,mBAAUC,iBAAiB,gCAAiCL,SAEtEb,MAAKmB,WAACC,KAACA,KAADC,GAAOA,gBAAQJ,mBAAUK,YAAYjB,mBAAoBe,KAAMC,OACrErB,MAAK,KAAM,IACXG,OAAOoB,iCACaA,KACV"}
{"version":3,"file":"roomupdater.min.js","sources":["../src/roomupdater.js"],"sourcesContent":["// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/\n//\n// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n// (at your option) any later version.\n//\n// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n// MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n// GNU General Public License for more details.\n//\n// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.\n\n/**\n * JS room updater.\n *\n * @module mod_bigbluebuttonbn/roomupdater\n * @copyright 2021 Blindside Networks Inc\n * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later\n */\n\nimport Pending from 'core/pending';\nimport Templates from \"core/templates\";\nimport {exception as displayException} from 'core/notification';\nimport {getMeetingInfo} from './repository';\n\nlet timerReference = null;\nlet timerRunning = false;\nlet pollInterval = 0;\nlet pollIntervalFactor = 1;\nconst MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_FACTOR = 10;\n\nconst resetValues = () => {\n timerRunning = false;\n timerReference = null;\n pollInterval = 0;\n pollIntervalFactor = 1;\n};\n\n/**\n * Start the information poller.\n * @param {Number} interval interval in miliseconds between each poll action.\n */\nexport const start = (interval) => {\n resetValues();\n timerRunning = true;\n pollInterval = interval;\n poll();\n};\n\n/**\n * Stop the room updater.\n */\nexport const stop = () => {\n if (timerReference) {\n clearTimeout(timerReference);\n }\n resetValues();\n};\n\n/**\n * Start the information poller.\n */\nconst poll = () => {\n if (!timerRunning || !pollInterval) {\n // The poller has been stopped.\n return;\n }\n updateRoom()\n .then((updateOk) => {\n if (!updateOk) {\n pollIntervalFactor = (pollIntervalFactor < MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_FACTOR) ?\n pollIntervalFactor + 1 : MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_FACTOR;\n // We make sure if there is an error that we do not try too often.\n }\n timerReference = setTimeout(() => poll(), pollInterval * pollIntervalFactor);\n return true;\n })\n .catch();\n};\n\n/**\n * Update the room information.\n *\n * @param {boolean} [updatecache=false] should we update cache\n * @returns {Promise}\n */\nexport const updateRoom = (updatecache = false) => {\n const bbbRoomViewElement = document.getElementById('bigbluebuttonbn-room-view');\n if (bbbRoomViewElement === null) {\n return Promise.resolve(false);\n }\n\n const bbbId = bbbRoomViewElement.dataset.bbbId;\n const groupId = bbbRoomViewElement.dataset.groupId;\n\n const pendingPromise = new Pending('mod_bigbluebuttonbn/roomupdater:updateRoom');\n\n return getMeetingInfo(bbbId, groupId, updatecache)\n .then(data => {\n // Just make sure we have the right information for the template.\n data.haspresentations = !!(data.presentations && data.presentations.length);\n return Templates.renderForPromise('mod_bigbluebuttonbn/room_view', data);\n })\n .then(({html, js}) => Templates.replaceNode(bbbRoomViewElement, html, js))\n .then(() => pendingPromise.resolve())\n .catch(displayException);\n};\n"],"names":["timerReference","timerRunning","pollInterval","pollIntervalFactor","resetValues","interval","poll","clearTimeout","updateRoom","then","updateOk","setTimeout","catch","updatecache","bbbRoomViewElement","document","getElementById","Promise","resolve","bbbId","dataset","groupId","pendingPromise","Pending","data","haspresentations","presentations","length","Templates","renderForPromise","_ref","html","js","replaceNode","displayException"],"mappings":";;;;;;;iNA4BIA,eAAiB,KACjBC,cAAe,EACfC,aAAe,EACfC,mBAAqB,QAGnBC,YAAc,KAChBH,cAAe,EACfD,eAAiB,KACjBE,aAAe,EACfC,mBAAqB,kBAOHE,WAClBD,cACAH,cAAe,EACfC,aAAeG,SACfC,sBAMgB,KACZN,gBACAO,aAAaP,gBAEjBI,qBAMEE,KAAO,KACJL,cAAiBC,cAItBM,aACKC,MAAMC,WACEA,WACDP,mBAAsBA,mBAzCL,GA0CbA,mBAAqB,EA1CR,IA6CrBH,eAAiBW,YAAW,IAAML,QAAQJ,aAAeC,qBAClD,KAEVS,SASIJ,WAAa,eAACK,0EACjBC,mBAAqBC,SAASC,eAAe,gCACxB,OAAvBF,0BACOG,QAAQC,SAAQ,SAGrBC,MAAQL,mBAAmBM,QAAQD,MACnCE,QAAUP,mBAAmBM,QAAQC,QAErCC,eAAiB,IAAIC,iBAAQ,qDAE5B,8BAAeJ,MAAOE,QAASR,aACjCJ,MAAKe,OAEFA,KAAKC,oBAAsBD,KAAKE,gBAAiBF,KAAKE,cAAcC,QAC7DC,mBAAUC,iBAAiB,gCAAiCL,SAEtEf,MAAKqB,WAACC,KAACA,KAADC,GAAOA,gBAAQJ,mBAAUK,YAAYnB,mBAAoBiB,KAAMC,OACrEvB,MAAK,IAAMa,eAAeJ,YAC1BN,MAAMsB"}
@ -99,6 +99,9 @@ const getTableNode = tableSelector => document.querySelector(tableSelector);
const fetchRecordingData = tableSelector => {
const fetchRecordingData = tableSelector => {
const tableNode = getTableNode(tableSelector);
const tableNode = getTableNode(tableSelector);
if (tableNode === null) {
return Promise.resolve(false);
if (tableNode.dataset.importMode) {
if (tableNode.dataset.importMode) {
return repository.fetchRecordingsToImport(
return repository.fetchRecordingsToImport(
@ -225,7 +228,7 @@ const getDataTableFunctions = (tableId, searchFormId, dataTable) => {
return modal;
return modal;
).then((proceed) =>
).then((proceed) =>
proceed ? repository.updateRecording(payload) : () => null
proceed ? repository.updateRecording(payload) : () => null
@ -292,9 +295,8 @@ const getDataTableFunctions = (tableId, searchFormId, dataTable) => {
@ -405,7 +407,10 @@ const setupDatatable = (tableId, searchFormId, response) => {
* @param {String} searchFormId The Id of the relate.
* @param {String} searchFormId The Id of the relate.
export const init = (tableId, searchFormId) => {
export const init = (tableId, searchFormId) => {
const pendingPromise = new Pending('mod_bigbluebuttonbn/recordings:init');
.then(response => setupDatatable(tableId, searchFormId, response))
.then(response => setupDatatable(tableId, searchFormId, response))
.then(() => pendingPromise.resolve())
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
import Pending from 'core/pending';
import Templates from "core/templates";
import Templates from "core/templates";
import {exception as displayException} from 'core/notification';
import {exception as displayException} from 'core/notification';
import {getMeetingInfo} from './repository';
import {getMeetingInfo} from './repository';
@ -88,11 +89,15 @@ const poll = () => {
export const updateRoom = (updatecache = false) => {
export const updateRoom = (updatecache = false) => {
const bbbRoomViewElement = document.getElementById('bigbluebuttonbn-room-view');
const bbbRoomViewElement = document.getElementById('bigbluebuttonbn-room-view');
if (!bbbRoomViewElement) {
if (bbbRoomViewElement === null) {
return Promise.resolve(false);
return Promise.resolve(false);
const bbbId = bbbRoomViewElement.dataset.bbbId;
const bbbId = bbbRoomViewElement.dataset.bbbId;
const groupId = bbbRoomViewElement.dataset.groupId;
const groupId = bbbRoomViewElement.dataset.groupId;
const pendingPromise = new Pending('mod_bigbluebuttonbn/roomupdater:updateRoom');
return getMeetingInfo(bbbId, groupId, updatecache)
return getMeetingInfo(bbbId, groupId, updatecache)
.then(data => {
.then(data => {
// Just make sure we have the right information for the template.
// Just make sure we have the right information for the template.
@ -100,9 +105,6 @@ export const updateRoom = (updatecache = false) => {
return Templates.renderForPromise('mod_bigbluebuttonbn/room_view', data);
return Templates.renderForPromise('mod_bigbluebuttonbn/room_view', data);
.then(({html, js}) => Templates.replaceNode(bbbRoomViewElement, html, js))
.then(({html, js}) => Templates.replaceNode(bbbRoomViewElement, html, js))
.then(() => true)
.then(() => pendingPromise.resolve())
.catch((ex) => {
return false;
@ -36,16 +36,17 @@ Feature: bigbluebuttonbn instance
And I should see "Recordings"
And I should see "Recordings"
Scenario: Add a Recording Only activity and check that no live session settings are available for this instance type
Scenario: Add a Recording Only activity and check that no live session settings are available for this instance type
Given I am on the "Test course" "course" page logged in as "admin"
When I turn editing mode on
And I am on "Test course" course homepage with editing mode on
And I change window size to "large"
And I add a "BigBlueButton" to section "1"
And I add a "BigBlueButton" to section "1"
When I select "Recordings only" from the "Instance type" singleselect
And I select "Recordings only" from the "Instance type" singleselect
Then I should not see "Lock settings"
Then I should not see "Lock settings"
Scenario Outline: Add an activity and check that required settings are available for the three types of instance types
Scenario Outline: Add an activity and check that required settings are available for the three types of instance types
When I turn editing mode on
When I turn editing mode on
And I change window size to "large"
And I add a "BigBlueButton" to section "1"
And I add a "BigBlueButton" to section "1"
And I select "<type>" from the "Instance type" singleselect
And I select "<type>" from the "Instance type" singleselect
Then I should see "Restrict access"
Then I should see "Restrict access"
@ -24,36 +24,25 @@ Feature: The recording can be managed through the room page
| RoomRecordings | Recording 3 | Description 3 | 0 |
| RoomRecordings | Recording 3 | Description 3 | 0 |
| RoomRecordings | Recording 4 | Description 4 | 1 |
| RoomRecordings | Recording 4 | Description 4 | 1 |
Scenario: Recordings are not listed until the server informs that they are available
Given I am on the "RoomRecordings" "bigbluebuttonbn activity" page logged in as admin
And I should not see "Recording 3"
When the BigBlueButtonBN server has sent recording ready notifications
And I reload the page
And I should see "Recording 3"
Scenario: Recordings are not listed until we can fetch their metadata, then they are listed
Given I am on the "RoomRecordings" "bigbluebuttonbn activity" page logged in as admin
# Recording 3 will be fetched and metadata will be present so, we will see it.
And I should not see "Recording 3"
And I should not see "Recording 4"
When the BigBlueButtonBN server has sent recording ready notifications
And I reload the page
Then I should see "Recording 3"
And I should not see "Recording 4"
Scenario: I can see the recordings related to an activity
Scenario: I can see the recordings related to an activity
Given the BigBlueButtonBN server has sent recording ready notifications
Given I am on the "RoomRecordings" "bigbluebuttonbn activity" page logged in as admin
When I am on the "RoomRecordings" "bigbluebuttonbn activity" page logged in as admin
And "Recording 1" "table_row" should exist
And "Recording 2" "table_row" should exist
And "Recording 3" "table_row" should not exist
And "Recording 4" "table_row" should not exist
# Recording 3 will be fetched and metadata will be present so, we will see it.
When the BigBlueButtonBN server has sent recording ready notifications
And I run the scheduled task "mod_bigbluebuttonbn\task\check_pending_recordings"
And I reload the page
Then "Recording 1" "table_row" should exist
Then "Recording 1" "table_row" should exist
And "Recording 2" "table_row" should exist
And "Recording 2" "table_row" should exist
And "Recording 3" "table_row" should exist
And "Recording 4" "table_row" should not exist
Scenario: I can rename the recording
Scenario: I can rename the recording
Given the BigBlueButtonBN server has sent recording ready notifications
Given I am on the "RoomRecordings" "bigbluebuttonbn activity" page logged in as admin
And I am on the "RoomRecordings" "bigbluebuttonbn activity" page logged in as admin
When I set the field "Edit name" in the "Recording 1" "table_row" to "Recording with an updated name 1"
When I set the field "Edit name" in the "Recording 1" "table_row" to "Recording with an updated name 1"
Then I should see "Recording with an updated name 1"
Then I should see "Recording with an updated name 1"
And I should see "Recording 2"
And I should see "Recording 2"
@ -63,8 +52,7 @@ Feature: The recording can be managed through the room page
Scenario: I can set a new description for this recording
Scenario: I can set a new description for this recording
Given the BigBlueButtonBN server has sent recording ready notifications
Given I am on the "RoomRecordings" "bigbluebuttonbn activity" page logged in as admin
And I am on the "RoomRecordings" "bigbluebuttonbn activity" page logged in as admin
When I set the field "Edit description" in the "Recording 1" "table_row" to "This is a new recording description 1"
When I set the field "Edit description" in the "Recording 1" "table_row" to "This is a new recording description 1"
Then I should see "This is a new recording description 1"
Then I should see "This is a new recording description 1"
And I should see "Description 2" in the "Recording 2" "table_row"
And I should see "Description 2" in the "Recording 2" "table_row"
@ -74,10 +62,8 @@ Feature: The recording can be managed through the room page
Scenario: I can delete a recording
Scenario: I can delete a recording
Given the BigBlueButtonBN server has sent recording ready notifications
Given I am on the "RoomRecordings" "bigbluebuttonbn activity" page logged in as admin
And I am on the "RoomRecordings" "bigbluebuttonbn activity" page logged in as admin
When I click on "a[data-action='delete']" "css_element" in the "Recording 1" "table_row"
When I click on "a[data-action='delete']" "css_element" in the "Recording 1" "table_row"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "OK" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
And I click on "OK" "button" in the "Confirm" "dialogue"
Then I should not see "Recording 1"
Then I should not see "Recording 1"
And I should see "Recording 2"
And I should see "Recording 2"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user