MDL-61668 tool_mobile: New options for disabled features

We are allowing admins to disable course or courses download.
This commit is contained in:
Juan Leyva 2018-04-03 12:44:47 +01:00
parent 39fab18e27
commit 3c8de97d00
2 changed files with 8 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -337,6 +337,7 @@ class api {
$features = array(
'NoDelegate_CoreOffline' => new lang_string('offlineuse', 'tool_mobile'),
'$mmLoginEmailSignup' => new lang_string('startsignup'),
"$mainmenu" => array(
'$mmSideMenuDelegate_mmCourses' => new lang_string('mycourses'),
@ -357,6 +358,8 @@ class api {
'$mmCoursesDelegate_mmaGrades' => new lang_string('grades', 'grades'),
'$mmCoursesDelegate_mmaCourseCompletion' => new lang_string('coursecompletion', 'completion'),
'$mmCoursesDelegate_mmaNotes' => new lang_string('notes', 'notes'),
'NoDelegate_CoreCourseDownload' => new lang_string('downloadcourse', 'tool_mobile'),
'NoDelegate_CoreCoursesDownload' => new lang_string('downloadcourses', 'tool_mobile'),
"$user" => array(
'$mmUserDelegate_mmaBadges' => new lang_string('badges', 'badges'),

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@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ Mis calificaciones||embedded|es
$string['disabledfeatures'] = 'Disabled features';
$string['disabledfeatures_desc'] = 'Select here the features you want to disable in the Mobile app for your site. Please note that some features listed here could be already disabled via other site settings. You will have to log out and log in again in the app to see the changes.';
$string['displayerrorswarning'] = 'Display debug messages (debugdisplay) is enabled. It should be disabled.';
$string['downloadcourse'] = 'Download course';
$string['downloadcourses'] = 'Download courses';
$string['enablesmartappbanners'] = 'Enable App Banners';
$string['enablesmartappbanners_desc'] = 'If enabled, a banner promoting the mobile app will be displayed when accessing the site using a mobile browser.';
$string['forcedurlscheme'] = 'If you want to allow only your custom branded app to be opened via a browser window, then specify its URL scheme here; otherwise leave the field empty.';
@ -79,13 +81,14 @@ $string['mobilecssurl'] = 'CSS';
$string['mobilefeatures'] = 'Mobile features';
$string['mobilenotificationsdisabledwarning'] = 'Mobile notifications are not enabled. They should be enabled in Manage message outputs.';
$string['mobilesettings'] = 'Mobile settings';
$string['offlineuse'] = 'Offline use';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Moodle Mobile tools';
$string['pluginnotenabledorconfigured'] = 'Plugin not enabled or configured.';
$string['remoteaddons'] = 'Remote add-ons';
$string['selfsignedoruntrustedcertificatewarning'] = 'It seems that the HTTPS certificate is self-signed or not trusted. The mobile app will only work with trusted sites.';
$string['setuplink'] = 'App download page';
$string['setuplink_desc'] = 'URL of page with links to download the mobile app from the App Store and Google Play.';
$string['smartappbanners'] = 'App Banners';
$string['pluginnotenabledorconfigured'] = 'Plugin not enabled or configured.';
$string['remoteaddons'] = 'Remote add-ons';
$string['typeoflogin'] = 'Type of login';
$string['typeoflogin_desc'] = 'If the site uses a SSO authentication method, then select via a browser window or via an embedded browser. An embedded browser provides a better user experience, though it doesn\'t work with all SSO plugins.';
$string['getmoodleonyourmobile'] = 'Get the mobile app';