diff --git a/message/classes/api.php b/message/classes/api.php
index fb3b8e76c59..2b3bcee12d5 100644
--- a/message/classes/api.php
+++ b/message/classes/api.php
@@ -352,9 +352,14 @@ class api {
         // Let's get those non-contacts.
-        // If site wide messaging is enabled, we just fetch any matched users which are non-contacts.
-        if ($CFG->messagingallusers) {
-            $sql = "SELECT u.id
+        // Because we can't achieve all the required visibility checks in SQL, we'll iterate through the non-contact records
+        // and stop once we have enough matching the 'visible' criteria.
+        // TODO: MDL-63983 - Improve the performance of non-contact searches when site-wide messaging is disabled (default).
+        // Use a local generator to achieve this iteration.
+        $getnoncontactusers = function ($limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 0) use($fullname, $exclude, $params, $excludeparams) {
+            global $DB;
+            $sql = "SELECT u.*
                   FROM {user} u
                  WHERE u.deleted = 0
                    AND u.confirmed = 1
@@ -365,73 +370,53 @@ class api {
                                     WHERE (mc.userid = u.id AND mc.contactid = :userid1)
                                        OR (mc.userid = :userid2 AND mc.contactid = u.id))
               ORDER BY " . $DB->sql_fullname();
+            while ($records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params + $excludeparams, $limitfrom, $limitnum)) {
+                yield $records;
+                $limitfrom += $limitnum;
+            }
+        };
-            $foundusers = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params + $excludeparams, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
-        } else {
-            require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php');
-            // If site-wide messaging is disabled, then we should only be able to search for users who we are allowed to see.
-            // Because we can't achieve all the required visibility checks in SQL, we'll iterate through the non-contact records
-            // and stop once we have enough matching the 'visible' criteria.
-            // TODO: MDL-63983 - Improve the performance of non-contact searches when site-wide messaging is disabled (default).
+        // Fetch in batches of $limitnum * 2 to improve the chances of matching a user without going back to the DB.
+        // The generator cannot function without a sensible limiter, so set one if this is not set.
+        $batchlimit = ($limitnum == 0) ? 20 : $limitnum;
-            // Use a local generator to achieve this iteration.
-            $getnoncontactusers = function ($limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 0) use($fullname, $exclude, $params, $excludeparams) {
-                global $DB;
-                $sql = "SELECT u.*
-                      FROM {user} u
-                     WHERE u.deleted = 0
-                       AND u.confirmed = 1
-                       AND " . $DB->sql_like($fullname, ':search', false) . "
-                       AND u.id $exclude
-                       AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT mc.id
-                                         FROM {message_contacts} mc
-                                        WHERE (mc.userid = u.id AND mc.contactid = :userid1)
-                                           OR (mc.userid = :userid2 AND mc.contactid = u.id))
-                  ORDER BY " . $DB->sql_fullname();
-                while ($records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params + $excludeparams, $limitfrom, $limitnum)) {
-                    yield $records;
-                    $limitfrom += $limitnum;
-                }
-            };
+        // We need to make the offset param work with the generator.
+        // Basically, if we want to get say 10 records starting at the 40th record, we need to see 50 records and return only
+        // those after the 40th record. We can never pass the method's offset param to the generator as we need to manage the
+        // position within those valid records ourselves.
+        // See MDL-63983 dealing with performance improvements to this area of code.
+        $noofvalidseenrecords = 0;
+        $returnedusers = [];
+        foreach ($getnoncontactusers(0, $batchlimit) as $users) {
+            foreach ($users as $id => $user) {
+                // User visibility checks: only return users who are visible to the user performing the search.
+                // Which visibility check to use depends on the 'messagingallusers' (site wide messaging) setting:
+                // - If enabled, return matched users whose profiles are visible to the current user anywhere (site or course).
+                // - If disabled, only return matched users whose course profiles are visible to the current user.
+                $userdetails = \core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user);
-            // Fetch in batches of $limitnum * 2 to improve the chances of matching a user without going back to the DB.
-            // The generator cannot function without a sensible limiter, so set one if this is not set.
-            $batchlimit = ($limitnum == 0) ? 20 : $limitnum;
-            // We need to make the offset param work with the generator.
-            // Basically, if we want to get say 10 records starting at the 40th record, we need to see 50 records and return only
-            // those after the 40th record. We can never pass the method's offset param to the generator as we need to manage the
-            // position within those valid records ourselves.
-            // See MDL-63983 dealing with performance improvements to this area of code.
-            $noofvalidseenrecords = 0;
-            $returnedusers = [];
-            foreach ($getnoncontactusers(0, $batchlimit) as $users) {
-                foreach ($users as $id => $user) {
-                    $userdetails = \user_get_user_details_courses($user);
-                    // Return the user only if the searched field is returned.
-                    // Otherwise it means that the $USER was not allowed to search the returned user.
-                    if (!empty($userdetails) and !empty($userdetails['fullname'])) {
-                        // We know we've matched, but only save the record if it's within the offset area we need.
-                        if ($limitfrom == 0) {
-                            // No offset specified, so just save.
+                // Return the user only if the searched field is returned.
+                // Otherwise it means that the $USER was not allowed to search the returned user.
+                if (!empty($userdetails) and !empty($userdetails['fullname'])) {
+                    // We know we've matched, but only save the record if it's within the offset area we need.
+                    if ($limitfrom == 0) {
+                        // No offset specified, so just save.
+                        $returnedusers[$id] = $user;
+                    } else {
+                        // There is an offset in play.
+                        // If we've passed enough records already (> offset value), then we can save this one.
+                        if ($noofvalidseenrecords >= $limitfrom) {
                             $returnedusers[$id] = $user;
-                        } else {
-                            // There is an offset in play.
-                            // If we've passed enough records already (> offset value), then we can save this one.
-                            if ($noofvalidseenrecords >= $limitfrom) {
-                                $returnedusers[$id] = $user;
-                            }
-                        if (count($returnedusers) == $limitnum) {
-                            break 2;
-                        }
-                        $noofvalidseenrecords++;
+                    if (count($returnedusers) == $limitnum) {
+                        break 2;
+                    }
+                    $noofvalidseenrecords++;
-            $foundusers = $returnedusers;
+        $foundusers = $returnedusers;
         $noncontacts = [];
         if (!empty($foundusers)) {
diff --git a/message/classes/helper.php b/message/classes/helper.php
index f4353570dbd..aa061c23450 100644
--- a/message/classes/helper.php
+++ b/message/classes/helper.php
@@ -772,4 +772,37 @@ class helper {
         return $renderer->render_from_template($template, $templatecontext);
+    /**
+     * Returns user details for a user, if they are visible to the current user in the message search.
+     *
+     * This method checks the visibility of a user specifically for the purpose of inclusion in the message search results.
+     * Visibility depends on the site-wide messaging setting 'messagingallusers':
+     * If enabled, visibility depends only on the core notion of visibility; a visible site or course profile.
+     * If disabled, visibility requires that the user be sharing a course with the searching user, and have a visible profile there.
+     * The current user is always returned.
+     *
+     * @param \stdClass $user
+     * @return array the array of userdetails, if visible, or an empty array otherwise.
+     */
+    public static function search_get_user_details(\stdClass $user) : array {
+        global $CFG, $USER;
+        require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/lib.php');
+        if ($CFG->messagingallusers || $user->id == $USER->id) {
+            return \user_get_user_details_courses($user) ?? []; // This checks visibility of site and course profiles.
+        } else {
+            // Messaging specific: user must share a course with the searching user AND have a visible profile there.
+            $sharedcourses = enrol_get_shared_courses($USER, $user);
+            foreach ($sharedcourses as $course) {
+                if (user_can_view_profile($user, $course)) {
+                    $userdetails = user_get_user_details($user, $course);
+                    if (!is_null($userdetails)) {
+                        return $userdetails;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return [];
+    }
diff --git a/message/tests/api_test.php b/message/tests/api_test.php
index 4e9f4e09aa0..a94c6ca71cb 100644
--- a/message/tests/api_test.php
+++ b/message/tests/api_test.php
@@ -314,11 +314,12 @@ class core_message_api_testcase extends core_message_messagelib_testcase {
      * profile.
     public function test_message_search_users_messagingallusers_disabled() {
+        global $DB;
         // Create some users.
         $users = [];
-        foreach (range(1, 7) as $i) {
+        foreach (range(1, 8) as $i) {
             $user = new stdClass();
             $user->firstname = ($i == 4) ? 'User' : 'User search'; // Ensure the fourth user won't match the search term.
             $user->lastname = $i;
@@ -328,6 +329,8 @@ class core_message_api_testcase extends core_message_messagelib_testcase {
         // Enrol a few users in the same course, but leave them as non-contacts.
         $course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
+        $course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
         $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[1]->id, $course1->id);
         $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[6]->id, $course1->id);
@@ -338,6 +341,11 @@ class core_message_api_testcase extends core_message_messagelib_testcase {
         \core_message\api::add_contact($users[3]->id, $users[1]->id);
         \core_message\api::add_contact($users[1]->id, $users[4]->id);
+        // Enrol a user as a teacher in the course, and make the teacher role a course contact role.
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[8]->id, $course2->id, 'editingteacher');
+        $teacherrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'editingteacher'));
+        set_config('coursecontact', $teacherrole->id);
         // Create individual conversations between some users, one contact and one non-contact.
         $ic1 = \core_message\api::create_conversation(\core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL,
             [$users[1]->id, $users[2]->id]);
@@ -374,7 +382,8 @@ class core_message_api_testcase extends core_message_messagelib_testcase {
         $this->assertCount(0, $contacts[1]->conversations);
         // Check that we retrieved the correct non-contacts.
-        // When site wide messaging is disabled, we expect to see only those users whose profiles we can view.
+        // When site wide messaging is disabled, we expect to see only those users who we share a course with and whose profiles
+        // are visible in that course. This excludes users like course contacts.
         $this->assertCount(2, $noncontacts);
         $this->assertEquals($users[6]->id, $noncontacts[0]->id);
         $this->assertEquals($users[7]->id, $noncontacts[1]->id);
@@ -391,15 +400,16 @@ class core_message_api_testcase extends core_message_messagelib_testcase {
      * Tests searching for users when site-wide messaging is enabled.
-     * This test verifies that any contacts are returned, as well as any non-contacts, regardless of whether the searching user
-     * can view their respective profile.
+     * This test verifies that any contacts are returned, as well as any non-contacts,
+     * provided the searching user can view their profile.
     public function test_message_search_users_messagingallusers_enabled() {
+        global $DB;
         // Create some users.
         $users = [];
-        foreach (range(1, 8) as $i) {
+        foreach (range(1, 9) as $i) {
             $user = new stdClass();
             $user->firstname = ($i == 4) ? 'User' : 'User search'; // Ensure the fourth user won't match the search term.
             $user->lastname = $i;
@@ -407,18 +417,25 @@ class core_message_api_testcase extends core_message_messagelib_testcase {
             $users[$i] = $user;
-        // Enrol a few users in the same course, but leave them as non-contacts.
         $course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
+        $coursecontext = \context_course::instance($course1->id);
+        // Enrol a few users in the same course, but leave them as non-contacts.
-        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[1]->id, $course1->id);
-        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[6]->id, $course1->id);
-        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[7]->id, $course1->id);
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[1]->id, $course1->id, 'student');
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[6]->id, $course1->id, 'student');
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[7]->id, $course1->id, 'student');
         // Add some other users as contacts.
         \core_message\api::add_contact($users[1]->id, $users[2]->id);
         \core_message\api::add_contact($users[3]->id, $users[1]->id);
         \core_message\api::add_contact($users[1]->id, $users[4]->id);
+        // Enrol a user as a teacher in the course, and make the teacher role a course contact role.
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[9]->id, $course1->id, 'editingteacher');
+        $teacherrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'editingteacher'));
+        set_config('coursecontact', $teacherrole->id);
         // Create individual conversations between some users, one contact and one non-contact.
         $ic1 = \core_message\api::create_conversation(\core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL,
             [$users[1]->id, $users[2]->id]);
@@ -455,25 +472,15 @@ class core_message_api_testcase extends core_message_messagelib_testcase {
         $this->assertCount(0, $contacts[1]->conversations);
         // Check that we retrieved the correct non-contacts.
-        // If site wide messaging is enabled, we expect to be able to search for any users.
-        $this->assertCount(4, $noncontacts);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[5]->id, $noncontacts[0]->id);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[6]->id, $noncontacts[1]->id);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[7]->id, $noncontacts[2]->id);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[8]->id, $noncontacts[3]->id);
-        // Verify the correct conversations were returned for the non-contacts.
-        $this->assertCount(0, $noncontacts[0]->conversations);
+        // If site wide messaging is enabled, we expect to only be able to search for users whose profiles we can view.
+        // In this case, as a student, that's the course contact for course2 and those noncontacts sharing a course with user1.
+        $this->assertCount(3, $noncontacts);
+        $this->assertEquals($users[6]->id, $noncontacts[0]->id);
+        $this->assertEquals($users[7]->id, $noncontacts[1]->id);
+        $this->assertEquals($users[9]->id, $noncontacts[2]->id);
+        $this->assertCount(1, $noncontacts[0]->conversations);
         $this->assertCount(1, $noncontacts[1]->conversations);
-        $this->assertEquals(\core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL,
-            $noncontacts[1]->conversations[$ic2->id]->type);
-        $this->assertCount(1, $noncontacts[2]->conversations);
-        $this->assertEquals(\core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_GROUP, $noncontacts[2]->conversations[$gc1->id]->type);
-        $this->assertCount(1, $noncontacts[3]->conversations);
-        $this->assertEquals(\core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_GROUP, $noncontacts[3]->conversations[$gc1->id]->type);
+        $this->assertCount(0, $noncontacts[2]->conversations);
@@ -653,12 +660,10 @@ class core_message_api_testcase extends core_message_messagelib_testcase {
         $this->assertEquals($users[3]->id, $contacts[1]->id);
         // Check that we retrieved the correct non-contacts.
-        // Site-wide messaging is disabled, but since we can see all users, we expect to be able to search for any users.
-        $this->assertCount(4, $noncontacts);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[5]->id, $noncontacts[0]->id);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[6]->id, $noncontacts[1]->id);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[7]->id, $noncontacts[2]->id);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[8]->id, $noncontacts[3]->id);
+        // Site-wide messaging is disabled, so we expect to be able to search for any users whose profiles we can view.
+        $this->assertCount(2, $noncontacts);
+        $this->assertEquals($users[6]->id, $noncontacts[0]->id);
+        $this->assertEquals($users[7]->id, $noncontacts[1]->id);
diff --git a/message/tests/behat/message_delete_conversation.feature b/message/tests/behat/message_delete_conversation.feature
index 630a5dbc381..8d7abe4f5b4 100644
--- a/message/tests/behat/message_delete_conversation.feature
+++ b/message/tests/behat/message_delete_conversation.feature
@@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ Feature: Message delete conversations
       | username | firstname | lastname | email                |
       | student1 | Student   | 1        | student1@example.com |
       | student2 | Student   | 2        | student2@example.com |
+    And the following "courses" exist:
+      | name | shortname |
+      | course1 | C1 |
+    And the following "course enrolments" exist:
+      | user | course | role |
+      | student1 | C1 | student |
+      | student2 | C1 | student |
     And the following config values are set as admin:
       | messaging         | 1 |
       | messagingallusers | 1 |
@@ -52,7 +59,7 @@ Feature: Message delete conversations
     And I should see "Hi!" in the "Student 2" "group_message_conversation"
     And I should see "##today##j F##" in the "Student 2" "group_message_conversation"
-  Scenario: Delete a stared conversation
+  Scenario: Delete a starred conversation
     Given the following "favourite conversations" exist:
       | user     | contact  |
       | student1 | student2 |
@@ -77,7 +84,7 @@ Feature: Message delete conversations
     And I should see "What do you need?" in the "Student 1" "group_message_conversation"
     And I should see "##today##j F##" in the "Student 1" "group_message_conversation"
-  Scenario: Cancel deleting a stared conversation
+  Scenario: Cancel deleting a starred conversation
     Given the following "favourite conversations" exist:
       | user     | contact  |
       | student1 | student2 |
@@ -95,7 +102,7 @@ Feature: Message delete conversations
     And I should see "Hi!" in the "Student 2" "group_message_conversation"
     And I should see "##today##j F##" in the "Student 2" "group_message_conversation"
-  Scenario: Check a deleted stared conversation is still stared
+  Scenario: Check a deleted starred conversation is still starred
     Given the following "favourite conversations" exist:
       | user     | contact  |
       | student1 | student2 |
@@ -113,4 +120,4 @@ Feature: Message delete conversations
     And I send "Hi!" message to "Student 2" user
     And I go back in "view-conversation" message drawer
     And I go back in "view-search" message drawer
-    And I should see "Student 2" in the "//*[@data-region='message-drawer']//div[@data-region='view-overview-favourites']" "xpath_element"
\ No newline at end of file
+    And I should see "Student 2" in the "//*[@data-region='message-drawer']//div[@data-region='view-overview-favourites']" "xpath_element"
diff --git a/message/tests/behat/message_drawer_manage_contacts.feature b/message/tests/behat/message_drawer_manage_contacts.feature
index b129e24dbf3..4c57223ac82 100644
--- a/message/tests/behat/message_drawer_manage_contacts.feature
+++ b/message/tests/behat/message_drawer_manage_contacts.feature
@@ -11,6 +11,15 @@ Feature: Manage contacts
       | student2 | Student   | 2        | student2@example.com |
       | student3 | Student   | 3        | student3@example.com |
       | student4 | Student   | 4        | student4@example.com |
+    And the following "courses" exist:
+      | fullname | shortname |
+      | course1 | C1 |
+    And the following "course enrolments" exist:
+      | user | course | role |
+      | student1 | C1 | student |
+      | student2 | C1 | student |
+      | student3 | C1 | student |
+      | student4 | C1 | student |
     And the following "message contacts" exist:
       | user     | contact |
       | student1 | student2 |
@@ -80,4 +89,4 @@ Feature: Manage contacts
     And I click on "Remove from contacts" "link"
     And I click on "Remove" "button"
     And I go back in "view-conversation" message drawer
-    And I should see "No contacts" in the "//*[@data-region='empty-message-container']" "xpath_element"
\ No newline at end of file
+    And I should see "No contacts" in the "//*[@data-region='empty-message-container']" "xpath_element"
diff --git a/message/tests/behat/message_manage_preferences.feature b/message/tests/behat/message_manage_preferences.feature
index 964e3d24d31..f8c304abe40 100644
--- a/message/tests/behat/message_manage_preferences.feature
+++ b/message/tests/behat/message_manage_preferences.feature
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Feature: Manage preferences
   I need to be able to update my messaging preferences
+    # Note: This course is using separate groups mode.
     Given the following "courses" exist:
       | fullname | shortname | category | groupmode |
       | Course 1 | C1        | 0        | 1         |
@@ -14,14 +15,20 @@ Feature: Manage preferences
       | student2 | Student   | 2        | student2@example.com |
       | student3 | Student   | 3        | student3@example.com |
       | student4 | Student   | 4        | student4@example.com |
+      | student5 | Student   | 5        | student5@example.com |
     And the following "course enrolments" exist:
       | user     | course | role |
       | student1 | C1     | student |
       | student2 | C1     | student |
       | student3 | C1     | student |
+      | student4 | C1     | student |
     And the following "groups" exist:
       | name    | course | idnumber | enablemessaging |
       | Group 1 | C1     | G1       | 1               |
+    And the following "group members" exist:
+      | user | group |
+      | student1 | G1 |
+      | student4 | G1 |
     And the following "message contacts" exist:
       | user     | contact |
       | student1 | student2 |
@@ -29,7 +36,8 @@ Feature: Manage preferences
       | messaging | 1 |
       | messagingallusers | 1 |
-  Scenario: Allow send me a message whe you are a contact and the prefrence is my contacts only
+  # Recipient has 'My contacts only' set.
+  Scenario: Allow sending a message when you are a contact
     Given I log in as "student1"
     And I open messaging
     And I open messaging settings preferences
@@ -40,7 +48,20 @@ Feature: Manage preferences
     And I send "Hi!" message to "Student 1" user
     And I should see "Hi!" in the "//*[@data-region='message-drawer']//div[@data-region='content-message-container']" "xpath_element"
-  Scenario: Not allowed to send a message if you are not contact to the sender or you are not in the same course
+  # Recipient has 'My contacts and anyone in my courses' set.
+  Scenario: Disallow sending a message if you are neither contacts with the recipient nor do you share a course
+    Given I log in as "student1"
+    And I open messaging
+    And I open messaging settings preferences
+    When I click on "//label[text()[contains(.,'My contacts and anyone in my courses')]]" "xpath_element"
+    And I log out
+    Then I log in as "student5"
+    And I open messaging
+    And I search for "Student 1" in messaging
+    And I should see "No results"
+  # Recipient has 'My contacts and anyone in my courses' set.
+  Scenario: Allow sending a message if you share a group in a shared course
     Given I log in as "student1"
     And I open messaging
     And I open messaging settings preferences
@@ -48,10 +69,11 @@ Feature: Manage preferences
     And I log out
     Then I log in as "student4"
     And I open messaging
-    And I select "Student 1" user in messaging
-    And I should see "You are unable to message this user" in the "//*[@data-region='content-messages-footer-unable-to-message']" "xpath_element"
+    And I send "Hi!" message to "Student 1" user
+    And I should see "Hi!" in the "//*[@data-region='message-drawer']//div[@data-region='content-message-container']" "xpath_element"
-  Scenario: Allow send me a message whe you are a contact and the prefrence is my contacts only
+  # Recipient has 'My contacts and anyone in my courses' set.
+  Scenario: Disallow sending a message if you are neither a contact, nor are in the same group in a shared course
     Given I log in as "student1"
     And I open messaging
     And I open messaging settings preferences
@@ -59,21 +81,22 @@ Feature: Manage preferences
     And I log out
     Then I log in as "student3"
     And I open messaging
-    And I send "Hi!" message to "Student 1" user
-    And I should see "Hi!" in the "//*[@data-region='message-drawer']//div[@data-region='content-message-container']" "xpath_element"
+    And I search for "Student 1" in messaging
+    And I should see "No results"
-  Scenario: Allowed to send a message if you are not contact to the sender and  you are not in the same course
+  # Recipient has 'Anyone on the site' set. Only users whose profiles are visible can be found via the search.
+  Scenario: Disallow sending a message if you are neither a contact nor do you share a course with the user.
     Given I log in as "student1"
     And I open messaging
     And I open messaging settings preferences
     When I click on "//label[text()[contains(.,'Anyone on the site')]]" "xpath_element"
     And I log out
-    Then I log in as "student4"
+    Then I log in as "student5"
     And I open messaging
-    And I send "Hi!" message to "Student 1" user
-    And I should see "Hi!" in the "//*[@data-region='message-drawer']//div[@data-region='content-message-container']" "xpath_element"
+    And I search for "Student 1" in messaging
+    And I should see "No results"
-  Scenario: Allow send a message using Enter button
+  Scenario: Sending a message when 'User enter to send' is enabled
     Given I log in as "student1"
     And I open messaging
     And I select "Student 2" user in messaging
@@ -81,7 +104,7 @@ Feature: Manage preferences
     And I press key "13" in "//textarea[@data-region='send-message-txt']" "xpath_element"
     Then I should see "Hi!" in the "//*[@data-region='message-drawer']//div[@data-region='content-message-container']" "xpath_element"
-  Scenario: No allow to send a messade using Enter button
+  Scenario: Sending a message after 'Use enter to send' is disabled
     Given I log in as "student1"
     And I open messaging
     And I open messaging settings preferences
diff --git a/message/tests/externallib_test.php b/message/tests/externallib_test.php
index f8a209bd894..5099995bafb 100644
--- a/message/tests/externallib_test.php
+++ b/message/tests/externallib_test.php
@@ -2554,11 +2554,12 @@ class core_message_externallib_testcase extends externallib_advanced_testcase {
      * profile.
     public function test_message_search_users_messagingallusers_disabled() {
+        global $DB;
         // Create some users.
         $users = [];
-        foreach (range(1, 7) as $i) {
+        foreach (range(1, 8) as $i) {
             $user = new stdClass();
             $user->firstname = ($i == 4) ? 'User' : 'User search'; // Ensure the fourth user won't match the search term.
             $user->lastname = $i;
@@ -2568,6 +2569,8 @@ class core_message_externallib_testcase extends externallib_advanced_testcase {
         // Enrol a few users in the same course, but leave them as non-contacts.
         $course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
+        $course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
         $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[1]->id, $course1->id);
         $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[6]->id, $course1->id);
@@ -2578,6 +2581,11 @@ class core_message_externallib_testcase extends externallib_advanced_testcase {
         \core_message\api::add_contact($users[3]->id, $users[1]->id);
         \core_message\api::add_contact($users[1]->id, $users[4]->id);
+        // Enrol a user as a teacher in the course, and make the teacher role a course contact role.
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[8]->id, $course2->id, 'editingteacher');
+        $teacherrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'editingteacher'));
+        set_config('coursecontact', $teacherrole->id);
         // Create individual conversations between some users, one contact and one non-contact.
             [$users[1]->id, $users[2]->id]);
@@ -2619,7 +2627,8 @@ class core_message_externallib_testcase extends externallib_advanced_testcase {
         $this->assertCount(0, $contacts[1]['conversations']);
         // Check that we retrieved the correct non-contacts.
-        // When site wide messaging is disabled, we expect to see only those users whose profiles we can view.
+        // When site wide messaging is disabled, we expect to see only those users who we share a course with and whose profiles
+        // are visible in that course. This excludes users like course contacts.
         $this->assertCount(2, $noncontacts);
         $this->assertEquals($users[6]->id, $noncontacts[0]['id']);
         $this->assertEquals($users[7]->id, $noncontacts[1]['id']);
@@ -2639,11 +2648,12 @@ class core_message_externallib_testcase extends externallib_advanced_testcase {
      * can view their respective profile.
     public function test_message_search_users_messagingallusers_enabled() {
+        global $DB;
         // Create some users.
         $users = [];
-        foreach (range(1, 8) as $i) {
+        foreach (range(1, 9) as $i) {
             $user = new stdClass();
             $user->firstname = ($i == 4) ? 'User' : 'User search'; // Ensure the fourth user won't match the search term.
             $user->lastname = $i;
@@ -2653,6 +2663,8 @@ class core_message_externallib_testcase extends externallib_advanced_testcase {
         // Enrol a few users in the same course, but leave them as non-contacts.
         $course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
+        $course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
         $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[1]->id, $course1->id);
         $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[6]->id, $course1->id);
@@ -2663,6 +2675,11 @@ class core_message_externallib_testcase extends externallib_advanced_testcase {
         \core_message\api::add_contact($users[3]->id, $users[1]->id);
         \core_message\api::add_contact($users[1]->id, $users[4]->id);
+        // Enrol a user as a teacher in the course, and make the teacher role a course contact role.
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($users[9]->id, $course2->id, 'editingteacher');
+        $teacherrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'editingteacher'));
+        set_config('coursecontact', $teacherrole->id);
         // Create individual conversations between some users, one contact and one non-contact.
             [$users[1]->id, $users[2]->id]);
@@ -2704,24 +2721,19 @@ class core_message_externallib_testcase extends externallib_advanced_testcase {
         $this->assertCount(0, $contacts[1]['conversations']);
         // Check that we retrieved the correct non-contacts.
-        // If site wide messaging is enabled, we expect to be able to search for any users.
-        $this->assertCount(4, $noncontacts);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[5]->id, $noncontacts[0]['id']);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[6]->id, $noncontacts[1]['id']);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[7]->id, $noncontacts[2]['id']);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[8]->id, $noncontacts[3]['id']);
+        // If site wide messaging is enabled, we expect to be able to search for any users whose profiles we can view.
+        // In this case, as a student, that's the course contact for course2 and those noncontacts sharing a course with user1.
+        $this->assertCount(3, $noncontacts);
+        $this->assertEquals($users[6]->id, $noncontacts[0]['id']);
+        $this->assertEquals($users[7]->id, $noncontacts[1]['id']);
+        $this->assertEquals($users[9]->id, $noncontacts[2]['id']);
         // Verify the correct conversations were returned for the non-contacts.
-        $this->assertCount(0, $noncontacts[0]['conversations']);
+        $this->assertCount(1, $noncontacts[0]['conversations']);
         $this->assertCount(1, $noncontacts[1]['conversations']);
-        $this->assertEquals(\core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL, $noncontacts[1]['conversations'][0]['type']);
-        $this->assertCount(1, $noncontacts[2]['conversations']);
-        $this->assertEquals(\core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_GROUP, $noncontacts[2]['conversations'][0]['type']);
-        $this->assertCount(1, $noncontacts[3]['conversations']);
-        $this->assertEquals(\core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_GROUP, $noncontacts[3]['conversations'][0]['type']);
+        $this->assertEquals(\core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL, $noncontacts[0]['conversations'][0]['type']);
+        $this->assertEquals(\core_message\api::MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_GROUP, $noncontacts[1]['conversations'][0]['type']);
+        $this->assertCount(0, $noncontacts[2]['conversations']);
@@ -2907,12 +2919,10 @@ class core_message_externallib_testcase extends externallib_advanced_testcase {
         $this->assertEquals($users[3]->id, $contacts[1]['id']);
         // Check that we retrieved the correct non-contacts.
-        // Site-wide messaging is disabled, but since we can see all users, we expect to be able to search for any users.
-        $this->assertCount(4, $noncontacts);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[5]->id, $noncontacts[0]['id']);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[6]->id, $noncontacts[1]['id']);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[7]->id, $noncontacts[2]['id']);
-        $this->assertEquals($users[8]->id, $noncontacts[3]['id']);
+        // Site-wide messaging is disabled, so we expect to be able to search for any users whose profile we can view.
+        $this->assertCount(2, $noncontacts);
+        $this->assertEquals($users[6]->id, $noncontacts[0]['id']);
+        $this->assertEquals($users[7]->id, $noncontacts[1]['id']);
diff --git a/message/tests/helper_test.php b/message/tests/helper_test.php
index 8de40f6493f..7b27d56ba1f 100644
--- a/message/tests/helper_test.php
+++ b/message/tests/helper_test.php
@@ -67,4 +67,114 @@ class core_message_helper_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
         $this->assertEquals($user4->id, array_shift($memberinfo)->id);
         $this->assertEquals($user2->id, array_shift($memberinfo)->id);
+    /**
+     * Test search_get_user_details returns the correct profile data when $CFG->messagingallusers is disabled.
+     */
+    public function test_search_get_user_details_sitewide_disabled() {
+        global $DB;
+        set_config('messagingallusers', false);
+        // Two students sharing course 1, visible profile within course (no groups).
+        $user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course((object) ['groupmode' => 0]);
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user1->id, $course1->id);
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user2->id, $course1->id);
+        // A teacher in course 1.
+        $user3 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user3->id, $course1->id, 'editingteacher');
+        // Two students sharing course 2, separate groups (profiles not visible to one another).
+        // Note: no groups are created here, but separate groups mode alone is enough to restrict profile access.
+        $user4 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $user5 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course((object) ['groupmode' => 1]);
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user4->id, $course2->id);
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user5->id, $course2->id);
+        // A teacher in course 2.
+        $user6 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user6->id, $course2->id, 'editingteacher');
+        // Teacher and course contact in course 3.
+        $user7 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $course3 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user7->id, $course3->id, 'editingteacher');
+        $teacherrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'editingteacher'));
+        // Make teachers course contacts.
+        set_config('coursecontact', $teacherrole->id);
+        // User 1 should be able to see users within their course, but not course contacts or students in other courses.
+        $this->setUser($user1);
+        $this->assertNotEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user2)); // Student in same course.
+        $this->assertEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user4)); // Student in another course.
+        $this->assertNotEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user3)); // Teacher in same course.
+        $this->assertEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user7)); // Teacher (course contact) in another course.
+        // User 3 should be able to see the teacher in their own course, but not other students in that course nor course contacts
+        // or students in other courses.
+        $this->setUser($user4);
+        $this->assertEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user5)); // Student in same course.
+        $this->assertEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user1)); // Student in another course.
+        $this->assertNotEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user6)); // Teacher in same course.
+        $this->assertEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user7)); // Teacher (course contact) in another course.
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test search_get_user_details returns the correct profile data when $CFG->messagingallusers is enabled.
+     */
+    public function test_search_get_user_details_sitewide_enabled() {
+        global $DB;
+        set_config('messagingallusers', true);
+        // Two students sharing course 1, visible profile within course (no groups).
+        $user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $course1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course((object) ['groupmode' => 0]);
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user1->id, $course1->id);
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user2->id, $course1->id);
+        // A teacher in course 1.
+        $user3 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user3->id, $course1->id, 'editingteacher');
+        // Two students sharing course 2, separate groups (profiles not visible to one another).
+        // Note: no groups are created here, but separate groups mode alone is enough to restrict profile access.
+        $user4 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $user5 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $course2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course((object) ['groupmode' => 1]);
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user4->id, $course2->id);
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user5->id, $course2->id);
+        // A teacher in course 2.
+        $user6 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user6->id, $course2->id, 'editingteacher');
+        // Teacher and course contact in course 3.
+        $user7 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $course3 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
+        $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($user7->id, $course3->id, 'editingteacher');
+        $teacherrole = $DB->get_record('role', array('shortname' => 'editingteacher'));
+        // Make teachers course contacts.
+        set_config('coursecontact', $teacherrole->id);
+        // User 1 should be able to see users within their course and course contacts, but not students in other courses.
+        $this->setUser($user1);
+        $this->assertNotEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user2)); // Student in same course.
+        $this->assertEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user4)); // Student in another course.
+        $this->assertNotEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user3)); // Teacher in same course.
+        $this->assertNotEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user7)); // Teacher (course contact) in another course.
+        // User 3 should be able to see the teacher in their own course, but not other students in that course nor course contacts
+        // or students in other courses.
+        $this->setUser($user4);
+        $this->assertEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user5)); // Student in same course.
+        $this->assertEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user1)); // Student in another course.
+        $this->assertNotEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user6)); // Teacher in same course.
+        $this->assertNotEmpty(\core_message\helper::search_get_user_details($user7)); // Teacher (course contact) in another course.
+    }
diff --git a/user/tests/behat/view_full_profile.feature b/user/tests/behat/view_full_profile.feature
index 485beb6ee8f..c235b7b2c57 100644
--- a/user/tests/behat/view_full_profile.feature
+++ b/user/tests/behat/view_full_profile.feature
@@ -83,9 +83,12 @@ Feature: Access to full profiles of users
     And I click on "//div[@class='userselector']/descendant::option[contains(., 'Student 3')]" "xpath_element"
     And I press "Add"
     And I log out
+    # Message search will not return a course contact unless the searcher shares a course with them,
+    # or site-wide messaging is enabled ($CFG->messagingallusers).
     When I log in as "student1"
-    And I view the "Student 3" contact in the message area
-    Then I should see "First access to site"
+    And I open messaging
+    And I search for "Student 3" in messaging
+    Then I should see "No results"
   Scenario: View full profiles of someone in the same group in a course with separate groups.