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synced 2025-01-18 22:08:20 +01:00
MDL-57503 block_myoverview: use get actions events by course
Updated the myoverview block javascript to use the new external functions that retrieve events by course. Part of MDL-55611 epic.
This commit is contained in:
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1 +1 @@
define(["jquery","core/notification","core/templates","core/custom_interaction_events","block_myoverview/calendar_events_repository"],function(a,b,c,d,e){var f=86400,g={EMPTY_MESSAGE:'[data-region="empty-message"]',EVENT_LIST:'[data-region="event-list"]',EVENT_LIST_CONTENT:'[data-region="event-list-content"]',EVENT_LIST_GROUP_CONTAINER:'[data-region="event-list-group-container"]',LOADING_ICON_CONTAINER:'[data-region="loading-icon-container"]',VIEW_MORE_BUTTON:'[data-action="view-more"]'},h=function(a){a.attr("data-loaded-all",!0)},i=function(a){return!!a.attr("data-loaded-all")},j=function(a){var b=a.find(g.LOADING_ICON_CONTAINER),c=a.find(g.VIEW_MORE_BUTTON);a.addClass("loading"),b.removeClass("hidden"),c.prop("disabled",!0)},k=function(a){var b=a.find(g.LOADING_ICON_CONTAINER),c=a.find(g.VIEW_MORE_BUTTON);a.removeClass("loading"),b.addClass("hidden"),i(a)||c.prop("disabled",!1)},l=function(a){return a.hasClass("loading")},m=function(a){a.attr("data-has-events",!0)},n=function(a){return!!a.attr("data-has-events")},o=function(a,b){b?m(a):n(a)||p(a)},p=function(a){a.find(g.EVENT_LIST_CONTENT).addClass("hidden"),a.find(g.EMPTY_MESSAGE).removeClass("hidden")},q=function(a,b){return a.removeClass("hidden"),c.render("block_myoverview/event-list-items",{events:b}).done(function(b,d){c.appendNodeContents(a.find(g.EVENT_LIST),b,d)})},r=function(a,b){var c=b.timesort||0;return c-a},s=function(a,b){var c=Math.floor((new Date).setHours(0,0,0,0)/1e3),d=+b.attr("data-start-day")*f,e=+b.attr("data-end-day")*f,g=r(c,a);return e?d<=g&&g<e:d<=g},t=function(b){return function(c){return s(c,a(b))}},u=function(b,c){var d=0;return a.when.apply(a,a.map(b.find(g.EVENT_LIST_GROUP_CONTAINER),function(b){var e=c.filter(t(b));return e.length?(d+=e.length,q(a(b),e)):null})).then(function(){return d})},v=function(c){c=a(c);var d=+c.attr("data-limit"),f=+c.attr("data-course-id"),g=c.attr("data-last-id")?c.attr("data-last-id"):void 0,i=new Date,m=Math.floor(i.setHours(0,0,0,0)/1e3);if(l(c))return a.Deferred().resolve();j(c);var n=null;return n=f?e.queryFromTimeByCourse(f,m,d,g):e.queryFromTime(m,d,g),n.then(function(a){return a.events}).then(function(a){return(!a.length||a.length<d)&&h(c),a.length?(c.attr("data-last-id",a[a.length-1].id),u(c,a).then(function(b){o(c,a.length),b<a.length&&h(c)})):void o(c,a.length)}).fail(b.exception).always(function(){k(c)})},w=function(a){d.define(a,[d.events.activate]),a.one(d.events.activate,g.VIEW_MORE_BUTTON,function(){v(a)})};return{init:function(b){b=a(b),v(b),w(b)},registerEventListeners:w,load:v}});
define(["jquery","core/notification","core/templates","core/custom_interaction_events","block_myoverview/calendar_events_repository"],function(a,b,c,d,e){var f=86400,g={EMPTY_MESSAGE:'[data-region="empty-message"]',ROOT:'[data-region="event-list-container"]',EVENT_LIST:'[data-region="event-list"]',EVENT_LIST_CONTENT:'[data-region="event-list-content"]',EVENT_LIST_GROUP_CONTAINER:'[data-region="event-list-group-container"]',LOADING_ICON_CONTAINER:'[data-region="loading-icon-container"]',VIEW_MORE_BUTTON:'[data-action="view-more"]'},h=function(a){a.attr("data-loaded-all",!0)},i=function(a){return!!a.attr("data-loaded-all")},j=function(a){var b=a.find(g.LOADING_ICON_CONTAINER),c=a.find(g.VIEW_MORE_BUTTON);a.addClass("loading"),b.removeClass("hidden"),c.prop("disabled",!0)},k=function(a){var b=a.find(g.LOADING_ICON_CONTAINER),c=a.find(g.VIEW_MORE_BUTTON);a.removeClass("loading"),b.addClass("hidden"),i(a)||c.prop("disabled",!1)},l=function(a){return a.hasClass("loading")},m=function(a){a.attr("data-has-events",!0)},n=function(a){return!!a.attr("data-has-events")},o=function(a,b){b?m(a):n(a)||p(a)},p=function(a){a.find(g.EVENT_LIST_CONTENT).addClass("hidden"),a.find(g.EMPTY_MESSAGE).removeClass("hidden")},q=function(a,b){return a.removeClass("hidden"),c.render("block_myoverview/event-list-items",{events:b}).done(function(b,d){c.appendNodeContents(a.find(g.EVENT_LIST),b,d)})},r=function(a,b){var c=b.timesort||0;return c-a},s=function(a,b){var c=Math.floor((new Date).setHours(0,0,0,0)/1e3),d=+b.attr("data-start-day")*f,e=+b.attr("data-end-day")*f,g=r(c,a);return e?d<=g&&g<e:d<=g},t=function(b){return function(c){return s(c,a(b))}},u=function(b,c){var d=0;return a.when.apply(a,a.map(b.find(g.EVENT_LIST_GROUP_CONTAINER),function(b){var e=c.filter(t(b));return e.length?(d+=e.length,q(a(b),e)):null})).then(function(){return d})},v=function(c,d){c=a(c);var f=+c.attr("data-limit"),g=+c.attr("data-course-id"),i=c.attr("data-last-id"),m=new Date,n=Math.floor(m.setHours(0,0,0,0)/1e3);if(l(c))return a.Deferred().resolve();if(j(c),"undefined"==typeof d){var p={starttime:n,limit:f};i&&(p.aftereventid=i),g?(p.courseid=g,d=e.queryByCourse(p)):d=e.queryByTime(p)}return d.then(function(a){return a.events}).then(function(a){return(!a.length||a.length<f)&&h(c),a.length?(c.attr("data-last-id",a[a.length-1].id),u(c,a).then(function(b){o(c,a.length),b<a.length&&h(c)})):void o(c,a.length)}).fail(b.exception).always(function(){k(c)})},w=function(a){d.define(a,[d.events.activate]),a.on(d.events.activate,g.VIEW_MORE_BUTTON,function(){v(a)})};return{init:function(b){b=a(b),v(b),w(b)},registerEventListeners:w,load:v,rootSelector:g.ROOT}});
@ -1 +1 @@
define(["jquery","block_myoverview/event_list"],function(a,b){var c={EVENTS_BY_COURSE_CONTAINER:'[data-region="course-events-container"]',EVENTS_LIST_CONTAINER:'[data-region="event-list-container"]'},d=function(d){d.find(c.EVENTS_BY_COURSE_CONTAINER).each(function(d,e){e=a(e);var f=e.find(c.EVENTS_LIST_CONTAINER);b.load(f)})};return{init:function(b){b=a(b),d(b)}}});
define(["jquery","block_myoverview/event_list","block_myoverview/calendar_events_repository"],function(a,b,c){var d={EVENTS_BY_COURSE_CONTAINER:'[data-region="course-events-container"]'},e=function(e){var f=e.find(d.EVENTS_BY_COURSE_CONTAINER);if(f.length){var g=new Date,h=Math.floor(g.setHours(0,0,0,0)/1e3),i=f.attr("data-limit"),j=f.map(function(){return a(this).attr("data-course-id")}).get(),k=c.queryByCourses({courseids:j,starttime:h,limit:i});f.each(function(c,d){d=a(d);var e=d.attr("data-course-id"),f=d.find(b.rootSelector),g=a.Deferred();k.done(function(a){var b=[],c=a.groupedbycourse.filter(function(a){return a.courseid==e});c.length&&(b=c[0].events),g.resolve({events:b})}).fail(function(a){g.reject(a)}),b.load(f,g)})}};return{init:function(b){b=a(b),e(b)}}});
@ -24,834 +24,128 @@
define(['jquery', 'core/ajax', 'core/notification'], function($, Ajax, Notification) {
var date = new Date(),
currentTime = Math.floor(date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) / 1000),
todayTime = currentTime + (60 * 60),
tomorrowTime = currentTime + (60 * 60 * 26),
twoWeeksTime = currentTime + (60 * 60 * 24 * 14),
twoMonthsTime = currentTime + (60 * 60 * 24 * 56),
twoYearsTime = currentTime + (60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2),
dataCache = [
id: 1,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 1',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 1,
coursename: 'Course 1',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 1',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 1, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 6, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: todayTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 2,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 2',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 1,
coursename: 'Course 1',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 1',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 1, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 6, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: todayTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 3,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 3',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 1,
coursename: 'Course 1',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 1',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 1, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 6, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: todayTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 4,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 4',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 2,
coursename: 'Course 2',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 2',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: todayTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 5,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 5',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 2,
coursename: 'Course 2',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 2',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: todayTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 6,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 6',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 2,
coursename: 'Course 2',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 2',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: todayTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 7,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 7',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 3,
coursename: 'Course 3',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 3',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: tomorrowTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 8,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 8',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 3,
coursename: 'Course 3',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 3',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: tomorrowTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 9,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 9',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 2,
coursename: 'Course 2',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 2',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: tomorrowTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 10,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 10',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 1,
coursename: 'Course 1',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 1',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: tomorrowTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 11,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 11',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 2,
coursename: 'Course 2',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 2',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: tomorrowTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 12,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 12',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 2,
coursename: 'Course 2',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 2',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: tomorrowTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 13,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 13',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 1,
coursename: 'Course 1',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 1',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: tomorrowTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 14,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 14',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 3,
coursename: 'Course 3',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 3',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: tomorrowTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 15,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 15',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 1,
coursename: 'Course 1',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 1',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: tomorrowTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 16,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 16',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 1,
coursename: 'Course 1',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 1',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: tomorrowTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 17,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 17',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 1,
coursename: 'Course 1',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 1',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 18,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 18',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 2,
coursename: 'Course 2',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 2',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 19,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 19',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 2,
coursename: 'Course 2',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 2',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 20,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 20',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 2,
coursename: 'Course 2',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 2',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 21,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 21',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 2,
coursename: 'Course 2',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 2',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 22,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 22',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 3,
coursename: 'Course 3',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 3',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 23,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 23',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 3,
coursename: 'Course 3',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 3',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 24,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 24',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 3,
coursename: 'Course 3',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 3',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 25,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 25',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 3,
coursename: 'Course 3',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 3',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 26,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 26',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 3,
coursename: 'Course 3',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 3',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 27,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 27',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 1,
coursename: 'Course 1',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 1',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 28,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 28',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 1,
coursename: 'Course 1',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 1',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 29,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 29',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 1,
coursename: 'Course 1',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 1',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 30,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 30',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 1,
coursename: 'Course 1',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 1',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 31,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 31',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 3,
coursename: 'Course 3',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 3',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 32,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 32',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 3,
coursename: 'Course 3',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 3',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoWeeksTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 33,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 33',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 2,
coursename: 'Course 2',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 2',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoMonthsTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 34,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 34',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 2,
coursename: 'Course 2',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 2',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016', itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoMonthsTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 35,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 35',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 2,
coursename: 'Course 2',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 2',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoMonthsTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 36,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 36',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 1,
coursename: 'Course 1',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 1',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoYearsTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 37,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 37',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 2,
coursename: 'Course 2',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 2',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoYearsTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
id: 38,
actionname: 'Submit assignment',
actionurl: 'https://www.google.com',
enddate: 'Nov 4th, 10am',
contextname: 'Assignment due 38',
contexturl: 'https://www.google.com',
courseid: 3,
coursename: 'Course 3',
coursesummary: 'This is a brief summary of course 3',
courseStartDate: 'Oct 7, 2016',
courseEndDate: 'Oct 14, 2016',
itemcount: 1,
orderTime: twoYearsTime,
icon: {
key: 'icon',
component: 'mod_assign',
alttext: 'Assignment icon',
var queryFromTimeByCourse = function(courseId, startTime, limit, offset) {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
setTimeout(function() {
deferred.resolve(groupEventsByCourseAndTime(courseId, startTime, limit, offset));
}, 1000);
return deferred.promise();
var groupEventsByCourseAndTime = function(courseId, startTime, limit, offset) {
var eventsByCourse = {};
var events = {};
$.each(dataCache, function(index, value) {
if (!eventsByCourse[value.courseid]) {
eventsByCourse[value.courseid] = {
courseid: value.courseid,
coursename: value.coursename,
coursesummary: value.coursesummary,
courseStartDate: value.courseStartDate,
courseEndDate: value.courseEndDate,
calendarEvents: []
if (typeof eventsByCourse[courseId] !== 'undefined') {
// There are events for this course.
events = eventsByCourse[courseId].calendarEvents.slice(offset, offset + limit);
* Retrieve a list of calendar events for the logged in user for the
* given course.
* Valid args are:
* int courseid Only get events for this course
* int starttime Only get events after this time
* int endtime Only get events before this time
* int limit Limit the number of results returned
* int aftereventid Offset the result set from the given id
* @method queryByCourse
* @param {object} args The request arguments
* @return {promise} Resolved with an array of the calendar events
var queryByCourse = function(args) {
if (!args.hasOwnProperty('limit')) {
args.limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
return {
events: events
args.limitnum = args.limit;
delete args.limit;
if (args.hasOwnProperty('starttime')) {
args.timesortfrom = args.starttime;
delete args.starttime;
if (args.hasOwnProperty('endtime')) {
args.timesortto = args.endtime;
delete args.endtime;
var request = {
methodname: 'core_calendar_get_action_events_by_course',
args: args
var promise = Ajax.call([request])[0];
return promise;
* Retrieve a list of calendar events for the given courses for the
* logged in user.
* Valid args are:
* array courseids Get events for these courses
* int starttime Only get events after this time
* int endtime Only get events before this time
* int limit Limit the number of results returned
* @method queryByCourses
* @param {object} args The request arguments
* @return {promise} Resolved with an array of the calendar events
var queryByCourses = function(args) {
if (!args.hasOwnProperty('limit')) {
// This is intentionally smaller than the default limit.
args.limit = 10;
args.limitnum = args.limit;
delete args.limit;
if (args.hasOwnProperty('starttime')) {
args.timesortfrom = args.starttime;
delete args.starttime;
if (args.hasOwnProperty('endtime')) {
args.timesortto = args.endtime;
delete args.endtime;
var request = {
methodname: 'core_calendar_get_action_events_by_courses',
args: args
var promise = Ajax.call([request])[0];
return promise;
* Retrieve a list of calendar events for the logged in user after the given
* time.
* @method queryFromTime
* @param {int} startTime Only get events after this time
* @param {int} limit Limit the number of results returned
* @param {int} afterEventId Offset the result set from the given id
* @return {promise} Resolved with an array of the calendar events
* Valid args are:
* int starttime Only get events after this time
* int endtime Only get events before this time
* int limit Limit the number of results returned
* int aftereventid Offset the result set from the given id
* @method queryByTime
* @param {object} args The request arguments
* @return {promise} Resolved with an array of the calendar events
var queryFromTime = function(startTime, limit, afterEventId) {
limit = (typeof limit === 'undefined') ? DEFAULT_LIMIT : limit;
var queryByTime = function(args) {
if (!args.hasOwnProperty('limit')) {
args.limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT;
var args = {
timesortfrom: startTime,
limitnum: limit,
args.limitnum = args.limit;
delete args.limit;
if (typeof afterEventId !== 'undefined') {
args.aftereventid = afterEventId;
if (args.hasOwnProperty('starttime')) {
args.timesortfrom = args.starttime;
delete args.starttime;
if (args.hasOwnProperty('endtime')) {
args.timesortto = args.endtime;
delete args.endtime;
var request = {
@ -867,7 +161,8 @@ define(['jquery', 'core/ajax', 'core/notification'], function($, Ajax, Notificat
return {
queryFromTime: queryFromTime,
queryFromTimeByCourse: queryFromTimeByCourse
queryByTime: queryByTime,
queryByCourse: queryByCourse,
queryByCourses: queryByCourses,
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ define(['jquery', 'core/notification', 'core/templates',
EMPTY_MESSAGE: '[data-region="empty-message"]',
ROOT: '[data-region="event-list-container"]',
EVENT_LIST: '[data-region="event-list"]',
EVENT_LIST_CONTENT: '[data-region="event-list-content"]',
EVENT_LIST_GROUP_CONTAINER: '[data-region="event-list-group-container"]',
@ -282,15 +283,24 @@ define(['jquery', 'core/notification', 'core/templates',
* existing list. The events will be loaded based on the set of data attributes
* on the root element.
* This function can be provided with a jQuery promise. If it is then it won't
* attempt to load data by itself, instead it will use the given promise.
* The provided promise must resolve with an an object that has an events key
* and value is an array of calendar events.
* E.g.
* { events: ['event 1', 'event 2'] }
* @method load
* @param {object} The root element of the event list
* @param {promise} A jquery promise
* @param {object} root The root element of the event list
* @param {object} promise A jQuery promise resolved with events
* @return {promise} A jquery promise
var load = function(root) {
var load = function(root, promise) {
root = $(root);
var limit = +root.attr('data-limit'),
courseId = +root.attr('data-course-id'),
lastId = root.attr('data-last-id') ? root.attr('data-last-id') : undefined,
lastId = root.attr('data-last-id'),
date = new Date(),
todayTime = Math.floor(date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) / 1000);
@ -301,11 +311,26 @@ define(['jquery', 'core/notification', 'core/templates',
var promise = null;
if (courseId) {
promise = CalendarEventsRepository.queryFromTimeByCourse(courseId, todayTime, limit, lastId);
} else {
promise = CalendarEventsRepository.queryFromTime(todayTime, limit, lastId);
// If we haven't been provided a promise to resolve the
// data then we will load our own.
if (typeof promise == 'undefined') {
var args = {
starttime: todayTime,
limit: limit,
if (lastId) {
args.aftereventid = lastId;
// If we have a course id then we only want events from that course.
if (courseId) {
args.courseid = courseId;
promise = CalendarEventsRepository.queryByCourse(args);
} else {
// Otherwise we want events from any course.
promise = CalendarEventsRepository.queryByTime(args);
// Request data from the server.
@ -354,7 +379,7 @@ define(['jquery', 'core/notification', 'core/templates',
var registerEventListeners = function(root) {
CustomEvents.define(root, [CustomEvents.events.activate]);
root.one(CustomEvents.events.activate, SELECTORS.VIEW_MORE_BUTTON, function() {
root.on(CustomEvents.events.activate, SELECTORS.VIEW_MORE_BUTTON, function() {
@ -366,6 +391,7 @@ define(['jquery', 'core/notification', 'core/templates',
registerEventListeners: registerEventListeners,
load: load
load: load,
rootSelector: SELECTORS.ROOT,
@ -21,11 +21,16 @@
* @copyright 2016 Simey Lameze <simey@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
define(['jquery', 'block_myoverview/event_list'], function($, EventList) {
function($, EventList, EventsRepository) {
EVENTS_BY_COURSE_CONTAINER: '[data-region="course-events-container"]',
EVENTS_LIST_CONTAINER: '[data-region="event-list-container"]'
@ -35,11 +40,58 @@ define(['jquery', 'block_myoverview/event_list'], function($, EventList) {
* @param {Object} root The root element of sort by course list.
var load = function(root) {
var courseBlocks = root.find(SELECTORS.EVENTS_BY_COURSE_CONTAINER);
root.find(SELECTORS.EVENTS_BY_COURSE_CONTAINER).each(function(index, container) {
if (!courseBlocks.length) {
var date = new Date();
var todayTime = Math.floor(date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0) / 1000);
var limit = courseBlocks.attr('data-limit');
var courseIds = courseBlocks.map(function() {
return $(this).attr('data-course-id');
// Load the first set of events for each course in a single request.
// We want to avoid sending an individual request for each course because
// there could be lots of them.
var coursesPromise = EventsRepository.queryByCourses({
courseids: courseIds,
starttime: todayTime,
limit: limit
// Load the events into each course block.
courseBlocks.each(function(index, container) {
container = $(container);
var eventListContainer = container.find(SELECTORS.EVENTS_LIST_CONTAINER);
var courseId = container.attr('data-course-id');
var eventListContainer = container.find(EventList.rootSelector);
var promise = $.Deferred();
// Once all of the course events have been loaded then we need
// to extract just the ones relevant to this course block and
// hand them to the event list to render.
coursesPromise.done(function (result) {
var events = [];
// Get this course block's events from the collection returned
// from the server.
var courseGroup = result.groupedbycourse.filter(function(group) {
return group.courseid == courseId;
if (courseGroup.length) {
events = courseGroup[0].events;
promise.resolve({events: events});
}).fail(function(e) {
// Provide the event list with a promise that will be resolved
// when we have received the events from the server.
EventList.load(eventListContainer, promise);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user