Merge branch 'MDL-42166-master' of git://

This commit is contained in:
Dan Poltawski 2014-12-22 15:38:49 +00:00
commit 427f70a8d3
2 changed files with 23 additions and 183 deletions

View File

@ -223,23 +223,14 @@ class stored_file {
* Replace the content by providing another stored_file instance
* Function stored_file::replace_content_with() is deprecated. Please use stored_file::replace_file_with()
* @deprecated since 2.6
* @deprecated since Moodle 2.6 MDL-42016 - please do not use this function any more.
* @see stored_file::replace_file_with()
* @param stored_file $storedfile
public function replace_content_with(stored_file $storedfile) {
debugging('Function stored_file::replace_content_with() is deprecated. Please use stored_file::replace_file_with()', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$filerecord = new stdClass;
$contenthash = $storedfile->get_contenthash();
if ($this->fs->content_exists($contenthash)) {
$filerecord->contenthash = $contenthash;
} else {
throw new file_exception('storedfileproblem', 'Invalid contenthash, content must be already in filepool', $contenthash);
$filerecord->filesize = $storedfile->get_filesize();
throw new coding_exception('Function stored_file::replace_content_with() can not be used any more . ' .
'Please use stored_file::replace_file_with()');
@ -734,15 +725,14 @@ class stored_file {
* Returns the size of file in bytes.
* Function stored_file::set_filesize() is deprecated. Please use stored_file::replace_file_with
* @param int $filesize bytes
* @deprecated since Moodle 2.6 MDL-42016 - please do not use this function any more.
* @see stored_file::replace_file_with()
public function set_filesize($filesize) {
debugging('Function stored_file::set_filesize() is deprecated. Please use stored_file::replace_file_with()', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$filerecord = new stdClass;
$filerecord->filesize = $filesize;
throw new coding_exception('Function stored_file::set_filesize() can not be used any more. ' .
'Please use stored_file::replace_file_with()');
@ -933,26 +923,16 @@ class stored_file {
* Get reference life time (in seconds) after which sync is required
* This data is no longer stored in DB or returned by repository. Each
* Function stored_file::get_referencelifetime() is deprecated as reference
* life time is no longer stored in DB or returned by repository. Each
* repository should decide by itself when to synchronise the references.
* @deprecated since 2.6
* @deprecated since Moodle 2.6 MDL-42016 - please do not use this function any more.
* @see repository::sync_reference()
* @return int
public function get_referencelifetime() {
debugging('Function stored_file::get_referencelifetime() is deprecated.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
if ($this->repository) {
if (method_exists($this->repository, 'get_reference_file_lifetime')) {
return $this->repository->get_reference_file_lifetime($this->get_reference());
} else {
return 24 * 60 * 60;
} else {
return 0;
throw new coding_exception('Function stored_file::get_referencelifetime() can not be used any more. ' .
'See repository::sync_reference().');
* Returns file reference

View File

@ -570,35 +570,6 @@ abstract class repository implements cacheable_object {
$this->super_called = true;
* Magic method for non-existing (usually deprecated) class methods.
* @param string $name
* @param array $arguments
* @return mixed
* @throws coding_exception
public function __call($name, $arguments) {
if ($name === 'sync_individual_file') {
// Method repository::sync_individual_file() was deprecated in Moodle 2.6.
// See repository::sync_reference().
debugging('Function repository::sync_individual_file() is deprecated.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return true;
} else if ($name === 'get_file_by_reference') {
// Method repository::get_file_by_reference() was deprecated in Moodle 2.6.
// See repository::sync_reference().
debugging('Function repository::get_file_by_reference() is deprecated.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return null;
} else if ($name === 'get_reference_file_lifetime') {
// Method repository::get_file_by_reference() was deprecated in Moodle 2.6.
// See repository::sync_reference().
debugging('Function repository::get_reference_file_lifetime() is deprecated.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return 24 * 60 * 60;
} else {
throw new coding_exception('Tried to call unknown method '.get_class($this).'::'.$name);
* Get repository instance using repository id
@ -2713,26 +2684,22 @@ abstract class repository implements cacheable_object {
* Method deprecated, cache is handled by MUC now.
* @deprecated since 2.6
* Function repository::reset_caches() is deprecated, cache is handled by MUC now.
* @deprecated since Moodle 2.6 MDL-42016 - please do not use this function any more.
public static function reset_caches() {
debugging('Function repository::reset_caches() is deprecated.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
throw new coding_exception('Function repository::reset_caches() can not be used any more, cache is handled by MUC now.');
* Method deprecated
* @deprecated since 2.6
* Function repository::sync_external_file() is deprecated. Use repository::sync_reference instead
* @deprecated since Moodle 2.6 MDL-42016 - please do not use this function any more.
* @see repository::sync_reference()
public static function sync_external_file($file, $resetsynchistory = false) {
debugging('Function repository::sync_external_file() is deprecated.',
if ($resetsynchistory || !$file || !$file->get_repository_id() ||
!($repository = self::get_repository_by_id($file->get_repository_id(), SYSCONTEXTID))) {
return false;
return $repository->sync_reference($file);
throw new coding_exception('Function repository::sync_external_file() can not be used any more. ' .
'Use repository::sync_reference instead.');
@ -2790,114 +2757,7 @@ abstract class repository implements cacheable_object {
return true;
// Backward compatibility (Moodle 2.3-2.5) implementation that calls
// methods repository::get_reference_file_lifetime(), repository::sync_individual_file()
// and repository::get_file_by_reference(). These methods are removed from the
// base repository class but may still be implemented by the child classes.
// THIS IS NOT A GOOD EXAMPLE of implementation. For good examples see the overwriting methods.
if (!method_exists($this, 'get_file_by_reference')) {
// Function get_file_by_reference() is not implemented. No synchronisation.
return false;
// Check if the previous sync result is still valid.
if (method_exists($this, 'get_reference_file_lifetime')) {
$lifetime = $this->get_reference_file_lifetime($file->get_reference());
} else {
// Default value that was hardcoded in Moodle 2.3 - 2.5.
$lifetime = 60 * 60 * 24;
if (($lastsynced = $file->get_referencelastsync()) && $lastsynced + $lifetime >= time()) {
return false;
$cache = cache::make('core', 'repositories');
if (($lastsyncresult = $cache->get('sync:'.$file->get_referencefileid())) !== false) {
if ($lastsyncresult === true) {
// We are in the process of synchronizing this reference.
// Avoid recursion when calling $file->get_filesize() and $file->get_contenthash().
return false;
} else {
// We have synchronised the same reference inside this request already.
// It looks like the object $file was created before the synchronisation and contains old data.
if (!empty($lastsyncresult['missing'])) {
} else {
$cache->set('sync:'.$file->get_referencefileid(), true);
if ($file->get_contenthash() != $lastsyncresult['contenthash'] ||
$file->get_filesize() != $lastsyncresult['filesize']) {
$file->set_synchronized($lastsyncresult['contenthash'], $lastsyncresult['filesize']);
$cache->set('sync:'.$file->get_referencefileid(), $lastsyncresult);
return true;
// Weird function sync_individual_file() that was present in API in 2.3 - 2.5, default value was true.
if (method_exists($this, 'sync_individual_file') && !$this->sync_individual_file($file)) {
return false;
// Set 'true' into the cache to indicate that file is in the process of synchronisation.
$cache->set('sync:'.$file->get_referencefileid(), true);
// Create object with the structure that repository::get_file_by_reference() expects.
$reference = new stdClass();
$reference->id = $file->get_referencefileid();
$reference->reference = $file->get_reference();
$reference->referencehash = sha1($file->get_reference());
$reference->lastsync = $file->get_referencelastsync();
$reference->lifetime = $lifetime;
$fileinfo = $this->get_file_by_reference($reference);
$contenthash = null;
$filesize = null;
$fs = get_file_storage();
if (!empty($fileinfo->filesize)) {
// filesize returned
if (!empty($fileinfo->contenthash) && $fs->content_exists($fileinfo->contenthash)) {
// contenthash is specified and valid
$contenthash = $fileinfo->contenthash;
} else if ($fileinfo->filesize == $file->get_filesize()) {
// we don't know the new contenthash but the filesize did not change,
// assume the contenthash did not change either
$contenthash = $file->get_contenthash();
} else {
// we can't save empty contenthash so generate contenthash from empty string
list($contenthash, $unused1, $unused2) = $fs->add_string_to_pool('');
$filesize = $fileinfo->filesize;
} else if (!empty($fileinfo->filepath)) {
// File path returned
list($contenthash, $filesize, $newfile) = $fs->add_file_to_pool($fileinfo->filepath);
} else if (!empty($fileinfo->handle) && is_resource($fileinfo->handle)) {
// File handle returned
$contents = '';
while (!feof($fileinfo->handle)) {
$contents .= fread($fileinfo->handle, 8192);
list($contenthash, $filesize, $newfile) = $fs->add_string_to_pool($contents);
} else if (isset($fileinfo->content)) {
// File content returned
list($contenthash, $filesize, $newfile) = $fs->add_string_to_pool($fileinfo->content);
if (!isset($contenthash) or !isset($filesize)) {
$cache->set('sync:'.$file->get_referencefileid(), array('missing' => true));
} else {
// update files table
$file->set_synchronized($contenthash, $filesize);
array('contenthash' => $contenthash, 'filesize' => $filesize));
return true;
return false;