From 7bd269e82d29490ce00859e6652f54b087f92f71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrew Nicols <>
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2018 11:35:03 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/7] MDL-62660 tool_dataprivacy: Add method for unit tests to
 run adhoc tasks

 lib/phpunit/classes/advanced_testcase.php | 58 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/phpunit/classes/advanced_testcase.php b/lib/phpunit/classes/advanced_testcase.php
index a0ec58912e1..546d11bee51 100644
--- a/lib/phpunit/classes/advanced_testcase.php
+++ b/lib/phpunit/classes/advanced_testcase.php
@@ -663,4 +663,62 @@ abstract class advanced_testcase extends base_testcase {
+    /**
+     * Run adhoc tasks, optionally matching the specified classname.
+     *
+     * @param   string  $matchclass The name of the class to match on.
+     * @param   int     $matchuserid The userid to match.
+     */
+    protected function runAdhocTasks($matchclass = '', $matchuserid = null) {
+        global $CFG, $DB;
+        require_once($CFG->libdir.'/cronlib.php');
+        $params = [];
+        if (!empty($matchclass)) {
+            if (strpos($matchclass, '\\') !== 0) {
+                $matchclass = '\\' . $matchclass;
+            }
+            $params['classname'] = $matchclass;
+        }
+        if (!empty($matchuserid)) {
+            $params['userid'] = $matchuserid;
+        }
+        $lock = $this->createMock(\core\lock\lock::class);
+        $cronlock = $this->createMock(\core\lock\lock::class);
+        $tasks = $DB->get_recordset('task_adhoc', $params);
+        foreach ($tasks as $record) {
+            // Note: This is for cron only.
+            // We do not lock the tasks.
+            $task = \core\task\manager::adhoc_task_from_record($record);
+            $user = null;
+            if ($userid = $task->get_userid()) {
+                // This task has a userid specified.
+                $user = \core_user::get_user($userid);
+                // User found. Check that they are suitable.
+                \core_user::require_active_user($user, true, true);
+            }
+            $task->set_lock($lock);
+            if (!$task->is_blocking()) {
+                $cronlock->release();
+            } else {
+                $task->set_cron_lock($cronlock);
+            }
+            cron_prepare_core_renderer();
+            $this->setUser($user);
+            $task->execute();
+            \core\task\manager::adhoc_task_complete($task);
+            unset($task);
+        }
+        $tasks->close();
+    }

From 693f690c18ef1578670670f443f2d0feb3e9e576 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Hawkins <>
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2018 16:29:53 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 2/7] MDL-62660 tool_dataprivacy: Add ability to expire data

Also replaced Completed status with situation specific statuses.
Also improved UX on request pages in line with expiries and the aadditional statuses.
 admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/api.php        |  29 ++++-
 .../tool/dataprivacy/classes/data_request.php | 100 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../external/data_request_exporter.php        |   7 +-
 .../tool/dataprivacy/classes/local/helper.php |   4 +
 .../classes/output/data_requests_table.php    |  30 +++---
 .../classes/output/my_data_requests_page.php  |  20 +++-
 .../task/process_data_request_task.php        |   4 +-
 admin/tool/dataprivacy/db/upgrade.php         |  27 +++++
 .../dataprivacy/lang/en/tool_dataprivacy.php  |   6 ++
 admin/tool/dataprivacy/lib.php                |   5 +
 admin/tool/dataprivacy/settings.php           |   6 ++
 .../templates/my_data_requests.mustache       |  17 ++-
 admin/tool/dataprivacy/version.php            |   2 +-
 privacy/classes/local/request/writer.php      |  18 ++++
 14 files changed, 255 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/api.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/api.php
index bbf57daf39a..6ee970733d7 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/api.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/api.php
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class api {
     /** The request is now being processed. */
-    /** Data request completed. */
+    /** Information/other request completed. */
     /** Data request cancelled by the user. */
@@ -85,6 +85,15 @@ class api {
     /** Data request rejected by the DPO. */
+    /** Data request download ready. */
+    /** Data request expired. */
+    /** Data delete request completed, account is removed. */
      * Determines whether the user can contact the site's Data Protection Officer via Moodle.
@@ -319,6 +328,18 @@ class api {
+        // If any are due to expire, expire them and re-fetch updated data.
+        if (empty($statuses)
+                || in_array(self::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_READY, $statuses)
+                || in_array(self::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_EXPIRED, $statuses)) {
+            $expiredrequests = data_request::get_expired_requests($userid);
+            if (!empty($expiredrequests)) {
+                data_request::expire($expiredrequests);
+                $results = self::get_data_requests($userid, $statuses, $types, $sort, $offset, $limit);
+            }
+        }
         return $results;
@@ -400,6 +421,9 @@ class api {
         list($insql, $inparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($nonpendingstatuses, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
         $select = 'type = :type AND userid = :userid AND status NOT ' . $insql;
@@ -423,6 +447,9 @@ class api {
         return !in_array($status, $finalstatuses);
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/data_request.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/data_request.php
index d5ab2187636..c41db11e839 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/data_request.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/data_request.php
@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ class data_request extends persistent {
+                    api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_READY,
+                    api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_EXPIRED,
+                    api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DELETED,
                 'type' => PARAM_INT
@@ -110,4 +113,101 @@ class data_request extends persistent {
+    /**
+     * Determines whether a completed data export request has expired.
+     * The response will be valid regardless of the expiry scheduled task having run.
+     *
+     * @param data_request $request the data request object whose expiry will be checked.
+     * @return bool true if the request has expired.
+     */
+    public static function is_expired(data_request $request) {
+        $result = false;
+        // Only export requests expire.
+        if ($request->get('type') == api::DATAREQUEST_TYPE_EXPORT) {
+            switch ($request->get('status')) {
+                // Expired requests are obviously expired.
+                case api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_EXPIRED:
+                    $result = true;
+                    break;
+                // Complete requests are expired if the expiry time has elapsed.
+                case api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_READY:
+                    $expiryseconds = get_config('tool_dataprivacy', 'privacyrequestexpiry');
+                    if ($expiryseconds > 0 && time() >= ($request->get('timemodified') + $expiryseconds)) {
+                        $result = true;
+                    }
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        return $result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Fetch completed data requests which are due to expire.
+     *
+     * @param int $userid Optional user ID to filter by.
+     *
+     * @return array Details of completed requests which are due to expire.
+     */
+    public static function get_expired_requests($userid = 0) {
+        global $DB;
+        $expiryseconds = get_config('tool_dataprivacy', 'privacyrequestexpiry');
+        $expirytime = strtotime("-{$expiryseconds} second");
+        $table = data_request::TABLE;
+        $sqlwhere = 'type = :export_type AND status = :completestatus AND timemodified <= :expirytime';
+        $params = array(
+            'export_type' => api::DATAREQUEST_TYPE_EXPORT,
+            'completestatus' => api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_READY,
+            'expirytime' => $expirytime,
+        );
+        $sort = 'id';
+        $fields = 'id, userid';
+        // Filter by user ID if specified.
+        if ($userid > 0) {
+            $sqlwhere .= ' AND (userid = :userid OR requestedby = :requestedby)';
+            $params['userid'] = $userid;
+            $params['requestedby'] = $userid;
+        }
+        return $DB->get_records_select_menu($table, $sqlwhere, $params, $sort, $fields, 0, 2000);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Expire a given set of data requests.
+     * Update request status and delete the files.
+     *
+     * @param array $expiredrequests [requestid => userid]
+     *
+     * @return void
+     */
+    public static function expire($expiredrequests) {
+        global $DB;
+        $ids = array_keys($expiredrequests);
+        if (count($ids) > 0) {
+            list($insql, $inparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($ids);
+            $initialparams = array(api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_EXPIRED, time());
+            $params = array_merge($initialparams, $inparams);
+            $update = "UPDATE {" . data_request::TABLE . "}
+                          SET status = ?, timemodified = ?
+                        WHERE id $insql";
+            if ($DB->execute($update, $params)) {
+                $fs = get_file_storage();
+                foreach ($expiredrequests as $id => $userid) {
+                    $usercontext = \context_user::instance($userid);
+                    $fs->delete_area_files($usercontext->id, 'tool_dataprivacy', 'export', $id);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/external/data_request_exporter.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/external/data_request_exporter.php
index 93b33e3af47..b7d483ca64d 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/external/data_request_exporter.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/external/data_request_exporter.php
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class data_request_exporter extends persistent_exporter {
         switch ($this->persistent->get('status')) {
             case api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_PENDING:
-                $values['statuslabelclass'] = 'label-default';
+                $values['statuslabelclass'] = 'label-info';
                 // Request can be manually completed for general enquiry requests.
                 $values['canmarkcomplete'] = $requesttype == api::DATAREQUEST_TYPE_OTHERS;
@@ -181,6 +181,8 @@ class data_request_exporter extends persistent_exporter {
                 $values['statuslabelclass'] = 'label-info';
             case api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE:
+            case api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DELETED:
                 $values['statuslabelclass'] = 'label-success';
             case api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_CANCELLED:
@@ -189,6 +191,9 @@ class data_request_exporter extends persistent_exporter {
             case api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_REJECTED:
                 $values['statuslabelclass'] = 'label-important';
+            case api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_EXPIRED:
+                $values['statuslabelclass'] = 'label-default';
+                break;
         return $values;
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/local/helper.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/local/helper.php
index f98362da954..36dd93aac2b 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/local/helper.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/local/helper.php
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ class helper {
         if (!isset($statuses[$status])) {
             throw new moodle_exception('errorinvalidrequeststatus', 'tool_dataprivacy');
         return $statuses[$status];
@@ -133,8 +134,11 @@ class helper {
             api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_APPROVED => get_string('statusapproved', 'tool_dataprivacy'),
             api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_PROCESSING => get_string('statusprocessing', 'tool_dataprivacy'),
             api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE => get_string('statuscomplete', 'tool_dataprivacy'),
+            api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_READY => get_string('statusready', 'tool_dataprivacy'),
+            api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_EXPIRED => get_string('statusexpired', 'tool_dataprivacy'),
             api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_CANCELLED => get_string('statuscancelled', 'tool_dataprivacy'),
             api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_REJECTED => get_string('statusrejected', 'tool_dataprivacy'),
+            api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DELETED => get_string('statusdeleted', 'tool_dataprivacy'),
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/output/data_requests_table.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/output/data_requests_table.php
index ab40140bb9b..477e5039420 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/output/data_requests_table.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/output/data_requests_table.php
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class data_requests_table extends table_sql {
     /** @var bool Whether this table is being rendered for managing data requests. */
     protected $manage = false;
-    /** @var stdClass[] Array of data request persistents. */
+    /** @var \tool_dataprivacy\data_request[] Array of data request persistents. */
     protected $datarequests = [];
@@ -206,14 +206,14 @@ class data_requests_table extends table_sql {
                 $actiontext = get_string('denyrequest', 'tool_dataprivacy');
                 $actions[] = new action_menu_link_secondary($actionurl, null, $actiontext, $actiondata);
-        }
-        if ($status == api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE) {
-            $userid = $data->foruser->id;
-            $usercontext = \context_user::instance($userid, IGNORE_MISSING);
-            if ($usercontext && api::can_download_data_request_for_user($userid, $data->requestedbyuser->id)) {
-                $actions[] = api::get_download_link($usercontext, $requestid);
-            }
+                $userid = $data->foruser->id;
+                $usercontext = \context_user::instance($userid, IGNORE_MISSING);
+                // If user has permission to view download link, show relevant action item.
+                if ($usercontext && api::can_download_data_request_for_user($userid, $data->requestedbyuser->id)) {
+                    $actions[] = api::get_download_link($usercontext, $requestid);
+                }
+                break;
         $actionsmenu = new action_menu($actions);
@@ -236,19 +236,25 @@ class data_requests_table extends table_sql {
     public function query_db($pagesize, $useinitialsbar = true) {
         global $PAGE;
-        // Count data requests from the given conditions.
-        $total = api::get_data_requests_count($this->userid, $this->statuses, $this->types);
-        $this->pagesize($pagesize, $total);
+        // Set dummy page total until we fetch full result set.
+        $this->pagesize($pagesize, $pagesize + 1);
         $sort = $this->get_sql_sort();
         // Get data requests from the given conditions.
         $datarequests = api::get_data_requests($this->userid, $this->statuses, $this->types, $sort,
                 $this->get_page_start(), $this->get_page_size());
+        // Count data requests from the given conditions.
+        $total = api::get_data_requests_count($this->userid, $this->statuses, $this->types);
+        $this->pagesize($pagesize, $total);
         $this->rawdata = [];
         $context = \context_system::instance();
         $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('tool_dataprivacy');
         foreach ($datarequests as $persistent) {
+            $this->datarequests[$persistent->get('id')] = $persistent;
             $exporter = new data_request_exporter($persistent, ['context' => $context]);
             $this->rawdata[] = $exporter->export($renderer);
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/output/my_data_requests_page.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/output/my_data_requests_page.php
index d82968c31a0..729a7fe1710 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/output/my_data_requests_page.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/output/my_data_requests_page.php
@@ -109,13 +109,29 @@ class my_data_requests_page implements renderable, templatable {
                     $item->statuslabelclass = 'label-success';
                     $item->statuslabel = get_string('statuscomplete', 'tool_dataprivacy');
                     $cancancel = false;
-                    // Show download links only for export-type data requests.
-                    $candownload = $type == api::DATAREQUEST_TYPE_EXPORT;
+                    break;
+                case api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_READY:
+                    $item->statuslabelclass = 'label-success';
+                    $item->statuslabel = get_string('statusready', 'tool_dataprivacy');
+                    $cancancel = false;
+                    $candownload = true;
                     if ($usercontext) {
                         $candownload = api::can_download_data_request_for_user(
                                 $request->get('userid'), $request->get('requestedby'));
+                case api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DELETED:
+                    $item->statuslabelclass = 'label-success';
+                    $item->statuslabel = get_string('statusdeleted', 'tool_dataprivacy');
+                    $cancancel = false;
+                    break;
+                case api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_EXPIRED:
+                    $item->statuslabelclass = 'label-default';
+                    $item->statuslabel = get_string('statusexpired', 'tool_dataprivacy');
+                    $item->statuslabeltitle = get_string('downloadexpireduser', 'tool_dataprivacy');
+                    $cancancel = false;
+                    break;
                 case api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_CANCELLED:
                 case api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_REJECTED:
                     $cancancel = false;
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/task/process_data_request_task.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/task/process_data_request_task.php
index 6db9252df7f..be0c0608edd 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/task/process_data_request_task.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/task/process_data_request_task.php
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ class process_data_request_task extends adhoc_task {
         // Update the status of this request as pre-processing.
         mtrace('Processing request...');
         api::update_request_status($requestid, api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_PROCESSING);
+        $completestatus = api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE;
         if ($request->type == api::DATAREQUEST_TYPE_EXPORT) {
             // Get the collection of approved_contextlist objects needed for core_privacy data export.
@@ -115,10 +116,11 @@ class process_data_request_task extends adhoc_task {
             $manager->set_observer(new \tool_dataprivacy\manager_observer());
+            $completestatus = api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DELETED;
         // When the preparation of the metadata finishes, update the request status to awaiting approval.
-        api::update_request_status($requestid, api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE);
+        api::update_request_status($requestid, $completestatus);
         mtrace('The processing of the user data request has been completed...');
         // Create message to notify the user regarding the processing results.
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/db/upgrade.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/db/upgrade.php
index 8c0b4fc09e3..9885e626346 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/db/upgrade.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/db/upgrade.php
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
+use tool_dataprivacy\api;
  * Function to upgrade tool_dataprivacy.
@@ -145,5 +146,31 @@ function xmldb_tool_dataprivacy_upgrade($oldversion) {
         upgrade_plugin_savepoint(true, 2018051405, 'tool', 'dataprivacy');
+    if ($oldversion < 2018051406) {
+        // Update completed delete requests to new delete status.
+        $query = "UPDATE {tool_dataprivacy_request}
+                     SET status = :setstatus
+                   WHERE type = :type
+                         AND status = :wherestatus";
+        $params = array(
+            'setstatus' => 10, // Request deleted.
+            'type' => 2, // Delete type.
+            'wherestatus' => 5, // Request completed.
+        );
+        $DB->execute($query, $params);
+        // Update completed data export requests to new download ready status.
+        $params = array(
+            'setstatus' => 8, // Request download ready.
+            'type' => 1, // export type.
+            'wherestatus' => 5, // Request completed.
+        );
+        $DB->execute($query, $params);
+        upgrade_plugin_savepoint(true, 2018051406, 'tool', 'dataprivacy');
+    }
     return true;
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/lang/en/tool_dataprivacy.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/lang/en/tool_dataprivacy.php
index 3c1c31cfa83..e5810c488ed 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/lang/en/tool_dataprivacy.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/lang/en/tool_dataprivacy.php
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ $string['defaultssaved'] = 'Defaults saved';
 $string['deny'] = 'Deny';
 $string['denyrequest'] = 'Deny request';
 $string['download'] = 'Download';
+$string['downloadexpireduser'] = 'Download has expired. Submit a new request if you wish to export your personal data.';
 $string['dporolemapping'] = 'Privacy officer role mapping';
 $string['dporolemapping_desc'] = 'The privacy officer can manage data requests. The capability tool/dataprivacy:managedatarequests must be allowed for a role to be listed as a privacy officer role mapping option.';
 $string['editcategories'] = 'Edit categories';
@@ -192,6 +193,8 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:request:userid'] = 'The ID of the user to whom the req
 $string['privacy:metadata:request:requestedby'] = 'The ID of the user making the request, if made on behalf of another user.';
 $string['privacy:metadata:request:dpocomment'] = 'Any comments made by the site\'s privacy officer regarding the request.';
 $string['privacy:metadata:request:timecreated'] = 'The timestamp indicating when the request was made by the user.';
+$string['privacyrequestexpiry'] = 'Data request expiry';
+$string['privacyrequestexpiry_desc'] = 'The amount of time that approved data requests will be available for download before expiring. 0 means no time limit.';
 $string['protected'] = 'Protected';
 $string['protectedlabel'] = 'The retention of this data has a higher legal precedent over a user\'s request to be forgotten. This data will only be deleted after the retention period has expired.';
 $string['purpose'] = 'Purpose';
@@ -241,7 +244,10 @@ $string['statusapproved'] = 'Approved';
 $string['statusawaitingapproval'] = 'Awaiting approval';
 $string['statuscancelled'] = 'Cancelled';
 $string['statuscomplete'] = 'Complete';
+$string['statusready'] = 'Download ready';
+$string['statusdeleted'] = 'Deleted';
 $string['statusdetail'] = 'Status:';
+$string['statusexpired'] = 'Expired';
 $string['statuspreprocessing'] = 'Pre-processing';
 $string['statusprocessing'] = 'Processing';
 $string['statuspending'] = 'Pending';
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/lib.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/lib.php
index 73ffc1452b0..fbeb61d7d96 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/lib.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/lib.php
@@ -199,6 +199,11 @@ function tool_dataprivacy_pluginfile($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $
             return false;
+        // Make the file unavailable if it has expired.
+        if (\tool_dataprivacy\data_request::is_expired($datarequest)) {
+            send_file_not_found();
+        }
         // All good. Serve the exported data.
         $fs = get_file_storage();
         $relativepath = implode('/', $args);
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/settings.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/settings.php
index 9210f75ed4b..b902d528aeb 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/settings.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/settings.php
@@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ if ($hassiteconfig) {
                 new lang_string('contactdataprotectionofficer_desc', 'tool_dataprivacy'), 0)
+        // Set days approved data requests will be accessible. 1 week default.
+        $privacysettings->add(new admin_setting_configduration('tool_dataprivacy/privacyrequestexpiry',
+                new lang_string('privacyrequestexpiry', 'tool_dataprivacy'),
+                new lang_string('privacyrequestexpiry_desc', 'tool_dataprivacy'),
+                WEEKSECS, 1));
         // Fetch roles that are assignable.
         $assignableroles = get_assignable_roles(context_system::instance());
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/templates/my_data_requests.mustache b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/templates/my_data_requests.mustache
index 2b654b29467..6f00965f69f 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/templates/my_data_requests.mustache
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/templates/my_data_requests.mustache
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
                 "typename" : "Data deletion",
                 "comments": "Please delete all of my son's personal data.",
                 "statuslabelclass": "label-success",
-                "statuslabel": "Complete",
+                "statuslabel": "Deleted",
                 "timecreated" : 1517902087,
                 "requestedbyuser" : {
                     "fullname": "Martha Smith",
@@ -90,6 +90,19 @@
                     "fullname": "Martha Smith",
                     "profileurl": "#"
+            },
+            {
+                "id": 6,
+                "typename" : "Data export",
+                "comments": "Please let me download my data",
+                "statuslabelclass": "label",
+                "statuslabel": "Expired",
+                "statuslabeltitle": "Download has expired. Submit a new request if you wish to export your personal data.",
+                "timecreated" : 1517902087,
+                "requestedbyuser" : {
+                    "fullname": "Martha Smith",
+                    "profileurl": "#"
+                }
@@ -127,7 +140,7 @@
                 <td>{{#userdate}} {{timecreated}}, {{#str}} strftimedatetime {{/str}} {{/userdate}}</td>
                 <td><a href="{{requestedbyuser.profileurl}}" title="{{#str}}viewprofile{{/str}}">{{requestedbyuser.fullname}}</a></td>
-                    <span class="label {{statuslabelclass}}">{{statuslabel}}</span>
+                    <span class="label {{statuslabelclass}}" title="{{statuslabeltitle}}">{{statuslabel}}</span>
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/version.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/version.php
index f5c7977bfbe..68590327f35 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/version.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/version.php
@@ -24,6 +24,6 @@
 defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
-$plugin->version   = 2018051405;
+$plugin->version   = 2018051406;
 $plugin->requires  = 2018050800;        // Moodle 3.5dev (Build 2018031600) and upwards.
 $plugin->component = 'tool_dataprivacy';
diff --git a/privacy/classes/local/request/writer.php b/privacy/classes/local/request/writer.php
index 79a6c7ca676..ff04f3d495d 100644
--- a/privacy/classes/local/request/writer.php
+++ b/privacy/classes/local/request/writer.php
@@ -67,6 +67,24 @@ class writer {
         return $this->realwriter;
+    /**
+     * Create a real content_writer for use by PHPUnit tests,
+     * where a mock writer will not suffice.
+     *
+     * @return  content_writer
+     */
+    public static function setup_real_writer_instance() {
+        if (!PHPUNIT_TEST) {
+            throw new coding_exception('setup_real_writer_instance() is only for use with PHPUnit tests.');
+        }
+        $instance = static::instance();
+        if (null === $instance->realwriter) {
+            $instance->realwriter = new moodle_content_writer(static::instance());
+        }
+    }
      * Return an instance of

From 5f9a31ee796e3c41ae13afc6d5f1757014c07ef7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Hawkins <>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2018 17:13:48 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 3/7] MDL-62660 tool_dataprivacy: Add scheduled task to expire
 data requests

 .../classes/task/delete_expired_requests.php  | 67 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../task/process_data_request_task.php        |  2 +-
 admin/tool/dataprivacy/db/tasks.php           |  8 +++
 .../dataprivacy/lang/en/tool_dataprivacy.php  |  1 +
 4 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/task/delete_expired_requests.php

diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/task/delete_expired_requests.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/task/delete_expired_requests.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1ed3ac8d172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/task/delete_expired_requests.php
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// This file is part of Moodle -
+// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
+ * Scheduled task to delete files and update statuses of expired data requests.
+ *
+ * @package    tool_dataprivacy
+ * @copyright  2018 Michael Hawkins
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+namespace tool_dataprivacy\task;
+use coding_exception;
+use core\task\scheduled_task;
+use tool_dataprivacy\api;
+defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
+require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/' . $CFG->admin . '/tool/dataprivacy/lib.php');
+ * Scheduled task to delete files and update request statuses once they expire.
+ *
+ * @package    tool_dataprivacy
+ * @copyright  2018 Michael Hawkins
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+class delete_expired_requests extends scheduled_task {
+    /**
+     * Returns the task name.
+     *
+     * @return string
+     */
+    public function get_name() {
+        return get_string('deleteexpireddatarequeststask', 'tool_dataprivacy');
+    }
+    /**
+     * Run the task to delete expired data request files and update request statuses.
+     *
+     */
+    public function execute() {
+        $expiredrequests = \tool_dataprivacy\data_request::get_expired_requests();
+        $deletecount = count($expiredrequests);
+        if ($deletecount > 0) {
+            \tool_dataprivacy\data_request::expire($expiredrequests);
+            mtrace($deletecount . ' expired completed data requests have been deleted');
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/task/process_data_request_task.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/task/process_data_request_task.php
index be0c0608edd..c44b661d97f 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/task/process_data_request_task.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/task/process_data_request_task.php
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class process_data_request_task extends adhoc_task {
             $filerecord->author    = fullname($foruser);
             // Save somewhere.
             $thing = $fs->create_file_from_pathname($filerecord, $exportedcontent);
+            $completestatus = api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_READY;
         } else if ($request->type == api::DATAREQUEST_TYPE_DELETE) {
             // Get the collection of approved_contextlist objects needed for core_privacy data deletion.
             $approvedclcollection = api::get_approved_contextlist_collection_for_request($requestpersistent);
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/db/tasks.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/db/tasks.php
index 3a4915b5419..5ee3a19aa17 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/db/tasks.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/db/tasks.php
@@ -42,5 +42,13 @@ $tasks = array(
         'day' => '*',
         'dayofweek' => '*',
         'month' => '*'
+    ), array(
+        'classname' => 'tool_dataprivacy\task\delete_expired_requests',
+        'blocking' => 0,
+        'minute' => 'R',
+        'hour' => 'R',
+        'day' => '*',
+        'dayofweek' => '*',
+        'month' => '*'
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/lang/en/tool_dataprivacy.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/lang/en/tool_dataprivacy.php
index e5810c488ed..a50a2710d41 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/lang/en/tool_dataprivacy.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/lang/en/tool_dataprivacy.php
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ $string['defaultsinfo'] = 'Default categories and purposes are applied to all ne
 $string['deletecategory'] = 'Delete "{$a}" category';
 $string['deletecategorytext'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete "{$a}" category?';
 $string['deleteexpiredcontextstask'] = 'Delete expired contexts';
+$string['deleteexpireddatarequeststask'] = 'Delete files from completed data requests that have expired';
 $string['deletepurpose'] = 'Delete "{$a}" purpose';
 $string['deletepurposetext'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete "{$a}" purpose?';
 $string['defaultssaved'] = 'Defaults saved';

From 95a844ebdc729e0db9f76637c5be2cdfa2068337 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Hawkins <>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2018 15:13:42 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 4/7] MDL-62660 tool_dataprivacy: Add and update PHPUnit tests

Updated tests with latest statuses.
Added testing for request download expiry functionality and method.
Added assign_site_dpo within a parent class for unit tests.
 admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/api_test.php     |  11 +-
 .../tests/data_privacy_testcase.php           |  64 +++++++
 .../tests/expired_data_requests_test.php      | 173 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../tests/manager_observer_test.php           |  38 +---
 4 files changed, 251 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/data_privacy_testcase.php
 create mode 100644 admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/expired_data_requests_test.php

diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/api_test.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/api_test.php
index c341a6309e7..9feebcf055b 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/api_test.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/api_test.php
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ class tool_dataprivacy_api_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
         $requestid = $datarequest->get('id');
         // Update with a valid status.
-        $result = api::update_request_status($requestid, api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE);
+        $result = api::update_request_status($requestid, api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_READY);
         // Fetch the request record again.
         $datarequest = new data_request($requestid);
-        $this->assertEquals(api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE, $datarequest->get('status'));
+        $this->assertEquals(api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_READY, $datarequest->get('status'));
         // Update with an invalid status.
@@ -468,8 +468,8 @@ class tool_dataprivacy_api_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
      * @return array
     public function get_data_requests_provider() {
-        $completeonly = [api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE];
-        $completeandcancelled = [api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE, api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_CANCELLED];
+        $completeandcancelled = array_merge($completeonly, [api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_CANCELLED]);
         return [
             // Own data requests.
@@ -612,6 +612,9 @@ class tool_dataprivacy_api_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
             [api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE, false],
             [api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_CANCELLED, false],
             [api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_REJECTED, false],
+            [api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_READY, false],
+            [api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_EXPIRED, false],
+            [api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DELETED, false],
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/data_privacy_testcase.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/data_privacy_testcase.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..16b48de4c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/data_privacy_testcase.php
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// This file is part of Moodle -
+// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
+ * Parent class for tests which need data privacy functionality.
+ *
+ * @package    tool_dataprivacy
+ * @copyright  2018 Michael Hawkins
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
+ * Parent class for tests which need data privacy functionality.
+ *
+ * @package    tool_dataprivacy
+ * @copyright  2018 Michael Hawkins
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+abstract class data_privacy_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
+    /**
+     * Assign one or more user IDs as site DPO
+     *
+     * @param stdClass|array $users User ID or array of user IDs to be assigned as site DPO
+     * @return void
+     */
+    protected function assign_site_dpo($users) {
+        global $DB;
+        $this->resetAfterTest();
+        if (!is_array($users)) {
+            $users = array($users);
+        }
+        $context = context_system::instance();
+        // Give the manager role with the capability to manage data requests.
+        $managerroleid = $DB->get_field('role', 'id', array('shortname' => 'manager'));
+        assign_capability('tool/dataprivacy:managedatarequests', CAP_ALLOW, $managerroleid, $context->id, true);
+        // Assign user(s) as manager.
+        foreach ($users as $user) {
+            role_assign($managerroleid, $user->id, $context->id);
+        }
+        // Only map the manager role to the DPO role.
+        set_config('dporoles', $managerroleid, 'tool_dataprivacy');
+    }
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/expired_data_requests_test.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/expired_data_requests_test.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..00c6259cc92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/expired_data_requests_test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+// This file is part of Moodle -
+// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
+ * Expired data requests tests.
+ *
+ * @package    tool_dataprivacy
+ * @copyright  2018 Michael Hawkins
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+use tool_dataprivacy\api;
+use tool_dataprivacy\data_request;
+defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
+global $CFG;
+ * Expired data requests tests.
+ *
+ * @package    tool_dataprivacy
+ * @copyright  2018 Michael Hawkins
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+class tool_dataprivacy_expired_data_requests_testcase extends data_privacy_testcase {
+    /**
+     * Test tearDown.
+     */
+    public function tearDown() {
+        \core_privacy\local\request\writer::reset();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Test finding and deleting expired data requests
+     */
+    public function test_data_request_expiry() {
+        global $DB;
+        $this->resetAfterTest();
+        \core_privacy\local\request\writer::setup_real_writer_instance();
+        // Set up test users.
+        $this->setAdminUser();
+        $studentuser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $studentusercontext = context_user::instance($studentuser->id);
+        $dpouser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $this->assign_site_dpo($dpouser);
+        // Set request expiry to 5 minutes.
+        set_config('privacyrequestexpiry', 300, 'tool_dataprivacy');
+        // Create and approve data request.
+        $this->setUser($studentuser->id);
+        $datarequest = api::create_data_request($studentuser->id, api::DATAREQUEST_TYPE_EXPORT);
+        $this->setAdminUser();
+        ob_start();
+        $this->runAdhocTasks('\tool_dataprivacy\task\initiate_data_request_task');
+        $requestid = $datarequest->get('id');
+        $this->setUser($dpouser->id);
+        api::approve_data_request($requestid);
+        $this->setAdminUser();
+        $this->runAdhocTasks('\tool_dataprivacy\task\process_data_request_task');
+        ob_end_clean();
+        // Confirm approved and exported.
+        $request = new data_request($requestid);
+        $this->assertEquals(api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_READY, $request->get('status'));
+        $fileconditions = array(
+            'userid' => $studentuser->id,
+            'component' => 'tool_dataprivacy',
+            'filearea' => 'export',
+            'itemid' => $requestid,
+            'contextid' => $studentusercontext->id,
+        );
+        $this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('files', $fileconditions));
+        // Run expiry deletion - should not affect test export.
+        $expiredrequests = data_request::get_expired_requests();
+        $this->assertEquals(0, count($expiredrequests));
+        data_request::expire($expiredrequests);
+        // Confirm test export was not deleted.
+        $request = new data_request($requestid);
+        $this->assertEquals(api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_READY, $request->get('status'));
+        $this->assertEquals(2, $DB->count_records('files', $fileconditions));
+        // Change request expiry to 1 second and allow it to elapse.
+        set_config('privacyrequestexpiry', 1, 'tool_dataprivacy');
+        $this->waitForSecond();
+        // Re-run expiry deletion, confirm the request expires and export is deleted.
+        $expiredrequests = data_request::get_expired_requests();
+        $this->assertEquals(1, count($expiredrequests));
+        data_request::expire($expiredrequests);
+        $request = new data_request($requestid);
+        $this->assertEquals(api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_EXPIRED, $request->get('status'));
+        $this->assertEquals(0, $DB->count_records('files', $fileconditions));
+    }
+   /**
+    * Test for \tool_dataprivacy\data_request::is_expired()
+    * Tests for the expected request status to protect from false positive/negative,
+    * then tests is_expired() is returning the expected response.
+    */
+    public function test_is_expired() {
+        $this->resetAfterTest();
+        \core_privacy\local\request\writer::setup_real_writer_instance();
+        // Set request expiry beyond this test.
+        set_config('privacyrequestexpiry', 20, 'tool_dataprivacy');
+        $admin = get_admin();
+        $this->setAdminUser();
+        // Create export request.
+        $datarequest = api::create_data_request($admin->id, api::DATAREQUEST_TYPE_EXPORT);
+        $requestid = $datarequest->get('id');
+        // Approve the request.
+        ob_start();
+        $this->runAdhocTasks('\tool_dataprivacy\task\initiate_data_request_task');
+        $this->setAdminUser();
+        api::approve_data_request($requestid);
+        $this->runAdhocTasks('\tool_dataprivacy\task\process_data_request_task');
+        ob_end_clean();
+        // Test Download ready (not expired) response.
+        $request = new data_request($requestid);
+        $this->assertEquals(api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_READY, $request->get('status'));
+        $result = data_request::is_expired($request);
+        $this->assertFalse($result);
+        // Let request expiry time lapse.
+        set_config('privacyrequestexpiry', 1, 'tool_dataprivacy');
+        $this->waitForSecond();
+        // Test Download ready (time expired) response.
+        $request = new data_request($requestid);
+        $this->assertEquals(api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_READY, $request->get('status'));
+        $result = data_request::is_expired($request);
+        $this->assertTrue($result);
+        // Run the expiry task to properly expire the request.
+        ob_start();
+        $task = \core\task\manager::get_scheduled_task('\tool_dataprivacy\task\delete_expired_requests');
+        $task->execute();
+        ob_end_clean();
+        // Test Expired response status response.
+        $request = new data_request($requestid);
+        $this->assertEquals(api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_EXPIRED, $request->get('status'));
+        $result = data_request::is_expired($request);
+        $this->assertTrue($result);
+    }
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/manager_observer_test.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/manager_observer_test.php
index 6c710277501..1c471536fd3 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/manager_observer_test.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/manager_observer_test.php
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  * API tests.
@@ -31,35 +32,7 @@ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  * @copyright  2018 Andrew Nicols <>
  * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
-class tool_dataprivacy_manager_observer_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
-    /**
-     * Helper to set andn return two users who are DPOs.
-     */
-    protected function setup_site_dpos() {
-        global $DB;
-        $this->resetAfterTest();
-        $generator = new testing_data_generator();
-        $u1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
-        $u2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
-        $context = context_system::instance();
-        // Give the manager role with the capability to manage data requests.
-        $managerroleid = $DB->get_field('role', 'id', array('shortname' => 'manager'));
-        assign_capability('tool/dataprivacy:managedatarequests', CAP_ALLOW, $managerroleid, $context->id, true);
-        // Assign both users as manager.
-        role_assign($managerroleid, $u1->id, $context->id);
-        role_assign($managerroleid, $u2->id, $context->id);
-        // Only map the manager role to the DPO role.
-        set_config('dporoles', $managerroleid, 'tool_dataprivacy');
-        return \tool_dataprivacy\api::get_site_dpos();
-    }
+class tool_dataprivacy_manager_observer_testcase extends data_privacy_testcase {
      * Ensure that when users are configured as DPO, they are sent an message upon failure.
@@ -69,8 +42,11 @@ class tool_dataprivacy_manager_observer_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
         // Create another user who is not a DPO.
-        // Create the DPOs.
-        $dpos = $this->setup_site_dpos();
+        // Create two DPOs.
+        $dpo1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $dpo2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
+        $this->assign_site_dpo(array($dpo1, $dpo2));
+        $dpos = \tool_dataprivacy\api::get_site_dpos();
         $observer = new \tool_dataprivacy\manager_observer();

From a1e1cf63fd81f22644adb2564f38345aee3a1d97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Hawkins <>
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2018 16:29:07 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 5/7] MDL-62660 tool_dataprivacy: Behat additions for deletion
 and data expiry

 .../tests/behat/datadelete.feature            | 118 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../tests/behat/dataexport.feature            |  36 +++++-
 2 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/behat/datadelete.feature

diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/behat/datadelete.feature b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/behat/datadelete.feature
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a7d94d6e7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/behat/datadelete.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+@tool @tool_dataprivacy
+Feature: Data delete from the privacy API
+  In order to delete data for users and meet legal requirements
+  As an admin, user, or parent
+  I need to be able to request a user and their data data be deleted
+  Background:
+    Given the following "users" exist:
+      | username | firstname      | lastname |
+      | victim   | Victim User    | 1        |
+      | parent   | Long-suffering | Parent   |
+    And the following "roles" exist:
+      | shortname | name  | archetype |
+      | tired     | Tired |           |
+    And the following "permission overrides" exist:
+      | capability                                   | permission | role  | contextlevel | reference |
+      | tool/dataprivacy:makedatarequestsforchildren | Allow      | tired | System       |           |
+    And the following "role assigns" exist:
+      | user   | role  | contextlevel | reference |
+      | parent | tired | User         | victim    |
+    And the following config values are set as admin:
+      | contactdataprotectionofficer | 1  | tool_dataprivacy |
+  @javascript
+  Scenario: As admin, delete a user and their data
+    Given I log in as "victim"
+    And I should see "Victim User 1"
+    And I log out
+    And I log in as "admin"
+    And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data requests" in site administration
+    And I follow "New request"
+    And I set the field "Requesting for" to "Victim User 1"
+    And I set the field "Type" to "Delete all of my personal data"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    Then I should see "Victim User 1"
+    And I should see "Pending" in the "Victim User 1" "table_row"
+    And I run all adhoc tasks
+    And I reload the page
+    And I should see "Awaiting approval" in the "Victim User 1" "table_row"
+    And I follow "Actions"
+    And I follow "Approve request"
+    And I press "Approve request"
+    And I should see "Approved" in the "Victim User 1" "table_row"
+    And I run all adhoc tasks
+    And I reload the page
+    And I should see "Deleted" in the "Victim User 1" "table_row"
+    And I log out
+    And I log in as "victim"
+    And I should see "Invalid login"
+  @javascript
+  Scenario: As a student, request deletion of account and data
+    Given I log in as "victim"
+    And I follow "Profile" in the user menu
+    And I follow "Data requests"
+    And I follow "New request"
+    And I set the field "Type" to "Delete all of my personal data"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    Then I should see "Delete all of my personal data"
+    And I should see "Pending" in the "Delete all of my personal data" "table_row"
+    And I run all adhoc tasks
+    And I reload the page
+    And I should see "Awaiting approval" in the "Delete all of my personal data" "table_row"
+    And I log out
+    And I log in as "admin"
+    And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data requests" in site administration
+    And I follow "Actions"
+    And I follow "Approve request"
+    And I press "Approve request"
+    And I log out
+    And I log in as "victim"
+    And I follow "Profile" in the user menu
+    And I follow "Data requests"
+    And I should see "Approved" in the "Delete all of my personal data" "table_row"
+    And I run all adhoc tasks
+    And I reload the page
+    And I should see "Your session has timed out"
+    And I log in as "victim"
+    And I should see "Invalid login"
+    And I log in as "admin"
+    And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data requests" in site administration
+    And I should see "Deleted"
+  @javascript
+  Scenario: As a parent, request account and data deletion for my child
+    Given I log in as "parent"
+    And I follow "Profile" in the user menu
+    And I follow "Data requests"
+    And I follow "New request"
+    And I set the field "Requesting for" to "Victim User 1"
+    And I set the field "Type" to "Delete all of my personal data"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    Then I should see "Victim User 1"
+    And I should see "Pending" in the "Victim User 1" "table_row"
+    And I run all adhoc tasks
+    And I reload the page
+    And I should see "Awaiting approval" in the "Victim User 1" "table_row"
+    And I log out
+    And I log in as "admin"
+    And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data requests" in site administration
+    And I follow "Actions"
+    And I follow "Approve request"
+    And I press "Approve request"
+    And I log out
+    And I log in as "parent"
+    And I follow "Profile" in the user menu
+    And I follow "Data requests"
+    And I should see "Approved" in the "Victim User 1" "table_row"
+    And I run all adhoc tasks
+    And I reload the page
+    And I should see "You don't have any personal data requests"
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/behat/dataexport.feature b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/behat/dataexport.feature
index 3ab0467f409..50c58bc2373 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/behat/dataexport.feature
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/behat/dataexport.feature
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ Feature: Data export from the privacy API
       | user   | role  | contextlevel | reference |
       | parent | tired | User         | victim    |
     And the following config values are set as admin:
-      | contactdataprotectionofficer | 1 | tool_dataprivacy |
+      | contactdataprotectionofficer | 1  | tool_dataprivacy |
+      | privacyrequestexpiry         | 55 | tool_dataprivacy |
-  Scenario: As admin, export data for a user and download it
+  Scenario: As admin, export data for a user and download it, unless it has expired
     Given I log in as "admin"
     And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data requests" in site administration
     And I follow "New request"
@@ -39,12 +40,19 @@ Feature: Data export from the privacy API
     And I should see "Approved" in the "Victim User 1" "table_row"
     And I run all adhoc tasks
     And I reload the page
-    And I should see "Complete" in the "Victim User 1" "table_row"
+    And I should see "Download ready" in the "Victim User 1" "table_row"
     And I follow "Actions"
     And following "Download" should download between "1" and "100000" bytes
+    And the following config values are set as admin:
+      | privacyrequestexpiry | 1 | tool_dataprivacy |
+    And I wait "1" seconds
+    And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data requests" in site administration
+    And I should see "Expired" in the "Victim User 1" "table_row"
+    And I follow "Actions"
+    And I should not see "Download"
-  Scenario: As a student, request data export and then download it when approved
+  Scenario: As a student, request data export and then download it when approved, unless it has expired
     Given I log in as "victim"
     And I follow "Profile" in the user menu
     And I follow "Data requests"
@@ -70,10 +78,18 @@ Feature: Data export from the privacy API
     And I should see "Approved" in the "Export all of my personal data" "table_row"
     And I run all adhoc tasks
     And I reload the page
-    And I should see "Complete" in the "Export all of my personal data" "table_row"
+    And I should see "Download ready" in the "Export all of my personal data" "table_row"
     And I follow "Actions"
     And following "Download" should download between "1" and "100000" bytes
+    And the following config values are set as admin:
+      | privacyrequestexpiry | 1 | tool_dataprivacy |
+    And I wait "1" seconds
+    And I reload the page
+    And I should see "Expired" in the "Export all of my personal data" "table_row"
+    And I should not see "Actions"
   Scenario: As a parent, request data export for my child because I don't trust the little blighter
     Given I log in as "parent"
@@ -102,6 +118,14 @@ Feature: Data export from the privacy API
     And I should see "Approved" in the "Victim User 1" "table_row"
     And I run all adhoc tasks
     And I reload the page
-    And I should see "Complete" in the "Victim User 1" "table_row"
+    And I should see "Download ready" in the "Victim User 1" "table_row"
     And I follow "Actions"
     And following "Download" should download between "1" and "100000" bytes
+    And the following config values are set as admin:
+      | privacyrequestexpiry | 1 | tool_dataprivacy |
+    And I wait "1" seconds
+    And I reload the page
+    And I should see "Expired" in the "Victim User 1" "table_row"
+    And I should not see "Actions"

From 237c85d303a1f001bb02cb5ef5f421a2c69d5767 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jun Pataleta <>
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2018 09:18:00 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 6/7] MDL-62660 tool_dataprivacy: CI fixes

 admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/data_request.php        |  4 ++--
 admin/tool/dataprivacy/db/upgrade.php                  |  1 -
 .../dataprivacy/tests/expired_data_requests_test.php   | 10 +++++-----
 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/data_request.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/data_request.php
index c41db11e839..92c8c1ff243 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/data_request.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/classes/data_request.php
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class data_request extends persistent {
         $expiryseconds = get_config('tool_dataprivacy', 'privacyrequestexpiry');
         $expirytime = strtotime("-{$expiryseconds} second");
-        $table = data_request::TABLE;
+        $table = self::TABLE;
         $sqlwhere = 'type = :export_type AND status = :completestatus AND timemodified <= :expirytime';
         $params = array(
             'export_type' => api::DATAREQUEST_TYPE_EXPORT,
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class data_request extends persistent {
             $initialparams = array(api::DATAREQUEST_STATUS_EXPIRED, time());
             $params = array_merge($initialparams, $inparams);
-            $update = "UPDATE {" . data_request::TABLE . "}
+            $update = "UPDATE {" . self::TABLE . "}
                           SET status = ?, timemodified = ?
                         WHERE id $insql";
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/db/upgrade.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/db/upgrade.php
index 9885e626346..6ad876c0e20 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/db/upgrade.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/db/upgrade.php
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
 defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
-use tool_dataprivacy\api;
  * Function to upgrade tool_dataprivacy.
diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/expired_data_requests_test.php b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/expired_data_requests_test.php
index 00c6259cc92..662d9abd51f 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/expired_data_requests_test.php
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/expired_data_requests_test.php
@@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ class tool_dataprivacy_expired_data_requests_testcase extends data_privacy_testc
-   /**
-    * Test for \tool_dataprivacy\data_request::is_expired()
-    * Tests for the expected request status to protect from false positive/negative,
-    * then tests is_expired() is returning the expected response.
-    */
+    /**
+     * Test for \tool_dataprivacy\data_request::is_expired()
+     * Tests for the expected request status to protect from false positive/negative,
+     * then tests is_expired() is returning the expected response.
+     */
     public function test_is_expired() {

From 4ecb1c622106bfb0ecf5af28daea0a105351eb90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jun Pataleta <>
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2018 10:27:10 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 7/7] MDL-62660 tool_dataprivacy: Behat fix for data deletion

 admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/behat/datadelete.feature | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/behat/datadelete.feature b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/behat/datadelete.feature
index a7d94d6e7a2..c6454bd5504 100644
--- a/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/behat/datadelete.feature
+++ b/admin/tool/dataprivacy/tests/behat/datadelete.feature
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ Feature: Data delete from the privacy API
     And I should see "Invalid login"
     And I log in as "admin"
+    And I am on site homepage
     And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data requests" in site administration
     And I should see "Deleted"