MDL-47064 Grades: Make the contribution to total column work

Part of: MDL-46576
This commit is contained in:
Damyon Wiese 2014-09-23 15:38:54 +08:00 committed by Adrian Greeve
parent 53771c404f
commit 446467f0d3
3 changed files with 88 additions and 317 deletions

View File

@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ class grade_report_user extends grade_report {
return true;
private function fill_table_recursive(&$element) {
private function fill_table_recursive(&$element, &$aggregationhints = array()) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$type = $element['type'];
@ -620,52 +620,16 @@ class grade_report_user extends grade_report {
$data['contributiontocoursetotal']['class'] = $class;
$data['contributiontocoursetotal']['content'] = '-';
$data['contributiontocoursetotal']['headers'] = "$header_cat $header_row contributiontocoursetotal";
if (($type != 'categoryitem') && ($type != 'courseitem')) {
$weight = $grade_grade->get_aggregation_weight($grade_object);
if (is_numeric($weight)) {
$me = $grade_grade->grade_item;
$percentoftotal = $hint;
$validpercent = true;
$parent = null;
while ((!$me->is_course_item()) && ($validpercent)) {
// The parent of a category grade item is itself (yes - how odd).
// This means we need to use the parent of the grade_category if it exists.
if (!empty($parent)) {
$parent = $parent->get_parent_category();
} else {
$parent = $me->get_parent_category();
$parentgradeitem = $parent->load_grade_item();
$parentgradegrade = grade_grade::fetch(array('itemid'=>$parentgradeitem->id, 'userid'=>$this->user->id));
if (!$parentgradegrade) {
$validpercent = false;
$hint = $parentgradegrade->get_aggregation_hint($parentgradeitem);
$me = $parentgradeitem;
if (!is_numeric($hint)) {
// It's OK for the course grade item to not have a usedinaggregation value.
$validpercent = $parentgradeitem->is_course_item();
$thispercent = $hint;
$percentoftotal *= $thispercent;
if ($validpercent) {
$grademin = $grade_grade->grade_item->grademin;
$grademax = $grade_grade->grade_item->grademax;
$finalgrade = $grade_grade->finalgrade;
$contribution = format_float(((($finalgrade-$grademin)/($grademax-$grademin)*($percentoftotal * 100.0))),2);
$data['contributiontocoursetotal']['content'] = $contribution;
} **/
$hint = $grade_grade->get_aggregation_hint($grade_object);
if ($hint && is_numeric($hint)) {
$data['contributiontocoursetotal']['content'] = $hint;
$data['contributiontocoursetotal']['content'] .= ' ' . $grade_grade->finalgrade . ' ' . $grade_grade->rawgrademin . ' ' . $grade_grade->rawgrademax;
$hint['grademax'] = $grade_grade->grade_item->grademax;
$hint['grademin'] = $grade_grade->grade_item->grademin;
$hint['grade'] = $gradeval;
$parent = $grade_object->load_parent_category();
if ($grade_object->is_category_item()) {
$parent = $parent->load_parent_category();
$hint['parent'] = $parent->load_grade_item()->id;
$aggregationhints[$grade_grade->itemid] = $hint;
@ -692,7 +656,57 @@ class grade_report_user extends grade_report {
/// Recursively iterate through all child elements
if (isset($element['children'])) {
foreach ($element['children'] as $key=>$child) {
$this->fill_table_recursive($element['children'][$key], $aggregationhints);
if ($this->showcontributiontocoursetotal && ($type == 'category' && $depth == 1)) {
// We should have collected all the hints by now - walk the tree again and build the contributions column.
$this->fill_contributions_column($element, $aggregationhints);
public function fill_contributions_column($element, $aggregationhints) {
/// Recursively iterate through all child elements
if (isset($element['children'])) {
foreach ($element['children'] as $key=>$child) {
$this->fill_contributions_column($element['children'][$key], $aggregationhints);
} else if ($element['type'] == 'item') {
$grade_object = $element['object'];
$itemid = $grade_object->id;
if (isset($aggregationhints[$itemid])) {
$graderange = $aggregationhints[$itemid]['grademax'] - $aggregationhints[$itemid]['grademin'];
$gradeval = ($aggregationhints[$itemid]['grade'] - $aggregationhints[$itemid]['grademin']) / $graderange;
$parent = $aggregationhints[$itemid]['parent'];
do {
if (!is_null($aggregationhints[$itemid]['weight'])) {
$gradeval *= $aggregationhints[$itemid]['weight'];
if (isset($aggregationhints[$itemid]['parent']) &&
$aggregationhints[$itemid]['parent'] != $itemid) {
$parent = $aggregationhints[$itemid]['parent'];
$itemid = $parent;
} else {
$parent = false;
} while ($parent);
$gradeval *= $aggregationhints[$itemid]['grademax'];
$header_row = "row_{$grade_object->id}_{$this->user->id}";
foreach ($this->tabledata as $key => $row) {
if (isset($row['itemname']) &&
($row['itemname']['id'] == $header_row)) {
$decimals = $grade_object->get_decimals();
$this->tabledata[$key]['contributiontocoursetotal']['content'] = format_float($gradeval, $decimals, true);

View File

@ -265,14 +265,40 @@ Feature: We can use calculated grade totals
And I turn editing mode off
Then I should see "152.68 (24.43 %)" in the ".course" "css_element"
And I navigate to "Course grade settings" node in "Grade administration > Settings"
And I set the field "Hide totals if they contain hidden items" to "Show totals excluding hidden items"
And I set the field "report_overview_showtotalsifcontainhidden" to "Show totals excluding hidden items"
And I set the field "report_user_showtotalsifcontainhidden" to "Show totals excluding hidden items"
And I set the field "Show contribution to course total" to "Show"
And I set the field "Show weightings" to "Show"
And I press "Save changes"
And I set the field "Grade report" to "User report"
And the following should exist in the "user-grade" table:
| Grade item | Calculated weight | Grade | Range |
| Test assignment five | 28.57 % | 10.00 (50.00 %) | 020 |
| Test assignment six | 50.00 % | 5.00 (50.00 %) | 010 |
| Test assignment seven | 21.43 % | - | 015 |
| Test assignment eight | 66.67 % | 10.00 (50.00 %) | 020 |
| Test assignment nine | 33.33 % | 5.00 (50.00 %) | 010 |
| Test assignment ten | -( Empty ) | - | 015 |
| Test assignment one | 48.00 % | 60.00 (20.00 %) | 0300 |
| Test assignment two | 16.00 % | 20.00 (20.00 %) | 0100 |
| Test assignment three | 24.00 %( Extra credit ) | 40.00 (26.67 %) | 0150 |
| Test assignment four | 24.00 % | - | 0150 |
And I log out
And I log in as "student1"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I follow "Grades"
And I set the field "Grade report" to "Overview report"
And I should see "113.75 (23.45 %)" in the "overview-grade" "table"
And I set the field "Grade report" to "User report"
And the following should exist in the "user-grade" table:
| Grade item | Calculated weight | Grade | Range |
| Test assignment six | 70.00 % | 5.00 (50.00 %) | 010 |
| Test assignment seven | 30.00 % | - | 015 |
| Test assignment nine | 100.00 % | 5.00 (50.00 %) | 010 |
| Test assignment ten | -( Empty ) | - | 015 |
| Test assignment one | 61.86 % | 60.00 (20.00 %) | 0300 |
| Test assignment three | 30.93 %( Extra credit ) | 40.00 (26.67 %) | 0150 |
| Test assignment four | 30.93 % | - | 0150 |
Scenario: Natural aggregation with drop lowest

View File

@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
@core @core_grades
Feature: We can understand the gradebook user report
In order to understand the gradebook user report
As an teacher
I need to see the calculated weights for each type of aggregation
Given the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category | groupmode |
| Course 1 | C1 | 0 | 1 |
And the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email | idnumber |
| teacher1 | Teacher | 1 | | t1 |
| student1 | Student | 1 | | s1 |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |
| student1 | C1 | student |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | course | idnumber | name | intro |
| assign | C1 | a1 | Test assignment one | Submit something! |
| assign | C1 | a2 | Test assignment two | Submit something! |
| assign | C1 | a3 | Test assignment three | Submit something! |
| assign | C1 | a4 | Test assignment four | Submit something! |
| assign | C1 | a5 | Test assignment five | Submit something! |
| assign | C1 | a6 | Test assignment six | Submit something! |
And I log in as "admin"
And I set the following administration settings values:
| grade_aggregations_visible | Mean of grades,Weighted mean of grades,Simple weighted mean of grades,Mean of grades (with extra credits),Median of grades,Lowest grade,Highest grade,Mode of grades,Natural |
And I log out
And I log in as "teacher1"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I follow "Grades"
And I turn editing mode on
And I give the grade "60.00" to the user "Student 1" for the grade item "Test assignment one"
And I give the grade "20.00" to the user "Student 1" for the grade item "Test assignment two"
And I give the grade "40.00" to the user "Student 1" for the grade item "Test assignment three"
And I give the grade "10.00" to the user "Student 1" for the grade item "Test assignment four"
And I give the grade "70.00" to the user "Student 1" for the grade item "Test assignment five"
And I give the grade "30.00" to the user "Student 1" for the grade item "Test assignment six"
And I press "Save changes"
And I navigate to "Course grade settings" node in "Grade administration > Settings"
And I set the field "Show weightings" to "Show"
And I set the field "Show contribution to course total" to "Show"
And I press "Save changes"
And I set the field "Grade report" to "Set up grades layout"
And I press "Add category"
And I set the field "Category name" to "Sub category"
And I press "Save changes"
And I click on "Move" "link" in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
# This xpath finds the forth last row in the table.
And I click on "Move to here" "link" in the "//tbody//tr[position()=last()-3]" "xpath_element"
And I click on "Move" "link" in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And I click on "Move to here" "link" in the "//tbody//tr[position()=last()-3]" "xpath_element"
And I click on "Move" "link" in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And I click on "Move to here" "link" in the "//tbody//tr[position()=last()-3]" "xpath_element"
Scenario: Mean of grades aggregation
And I set the following settings for grade item "Course 1":
| Aggregation | Mean of grades |
And I set the field "Grade report" to "User report"
And I set the field "Select all or one user" to "Student 1"
# Check the values in the weights column.
Then "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '25.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '25.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '25.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
# Check the values in the contributions column.
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '25.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '25.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '25.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '8.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '8.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '8.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
Scenario: Weighted mean of grades aggregation
And I set the following settings for grade item "Course 1":
| Aggregation | Weighted mean of grades |
And I set the following settings for grade item "Test assignment one":
| Item weight | 2.0 |
And I set the following settings for grade item "Test assignment two":
| Item weight | 1.0 |
And I set the following settings for grade item "Test assignment three":
| Item weight | 1.0 |
And I set the following settings for grade item "Sub category":
| Item weight | 1.0 |
And I set the field "Grade report" to "User report"
And I set the field "Select all or one user" to "Student 1"
# Check the values in the weights column.
Then "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '40.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '20.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '20.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
# Check the values in the contributions column.
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '40.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '20.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '20.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '6.67 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '6.67 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '6.67 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
Scenario: Simple weighted mean of grades aggregation
And I set the following settings for grade item "Course 1":
| Aggregation | Simple weighted mean of grades |
And I set the following settings for grade item "Test assignment three":
| Extra credit | 1 |
And I set the field "Grade report" to "User report"
And I set the field "Select all or one user" to "Student 1"
# Check the values in the weights column.
Then "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., 'Extra credit')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
# Check the values in the contributions column.
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '-')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '11.11 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '11.11 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '11.11 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
Scenario: Mean of grades (with extra credits) aggregation
And I set the following settings for grade item "Course 1":
| Aggregation | Mean of grades (with extra credits) |
And I set the following settings for grade item "Test assignment three":
| Extra credit weight | 1.0 |
And I set the field "Grade report" to "User report"
And I set the field "Select all or one user" to "Student 1"
# Check the values in the weights column.
Then "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., 'Extra credit')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
# Check the values in the contributions column.
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '-')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '11.11 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '11.11 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '11.11 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
Scenario: Median of grades aggregation
And I set the following settings for grade item "Course 1":
| Aggregation | Median of grades |
And I set the field "Grade report" to "User report"
And I set the field "Select all or one user" to "Student 1"
# Check the values in the weights column.
Then "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '25.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '25.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '25.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
# Check the values in the contributions column.
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '25.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '25.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '25.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '8.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '8.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '8.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
Scenario: Lowest grade aggregation
And I set the following settings for grade item "Course 1":
| Aggregation | Lowest grade |
And I set the field "Grade report" to "User report"
And I set the field "Select all or one user" to "Student 1"
# Check the values in the weights column.
Then "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '100.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
# Check the values in the contributions column.
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '100.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
Scenario: Highest grade aggregation
And I set the following settings for grade item "Course 1":
| Aggregation | Highest grade |
And I set the field "Grade report" to "User report"
And I set the field "Select all or one user" to "Student 1"
# Check the values in the weights column.
Then "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '100.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
# Check the values in the contributions column.
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '100.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
Scenario: Mode of grades aggregation
And I set the following settings for grade item "Course 1":
| Aggregation | Mode of grades |
And I set the field "Grade report" to "User report"
And I set the field "Select all or one user" to "Student 1"
# Check the values in the weights column.
Then "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '100.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
# Check the values in the contributions column.
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '100.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '0.00 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
Scenario: Natural aggregation
And I set the following settings for grade item "Course 1":
| Aggregation | Natural |
And I set the following settings for grade item "Test assignment three":
| Extra credit | 1 |
And I set the field "Grade report" to "User report"
And I set the field "Select all or one user" to "Student 1"
# Check the values in the weights column.
Then "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '38.30 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '12.77 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., 'Extra credit')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'weight') and contains(., '33.33 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"
# Check the values in the contributions column.
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '38.30 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment one" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '12.77 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment two" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '-')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment three" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '7.80 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment four" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '7.80 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment five" "table_row"
And "//td[contains(@headers,'contributiontocoursetotal') and contains(., '7.80 %')]" "xpath_element" should exist in the "Test assignment six" "table_row"