Fixed a tricky little bug with usergetmidnight() when no timezone was defined.

This commit is contained in:
martin 2002-08-08 17:28:30 +00:00
parent a2ab3b0511
commit 4606d9bb9f

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@ -352,10 +352,18 @@ function usertime($date, $timezone=99) {
function usergetmidnight($date, $timezone=99) {
// Given a time, return the GMT timestamp of the most recent midnight
// for the current user.
global $USER;
if ($timezone == 99) {
$timezone = (float)$USER->timezone;
$userdate = usergetdate($date, $timezone);
if (abs($timezone) > 12) {
return mktime(0, 0, 0, $userdate["mon"], $userdate["mday"], $userdate["year"]);
$timemidnight = gmmktime (0, 0, 0, $userdate["mon"], $userdate["mday"], $userdate["year"]);
return usertime($timemidnight, $timezone); // Time of midnight of this user's day, in GMT