mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 12:40:01 +01:00
Some fixes to the functions for fetching users (some of it is backing
out Scott's changes, sorry Scott!) and some fixes to the interface for the admin user page.
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,8 +106,16 @@
$strsearch = get_string("search");
$strshowallusers = get_string("showallusers");
print_header("$site->shortname: $stredituser", $site->fullname,
"<a href=\"index.php\">$stradministration</a> -> <a href=\"users.php\">$strusers</a> -> $stredituser");
if ($firstinitial or $lastinitial or $search or $page) {
print_header("$site->shortname: $stredituser", $site->fullname,
"<a href=\"index.php\">$stradministration</a> -> ".
"<a href=\"users.php\">$strusers</a> -> ".
"<a href=\"user.php\">$stredituser</a>");
} else {
print_header("$site->shortname: $stredituser", $site->fullname,
"<a href=\"index.php\">$stradministration</a> -> ".
"<a href=\"users.php\">$strusers</a> -> $stredituser");
if ($confirmuser) {
if (!$user = get_record("user", "id", "$confirmuser")) {
@ -189,144 +197,149 @@
$sort = "firstname";
if (!$users = get_course_students(0, $sort, $dir, $page*$perpage, $perpage, $firstinitial, $lastinitial, NULL, $search)) {
if (!$users = get_course_students(0, $sort, $dir, $page*$perpage, $perpage, $firstinitial, $lastinitial)) {
error("No users found!");
} else {
notify(get_string("nousersmatching", "", $search));
$search = "";
$users = get_users_listing($sort, $dir, $page*$perpage, $perpage, $search, $firstinitial, $lastinitial);
$usercount = get_users(false);
$usersearchcount = get_users(false, $search, true, "", "", $firstinitial, $lastinitial);
if ($firstinitial or $lastinitial) {
$course->id = 0; // don't look in user_students table, but just user table
$usercount = count_course_students($course, "", $firstinitial, $lastinitial);
if ($search) {
$usersearchcount = get_users(false, $search);
if ($search or $firstinitial or $lastinitial) {
print_heading("$usersearchcount / $usercount ".get_string("users"));
$usercount = $usersearchcount;
} else {
print_heading("$usercount ".get_string("users"));
if ($usercount > $perpage) {
$alphabet = explode(',', get_string('alphabet'));
$strall = get_string("all");
$alphabet = explode(',', get_string('alphabet'));
$strall = get_string("all");
/// Bar of first initials
echo "<center><p align=\"center\">";
echo get_string("firstname")." : ";
if ($firstinitial) {
echo " <a href=\"user.php?sort=firstname&dir=ASC&".
"perpage=$perpage&lastinitial=$lastinitial\">$strall</a> ";
echo "<center><p align=\"center\">";
echo get_string("firstname")." : ";
if ($firstinitial) {
echo " <a href=\"user.php?sort=firstname&dir=ASC&".
"perpage=$perpage&lastinitial=$lastinitial\">$strall</a> ";
} else {
echo " <b>$strall</b> ";
foreach ($alphabet as $letter) {
if ($letter == $firstinitial) {
echo " <b>$letter</b> ";
} else {
echo " <b>$strall</b> ";
echo " <a href=\"user.php?sort=firstname&dir=ASC&".
"perpage=$perpage&lastinitial=$lastinitial&firstinitial=$letter\">$letter</a> ";
foreach ($alphabet as $letter) {
if ($letter == $firstinitial) {
echo " <b>$letter</b> ";
} else {
echo " <a href=\"user.php?sort=firstname&dir=ASC&".
"perpage=$perpage&lastinitial=$lastinitial&firstinitial=$letter\">$letter</a> ";
echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";
/// Bar of last initials
echo get_string("lastname")." : ";
if ($lastinitial) {
echo " <a href=\"user.php?sort=lastname&dir=ASC&".
"perpage=$perpage&firstinitial=$firstinitial\">$strall</a> ";
} else {
echo " <b>$strall</b> ";
foreach ($alphabet as $letter) {
if ($letter == $lastinitial) {
echo " <b>$letter</b> ";
} else {
echo " <a href=\"user.php?sort=lastname&dir=ASC&".
"perpage=$perpage&firstinitial=$firstinitial&lastinitial=$letter\">$letter</a> ";
echo "</p>";
echo "</center>";
print_paging_bar($usercount, $page, $perpage,
echo get_string("lastname")." : ";
if ($lastinitial) {
echo " <a href=\"user.php?sort=lastname&dir=ASC&".
"perpage=$perpage&firstinitial=$firstinitial\">$strall</a> ";
} else {
echo " <b>$strall</b> ";
foreach ($alphabet as $letter) {
if ($letter == $lastinitial) {
echo " <b>$letter</b> ";
} else {
echo " <a href=\"user.php?sort=lastname&dir=ASC&".
"perpage=$perpage&firstinitial=$firstinitial&lastinitial=$letter\">$letter</a> ";
echo "</p>";
echo "</center>";
print_paging_bar($usercount, $page, $perpage,
$countries = get_list_of_countries();
foreach ($users as $key => $user) {
if (!empty($user->country)) {
$users[$key]->country = $countries[$user->country];
if (!$users) {
$match = array();
if ($search) {
$match[] = $search;
if ($sort == "country") { // Need to resort by full country name, not code
if ($firstinitial) {
$match[] = get_string("firstname").": $firstinitial"."___";
if ($lastinitial) {
$match[] = get_string("lastname").": $lastinitial"."___";
$matchstring = implode(", ", $match);
print_heading(get_string("nousersmatching", "", $matchstring));
} else {
$countries = get_list_of_countries();
foreach ($users as $key => $user) {
if (!empty($user->country)) {
$users[$key]->country = $countries[$user->country];
if ($sort == "country") { // Need to resort by full country name, not code
foreach ($users as $user) {
$susers[$user->id] = $user->country;
foreach ($susers as $key => $value) {
$nusers[] = $users[$key];
$users = $nusers;
$table->head = array ("$firstname / $lastname", $email, $city, $country, $lastaccess, "", "", "");
$table->align = array ("left", "left", "left", "left", "left", "center", "center", "center");
$table->width = "95%";
foreach ($users as $user) {
$susers[$user->id] = $user->country;
if ($user->id == $USER->id or $user->username == "changeme") {
$deletebutton = "";
} else {
$deletebutton = "<a href=\"user.php?delete=$user->id\">$strdelete</a>";
if ($user->lastaccess) {
$strlastaccess = format_time(time() - $user->lastaccess);
} else {
$strlastaccess = get_string("never");
if ($user->confirmed == 0) {
$confirmbutton = "<a href=\"user.php?confirmuser=$user->id\">" . get_string("confirm") . "</a>";
} else {
$confirmbutton = "";
$fullname = fullname($user, true);
$table->data[] = array ("<a href=\"../user/view.php?id=$user->id&course=$site->id\">$fullname</a>",
"<a href=\"../user/edit.php?id=$user->id&course=$site->id\">$stredit</a>",
foreach ($susers as $key => $value) {
$nusers[] = $users[$key];
echo "<table align=center cellpadding=10><tr><td>";
echo "<form action=user.php method=post>";
echo "<input type=text name=search value=\"$search\" size=20>";
echo "<input type=submit value=\"$strsearch\">";
if ($search) {
echo "<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"document.location='user.php';\" value=\"$strshowallusers\">";
$users = $nusers;
echo "</form>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
print_paging_bar($usercount, $page, $perpage,
$table->head = array ("$firstname / $lastname", $email, $city, $country, $lastaccess, "", "", "");
$table->align = array ("left", "left", "left", "left", "left", "center", "center", "center");
$table->width = "95%";
foreach ($users as $user) {
if ($user->id == $USER->id or $user->username == "changeme") {
$deletebutton = "";
} else {
$deletebutton = "<a href=\"user.php?delete=$user->id\">$strdelete</a>";
if ($user->lastaccess) {
$strlastaccess = format_time(time() - $user->lastaccess);
} else {
$strlastaccess = get_string("never");
if ($user->confirmed == 0) {
$confirmbutton = "<a href=\"user.php?confirmuser=$user->id\">" . get_string("confirm") . "</a>";
} else {
$confirmbutton = "";
$fullname = fullname($user, true);
$table->data[] = array ("<a href=\"../user/view.php?id=$user->id&course=$site->id\">$fullname</a>",
"<a href=\"../user/edit.php?id=$user->id&course=$site->id\">$stredit</a>",
echo "<table align=center cellpadding=10><tr><td>";
echo "<form action=user.php method=post>";
echo "<input type=text name=search value=\"$search\" size=20>";
echo "<input type=submit value=\"$strsearch\">";
if ($search) {
echo "<input type=\"button\" onclick=\"document.location='user.php';\" value=\"$strshowallusers\">";
echo "</form>";
echo "</td></tr></table>";
print_paging_bar($usercount, $page, $perpage,
if ($CFG->auth == "email" || $CFG->auth == "none" || $CFG->auth == "manual"){
print_heading("<a href=\"user.php?newuser=true\">".get_string("addnewuser")."</a>");
@ -1138,9 +1138,7 @@ function get_course_students($courseid, $sort="s.timeaccess", $dir="", $page=0,
$groupmembers = '';
$userstudents = '';
$userstudentcolumns = '';
$select = " u.deleted = '0' ";
$select = "s.course = '$courseid' AND s.userid = u.id AND u.deleted = '0' ";
if ($search) {
$search = " AND ($fullname $LIKE '%$search%' OR email $LIKE '%$search%') ";
@ -1162,23 +1160,16 @@ function get_course_students($courseid, $sort="s.timeaccess", $dir="", $page=0,
$select .= " AND u.id = gm.userid AND gm.groupid = '$group'";
if ($courseid != 0) {
$userstudents = ", {$CFG->prefix}user_students s ";
$select .= " AND s.course = '$courseid' AND s.userid = u.id";
$userstudentcolumns = ", s.timeaccess as lastaccess";
} else {
$userstudentcolumns = ", u.lastaccess as lastaccess";
if ($sort) {
$sort = " ORDER BY $sort ";
return get_records_sql("SELECT u.id, u.confirmed, u.username, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.maildisplay, u.mailformat,
u.email, u.city, u.country, u.picture, u.department, u.institution,
u.emailstop, u.lang, u.timezone $userstudentcolumns
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u $userstudents $groupmembers
u.emailstop, u.lang, u.timezone, s.timeaccess as lastaccess
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}user_students s
WHERE $select $search $sort $dir $limit");
@ -1193,20 +1184,20 @@ function count_course_students($course, $search="", $firstinitial="", $lastiniti
switch ($CFG->dbtype) {
case "mysql":
$fullname = " CONCAT(firstname,\" \",lastname) ";
$fullname = " firstname||\' \'||lastname ";
$groupmembers = "";
$userstudents = "";
$select = " u.deleted = '0'";
$select = "s.course = '$course->id' AND s.userid = u.id AND u.deleted = '0'";
if ($search) {
$select .= " AND u.firstname $LIKE '%$search%' OR u.lastname $LIKE '%$search%'";
$search = " AND ($fullname $LIKE '%$search%' OR email $LIKE '%$search%') ";
if ($firstinitial) {
$select .= " AND u.firstname $LIKE '$firstinitial%'";
@ -1223,13 +1214,9 @@ function count_course_students($course, $search="", $firstinitial="", $lastiniti
$select .= " AND u.id = gm.userid AND gm.groupid = '$group'";
if ($course->id != 0) {
$userstudents = ", {$CFG->prefix}user_students s ";
$select .= " AND s.course = '$course->id' AND s.userid = u.id";
return count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u $userstudents $groupmembers
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}user_students s $groupmembers
WHERE $select");
@ -1353,7 +1340,8 @@ function get_site_users($sort="u.lastaccess DESC", $select="") {
* @param array(int) $exceptions a list of IDs to ignore, eg 2,4,5,8,9,10
* @param string $sort a SQL snippet for the sorting criteria to use
function get_users($get=true, $search="", $confirmed=false, $exceptions="", $sort="firstname ASC") {
function get_users($get=true, $search="", $confirmed=false, $exceptions="", $sort="firstname ASC",
$firstinitial="", $lastinitial="") {
global $CFG;
@ -1371,18 +1359,27 @@ function get_users($get=true, $search="", $confirmed=false, $exceptions="", $sor
$select = "username <> 'guest' AND deleted = 0";
if ($search) {
$search = " AND ($fullname $LIKE '%$search%' OR email $LIKE '%$search%') ";
$select .= " AND ($fullname $LIKE '%$search%' OR email $LIKE '%$search%') ";
if ($confirmed) {
$confirmed = " AND confirmed = '1' ";
$select .= " AND confirmed = '1' ";
if ($exceptions) {
$exceptions = " AND id NOT IN ($exceptions) ";
$select .= " AND id NOT IN ($exceptions) ";
if ($firstinitial) {
$select .= " AND firstname $LIKE '$firstinitial%'";
if ($lastinitial) {
$select .= " AND lastname $LIKE '$lastinitial%'";
if ($sort and $get) {
$sort = " ORDER BY $sort ";
} else {
@ -1390,9 +1387,9 @@ function get_users($get=true, $search="", $confirmed=false, $exceptions="", $sor
if ($get) {
return get_records_select("user", "username <> 'guest' AND deleted = 0 $search $confirmed $exceptions $sort");
return get_records_select("user", "$select $sort");
} else {
return count_records_select("user", "username <> 'guest' AND deleted = 0 $search $confirmed $exceptions $sort");
return count_records_select("user", "$select $sort");
@ -1404,7 +1401,9 @@ function get_users($get=true, $search="", $confirmed=false, $exceptions="", $sor
* @param type description
function get_users_listing($sort, $dir="ASC", $page=1, $recordsperpage=20, $search="") {
function get_users_listing($sort="lastaccess", $dir="ASC", $page=0, $recordsperpage=99999,
$search="", $firstinitial="", $lastinitial="") {
global $CFG;
switch ($CFG->dbtype) {
@ -1420,23 +1419,36 @@ function get_users_listing($sort, $dir="ASC", $page=1, $recordsperpage=20, $sear
$limit = "LIMIT $recordsperpage,$page";
$fullname = " firstname||\" \"||lastname ";
$fullname = " firstname||' '||lastname ";
$select = 'deleted <> 1';
if ($search) {
$search = " AND ($fullname $LIKE '%$search%' OR email $LIKE '%$search%') ";
$select .= " AND ($fullname $LIKE '%$search%' OR email $LIKE '%$search%') ";
/// warning: will return unconfirmed users
if ($firstinitial) {
$select .= " AND firstname $LIKE '$firstinitial%' ";
if ($lastinitial) {
$select .= " AND lastname $LIKE '$lastinitial%' ";
if ($sort) {
$sort = " ORDER BY $sort $dir";
/// warning: will return UNCONFIRMED USERS
return get_records_sql("SELECT id, username, email, firstname, lastname, city, country, lastaccess, confirmed
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user
WHERE username <> 'guest'
AND deleted <> 1 $search
ORDER BY $sort $dir $limit");
WHERE $select $sort $limit ");
* shortdesc
Reference in New Issue
Block a user