diff --git a/blocks/course_overview/lang/en/block_course_overview.php b/blocks/course_overview/lang/en/block_course_overview.php
index a78eaa7a519..ec9c06308be 100644
--- a/blocks/course_overview/lang/en/block_course_overview.php
+++ b/blocks/course_overview/lang/en/block_course_overview.php
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 $string['activityoverview'] = 'You have {$a}s that need attention';
 $string['alwaysshowall'] = 'Always show all';
 $string['collapseall'] = 'Collapse all course lists';
-$string['configotherexpanded'] = 'If enabled, other courses will be expanded by default unless overriden by user preferences.';
+$string['configotherexpanded'] = 'If enabled, other courses will be expanded by default unless overridden by user preferences.';
 $string['configpreservestates'] = 'If enabled, the collapsed/expanded states set by the user are stored and used on each load.';
 $string['course_overview:addinstance'] = 'Add a new course overview block';
 $string['course_overview:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new course overview block to My home';
diff --git a/lang/en/moodle.php b/lang/en/moodle.php
index eb8c403c9fa..4b1272c0e6c 100644
--- a/lang/en/moodle.php
+++ b/lang/en/moodle.php
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ $string['courserequestintro'] = 'Use this form to request a course to be created
 $string['courserequestreason'] = 'Reasons for wanting this course';
 $string['courserequestsuccess'] = 'Your course request has been saved successfully. You will be sent an email to inform you whether your request was approved.';
 $string['courserequestsupport'] = 'Supporting information to help the administrator evaluate this request';
-$string['courserequestwarning'] = 'The user requesting this course will be automatically enrolled using the "{$a}" role';
+$string['courserequestwarning'] = 'The user requesting this course will be automatically enrolled and assigned the role of {$a}.';
 $string['courserestore'] = 'Course restore';
 $string['courses'] = 'Courses';
 $string['coursesectionsummaries'] = 'Course section summaries';
@@ -1568,7 +1568,7 @@ $string['rssarticles'] = 'Number of RSS recent articles';
 $string['rsserror'] = 'Error reading RSS data';
 $string['rsserrorauth'] = 'Your RSS link does not contain a valid authentication token.';
 $string['rsserrorguest'] = 'This feed uses guest access to access the data, but guest does not have permission to read the data. Visit the original location that this feed comes from (URL) as a valid user and get a new RSS link from there.';
-$string['rsskeyshelp'] = 'To ensure security and privacy, RSS feed URLs contain a special token that identifies the user they are for. This prevents other users from accessing areas of Moodle they shouldn\'t have access to via RSS feeds.</p><p>This token is automatically created the first time you access an area of Moodle that produces an RSS feed. If you feel that your RSS feed token has been compromised in some way you can request a new one by clicking the Reset link here. Please note that your current RSS feed URLs will then become invalid.';
+$string['rsskeyshelp'] = '<p>To ensure security and privacy, RSS feed URLs contain a special token that identifies the user they are for. This prevents other users from accessing areas of the site where they are not allowed.</p><p>The token is automatically created the first time you access an area that produces an RSS feed. If you think that your RSS feed token has been compromised, you can request a new one by clicking the reset link. Please note that your current RSS feed URLs will then become invalid.</p>';
 $string['rsstype'] = 'RSS feed for this activity';
 $string['saveandnext'] = 'Save and show next';
 $string['savedat'] = 'Saved at:';
diff --git a/lang/en/repository.php b/lang/en/repository.php
index 6e7352b3910..cc3eb9bf9c7 100644
--- a/lang/en/repository.php
+++ b/lang/en/repository.php
@@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ $string['close'] = 'Close';
 $string['commonrepositorysettings'] = 'Common repository settings';
 $string['configallowexternallinks'] = 'This option enables all users to choose whether or not external media is copied into Moodle or not. If this is off then media is always copied into Moodle (this is usually best for overall data integrity and security).  If this is on then users can choose each time they add media to a text.';
 $string['configcacheexpire'] = 'The amount of time that file listings are cached locally (in seconds) when browsing external repositories.';
-$string['configgetfiletimeout'] = 'Timeout in seconds for downloading the external file into moodle.';
+$string['configgetfiletimeout'] = 'Timeout in seconds for downloading an external file into Moodle.';
 $string['configsaved'] = 'Configuration saved!';
 $string['configsyncfiletimeout'] = 'Timeout in seconds for syncronising the external file size.';
 $string['configsyncimagetimeout'] = 'Timeout in seconds for downloading an image file from external repository during syncronisation.';
-$string['confirmdelete'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this repository - {$a}? If you choose "Continue and download", file references to external contents will be downloaded to moodle, but it could take long time to process.';
+$string['confirmdelete'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the repository {$a}? If you choose "Continue and download", file references to external contents will be downloaded to Moodle. This could take a long time to process.';
 $string['confirmdeletefile'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this file?';
 $string['confirmrenamefile'] = 'Are you sure you want to rename/move this file? There are {$a} alias/shortcut files that use this file as their source. If you proceed then those aliases will be converted to true copies.';
 $string['confirmdeletefilewithhref'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this file? There are {$a} alias/shortcut files that use this file as their source. If you proceed then those aliases will be converted to true copies.';
 $string['confirmdeletefolder'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this folder? All files and subfolders will be deleted.';
-$string['confirmremove'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this repository plugin, its options and <strong>all of its instances</strong> - {$a}? If you choose "Continue and download", file references to external contents will be downloaded to moodle, but it could take long time to process.';
+$string['confirmremove'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this repository plugin, its options and <strong>all of its instances</strong> - {$a}? If you choose "Continue and download", file references to external contents will be downloaded to Moodle. This could take a long time to process.';
 $string['confirmrenamefolder'] = ' Are you sure you want to move/rename this folder? Any alias/shortcut files that reference files in this folder will be converted into true copies.';
 $string['continueuninstall'] = 'Continue';
 $string['continueuninstallanddownload'] = 'Continue and download';
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ $string['usenonjsfilemanager'] = 'Open file manager in new window';
 $string['usenonjsfilepicker'] = 'Open file picker in new window';
 $string['unzipped'] = 'Unzipped successfully';
 $string['wrongcontext'] = 'You cannot access to this context';
-$string['xhtmlerror'] = 'You are probably using XHTML strict header, some YUI Component doesn\'t work in this mode, please turn it off in moodle';
+$string['xhtmlerror'] = 'You are probably using an XHTML strict header. Certain YUI components don\'t work in this mode; please turn it off.';
 $string['ziped'] = 'Compress folder successfully';
 // Deprecated since Moodle 2.8.
diff --git a/lang/en/role.php b/lang/en/role.php
index 3bc7777e87f..87e10078b66 100644
--- a/lang/en/role.php
+++ b/lang/en/role.php
@@ -170,10 +170,10 @@ $string['defaultx'] = 'Default: {$a}';
 $string['defineroles'] = 'Define roles';
 $string['deletecourseoverrides'] = 'Delete all overrides in course';
 $string['deletelocalroles'] = 'Delete all local role assignments';
-$string['deleterolesure'] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete role "{$a->name} ({$a->shortname})"?</p><p>Currently this role is assigned to {$a->count} users.';
+$string['deleterolesure'] = '<p>Are you sure that you want to delete role "{$a->name} ({$a->shortname})"?</p><p>Currently this role is assigned to {$a->count} users.</p>';
 $string['deletexrole'] = 'Delete {$a} role';
 $string['duplicaterole'] = 'Duplicate role';
-$string['duplicaterolesure'] = 'Are you sure that you want to duplicate role "{$a->name} ({$a->shortname})"?</p>';
+$string['duplicaterolesure'] = '<p>Are you sure that you want to duplicate role "{$a->name} ({$a->shortname})"?</p>';
 $string['editingrolex'] = 'Editing role \'{$a}\'';
 $string['editrole'] = 'Edit role';
 $string['editxrole'] = 'Edit {$a} role';
diff --git a/mod/assign/lang/en/assign.php b/mod/assign/lang/en/assign.php
index 6e63676783c..278ea41305f 100644
--- a/mod/assign/lang/en/assign.php
+++ b/mod/assign/lang/en/assign.php
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ $string['batchoperationreverttodraft'] = 'revert submissions to draft';
 $string['batchsetallocatedmarker'] = 'Set allocated marker for {$a} selected user(s).';
 $string['batchsetmarkingworkflowstateforusers'] = 'Set marking workflow state for {$a} selected user(s).';
 $string['blindmarking'] = 'Blind marking';
-$string['blindmarking_help'] = 'Blind marking hides the identity of students to markers. Blind marking settings will be locked once a submission or grade has been made in relation to this assignment.';
+$string['blindmarking_help'] = 'Blind marking hides the identity of students from markers. Blind marking settings will be locked once a submission or grade has been made in relation to this assignment.';
 $string['changegradewarning'] = 'This assignment has graded submissions and changing the grade will not automatically re-calculate existing submission grades. You must re-grade all existing submissions, if you wish to change the grade.';
 $string['choosegradingaction'] = 'Grading action';
 $string['choosemarker'] = 'Choose...';
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ $string['requireallteammemberssubmit'] = 'Require all group members submit';
 $string['requireallteammemberssubmit_help'] = 'If enabled, all members of the student group must click the submit button for this assignment before the group submission will be considered as submitted. If disabled, the group submission will be considered as submitted as soon as any member of the student group clicks the submit button.';
 $string['recordid'] = 'Identifier';
 $string['revealidentities'] = 'Reveal student identities';
-$string['revealidentitiesconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to reveal student identities for this assignment. This operation cannot be undone. Once the student identities have been revealed, the marks will be released to the gradebook.';
+$string['revealidentitiesconfirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to reveal student identities for this assignment? This operation cannot be undone. Once the student identities have been revealed, the marks will be released to the gradebook.';
 $string['reverttodraftforstudent'] = 'Revert submission to draft for student: (id={$a->id}, fullname={$a->fullname}).';
 $string['reverttodraft'] = 'Revert the submission to draft status.';
 $string['reverttodraftshort'] = 'Revert the submission to draft';
diff --git a/mod/lesson/lang/en/lesson.php b/mod/lesson/lang/en/lesson.php
index ac7f3d75c3c..1ede7efeef8 100644
--- a/mod/lesson/lang/en/lesson.php
+++ b/mod/lesson/lang/en/lesson.php
@@ -136,11 +136,11 @@ $string['didnotreceivecredit'] = 'Did not receive credit';
 $string['displaydefaultfeedback'] = 'Use default feedback';
 $string['displaydefaultfeedback_help'] = 'If enabled, when a response is not found for a particular question, the default response of "That\'s the correct answer" or "That\'s the wrong answer" will be shown.';
 $string['displayhighscores'] = 'Display high scores';
-$string['displayinleftmenu'] = 'Display in left menu?';
+$string['displayinleftmenu'] = 'Display in menu?';
 $string['displayleftif'] = 'Minimum grade to display menu';
-$string['displayleftif_help'] = 'This setting determines whether a student must obtain a certain grade before viewing the left menu. This forces the student to go through the entire lesson on their first attempt, then after obtaining the required grade they can use the left menu for review.';
-$string['displayleftmenu'] = 'Display left menu';
-$string['displayleftmenu_help'] = 'If enabled, a list of pages is displayed.';
+$string['displayleftif_help'] = 'This setting determines whether a student must obtain a certain grade before viewing the lesson menu. This forces the student to go through the entire lesson on their first attempt, then after obtaining the required grade they can use the menu for review.';
+$string['displayleftmenu'] = 'Display menu';
+$string['displayleftmenu_help'] = 'If enabled, a menu allowing users to navigate through the list of pages is displayed.';
 $string['displayofgrade'] = 'Display of grade (for students only)';
 $string['displayreview'] = 'Provide option to try a question again';
 $string['displayreview_help'] = 'If enabled, when a question is answered incorrectly, the student is given the option to try it again for no point credit, or continue with the lesson.';
diff --git a/mod/lti/lang/en/lti.php b/mod/lti/lang/en/lti.php
index 4d08a0e637e..3486f978d8f 100644
--- a/mod/lti/lang/en/lti.php
+++ b/mod/lti/lang/en/lti.php
@@ -58,10 +58,9 @@ Some tool providers support reporting grades back to Moodle based on actions tak
 $string['accept_grades_help'] = 'Specify whether the tool provider can add, update, read, and delete grades associated only with this external tool instance.
-Some tool providers support reporting grades back to Moodle based on actions taken within the tool, creating a more integrated
+Some tool providers support reporting grades back to Moodle based on actions taken within the tool, creating a more integrated experience.
-Note that this setting may be overriden in the tool configuration.';
+Note that this setting may be overridden in the tool configuration.';
 $string['action'] = 'Action';
 $string['active'] = 'Active';
 $string['activity'] = 'Activity';
@@ -394,24 +393,25 @@ $string['share_email_admin_help'] = 'Specify whether the e-mail address of the u
 The tool provider may need launcher\'s e-mail addresses to distinguish users with the same name in the UI, or send e-mails
 to users based on actions within the tool.';
 $string['share_email_help'] = 'Specify whether the e-mail address of the user launching the tool will be shared with the tool provider.
-The tool provider may need launcher\'s e-mail addresses to distinguish users with the same name, or send e-mails
-to users based on actions within the tool.
-Note that this setting may be overriden in the tool configuration.';
+The tool provider may need launcher\'s email addresses to distinguish users with the same name, or send emails to users based on actions within the tool.
+Note that this setting may be overridden in the tool configuration.';
 $string['share_name'] = 'Share launcher\'s name with the tool';
 $string['share_name_admin'] = 'Share launcher\'s name with tool';
 $string['share_name_admin_help'] = 'Specify whether the full name of the user launching the tool should be shared with the tool provider.
 The tool provider may need launchers\' names to show meaningful information within the tool.';
 $string['share_name_help'] = 'Specify whether the full name of the user launching the tool should be shared with the tool provider.
 The tool provider may need launchers\' names to show meaningful information within the tool.
-Note that this setting may be overriden in the tool configuration.';
+Note that this setting may be overridden in the tool configuration.';
 $string['share_roster'] = 'Allow the tool to access this course\'s roster';
 $string['share_roster_admin'] = 'Tool may access course roster';
 $string['share_roster_admin_help'] = 'Specify whether the tool can access the list of users enrolled in courses from which this tool type is launched.';
 $string['share_roster_help'] = 'Specify whether the tool can access the list of users enrolled in this course.
-Note that this setting may be overriden in the tool configuration.';
+Note that this setting may be overridden in the tool configuration.';
 $string['show_in_course'] = 'Show tool type when creating tool instances';
 $string['show_in_course_help'] = 'If selected, this tool configuration will appear in the "External tool type" dropdown when teachers
 configure external tools within courses.
diff --git a/mod/workshop/lang/en/workshop.php b/mod/workshop/lang/en/workshop.php
index 3baa29371c6..d7085c82a11 100644
--- a/mod/workshop/lang/en/workshop.php
+++ b/mod/workshop/lang/en/workshop.php
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ $string['nosubmissionfound'] = 'No submission found for this user';
 $string['nosubmissions'] = 'No submissions yet in this workshop';
 $string['nothingtoreview'] = 'Nothing to review';
 $string['notassessed'] = 'Not assessed yet';
-$string['notoverridden'] = 'Not overriden';
+$string['notoverridden'] = 'Not overridden';
 $string['noworkshops'] = 'There are no workshops in this course';
 $string['noyoursubmission'] = 'You have not submitted your work yet';
 $string['nullgrade'] = '-';
diff --git a/portfolio/googledocs/lang/en/portfolio_googledocs.php b/portfolio/googledocs/lang/en/portfolio_googledocs.php
index 77ed3078e0e..a21155295eb 100644
--- a/portfolio/googledocs/lang/en/portfolio_googledocs.php
+++ b/portfolio/googledocs/lang/en/portfolio_googledocs.php
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ $string['noauthtoken'] = 'An authentication token has not been received from Goo
 $string['nooauthcredentials'] = 'OAuth credentials required.';
 $string['nooauthcredentials_help'] = 'To use the Google Drive portfolio plugin you must configure OAuth credentials in the portfolio settings.';
 $string['nosessiontoken'] = 'A session token does not exist preventing export to google.';
-$string['oauthinfo'] = '<p>To use this plugin, you must register your site with Google, as described in the documentation <a href="{$a->docsurl}">Google OAuth 2.0 setup</a>.</p><p>As part of the registration process, you will need to enter the following URL as \'Authorized Redirect URIs\':</p><p>{$a->callbackurl}</p>Once registered, you will be provided with a client ID and secret which can be used to configure all Google Drive and Picasa plugins.</p>';
+$string['oauthinfo'] = '<p>To use this plugin, you must register your site with Google, as described in the documentation <a href="{$a->docsurl}">Google OAuth 2.0 setup</a>.</p><p>As part of the registration process, you will need to enter the following URL as \'Authorized Redirect URIs\':</p><p>{$a->callbackurl}</p><p>Once registered, you will be provided with a client ID and secret which can be used to configure all Google Drive and Picasa plugins.</p>';
 $string['oauth2upgrade_message_subject'] = 'Important information regarding Google Drive portfolio plugin';
 $string['oauth2upgrade_message_content'] = 'As part of the upgrade to Moodle 2.3, the Google Drive portfolio plugin has been disabled. To re-enable it, your Moodle site needs to be registered with Google, as described in the documentation {$a->docsurl}, in order to obtain a client ID and secret. The client ID and secret can then be used to configure all Google Drive and Picasa plugins.';
 $string['oauth2upgrade_message_small'] = 'This plugin has been disabled, as it requires configuration as described in the documentation Google OAuth 2.0 setup.';
diff --git a/portfolio/picasa/lang/en/portfolio_picasa.php b/portfolio/picasa/lang/en/portfolio_picasa.php
index 33b740e7860..a528872002c 100644
--- a/portfolio/picasa/lang/en/portfolio_picasa.php
+++ b/portfolio/picasa/lang/en/portfolio_picasa.php
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
 $string['clientid'] = 'Client ID';
-$string['noauthtoken'] = 'An authentication token has not been recieved from google. Please ensure you are allowing moodle to access your google account';
+$string['noauthtoken'] = 'An authentication token has not been received from Google. Please ensure you are allowing Moodle to access your Google account.';
 $string['nooauthcredentials'] = 'OAuth credentials required.';
 $string['nooauthcredentials_help'] = 'To use the Picasa portfolio plugin you must configure OAuth credentials in the portfolio settings.';
-$string['oauthinfo'] = '<p>To use this plugin, you must register your site with Google, as described in the documentation <a href="{$a->docsurl}">Google OAuth 2.0 setup</a>.</p><p>As part of the registration process, you will need to enter the following URL as \'Authorized Redirect URIs\':</p><p>{$a->callbackurl}</p>Once registered, you will be provided with a client ID and secret which can be used to configure all Google Drive and Picasa plugins.</p>';
+$string['oauthinfo'] = '<p>To use this plugin, you must register your site with Google, as described in the documentation <a href="{$a->docsurl}">Google OAuth 2.0 setup</a>.</p><p>As part of the registration process, you will need to enter the following URL as \'Authorized Redirect URIs\':</p><p>{$a->callbackurl}</p><p>Once registered, you will be provided with a client ID and secret which can be used to configure all Google Drive and Picasa plugins.</p>';
 $string['oauth2upgrade_message_subject'] = 'Important information regarding Picasa portfolio plugin';
 $string['oauth2upgrade_message_content'] = 'As part of the upgrade to Moodle 2.3, the Picasa portfolio plugin has been disabled. To re-enable it, your Moodle site needs to be registered with Google, as described in the documentation {$a->docsurl}, in order to obtain a client ID and secret. The client ID and secret can then be used to configure all Google Drive and Picasa plugins.';
 $string['oauth2upgrade_message_small'] = 'This plugin has been disabled, as it requires configuration as described in the documentation Google OAuth 2.0 setup.';
 $string['pluginname'] = 'Picasa';
-$string['sendfailed'] = 'The file {$a} failed to transfer to picasa';
+$string['sendfailed'] = 'The file {$a} failed to transfer to Picasa';
 $string['secret'] = 'Secret';
diff --git a/question/type/multianswer/lang/en/qtype_multianswer.php b/question/type/multianswer/lang/en/qtype_multianswer.php
index 8c6da4196a5..5c420806ca5 100644
--- a/question/type/multianswer/lang/en/qtype_multianswer.php
+++ b/question/type/multianswer/lang/en/qtype_multianswer.php
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ $string['questionsmore'] = '{$a} question(s) more than in the multianswer questi
 $string['questionnotfound'] = 'Unable to find question of question part #{$a}';
 $string['questionsaveasedited'] = 'The question will be saved as edited';
 $string['questiontypechanged'] = 'Question type changed';
-$string['questiontypechangedcomment'] = 'At least one question type has been changed.<br \>Did you add, delete or move a question?<br \>Look ahead.';
+$string['questiontypechangedcomment'] = 'At least one question type has been changed.<br />Did you add, delete or move a question?<br />Look ahead.';
 $string['questionusedinquiz'] = 'This question is used in {$a->nb_of_quiz} quiz(s), total attempt(s) : {$a->nb_of_attempts} ';
 $string['storedqtype'] = 'Stored question type {$a}';
 $string['subqresponse'] = 'part {$a->i}: {$a->response}';
diff --git a/repository/googledocs/lang/en/repository_googledocs.php b/repository/googledocs/lang/en/repository_googledocs.php
index a6f34730719..c2d643211ce 100644
--- a/repository/googledocs/lang/en/repository_googledocs.php
+++ b/repository/googledocs/lang/en/repository_googledocs.php
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 $string['clientid'] = 'Client ID';
 $string['configplugin'] = 'Configure Google Drive plugin';
 $string['googledocs:view'] = 'View Google Drive repository';
-$string['oauthinfo'] = '<p>To use this plugin, you must register your site with Google, as described in the documentation <a href="{$a->docsurl}">Google OAuth 2.0 setup</a>.</p><p>As part of the registration process, you will need to enter the following URL as \'Authorized Redirect URIs\':</p><p>{$a->callbackurl}</p>Once registered, you will be provided with a client ID and secret which can be used to configure all Google Drive and Picasa plugins.</p><p>Please also note that you will have to enable the service \'Drive API\'.</p>';
+$string['oauthinfo'] = '<p>To use this plugin, you must register your site with Google, as described in the documentation <a href="{$a->docsurl}">Google OAuth 2.0 setup</a>.</p><p>As part of the registration process, you will need to enter the following URL as \'Authorized Redirect URIs\':</p><p>{$a->callbackurl}</p><p>Once registered, you will be provided with a client ID and secret which can be used to configure all Google Drive and Picasa plugins.</p><p>Please also note that you will have to enable the service \'Drive API\'.</p>';
 $string['oauth2upgrade_message_subject'] = 'Important information regarding Google Drive repository plugin';
 $string['oauth2upgrade_message_content'] = 'As part of the upgrade to Moodle 2.3, the Google Drive portfolio plugin has been disabled. To re-enable it, your Moodle site needs to be registered with Google, as described in the documentation {$a->docsurl}, in order to obtain a client ID and secret. The client ID and secret can then be used to configure all Google Drive and Picasa plugins.';
 $string['oauth2upgrade_message_small'] = 'This plugin has been disabled, as it requires configuration as described in the documentation Google OAuth 2.0 setup.';
diff --git a/repository/picasa/lang/en/repository_picasa.php b/repository/picasa/lang/en/repository_picasa.php
index f8f29696014..7cfc5589229 100644
--- a/repository/picasa/lang/en/repository_picasa.php
+++ b/repository/picasa/lang/en/repository_picasa.php
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 $string['clientid'] = 'Client ID';
 $string['configplugin'] = 'Picasa repository configuration';
-$string['oauthinfo'] = '<p>To use this plugin, you must register your site with Google, as described in the documentation <a href="{$a->docsurl}">Google OAuth 2.0 setup</a>.</p><p>As part of the registration process, you will need to enter the following URL as \'Authorized Redirect URIs\':</p><p>{$a->callbackurl}</p>Once registered, you will be provided with a client ID and secret which can be used to configure all Google Drive and Picasa plugins.</p>';
+$string['oauthinfo'] = '<p>To use this plugin, you must register your site with Google, as described in the documentation <a href="{$a->docsurl}">Google OAuth 2.0 setup</a>.</p><p>As part of the registration process, you will need to enter the following URL as \'Authorized Redirect URIs\':</p><p>{$a->callbackurl}</p><p>Once registered, you will be provided with a client ID and secret which can be used to configure all Google Drive and Picasa plugins.</p>';
 $string['oauth2upgrade_message_subject'] = 'Important information regarding Picasa repository plugin';
 $string['oauth2upgrade_message_content'] = 'As part of the upgrade to Moodle 2.3, the Picasa portfolio plugin has been disabled. To re-enable it, your Moodle site needs to be registered with Google, as described in the documentation {$a->docsurl}, in order to obtain a client ID and secret. The client ID and secret can then be used to configure all Google Drive and Picasa plugins.';
 $string['oauth2upgrade_message_small'] = 'This plugin has been disabled, as it requires configuration as described in the documentation Google OAuth 2.0 setup.';
diff --git a/repository/s3/lang/en/repository_s3.php b/repository/s3/lang/en/repository_s3.php
index 93db5b297c7..dd528505879 100644
--- a/repository/s3/lang/en/repository_s3.php
+++ b/repository/s3/lang/en/repository_s3.php
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 $string['access_key'] = 'Access key';
 $string['configplugin'] = 'Amazon S3 settings';
-$string['endpoint'] = 'Amazon S3 Endpoint';
+$string['endpoint'] = 'Amazon S3 endpoint';
 $string['needaccesskey'] = 'Access key must be provided';
 $string['pluginname'] = 'Amazon S3';
 $string['secret_key'] = 'Secret key';
diff --git a/theme/clean/lang/en/theme_clean.php b/theme/clean/lang/en/theme_clean.php
index cfae6d1eacb..6ed889928aa 100644
--- a/theme/clean/lang/en/theme_clean.php
+++ b/theme/clean/lang/en/theme_clean.php
@@ -57,9 +57,7 @@ $string['invert'] = 'Invert navbar';
 $string['invertdesc'] = 'Swaps text and background for the navbar at the top of the page between black and white.';
 $string['logo'] = 'Logo';
-$string['logodesc'] = 'Please upload your custom logo here if you want to add it to the header.<br>
-If the height of your logo is more than 75px add the following CSS rule to the Custom CSS box below.<br>
-div.logo {height: 100px;} or whatever height in pixels the logo is.';
+$string['logodesc'] = 'The logo is displayed in the header.<br /> If the height of your logo is more than 75px add div.logo {height: 100px;} to the Custom CSS box below, amending accordingly if the height is other than 100px.';
 $string['pluginname'] = 'Clean';
diff --git a/theme/more/lang/en/theme_more.php b/theme/more/lang/en/theme_more.php
index 43be48f0d42..94b6a002e45 100644
--- a/theme/more/lang/en/theme_more.php
+++ b/theme/more/lang/en/theme_more.php
@@ -64,9 +64,7 @@ $string['invertdesc'] = 'Swaps text and background for the navbar at the top of
 $string['linkcolor'] = 'Link colour';
 $string['linkcolor_desc'] = 'The colour of the links.';
 $string['logo'] = 'Logo';
-$string['logodesc'] = 'Please upload your custom logo here if you want to add it to the header.<br>
-If the height of your logo is more than 75px add the following CSS rule to the Custom CSS box below.<br>
-div.logo {height: 100px;} or whatever height in pixels the logo is.';
+$string['logodesc'] = 'The logo is displayed in the header.<br /> If the height of your logo is more than 75px add div.logo {height: 100px;} to the Custom CSS box below, amending accordingly if the height is other than 100px.';
 $string['pluginname'] = 'More';