$dataobject in insert_record() and update_record() must be objects.

Added code to detect, fix and debug array situations. Related to MDL-9751.

Merged from MOODLE_18_STABLE
This commit is contained in:
stronk7 2007-08-05 22:40:10 +00:00
parent 11d6ec1355
commit 4a8e7db55e

View File

@ -395,9 +395,9 @@ function count_records_sql($sql) {
* @return mixed a fieldset object containing the first mathcing record, or false if none found.
function get_record($table, $field1, $value1, $field2='', $value2='', $field3='', $value3='', $fields='*') {
global $CFG;
// Check to see whether this record is eligible for caching (fields=*, only condition is id)
$docache = false;
if (!empty($CFG->rcache) && $CFG->rcache === true && $field1=='id' && !$field2 && !$field3 && $fields=='*') {
@ -408,11 +408,11 @@ function get_record($table, $field1, $value1, $field2='', $value2='', $field3=''
return $cached;
$select = where_clause($field1, $value1, $field2, $value2, $field3, $value3);
$record = get_record_sql('SELECT '.$fields.' FROM '. $CFG->prefix . $table .' '. $select);
// If we're caching records, store this one
// (supposing we got something - we don't cache failures)
if ($docache) {
@ -653,7 +653,7 @@ function get_recordset_sql($sql, $limitfrom=null, $limitnum=null) {
/// Temporary hack as part of phasing out all access to obsolete user tables XXX
if (!empty($CFG->rolesactive)) {
if (strpos($sql, ' '.$CFG->prefix.'user_students ') ||
if (strpos($sql, ' '.$CFG->prefix.'user_students ') ||
strpos($sql, ' '.$CFG->prefix.'user_teachers ') ||
strpos($sql, ' '.$CFG->prefix.'user_coursecreators ') ||
strpos($sql, ' '.$CFG->prefix.'user_admins ')) {
@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ function recordset_to_array($rs) {
* This function is used to get the current record from the recordset. It
* doesn't advance the recordset position. You'll need to do that by
* doesn't advance the recordset position. You'll need to do that by
* using the rs_next_record($recordset) function.
* @param ADORecordSet the recordset to fetch current record from
* @return ADOFetchObj the object containing the fetched information
@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ function onespace2empty(&$item, $key=null) {
* @param string $field a field to check (optional).
* @param string $value the value the field must have (requred if field1 is given, else optional).
* @param string $sort an order to sort the results in (optional, a valid SQL ORDER BY parameter).
* @param string $fields a comma separated list of fields to return (optional, by default
* @param string $fields a comma separated list of fields to return (optional, by default
* all fields are returned). The first field will be used as key for the
* array so must be a unique field such as 'id'.
* @param int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional, required if $limitnum is set).
@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ function get_records($table, $field='', $value='', $sort='', $fields='*', $limit
* @param string $table the table to query.
* @param string $select A fragment of SQL to be used in a where clause in the SQL call.
* @param string $sort an order to sort the results in (optional, a valid SQL ORDER BY parameter).
* @param string $fields a comma separated list of fields to return
* @param string $fields a comma separated list of fields to return
* (optional, by default all fields are returned). The first field will be used as key for the
* array so must be a unique field such as 'id'.
* @param int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional, required if $limitnum is set).
@ -907,8 +907,8 @@ function get_records_list($table, $field='', $values='', $sort='', $fields='*',
* Return value as for @see function get_records.
* @param string $sql the SQL select query to execute. The first column of this SELECT statement
* must be a unique value (usually the 'id' field), as it will be used as the key of the
* @param string $sql the SQL select query to execute. The first column of this SELECT statement
* must be a unique value (usually the 'id' field), as it will be used as the key of the
* returned array.
* @param int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional, required if $limitnum is set).
* @param int $limitnum return a subset comprising this many records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set).
@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ function set_field_select($table, $newfield, $newvalue, $select, $localcall = fa
if ($select) {
$select = 'WHERE ' . $select;
// Clear record_cache based on the parameters passed
// (individual record or whole table)
if ($CFG->rcache === true) {
@ -1327,7 +1327,7 @@ function delete_records_select($table, $select='') {
* @uses $db
* @uses $CFG
* @param string $table The database table to be checked against.
* @param array $dataobject A data object with values for one or more fields in the record
* @param object $dataobject A data object with values for one or more fields in the record
* @param bool $returnid Should the id of the newly created record entry be returned? If this option is not requested then true/false is returned.
* @param string $primarykey The primary key of the table we are inserting into (almost always "id")
@ -1339,6 +1339,12 @@ function insert_record($table, $dataobject, $returnid=true, $primarykey='id') {
return false;
/// Check we are handling a proper $dataobject
if (is_array($dataobject)) {
debugging('Warning. Wrong call to insert_record(). $dataobject must be an object. array found instead', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$dataobject = (object)$dataobject;
/// Temporary hack as part of phasing out all access to obsolete user tables XXX
if (!empty($CFG->rolesactive)) {
if (in_array($table, array('user_students', 'user_teachers', 'user_coursecreators', 'user_admins'))) {
@ -1432,7 +1438,7 @@ function insert_record($table, $dataobject, $returnid=true, $primarykey='id') {
case 'mssql':
$clobdefault = 'null'; //Value of empty default clobs for this DB (under mssql this won't be executed
$blobdefault = 'null'; //Value of empty default blobs for this DB
$insertSQL = str_replace("'@#CLOB#@'", $clobdefault, $insertSQL);
$insertSQL = str_replace("'@#BLOB#@'", $blobdefault, $insertSQL);
@ -1451,7 +1457,7 @@ function insert_record($table, $dataobject, $returnid=true, $primarykey='id') {
/// Under Oracle, finally, Update all the Clobs and Blobs present in the record
/// if we know we have some of them in the query
if ($CFG->dbfamily == 'oracle' &&
!empty($dataobject->{$primarykey}) &&
!empty($dataobject->{$primarykey}) &&
(!empty($foundclobs) || !empty($foundblobs))) {
if (!db_update_lobs($table, $dataobject->{$primarykey}, $foundclobs, $foundblobs)) {
return false; //Some error happened while updating LOBs
@ -1477,7 +1483,7 @@ function insert_record($table, $dataobject, $returnid=true, $primarykey='id') {
/// Under MSSQL all the Clobs and Blobs (IMAGE) present in the record
/// if we know we have some of them in the query
if (($CFG->dbfamily == 'mssql') &&
!empty($id) &&
!empty($id) &&
(!empty($foundclobs) || !empty($foundblobs))) {
if (!db_update_lobs($table, $id, $foundclobs, $foundblobs)) {
return false; //Some error happened while updating LOBs
@ -1509,7 +1515,7 @@ function insert_record($table, $dataobject, $returnid=true, $primarykey='id') {
* @uses $CFG
* @uses $db
* @param string $table The database table to be checked against.
* @param array $dataobject An object with contents equal to fieldname=>fieldvalue. Must have an entry for 'id' to map to the table specified.
* @param object $dataobject An object with contents equal to fieldname=>fieldvalue. Must have an entry for 'id' to map to the table specified.
* @return bool
function update_record($table, $dataobject) {
@ -1520,11 +1526,17 @@ function update_record($table, $dataobject) {
return false;
/// Check we are handling a proper $dataobject
if (is_array($dataobject)) {
debugging('Warning. Wrong call to update_record(). $dataobject must be an object. array found instead', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$dataobject = (object)$dataobject;
// Remove this record from record cache since it will change
if ($CFG->rcache === true) {
rcache_unset($table, $dataobject->id);
/// Temporary hack as part of phasing out all access to obsolete user tables XXX
if (!empty($CFG->rolesactive)) {
if (in_array($table, array('user_students', 'user_teachers', 'user_coursecreators', 'user_admins'))) {
@ -1604,7 +1616,7 @@ function update_record($table, $dataobject) {
/// Under Oracle AND MSSQL, finally, Update all the Clobs and Blobs present in the record
/// if we know we have some of them in the query
if (($CFG->dbfamily == 'oracle' || $CFG->dbfamily == 'mssql') &&
!empty($dataobject->id) &&
!empty($dataobject->id) &&
(!empty($foundclobs) || !empty($foundblobs))) {
if (!db_update_lobs($table, $dataobject->id, $foundclobs, $foundblobs)) {
return false; //Some error happened while updating LOBs
@ -1642,10 +1654,10 @@ function sql_paging_limit($page, $recordsperpage) {
* Returns the proper SQL to do LIKE in a case-insensitive way
* Note the LIKE are case sensitive for Oracle. Oracle 10g is required to use
* Note the LIKE are case sensitive for Oracle. Oracle 10g is required to use
* the caseinsensitive search using regexp_like() or NLS_COMP=LINGUISTIC :-(
* See http://docs.moodle.org/en/XMLDB_Problems#Case-insensitive_searches
* @uses $CFG
* @return string
@ -1715,7 +1727,7 @@ function sql_concat() {
function sql_concat_join($separator="' '", $elements=array()) {
global $db;
// copy to ensure pass by value
$elem = $elements;
@ -1916,12 +1928,12 @@ function sql_bitnot($int1) {
* Returns SQL to be used as a subselect to find the primary role of users.
* Returns SQL to be used as a subselect to find the primary role of users.
* Geoff Cant <geoff@catalyst.net.nz> (the author) is very keen for this to
* be implemented as a view in future versions.
* be implemented as a view in future versions.
* eg if this function returns a string called $primaryroles, then you could:
* $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT prs.userid) FROM ('.$primary_roles.') prs
* $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT prs.userid) FROM ('.$primary_roles.') prs
* WHERE prs.primary_roleid='.$role->id.' AND prs.courseid='.$course->id.
* ' AND prs.contextlevel = '.CONTEXT_COURSE;
@ -1945,8 +1957,8 @@ function sql_primary_role_subselect() {
FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'role_assignments i_ra
INNER JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'role i_r ON i_ra.roleid = i_r.id
WHERE ra.userid = i_ra.userid AND
ra.contextid = i_ra.contextid AND
WHERE ra.userid = i_ra.userid AND
ra.contextid = i_ra.contextid AND
i_r.sortorder < r.sortorder
) ';
@ -2216,7 +2228,7 @@ function db_detect_lobs ($table, &$dataobject, &$clobs, &$blobs, $unset = false,
/// If the field is CLOB, update its value to '@#CLOB#@' and store it in the $clobs array
if (strtoupper($columns[strtolower($fieldname)]->type) == $clobdbtype) {
if (strtoupper($columns[strtolower($fieldname)]->type) == $clobdbtype) {
/// Oracle optimization. CLOBs under 4000cc can be directly inserted (no need to apply 2-phases to them)
if ($CFG->dbfamily == 'oracle' && strlen($dataobject->$fieldname) < 4000) {
@ -2288,7 +2300,7 @@ function db_update_lobs ($table, $sqlcondition, &$clobs, &$blobs) {
/// Update all the clobs
if ($clobs) {
foreach ($clobs as $key => $value) {
if (defined('MDL_PERFDB')) { global $PERF ; $PERF->dbqueries++; }; /// Count the extra updates in PERF
if (!$db->UpdateClob($CFG->prefix.$table, $key, $value, $sqlcondition)) {
@ -2305,7 +2317,7 @@ function db_update_lobs ($table, $sqlcondition, &$clobs, &$blobs) {
/// Update all the blobs
if ($blobs) {
foreach ($blobs as $key => $value) {
if (defined('MDL_PERFDB')) { global $PERF ; $PERF->dbqueries++; }; /// Count the extra updates in PERF
if(!$db->UpdateBlob($CFG->prefix.$table, $key, $value, $sqlcondition)) {
@ -2342,11 +2354,11 @@ function rcache_set($table, $id, $rec) {
$rcache->data[$table][$id] = $rec;
} else {
$key = $table . '|' . $id;
if (isset($MCACHE)) {
// $table is a flag used to mark
// a table as dirty & uncacheable
// when an UPDATE or DELETE not bound by ID
// a table as dirty & uncacheable
// when an UPDATE or DELETE not bound by ID
// is taking place
if (!$MCACHE->get($table)) {
// this will also release the _forfill lock
@ -2355,7 +2367,7 @@ function rcache_set($table, $id, $rec) {
return true;
@ -2386,9 +2398,9 @@ function rcache_unset($table, $id) {
* Get cached record if available. ONLY use if you
* are trying to get the cached record and will NOT
* fetch it yourself if not cached.
* Use rcache_getforfill() if you are going to fetch
* fetch it yourself if not cached.
* Use rcache_getforfill() if you are going to fetch
* the record if not cached...
* This function is private and must not be used outside dmllib at all
@ -2407,14 +2419,14 @@ function rcache_get($table, $id) {
} else {
return false;
if (isset($MCACHE)) {
$key = $table . '|' . $id;
// we set $table as a flag used to mark
// a table as dirty & uncacheable
// when an UPDATE or DELETE not bound by ID
// a table as dirty & uncacheable
// when an UPDATE or DELETE not bound by ID
// is taking place
if ($MCACHE->get($table)) {
@ -2427,7 +2439,7 @@ function rcache_get($table, $id) {
} else {
return false;
return false;
@ -2435,12 +2447,12 @@ function rcache_get($table, $id) {
* Get cached record if available. In most cases you want
* to use this function -- namely if you are trying to get
* to use this function -- namely if you are trying to get
* the cached record and will fetch it yourself if not cached.
* (and set the cache ;-)
* Uses the getforfill caching mechanism. See lib/eaccelerator.class.php
* for a detailed description of the technique.
* for a detailed description of the technique.
* Note: if you call rcache_getforfill() you are making an implicit promise
* that if the cache is empty, you will later populate it, or cancel the promise
@ -2471,7 +2483,7 @@ function rcache_getforfill($table, $id) {
if (!empty($rec)) {
return $rec;
return false;
@ -2479,7 +2491,7 @@ function rcache_getforfill($table, $id) {
* Release the exclusive lock obtained by
* Release the exclusive lock obtained by
* rcache_getforfill(). See rcache_getforfill()
* for more details.
@ -2491,7 +2503,7 @@ function rcache_getforfill($table, $id) {
function rcache_releaseforfill($table, $id) {
global $CFG, $MCACHE;
if (isset($MCACHE)) {
$key = $table . '|' . $id;
return $MCACHE->releaseforfill($key);
@ -2521,7 +2533,7 @@ function rcache_unset_table ($table) {
if (isset($MCACHE)) {
// at least as long as content keys to ensure they expire
// before the dirty flag
// before the dirty flag
$MCACHE->set($table, true, $CFG->rcachettl);
return true;