[multienrol]Wrote some breif notices for the new enrolment configuration panel

This commit is contained in:
martinlanghoff 2006-03-09 03:00:48 +00:00
parent cd1d0ef61a
commit 4d3f4df562
2 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
print_simple_box("blah", 'center', '700');
print_simple_box(get_string('configenrolmentplugins', 'admin'), 'center', '700');
echo "<form target=\"{$CFG->framename}\" name=\"enrolmenu\" method=\"post\" action=\"enrol.php\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sesskey\" value=\"".$USER->sesskey."\">";

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@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ $string['configenablecourserequests'] = 'This will allow any user to request a c
$string['configenablerssfeeds'] = 'This switch will enable RSS feeds from across the site. To actually see any change you will need to enable RSS feeds in the individual modules too - go to the Modules settings under Admin Configuration.';
$string['configenablerssfeedsdisabled'] = ' It is not available because RSS feeds are disabled in all the Site. To enable them, go to the Variables settings under Admin Configuration.';
$string['configenablestats'] = 'If you choose \'yes\' here, Moodle\'s cronjob will process the logs and gather some statistics. Depending on the amount of traffic on your site, this can take awhile. If you enable this, you will be able to see some interesting graphs and statistics about each of your courses, or on a sitewide basis.';
$string['configenrolmentplugins'] = 'Please choose the enrolment plugins you wish to use. Don\'t forget to configure the settings properly.<br /><br />Default plugins are avaliable for interactive plugins only (etc internal, paypal). Should interactive enrolment be disabled, please set \"enrollable\" to \"No\" in required courses.';
$string['configerrorlevel'] = 'Choose the amount of PHP warnings that you want to be displayed. Normal is usually the best choice.';
$string['configextendedusernamechars'] = 'Enable this setting to allow students to use any characters in their usernames (note this does not affect their actual names). The default is \"false\" which restricts usernames to be alphanumeric characters only';
$string['configfilterall'] = 'Filter all strings, including headings, titles, navigation bar and so on. This is mostly useful when using the multilang filter, otherwise it will just create extra load on your site for little gain.';