mirror of
synced 2025-01-19 06:18:28 +01:00
Merged fixes from MDLSITE-145 regarding forum_cron problems
This commit is contained in:
@ -284,11 +284,13 @@ function forum_cron() {
// caching this so we don't need sqls later
// Caching this environment info so we don't need to look them up later
// There is still a LOT of duplication here we could cut down on. XXX TODO
$pinfo -> discussion = $discussion;
$pinfo -> forum = $forum;
$pinfo -> course = $course;
$pinfo->discussion = $discussion;
$pinfo->forum = $forum;
$pinfo->course = $course;
$postinfo[$pid] = $pinfo;
@ -309,155 +311,165 @@ function forum_cron() {
if ($users) {
if ($users && $posts) {
@set_time_limit(0); /// so that script does not get timed out when posting to many users
$urlinfo = parse_url($CFG->wwwroot);
$hostname = $urlinfo['host'];
foreach ($users as $userto) {
// set this so that the capabilities are cached
// set this so that the capabilities are cached, and environment matches receiving user
$USER = $userto;
mtrace('Processing user '.$userto->id);
/// Check the consistency of the data first
/// we might want to add another layer - forums here (by checking array_keys($subscribedusers))
/// so that we can skip many posts
if (! $userfrom = get_record('user', 'id', $post->userid)) {
mtrace('Could not find user '.$post->userid);
foreach ($posts as $pid => $post) {
$cleanforumname = str_replace('"', "'", strip_tags($forum->name));
// Get info about the sending user XXX TODO cache these and get needed fields only
$userfrom->customheaders = array ( // Headers to make emails easier to track
'Precedence: Bulk',
'List-Id: "'.$cleanforumname.'" <moodleforum'.$forum->id.'@'.$hostname.'>',
'List-Help: '.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/forum/view.php?f='.$forum->id,
'Message-ID: <moodlepost'.$post->id.'@'.$hostname.'>',
'In-Reply-To: <moodlepost'.$post->parent.'@'.$hostname.'>',
'References: <moodlepost'.$post->parent.'@'.$hostname.'>',
'X-Course-Id: '.$course->id,
'X-Course-Name: '.strip_tags($course->fullname)
if ($posts) {
/// we might want to add another layer - forums here (by checking array_keys($subscribedusers))
/// so that we can skip many posts
foreach ($posts as $pid=>$post) {
$discussion = $postinfo[$pid]->discussion;
$forum = $postinfo[$pid]->forum;
$course = $postinfo[$pid]->course;
if (empty($subscribedusers[$forum->id]) || !in_array($userto->id, $subscribedusers[$forum->id])) {
continue; // user does not subscribe to this forum
if (!empty($cachecm[$forum->id])) {
$cm = $cachecm[$forum->id];
} else if ($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('forum', $forum->id, $course->id)) {
$cachecm[$forum->id] = $cm;
} else {
$cm = new object;
$cm->id = 0;
$cachecm[$forum->id] = $cm;
$modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); // Cached already
// Get coursemodule record (and cache these)
$groupmode = false;
if (!empty($cm->id)) {
if ($groupmode = groupmode($course, $cm) and $discussion->groupid > 0) { // Groups are being used
if (! groups_group_exists($discussion->groupid)) { // Can't find group //TODO:
continue; // Be safe and don't send it to anyone
if ($groupmode) { // Look for a reason not to send this email
if (!empty($group->id)) {
if (!ismember($group->id, $userto->id)) {
// no need because $USER = $userto?
if (!has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $modcontext)) {
//if (!has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $modcontext, false, $userto->id)) {
// make sure we're allowed to see it...
//if (!forum_user_can_see_post($forum, $discussion, $post, $userto)) {
if (!forum_user_can_see_post($forum, $discussion, $post)) {
mtrace('user '.$userto->id. ' can not see '.$post->id);
if ($userto->maildigest > 0) {
// This user wants the mails to be in digest form
$queue = New stdClass;
$queue->userid = $userto->id;
$queue->discussionid = $discussion->id;
$queue->postid = $post->id;
if (!insert_record('forum_queue', $queue)) {
mtrace("Error: mod/forum/cron.php: Could not queue for digest mail for id $post->id to user $userto->id ($userto->email) .. not trying again.");
/// Override the language and timezone of the "current" user, so that
/// mail is customised for the receiver.
$postsubject = "$course->shortname: ".format_string($post->subject,true);
$posttext = forum_make_mail_text($course, $forum, $discussion, $post, $userfrom, $userto);
$posthtml = forum_make_mail_html($course, $forum, $discussion, $post, $userfrom, $userto);
mtrace('Sending ', '');
if (!$mailresult = email_to_user($userto, $userfrom, $postsubject, $posttext,
$posthtml, '', '', $CFG->forum_replytouser)) {
mtrace("Error: mod/forum/cron.php: Could not send out mail for id $post->id to user $userto->id".
" ($userto->email) .. not trying again.");
add_to_log($course->id, 'forum', 'mail error', "discuss.php?d=$discussion->id#p$post->id",
substr(format_string($post->subject,true),0,30), $cm->id, $userto->id);
} else if ($mailresult === 'emailstop') {
add_to_log($course->id, 'forum', 'mail blocked', "discuss.php?d=$discussion->id#p$post->id",
substr(format_string($post->subject,true),0,30), $cm->id, $userto->id);
} else {
/// Mark post as read if forum_usermarksread is set off
if (!$CFG->forum_usermarksread && forum_tp_can_track_forums($forum, $userto) &&
forum_tp_is_tracked($forum, $userto->id)) {
if (!forum_tp_mark_post_read($userto->id, $post, $forum->id)) {
mtrace("Error: mod/forum/cron.php: Could not mark post $post->id read for user $userto->id".
" while sending email.");
mtrace('post '.$post->id. ': '.$post->subject);
if (! $userfrom = get_record('user', 'id', $post->userid)) {
mtrace('Could not find user '.$post->userid);
// Set up the environment for the post, discussion, forum, course
$discussion = $postinfo[$pid]->discussion;
$forum = $postinfo[$pid]->forum;
$course = $postinfo[$pid]->course;
course_setup($course); // More environment
// Do some checks to see if we can bail out now
if (empty($subscribedusers[$forum->id]) || !in_array($userto->id, $subscribedusers[$forum->id])) {
continue; // user does not subscribe to this forum
// Get the coursemodule and context (cached)
if (!empty($cachecm[$forum->id])) {
$cm = $cachecm[$forum->id];
} else if ($cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('forum', $forum->id, $course->id)) {
$cachecm[$forum->id] = $cm;
} else {
$cm = new object;
$cm->id = 0;
$cachecm[$forum->id] = $cm;
$modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); // Cached already
// Make sure groups allow this user to see this email
$groupmode = false;
if (!empty($cm->id)) {
if ($groupmode = groupmode($course, $cm) and $discussion->groupid > 0) { // Groups are being used
if (! groups_group_exists($discussion->groupid)) { // Can't find group //TODO:
continue; // Be safe and don't send it to anyone
if ($groupmode) { // Look for a reason not to send this email
if (!empty($group->id)) {
if (!ismember($group->id, $userto->id)) {
if (!has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $modcontext)) {
// Make sure we're allowed to see it...
if (!forum_user_can_see_post($forum, $discussion, $post)) {
mtrace('user '.$userto->id. ' can not see '.$post->id);
// OK so we need to send the email.
// Does the user want this post in a digest? If so postpone it for now.
if ($userto->maildigest > 0) {
// This user wants the mails to be in digest form
$queue = New stdClass;
$queue->userid = $userto->id;
$queue->discussionid = $discussion->id;
$queue->postid = $post->id;
if (!insert_record('forum_queue', $queue)) {
mtrace("Error: mod/forum/cron.php: Could not queue for digest mail for id $post->id to user $userto->id ($userto->email) .. not trying again.");
// Prepare to actually send the post now, and build up the content
$cleanforumname = str_replace('"', "'", strip_tags($forum->name));
$userfrom->customheaders = array ( // Headers to make emails easier to track
'Precedence: Bulk',
'List-Id: "'.$cleanforumname.'" <moodleforum'.$forum->id.'@'.$hostname.'>',
'List-Help: '.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/forum/view.php?f='.$forum->id,
'Message-ID: <moodlepost'.$post->id.'@'.$hostname.'>',
'In-Reply-To: <moodlepost'.$post->parent.'@'.$hostname.'>',
'References: <moodlepost'.$post->parent.'@'.$hostname.'>',
'X-Course-Id: '.$course->id,
'X-Course-Name: '.strip_tags($course->fullname)
$postsubject = "$course->shortname: ".format_string($post->subject,true);
$posttext = forum_make_mail_text($course, $forum, $discussion, $post, $userfrom, $userto);
$posthtml = forum_make_mail_html($course, $forum, $discussion, $post, $userfrom, $userto);
// Send the post now!
mtrace('Sending ', '');
if (!$mailresult = email_to_user($userto, $userfrom, $postsubject, $posttext,
$posthtml, '', '', $CFG->forum_replytouser)) {
mtrace("Error: mod/forum/cron.php: Could not send out mail for id $post->id to user $userto->id".
" ($userto->email) .. not trying again.");
add_to_log($course->id, 'forum', 'mail error', "discuss.php?d=$discussion->id#p$post->id",
substr(format_string($post->subject,true),0,30), $cm->id, $userto->id);
} else if ($mailresult === 'emailstop') {
add_to_log($course->id, 'forum', 'mail blocked', "discuss.php?d=$discussion->id#p$post->id",
substr(format_string($post->subject,true),0,30), $cm->id, $userto->id);
} else {
/// Mark post as read if forum_usermarksread is set off
if (!$CFG->forum_usermarksread && forum_tp_can_track_forums($forum, $userto) &&
forum_tp_is_tracked($forum, $userto->id)) {
if (!forum_tp_mark_post_read($userto->id, $post, $forum->id)) {
mtrace("Error: mod/forum/cron.php: Could not mark post $post->id read for user $userto->id".
" while sending email.");
mtrace('post '.$post->id. ': '.$post->subject);
if ($posts) {
foreach ($posts as $post) {
// this needs fixing, needs to be done after all posts are mailed
mtrace($mailcount[$post->id]." users were sent post $post->id, '$post->subject'");
if ($errorcount[$post->id]) {
set_field("forum_posts", "mailed", "2", "id", "$post->id");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user