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synced 2025-03-14 04:30:15 +01:00
MDL-62554 tool_dataprivacy: Behat tests for managing registry defaults
* Also new step definitions and generator for: - Creating categories and purposes - Assigning category and purpose to context instances.
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@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Step definitions to generate database fixtures for the data privacy tool.
* @package tool_dataprivacy
* @category test
* @copyright 2018 Jun Pataleta
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../../../lib/behat/behat_base.php');
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode as TableNode;
use Behat\Behat\Tester\Exception\PendingException as PendingException;
use tool_dataprivacy\api;
* Step definitions to generate database fixtures for the data privacy tool.
* @package tool_dataprivacy
* @category test
* @copyright 2018 Jun Pataleta
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class behat_tool_dataprivacy extends behat_base {
* Each element specifies:
* - The data generator suffix used.
* - The required fields.
* - The mapping between other elements references and database field names.
* @var array
protected static $elements = array(
'categories' => array(
'datagenerator' => 'category',
'required' => array()
'purposes' => array(
'datagenerator' => 'purpose',
'required' => array()
* Creates the specified element. More info about available elements in http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Acceptance_testing#Fixtures.
* @Given /^the following data privacy "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" exist:$/
* @param string $elementname The name of the entity to add
* @param TableNode $data
public function the_following_data_categories_exist($elementname, TableNode $data) {
// Now that we need them require the data generators.
if (empty(self::$elements[$elementname])) {
throw new PendingException($elementname . ' data generator is not implemented');
$datagenerator = testing_util::get_data_generator();
$dataprivacygenerator = $datagenerator->get_plugin_generator('tool_dataprivacy');
$elementdatagenerator = self::$elements[$elementname]['datagenerator'];
$requiredfields = self::$elements[$elementname]['required'];
if (!empty(self::$elements[$elementname]['switchids'])) {
$switchids = self::$elements[$elementname]['switchids'];
foreach ($data->getHash() as $elementdata) {
// Check if all the required fields are there.
foreach ($requiredfields as $requiredfield) {
if (!isset($elementdata[$requiredfield])) {
throw new Exception($elementname . ' requires the field ' . $requiredfield . ' to be specified');
// Switch from human-friendly references to ids.
if (isset($switchids)) {
foreach ($switchids as $element => $field) {
$methodname = 'get_' . $element . '_id';
// Not all the switch fields are required, default vars will be assigned by data generators.
if (isset($elementdata[$element])) {
// Temp $id var to avoid problems when $element == $field.
$id = $this->{$methodname}($elementdata[$element]);
$elementdata[$field] = $id;
// Preprocess the entities that requires a special treatment.
if (method_exists($this, 'preprocess_' . $elementdatagenerator)) {
$elementdata = $this->{'preprocess_' . $elementdatagenerator}($elementdata);
// Creates element.
$methodname = 'create_' . $elementdatagenerator;
if (method_exists($dataprivacygenerator, $methodname)) {
// Using data generators directly.
} else if (method_exists($this, 'process_' . $elementdatagenerator)) {
// Using an alternative to the direct data generator call.
$this->{'process_' . $elementdatagenerator}($elementdata);
} else {
throw new PendingException($elementname . ' data generator is not implemented');
* Sets the data category and data storage purpose for the site.
* @Given /^I set the site category and purpose to "(?P<category_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" and "(?P<purpose_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @param string $category The ID of the category to be set for the instance.
* @param string $purpose The ID of the purpose to be set for the instance.
public function i_set_the_site_category_and_purpose($category, $purpose) {
$category = \tool_dataprivacy\category::get_record(['name' => $category]);
$purpose = \tool_dataprivacy\purpose::get_record(['name' => $purpose]);
$data = (object)[
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_SYSTEM,
'categoryid' => $category->get('id'),
'purposeid' => $purpose->get('id'),
* Sets the data category and data storage purpose for a course category instance.
* @Given /^I set the category and purpose for the course category "(?P<categoryname_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" to "(?P<category_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" and "(?P<purpose_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @param string $name The instance name. It should match the name or the idnumber.
* @param string $category The ID of the category to be set for the instance.
* @param string $purpose The ID of the purpose to be set for the instance.
public function i_set_the_category_and_purpose_for_course_category($name, $category, $purpose) {
global $DB;
$params = [
'name' => $name,
'idnumber' => $name,
$select = 'name = :name OR idnumber = :idnumber';
$coursecatid = $DB->get_field_select('course_categories', 'id', $select, $params, MUST_EXIST);
$context = context_coursecat::instance($coursecatid);
$this->set_category_and_purpose($context->id, $category, $purpose);
* Sets the data category and data storage purpose for a course instance.
* @Given /^I set the category and purpose for the course "(?P<coursename_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" to "(?P<category_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" and "(?P<purpose_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @param string $name The instance name. It should match the fullname or the shortname, or the idnumber.
* @param string $category The ID of the category to be set for the instance.
* @param string $purpose The ID of the purpose to be set for the instance.
public function i_set_the_category_and_purpose_for_course($name, $category, $purpose) {
global $DB;
$params = [
'shortname' => $name,
'fullname' => $name,
'idnumber' => $name,
$select = 'shortname = :shortname OR fullname = :fullname OR idnumber = :idnumber';
$courseid = $DB->get_field_select('course', 'id', $select, $params, MUST_EXIST);
$context = context_course::instance($courseid);
$this->set_category_and_purpose($context->id, $category, $purpose);
* Sets the data category and data storage purpose for a course instance.
* @Given /^I set the category and purpose for the "(?P<activityname_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<activitytype_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" in course "(?P<coursename_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" to "(?P<category_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" and "(?P<purpose_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @param string $name The instance name. It should match the name of the activity.
* @param string $type The activity type. E.g. assign, quiz, forum, etc.
* @param string $coursename The course name. It should match the fullname or the shortname, or the idnumber.
* @param string $category The ID of the category to be set for the instance.
* @param string $purpose The ID of the purpose to be set for the instance.
public function i_set_the_category_and_purpose_for_activity($name, $type, $coursename, $category, $purpose) {
global $DB;
$params = [
'shortname' => $coursename,
'fullname' => $coursename,
'idnumber' => $coursename,
$select = 'shortname = :shortname OR fullname = :fullname OR idnumber = :idnumber';
$courseid = $DB->get_field_select('course', 'id', $select, $params, MUST_EXIST);
$cmid = null;
$cms = get_coursemodules_in_course($type, $courseid);
foreach ($cms as $cm) {
if ($cm->name === $name || $cm->idnumber === $name) {
$cmid = $cm->id;
if ($cmid === null) {
throw new coding_exception("Activity module '{$name}' of type '{$type}' not found!");
$context = context_module::instance($cmid);
$this->set_category_and_purpose($context->id, $category, $purpose);
* Sets the data category and data storage purpose for a course instance.
* @Given /^I set the category and purpose for the "(?P<blockname_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" block in the "(?P<coursename_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" course to "(?P<category_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" and "(?P<purpose_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @param string $name The instance name. It should match the name of the block. (e.g. online_users)
* @param string $coursename The course name. It should match the fullname or the shortname, or the idnumber.
* @param string $category The ID of the category to be set for the instance.
* @param string $purpose The ID of the purpose to be set for the instance.
public function i_set_the_category_and_purpose_for_block($name, $coursename, $category, $purpose) {
global $DB;
$params = [
'shortname' => $coursename,
'fullname' => $coursename,
'idnumber' => $coursename,
$select = 'shortname = :shortname OR fullname = :fullname OR idnumber = :idnumber';
$courseid = $DB->get_field_select('course', 'id', $select, $params, MUST_EXIST);
// Fetch the course context.
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($courseid);
// Fetch the block record and context.
$blockid = $DB->get_field('block_instances', 'id', ['blockname' => $name, 'parentcontextid' => $coursecontext->id]);
$context = context_block::instance($blockid);
// Set the category and purpose.
$this->set_category_and_purpose($context->id, $category, $purpose);
* Sets the category and purpose for a context instance.
* @param int $contextid The context ID.
* @param int $categoryname The category name.
* @param int $purposename The purpose name.
* @throws coding_exception
protected function set_category_and_purpose($contextid, $categoryname, $purposename) {
$category = \tool_dataprivacy\category::get_record(['name' => $categoryname]);
$purpose = \tool_dataprivacy\purpose::get_record(['name' => $purposename]);
api::set_context_instance((object) [
'contextid' => $contextid,
'purposeid' => $purpose->get('id'),
'categoryid' => $category->get('id'),
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@tool @tool_dataprivacy @javascript
Feature: Manage data registry defaults
As the privacy officer
In order to manage the data registry
I need to be able to manage the default data categories and data storage purposes for various context levels.
Given I log in as "admin"
And the following "categories" exist:
| name | idnumber | category |
| Science and technology | scitech | |
| Physics | st-phys | scitech |
And the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname | category |
| Fundamentals of physics 1 | Physics 101 | st-phys |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | name | idnumber | course |
| assign | Assignment 1 | assign1 | Physics 101 |
| forum | Forum 1 | forum1 | Physics 101 |
And the following "blocks" exist:
| blockname | contextlevel | reference | pagetypepattern | defaultregion |
| online_users | Course | Physics 101 | course-view-* | site-post |
And the following data privacy "categories" exist:
| name |
| Site category |
| Category 1 |
| Category 2 |
And the following data privacy "purposes" exist:
| name | retentionperiod |
| Site purpose | P10Y |
| Purpose 1 | P3Y |
| Purpose 2 | P5Y |
And I set the site category and purpose to "Site category" and "Site purpose"
Scenario: Set course category data registry defaults
Given I set the category and purpose for the course category "scitech" to "Category 2" and "Purpose 2"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Set defaults" "link"
And I should see "Inherit"
And I should not see "Add a new module default"
And I press "Edit"
And I set the field "Category" to "Category 1"
And I set the field "Purpose" to "Purpose 1"
When I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Category 1"
And I should see "Purpose 1"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Science and technology" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And the field "categoryid" matches value "Category 2"
And the field "purposeid" matches value "Purpose 2"
And I should see "5 years"
Scenario: Set course category data registry defaults with override
Given I set the category and purpose for the course category "scitech" to "Category 2" and "Purpose 2"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Set defaults" "link"
And I should see "Inherit"
And I should not see "Add a new module default"
And I press "Edit"
And I set the field "Category" to "Category 1"
And I set the field "Purpose" to "Purpose 1"
And I click on "Reset instances with custom values" "checkbox"
When I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Category 1"
And I should see "Purpose 1"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Science and technology" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And the field "categoryid" matches value "Not set (use the default value)"
And the field "purposeid" matches value "Not set (use the default value)"
And I should see "3 years"
Scenario: Set course data registry defaults
Given I set the category and purpose for the course "Physics 101" to "Category 2" and "Purpose 2"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Set defaults" "link"
And I click on "Courses" "link"
And I should see "Inherit"
And I should not see "Add a new module default"
And I press "Edit"
And I set the field "Category" to "Category 1"
And I set the field "Purpose" to "Purpose 1"
When I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Category 1"
And I should see "Purpose 1"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Science and technology" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Courses" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Physics 101" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And the field "categoryid" matches value "Category 2"
And the field "purposeid" matches value "Purpose 2"
And I should see "5 years (after the course end date)"
Scenario: Set course data registry defaults with override
Given I set the category and purpose for the course "Physics 101" to "Category 2" and "Purpose 2"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Set defaults" "link"
And I click on "Courses" "link"
And I should see "Inherit"
And I should not see "Add a new module default"
And I press "Edit"
And I set the field "Category" to "Category 1"
And I set the field "Purpose" to "Purpose 1"
And I click on "Reset instances with custom values" "checkbox"
When I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Category 1"
And I should see "Purpose 1"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Science and technology" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Courses" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Physics 101" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And the field "categoryid" matches value "Not set (use the default value)"
And the field "purposeid" matches value "Not set (use the default value)"
And I should see "3 years (after the course end date)"
Scenario: Set module level data registry defaults
Given I set the category and purpose for the "assign1" "assign" in course "Physics 101" to "Category 2" and "Purpose 2"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Set defaults" "link"
And I click on "Activity modules" "link"
And I should see "Inherit"
And I should see "Add a new module default"
And I press "Edit"
And I set the field "Category" to "Category 1"
And I set the field "Purpose" to "Purpose 1"
When I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Category 1"
And I should see "Purpose 1"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Science and technology" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Courses" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Physics 101" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Activities and resources" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Assignment 1 (Assignment)" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And the field "categoryid" matches value "Category 2"
And the field "purposeid" matches value "Purpose 2"
And I should see "5 years (after the course end date)"
Scenario: Set module level data registry defaults with override
Given I set the category and purpose for the "assign1" "assign" in course "Physics 101" to "Category 2" and "Purpose 2"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Set defaults" "link"
And I click on "Activity modules" "link"
And I should see "Inherit"
And I should see "Add a new module default"
And I press "Edit"
And I set the field "Category" to "Category 1"
And I set the field "Purpose" to "Purpose 1"
And I click on "Reset instances with custom values" "checkbox"
When I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Category 1"
And I should see "Purpose 1"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Science and technology" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Courses" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Physics 101" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Activities and resources" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Assignment 1 (Assignment)" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And the field "categoryid" matches value "Not set (use the default value)"
And the field "purposeid" matches value "Not set (use the default value)"
And I click on "Forum 1 (Forum)" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And the field "categoryid" matches value "Not set (use the default value)"
And the field "purposeid" matches value "Not set (use the default value)"
And I should see "3 years (after the course end date)"
Scenario: Set data registry defaults for an activity module
Given I set the category and purpose for the "assign1" "assign" in course "Physics 101" to "Category 2" and "Purpose 2"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Set defaults" "link"
And I click on "Activity modules" "link"
And I should see "Inherit"
And I should see "Add a new module default"
And I press "Add a new module default"
And I set the field "Activity module" to "Assignment"
And I set the field "Category" to "Category 1"
And I set the field "Purpose" to "Purpose 1"
When I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Category 1" in the "Assignment" "table_row"
And I should see "Purpose 1" in the "Assignment" "table_row"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Science and technology" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Courses" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Physics 101" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Activities and resources" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Assignment 1 (Assignment)" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And the field "categoryid" matches value "Category 2"
And the field "purposeid" matches value "Purpose 2"
And I should see "5 years (after the course end date)"
Scenario: Set data registry defaults for an activity module with override
Given I set the category and purpose for the "assign1" "assign" in course "Physics 101" to "Category 2" and "Purpose 2"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Set defaults" "link"
And I click on "Activity modules" "link"
And I should see "Inherit"
And I should see "Add a new module default"
And I press "Add a new module default"
And I set the field "Activity module" to "Assignment"
And I set the field "Category" to "Category 1"
And I set the field "Purpose" to "Purpose 1"
And I click on "Reset instances with custom values" "checkbox"
When I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Category 1" in the "Assignment" "table_row"
And I should see "Purpose 1" in the "Assignment" "table_row"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Science and technology" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Courses" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Physics 101" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Activities and resources" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Assignment 1 (Assignment)" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And the field "categoryid" matches value "Not set (use the default value)"
And the field "purposeid" matches value "Not set (use the default value)"
And I should see "3 years (after the course end date)"
Scenario: Set block category data registry defaults
Given I set the category and purpose for the "online_users" block in the "Physics 101" course to "Category 2" and "Purpose 2"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Set defaults" "link"
And I click on "Blocks" "link"
And I should see "Inherit"
And I should not see "Add a new module default"
And I press "Edit"
And I set the field "Category" to "Category 1"
And I set the field "Purpose" to "Purpose 1"
When I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Category 1"
And I should see "Purpose 1"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Science and technology" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Courses" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Physics 101" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Blocks" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Online users" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And the field "categoryid" matches value "Category 2"
And the field "purposeid" matches value "Purpose 2"
And I should see "5 years (after the course end date)"
Scenario: Set course category data registry defaults with override
Given I set the category and purpose for the "online_users" block in the "Physics 101" course to "Category 2" and "Purpose 2"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Set defaults" "link"
And I click on "Blocks" "link"
And I should see "Inherit"
And I should not see "Add a new module default"
And I press "Edit"
And I set the field "Category" to "Category 1"
And I set the field "Purpose" to "Purpose 1"
And I click on "Reset instances with custom values" "checkbox"
When I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Category 1"
And I should see "Purpose 1"
And I navigate to "Users > Privacy and policies > Data registry" in site administration
And I click on "Science and technology" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Courses" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Physics 101" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Blocks" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And I click on "Online users" "link"
And I wait until the page is ready
And the field "categoryid" matches value "Not set (use the default value)"
And the field "purposeid" matches value "Not set (use the default value)"
And I should see "3 years (after the course end date)"
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Data privacy tool data generator.
* @package tool_dataprivacy
* @category test
* @copyright 2018 Jun Pataleta
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
use tool_dataprivacy\api;
use tool_dataprivacy\category;
use tool_dataprivacy\purpose;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Data privacy tool data generator class.
* @package tool_dataprivacy
* @category test
* @copyright 2018 Jun Pataleta
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class tool_dataprivacy_generator extends component_generator_base {
/** @var int Number of created categories. */
protected $categorycount = 0;
/** @var int Number of created purposes. */
protected $purposecount = 0;
* Reset process.
* Do not call directly.
* @return void
public function reset() {
$this->categorycount = 0;
$this->purposecount = 0;
* Create a new category.
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @return category
public function create_category($record = null) {
$i = $this->categorycount;
$record = (object)$record;
if (!isset($record->name)) {
$record->name = "Test purpose $i";
if (!isset($record->description)) {
$record->description = "{$record->name} description";
$category = api::create_category($record);
return $category;
* Create a new purpose.
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @return purpose
public function create_purpose($record = null) {
$i = $this->purposecount;
$record = (object)$record;
if (!isset($record->name)) {
$record->name = "Test purpose $i";
if (!isset($record->description)) {
$record->description = "{$record->name} $i description";
if (!isset($record->retentionperiod)) {
$record->retentionperiod = 'PT1M';
if (!isset($record->lawfulbases)) {
$record->lawfulbases = 'gdpr_art_6_1_a';
$purpose = api::create_purpose($record);
return $purpose;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user