MDL-12421 rounding

This commit is contained in:
pichetp 2007-12-11 09:13:17 +00:00
parent 87cd4f5469
commit 4efa376ffb

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@ -623,9 +623,10 @@ class question_dataset_dependent_questiontype extends default_questiontype {
// Select a dataset in the following format:
// An array indexed by the variable names ( pointing to the value
// to be substituted
//the value is rounded following the decimals setting
global $CFG;
if (!$dataset = get_records_sql(
"SELECT, i.value
"SELECT, i.value, d.options
FROM {$CFG->prefix}question_dataset_definitions d,
{$CFG->prefix}question_dataset_items i,
{$CFG->prefix}question_datasets q
@ -637,6 +638,14 @@ class question_dataset_dependent_questiontype extends default_questiontype {
"question! (question: {$question->id}, " .
"datasetitem: {$datasetitem})");
foreach($dataset as $dset ){
list($distribution, $min, $max,$dec) = explode(':', $dset->options, 4);
if ($dec == "") {
$dec = 0 ;
$dset->value = sprintf("%.".$dec."f",$dset->value);
array_walk($dataset, create_function('&$val', '$val = $val->value;'));
return $dataset;