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synced 2025-01-18 22:08:20 +01:00
Merge branch 'MDL-47243-master' of git://github.com/xow/moodle
This commit is contained in:
@ -185,6 +185,12 @@ Feature: Set up contextual data for tests
| url | Test url name | Test url description | C1 | url1 |
| wiki | Test wiki name | Test wiki description | C1 | wiki1 |
| workshop | Test workshop name | Test workshop description | C1 | workshop1 |
And the following "scales" exist:
| name | scale |
| Test Scale 1 | Disappointing, Good, Very good, Excellent |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | name | intro | course | idnumber | grade |
| assign | Test assignment name with scale | Test assignment description | C1 | assign1 | Test Scale 1 |
When I log in as "admin"
And I follow "Course 1"
Then I should see "Test assignment name"
@ -214,6 +220,10 @@ Feature: Set up contextual data for tests
And I should see "Test workshop name"
And I follow "Test assignment name"
And I should see "Test assignment description"
And I follow "C1"
And I follow "Test assignment name with scale"
And I follow "Edit settings"
And the field "Type" matches value "Scale"
Scenario: Add relations between users and groups
@ -297,13 +307,124 @@ Feature: Set up contextual data for tests
| Course 1 | C1 |
And the following "grade categories" exist:
| fullname | course |
| Grade category 1 | C1|
| Grade category 1 | C1 |
And the following "grade categories" exist:
| fullname | course | gradecategory |
| Grade sub category 2 | C1 | Grade category 1|
| Grade sub category 2 | C1 | Grade category 1 |
When I log in as "admin"
And I follow "Courses"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I navigate to "Grades" node in "Course administration"
Then I should see "Grade category 1"
And I should see "Grade sub category 2"
Scenario: Add a bunch of grade items
Given the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname |
| Course 1 | C1 |
And the following "grade categories" exist:
| fullname | course |
| Grade category 1 | C1 |
And the following "grade categories" exist:
| fullname | course | gradecategory |
| Grade sub category 2 | C1 | Grade category 1 |
And the following "grade items" exist:
| itemname | course |
| Test Grade Item 1 | C1 |
And the following "grade items" exist:
| itemname | course | gradecategory |
| Test Grade Item 2 | C1 | Grade category 1 |
| Test Grade Item 3 | C1 | Grade sub category 2 |
When I log in as "admin"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I follow "Grades"
And I expand "Setup" node
And I follow "Categories and items"
Then I should see "Test Grade Item 1"
And I follow "Edit Test Grade Item 1"
And I expand all fieldsets
And I should see "Course 1"
And I press "Cancel"
And I should see "Grade category 1"
And I should see "Test Grade Item 2"
And I follow "Edit Test Grade Item 2"
And I expand all fieldsets
And I should see "Grade category 1"
And I press "Cancel"
And I should see "Grade sub category 2"
And I should see "Test Grade Item 3"
And I follow "Edit Test Grade Item 3"
And I expand all fieldsets
And I should see "Grade sub category 2"
And I press "Cancel"
Scenario: Add a bunch of scales
Given the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname |
| Course 1 | C1 |
And the following "scales" exist:
| name | scale |
| Test Scale 1 | Disappointing, Good, Very good, Excellent |
When I log in as "admin"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I follow "Grades"
And I follow "Scales"
Then I should see "Test Scale 1"
And I should see "Disappointing, Good, Very good, Excellent"
Scenario: Add a bunch of outcomes
Given the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname |
| Course 1 | C1 |
And the following "scales" exist:
| name | scale |
| Test Scale 1 | Disappointing, Good, Very good, Excellent |
And the following "grade outcomes" exist:
| fullname | shortname | scale |
| Grade outcome 1 | OT1 | Test Scale 1 |
And the following "grade outcomes" exist:
| fullname | shortname | course | scale |
| Grade outcome 2 | OT2 | C1 | Test Scale 1 |
When I log in as "admin"
And I set the following administration settings values:
| Enable outcomes | 1 |
And I follow "Home"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I follow "Outcomes"
Then I should see "Grade outcome 1" in the "#addoutcomes" "css_element"
And I should see "Grade outcome 2" in the "#removeoutcomes" "css_element"
And I follow "Edit outcomes"
And the following should exist in the "generaltable" table:
| Full name | Short name | Scale |
| Grade outcome 2 | OT2 | Test Scale 1 |
Scenario: Add a bunch of outcome grade items
Given the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname |
| Course 1 | C1 |
And the following "scales" exist:
| name | scale |
| Test Scale 1 | Disappointing, Good, Very good, Excellent |
And the following "grade outcomes" exist:
| fullname | shortname | course | scale |
| Grade outcome 1 | OT1 | C1 | Test Scale 1 |
And the following "grade categories" exist:
| fullname | course |
| Grade category 1 | C1 |
And the following "grade items" exist:
| itemname | course | outcome | gradecategory |
| Test Outcome Grade Item 1 | C1 | OT1 | Grade category 1 |
When I log in as "admin"
And I set the following administration settings values:
| Enable outcomes | 1 |
And I follow "Home"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I follow "Grades"
And I expand "Setup" node
And I follow "Categories and items"
Then I should see "Test Outcome Grade Item 1"
And I follow "Edit Test Outcome Grade Item 1"
And the field "Outcome" matches value "Grade outcome 1"
And I expand all fieldsets
And "//div[contains(@class, 'fitem')]/div[contains(@class, 'fitemtitle')]/div[contains(@class, fstaticlabel) and contains(., 'Grade category')]/../../div[contains(@class, 'felement') and contains(., 'Grade category 1')]" "xpath_element" should exist
And I press "Cancel"
@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ if (empty($parent_category)) {
$item->aggregationcoef = 0;
} else if ($parent_category->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
$item->aggregationcoef = $item->aggregationcoef > 0 ? 1 : 0;
$item->aggregationcoef2 = format_float($item->aggregationcoef2 * 100.0);
} else {
$item->aggregationcoef = format_float($item->aggregationcoef, 4);
@ -131,12 +132,15 @@ if ($data = $mform->get_data()) {
$convert = array('gradepass', 'aggregationcoef');
$convert = array('gradepass', 'aggregationcoef', 'aggregationcoef2');
foreach ($convert as $param) {
if (property_exists($data, $param)) {
$data->$param = unformat_float($data->$param);
if (isset($data->aggregationcoef2) && $parent_category->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
$data->aggregationcoef2 = $data->aggregationcoef2 / 100.0;
$grade_item = new grade_item(array('id'=>$id, 'courseid'=>$courseid));
grade_item::set_properties($grade_item, $data);
@ -73,6 +73,14 @@ class edit_outcomeitem_form extends moodleform {
$mform->addHelpButton('cmid', 'linkedactivity', 'grades');
$mform->setDefault('cmid', 0);
$mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'weightoverride', get_string('adjustedweight', 'grades'));
$mform->addHelpButton('weightoverride', 'weightoverride', 'grades');
$mform->addElement('text', 'aggregationcoef2', get_string('weight', 'grades'));
$mform->addHelpButton('aggregationcoef2', 'weight', 'grades');
$mform->setType('aggregationcoef2', PARAM_RAW);
$mform->disabledIf('aggregationcoef2', 'weightoverride');
/// hiding
/// advcheckbox is not compatible with disabledIf !!
$mform->addElement('checkbox', 'hidden', get_string('hidden', 'grades'));
@ -125,8 +133,9 @@ class edit_outcomeitem_form extends moodleform {
if ($coefstring !== '') {
if ($coefstring == 'aggregationcoefextrasum') {
if ($coefstring == 'aggregationcoefextrasum' || $coefstring == 'aggregationcoefextraweightsum') {
// advcheckbox is not compatible with disabledIf!
$coefstring = 'aggregationcoefextrasum';
$mform->addElement('checkbox', 'aggregationcoef', get_string($coefstring, 'grades'));
} else {
$mform->addElement('text', 'aggregationcoef', get_string($coefstring, 'grades'));
@ -193,7 +202,7 @@ class edit_outcomeitem_form extends moodleform {
if (!$parent_category->is_aggregationcoef_used() or $parent_category->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
if (!$parent_category->is_aggregationcoef_used()) {
if ($mform->elementExists('aggregationcoef')) {
@ -219,6 +228,15 @@ class edit_outcomeitem_form extends moodleform {
$mform->addHelpButton('aggregationcoef', $aggcoef, 'grades');
// Remove fields used by natural weighting if the parent category is not using natural weighting.
if ($parent_category->aggregation != GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM) {
if ($mform->elementExists('weightoverride')) {
if ($mform->elementExists('aggregationcoef2')) {
@ -742,7 +742,6 @@ class grade_report_grader extends grade_report {
$strftimedatetimeshort = get_string('strftimedatetimeshort');
$strexcludedgrades = get_string('excluded', 'grades');
$strerror = get_string('error');
$strtypescale = get_string('typescale', 'grades');
foreach ($this->gtree->get_levels() as $key => $row) {
$headingrow = new html_table_row();
@ -991,7 +990,9 @@ class grade_report_grader extends grade_report {
$nogradestr = $this->get_lang_string('nooutcome', 'grades');
$attributes = array('tabindex' => $tabindices[$item->id]['grade'], 'id'=>'grade_'.$userid.'_'.$item->id);
$itemcell->text .= html_writer::label($strtypescale, $attributes['id'], false,
$gradelabel = $fullname . ' ' . $item->itemname;
$itemcell->text .= html_writer::label(
get_string('useractivitygrade', 'gradereport_grader', $gradelabel), $attributes['id'], false,
array('class' => 'accesshide'));
$itemcell->text .= html_writer::select($scaleopt, 'grade['.$userid.']['.$item->id.']', $gradeval, array(-1=>$nogradestr), $attributes);
} else if (!empty($scale)) {
@ -246,6 +246,126 @@ Feature: We can use calculated grade totals
And I set the field "Grade report" to "Overview report"
And I should see "50.00 (50.00 %)" in the "overview-grade" "table"
Scenario: Natural aggregation on outcome items with natural weights
And I log out
And I log in as "admin"
And I set the following administration settings values:
| Enable outcomes | 1 |
And the following "scales" exist:
| name | scale |
| Test Scale | Disappointing, Good, Very good, Excellent |
And the following "grade outcomes" exist:
| fullname | shortname | course | scale |
| Outcome 1 | OT1 | C1 | Test Scale |
And the following "grade items" exist:
| itemname | course | outcome | gradetype | scale |
| Test outcome item one | C1 | OT1 | Scale | Test Scale |
And I log out
When I log in as "teacher1"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I follow "Grades"
And I expand "Setup" node
And I follow "Categories and items"
And I set the following settings for grade item "Course 1":
| Aggregation | Natural |
| Include outcomes in aggregation | 1 |
| Exclude empty grades | 0 |
And I follow "Grader report"
And I turn editing mode on
And I press "Save changes"
And I give the grade "Excellent" to the user "Student 1" for the grade item "Test outcome item one"
And I press "Save changes"
And I navigate to "Course grade settings" node in "Grade administration > Setup"
And I set the field "report_overview_showtotalsifcontainhidden" to "Show totals excluding hidden items"
And I set the field "report_user_showtotalsifcontainhidden" to "Show totals excluding hidden items"
And I press "Save changes"
And I log out
And I log in as "student1"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I follow "Grades"
Then "Test outcome item one" row "Grade" column of "user-grade" table should contain "Excellent (100.00 %)"
And I set the field "Grade report" to "Overview report"
And I should see "114.82 (18.27 %)" in the "overview-grade" "table"
And I log out
And I log in as "teacher1"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I follow "Grades"
And I expand "Setup" node
And I follow "Categories and items"
And I set the following settings for grade item "Test outcome item one":
| Extra credit | 1 |
And I log out
And I log in as "student1"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I follow "Grades"
Then "Test outcome item one" row "Grade" column of "user-grade" table should contain "Excellent (100.00 %)"
And I set the field "Grade report" to "Overview report"
And I should see "114.00 (18.39 %)" in the "overview-grade" "table"
And I log out
And I log in as "teacher1"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I follow "Grades"
And I expand "Setup" node
And I follow "Categories and items"
And I set the following settings for grade item "Course 1":
| Aggregation | Natural |
| Include outcomes in aggregation | 0 |
And I set the following settings for grade item "Test outcome item one":
| Extra credit | 0 |
And I log out
And I log in as "student1"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I follow "Grades"
Then "Test outcome item one" row "Grade" column of "user-grade" table should contain "Excellent (100.00 %)"
And I set the field "Grade report" to "Overview report"
And I should see "110.00 (17.74 %)" in the "overview-grade" "table"
Scenario: Natural aggregation on outcome items with modified weights
And I log out
And I log in as "admin"
And I set the following administration settings values:
| Enable outcomes | 1 |
And the following "scales" exist:
| name | scale |
| Test Scale | Disappointing, Good, Very good, Excellent |
And the following "grade outcomes" exist:
| fullname | shortname | course | scale |
| Outcome 1 | OT1 | C1 | Test Scale |
And the following "grade items" exist:
| itemname | course | outcome | gradetype | scale |
| Test outcome item one | C1 | OT1 | Scale | Test Scale |
And I log out
When I log in as "teacher1"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I follow "Grades"
And I expand "Setup" node
And I follow "Categories and items"
And I set the following settings for grade item "Course 1":
| Aggregation | Natural |
| Include outcomes in aggregation | 1 |
| Exclude empty grades | 0 |
And I set the following settings for grade item "Test outcome item one":
| Weight adjusted | 1 |
| aggregationcoef2 | 100 |
And I follow "Grader report"
And I turn editing mode on
And I press "Save changes"
And I give the grade "Excellent" to the user "Student 1" for the grade item "Test outcome item one"
And I press "Save changes"
And I navigate to "Course grade settings" node in "Grade administration > Setup"
And I set the field "report_overview_showtotalsifcontainhidden" to "Show totals excluding hidden items"
And I set the field "report_user_showtotalsifcontainhidden" to "Show totals excluding hidden items"
And I press "Save changes"
And I log out
And I log in as "student1"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I follow "Grades"
Then "Test outcome item one" row "Grade" column of "user-grade" table should contain "Excellent (100.00 %)"
And I set the field "Grade report" to "Overview report"
And I should see "4.00 (100.00 %)" in the "overview-grade" "table"
Scenario: Natural aggregation
And I set the following settings for grade item "Sub category 1":
@ -34,7 +34,12 @@ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class testing_data_generator {
/** @var int The number of grade categories created */
protected $gradecategorycounter = 0;
/** @var int The number of grade items created */
protected $gradeitemcounter = 0;
/** @var int The number of grade outcomes created */
protected $gradeoutcomecounter = 0;
protected $usercounter = 0;
protected $categorycount = 0;
protected $cohortcount = 0;
@ -914,7 +919,6 @@ EOD;
global $CFG;
$i = $this->gradecategorycounter;
$record = (array)$record;
@ -923,7 +927,7 @@ EOD;
if (!isset($record['fullname'])) {
$record['fullname'] = 'Grade category ' . $i;
$record['fullname'] = 'Grade category ' . $this->gradecategorycounter;
// For gradelib classes.
@ -941,4 +945,68 @@ EOD;
return $gradecategory->get_record_data();
* Create a grade_item.
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @return stdClass the grade item record
public function create_grade_item($record = null) {
global $CFG;
if (!isset($record['itemtype'])) {
$record['itemtype'] = 'manual';
if (!isset($record['itemname'])) {
$record['itemname'] = 'Grade item ' . $this->gradeitemcounter;
if (isset($record['outcomeid'])) {
$outcome = new grade_outcome(array('id' => $record['outcomeid']));
$record['scaleid'] = $outcome->scaleid;
if (isset($record['scaleid'])) {
$record['gradetype'] = GRADE_TYPE_SCALE;
} else if (!isset($record['gradetype'])) {
$record['gradetype'] = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE;
// Create new grade item in this course.
$gradeitem = new grade_item($record, false);
return $gradeitem->get_record_data();
* Create a grade_outcome.
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @return stdClass the grade outcome record
public function create_grade_outcome($record = null) {
global $CFG;
$i = $this->gradeoutcomecounter;
if (!isset($record['fullname'])) {
$record['fullname'] = 'Grade outcome ' . $i;
// For gradelib classes.
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php');
// Create new grading outcome in this course.
$gradeoutcome = new grade_outcome($record, false);
return $gradeoutcome->get_record_data();
@ -140,6 +140,22 @@ class behat_data_generators extends behat_base {
'datagenerator' => 'grade_category',
'required' => array('fullname', 'course'),
'switchids' => array('course' => 'courseid', 'gradecategory' => 'parent')
'grade items' => array(
'datagenerator' => 'grade_item',
'required' => array('course'),
'switchids' => array('scale' => 'scaleid', 'outcome' => 'outcomeid', 'course' => 'courseid',
'gradecategory' => 'categoryid')
'grade outcomes' => array(
'datagenerator' => 'grade_outcome',
'required' => array('shortname', 'scale'),
'switchids' => array('course' => 'courseid', 'gradecategory' => 'categoryid', 'scale' => 'scaleid')
'scales' => array(
'datagenerator' => 'scale',
'required' => array('name', 'scale'),
'switchids' => array('course' => 'courseid')
@ -246,6 +262,21 @@ class behat_data_generators extends behat_base {
return $data;
* Preprocesses the creation of a grade item. Converts gradetype text to a number.
* @param array $data
* @return array
protected function preprocess_grade_item($data) {
global $CFG;
if (isset($data['gradetype'])) {
$data['gradetype'] = constant("GRADE_TYPE_" . strtoupper($data['gradetype']));
return $data;
* Adapter to modules generator
* @throws Exception Custom exception for test writers
@ -253,12 +284,22 @@ class behat_data_generators extends behat_base {
* @return void
protected function process_activity($data) {
global $DB;
global $DB, $CFG;
// The the_following_exists() method checks that the field exists.
$activityname = $data['activity'];
// Convert scale name into scale id (negative number indicates using scale).
if (isset($data['grade']) && strlen($data['grade']) && !is_number($data['grade'])) {
$data['grade'] = - $this->get_scale_id($data['grade']);
if (!isset($data['gradetype'])) {
$data['gradetype'] = GRADE_TYPE_SCALE;
// We split $data in the activity $record and the course module $options.
$cmoptions = array();
$cmcolumns = $DB->get_columns('course_modules');
@ -559,6 +600,36 @@ class behat_data_generators extends behat_base {
return $id;
* Gets the outcome item id from its shortname.
* @throws Exception
* @param string $shortname
* @return int
protected function get_outcome_id($shortname) {
global $DB;
if (!$id = $DB->get_field('grade_outcomes', 'id', array('shortname' => $shortname))) {
throw new Exception('The specified outcome with shortname "' . $shortname . '" does not exist');
return $id;
* Gets the course id from its name.
* @throws Exception
* @param string $name
* @return int
protected function get_scale_id($name) {
global $DB;
if (!$id = $DB->get_field('scale', 'id', array('name' => $name))) {
throw new Exception('The specified scale with name "' . $name . '" does not exist');
return $id;
* Gets the internal context id from the context reference.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user