mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 05:58:34 +01:00
MDL-21695 Removing obsolete strings and renaming legacy config* strings in gradebook
AMOS BEGIN MOV [configdisablegradehistory,core_grades],[disablegradehistory_help,core_grades] MOV [configenableoutcomes,core_grades],[enableoutcomes_help,core_grades] MOV [configfixedstudents,core_grades],[fixedstudents_help,core_grades] MOV [configgradehistorylifetime,core_grades],[gradehistorylifetime_help,core_grades] MOV [configgradeitemadvanced,core_grades],[gradeitemadvanced_help,core_grades] MOV [configgradepublishing,core_grades],[gradepublishing_help,core_grades] MOV [confighiddenasdate,core_grades],[hiddenasdate_help,core_grades] MOV [confighideforcedsettings,core_grades],[hideforcedsettings_help],[core_grades] MOV [configincludescalesinaggregation,core_grades],[includescalesinaggregation_help,core_grades] MOV [configprofilereport,core_grades],[profilereport_help,core_grades] MOV [configshowuserimage,core_grades],[showuserimage_help,core_grades] MOV [configunlimitedgrades,core_grades],[unlimitedgrades_help,core_grades] AMOS END
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ if (has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $systemcontext)
$temp->add(new admin_setting_special_gradebookroles());
// enable outcomes checkbox
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('enableoutcomes', get_string('enableoutcomes', 'grades'), get_string('configenableoutcomes', 'grades'), 0));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('enableoutcomes', get_string('enableoutcomes', 'grades'), get_string('enableoutcomes_help', 'grades'), 0));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_grade_profilereport());
@ -36,12 +36,12 @@ if (has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $systemcontext)
array(GRADE_REPORT_AGGREGATION_POSITION_FIRST => get_string('positionfirst', 'grades'),
GRADE_REPORT_AGGREGATION_POSITION_LAST => get_string('positionlast', 'grades'))));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_regradingcheckbox('grade_includescalesinaggregation', get_string('includescalesinaggregation', 'grades'), get_string('configincludescalesinaggregation', 'grades'), 1));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_regradingcheckbox('grade_includescalesinaggregation', get_string('includescalesinaggregation', 'grades'), get_string('includescalesinaggregation_help', 'grades'), 1));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('grade_hiddenasdate', get_string('hiddenasdate', 'grades'), get_string('confighiddenasdate', 'grades'), 0));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('grade_hiddenasdate', get_string('hiddenasdate', 'grades'), get_string('hiddenasdate_help', 'grades'), 0));
// enable publishing in exports/imports
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('gradepublishing', get_string('gradepublishing', 'grades'), get_string('configgradepublishing', 'grades'), 0));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('gradepublishing', get_string('gradepublishing', 'grades'), get_string('gradepublishing_help', 'grades'), 0));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configselect('grade_export_displaytype', get_string('gradeexportdisplaytype', 'grades'),
get_string('gradeexportdisplaytype_desc', 'grades'), GRADE_DISPLAY_TYPE_REAL, $display_types));
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ if (has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $systemcontext)
/// Grade category settings
$temp = new admin_settingpage('gradecategorysettings', get_string('gradecategorysettings', 'grades'), 'moodle/grade:manage');
if ($ADMIN->fulltree) {
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('grade_hideforcedsettings', get_string('hideforcedsettings', 'grades'), get_string('confighideforcedsettings', 'grades'), '1'));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('grade_hideforcedsettings', get_string('hideforcedsettings', 'grades'), get_string('hideforcedsettings_help', 'grades'), '1'));
$strnoforce = get_string('noforce', 'grades');
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ if (has_capability('moodle/grade:manage', $systemcontext)
'4' => '4',
'5' => '5')));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configmultiselect('grade_item_advanced', get_string('gradeitemadvanced', 'grades'), get_string('configgradeitemadvanced', 'grades'),
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configmultiselect('grade_item_advanced', get_string('gradeitemadvanced', 'grades'), get_string('gradeitemadvanced_help', 'grades'),
array('iteminfo', 'idnumber', 'gradepass', 'plusfactor', 'multfactor', 'display', 'decimals', 'hiddenuntil', 'locktime'),
array('iteminfo' => get_string('iteminfo', 'grades'),
'idnumber' => get_string('idnumbermod'),
@ -205,10 +205,10 @@ $temp->add(new admin_setting_configselect('loglifetime', get_string('loglifetime
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('disablegradehistory', get_string('disablegradehistory', 'grades'),
get_string('configdisablegradehistory', 'grades'), 0, PARAM_INT));
get_string('disablegradehistory_help', 'grades'), 0, PARAM_INT));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configselect('gradehistorylifetime', get_string('gradehistorylifetime', 'grades'),
get_string('configgradehistorylifetime', 'grades'), 0, array(0 => get_string('neverdeletehistory', 'grades'),
get_string('gradehistorylifetime_help', 'grades'), 0, array(0 => get_string('neverdeletehistory', 'grades'),
1000 => get_string('numdays', '', 1000),
365 => get_string('numdays', '', 365),
180 => get_string('numdays', '', 180),
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
if ($hassiteconfig) { // speedup for non-admins, add all caps used on this page
$optionalsubsystems->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('enableoutcomes', get_string('enableoutcomes', 'grades'), get_string('configenableoutcomes', 'grades'), 0));
$optionalsubsystems->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('enableoutcomes', get_string('enableoutcomes', 'grades'), get_string('enableoutcomes_help', 'grades'), 0));
$optionalsubsystems->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('usecomments', get_string('enablecomments', 'admin'), get_string('configenablecomments', 'admin'), 1));
$optionalsubsystems->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('usetags', get_string('usetags','admin'),get_string('configusetags', 'admin'), '1'));
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ $settings->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('grade_report_showquickfeedback'
get_string('showquickfeedback_help', 'grades'), 0));
$settings->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('grade_report_fixedstudents', get_string('fixedstudents', 'grades'),
get_string('configfixedstudents', 'grades'), 0));
get_string('fixedstudents_help', 'grades'), 0));
$settings->add(new admin_setting_configselect('grade_report_meanselection', get_string('meanselection', 'grades'),
get_string('meanselection_help', 'grades'), GRADE_REPORT_MEAN_GRADED,
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ $settings->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('grade_report_showranges', get_s
get_string('showranges_help', 'grades'), 0));
$settings->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('grade_report_showuserimage', get_string('showuserimage', 'grades'),
get_string('configshowuserimage', 'grades'), 1));
get_string('showuserimage_help', 'grades'), 1));
$settings->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('grade_report_showuseridnumber', get_string('showuseridnumber', 'grades'),
get_string('showuseridnumber_help', 'grades'), 0));
@ -116,21 +116,6 @@ $string['categorytotal'] = 'Category total';
$string['categorytotalfull'] = '{$a->category} total';
$string['combo'] = 'Tabs and Dropdown menu';
$string['compact'] = 'Compact';
$string['configcoursegradedisplaytype'] = 'Select the default display type of grades for this course. You can also select the site default value. Grades can be shown as real grades, as percentages (in reference to the minimum and maximum grades) or as letters (A, B, C etc..). Selecting Letters will allow you to define your own grade letters and boundaries.';
$string['configdisablegradehistory'] = 'Disable history tracking of changes in grades related tables. This may speed up the server a little and conserve space in database.';
$string['configenableoutcomes'] = 'Support for Outcomes (also known as Competencies, Goals, Standards or Criteria) means that we can grade things using one or more scales that are tied to outcome statements. Enabling outcomes makes such special grading possible throughout the site.';
$string['configfixedstudents'] = 'Allows grades to scroll horizontally without losing sight of the students column, by making it static.';
$string['configgradehistorylifetime'] = 'This specifies the length of time you want to keep history of changes in grade related tables. It is recommended to keep it as long as possible. If you experience performance problems or have limited database space, try to set lower value.';
$string['configgradeitemadvanced'] = 'Select all elements that should be displayed as advanced when editing grade items.';
$string['configgradeletter'] = 'A letter or other symbol used to represent a range of grades.';
$string['configgradeletterdefault'] = 'A letter or other symbol used to represent a range of grades. Leave this field empty to use the site default (currently {$a}).';
$string['configgradepublishing'] = 'Enable publishing in exports and imports: Exported grades can be accessed by accessing a URL, without having to log on to a Moodle site. Grades can be imported by accessing such a URL (which means that a Moodle site can import grades published by another site). By default only administrators may use this feature, please educate users before adding required capabilities to other roles (dangers of bookmark sharing and download accelerators, IP restrictions, etc.).';
$string['confighiddenasdate'] = 'If user can not see hidden grades show date of submission instead of \'-\'.';
$string['confighideforcedsettings'] = 'Do not show forced settings in grading UI.';
$string['configincludescalesinaggregation'] = 'You can change whether scales are to be included as numbers in all aggregated grades across all gradebooks in all courses. CAUTION: changing this setting will force all aggregated grades to be recalculated.';
$string['configprofilereport'] = 'Grade report used on user profile page.';
$string['configshowuserimage'] = 'Whether to show the user\'s profile image next to the name in the grader report.';
$string['configunlimitedgrades'] = 'By default grades are limited by the maximum and minimum values of the grade item. Enabling this setting removes this limit, and allows grades of over 100% to be entered directly in the gradebook. It is recommended that this setting is enabled at an off-peak time, as all grades will be recalculated, which may result in a high server load.';
$string['contract'] = 'Contract Category';
$string['controls'] = 'Controls';
$string['courseavg'] = 'Course average';
@ -155,6 +140,7 @@ $string['default'] = 'Default';
$string['defaultprev'] = 'Default ({$a})';
$string['deletecategory'] = 'Delete category';
$string['disablegradehistory'] = 'Disable grade history';
$string['disablegradehistory_help'] = 'Disable history tracking of changes in grades related tables. This may speed up the server a little and conserve space in database.';
$string['displaylettergrade'] = 'Display letter grades';
$string['displaypercent'] = 'Display percents';
$string['displaypoints'] = 'Display points';
@ -180,6 +166,7 @@ $string['editverbose'] = 'Edit {$a->category} {$a->itemmodule} {$a->itemname}';
$string['enableajax'] = 'Enable AJAX';
$string['enableajax_help'] = 'Adds a layer of AJAX functionality to the grader report, simplifying and speeding up common operations. Depends on Javascript being switched on at the user\'s browser level.';
$string['enableoutcomes'] = 'Enable outcomes';
$string['enableoutcomes_help'] = 'Support for Outcomes (also known as Competencies, Goals, Standards or Criteria) means that we can grade things using one or more scales that are tied to outcome statements. Enabling outcomes makes such special grading possible throughout the site.';
$string['encoding'] = 'Encoding';
$string['errorcalculationnoequal'] = 'Formula must start with equal sign (=1+2)';
$string['errorcalculationunknown'] = 'Invalid formula';
@ -213,6 +200,7 @@ $string['feedbackview'] = 'View feedback';
$string['finalgrade'] = 'Final grade';
$string['finalgrade_help'] = 'If the overridden checkbox is ticked, a grade may be added or amended.';
$string['fixedstudents'] = 'Static students column';
$string['fixedstudents_help'] = 'Allows grades to scroll horizontally without losing sight of the students column, by making it static.';
$string['forceoff'] = 'Force: Off';
$string['forceon'] = 'Force: On';
$string['forelementtypes'] = 'for the selected {$a}';
@ -248,10 +236,12 @@ $string['gradeexportdisplaytype_desc'] = 'Grades can be shown as real grades, as
$string['gradeforstudent'] = '{$a->student}<br />{$a->item}$a->feedback';
$string['gradehelp'] = 'Grade Help';
$string['gradehistorylifetime'] = 'Grade history lifetime';
$string['gradehistorylifetime_help'] = 'This specifies the length of time you want to keep history of changes in grade related tables. It is recommended to keep it as long as possible. If you experience performance problems or have limited database space, try to set lower value.';
$string['gradeimport'] = 'Grade import';
$string['gradeitem'] = 'Grade item';
$string['gradeitemaddusers'] = 'Exclude from grading';
$string['gradeitemadvanced'] = 'Advanced grade item options';
$string['gradeitemadvanced_help'] = 'Select all elements that should be displayed as advanced when editing grade items.';
$string['gradeitemislocked'] = 'This activity is locked in the gradebook. Changes that are made to grades in this activity will not be copied to the gradebook until it is unlocked.';
$string['gradeitemlocked'] = 'Grading locked';
$string['gradeitemmembersselected'] = 'Excluded from grading';
@ -278,6 +268,7 @@ $string['gradepass_help'] = 'This setting determines the minimum grade required
$string['gradepreferences'] = 'Grade preferences';
$string['gradepreferenceshelp'] = 'Grade preferences Help';
$string['gradepublishing'] = 'Enable publishing';
$string['gradepublishing_help'] = 'Enable publishing in exports and imports: Exported grades can be accessed by accessing a URL, without having to log on to a Moodle site. Grades can be imported by accessing such a URL (which means that a Moodle site can import grades published by another site). By default only administrators may use this feature, please educate users before adding required capabilities to other roles (dangers of bookmark sharing and download accelerators, IP restrictions, etc.).';
$string['gradereport'] = 'Grade report';
$string['graderreport'] = 'Grader report';
$string['grades'] = 'Grades';
@ -299,6 +290,7 @@ $string['groupavg'] = 'Group average';
$string['hidden'] = 'Hidden';
$string['hidden_help'] = 'If ticked, grades are hidden from students. A hidden until date may be set if desired, to release grades after grading is completed.';
$string['hiddenasdate'] = 'Show submitted date for hidden grades';
$string['hiddenasdate_help'] = 'If user can not see hidden grades show date of submission instead of \'-\'.';
$string['hiddenuntil'] = 'Hidden until';
$string['hiddenuntildate'] = 'Hidden until: {$a}';
$string['hideadvanced'] = 'Hide advanced features';
@ -308,6 +300,7 @@ $string['hidecategory'] = 'Hidden';
$string['hideeyecons'] = 'Hide show/hide icons';
$string['hidefeedback'] = 'Hide feedback';
$string['hideforcedsettings'] = 'Hide forced settings';
$string['hideforcedsettings_help'] = 'Do not show forced settings in grading UI.';
$string['hidegroups'] = 'Hide groups';
$string['hidelocks'] = 'Hide locks';
$string['hidenooutcomes'] = 'Show outcomes';
@ -352,6 +345,7 @@ $string['importstandard'] = 'Import as standard outcomes';
$string['importsuccess'] = 'Grade import success';
$string['importxml'] = 'Import XML';
$string['includescalesinaggregation'] = 'Include scales in aggregation';
$string['includescalesinaggregation_help'] = 'You can change whether scales are to be included as numbers in all aggregated grades across all gradebooks in all courses. CAUTION: changing this setting will force all aggregated grades to be recalculated.';
$string['incorrectcourseid'] = 'Course ID was incorrect';
$string['incorrectcustomscale'] = '(Incorrect custom scale, please change.)';
$string['incorrectminmax'] = 'The minimum must be lower than the maximum';
@ -491,6 +485,7 @@ $string['prefrows'] = 'Special rows';
$string['prefshow'] = 'Show/hide toggles';
$string['previewrows'] = 'Preview rows';
$string['profilereport'] = 'User profile report';
$string['profilereport_help'] = 'Grade report used on user profile page.';
$string['publishing'] = 'Publishing';
$string['quickfeedback'] = 'Quick feedback';
$string['quickgrading'] = 'Quick grading';
@ -573,6 +568,7 @@ $string['showrank_help'] = 'This setting determines whether the position of the
$string['showuseridnumber'] = 'Show user ID numbers';
$string['showuseridnumber_help'] = 'If enabled, user ID numbers are shown in an additional column.';
$string['showuserimage'] = 'Show user profile images';
$string['showuserimage_help'] = 'Whether to show the user\'s profile image next to the name in the grader report.';
$string['showverbose'] = 'Show {$a->category} {$a->itemmodule} {$a->itemname}';
$string['simpleview'] = 'Simple view';
$string['sitewide'] = 'Site-wide';
@ -608,6 +604,7 @@ $string['uncategorised'] = 'Uncategorised';
$string['unenrolledusersinimport'] = 'This import included the following grades for users not currently enrolled in this course: {$a}';
$string['unchangedgrade'] = 'Grade unchanged';
$string['unlimitedgrades'] = 'Unlimited grades';
$string['unlimitedgrades_help'] = 'By default grades are limited by the maximum and minimum values of the grade item. Enabling this setting removes this limit, and allows grades of over 100% to be entered directly in the gradebook. It is recommended that this setting is enabled at an off-peak time, as all grades will be recalculated, which may result in a high server load.';
$string['unlock'] = 'Unlock';
$string['unlockverbose'] = 'Unlock {$a->category} {$a->itemmodule} {$a->itemname}';
$string['unused'] = 'Unused';
@ -4280,7 +4280,7 @@ class admin_setting_special_gradelimiting extends admin_setting_configcheckbox {
function admin_setting_special_gradelimiting() {
parent::__construct('unlimitedgrades', get_string('unlimitedgrades', 'grades'),
get_string('configunlimitedgrades', 'grades'), '0', '1', '0');
get_string('unlimitedgrades_help', 'grades'), '0', '1', '0');
@ -4492,7 +4492,7 @@ class admin_setting_grade_profilereport extends admin_setting_configselect {
* Calls parent::__construct with specific arguments
public function __construct() {
parent::__construct('grade_profilereport', get_string('profilereport', 'grades'), get_string('configprofilereport', 'grades'), 'user', null);
parent::__construct('grade_profilereport', get_string('profilereport', 'grades'), get_string('profilereport_help', 'grades'), 'user', null);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user