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synced 2025-01-19 06:18:28 +01:00
MDL-22416 Fixing some more upper case issues. No word changes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ $string['backtopageyouwereon'] = 'Back to the page you were on';
$string['backtoparticipants'] = 'Back to participants list';
$string['backup'] = 'Backup';
$string['backupactivehelp'] = 'Choose whether or not to do automated backups.';
$string['backupcancelled'] = 'Backup Cancelled';
$string['backupcancelled'] = 'Backup cancelled';
$string['backupcoursefileshelp'] = 'If enabled then course files will be included in automated backups';
$string['backupdate'] = 'Backup Date';
$string['backupdate'] = 'Backup date';
$string['backupdatenew'] = ' {$a->TAG} is now {$a->weekday}, {$a->mday} {$a->month} {$a->year}<br />';
$string['backupdateold'] = '{$a->TAG} was {$a->weekday}, {$a->mday} {$a->month} {$a->year}';
$string['backupdaterecordtype'] = '<br />{$a->recordtype} - {$a->recordname}<br />';
$string['backupdetails'] = 'Backup Details';
$string['backupdetails'] = 'Backup details';
$string['backupexecuteathelp'] = 'Choose what time automated backups should run at.';
$string['backupfailed'] = 'Some of your courses weren\'t saved!!';
$string['backupfilename'] = 'backup';
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ $string['backupmissinguserinfoperms'] = 'Note: This backup contains no user data
$string['backupnext'] = 'Next backup';
$string['backupnoneusersinfo'] = 'Note: This backup contains no users and so all activities have been switched to "without user data" mode. Exercise and Workshop activities will not be included in the backup, since these modules are not compatible with this type of backup.';
$string['backupnonisowarning'] = 'Warning: this backup is from a non-Unicode version of Moodle (pre 1.6). If this backup contains any non-ISO-8859-1 texts then they may be CORRUPTED if you try to restore them to this Unicode version of Moodle. See the <a href="http://docs.moodle.org/en/Backup_FAQ">Backup FAQ</a> for more information about how to recover this backup correctly.';
$string['backuporiginalname'] = 'Backup Name';
$string['backuporiginalname'] = 'Backup name';
$string['backuproleassignments'] = 'Backup role assignments for these roles';
$string['backupsavetohelp'] = 'Full path to the directory where you want to save the backup files<br />(leave blank to save in its course default dir)';
$string['backupschedulehelp'] = 'Choose which days of the week to perform automated backups.';
@ -200,14 +200,14 @@ $string['backuptakealook'] = 'Please take a look at your backup logs in:
$string['backupuserfileshelp'] = 'Choose whether user files (eg profile images) should be included in automated backups';
$string['backupusershelp'] = 'Select whether you want to include all the users in the server or only the needed users for each course';
$string['backupversion'] = 'Backup Version';
$string['backupversion'] = 'Backup version';
$string['block'] = 'Block';
$string['blockconfiga'] = 'Configuring a {$a} block';
$string['blockconfigbad'] = 'This block has not been implemented correctly and thus cannot provide a configuration interface.';
$string['blockdeleteconfirm'] = 'You are about to completely delete the block \'{$a}\'. This will completely delete everything in the database associated with this block. Are you SURE you want to continue?';
$string['blockdeletefiles'] = 'All data associated with the block \'{$a->block}\' has been deleted from the database. To complete the deletion (and prevent the block re-installing itself), you should now delete this directory from your server: {$a->directory}';
$string['blocks'] = 'Blocks';
$string['blocksaddedit'] = 'Add/Edit Blocks';
$string['blocksaddedit'] = 'Add/Edit blocks';
$string['blockseditoff'] = 'Blocks editing off';
$string['blocksediton'] = 'Blocks editing on';
$string['blocksetup'] = 'Setting up block tables';
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ $string['brief'] = 'Brief';
$string['bycourseorder'] = 'By course order';
$string['byname'] = 'by {$a}';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Bypassed';
$string['cachecontrols'] = 'Cache Controls';
$string['cachecontrols'] = 'Cache controls';
$string['cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$string['cancelled'] = 'Cancelled';
$string['categories'] = 'Course categories';
@ -458,14 +458,14 @@ $string['deselectall'] = 'Deselect all';
$string['detailedless'] = 'Less detailed';
$string['detailedmore'] = 'More detailed';
$string['directory'] = 'Directory';
$string['directorypaths'] = 'Directory Paths';
$string['directorypaths'] = 'Directory paths';
$string['disable'] = 'Disable';
$string['disabledcomments'] = 'Comments are disabled';
$string['displayingfirst'] = 'Only the first {$a->count} {$a->things} are displayed';
$string['displayingrecords'] = 'Displaying {$a} records';
$string['displayingusers'] = 'Displaying users {$a->start} to {$a->end}';
$string['displayonpage'] = 'Display on page';
$string['documentation'] = 'Moodle Documentation';
$string['documentation'] = 'Moodle documentation';
$string['donotask'] = 'Do Not Ask';
$string['donotclickcontinue'] = 'Do not click on the following continue link ;-)';
$string['down'] = 'Down';
@ -504,7 +504,7 @@ $string['editordefaultfont'] = 'Default font';
$string['editorenablespelling'] = 'Enable spellchecking';
$string['editorfontlist'] = 'Fontlist';
$string['editorfontsize'] = 'Default font-size';
$string['editorhelptopics'] = 'Editor Help Topics.';
$string['editorhelptopics'] = 'Editor help topics.';
$string['editorresettodefaults'] = 'Reset to default values';
$string['editorsettings'] = 'Editor settings';
$string['editorshortcutkeys'] = 'Editor shortcut keys';
@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ $string['enrolledincourserole'] = 'Enrolled in "{$a->course}" as "{$a->role}"';
$string['enrollfirst'] = 'You have to enrol in one of the courses before you can use the site activities';
$string['enrolme'] = 'Enrol me in this course';
$string['enrolmentconfirmation'] = 'You are about to enrol yourself as a member of this course.<br />Are you sure you wish to do this?';
$string['enrolmentend'] = 'Enrolment Ends';
$string['enrolmentend'] = 'Enrolment ends';
$string['enrolmentkey'] = 'Enrolment key';
$string['enrolmentkeyfrom'] = 'This course requires an \'enrolment key\' - a one-time<br />
password that you should have received from {$a}';
@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ $string['enrolmentnotyet'] = 'Sorry, you can not access this course until <br />
$string['enrolmentplugins'] = 'Enrolment plugins';
$string['enrolmentplugins_help'] = 'This setting determines whether an interactive enrolment plugin is used. Interactive enrolment is when a user has to do something interactively in order to be enrolled, such as clicking "Yes, I do" (internal enrolment) or paying some money. If a non-interactive enrolment plugin is used, the setting may be left as site default.';
$string['enrolments'] = 'Enrolments';
$string['enrolmentstart'] = 'Enrolment Started';
$string['enrolmentstart'] = 'Enrolment started';
$string['enrolperiod'] = 'Enrolment duration';
$string['enrolstartdate'] = 'Start date';
$string['entercourse'] = 'Click to enter this course';
@ -926,18 +926,18 @@ $string['importgroups'] = 'Import groups';
$string['importmetacoursenote'] = 'Use this form to add courses to your meta course (this will import the enrolments)';
$string['inactive'] = 'Inactive';
$string['include'] = 'Include';
$string['includeallusers'] = 'Include All Users';
$string['includecoursefiles'] = 'Include Course Files';
$string['includecourseusers'] = 'Include Course Users';
$string['includeallusers'] = 'Include all users';
$string['includecoursefiles'] = 'Include course files';
$string['includecourseusers'] = 'Include course users';
$string['included'] = 'Included';
$string['includelogentries'] = 'Include Log Entries';
$string['includemodules'] = 'Include Modules';
$string['includelogentries'] = 'Include log entries';
$string['includemodules'] = 'Include modules';
$string['includemoduleuserdata'] = 'Include module user data';
$string['includeneededusers'] = 'Include Needed Users';
$string['includenoneusers'] = 'Include No Users';
$string['includeneededusers'] = 'Include needed users';
$string['includenoneusers'] = 'Include no users';
$string['includeroleassignments'] = 'Include role assignments';
$string['includesitefiles'] = 'Include Site Files Used in This Course';
$string['includeuserfiles'] = 'Include User Files';
$string['includesitefiles'] = 'Include site files used in this course';
$string['includeuserfiles'] = 'Include user files';
$string['info'] = 'Information';
$string['institution'] = 'Institution';
$string['instudentview'] = 'in student view';
@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ $string['language'] = 'Language';
$string['languagegood'] = 'This language pack is up-to-date! :-)';
$string['lastaccess'] = 'Last access';
$string['lastedited'] = 'Last edited';
$string['lastlogin'] = 'Last Login';
$string['lastlogin'] = 'Last login';
$string['lastmodified'] = 'Last modified';
$string['lastname'] = 'Surname';
$string['lastyear'] = 'Last year';
@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@ $string['newaccount'] = 'New account';
$string['newcourse'] = 'New course';
$string['newpassword'] = 'New password';
$string['newpassword_help'] = 'Enter a new password or leave blank to keep current password.';
$string['newpasswordfromlost'] = '<strong>NOTICE:</strong> Your <strong>Current Password</strong> will have been sent to you in the <strong>second</strong> of the two emails sent as part of the lost password recovery process. Make sure you have received your replacement password before continuing with this screen.';
$string['newpasswordfromlost'] = '<strong>NOTICE:</strong> Your <strong>Current password</strong> will have been sent to you in the <strong>second</strong> of the two emails sent as part of the lost password recovery process. Make sure you have received your replacement password before continuing with this screen.';
$string['newpasswordtext'] = 'Hi {$a->firstname},
Your account password at \'{$a->sitename}\' has been reset
@ -1277,7 +1277,7 @@ $string['numweeks'] = '{$a} weeks';
$string['numwords'] = '{$a} words';
$string['numyears'] = '{$a} years';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['oldpassword'] = 'Current Password';
$string['oldpassword'] = 'Current password';
$string['olduserdirectory'] = 'This is the OLD users directory, and is no longer needed. You may safely delete it. The files it contains have been copied to the NEW user directory.';
$string['opentoguests'] = 'Guest access';
$string['optional'] = 'optional';
@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ $string['preferredlanguage'] = 'Preferred language';
$string['preferredtheme'] = 'Preferred theme';
$string['preprocessingbackupfile'] = 'Preprocessing backup file';
$string['preview'] = 'Preview';
$string['previewhtml'] = 'HTML Format Preview';
$string['previewhtml'] = 'HTML format preview';
$string['previeworchoose'] = 'Preview or choose a theme';
$string['previous'] = 'Previous';
$string['previouslyselectedusers'] = 'Previously selected users not matching \'{$a}\'';
@ -1379,14 +1379,14 @@ $string['question'] = 'Question';
$string['questionsinthequestionbank'] = 'Questions in the question bank';
$string['readinginfofrombackup'] = 'Reading info from backup';
$string['readme'] = 'README';
$string['recentactivity'] = 'Recent Activity';
$string['recentactivity'] = 'Recent activity';
$string['recentactivityreport'] = 'Full report of recent activity...';
$string['recipientslist'] = 'Recipients list';
$string['recreatedcategory'] = 'Recreated category {$a}';
$string['redirect'] = 'Redirect';
$string['refresh'] = 'Refresh';
$string['refreshingevents'] = 'Refreshing events';
$string['registration'] = 'Moodle Registration';
$string['registration'] = 'Moodle registration';
$string['registrationcontact'] = 'Contact from the public';
$string['registrationcontactno'] = 'No, I do not want a contact form in the site listing';
$string['registrationcontactyes'] = 'Yes, provide a form for prospective Moodlers to contact me';
@ -1570,7 +1570,7 @@ $string['scheduledbackupstatus'] = 'Scheduled backup status';
$string['since'] = 'Since';
$string['sincelast'] = 'since last login';
$string['site'] = 'Site';
$string['sitedefault'] = 'Site Default';
$string['sitedefault'] = 'Site default';
$string['siteerrors'] = 'Site errors';
$string['sitefiles'] = 'Site files';
$string['sitefilesused'] = 'Site files used in this course';
@ -1765,12 +1765,12 @@ $string['usemessageform'] = 'or use the form below to send a message to the sele
$string['user'] = 'User';
$string['userconfirmed'] = 'Confirmed {$a}';
$string['usercurrentsettings'] = 'My profile settings';
$string['userdata'] = 'User Data';
$string['userdata'] = 'User data';
$string['userdeleted'] = 'This user account has been deleted';
$string['userdescription'] = 'Description';
$string['userdescription_help'] = 'This box enables you to enter some text about yourself which will then be displayed on your profile page for others to view.';
$string['userdetails'] = 'User details';
$string['userfiles'] = 'User Files';
$string['userfiles'] = 'User files';
$string['userlist'] = 'User list';
$string['username'] = 'Username';
$string['usernameemailmatch'] = 'The username and email address do not relate to the same user';
Reference in New Issue
Block a user