From 677038ee7dcfd6c6cc70e4f619bdfaeb8c8c6e5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: willcast ";
+ if ( $glossary->showspecial ) {
+ if ( $l == "SPECIAL" ) {
+ echo "$strspecial | ";
+ } else {
+ $strexplainspecial = strip_tags(get_string("explainspecial","glossary"));
+ echo "wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&l=SPECIAL\">$strspecial | ";
+ }
- echo " ";
- if ( $glossary->showspecial ) {
- if ( $l == "SPECIAL" ) {
- echo "$strspecial | ";
- } else {
- $strexplainspecial = strip_tags(get_string("explainspecial","glossary"));
- echo "wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&l=SPECIAL\">$strspecial | ";
+ if ( $glossary->showalphabet ) {
+ $alphabet = explode("|", get_string("alphabet","glossary"));
+ $letters_by_line = 14;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($alphabet); $i++) {
+ if ( $l == $alphabet[$i] and $l) {
+ echo "$alphabet[$i]";
+ } else {
+ echo "wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&l=$alphabet[$i]\">$alphabet[$i]";
+ }
+ if ((int) ($i % $letters_by_line) != 0 or $i == 0) {
+ echo " | ";
+ } else {
+ echo "
+ $output = "";
+ if ($glossary->showalphabet) {
+ $output .= get_string("explainalphabet","glossary").'
+ }
+ echo "
+ }
- }
+ }
- if ( $glossary->showalphabet ) {
- $alphabet = explode("|", get_string("alphabet","glossary"));
- $letters_by_line = 14;
- for ($i = 0; $i < count($alphabet); $i++) {
- if ( $l == $alphabet[$i] and $l) {
- echo "$alphabet[$i]";
- } else {
- echo "wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&l=$alphabet[$i]\">$alphabet[$i]";
- }
- if ((int) ($i % $letters_by_line) != 0 or $i == 0) {
- echo " | ";
- } else {
- echo "
- }
- }
- }
+ if ( $glossary->showall ) {
+ if ( $l == "ALL" ) {
+ echo "$strallentries";
+ } else {
+ $strexplainall = strip_tags(get_string("explainall","glossary"));
+ echo "wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&l=ALL\">$strallentries";
+ }
+ }
+ $neworder = "";
+ if ( $sortorder ) {
+ if ( $sortorder == "asc" ) {
+ $neworder = "&sortorder=desc";
+ $ordertitle = get_string("descending","glossary");
+ } else {
+ $neworder = "&sortorder=asc";
+ $ordertitle = get_string("ascending","glossary");
+ }
+ $icon = " ";
+ } else {
+ if ( $sortkey != "CREATION" and $sortkey != "UPDATE" ) {
+ $icon = "";
+ $ordertitle = get_string("ascending","glossary");
+ } else {
+ $ordertitle = get_string("descending","glossary");
+ $neworder = "&sortorder=desc";
+ $icon = "
+ }
+ }
+ $cicon = "";
+ $cneworder = "";
+ $cbtag = "";
+ $cendbtag = "";
- if ( $glossary->showall ) {
- if ( $l == "ALL" ) {
- echo "$strallentries";
- } else {
- $strexplainall = strip_tags(get_string("explainall","glossary"));
- echo "wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&l=ALL\">$strallentries";
- }
- }
- $neworder = "";
- if ( $sortorder ) {
- if ( $sortorder == "asc" ) {
- $neworder = "&sortorder=desc";
- $ordertitle = get_string("descending","glossary");
- } else {
- $neworder = "&sortorder=asc";
- $ordertitle = get_string("ascending","glossary");
- }
- $icon = "
- } else {
- if ( $sortkey != "CREATION" and $sortkey != "UPDATE" ) {
- $icon = "";
- $ordertitle = get_string("ascending","glossary");
- } else {
- $ordertitle = get_string("descending","glossary");
- $neworder = "&sortorder=desc";
- $icon = "
- }
- }
- $cicon = "";
- $cneworder = "";
- $cbtag = "";
- $cendbtag = "";
+ $uicon = "";
+ $uneworder = "";
+ $ubtag = "";
+ $uendbtag = "";
- $uicon = "";
- $uneworder = "";
- $ubtag = "";
- $uendbtag = "";
- if ( $sortkey == "CREATION" ) {
- $cicon = $icon;
- $cneworder = $neworder;
- $cordertitle = $ordertitle;
- $uordertitle = get_string("ascending","glossary");
- $cbtag = "";
- $cendbtag = "";
- } elseif ($sortkey == "UPDATE") {
- $uicon = $icon;
- $uneworder = $neworder;
- $cordertitle = get_string("ascending","glossary");
- $uordertitle = $ordertitle;
- $ubtag = "";
- $uendbtag = "";
- } else {
- $cordertitle = get_string("ascending","glossary");
- $uordertitle = get_string("ascending","glossary");
- }
- echo "
$strsort: $ubtagwwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&sortkey=UPDATE$uneworder\">$strsortbylastupdate$uicon$uendbtag | ".
- "$cbtagwwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&sortkey=CREATION$cneworder\">$strsortbycreation$cicon$cendbtag
$strsort: $ubtagwwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&sortkey=UPDATE$uneworder\">$strsortbylastupdate$uicon$uendbtag | ".
+ "$cbtagwwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&sortkey=CREATION$cneworder\">$strsortbycreation$cicon$cendbtag