diff --git a/lang/ja/pgassignment.php b/lang/ja/pgassignment.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..25389b04829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lang/ja/pgassignment.php
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ This makes the grading easier and more consistent. As teacher you must add these Elements before making
+ the assignment available to students. This is done by clicking on the peer graded assignment and choosing the
+ first option in the "Managing a Peer Graded Assignment" menu.";
+$string['notgraded'] = "No grading, only feedback by other Students";
+$string['notyetassessedby'] = "Not yet assessed by \$a";
+$string['notyetgraded'] = "Not yet graded";
+$string['notyetsubmitted'] = "Not yet submitted";
+$string['numbermarked'] = "Number of assignments graded by the Teacher: \$a";
+$string['numberofallocations'] = "Number of assignments to be assessed by each student: \$a";
+$string['numberofallocationsreduced'] = "Number of assignments to be assessed by each student reduced to: \$a";
+$string['numberofassessmentelements'] = "Number of Assessment Elements";
+$string['numberofassessors'] = "Number of (Student) assessors for each piece of work";
+$string['numberofstudents'] = "Number of students enrolled on this course: \$a";
+$string['numberofsubmissions'] = "Number of assignments submitted: \$a";
+$string['peerassessmentsalreadydisabled'] = "Peer assessments already disabled";
+$string['peerassessmentsdisabled'] = "Peer assessments disabled";
+$string['phase'] = "Phase";
+$string['present'] = "Present";
+$string['regradethissubmission'] = "Reassess this submission";
+$string['reply'] = "Reply";
+$string['returntosubmissionpage'] = "Return to submission page";
+$string['savemyassessment'] = "Save my assessment";
+$string['savemyreply'] = "Save my reply";
+$string['scale10'] = "Score out of 10";
+$string['scale100'] = "Score out of 100";
+$string['scale20'] = "Score out of 20";
+$string['scalecorrect'] = "2 point Correct/Incorrect scale";
+$string['scaleexcellent4'] = "4 point Excellent/Very Poor scale";
+$string['scaleexcellent5'] = "5 point Excellent/Very Poor scale";
+$string['scaleexcellent7'] = "7 point Excellent/Very Poor scale";
+$string['scalegood3'] = "3 point Good/Poor scale";
+$string['scalepresent'] = "2 point Present/Absent scale";
+$string['scaleyes'] = "2 point Yes/No scale";
+$string['showgrades'] = "Always show grades with comments";
+$string['showgrading'] = "Show grading";
+$string['showstatus'] = "Show status of the peer grading";
+$string['specimengradingform'] = "Specimen Grading Form";
+$string['submissiondate'] = "Submit work by";
+$string['submissionsalreadyallowed'] = "Submissions already allowed";
+$string['submissionsawaitinggrading'] = "Submissions awaiting grading (\$a)";
+$string['submissionsawaitingregrading'] = "Submissions awaiting re-grading (\$a)";
+$string['submittedby'] = "Submitted by \$a";
+$string['thecurrentgradeis'] = "The current grade is";
+$string['thegradegiventothissubmissionis'] = "The Grade given to this submission is";
+$string['thegradeis'] = "The Grade is";
+$string['typeofscale'] = "Type of scale";
+$string['warningonamendingelements'] = "WARNING: There are submitted assessments.
Do NOT change the number
+ of elements, the scale types or the element weights.";
+$string['workbeingassessed'] = "Work being assessed by you";
+$string['yourworkbeingassessed'] = "Your work being assessed by other";