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synced 2025-01-18 05:58:34 +01:00
MDL-62657 user: More users fields for creation/update WS functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -89,6 +89,22 @@ information provided here is intended especially for developers.
- file_merge_draft_areas()
- file_replace_file_area_in_text()
- extract_draft_file_urls_from_text()
* \core_user_external::create_users() and \core_user_external::update_users() can now accept more user profile fields so user
creation/update via web service can now be very similar to the edit profile page's functionality. The new fields that have been
added are:
- maildisplay
- interests
- url
- icq
- skype
- aim
- yahoo
- msn
- institution
- department
- phone1
- phone2
- address
=== 3.5 ===
@ -46,78 +46,84 @@ class core_user_external extends external_api {
public static function create_users_parameters() {
global $CFG;
$userfields = [
'createpassword' => new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if password should be created and mailed to user.',
// General.
'username' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('username'),
'Username policy is defined in Moodle security config.'),
'auth' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('auth'), 'Auth plugins include manual, ldap, etc',
VALUE_DEFAULT, 'manual', core_user::get_property_null('auth')),
'password' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('password'),
'Plain text password consisting of any characters', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'firstname' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('firstname'), 'The first name(s) of the user'),
'lastname' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('lastname'), 'The family name of the user'),
'email' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('email'), 'A valid and unique email address'),
'maildisplay' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('maildisplay'), 'Email display', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'city' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('city'), 'Home city of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'country' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('country'),
'Home country code of the user, such as AU or CZ', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'timezone' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('timezone'),
'Timezone code such as Australia/Perth, or 99 for default', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'description' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('description'), 'User profile description, no HTML',
// Additional names.
'firstnamephonetic' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('firstnamephonetic'),
'The first name(s) phonetically of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'lastnamephonetic' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('lastnamephonetic'),
'The family name phonetically of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'middlename' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('middlename'), 'The middle name of the user',
'alternatename' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('alternatename'), 'The alternate name of the user',
// Interests.
'interests' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'User interests (separated by commas)', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
// Optional.
'url' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('url'), 'User web page', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'icq' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('icq'), 'ICQ number', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'skype' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('skype'), 'Skype ID', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'aim' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('aim'), 'AIM ID', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'yahoo' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('yahoo'), 'Yahoo ID', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'msn' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('msn'), 'MSN ID', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'idnumber' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('idnumber'),
'An arbitrary ID code number perhaps from the institution', VALUE_DEFAULT, ''),
'institution' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('institution'), 'institution', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'department' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('department'), 'department', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'phone1' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('phone1'), 'Phone 1', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'phone2' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('phone2'), 'Phone 2', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'address' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('address'), 'Postal address', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
// Other user preferences stored in the user table.
'lang' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('lang'), 'Language code such as "en", must exist on server',
VALUE_DEFAULT, core_user::get_property_default('lang'), core_user::get_property_null('lang')),
'calendartype' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('calendartype'),
'Calendar type such as "gregorian", must exist on server', VALUE_DEFAULT, $CFG->calendartype, VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'theme' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('theme'),
'Theme name such as "standard", must exist on server', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'mailformat' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('mailformat'),
'Mail format code is 0 for plain text, 1 for HTML etc', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
// Custom user profile fields.
'customfields' => new external_multiple_structure(
new external_single_structure(
'type' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'The name of the custom field'),
'value' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The value of the custom field')
), 'User custom fields (also known as user profil fields)', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
// User preferences.
'preferences' => new external_multiple_structure(
new external_single_structure(
'type' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The name of the preference'),
'value' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The value of the preference')
), 'User preferences', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
return new external_function_parameters(
'users' => new external_multiple_structure(
new external_single_structure(
'username' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('username'), 'Username policy is defined in Moodle security config.'),
'password' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('password'), 'Plain text password consisting of any characters', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'createpassword' =>
new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if password should be created and mailed to user.',
'firstname' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('firstname'), 'The first name(s) of the user'),
'lastname' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('lastname'), 'The family name of the user'),
'email' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('email'), 'A valid and unique email address'),
'auth' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('auth'), 'Auth plugins include manual, ldap, etc', VALUE_DEFAULT,
'manual', core_user::get_property_null('auth')),
'idnumber' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('idnumber'), 'An arbitrary ID code number perhaps from the institution',
'lang' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('lang'), 'Language code such as "en", must exist on server', VALUE_DEFAULT,
core_user::get_property_default('lang'), core_user::get_property_null('lang')),
'calendartype' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('calendartype'), 'Calendar type such as "gregorian", must exist on server',
'theme' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('theme'), 'Theme name such as "standard", must exist on server',
'timezone' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('timezone'), 'Timezone code such as Australia/Perth, or 99 for default',
'mailformat' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('mailformat'), 'Mail format code is 0 for plain text, 1 for HTML etc',
'description' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('description'), 'User profile description, no HTML', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'city' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('city'), 'Home city of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'country' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('country'), 'Home country code of the user, such as AU or CZ', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'firstnamephonetic' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('firstnamephonetic'), 'The first name(s) phonetically of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'lastnamephonetic' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('lastnamephonetic'), 'The family name phonetically of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'middlename' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('middlename'), 'The middle name of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'alternatename' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('alternatename'), 'The alternate name of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'preferences' => new external_multiple_structure(
new external_single_structure(
'type' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The name of the preference'),
'value' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The value of the preference')
), 'User preferences', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'customfields' => new external_multiple_structure(
new external_single_structure(
'type' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'The name of the custom field'),
'value' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The value of the custom field')
), 'User custom fields (also known as user profil fields)', VALUE_OPTIONAL)
new external_single_structure($userfields)
@ -210,6 +216,17 @@ class core_user_external extends external_api {
// Create the user data now!
$user['id'] = user_create_user($user, $updatepassword, false);
$userobject = (object)$user;
// Set user interests.
if (!empty($user['interests'])) {
$trimmedinterests = array_map('trim', explode(',', $user['interests']));
$interests = array_filter($trimmedinterests, function($value) {
return !empty($value);
useredit_update_interests($userobject, $interests);
// Custom fields.
if (!empty($user['customfields'])) {
foreach ($user['customfields'] as $customfield) {
@ -221,7 +238,6 @@ class core_user_external extends external_api {
if ($createpassword) {
$userobject = (object)$user;
unset_user_preference('create_password', $userobject);
set_user_preference('auth_forcepasswordchange', 1, $userobject);
@ -426,85 +442,91 @@ class core_user_external extends external_api {
* @since Moodle 2.2
public static function update_users_parameters() {
$userfields = [
'id' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('id'), 'ID of the user'),
// General.
'username' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('username'),
'Username policy is defined in Moodle security config.', VALUE_OPTIONAL, '', NULL_NOT_ALLOWED),
'auth' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('auth'), 'Auth plugins include manual, ldap, etc',
'suspended' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('suspended'),
'Suspend user account, either false to enable user login or true to disable it', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'password' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('password'),
'Plain text password consisting of any characters', VALUE_OPTIONAL, '', NULL_NOT_ALLOWED),
'firstname' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('firstname'), 'The first name(s) of the user',
'lastname' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('lastname'), 'The family name of the user',
'email' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('email'), 'A valid and unique email address', VALUE_OPTIONAL,
'maildisplay' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('maildisplay'), 'Email display', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'city' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('city'), 'Home city of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'country' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('country'),
'Home country code of the user, such as AU or CZ', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'timezone' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('timezone'),
'Timezone code such as Australia/Perth, or 99 for default', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'description' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('description'), 'User profile description, no HTML',
// User picture.
'userpicture' => new external_value(PARAM_INT,
'The itemid where the new user picture has been uploaded to, 0 to delete', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
// Additional names.
'firstnamephonetic' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('firstnamephonetic'),
'The first name(s) phonetically of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'lastnamephonetic' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('lastnamephonetic'),
'The family name phonetically of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'middlename' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('middlename'), 'The middle name of the user',
'alternatename' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('alternatename'), 'The alternate name of the user',
// Interests.
'interests' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'User interests (separated by commas)', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
// Optional.
'url' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('url'), 'User web page', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'icq' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('icq'), 'ICQ number', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'skype' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('skype'), 'Skype ID', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'aim' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('aim'), 'AIM ID', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'yahoo' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('yahoo'), 'Yahoo ID', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'msn' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('msn'), 'MSN ID', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'idnumber' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('idnumber'),
'An arbitrary ID code number perhaps from the institution', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'institution' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('institution'), 'Institution', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'department' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('department'), 'Department', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'phone1' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('phone1'), 'Phone', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'phone2' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('phone2'), 'Mobile phone', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'address' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('address'), 'Postal address', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
// Other user preferences stored in the user table.
'lang' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('lang'), 'Language code such as "en", must exist on server',
'calendartype' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('calendartype'),
'Calendar type such as "gregorian", must exist on server', VALUE_OPTIONAL, '', NULL_NOT_ALLOWED),
'theme' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('theme'),
'Theme name such as "standard", must exist on server', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'mailformat' => new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('mailformat'),
'Mail format code is 0 for plain text, 1 for HTML etc', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
// Custom user profile fields.
'customfields' => new external_multiple_structure(
new external_single_structure(
'type' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'The name of the custom field'),
'value' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The value of the custom field')
), 'User custom fields (also known as user profil fields)', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
// User preferences.
'preferences' => new external_multiple_structure(
new external_single_structure(
'type' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The name of the preference'),
'value' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The value of the preference')
), 'User preferences', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
return new external_function_parameters(
'users' => new external_multiple_structure(
new external_single_structure(
'id' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('id'), 'ID of the user'),
'username' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('username'), 'Username policy is defined in Moodle security config.',
'password' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('password'), 'Plain text password consisting of any characters', VALUE_OPTIONAL,
'firstname' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('firstname'), 'The first name(s) of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL, '',
'lastname' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('lastname'), 'The family name of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'email' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('email'), 'A valid and unique email address', VALUE_OPTIONAL, '',
'auth' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('auth'), 'Auth plugins include manual, ldap, etc', VALUE_OPTIONAL, '',
'suspended' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('suspended'), 'Suspend user account, either false to enable user login or true to disable it', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'idnumber' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('idnumber'), 'An arbitrary ID code number perhaps from the institution',
'lang' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('lang'), 'Language code such as "en", must exist on server',
'calendartype' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('calendartype'), 'Calendar type such as "gregorian", must exist on server',
'theme' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('theme'), 'Theme name such as "standard", must exist on server',
'timezone' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('timezone'), 'Timezone code such as Australia/Perth, or 99 for default',
'mailformat' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('mailformat'), 'Mail format code is 0 for plain text, 1 for HTML etc',
'description' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('description'), 'User profile description, no HTML', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'city' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('city'), 'Home city of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'country' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('country'), 'Home country code of the user, such as AU or CZ', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'firstnamephonetic' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('firstnamephonetic'), 'The first name(s) phonetically of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'lastnamephonetic' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('lastnamephonetic'), 'The family name phonetically of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'middlename' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('middlename'), 'The middle name of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'alternatename' =>
new external_value(core_user::get_property_type('alternatename'), 'The alternate name of the user', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'userpicture' =>
new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The itemid where the new user picture '.
'has been uploaded to, 0 to delete', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'customfields' => new external_multiple_structure(
new external_single_structure(
'type' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'The name of the custom field'),
'value' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The value of the custom field')
), 'User custom fields (also known as user profil fields)', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
'preferences' => new external_multiple_structure(
new external_single_structure(
'type' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The name of the preference'),
'value' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'The value of the preference')
), 'User preferences', VALUE_OPTIONAL),
new external_single_structure($userfields)
@ -560,10 +582,10 @@ class core_user_external extends external_api {
user_update_user($user, true, false);
$userobject = (object)$user;
// Update user picture if it was specified for this user.
if (empty($CFG->disableuserimages) && isset($user['userpicture'])) {
$userobject = (object)$user;
$userobject->deletepicture = null;
if ($user['userpicture'] == 0) {
@ -575,6 +597,15 @@ class core_user_external extends external_api {
core_user::update_picture($userobject, $filemanageroptions);
// Update user interests.
if (!empty($user['interests'])) {
$trimmedinterests = array_map('trim', explode(',', $user['interests']));
$interests = array_filter($trimmedinterests, function($value) {
return !empty($value);
useredit_update_interests($userobject, $interests);
// Update user custom fields.
if (!empty($user['customfields'])) {
@ -508,8 +508,14 @@ class core_user_externallib_testcase extends externallib_advanced_testcase {
], [
'type' => 'invalidpreference',
'value' => 'abcd'
'department' => 'College of Science',
'institution' => 'National Institute of Physics',
'phone1' => '01 2345 6789',
'maildisplay' => 1,
'interests' => 'badminton, basketball, cooking, '
$context = context_system::instance();
$roleid = $this->assignUserCapability('moodle/user:create', $context->id);
@ -534,8 +540,17 @@ class core_user_externallib_testcase extends externallib_advanced_testcase {
$this->assertEquals($dbuser->description, $user1['description']);
$this->assertEquals($dbuser->city, $user1['city']);
$this->assertEquals($dbuser->country, $user1['country']);
$this->assertEquals($dbuser->department, $user1['department']);
$this->assertEquals($dbuser->institution, $user1['institution']);
$this->assertEquals($dbuser->phone1, $user1['phone1']);
$this->assertEquals($dbuser->maildisplay, $user1['maildisplay']);
$this->assertEquals('atto', get_user_preferences('htmleditor', null, $dbuser));
$this->assertEquals(null, get_user_preferences('invalidpreference', null, $dbuser));
// Confirm user interests have been saved.
$interests = core_tag_tag::get_item_tags_array('core', 'user', $createduser['id'], core_tag_tag::BOTH_STANDARD_AND_NOT,
0, false);
// There should be 3 user interests.
$this->assertCount(3, $interests);
// Call without required capability
@ -623,8 +638,14 @@ class core_user_externallib_testcase extends externallib_advanced_testcase {
], [
'type' => 'invialidpreference',
'value' => 'abcd'
'department' => 'College of Science',
'institution' => 'National Institute of Physics',
'phone1' => '01 2345 6789',
'maildisplay' => 1,
'interests' => 'badminton, basketball, cooking, '
$context = context_system::instance();
$roleid = $this->assignUserCapability('moodle/user:update', $context->id);
@ -661,9 +682,18 @@ class core_user_externallib_testcase extends externallib_advanced_testcase {
$this->assertEquals($dbuser->city, $user1['city']);
$this->assertEquals($dbuser->country, $user1['country']);
$this->assertNotEquals(0, $dbuser->picture, 'Picture must be set to the new icon itemid for this user');
$this->assertEquals($dbuser->department, $user1['department']);
$this->assertEquals($dbuser->institution, $user1['institution']);
$this->assertEquals($dbuser->phone1, $user1['phone1']);
$this->assertEquals($dbuser->maildisplay, $user1['maildisplay']);
$this->assertEquals('atto', get_user_preferences('htmleditor', null, $dbuser));
$this->assertEquals(null, get_user_preferences('invalidpreference', null, $dbuser));
// Confirm user interests have been saved.
$interests = core_tag_tag::get_item_tags_array('core', 'user', $user1['id'], core_tag_tag::BOTH_STANDARD_AND_NOT, 0, false);
// There should be 3 user interests.
$this->assertCount(3, $interests);
// Confirm no picture change when parameter is not supplied.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user