MDL-31528 navigation: Fixed up generation for category contexts

This commit is contained in:
Sam Hemelryk 2012-02-17 14:36:16 +13:00
parent a2b30aa852
commit 6a16e1367a

View File

@ -1057,7 +1057,10 @@ class global_navigation extends navigation_node {
$mycourses = enrol_get_my_courses(NULL, 'visible DESC,sortorder ASC');
$showallcourses = (count($mycourses) == 0 || !empty($CFG->navshowallcourses));
$showcategories = ($showallcourses && $this->show_categories());
// When checking if we are to show categories there is an additional override.
// If the user is viewing a category then we will load it regardless of settings.
// to ensure that the navigation is consistent.
$showcategories = $this->page->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSECAT || ($showallcourses && $this->show_categories());
$issite = ($this->page->course->id == SITEID);
$ismycourse = (array_key_exists($this->page->course->id, $mycourses));
@ -1152,188 +1155,200 @@ class global_navigation extends navigation_node {
$canviewcourseprofile = true;
if (!$issite) {
// Next load context specific content into the navigation
switch ($this->page->context->contextlevel) {
// This has already been loaded we just need to map the variable
$coursenode = $frontpagecourse;
$this->load_all_categories(null, $showcategories);
// Next load context specific content into the navigation
switch ($this->page->context->contextlevel) {
// This has already been loaded we just need to map the variable
$coursenode = $frontpagecourse;
$this->load_all_categories(null, $showcategories);
// This has already been loaded we just need to map the variable
$coursenode = $frontpagecourse;
$this->load_all_categories($this->page->context->instanceid, $showcategories);
if (array_key_exists($this->page->context->instanceid, $this->addedcategories)) {
if ($issite) {
// If it is the front page course, or a block on it then
// everything has already been loaded.
// This has already been loaded we just need to map the variable
$coursenode = $frontpagecourse;
$this->load_all_categories($this->page->context->instanceid, $showcategories);
// Load the course associated with the page into the navigation
$course = $this->page->course;
if ($showcategories && !$ismycourse) {
$this->load_all_categories($course->category, $showcategories);
$coursenode = $this->load_course($course);
// If the course wasn't added then don't try going any further.
if (!$coursenode) {
$canviewcourseprofile = false;
// Load the course associated with the page into the navigation
$course = $this->page->course;
if ($showcategories && !$ismycourse) {
$this->load_all_categories($course->category, $showcategories);
$coursenode = $this->load_course($course);
// If the course wasn't added then don't try going any further.
if (!$coursenode) {
$canviewcourseprofile = false;
// If the user is not enrolled then we only want to show the
// course node and not populate it.
// If the user is not enrolled then we only want to show the
// course node and not populate it.
// Not enrolled, can't view, and hasn't switched roles
if (!can_access_course($course)) {
// TODO: very ugly hack - do not force "parents" to enrol into course their child is enrolled in,
// this hack has been propagated from user/view.php to display the navigation node. (MDL-25805)
$isparent = false;
if ($this->useridtouseforparentchecks) {
if ($this->useridtouseforparentchecks != $USER->id) {
$usercontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $this->useridtouseforparentchecks, MUST_EXIST);
if ($DB->record_exists('role_assignments', array('userid' => $USER->id, 'contextid' => $usercontext->id))
and has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $usercontext)) {
$isparent = true;
// Not enrolled, can't view, and hasn't switched roles
if (!can_access_course($course)) {
// TODO: very ugly hack - do not force "parents" to enrol into course their child is enrolled in,
// this hack has been propagated from user/view.php to display the navigation node. (MDL-25805)
$isparent = false;
if ($this->useridtouseforparentchecks) {
if ($this->useridtouseforparentchecks != $USER->id) {
$usercontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $this->useridtouseforparentchecks, MUST_EXIST);
if ($DB->record_exists('role_assignments', array('userid' => $USER->id, 'contextid' => $usercontext->id))
and has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $usercontext)) {
$isparent = true;
if (!$isparent) {
$canviewcourseprofile = false;
// Add the essentials such as reports etc...
$this->add_course_essentials($coursenode, $course);
if ($this->format_display_course_content($course->format)) {
// Load the course sections
$sections = $this->load_course_sections($course, $coursenode);
if (!$coursenode->contains_active_node() && !$coursenode->search_for_active_node()) {
$course = $this->page->course;
$cm = $this->page->cm;
if ($showcategories && !$ismycourse) {
$this->load_all_categories($course->category, $showcategories);
// Load the course associated with the page into the navigation
$coursenode = $this->load_course($course);
// If the course wasn't added then don't try going any further.
if (!$coursenode) {
$canviewcourseprofile = false;
// If the user is not enrolled then we only want to show the
// course node and not populate it.
if (!can_access_course($course)) {
if (!$isparent) {
$canviewcourseprofile = false;
$this->add_course_essentials($coursenode, $course);
// Get section number from $cm (if provided) - we need this
// before loading sections in order to tell it to load this section
// even if it would not normally display (=> it contains only
// a label, which we are now editing)
$sectionnum = isset($cm->sectionnum) ? $cm->sectionnum : 0;
if ($sectionnum) {
// This value has to be stored in a member variable because
// otherwise we would have to pass it through a public API
// to course formats and they would need to change their
// functions to pass it along again...
$this->includesectionnum = $sectionnum;
} else {
$this->includesectionnum = false;
// Load the course sections into the page
// Add the essentials such as reports etc...
$this->add_course_essentials($coursenode, $course);
if ($this->format_display_course_content($course->format)) {
// Load the course sections
$sections = $this->load_course_sections($course, $coursenode);
if ($course->id != SITEID) {
// Find the section for the $CM associated with the page and collect
// its section number.
if ($sectionnum) {
$cm->sectionnumber = $sectionnum;
} else {
foreach ($sections as $section) {
if ($section->id == $cm->section) {
$cm->sectionnumber = $section->section;
if (!$coursenode->contains_active_node() && !$coursenode->search_for_active_node()) {
if ($issite) {
// If this is the site course then most information will have
// already been loaded.
// However we need to check if there is more content that can
// yet be loaded for the specific module instance.
$activitynode = $this->rootnodes['site']->get($this->page->cm->id, navigation_node::TYPE_ACTIVITY);
if ($activitynode) {
$this->load_activity($this->page->cm, $this->page->course, $activitynode);
// Load all of the section activities for the section the cm belongs to.
if (isset($cm->sectionnumber) and !empty($sections[$cm->sectionnumber])) {
list($sectionarray, $activityarray) = $this->generate_sections_and_activities($course);
$activities = $this->load_section_activities($sections[$cm->sectionnumber]->sectionnode, $cm->sectionnumber, $activityarray);
} else {
$activities = array();
if ($activity = $this->load_stealth_activity($coursenode, get_fast_modinfo($course))) {
// "stealth" activity from unavailable section
$activities[$cm->id] = $activity;
$course = $this->page->course;
$cm = $this->page->cm;
if ($showcategories && !$ismycourse) {
$this->load_all_categories($course->category, $showcategories);
// Load the course associated with the page into the navigation
$coursenode = $this->load_course($course);
// If the course wasn't added then don't try going any further.
if (!$coursenode) {
$canviewcourseprofile = false;
// If the user is not enrolled then we only want to show the
// course node and not populate it.
if (!can_access_course($course)) {
$canviewcourseprofile = false;
$this->add_course_essentials($coursenode, $course);
// Get section number from $cm (if provided) - we need this
// before loading sections in order to tell it to load this section
// even if it would not normally display (=> it contains only
// a label, which we are now editing)
$sectionnum = isset($cm->sectionnum) ? $cm->sectionnum : 0;
if ($sectionnum) {
// This value has to be stored in a member variable because
// otherwise we would have to pass it through a public API
// to course formats and they would need to change their
// functions to pass it along again...
$this->includesectionnum = $sectionnum;
} else {
$this->includesectionnum = false;
// Load the course sections into the page
$sections = $this->load_course_sections($course, $coursenode);
if ($course->id != SITEID) {
// Find the section for the $CM associated with the page and collect
// its section number.
if ($sectionnum) {
$cm->sectionnumber = $sectionnum;
} else {
foreach ($sections as $section) {
if ($section->id == $cm->section) {
$cm->sectionnumber = $section->section;
// Load all of the section activities for the section the cm belongs to.
if (isset($cm->sectionnumber) and !empty($sections[$cm->sectionnumber])) {
list($sectionarray, $activityarray) = $this->generate_sections_and_activities($course);
$activities = $this->load_section_activities($sections[$cm->sectionnumber]->sectionnode, $cm->sectionnumber, $activityarray);
} else {
$activities = array();
$activities[$cm->id] = $coursenode->get($cm->id, navigation_node::TYPE_ACTIVITY);
if (!empty($activities[$cm->id])) {
// Finally load the cm specific navigaton information
$this->load_activity($cm, $course, $activities[$cm->id]);
// Check if we have an active ndoe
if (!$activities[$cm->id]->contains_active_node() && !$activities[$cm->id]->search_for_active_node()) {
// And make the activity node active.
if ($activity = $this->load_stealth_activity($coursenode, get_fast_modinfo($course))) {
// "stealth" activity from unavailable section
$activities[$cm->id] = $activity;
} else {
//TODO: something is wrong, what to do? (Skodak)
$course = $this->page->course;
if ($showcategories && !$ismycourse) {
$this->load_all_categories($course->category, $showcategories);
// Load the course associated with the user into the navigation
$coursenode = $this->load_course($course);
// If the course wasn't added then don't try going any further.
if (!$coursenode) {
$canviewcourseprofile = false;
// If the user is not enrolled then we only want to show the
// course node and not populate it.
if (!can_access_course($course)) {
$canviewcourseprofile = false;
$this->add_course_essentials($coursenode, $course);
$sections = $this->load_course_sections($course, $coursenode);
} else {
// We need to check if the user is viewing a front page module.
// If so then there is potentially more content to load yet for that
// module.
if ($this->page->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE) {
$activitynode = $this->rootnodes['site']->get($this->page->cm->id, navigation_node::TYPE_ACTIVITY);
if ($activitynode) {
$this->load_activity($this->page->cm, $this->page->course, $activitynode);
} else {
$activities = array();
$activities[$cm->id] = $coursenode->get($cm->id, navigation_node::TYPE_ACTIVITY);
if (!empty($activities[$cm->id])) {
// Finally load the cm specific navigaton information
$this->load_activity($cm, $course, $activities[$cm->id]);
// Check if we have an active ndoe
if (!$activities[$cm->id]->contains_active_node() && !$activities[$cm->id]->search_for_active_node()) {
// And make the activity node active.
} else {
//TODO: something is wrong, what to do? (Skodak)
if ($issite) {
// The users profile information etc is already loaded
// for the front page.
$course = $this->page->course;
if ($showcategories && !$ismycourse) {
$this->load_all_categories($course->category, $showcategories);
// Load the course associated with the user into the navigation
$coursenode = $this->load_course($course);
// If the course wasn't added then don't try going any further.
if (!$coursenode) {
$canviewcourseprofile = false;
// If the user is not enrolled then we only want to show the
// course node and not populate it.
if (!can_access_course($course)) {
$canviewcourseprofile = false;
$this->add_course_essentials($coursenode, $course);
$sections = $this->load_course_sections($course, $coursenode);
$limit = 20;
@ -1413,7 +1428,9 @@ class global_navigation extends navigation_node {
protected function show_categories() {
global $CFG, $DB;
if ($this->showcategories === null) {
$this->showcategories = !empty($CFG->navshowcategories) && $DB->count_records('course_categories') > 1;
$show = $this->page->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSECAT;
$show = $show || (!empty($CFG->navshowcategories) && $DB->count_records('course_categories') > 1);
$this->showcategories = $show;
return $this->showcategories;