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Andrew Nicols 2021-04-29 09:34:18 +08:00
commit 72498d5f99

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@ -56,20 +56,40 @@ class core_scheduled_task_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
// Let's specify the hour we are going to use initially for the test.
// (note that we pick 01:00 that is tricky for Europe/London, because
// it's exactly the Daylight Saving Time Begins hour.
$testhour = 1;
// Test job run at 1 am.
$testclass = new \core\task\scheduled_test_task();
// All fields default to '*'.
// Next valid time should be 1am of the next day.
$nexttime = $testclass->get_next_scheduled_time();
$oneamdate = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
$oneamdate->setTime(1, 0, 0);
$oneamdate->setTime($testhour, 0, 0);
// Once a year (currently last Sunday of March), when changing to Daylight Saving Time,
// Europe/London 01:00 simply doesn't exists because, exactly at 01:00 the clock
// is advanced by one hour and becomes 02:00. When that happens, the DateInterval
// calculations cannot be to advance by 1 day, but by one less hour. That is exactly when
// the next scheduled run will happen (next day 01:00).
$isdaylightsaving = false;
if ($testhour < (int)$oneamdate->format('H')) {
$isdaylightsaving = true;
// Make it 1 am tomorrow if the time is after 1am.
if ($oneamdate->getTimestamp() < time()) {
$oneamdate->add(new DateInterval('P1D'));
if ($isdaylightsaving) {
// If today is Europe/London Daylight Saving Time Begins, expectation is 1 less hour.
$oneamdate->sub(new DateInterval('PT1H'));
$oneam = $oneamdate->getTimestamp();