mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 22:50:19 +01:00
Merge branch 'MDL-66553' of https://github.com/timhunt/moodle
This commit is contained in:
@ -626,6 +626,23 @@ $CFG->admin = 'admin';
// $CFG->uninstallclionly = true;
// Customise question bank display
// The display of Moodle's question bank is made up of a number of columns.
// You can customise this display by giving a comma-separated list of column class
// names here. Each class must be a subclass of \core_question\bank\column_base.
// For example you might define a class like
// class \local_qbank_extensions\my_column extends \core_question\bank\column_base
// in a local plugin, then add it to the list here. At the time of writing,
// the default question bank display is equivalent to the following, but you might like
// to check the latest default in question/classes/bank/view.php before setting this.
// $CFG->questionbankcolumns = 'checkbox_column,question_type_column,'
// . 'question_name_idnumber_tags_column,tags_action_column,edit_action_column,'
// . 'copy_action_column,preview_action_column,delete_action_column,'
// . 'creator_name_column,modifier_name_column';
// 7. SETTINGS FOR DEVELOPMENT SERVERS - not intended for production use!!!
@ -70,6 +70,9 @@ $string['categoryinfo'] = 'Category info';
$string['categorymove'] = 'The category \'{$a->name}\' contains {$a->count} questions (some of which may be hidden questions or random questions that are still in use in a quiz). Please choose another category to move them to.';
$string['categorymoveto'] = 'Save in category';
$string['categorynamecantbeblank'] = 'The category name cannot be blank.';
$string['categorynamewithcount'] = '{$a->name} ({$a->questioncount})';
$string['categorynamewithidnumber'] = '{$a->name} [{$a->idnumber}]';
$string['categorynamewithidnumberandcount'] = '{$a->name} [{$a->idnumber}] ({$a->questioncount})';
$string['clickflag'] = 'Flag question';
$string['clicktoflag'] = 'Flag this question for future reference';
$string['clicktounflag'] = 'Remove flag';
@ -4511,10 +4511,12 @@ EOD;
* @param int $limit limit the number of tags to display, if size of $tags is more than this limit the "more" link
* will be appended to the end, JS will toggle the rest of the tags
* @param context $pagecontext specify if needed to overwrite the current page context for the view tag link
* @param bool $accesshidelabel if true, the label should have class="accesshide" added.
* @return string
public function tag_list($tags, $label = null, $classes = '', $limit = 10, $pagecontext = null) {
$list = new \core_tag\output\taglist($tags, $label, $classes, $limit, $pagecontext);
public function tag_list($tags, $label = null, $classes = '', $limit = 10,
$pagecontext = null, $accesshidelabel = false) {
$list = new \core_tag\output\taglist($tags, $label, $classes, $limit, $pagecontext, $accesshidelabel);
return $this->render_from_template('core_tag/taglist', $list->export_for_template($this));
@ -1440,11 +1440,25 @@ function question_category_options($contexts, $top = false, $currentcat = 0,
if ($category->contextid == $contextid) {
$cid = $category->id;
if ($currentcat != $cid || $currentcat == 0) {
$countstring = !empty($category->questioncount) ?
" ($category->questioncount)" : '';
$categoriesarray[$contextstring][$cid] =
format_string($category->indentedname, true,
array('context' => $context)) . $countstring;
$a = new stdClass;
$a->name = format_string($category->indentedname, true,
array('context' => $context));
if ($category->idnumber !== null && $category->idnumber !== '') {
$a->idnumber = s($category->idnumber);
if (!empty($category->questioncount)) {
$a->questioncount = $category->questioncount;
if (isset($a->idnumber) && isset($a->questioncount)) {
$formattedname = get_string('categorynamewithidnumberandcount', 'question', $a);
} else if (isset($a->idnumber)) {
$formattedname = get_string('categorynamewithidnumber', 'question', $a);
} else if (isset($a->questioncount)) {
$formattedname = get_string('categorynamewithcount', 'question', $a);
} else {
$formattedname = $a->name;
$categoriesarray[$contextstring][$cid] = $formattedname;
@ -1875,14 +1889,14 @@ class question_edit_contexts {
* @return array all parent contexts
* @return context[] all parent contexts
public function all() {
return $this->allcontexts;
* @return object lowest context which must be either the module or course context
* @return context lowest context which must be either the module or course context
public function lowest() {
return $this->allcontexts[0];
@ -1890,7 +1904,7 @@ class question_edit_contexts {
* @param string $cap capability
* @return array parent contexts having capability, zero based index
* @return context[] parent contexts having capability, zero based index
public function having_cap($cap) {
$contextswithcap = array();
@ -1904,7 +1918,7 @@ class question_edit_contexts {
* @param array $caps capabilities
* @return array parent contexts having at least one of $caps, zero based index
* @return context[] parent contexts having at least one of $caps, zero based index
public function having_one_cap($caps) {
$contextswithacap = array();
@ -1921,14 +1935,14 @@ class question_edit_contexts {
* @param string $tabname edit tab name
* @return array parent contexts having at least one of $caps, zero based index
* @return context[] parent contexts having at least one of $caps, zero based index
public function having_one_edit_tab_cap($tabname) {
return $this->having_one_cap(self::$caps[$tabname]);
* @return those contexts where a user can add a question and then use it.
* @return context[] those contexts where a user can add a question and then use it.
public function having_add_and_use() {
$contextswithcap = array();
@ -1993,7 +2007,7 @@ class question_edit_contexts {
* Throw error if at least one parent context hasn't got one of the caps $caps
* @param array $cap capabilities
* @param array $caps capabilities
public function require_one_cap($caps) {
if (!$this->have_one_cap($caps)) {
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ class custom_view extends \core_question\bank\view {
protected function print_category_info($category) {
$formatoptions = new stdClass();
$formatoptions = new \stdClass();
$formatoptions->noclean = true;
$strcategory = get_string('category', 'quiz');
echo '<div class="categoryinfo"><div class="categorynamefieldcontainer">' .
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ class question_name_text_column extends \core_question\bank\question_name_column
if ($labelfor) {
echo '<label for="' . $labelfor . '">';
echo quiz_question_tostring($question);
echo quiz_question_tostring($question, false, true, true, $question->tags);
if ($labelfor) {
echo '</label>';
@ -55,6 +55,12 @@ class question_name_text_column extends \core_question\bank\question_name_column
$fields = parent::get_required_fields();
$fields[] = 'q.questiontext';
$fields[] = 'q.questiontextformat';
$fields[] = 'q.idnumber';
return $fields;
public function load_additional_data(array $questions) {
@ -2048,17 +2048,43 @@ class qubaids_for_quiz_user extends qubaid_join {
* @param bool $showicon If true, show the question's icon with the question. False by default.
* @param bool $showquestiontext If true (default), show question text after question name.
* If false, show only question name.
* @return string
* @param bool $showidnumber If true, show the question's idnumber, if any. False by default.
* @param core_tag_tag[]|bool $showtags if array passed, show those tags. Else, if true, get and show tags,
* else, don't show tags (which is the default).
* @return string HTML fragment.
function quiz_question_tostring($question, $showicon = false, $showquestiontext = true) {
function quiz_question_tostring($question, $showicon = false, $showquestiontext = true,
$showidnumber = false, $showtags = false) {
global $OUTPUT;
$result = '';
// Question name.
$name = shorten_text(format_string($question->name), 200);
if ($showicon) {
$name .= print_question_icon($question) . ' ' . $name;
$result .= html_writer::span($name, 'questionname');
// Question idnumber.
if ($showidnumber && $question->idnumber !== null && $question->idnumber !== '') {
$result .= ' ' . html_writer::span(
html_writer::span(get_string('idnumber', 'question'), 'accesshide') .
' ' . $question->idnumber, 'badge badge-primary');
// Question tags.
if (is_array($showtags)) {
$tags = $showtags;
} else if ($showtags) {
$tags = core_tag_tag::get_item_tags('core_question', 'question', $question->id);
} else {
$tags = [];
if ($tags) {
$result .= $OUTPUT->tag_list($tags, null, 'd-inline', 0, null, true);
// Question text.
if ($showquestiontext) {
$questiontext = question_utils::to_plain_text($question->questiontext,
$question->questiontextformat, array('noclean' => true, 'para' => false));
@ -968,8 +968,7 @@ table.quizreviewsummary td.cell {
border: 0 none;
#categoryquestions th.modifiername .sorters,
#categoryquestions th.creatorname .sorters {
#categoryquestions th .sorters {
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 0.8em;
@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ Feature: Adding questions to a quiz from the question bank
| contextlevel | reference | name |
| Course | C1 | Test questions |
And the following "questions" exist:
| questioncategory | qtype | name | user | questiontext |
| Test questions | essay | question 01 name | admin | Question 01 text |
| Test questions | essay | question 02 name | teacher1 | Question 02 text |
| questioncategory | qtype | name | user | questiontext | idnumber |
| Test questions | essay | question 01 name | admin | Question 01 text | |
| Test questions | essay | question 02 name | teacher1 | Question 02 text | qidnum |
Scenario: The questions can be filtered by tag
Given I log in as "teacher1"
@ -42,9 +42,12 @@ Feature: Adding questions to a quiz from the question bank
And I navigate to "Edit quiz" in current page administration
And I open the "last" add to quiz menu
And I follow "from question bank"
Then I should see "foo" in the "question 01 name" "table_row"
And I should see "bar" in the "question 02 name" "table_row"
And I should see "qidnum" in the "question 02 name" "table_row"
And I set the field "Filter by tags..." to "foo"
And I press key "13" in the field "Filter by tags..."
Then I should see "question 01 name" in the "categoryquestions" "table"
And I should see "question 01 name" in the "categoryquestions" "table"
And I should not see "question 02 name" in the "categoryquestions" "table"
Scenario: The question modal can be paginated
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Feature: Adding random questions to a quiz based on category and tags
| Tags | foo |
And I press "id_submitbutton"
And I click on "Manage tags" "link" in the "question 2 name" "table_row"
And I set the following fields to these values:
And I set the following fields in the "Question tags" "dialogue" to these values:
| Tags | bar |
And I press "Save changes"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
@ -143,8 +143,13 @@ class question_category_list_item extends list_item {
$questionbankurl = new moodle_url('/question/edit.php', $this->parentlist->pageurl->params());
$questionbankurl->param('cat', $category->id . ',' . $category->contextid);
$item = '';
$text = format_string($category->name, true, ['context' => $this->parentlist->context])
. ' (' . $category->questioncount . ')';
$text = format_string($category->name, true, ['context' => $this->parentlist->context]);
if ($category->idnumber !== null && $category->idnumber !== '') {
$text .= ' ' . html_writer::span(
html_writer::span(get_string('idnumber', 'question'), 'accesshide') .
' ' . $category->idnumber, 'badge badge-primary');
$text .= ' (' . $category->questioncount . ')';
$item .= html_writer::tag('b', html_writer::link($questionbankurl, $text,
['title' => $editqestions]) . ' ');
$item .= format_text($category->info, $category->infoformat,
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ namespace core_question\bank;
abstract class column_base {
* @var question_bank_view
* @var view $qbank the question bank view we are helping to render.
protected $qbank;
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ abstract class column_base {
* Constructor.
* @param $qbank the question_bank_view we are helping to render.
* @param view $qbank the question bank view we are helping to render.
public function __construct(view $qbank) {
$this->qbank = $qbank;
@ -103,8 +103,6 @@ abstract class column_base {
* Title for this column. Not used if is_sortable returns an array.
* @param object $question the row from the $question table, augmented with extra information.
* @param string $rowclasses CSS class names that should be applied to this row of output.
protected abstract function get_title();
@ -118,10 +116,10 @@ abstract class column_base {
* Get a link that changes the sort order, and indicates the current sort state.
* @param $name internal name used for this type of sorting.
* @param $currentsort the current sort order -1, 0, 1 for descending, none, ascending.
* @param $title the link text.
* @param $defaultreverse whether the default sort order for this column is descending, rather than ascending.
* @param string $sort the column to sort on.
* @param string $title the link text.
* @param string $tip the link tool-tip text. If empty, defaults to title.
* @param bool $defaultreverse whether the default sort order for this column is descending, rather than ascending.
* @return string HTML fragment.
protected function make_sort_link($sort, $title, $tip, $defaultreverse = false) {
@ -149,7 +147,7 @@ abstract class column_base {
* Get an icon representing the corrent sort state.
* @param $reverse sort is descending, not ascending.
* @param bool $reverse sort is descending, not ascending.
* @return string HTML image tag.
protected function get_sort_icon($reverse) {
@ -175,8 +173,8 @@ abstract class column_base {
* Output the opening column tag. If it is set as heading, it will use <th> tag instead of <td>
* @param stdClass $question
* @param array $rowclasses
* @param \stdClass $question
* @param string $rowclasses
protected function display_start($question, $rowclasses) {
$tag = 'td';
@ -198,9 +196,10 @@ abstract class column_base {
* @param object $question the row from the $question table, augmented with extra information.
* @return string internal name for this column. Used as a CSS class name,
* and to store information about the current sort. Must match PARAM_ALPHA.
* Get the internal name for this column. Used as a CSS class name,
* and to store information about the current sort. Must match PARAM_ALPHA.
* @return string column name.
public abstract function get_name();
@ -258,6 +257,42 @@ abstract class column_base {
return array();
* If this column needs extra data (e.g. tags) then load that here.
* The extra data should be added to the question object in the array.
* Probably a good idea to check that another column has not already
* loaded the data you want.
* @param \stdClass[] $questions the questions that will be displayed.
public function load_additional_data(array $questions) {
* Load the tags for each question.
* Helper that can be used from {@link load_additional_data()};
* @param array $questions
public function load_question_tags(array $questions) {
$firstquestion = reset($questions);
if (isset($firstquestion->tags)) {
// Looks like tags are already loaded, so don't do it again.
// Load the tags.
$tagdata = \core_tag_tag::get_items_tags('core_question', 'question',
// Add them to the question objects.
foreach ($tagdata as $questionid => $tags) {
$questions[$questionid]->tags = $tags;
* Can this column be sorted on? You can return either:
* + false for no (the default),
@ -265,7 +300,7 @@ abstract class column_base {
* + an array of subnames to sort on as follows
* return array(
* 'firstname' => array('field' => 'uc.firstname', 'title' => get_string('firstname')),
* 'lastname' => array('field' => 'uc.lastname', 'field' => get_string('lastname')),
* 'lastname' => array('field' => 'uc.lastname', 'title' => get_string('lastname')),
* );
* As well as field, and field, you can also add 'revers' => 1 if you want the default sort
* order to be DESC.
@ -278,7 +313,6 @@ abstract class column_base {
* Helper method for building sort clauses.
* @param bool $reverse whether the normal direction should be reversed.
* @param string $normaldir 'ASC' or 'DESC'
* @return string 'ASC' or 'DESC'
protected function sortorder($reverse) {
@ -290,8 +324,8 @@ abstract class column_base {
* @param $reverse Whether to sort in the reverse of the default sort order.
* @param $subsort if is_sortable returns an array of subnames, then this will be
* @param bool $reverse Whether to sort in the reverse of the default sort order.
* @param string $subsort if is_sortable returns an array of subnames, then this will be
* one of those. Otherwise will be empty.
* @return string some SQL to go in the order by clause.
@ -299,14 +333,14 @@ abstract class column_base {
$sortable = $this->is_sortable();
if (is_array($sortable)) {
if (array_key_exists($subsort, $sortable)) {
return $sortable[$subsort]['field'] . $this->sortorder($reverse, !empty($sortable[$subsort]['reverse']));
return $sortable[$subsort]['field'] . $this->sortorder($reverse);
} else {
throw new coding_exception('Unexpected $subsort type: ' . $subsort);
throw new \coding_exception('Unexpected $subsort type: ' . $subsort);
} else if ($sortable) {
return $sortable . $this->sortorder($reverse);
} else {
throw new coding_exception('sort_expression called on a non-sortable column.');
throw new \coding_exception('sort_expression called on a non-sortable column.');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* A question bank column showing the question name with idnumber and tags.
* @package core_question
* @copyright 2019 The Open University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace core_question\bank;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* A question bank column showing the question name with idnumber and tags.
* @copyright 2019 The Open University
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class question_name_idnumber_tags_column extends question_name_column {
public function get_name() {
return 'qnameidnumbertags';
protected function display_content($question, $rowclasses) {
global $OUTPUT;
$layoutclasses = 'd-inline-flex flex-nowrap overflow-hidden w-100';
$labelfor = $this->label_for($question);
if ($labelfor) {
echo '<label for="' . $labelfor . '" class="' . $layoutclasses . '">';
$closetag = '</label>';
} else {
echo '<span class="' . $layoutclasses . '">';
$closetag = '</span>';
// Question name.
echo \html_writer::span(format_string($question->name), 'questionname flex-grow-1 flex-shrink-1 text-truncate');
// Question idnumber.
if ($question->idnumber !== null && $question->idnumber !== '') {
echo ' ' . \html_writer::span(
\html_writer::span(get_string('idnumber', 'question'), 'accesshide') . ' ' .
\html_writer::span($question->idnumber, 'badge badge-primary'), 'ml-1');
// Question tags.
if (!empty($question->tags)) {
$tags = \core_tag_tag::get_item_tags('core_question', 'question', $question->id);
echo $OUTPUT->tag_list($tags, null, 'd-inline flex-shrink-1 text-truncate ml-1', 0, null, true);
echo $closetag; // Computed above to ensure it matches.
public function get_required_fields() {
$fields = parent::get_required_fields();
$fields[] = 'q.idnumber';
return $fields;
public function is_sortable() {
return [
'name' => ['field' => 'q.name', 'title' => get_string('questionname', 'question')],
'lastname' => ['field' => 'q.idnumber', 'title' => get_string('idnumber', 'question')],
public function load_additional_data(array $questions) {
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
namespace core_question\bank;
use core_question\bank\search\condition;
* Functions used to show question editing interface
@ -50,21 +52,80 @@ namespace core_question\bank;
class view {
const MAX_SORTS = 3;
* @var \moodle_url base URL for the current page. Used as the
* basis for making URLs for actions that reload the page.
protected $baseurl;
* @var \moodle_url used as a basis for URLs that edit a question.
protected $editquestionurl;
protected $quizorcourseid;
* @var \question_edit_contexts
protected $contexts;
* @var object|\cm_info|null if we are in a module context, the cm.
protected $cm;
* @var object the course we are within.
protected $course;
protected $visiblecolumns;
protected $extrarows;
* @var \question_bank_column_base[] these are all the 'columns' that are
* part of the display. Array keys are the class name.
protected $requiredcolumns;
* @var \question_bank_column_base[] these are the 'columns' that are
* actually displayed as a column, in order. Array keys are the class name.
protected $visiblecolumns;
* @var \question_bank_column_base[] these are the 'columns' that are
* actually displayed as an additional row (e.g. question text), in order.
* Array keys are the class name.
protected $extrarows;
* @var array list of column class names for which columns to sort on.
protected $sort;
* @var int|null id of the a question to highlight in the list (if present).
protected $lastchangedid;
* @var string SQL to count the number of questions matching the current
* search conditions.
protected $countsql;
* @var string SQL to actually load the question data to display.
protected $loadsql;
* @var array params used by $countsql and $loadsql (which currently must be the same).
protected $sqlparams;
/** @var array of \core_question\bank\search\condition objects. */
* @var condition[] search conditions.
protected $searchconditions = array();
@ -75,19 +136,11 @@ class view {
* @param object $cm (optional) activity settings.
public function __construct($contexts, $pageurl, $course, $cm = null) {
global $CFG, $PAGE;
$this->contexts = $contexts;
$this->baseurl = $pageurl;
$this->course = $course;
$this->cm = $cm;
if (!empty($cm) && $cm->modname == 'quiz') {
$this->quizorcourseid = '&quizid=' . $cm->instance;
} else {
$this->quizorcourseid = '&courseid=' .$this->course->id;
// Create the url of the new question page to forward to.
$returnurl = $pageurl->out_as_local_url(false);
$this->editquestionurl = new \moodle_url('/question/question.php',
@ -102,7 +155,7 @@ class view {
$this->init_columns($this->wanted_columns(), $this->heading_column());
$this->init_search_conditions($this->contexts, $this->course, $this->cm);
@ -124,9 +177,9 @@ class view {
if (empty($CFG->questionbankcolumns)) {
$questionbankcolumns = array('checkbox_column', 'question_type_column',
'question_name_column', 'tags_action_column', 'edit_action_column',
'copy_action_column', 'preview_action_column', 'delete_action_column',
'creator_name_column', 'modifier_name_column');
'question_name_idnumber_tags_column', 'tags_action_column', 'edit_action_column',
'copy_action_column', 'preview_action_column', 'delete_action_column',
'creator_name_column', 'modifier_name_column');
} else {
$questionbankcolumns = explode(',', $CFG->questionbankcolumns);
@ -226,8 +279,10 @@ class view {
* Deal with a sort name of the form columnname, or colname_subsort by
* breaking it up, validating the bits that are presend, and returning them.
* breaking it up, validating the bits that are present, and returning them.
* If there is no subsort, then $subsort is returned as ''.
* @param string $sort the sort parameter to process.
* @return array array($colname, $subsort).
protected function parse_subsort($sort) {
@ -272,7 +327,7 @@ class view {
// Deal with subsorts.
list($colname, $subsort) = $this->parse_subsort($sort);
list($colname) = $this->parse_subsort($sort);
$this->requiredcolumns[$colname] = $this->get_column_type($colname);
$this->sort[$sort] = $order;
@ -296,7 +351,7 @@ class view {
* @param $sort a column or column_subsort name.
* @param string $sort a column or column_subsort name.
* @return int the current sort order for this column -1, 0, 1
public function get_primary_sort_order($sort) {
@ -311,6 +366,7 @@ class view {
* Get a URL to redisplay the page with a new sort for the question bank.
* @param string $sort the column, or column_subsort to sort on.
* @param bool $newsortreverse whether to sort in reverse order.
* @return string The new URL.
@ -336,7 +392,8 @@ class view {
* Create the SQL query to retrieve the indicated questions
* @param stdClass $category no longer used.
* @param \stdClass $category no longer used.
* @param bool $recurse no longer used.
* @param bool $showhidden no longer used.
* @deprecated since Moodle 2.7 MDL-40313.
@ -355,8 +412,6 @@ class view {
* \core_question\bank\search\condition filters.
protected function build_query() {
global $DB;
// Get the required tables and fields.
$joins = array();
$fields = array('q.hidden', 'q.category');
@ -402,12 +457,19 @@ class view {
return $DB->count_records_sql($this->countsql, $this->sqlparams);
* Load the questions we need to display.
* @param int $page page to display.
* @param int $perpage number of questions per page.
* @return \moodle_recordset questionid => data about each question.
protected function load_page_questions($page, $perpage) {
global $DB;
$questions = $DB->get_recordset_sql($this->loadsql, $this->sqlparams, $page * $perpage, $perpage);
if (!$questions->valid()) {
// No questions on this page. Reset to page 0.
if (empty($questions)) {
// No questions on this page. Reset to page 0.
$questions = $DB->get_recordset_sql($this->loadsql, $this->sqlparams, 0, $perpage);
return $questions;
@ -424,7 +486,7 @@ class view {
* Get the URL for duplicating a given question.
* @param int $questionid the question id.
* @return moodle_url the URL.
* @return string the URL, HTML-escaped.
public function copy_question_url($questionid) {
return $this->editquestionurl->out(true, array('id' => $questionid, 'makecopy' => 1));
@ -432,7 +494,7 @@ class view {
* Get the context we are displaying the question bank for.
* @return context context object.
* @return \context context object.
public function get_most_specific_context() {
return $this->contexts->lowest();
@ -440,8 +502,8 @@ class view {
* Get the URL to preview a question.
* @param stdClass $questiondata the data defining the question.
* @return moodle_url the URL.
* @param \stdClass $questiondata the data defining the question.
* @return \moodle_url the URL.
public function preview_question_url($questiondata) {
return question_preview_url($questiondata->id, null, null, null, null,
@ -458,7 +520,15 @@ class view {
* deleteselected Deletes the selected questions from the category
* Other actions:
* category Chooses the category
* displayoptions Sets display options
* @param string $tabname question bank edit tab name, for permission checking.
* @param int $page the page number to show.
* @param int $perpage the number of questions per page to show.
* @param string $cat 'categoryid,contextid'.
* @param int $recurse Whether to include subcategories.
* @param bool $showhidden whether deleted questions should be displayed.
* @param bool $showquestiontext whether the text of each question should be shown in the list. Deprecated.
* @param array $tagids current list of selected tags.
public function display($tabname, $page, $perpage, $cat,
$recurse, $showhidden, $showquestiontext, $tagids = []) {
@ -468,7 +538,7 @@ class view {
$editcontexts = $this->contexts->having_one_edit_tab_cap($tabname);
list($categoryid, $contextid) = explode(',', $cat);
list(, $contextid) = explode(',', $cat);
$catcontext = \context::instance_by_id($contextid);
$thiscontext = $this->get_most_specific_context();
// Category selection form.
@ -521,7 +591,7 @@ class view {
* prints category information
* @param stdClass $category the category row from the database.
* @param \stdClass $category the category row from the database.
* @deprecated since Moodle 2.7 MDL-40313.
* @see \core_question\bank\search\condition
* @todo MDL-41978 This will be deleted in Moodle 2.8
@ -568,7 +638,7 @@ class view {
protected function display_options($recurse, $showhidden, $showquestiontext) {
debugging('display_options() is deprecated, please use display_options_form instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return $this->display_options_form($showquestiontext);
@ -594,7 +664,7 @@ class view {
* Display the form with options for which questions are displayed and how they are displayed.
* @param bool $showquestiontext Display the text of the question within the list.
* @param string $path path to the script displaying this page.
* @param string $scriptpath path to the script displaying this page.
* @param bool $showtextoption whether to include the 'Show question text' checkbox.
protected function display_options_form($showquestiontext, $scriptpath = '/question/edit.php',
@ -619,7 +689,7 @@ class view {
echo \html_writer::input_hidden_params($this->baseurl, $excludes);
foreach ($this->searchconditions as $searchcondition) {
echo $searchcondition->display_options($this);
echo $searchcondition->display_options();
if ($showtextoption) {
@ -639,7 +709,7 @@ class view {
print_collapsible_region_start('', 'advancedsearch', get_string('advancedsearchoptions', 'question'),
foreach ($this->searchconditions as $searchcondition) {
echo $searchcondition->display_options_adv($this);
echo $searchcondition->display_options_adv();
@ -666,7 +736,6 @@ class view {
protected function create_new_question_form($category, $canadd) {
global $CFG;
echo '<div class="createnewquestion">';
if ($canadd) {
create_new_question_button($category->id, $this->editquestionurl->params(),
@ -681,20 +750,20 @@ class view {
* Prints the table of questions in a category with interactions
* @param array $contexts Not used!
* @param moodle_url $pageurl The URL to reload this page.
* @param \moodle_url $pageurl The URL to reload this page.
* @param string $categoryandcontext 'categoryID,contextID'.
* @param stdClass $cm Not used!
* @param bool $recurse Whether to include subcategories.
* @param \stdClass $cm Not used!
* @param int $recurse Whether to include subcategories.
* @param int $page The number of the page to be displayed
* @param int $perpage Number of questions to show per page
* @param bool $showhidden whether deleted questions should be displayed.
* @param bool $showquestiontext whether the text of each question should be shown in the list. Deprecated.
* @param bool $showhidden Not used! This is now controlled in a different way.
* @param bool $showquestiontext Not used! This is now controlled in a different way.
* @param array $addcontexts contexts where the user is allowed to add new questions.
protected function display_question_list($contexts, $pageurl, $categoryandcontext,
$cm = null, $recurse=1, $page=0, $perpage=100, $showhidden=false,
$showquestiontext = false, $addcontexts = array()) {
global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE;
global $OUTPUT;
// This function can be moderately slow with large question counts and may time out.
// We probably do not want to raise it to unlimited, so randomly picking 5 minutes.
@ -715,11 +784,18 @@ class view {
if ($totalnumber == 0) {
$questions = $this->load_page_questions($page, $perpage);
$questionsrs = $this->load_page_questions($page, $perpage);
$questions = [];
foreach ($questionsrs as $question) {
$questions[$question->id] = $question;
foreach ($this->requiredcolumns as $name => $column) {
echo '<div class="categorypagingbarcontainer">';
$pageingurl = new \moodle_url('edit.php');
$r = $pageingurl->params($pageurl->params());
$pageingurl = new \moodle_url('edit.php', $pageurl->params());
$pagingbar = new \paging_bar($totalnumber, $page, $perpage, $pageingurl);
$pagingbar->pagevar = 'qpage';
echo $OUTPUT->render($pagingbar);
@ -737,7 +813,6 @@ class view {
$this->print_table_row($question, $rowcount);
$rowcount += 1;
echo "</div>\n";
@ -771,8 +846,8 @@ class view {
* Display the controls at the bottom of the list of questions.
* @param int $totalnumber Total number of questions that might be shown (if it was not for paging).
* @param bool $recurse Whether to include subcategories.
* @param stdClass $category The question_category row from the database.
* @param context $catcontext The context of the category being displayed.
* @param \stdClass $category The question_category row from the database.
* @param \context $catcontext The context of the category being displayed.
* @param array $addcontexts contexts where the user is allowed to add new questions.
protected function display_bottom_controls($totalnumber, $recurse, $category, \context $catcontext, array $addcontexts) {
@ -865,7 +940,7 @@ class view {
public function process_actions() {
global $CFG, $DB;
global $DB;
// Now, check for commands on this page and modify variables as necessary.
if (optional_param('move', false, PARAM_BOOL) and confirm_sesskey()) {
// Move selected questions to new category.
@ -886,7 +961,6 @@ class view {
if ($questionids) {
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($questionids);
$sql = "";
$questions = $DB->get_records_sql("
SELECT q.*, c.contextid
FROM {question} q
@ -976,11 +1050,13 @@ class view {
return true;
return false;
* Add another search control to this view.
* @param \core_question\bank\search\condition $searchcondition the condition to add.
* @param condition $searchcondition the condition to add.
public function add_searchcondition($searchcondition) {
$this->searchconditions[] = $searchcondition;
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Feature: A teacher can duplicate questions in the question bank
Then I should see "Duplicated question name"
And I should see "Test question to be copied"
And "Duplicated question name" row "Last modified by" column of "categoryquestions" table should contain "Teacher 1"
And "Test question to be copied" row "Created by" column of "categoryquestions" table should contain "Admin User"
And "Test question to be copied ID number qid" row "Created by" column of "categoryquestions" table should contain "Admin User"
Scenario: Duplicated questions automatically get a new name suggested
@ -32,9 +32,11 @@ Feature: A teacher can put questions in categories in the question bank
| Name | New Category 1 |
| Parent category | Top |
| Category info | Created as a test |
| ID number | newcatidnumber |
And I press "submitbutton"
Then I should see "New Category 1 (0)"
Then I should see "New Category 1 ID number newcatidnumber (0)"
And I should see "Created as a test" in the "New Category 1" "list_item"
And "New Category 1 [newcatidnumber]" "option" should exist in the "Parent category" "select"
Scenario: A question category can be edited
When I navigate to "Question bank > Categories" in current page administration
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Feature: A teacher can put questions with idnumbers in categories with idnumbers
# Correction to a unique idnumber for the context.
And I set the field "ID number" to "c1unused"
And I press "Add category"
Then I should see "Sub used category (0)"
Then I should see "Sub used category ID number c1unused (0)"
And I should see "Created as a test" in the "Sub used category" "list_item"
Scenario: A question category can be edited and saved without changing the idnumber
@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ Feature: The questions in the question bank can be sorted in various ways
| contextlevel | reference | name |
| Course | C1 | Test questions |
And the following "questions" exist:
| questioncategory | qtype | name | user | questiontext |
| Test questions | essay | A question 1 name | admin | Question 1 text |
| Test questions | essay | B question 2 name | teacher1 | Question 2 text |
| Test questions | numerical | C question 3 name | teacher1 | Question 3 text |
| questioncategory | qtype | name | user | questiontext | idnumber |
| Test questions | essay | A question 1 name | admin | Question 1 text | |
| Test questions | essay | B question 2 name | teacher1 | Question 2 text | |
| Test questions | numerical | C question 3 name | teacher1 | Question 3 text | numidnum |
And I log in as "teacher1"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I navigate to "Question bank > Questions" in current page administration
@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ Feature: The questions in the question bank can be sorted in various ways
Scenario: The questions are sorted by type by default
Then "A question 1 name" "checkbox" should appear before "C question 3 name" "checkbox"
Scenario: The questions can be sorted by idnumber
When I follow "Sort by ID number ascending"
Then "C question 3 name" "checkbox" should appear before "A question 1 name" "checkbox"
And I should see "numidnum" in the "C question 3 name" "table_row"
Scenario: The questions can be sorted in reverse order by type
When I follow "Sort by Question type descending"
@ -37,14 +43,14 @@ Feature: The questions in the question bank can be sorted in various ways
Scenario: The questions can be sorted by name
When I follow "Sort by Question ascending"
When I follow "Sort by Question name ascending"
Then "A question 1 name" "checkbox" should appear before "B question 2 name" "checkbox"
And "B question 2 name" "checkbox" should appear before "C question 3 name" "checkbox"
Scenario: The questions can be sorted in reverse order by name
When I follow "Sort by Question ascending"
And I follow "Sort by Question descending"
When I follow "Sort by Question name ascending"
And I follow "Sort by Question name descending"
Then "C question 3 name" "checkbox" should appear before "B question 2 name" "checkbox"
And "B question 2 name" "checkbox" should appear before "A question 1 name" "checkbox"
@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
This files describes API changes for code that uses the question API.
=== 3.8 ===
If you have customised the display of the question bank (using $CFG->questionbankcolumns)
then be aware that the default configuration has changed, and you may wish to make
equivalent changes in your customised version. The old column question_name_column
has been replaced by question_name_idnumber_tags_column. The old question_name_column
still exists, so it is safe to continue using it.
=== 3.7 ===
The code for the is_valid_number function that was duplicated in the
@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ class taglist implements templatable {
/** @var string */
protected $label;
/** @var bool $accesshidelabel if true, the label should have class="accesshide" added. */
protected $accesshidelabel;
/** @var string */
protected $classes;
@ -59,14 +62,17 @@ class taglist implements templatable {
* to use default, set to '' (empty string) to omit the label completely
* @param string $classes additional classes for the enclosing div element
* @param int $limit limit the number of tags to display, if size of $tags is more than this limit the "more" link
* will be appended to the end, JS will toggle the rest of the tags
* will be appended to the end, JS will toggle the rest of the tags. 0 means no limit.
* @param context $pagecontext specify if needed to overwrite the current page context for the view tag link
* @param bool $accesshidelabel if true, the label should have class="accesshide" added.
public function __construct($tags, $label = null, $classes = '', $limit = 10, $pagecontext = null) {
public function __construct($tags, $label = null, $classes = '',
$limit = 10, $pagecontext = null, $accesshidelabel = false) {
global $PAGE;
$canmanagetags = has_capability('moodle/tag:manage', \context_system::instance());
$this->label = ($label === null) ? get_string('tags') : $label;
$this->accesshidelabel = $accesshidelabel;
$this->classes = $classes;
$fromctx = $pagecontext ? $pagecontext->id :
(($PAGE->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_SYSTEM) ? 0 : $PAGE->context->id);
@ -106,6 +112,7 @@ class taglist implements templatable {
return (object)array(
'tags' => array_values($this->tags),
'label' => $this->label,
'accesshidelabel' => $this->accesshidelabel,
'tagscount' => $cnt,
'overflow' => ($this->limit && $cnt > $this->limit) ? 1 : 0,
'classes' => $this->classes,
@ -648,7 +648,8 @@ class core_tag_tag {
* @param int[] $itemids
* @param int $standardonly wether to return only standard tags or any
* @param int $tiuserid tag instance user id, only needed for tag areas with user tagging
* @return core_tag_tag[] each object contains additional fields taginstanceid, taginstancecontextid and ordering
* @return core_tag_tag[][] first array key is itemid. For each itemid,
* an array tagid => tag object with additional fields taginstanceid, taginstancecontextid and ordering
public static function get_items_tags($component, $itemtype, $itemids, $standardonly = self::BOTH_STANDARD_AND_NOT,
$tiuserid = 0) {
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
"label": "Tags",
"accesshidelabel": false,
"tagscount": 3,
"overflow": 1,
"classes": "someadditionalclass"
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@
<div class="tag_list hideoverlimit {{classes}}">
<b{{#accesshidelabel}} class="accesshide"{{/accesshidelabel}}>{{label}}:</b>
<ul class="inline-list">
Reference in New Issue
Block a user