diff --git a/lang/en_utf8/admin.php b/lang/en_utf8/admin.php
index 1f267477327..d0febaa221c 100644
--- a/lang/en_utf8/admin.php
+++ b/lang/en_utf8/admin.php
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ $string['configdebug'] = 'If you turn this on, then PHP\'s error_reporting will
$string['configdebugdisplay'] = 'Set to on, the error reporting will go to the HTML page. This is practical, but breaks XHTML, JS, cookies and HTTP headers in general. Set to off, it will send the output to your server logs, allowing better debugging. The PHP setting error_log controls which log this goes to.';
$string['configdebugpageinfo'] = 'Enable if you want page information printed in page footer.';
$string['configdebugsmtp'] = 'Enable verbose debug information during sending of email messages to SMTP server.';
-$string['configdebugvalidators'] = 'Enable if you want to have links to external validator servers in page footer. You may need to create new user with username w3cvalidator, enable guest access and enable guest access. These changes may allow unauthorized access to server, do not enable on production sites!';
+$string['configdebugvalidators'] = 'Enable if you want to have links to external validator servers in page footer. You may need to create new user with username w3cvalidator, and enable guest access. These changes may allow unauthorized access to server, do not enable on production sites!';
$string['configdefaultallowedmodules'] = 'For the courses which fall into the above category, which modules do you want to allow by default when the course is created?';
$string['configdefaultcourseroleid'] = 'Users who enrol in a course will be automatically assigned this role.';
$string['configdefaultrequestcategory'] = 'Courses requested by users will be automatically placed in this category.';