From 7bab5279d3077b16a95e508e06372fae3f47f49c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Dougiamas <>
Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 08:19:38 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] MDL-13766 Updated some english (and fixed some case problems
 in other strings)

 lang/en/admin.php | 18 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lang/en/admin.php b/lang/en/admin.php
index d4f04d7267b..c70d24bbe25 100755
--- a/lang/en/admin.php
+++ b/lang/en/admin.php
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ $string['configrestrictbydefault'] = 'Should new courses that are created that f
 $string['configrestrictmodulesfor'] = 'Which courses should have <b>the setting</b> for disabling some activity modules?  Note that this setting only applies to teachers, administrators will still be able to add any activity to a course.';
 $string['configrunclamavonupload'] = 'When enabled, clam AV will be used to scan all uploaded files.';
 $string['configrunclamonupload'] = 'Run clam AV on file upload? You will need a correct path in pathtoclam for this to work.  (Clam AV is a free virus scanner that you can get from';
-$string['configuserquota'] = 'The maxbytes if files that user can use in user area, the value is in bytes. <b>{$a->bytes} bytes == {$a->displaysize}</b>';
+$string['configuserquota'] = 'The maximum number of bytes that a user can store in their own private file area. {$a->bytes} bytes == {$a->displaysize}';
 $string['configsectioninterface'] = 'Interface';
 $string['configsectionmail'] = 'Mail';
 $string['configsectionmaintenance'] = 'Maintenance';
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ $string['denyemailaddresses'] = 'Denied email domains';
 $string['development'] = 'Development';
 $string['digestmailtime'] = 'Hour to send digest emails';
 $string['disablecourseajax'] = 'Disable AJAX course editing';
-$string['disableuserimages'] = 'Disable User Profile Images';
+$string['disableuserimages'] = 'Disable user profile images';
 $string['displayerrorswarning'] = 'Enabling the PHP setting <em>display_errors</em> is not recommended on production sites because some error messages may reveal sensitive information about your server.';
 $string['displayloginfailures'] = 'Display login failures to';
 $string['docroot'] = 'Moodle Docs document root';
@@ -472,11 +472,11 @@ $string['enablecourserequests'] = 'Enable course requests';
 $string['enableglobalsearch'] = 'Enable global search';
 $string['enablegroupmembersonly'] = 'Enable group members only';
 $string['enablehtmlpurifier'] = 'Enable HTML Purifier';
-$string['enablerecordcache'] = 'Enable Record Cache';
+$string['enablerecordcache'] = 'Enable record cache';
 $string['enablerssfeeds'] = 'Enable RSS feeds';
 $string['enablesafebrowserintegration'] = 'Enable Safe Exam Browser integration';
 $string['enablestats'] = 'Enable statistics';
-$string['enabletrusttext'] = 'Enable Trusted Content';
+$string['enabletrusttext'] = 'Enable trusted content';
 $string['enablewebservices'] = 'Enable web services';
 $string['enablewsdocumentation'] = 'Web services documentation';
 $string['encoding'] = 'Encoding';
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ $string['fullnamedisplay'] = 'Full name format';
 $string['gdrecommended'] = 'GD extension is used for conversion of images, some features such as user profile images will not be available if missing.';
 $string['gdversion'] = 'GD version';
 $string['generalsettings'] = 'General settings';
-$string['geoipfile'] = 'GeoIP City data file';
+$string['geoipfile'] = 'GeoIP city data file';
 $string['getremoteaddrconf'] = 'Logged IP address source';
 $string['globalsquoteswarning'] = '<p><strong>Security Warning</strong>: to operate properly, Moodle requires <br />that you make certain changes to your current PHP settings.<p/><p>You <em>must</em> set <code>register_globals=off</code> and/or <code>magic_quotes_gpc=on</code>. <br />If possible, you should set <code>register_globals=off</code> to improve general <br /> server security, setting <code>magic_quotes_gpc=on</code> is also recommended.<p/><p>These settings are controlled by editing your <code>php.ini</code>, Apache/IIS <br />configuration or <code>.htaccess</code> file.</p>';
 $string['globalswarning'] = '<p><strong>SECURITY WARNING!</strong></p><p> To operate properly, Moodle requires <br />that you make certain changes to your current PHP settings.</p><p>You <em>must</em> set <code>register_globals=off</code>.</p><p>This setting is controlled by editing your <code>php.ini</code>, Apache/IIS <br />configuration or <code>.htaccess</code> file.</p>';
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ $string['memcachedhosts'] = 'memcached hosts';
 $string['memcachedpconn'] = 'memcached use persistent connections';
 $string['messaging'] = 'Enable messaging system';
 $string['minpassworddigits'] = 'Digits';
-$string['minpasswordlength'] = 'Password Length';
+$string['minpasswordlength'] = 'Password length';
 $string['minpasswordlower'] = 'Lowercase letters';
 $string['minpasswordnonalphanum'] = 'Non-alphanumeric characters';
 $string['minpasswordupper'] = 'Uppercase letters';
@@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ $string['mydashboard'] = 'System default dashboard';
 $string['mymoodle'] = 'My Moodle';
 $string['mymoodleredirect'] = 'Force users to use My Moodle';
 $string['mypage'] = 'Default My Moodle page';
-$string['myprofile'] = 'Default Profile page';
+$string['myprofile'] = 'Default profile page';
 $string['mypagelocked'] = 'Lock default page';
 $string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'However, if your site is using iso-8859-1 (latin) languages ONLY, you may continue using your currently installed MySQL 4.1.12 (or higher).';
 $string['mysql416required'] = 'MySQL 4.1.16 is the minimum version required for Moodle 1.6 in order to guarantee that all data can be converted to UTF-8 in the future.';
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ $string['order1'] = 'First';
 $string['order2'] = 'Second';
 $string['order3'] = 'Third';
 $string['order4'] = 'Fourth';
-$string['passwordpolicy'] = 'Password Policy';
+$string['passwordpolicy'] = 'Password policy';
 $string['pathconvert'] = 'Path of <i>convert</i> binary';
 $string['pathdvips'] = 'Path of <i>dvips</i> binary';
 $string['pathlatex'] = 'Path of <i>latex</i> binary';
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ $string['profiledeletefield'] = 'Deleting a field';
 $string['profiledescription'] = 'Description of the field';
 $string['profileeditcategory'] = 'Editing category: {$a}';
 $string['profileeditfield'] = 'Editing profile field: {$a}';
-$string['profilefield'] = 'Profile Field';
+$string['profilefield'] = 'Profile field';
 $string['profilefieldcolumns'] = 'Columns';
 $string['profilefieldispassword'] = 'Is this a password field?';
 $string['profilefieldlink'] = 'Link';