diff --git a/mod/lesson/locallib.php b/mod/lesson/locallib.php
index 69e313ace08..c666bef183e 100644
--- a/mod/lesson/locallib.php
+++ b/mod/lesson/locallib.php
@@ -4119,23 +4119,38 @@ abstract class lesson_page extends lesson_base {
$options->context = $context;
$result->feedback .= $OUTPUT->box(format_text($this->get_contents(), $this->properties->contentsformat, $options),
- 'generalbox boxaligncenter');
- $studentanswer = format_text($result->studentanswer, $result->studentanswerformat,
- array('context' => $context, 'para' => true));
+ 'generalbox boxaligncenter p-y-1');
$result->feedback .= '
- . get_string("youranswer", "lesson").' : ' . $studentanswer;
- if (isset($result->responseformat)) {
- $result->response = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($result->response, 'pluginfile.php', $context->id,
- 'mod_lesson', 'page_responses', $result->answerid);
- $result->feedback .= $OUTPUT->box(format_text($result->response, $result->responseformat, $options)
- , $class);
- } else {
- $result->feedback .= $OUTPUT->box($result->response, $class);
+ . get_string("youranswer", "lesson").' :
+ $studentanswerarray = explode('
', $result->studentanswer);
+ $responsearr = explode('
', $result->response);
+ $studentanswerresponse = array_combine($studentanswerarray, $responsearr);
+ // Create a table containing the answers and responses.
+ $table = new html_table();
+ foreach ($studentanswerresponse as $answer => $response) {
+ // Add a table row containing the answer.
+ $studentanswer = format_text($answer, $result->studentanswerformat,
+ array('context' => $context, 'para' => true));
+ $table->data[] = array($studentanswer);
+ // If the response exists, add a table row containing the response. If not, add en empty row.
+ if (!empty(trim($response))) {
+ if (isset($result->responseformat)) {
+ $convertstudentresponse = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($response, 'pluginfile.php',
+ $context->id, 'mod_lesson', 'page_responses', $result->answerid);
+ $studentresponse = format_text($convertstudentresponse, $result->responseformat, $options);
+ } else {
+ $studentresponse = $response;
+ }
+ $table->data[] = array(''.get_string("response", "lesson").
+ ':
+ } else {
+ $table->data[] = array('');
+ }
- $result->feedback .= '
+ $result->feedback .= html_writer::table($table).'
return $result;
diff --git a/mod/lesson/pagetypes/multichoice.php b/mod/lesson/pagetypes/multichoice.php
index 38d314cf8f0..7f51e87b7a1 100644
--- a/mod/lesson/pagetypes/multichoice.php
+++ b/mod/lesson/pagetypes/multichoice.php
@@ -169,13 +169,12 @@ class lesson_page_type_multichoice extends lesson_page {
foreach ($answers as $answer) {
foreach ($studentanswers as $answerid) {
if ($answerid == $answer->id) {
- $result->studentanswer .= '