diff --git a/lang/en_utf8/lesson.php b/lang/en_utf8/lesson.php index b82320e20a7..99ba6c14f69 100644 --- a/lang/en_utf8/lesson.php +++ b/lang/en_utf8/lesson.php @@ -9,11 +9,13 @@ $string['accesscontrol'] = 'Access control'; $string['actionaftercorrectanswer'] = 'Action after correct answer'; +$string['actions'] = 'Actions'; $string['activitylink'] = 'Link to an activity'; $string['activitylinkname'] = 'Go to: $a'; $string['addabranchtable'] = 'Add a Branch Table'; $string['addanendofbranch'] = 'Add an End of Branch'; $string['addaquestionpage'] = 'Add a Question Page'; +$string['addaquestionpagehere'] = 'Add a question page here'; $string['addcluster'] = 'Add a Cluster'; $string['addedabranchtable'] = 'Added a Branch Table'; $string['addedanendofbranch'] = 'Added an End of Branch'; @@ -123,6 +125,7 @@ $string['importppt'] = 'Import PowerPoint'; $string['importquestions'] = 'Import questions'; $string['insertedpage'] = 'Inserted page'; $string['jump'] = 'Jump'; +$string['jumps'] = 'Jumps'; $string['jumptsto'] = 'jumps to'; $string['leftduringtimed'] = 'You have left during a timed lesson.
Please click on Continue to restart the lesson.'; $string['leftduringtimednoretake'] = 'You have left during a timed lesson and you are
not allowed to retake or continue the lesson.'; @@ -218,6 +221,7 @@ $string['previewlesson'] = 'Preview $a'; $string['previouspage'] = 'Previous page'; $string['progressbar'] = 'Progress Bar'; $string['progressbarteacherwarning'] = 'Progress Bar does not display for $a'; +$string['qtype'] = 'Page type'; $string['question'] = 'Question'; $string['questionoption'] = 'Question '; $string['questiontype'] = 'Question type';