MDL-21189 yui combined file loading admin setting

This commit is contained in:
Petr Skoda 2009-12-25 22:47:41 +00:00
parent aa42314ded
commit 84d6e8323d
3 changed files with 4 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ if ($hassiteconfig) { // speedup for non-admins, add all caps used on this page
$temp = new admin_settingpage('ajax', get_string('ajaxuse'));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('enableajax', get_string('enableajax', 'admin'), get_string('configenableajax', 'admin'), 1));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('useexternalyui', get_string('useexternalyui', 'admin'), get_string('configuseexternalyui', 'admin'), 0));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('yuicomboloading', get_string('yuicomboloading', 'admin'), get_string('configyuicomboloading', 'admin'), 1));
$temp->add(new admin_setting_configcheckbox('disablecourseajax', get_string('disablecourseajax', 'admin'), get_string('configdisablecourseajax', 'admin'),
isset($CFG->disablecourseajax) ? 1 : empty($CFG->enableajax)));
$ADMIN->add('appearance', $temp);

View File

@ -317,6 +317,7 @@ $string['configvariables'] = 'Variables';
$string['configverifychangedemail'] = 'Enables verification of changed email addresses using allowed and denied email domains settings. If this setting is disabled the domains are enforced only when creating new users.';
$string['configwarning'] = 'Be careful modifying these settings - strange values could cause problems.';
$string['configxmlstrictheaders'] = 'Set to on, each page will be generated using XML http headers and prolog, so browsers will show XHTML errors inline. This is only useful for developers.';
$string['configyuicomboloading'] = 'This options enables combined file loading optimisation for YUI libraries. This setting should be enabled on production sites for performance reasons.';
$string['configzip'] = 'Indicate the location of your zip program (Unix only, optional). If specified, this will be used to create zip archives on the server. If you leave this blank, then Moodle will use internal routines.';
$string['confirmation'] = 'Confirmation';
$string['confirmed'] = 'Confirmed';
@ -961,6 +962,7 @@ $string['webproxy'] = 'Web proxy';
$string['webproxyinfo'] = 'Fill in following options if your Moodle server can not access internet directly. Internet access is required for download of environment data, language packs, RSS feeds, timezones, etc.<br /><em>PHP cURL extension is highly recommended.</em>';
$string['xmlrpcrecommended'] = 'Installing the optional xmlrpc extension is useful for Moodle Networking functionality.';
$string['xmlstrictheaders'] = 'XML strict headers';
$string['yuicomboloading'] = 'YUI combo loading';
$string['useblogassociations'] = 'Enable associations';
$string['configuseblogassociations'] = 'Should users be able to organize their blog by associating entries with courses and course modules?';
$string['ziprequired'] = 'The Zip PHP extension is now required by Moodle, info-ZIP binaries or PclZip library are not used anymore.';

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
// This is compared against the values stored in the database to determine
// whether upgrades should be performed (see lib/db/*.php)
$version = 2009112400; // YYYYMMDD = date of the last version bump
$version = 2009122500; // YYYYMMDD = date of the last version bump
// XX = daily increments
$release = '2.0 dev (Build: 20091225)'; // Human-friendly version name