MDL-22404 add cohort ID to user filters

We are using only ID because there might be hundreds of cohorts in the system at different contexts. There is no special access control because filtering is supposed to be used by admins only.
This commit is contained in:
Petr Skoda 2011-07-09 15:42:40 +02:00
parent f6f6138379
commit 85c199aede
2 changed files with 148 additions and 1 deletions

user/filters/cohort.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Generic filter for cohort membership.
class user_filter_cohort extends user_filter_type {
* Constructor
* @param boolean $advanced advanced form element flag
function user_filter_cohort($advanced) {
parent::user_filter_type('cohort', get_string('idnumber', 'core_cohort'), $advanced);
* Returns an array of comparison operators
* @return array of comparison operators
function getOperators() {
return array(0 => get_string('contains', 'filters'),
1 => get_string('doesnotcontain','filters'),
2 => get_string('isequalto','filters'),
3 => get_string('startswith','filters'),
4 => get_string('endswith','filters'));
* Adds controls specific to this filter in the form.
* @param object $mform a MoodleForm object to setup
function setupForm(&$mform) {
$objs = array();
$objs[] =& $mform->createElement('select', $this->_name.'_op', null, $this->getOperators());
$objs[] =& $mform->createElement('text', $this->_name, null);
$grp =& $mform->addElement('group', $this->_name.'_grp', $this->_label, $objs, '', false);
$mform->disabledIf($this->_name, $this->_name.'_op', 'eq', 5);
if ($this->_advanced) {
$mform->setDefault($this->_name.'_op', 2);
* Retrieves data from the form data
* @param object $formdata data submited with the form
* @return mixed array filter data or false when filter not set
function check_data($formdata) {
$field = $this->_name;
$operator = $field.'_op';
if (array_key_exists($operator, $formdata)) {
if ($formdata->$field == '') {
return false;
return array('operator'=>(int)$formdata->$operator, 'value'=>$formdata->$field);
return false;
* Returns the condition to be used with SQL where
* @param array $data filter settings
* @return array sql string and $params
function get_sql_filter($data) {
global $DB;
static $counter = 0;
$name = 'ex_cohort'.$counter++;
$operator = $data['operator'];
$value = $data['value'];
$params = array();
if ($value === '') {
return '';
switch($operator) {
case 0: // contains
$res = $DB->sql_like('idnumber', ":$name", false, false);
$params[$name] = "%$value%";
case 1: // does not contain
$res = $DB->sql_like('idnumber', ":$name", false, false, true);
$params[$name] = "%$value%";
case 2: // equal to
$res = $DB->sql_like('idnumber', ":$name", false, false);
$params[$name] = "$value";
case 3: // starts with
$res = $DB->sql_like('idnumber', ":$name", false, false);
$params[$name] = "$value%";
case 4: // ends with
$res = $DB->sql_like('idnumber', ":$name", false, false);
$params[$name] = "%$value";
return '';
$sql = "id IN (SELECT userid
FROM {cohort_members}
JOIN {cohort} ON {cohort_members}.cohortid = {cohort}.id
WHERE $res)";
return array($sql, $params);
* Returns a human friendly description of the filter used as label.
* @param array $data filter settings
* @return string active filter label
function get_label($data) {
$operator = $data['operator'];
$value = $data['value'];
$operators = $this->getOperators();
$a = new stdClass();
$a->label = $this->_label;
$a->value = '"'.s($value).'"';
$a->operator = $operators[$operator];
switch ($operator) {
case 0: // contains
case 1: // doesn't contain
case 2: // equal to
case 3: // starts with
case 4: // ends with
return get_string('textlabel', 'filters', $a);
return '';

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/filters/courserole.php');
@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ class user_filtering {
if (empty($fieldnames)) {
$fieldnames = array('realname'=>0, 'lastname'=>1, 'firstname'=>1, 'email'=>1, 'city'=>1, 'country'=>1,
'confirmed'=>1, 'profile'=>1, 'courserole'=>1, 'systemrole'=>1,
'confirmed'=>1, 'profile'=>1, 'courserole'=>1, 'systemrole'=>1, 'cohort'=>1,
'firstaccess'=>1, 'lastaccess'=>1, 'lastlogin'=>1, 'timemodified'=>1, 'username'=>1, 'auth'=>1, 'mnethostid'=>1);
@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ class user_filtering {
case 'lastaccess': return new user_filter_date('lastaccess', get_string('lastaccess'), $advanced, 'lastaccess');
case 'lastlogin': return new user_filter_date('lastlogin', get_string('lastlogin'), $advanced, 'lastlogin');
case 'timemodified': return new user_filter_date('timemodified', get_string('lastmodified'), $advanced, 'timemodified');
case 'cohort': return new user_filter_cohort($advanced);
case 'auth':
$plugins = get_plugin_list('auth');
$choices = array();