diff --git a/lang/en/admin.php b/lang/en/admin.php index 92781b58f1e..65fa702420a 100644 --- a/lang/en/admin.php +++ b/lang/en/admin.php @@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ $string['displayloginfailures'] = 'Display login failures'; $string['divertallemails'] = 'Email diverting'; $string['divertallemailsdetail'] = 'Used as a safeguard in development environments when testing emails and should not be used in production.'; $string['divertallemailsexcept'] = 'Email diversion exceptions'; -$string['divertallemailsexcept_desc'] = 'A list of email exception rules separated by either commas or new lines. Each rule is interpreted as a regular expression, eg
+$string['divertallemailsexcept_desc'] = 'A list of email exception rules separated by either commas or new lines. Each rule is interpreted as a regular expression e.g. 
'; diff --git a/lang/en/badges.php b/lang/en/badges.php index 51b61a6efcc..ccdfd367f88 100644 --- a/lang/en/badges.php +++ b/lang/en/badges.php @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ In this area, you can select collections of badges from your backpack that you w $string['backpacksettings'] = 'Backpack settings'; $string['backpackapiurl'] = 'Backpack API URL'; $string['backpackweburl'] = 'Backpack URL'; -$string['backpackprovider'] = 'Backpack Provider'; +$string['backpackprovider'] = 'Backpack provider'; $string['badges'] = 'Badges'; $string['badgedetails'] = 'Badge details'; $string['badgeimage'] = 'Image'; diff --git a/lang/en/grades.php b/lang/en/grades.php index e6a73ae7a06..9f5f867305b 100644 --- a/lang/en/grades.php +++ b/lang/en/grades.php @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ $string['coursesiamtaking'] = 'Courses I am taking'; $string['coursesiamteaching'] = 'Courses I am teaching'; $string['coursescales'] = 'Course scales'; $string['coursesettings'] = 'Course settings'; -$string['coursesettingsexplanation'] = 'Course settings determine how the gradebook appears for all participants in the course.'; +$string['coursesettingsexplanation'] = 'Course grade settings determine how the gradebook appears for all participants in the course.'; $string['coursetotal'] = 'Course total'; $string['createcategory'] = 'Create category'; $string['createcategoryerror'] = 'Could not create a new category'; diff --git a/lang/en/payment.php b/lang/en/payment.php index 1081158d595..f084db5b2d4 100644 --- a/lang/en/payment.php +++ b/lang/en/payment.php @@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ $string['accountconfignote'] = 'Payment gateways for this account will be config $string['accountidnumber'] = 'ID number'; $string['accountidnumber_help'] = 'The ID number is only used when matching the account against external systems and is not displayed anywhere on the site. If the account has an official code name it may be entered, otherwise the field can be left blank.'; $string['accountname'] = 'Account name'; -$string['accountname_help'] = 'How this account will be identified for teachers or managers who set up payments (for example in the course enrolment plugin)'; +$string['accountname_help'] = 'How this account will be identified for teachers or managers who set up payments (for example in the course enrolment plugin).'; $string['accountnotavailable'] = 'Not available'; -$string['paymentaccountsexplained'] = 'Create one or multiple payment accounts for this site. Each account includes configuration for available payment gateways. The person who configures payments on the site (for example, payment for the course enrolment) will be able to chose from the available accounts.'; +$string['paymentaccountsexplained'] = 'Create one or multiple payment accounts for this site. Each account includes configuration for available payment gateways. The person who configures payments on the site (for example, payment for the course enrolment) will be able to choose from the available accounts.'; $string['createaccount'] = 'Create payment account'; $string['deleteorarchive'] = 'Delete or archive'; $string['eventaccountcreated'] = 'Payment account created'; diff --git a/mod/assign/lang/en/assign.php b/mod/assign/lang/en/assign.php index e4206331081..a9305a0fe18 100644 --- a/mod/assign/lang/en/assign.php +++ b/mod/assign/lang/en/assign.php @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ $string['assign:receivegradernotifications'] = 'Receive grader submission notifi $string['assign:releasegrades'] = 'Release grades'; $string['assign:revealidentities'] = 'Reveal student identities'; $string['assign:reviewgrades'] = 'Review grades'; -$string['assign:viewblinddetails'] = 'View student identities when blind marking is enabled'; +$string['assign:viewblinddetails'] = 'View student identities when anonymous submissions are enabled'; $string['assign:viewgrades'] = 'View grades'; $string['assign:showhiddengrader'] = 'See the identity of a hidden grader'; $string['assign:submit'] = 'Submit assignment'; @@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ $string['batchoperationunlock'] = 'unlock submissions'; $string['batchoperationreverttodraft'] = 'revert submissions to draft'; $string['batchsetallocatedmarker'] = 'Set allocated marker for {$a} selected user(s).'; $string['batchsetmarkingworkflowstateforusers'] = 'Set marking workflow state for {$a} selected user(s).'; -$string['blindmarking'] = 'Blind marking'; -$string['blindmarkingenabledwarning'] = 'Blind marking is enabled for this activity.'; -$string['blindmarking_help'] = 'Blind marking hides the identity of students from markers. Blind marking settings will be locked once a submission or grade has been made in relation to this assignment.'; +$string['blindmarking'] = 'Anonymous submissions'; +$string['blindmarkingenabledwarning'] = 'Anonymous submissions are enabled for this activity.'; +$string['blindmarking_help'] = 'Anonymous submissions hide the identity of students from markers. Anonymous submission settings will be locked once a submission or grade has been made in relation to this assignment.'; $string['calendardue'] = '{$a} is due'; $string['calendargradingdue'] = '{$a} is due to be graded'; $string['changeuser'] = 'Change user'; @@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ $string['preventsubmissions'] = 'Prevent the user from making any more submissio $string['preventsubmissionsshort'] = 'Prevent submission changes'; $string['previous'] = 'Previous'; $string['privacy:attemptpath'] = 'attempt {$a}'; -$string['privacy:blindmarkingidentifier'] = 'The identifier used for blind marking'; +$string['privacy:blindmarkingidentifier'] = 'The identifier used for anonymous submissions'; $string['privacy:gradepath'] = 'grade'; $string['privacy:metadata:assigndownloadasfolders'] = 'A user preference for whether multiple file submissions should be downloaded into folders'; $string['privacy:metadata:assignfeedbackpluginsummary'] = 'Feedback data for the assignment.'; @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:assignquickgrading'] = 'A preference as to whether qui $string['privacy:metadata:assignsubmissiondetail'] = 'Stores user submission information'; $string['privacy:metadata:assignsubmissionpluginsummary'] = 'Submission data for the assignment.'; $string['privacy:metadata:assignuserflags'] = 'Stores user meta data such as extension dates'; -$string['privacy:metadata:assignusermapping'] = 'The mapping for blind marking'; +$string['privacy:metadata:assignusermapping'] = 'The mapping for anonymous submissions'; $string['privacy:metadata:assignworkflowfilter'] = 'Filter by the different workflow stages.'; $string['privacy:metadata:grade'] = 'The numerical grade for this assignment submission. Can be determined by scales/advancedgradingforms etc but will always be converted back to a floating point number.'; $string['privacy:metadata:grader'] = 'The user ID of the person grading.'; @@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ $string['relativedatessubmissionduedateafter'] = '{$a->datediffstr} after course $string['relativedatessubmissionduedatebefore'] = '{$a->datediffstr} before course start'; $string['removeallgroupoverrides'] = 'Delete all group overrides'; $string['removealluseroverrides'] = 'Delete all user overrides'; -$string['reopenuntilpassincompatiblewithblindmarking'] = 'Reopen until pass option is incompatible with blind marking, because the grades are not released to the gradebook until the student identities are revealed.'; +$string['reopenuntilpassincompatiblewithblindmarking'] = 'Reopen until pass option is incompatible with anonymous submissions, because the grades are not released to the gradebook until the student identities are revealed.'; $string['requiresubmissionstatement'] = 'Require that students accept the submission statement'; $string['requiresubmissionstatement_help'] = 'Require that students accept the submission statement for all submissions to this assignment.'; $string['requireallteammemberssubmit'] = 'Require all group members submit'; diff --git a/mod/forum/lang/en/forum.php b/mod/forum/lang/en/forum.php index fd08a5daf66..29dcbf289b3 100644 --- a/mod/forum/lang/en/forum.php +++ b/mod/forum/lang/en/forum.php @@ -762,8 +762,8 @@ $string['gradeforwholeforum'] = 'Grade for forum: {$a->str_long_grade}'; $string['grading'] = 'Grading'; $string['gradingstatus'] = 'Grade status:'; $string['gradeforwholeforumhidden'] = 'Grade for forum hidden'; -$string['gradeitemnameforwholeforum'] = 'Whole forum grade for {$a->name}'; -$string['gradeitemnameforrating'] = 'Rating grade for {$a->name}'; +$string['gradeitemnameforwholeforum'] = '{$a->name} whole forum'; +$string['gradeitemnameforrating'] = '{$a->name} rating'; $string['grades:gradesavedfor'] = 'Grade saved for {$a->fullname}'; $string['grades:gradesavefailed'] = 'Unable to save grade for {$a->fullname}: {$a->error}'; $string['notgraded'] = 'Not graded'; diff --git a/mod/quiz/lang/en/quiz.php b/mod/quiz/lang/en/quiz.php index 714926d2e71..95d73f74dcb 100644 --- a/mod/quiz/lang/en/quiz.php +++ b/mod/quiz/lang/en/quiz.php @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ $string['comment'] = 'Comment'; $string['commentorgrade'] = 'Make comment or override grade'; $string['comments'] = 'Comments'; $string['completedon'] = 'Completed on'; -$string['completionminattempts'] = 'Student must send attempts:'; +$string['completionminattempts'] = 'Minimum number of attempts:'; $string['completionminattemptsgroup'] = 'Require attempts'; $string['completionminattemptserror'] = 'Minimum number of attempts must be lower or equal to attempts allowed.'; $string['completionpass'] = 'Require passing grade'; diff --git a/payment/gateway/paypal/lang/en/paygw_paypal.php b/payment/gateway/paypal/lang/en/paygw_paypal.php index e747d1ea99b..34f9e40492d 100644 --- a/payment/gateway/paypal/lang/en/paygw_paypal.php +++ b/payment/gateway/paypal/lang/en/paygw_paypal.php @@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ $string['live'] = 'Live'; $string['paymentnotcleared'] = 'payment not cleared by PayPal.'; $string['pluginname'] = 'PayPal'; $string['pluginname_desc'] = 'The PayPal plugin allows you to receive payments via PayPal.'; -$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Analytic models plugin does not store any personal data.'; +$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The PayPal plugin does not store any personal data.'; $string['repeatedorder'] = 'This order has already been processed earlier.'; $string['sandbox'] = 'Sandbox'; $string['secret'] = 'Secret'; -$string['secret_help'] = 'The secret thatPayPal generated for your application.'; +$string['secret_help'] = 'The secret that PayPal generated for your application.';