The login page now shows different instructions depending on the

authentication mechanism.
This commit is contained in:
martin 2002-09-26 07:13:14 +00:00
parent faebaf0f40
commit 8f1cba2858
2 changed files with 22 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -237,6 +237,10 @@ $string['loginsteps'] = "Hi! For full access to courses you'll need to take
to enter your personal username and password (in the form on this page)
to log in and access any course you have enrolled in.
$string['loginstepsnone'] = "Hi!<P>For full access to courses you'll need to create
yourself an account.<P>All you need to do is make up a username and password and use it in
the form on this page!<P>If someone else has already chosen your username
then you'll have to try again using a different username.";
$string['logout'] = "Logout";
$string['logs'] = "Logs";
$string['makeafolder'] = "Make a folder";

View File

@ -60,13 +60,24 @@
</FONT> </TD>
<TD WIDTH="50%" VALIGN="TOP" bgcolor="<?=$THEME->cellheading?>">
<P><? print_string("loginsteps", "", "signup.php") ?></P>
<FORM NAME="form4" ACTION="signup.php" METHOD=post>
<INPUT type="submit" NAME="Submit" VALUE="<? print_string("startsignup") ?>">
<? switch ($CFG->auth) {
case "email": ?>
<P><? print_string("loginsteps", "", "signup.php") ?></P>
<FORM NAME="form4" ACTION="signup.php" METHOD=post>
<INPUT type="submit" NAME="Submit" VALUE="<? print_string("startsignup") ?>">
<? break;
case "none": ?>
<P><? print_string("loginstepsnone") ?></P>
<? break;
echo "ERROR: I don't know about the current authentication!";