MDL-46001 atto_clear: modfied behat test to work on xvfb

This commit is contained in:
Rajesh Taneja 2014-06-16 10:34:08 +08:00
parent 337075d17b
commit 96b86e038e

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@ -7,10 +7,12 @@ Feature: Atto clear button
Given I log in as "admin"
And I navigate to "Edit profile" node in "My profile settings"
And I set the field "Text editor" to "Plain text area"
And I set the field "Description" to "<p><i>Pisa</i></p>"
When I click on "Show more buttons" "button"
And I set the field "Description" to "Pisa"
And I select the text in the "Description" Atto editor
And I click on "Clear formatting" "button"
And I click on "Italic" "button"
And I click on "Show more buttons" "button"
And I select the text in the "Description" Atto editor
When I click on "Clear formatting" "button"
And I press "Update profile"
And I follow "Edit profile"
Then I should not see "<i>Pisa"