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synced 2025-01-17 13:38:32 +01:00
MDL-62763 lang: Merge English strings from the en_fix language pack
Significant string changes: * various strings in tool_dataprivacy and tool_policy - 'Data Protection Officer' changed to 'privacy officer' * idnumbermod_help,core - mentioning resource and custom reporting
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ $string['compliant'] = 'Compliant';
$string['confirmapproval'] = 'Do you really want to approve this data request?';
$string['confirmcontextdeletion'] = 'Do you really want to confirm the deletion of the selected contexts? This will also delete all of the user data for their respective sub-contexts.';
$string['confirmdenial'] = 'Do you really want deny this data request?';
$string['contactdataprotectionofficer'] = 'Contact Data Protection Officer';
$string['contactdataprotectionofficer_desc'] = 'If enabled, users will be able to contact the Data Protection Officer and make a data request via a link on their profile page.';
$string['contactdataprotectionofficer'] = 'Contact the privacy officer';
$string['contactdataprotectionofficer_desc'] = 'If enabled, users will be able to contact the privacy officer and make a data request via a link on their profile page.';
$string['contextlevelname10'] = 'Site';
$string['contextlevelname30'] = 'Users';
$string['contextlevelname40'] = 'Course categories';
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ $string['contextlevelname50'] = 'Courses';
$string['contextlevelname70'] = 'Activity modules';
$string['contextlevelname80'] = 'Blocks';
$string['contextpurposecategorysaved'] = 'Purpose and category saved.';
$string['contactdpoviaprivacypolicy'] = 'Please contact the Data Protection Officer as described in the privacy policy.';
$string['contactdpoviaprivacypolicy'] = 'Please contact the privacy officer as described in the privacy policy.';
$string['createcategory'] = 'Create data category';
$string['createpurpose'] = 'Create data purpose';
$string['datadeletion'] = 'Data deletion';
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ $string['defaultssaved'] = 'Defaults saved';
$string['deny'] = 'Deny';
$string['denyrequest'] = 'Deny request';
$string['download'] = 'Download';
$string['dporolemapping'] = 'Data Protection Officer role mapping';
$string['dporolemapping_desc'] = 'The Data Protection Officer can manage data requests. The capability tool/dataprivacy:managedatarequests must be allowed for a role to be listed as a Data Protection Officer role mapping option.';
$string['dporolemapping'] = 'Privacy officer role mapping';
$string['dporolemapping_desc'] = 'The privacy officer can manage data requests. The capability tool/dataprivacy:managedatarequests must be allowed for a role to be listed as a privacy officer role mapping option.';
$string['editcategories'] = 'Edit categories';
$string['editcategory'] = 'Edit category';
$string['editcategories'] = 'Edit categories';
@ -101,8 +101,10 @@ $string['errorrequestalreadyexists'] = 'You already have an ongoing request.';
$string['errorrequestnotfound'] = 'Request not found';
$string['errorrequestnotwaitingforapproval'] = 'The request is not awaiting approval. Either it is not yet ready or it has already been processed.';
$string['errorsendingmessagetodpo'] = 'An error was encountered while trying to send a message to {$a}.';
$string['exceptionnotificationsubject'] = "Exception occured while processing privacy data";
$string['exceptionnotificationbody'] = "<p>Exception occured while calling <b>{\$a->fullmethodname}</b>.<br>This means that plugin <b>{\$a->component}</b> did not complete processing data. Below you can find exception information that can be passed to the plugin developer.</p><pre>{\$a->message}<br>\n\n{\$a->backtrace}</pre>";
$string['exceptionnotificationsubject'] = 'Exception occurred while processing privacy data';
$string['exceptionnotificationbody'] = '<p>Exception occurred while calling <b>{$a->fullmethodname}</b>.<br>This means that plugin <b>{$a->component}</b> did not complete the processing of data. The following exception information may be passed on to the plugin developer:</p><pre>{$a->message}<br>
$string['expiredretentionperiodtask'] = 'Expired retention period';
$string['expiry'] = 'Expiry';
$string['expandplugin'] = 'Expand and collapse plugin.';
@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:request'] = 'Information from personal data requests (
$string['privacy:metadata:request:comments'] = 'Any user comments accompanying the request.';
$string['privacy:metadata:request:userid'] = 'The ID of the user to whom the request belongs';
$string['privacy:metadata:request:requestedby'] = 'The ID of the user making the request, if made on behalf of another user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:request:dpocomment'] = 'Any comments made by the site\'s Data Protection Officer regarding the request.';
$string['privacy:metadata:request:dpocomment'] = 'Any comments made by the site\'s privacy officer regarding the request.';
$string['privacy:metadata:request:timecreated'] = 'The timestamp indicating when the request was made by the user.';
$string['protected'] = 'Protected';
$string['protectedlabel'] = 'The retention of this data has a higher legal precedent over a user\'s request to be forgotten. This data will only be deleted after the retention period has expired.';
@ -199,16 +201,16 @@ $string['requestcomments_help'] = 'This box enables you to enter any further det
$string['requestemailintro'] = 'You have received a data request:';
$string['requestfor'] = 'Requesting for';
$string['requeststatus'] = 'Status';
$string['requestsubmitted'] = 'Your request has been submitted to the site\'s Data Protection Officer';
$string['requestsubmitted'] = 'Your request has been submitted to the privacy officer';
$string['requesttype'] = 'Type';
$string['requesttypeuser'] = '{$a->typename} ({$a->user})';
$string['requesttype_help'] = 'Select the reason why you would like to contact the site\'s Data Protection Officer';
$string['requesttype_help'] = 'Select the reason why you would like to contact the privacy officer';
$string['requesttypedelete'] = 'Delete all of my personal data';
$string['requesttypedeleteshort'] = 'Delete';
$string['requesttypeexport'] = 'Export all of my personal data';
$string['requesttypeexportshort'] = 'Export';
$string['requesttypeothers'] = 'General inquiry';
$string['requesttypeothersshort'] = 'Others';
$string['requesttypeothersshort'] = 'Message';
$string['requiresattention'] = 'Requires attention.';
$string['requiresattentionexplanation'] = 'This plugin does not implement the Moodle privacy API. If this plugin stores any personal data it will not be able to be exported or deleted through Moodle\'s privacy system.';
$string['resultdeleted'] = 'You recently requested to have your account and personal data in {$a} to be deleted. This process has been completed and you will no longer be able to log in.';
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ $string['backtotop'] = 'Back to top';
$string['consentbulk'] = 'Consent';
$string['consentdetails'] = 'Give consent on behalf of user';
$string['consentpagetitle'] = 'Consent';
$string['contactdpo'] = 'For questions regarding the policies please contact the Data Protection Officer.';
$string['contactdpo'] = 'For any questions about the policies please contact the privacy officer.';
$string['dataproc'] = 'Personal data processing';
$string['deleting'] = 'Deleting a version';
$string['deleteconfirm'] = '<p>Are you sure you want to delete policy <em>\'{$a->name}\'</em>?</p><p>This operation can not be undone.</p>';
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ $string['pluginname'] = 'MNet authentication';
$string['privacy:metadata:external:mahara'] = 'This plugin can send data externally to a linked Mahara application.';
$string['privacy:metadata:external:moodle'] = 'This plugin can send data externally to a linked Moodle application.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:address'] = 'The address of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:aim'] = 'The AIM identifier of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:aim'] = 'The AIM identifier of the user';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:alternatename'] = 'An alternative name for the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:autosubscribe'] = 'A preference as to if the user should be auto-subscribed to forums the user posts in.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:calendartype'] = 'A user preference for the type of calendar to use.';
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:firstaccess'] = 'The time that this user
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:firstname'] = 'The first name of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:firstnamephonetic'] = 'The phonetic details about the user\'s first name.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:icq'] = 'The ICQ number of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:id'] = 'The identifier for the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:idnumber'] = 'An identification number given by the institution.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:id'] = 'The user ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:idnumber'] = 'An identification number given by the institution';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:imagealt'] = 'Alternative text for the user\'s image.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:institution'] = 'The institution that this user is a member of.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:lang'] = 'A user preference for the language shown.';
@ -64,20 +64,20 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:lastname'] = 'The surname of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:lastnamephonetic'] = 'The phonetic details about the user\'s surname.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:maildigest'] = 'A setting for the mail digest for this user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:maildisplay'] = 'A preference for the user about displaying their email address to other users.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:middlename'] = 'The middle name of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:msn'] = 'The MSN identifier of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:middlename'] = 'The middle name of the user';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:msn'] = 'The MSN identifier of the user';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:phone1'] = 'A phone number for the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:phone2'] = 'An additional phone number for the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:picture'] = 'The picture details associated with this user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:policyagreed'] = 'A flag to determine if the user has agreed to the site policy.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:skype'] = 'The skype identifier of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:skype'] = 'The Skype identifier of the user';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:suspended'] = 'A flag to show if the user has been suspended on this system.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:timezone'] = 'The timezone that the user resides in.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:timezone'] = 'The timezone of the user';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:trackforums'] = 'A preference for forums and tracking them.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:trustbitmask'] = 'The trust bit mask';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:url'] = 'A URL related to this user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:username'] = 'The username for this user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:yahoo'] = 'The yahoo identifier of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_external:yahoo'] = 'The Yahoo identifier of the user';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_log'] = 'Details of remote actions carried out by a local user logged in a remote system.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_log:action'] = 'Action carried out by the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_log:cmid'] = 'ID of the course module.';
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:mnet_log:userid'] = 'Local ID of the user who carried
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_session'] = 'The details of each MNet user session in a remote system is stored temporarily.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_session:expires'] = 'Time when the session expires.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_session:mnethostid'] = 'Remote system MNet ID.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_session:token'] = 'Unique session identifier.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_session:token'] = 'Unique session identifier';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_session:useragent'] = 'String denoting the user agent being which is accessing the page.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_session:userid'] = 'ID of the user jumping to remote system.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnet_session:username'] = 'Username of the user jumping to remote system.';
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:auth_oauth2:authsubsystem'] = 'This plugin is connecte
$string['privacy:metadata:auth_oauth2:confirmtoken'] = 'The confirmation token.';
$string['privacy:metadata:auth_oauth2:confirmtokenexpires'] = 'The timestamp when the confirmation token expires.';
$string['privacy:metadata:auth_oauth2:email'] = 'The external email that maps to this account.';
$string['privacy:metadata:auth_oauth2:issuerid'] = 'The identifier of the OAuth 2 issuer for this OAuth 2 login.';
$string['privacy:metadata:auth_oauth2:issuerid'] = 'The ID of the OAuth 2 issuer for this OAuth 2 login';
$string['privacy:metadata:auth_oauth2:tableexplanation'] = 'OAuth 2 accounts linked to a user\'s Moodle account.';
$string['privacy:metadata:auth_oauth2:timecreated'] = 'The timestamp when the user account was linked to the OAuth 2 login.';
$string['privacy:metadata:auth_oauth2:timemodified'] = 'The timestamp when this record was modified.';
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ $string['pluginname'] = 'Recent activity';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The recent activity block contains a cache of data stored elsewhere in Moodle.';
$string['privacy:metadata:block_recent_activity'] = 'Temporary log of recent teacher activity. Removed after two days';
$string['privacy:metadata:block_recent_activity:action'] = 'Action: created, updated or deleted';
$string['privacy:metadata:block_recent_activity:cmid'] = 'Course module id';
$string['privacy:metadata:block_recent_activity:courseid'] = 'Course id';
$string['privacy:metadata:block_recent_activity:cmid'] = 'Course activity ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:block_recent_activity:courseid'] = 'Course ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:block_recent_activity:modname'] = 'Module type name (for delete action)';
$string['privacy:metadata:block_recent_activity:timecreated'] = 'Time when action was performed';
$string['privacy:metadata:block_recent_activity:userid'] = 'User performing the action';
@ -23,6 +23,6 @@
$string['dataformat'] = 'Javascript Object Notation (.json)';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The JavaScript Object Notation data format plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['shortname'] = 'JSON';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data format plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['shortname'] = 'JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)';
@ -24,5 +24,5 @@
$string['dataformat'] = 'OpenDocument (.ods)';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The OpenDocument data format plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['shortname'] = 'OpenDoc';
$string['shortname'] = 'OpenDocument';
@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ It could look something like this:
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_flatfile'] = 'The Flat file (CSV) enrolment plugin may store personal data relating to future enrolments in the enrol_flatfile table.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_flatfile:action'] = 'The enrolment action expected at the given date.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_flatfile:courseid'] = 'The courseid to which the enrolment relates.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_flatfile:roleid'] = 'The id of the role to be assigned or revoked.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_flatfile:courseid'] = 'The course ID to which the enrolment relates';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_flatfile:roleid'] = 'The ID of the role to be assigned or unassigned';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_flatfile:timestart'] = 'The time at which the enrolment change starts.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_flatfile:timeend'] = 'The time at which the enrolment change ends.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_flatfile:timemodified'] = 'The modification time of this enrolment change.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_flatfile:userid'] = 'The id of the user to which the role assignment relates.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_flatfile:userid'] = 'The ID of the user to which the role assignment relates';
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:enrol_paypal:enrol_paypal:receiver_email'] = 'Primary
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_paypal:enrol_paypal:receiver_id'] = 'Unique PayPal account ID of the payment recipient (i.e., the merchant).';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_paypal:enrol_paypal:tax'] = 'Amount of tax charged on payment.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_paypal:enrol_paypal:timeupdated'] = 'The time of Moodle being notified by PayPal about the payment.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_paypal:enrol_paypal:txn_id'] = 'The merchant\'s original transaction identification number for the payment from the buyer, against which the case was registered.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_paypal:enrol_paypal:txn_id'] = 'The merchant\'s original transaction identification number for the payment from the buyer, against which the case was registered';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_paypal:enrol_paypal:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who bought the course enrolment.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_paypal:paypal_com'] = 'The PayPal enrolment plugin transmits user data from Moodle to the PayPal website.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enrol_paypal:paypal_com:address'] = 'Address of the user who is buying the course.';
@ -88,14 +88,14 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:analytics:indicatorcalc:starttime'] = 'Calculation sta
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:indicatorcalc:endtime'] = 'Calculation end time';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:indicatorcalc:contextid'] = 'The context';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:indicatorcalc:sampleorigin'] = 'The origin table of the sample';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:indicatorcalc:sampleid'] = 'The sample id';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:indicatorcalc:sampleid'] = 'The sample ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:indicatorcalc:indicator'] = 'The indicator calculator class';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:indicatorcalc:value'] = 'The calculated value';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:indicatorcalc:timecreated'] = 'When the prediction was made';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictions'] = 'Predictions';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictions:modelid'] = 'The model id';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictions:modelid'] = 'The model ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictions:contextid'] = 'The context';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictions:sampleid'] = 'The sample id';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictions:sampleid'] = 'The sample ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictions:rangeindex'] = 'The index of the time splitting method';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictions:prediction'] = 'The prediction';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictions:predictionscore'] = 'The prediction score';
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictions:timecreated'] = 'When the predic
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictions:timestart'] = 'Calculations time start';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictions:timeend'] = 'Calculations time end';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictionactions'] = 'Prediction actions';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictionactions:predictionid'] = 'The prediction id';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictionactions:predictionid'] = 'The prediction ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictionactions:userid'] = 'The user that made the action';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictionactions:actionname'] = 'The action name';
$string['privacy:metadata:analytics:predictionactions:timecreated'] = 'When the prediction action was performed';
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:post:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who added the blog
$string['privacy:metadata:post:subject'] = 'Blog entry title.';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:summary'] = 'Blog entry.';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:content'] = 'The content of an external blog entry.';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:uniquehash'] = 'A unique identifier for an external entry, typically a URL.';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:uniquehash'] = 'A unique identifier for an external entry, typically a URL';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:publishstate'] = 'Whether the entry is visible to others or not';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:created'] = 'Date when the entry was created.';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:lastmodified'] = 'Date when the entry was last modified.';
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ $string['invalidtheme'] = 'Cohort theme does not exist';
$string['idnumber'] = 'Cohort ID';
$string['memberscount'] = 'Cohort size';
$string['name'] = 'Name';
$string['namecolumnmissing'] = 'There is something wrong with the format of the CSV file. Please check that it includes column names.';
$string['namecolumnmissing'] = 'There is something wrong with the format of the CSV file. Please check that it includes the correct column names. Note that Upload cohorts only allows you to add new users to an existing cohort and does not allow removal from an existing cohort.';
$string['namefieldempty'] = 'Field name can not be empty';
$string['newnamefor'] = 'New name for cohort {$a}';
$string['newidnumberfor'] = 'New ID number for cohort {$a}';
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:evidence:actionuserid'] = 'The user performing the act
$string['privacy:metadata:evidence:desca'] = 'The optional parameters of the translatable evidence description';
$string['privacy:metadata:evidence:desccomponent'] = 'The component of the translatable evidence description';
$string['privacy:metadata:evidence:descidentifier'] = 'An identifier of the translatable evidence description';
$string['privacy:metadata:evidence:grade'] = 'The grade associted with the evidence';
$string['privacy:metadata:evidence:grade'] = 'The grade associated with the evidence';
$string['privacy:metadata:evidence:note'] = 'A non-localised note attached to the evidence';
$string['privacy:metadata:evidence:url'] = 'A URL associated with the evidence';
$string['privacy:metadata:plan:description'] = 'The description of the learning plan';
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ $string['overallaggregation_any'] = 'Course is complete when ANY of the conditio
$string['pending'] = 'Pending';
$string['periodpostenrolment'] = 'Period post enrolment';
$string['privacy:metadata:completionstate'] = 'If the activity has been completed';
$string['privacy:metadata:course'] = 'A course identifier.';
$string['privacy:metadata:course'] = 'A course identifier';
$string['privacy:metadata:coursecompletedsummary'] = 'Stores information about users who have completed criteria in a course';
$string['privacy:metadata:coursemoduleid'] = 'The activity ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:coursemodulesummary'] = 'Stores activity completion data for a user';
@ -1020,9 +1020,9 @@ $string['idnumbergroup_help'] = 'The ID number of a group is only used when matc
$string['idnumbergrouping'] = 'Grouping ID number';
$string['idnumbergrouping_help'] = 'The ID number of a grouping is only used when matching the grouping against external systems and is not displayed anywhere on the site. If the grouping has an official code name it may be entered, otherwise the field can be left blank.';
$string['idnumbermod'] = 'ID number';
$string['idnumbermod_help'] = 'Setting an ID number provides a way of identifying the activity for grade calculation purposes. If the activity is not included in any grade calculation then the ID number field may be left blank.
$string['idnumbermod_help'] = 'Setting an ID number provides a way of identifying the activity or resource for purposes such as grade calculation or custom reporting. Otherwise the field may be left blank.
The ID number can also be set in the gradebook, though it can only be edited on the activity settings page.';
For gradable activities, the ID number can also be set in the gradebook, though it can only be edited on the activity settings page.';
$string['idnumbertaken'] = 'This ID number is already taken';
$string['imagealt'] = 'Picture description';
$string['import'] = 'Import';
@ -1565,7 +1565,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:events_queue'] = 'The queue of user events waiting to
$string['privacy:metadata:events_queue:eventdata'] = 'The data stored in the event.';
$string['privacy:metadata:events_queue:stackdump'] = 'Any stacktrace associated with this event.';
$string['privacy:metadata:events_queue:timecreated'] = 'The time that this event was created.';
$string['privacy:metadata:events_queue:userid'] = 'The userid associated with this event.';
$string['privacy:metadata:events_queue:userid'] = 'The user ID associated with this event';
$string['privacy:metadata:log'] = 'A collection of past events';
$string['privacy:metadata:log:action'] = 'A description of the action';
$string['privacy:metadata:log:cmid'] = 'cmid';
@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ $string['personal'] = 'personal';
$string['personalnotes'] = 'Personal notes';
$string['privacy:metadata:core_notes'] = 'The Notes component stores user notes within the core subsystem.';
$string['privacy:metadata:core_notes:content'] = 'The content of the note.';
$string['privacy:metadata:core_notes:courseid'] = 'The Id of the course associated with the note.';
$string['privacy:metadata:core_notes:courseid'] = 'The ID of the course associated with the note';
$string['privacy:metadata:core_notes:created'] = 'The creation date/time for the note.';
$string['privacy:metadata:core_notes:lastmodified'] = 'The last modified date/time for the note.';
$string['privacy:metadata:core_notes:publishstate'] = 'The publish state of the note.';
$string['privacy:metadata:core_notes:userid'] = 'The Id of the user associated with the note.';
$string['privacy:metadata:core_notes:userid'] = 'The ID of the user associated with the note';
$string['publishstate'] = 'Context';
$string['publishstate_help'] = 'A note\'s context determines who can see the note in everyday use. Users should be aware that all notes, including personal ones, may be disclosed under the laws of their jurisdictions.
@ -473,17 +473,17 @@ $string['xuserswiththerole'] = 'Users with the role "{$a->role}"';
$string['privacy:metadata:preference:showadvanced'] = 'Handle the toggle advanced mode button.';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments'] = 'Role assignments';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:component'] = 'Plugin responsible for role assignment, empty when manually assigned.';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:itemid'] = 'The Id of enrolment/auth instance responsible for this role assignment.';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:modifierid'] = 'The Id of the user who created or modified the role assignment.';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:roleid'] = 'The Id of the role.';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:itemid'] = 'The ID of enrolment/auth instance responsible for this role assignment';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:modifierid'] = 'The ID of the user who created or modified the role assignment';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:roleid'] = 'The ID of the role';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:tableexplanation'] = 'This table stores the assigned roles in each context.';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:timemodified'] = 'The date when the role assignment was created or modified.';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:userid'] = 'The Id of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_assignments:userid'] = 'The ID of the user';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities'] = 'Role capabilities';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities:capability'] = 'The name of the capability.';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities:modifierid'] = 'The Id of the user who created or modified the capability.';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities:modifierid'] = 'The ID of the user who created or modified the capability';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities:permission'] = 'The permission for a capability: inherit, allow, prevent or prohibit.';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities:roleid'] = 'The Id of the role.';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities:tableexplanation'] = 'This table stores the capabilities and the override capabilities for a particular role in a particular context.';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities:roleid'] = 'The ID of the role';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities:tableexplanation'] = 'The capabilities and override capabilities for a particular role in a particular context';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_capabilities:timemodified'] = 'The date when the capability was created or modified.';
$string['privacy:metadata:role_cohortroles'] = 'Roles to cohort';
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $string['globalsearch'] = 'Global search';
$string['globalsearchdisabled'] = 'Global searching is not enabled.';
$string['gradualreindex'] = 'Gradual reindex {$a}';
$string['gradualreindex_confirm'] = 'Are you sure you want to reindex {$a}? This may take some time, although existing data will remain available during the reindex.';
$string['gradualreindex_queued'] = 'Reindexing has been requested for {$a->name} ({$a->count} contexts). This indexing will be carried out by the ‘Global search indexing’ scheduled task.';
$string['gradualreindex_queued'] = 'Reindexing has been requested for {$a->name} ({$a->count} contexts). This indexing will be carried out by the "Global search indexing" scheduled task.';
$string['checkdb'] = 'Check database';
$string['checkdbadvice'] = 'Check your database for any problems.';
$string['checkdir'] = 'Check dir';
@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ $string['privacy:devicespath'] = 'User devices';
$string['privacy:draftfilespath'] = 'Draft files';
$string['privacy:lastaccesspath'] = 'Last access to courses';
$string['privacy:metadata:address'] = 'The address of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:aim'] = 'The AIM identifier of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:aim'] = 'The AIM identifier of the user';
$string['privacy:metadata:alternatename'] = 'An alternative name for the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:appid'] = 'The app id, usually something like com.moodle.moodlemobile';
$string['privacy:metadata:appid'] = 'The app ID, usually something like com.moodle.moodlemobile';
$string['privacy:metadata:auth'] = 'The authentication plugin used for this user record.';
$string['privacy:metadata:autosubscribe'] = 'A preference as to if the user should be auto-subscribed to forums the user posts in.';
$string['privacy:metadata:calendartype'] = 'A user preference for the type of calendar to use.';
$string['privacy:metadata:category'] = 'The category identifier.';
$string['privacy:metadata:category'] = 'The category identifier';
$string['privacy:metadata:city'] = 'The city of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:confirmed'] = 'If this is an active user or not.';
$string['privacy:metadata:country'] = 'The country that the user is in.';
$string['privacy:metadata:courseid'] = 'An identifier for a course.';
$string['privacy:metadata:courseid'] = 'Course ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:currentlogin'] = 'The current login for this user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:data'] = 'Data relating to the custom user field from the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:deleted'] = 'A flag to show if the user has been deleted or not.';
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:firstnamephonetic'] = 'The phonetic details about the
$string['privacy:metadata:fullname'] = 'The fullname for this course.';
$string['privacy:metadata:hash'] = 'A hash of a previous password.';
$string['privacy:metadata:icq'] = 'The ICQ number of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:id'] = 'The identifier for the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:idnumber'] = 'An identification number given by the institution.';
$string['privacy:metadata:id'] = 'The user ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:idnumber'] = 'An identification number given by the institution';
$string['privacy:metadata:imagealt'] = 'Alternative text for the user\'s image.';
$string['privacy:metadata:infotablesummary'] = 'Stores custom user information.';
$string['privacy:metadata:institution'] = 'The institution that this user is a member of.';
@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:lastname'] = 'The surname of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:lastnamephonetic'] = 'The phonetic details about the user\'s surname.';
$string['privacy:metadata:maildigest'] = 'A setting for the mail digest for this user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:maildisplay'] = 'A preference for the user about displaying their email address to other users.';
$string['privacy:metadata:middlename'] = 'The middle name of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnethostid'] = 'An identifier for the mnet host if used.';
$string['privacy:metadata:middlename'] = 'The middle name of the user';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnethostid'] = 'An identifier for the MNet host if used';
$string['privacy:metadata:model'] = 'The device name, occam or iPhone etc..';
$string['privacy:metadata:msn'] = 'The MSN identifier of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:msn'] = 'The MSN identifier of the user';
$string['privacy:metadata:my_pages'] = 'User pages - dashboard and profile. This table does not contain personal data and only used to link dashboard blocks to users';
$string['privacy:metadata:my_pages:name'] = 'Page name';
$string['privacy:metadata:my_pages:private'] = 'Whether or not the page is private (dashboard) or public (profile)';
@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:phone'] = 'A phone number for the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:picture'] = 'The picture details associated with this user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:platform'] = 'The device platform, Android or iOS etc';
$string['privacy:metadata:policyagreed'] = 'A flag to determine if the user has agreed to the site policy.';
$string['privacy:metadata:pushid'] = 'The device PUSH token/key/identifier/registration id';
$string['privacy:metadata:pushid'] = 'The device PUSH token/key/identifier/registration ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:reason'] = 'The reason for requesting this course.';
$string['privacy:metadata:requester'] = 'An identifier to a user that requested this course.';
$string['privacy:metadata:requester'] = 'The ID of the user who requested the course';
$string['privacy:metadata:requestsummary'] = 'Stores information about requests for courses that users make.';
$string['privacy:metadata:suspended'] = 'A flag to show if the user has been suspended on this system.';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_preferences'] = 'Preferences associated with the given user';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_preferences:name'] = 'Preference name';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_preferences:userid'] = 'User id';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_preferences:userid'] = 'The user ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_preferences:value'] = 'Preference value';
$string['privacy:metadata:username'] = 'The username for this user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:secret'] = 'Secret.. not sure.';
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:sessdata'] = 'Session content';
$string['privacy:metadata:sessiontablesummary'] = 'Database based session storage';
$string['privacy:metadata:shortname'] = 'A short name for the course.';
$string['privacy:metadata:sid'] = 'The session ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:skype'] = 'The skype identifier of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:skype'] = 'The Skype identifier of the user';
$string['privacy:metadata:state'] = '0 means a normal session';
$string['privacy:metadata:summary'] = 'A description of the course.';
$string['privacy:metadata:theme'] = 'A user preference for the theme to display.';
@ -110,11 +110,11 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:timecreated'] = 'The time this record was created.';
$string['privacy:metadata:timemodified'] = 'The time this records was modified.';
$string['privacy:metadata:timererequested'] = 'The time the user re-requested the password reset.';
$string['privacy:metadata:timerequested'] = 'The time that the user first requested this password reset';
$string['privacy:metadata:timezone'] = 'The timezone that the user resides in.';
$string['privacy:metadata:timezone'] = 'The timezone of the user';
$string['privacy:metadata:token'] = 'secret set and emailed to user';
$string['privacy:metadata:trackforums'] = 'A preference for forums and tracking them.';
$string['privacy:metadata:trustbitmask'] = 'The trust bit mask';
$string['privacy:metadata:yahoo'] = 'The yahoo identifier of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:yahoo'] = 'The Yahoo identifier of the user';
$string['privacy:metadata:url'] = 'A URL related to this user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'The user ID linked to this table.';
$string['privacy:metadata:usertablesummary'] = 'This table stores the main personal data about the user.';
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:user_private_key:value'] = 'The value of the key.';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_private_key:userid'] = 'The user associated with the key.';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_private_key:instance'] = 'The instance of the script.';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_private_key:iprestriction'] = 'The IP address range that this key can be used from.';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_private_key:validuntil'] = 'The date and time that the private key is valid until.';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_private_key:validuntil'] = 'The date that the private key is valid until';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_private_key:timecreated'] = 'The date and time that the key was created.';
$string['privacy:metadata:user_private_key'] = 'Private keys for the user.';
$string['userkey'] = 'User key';
@ -150,12 +150,12 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:tokens'] = 'A record of tokens for interacting with Mo
$string['privacy:metadata:tokens:creatorid'] = 'The ID of the user who created the token';
$string['privacy:metadata:tokens:iprestriction'] = 'IP restricted to use this token';
$string['privacy:metadata:tokens:lastaccess'] = 'The date at which the token was last used';
$string['privacy:metadata:tokens:privatetoken'] = 'A more private token occasionally used to validate certain operations, such as SSO.';
$string['privacy:metadata:tokens:privatetoken'] = 'A more private token occasionally used to validate certain operations, such as SSO';
$string['privacy:metadata:tokens:timecreated'] = 'The date at which the token was created';
$string['privacy:metadata:tokens:token'] = 'The user\'s token';
$string['privacy:metadata:tokens:tokentype'] = 'The type of token';
$string['privacy:metadata:tokens:userid'] = 'The ID of the user whose token it is';
$string['privacy:metadata:tokens:validuntil'] = 'The date at which the token becomes invalid';
$string['privacy:metadata:tokens:validuntil'] = 'The date that the token is valid until';
$string['privacy:request:notexportedsecurity'] = 'Not exported for security reasons';
$string['protocol'] = 'Protocol';
$string['removefunction'] = 'Remove';
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ $string['refetch'] = 'Re-fetch up to date state from remote hosts';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnetservice_enrol_enrolments'] = 'Remote enrolment service';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnetservice_enrol_enrolments:enroltime'] = 'The date/time of when the enrolment was modified.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnetservice_enrol_enrolments:enroltype'] = 'The name of the enrol plugin at the remote server that was used to enrol our student into their course.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnetservice_enrol_enrolments:hostid'] = 'The Id of the remote MNet host.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnetservice_enrol_enrolments:hostid'] = 'The ID of the remote MNet host';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnetservice_enrol_enrolments:remotecourseid'] = 'ID of the course at the remote server.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnetservice_enrol_enrolments:rolename'] = 'The name of the role at the remote server.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnetservice_enrol_enrolments:tableexplanation'] = 'This table stores the information about enrolments of our local users in courses on remote hosts.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnetservice_enrol_enrolments:userid'] = 'The Id of our local user on this server.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mnetservice_enrol_enrolments:userid'] = 'The ID of our local user on this server';
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ $string['enabled'] = 'Feedback comments';
$string['enabled_help'] = 'If enabled, the marker can leave feedback comments for each submission. ';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Feedback comments';
$string['privacy:commentpath'] = 'Feedback comments';
$string['privacy:metadata:assignmentid'] = 'Assignment identifier';
$string['privacy:metadata:assignmentid'] = 'Assignment ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:commentpurpose'] = 'The comment text.';
$string['privacy:metadata:gradepurpose'] = 'The grade ID associated with the comment.';
$string['privacy:metadata:tablesummary'] = 'This stores comments made by the graders as feedback for the student on their submission.';
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:conversionpurpose'] = 'Files are converted to PDFs to
$string['privacy:metadata:filepurpose'] = 'Stores an annotated PDF with feedback for the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:rawtextpurpose'] = 'Stores raw text for the quick data.';
$string['privacy:metadata:tablepurpose'] = 'Stores teacher specified quicklist comments';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'An identifier for the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'The user ID';
$string['privacy:path'] = 'PDF Feedback';
$string['generatingpdf'] = 'Generating the PDF...';
$string['rectangle'] = 'Rectangle';
@ -388,14 +388,14 @@ $string['preventsubmissions'] = 'Prevent the user from making any more submissio
$string['preventsubmissionsshort'] = 'Prevent submission changes';
$string['previous'] = 'Previous';
$string['privacy:attemptpath'] = 'attempt {$a}';
$string['privacy:blindmarkingidentifier'] = 'The identifier used for blind marking.';
$string['privacy:blindmarkingidentifier'] = 'The identifier used for blind marking';
$string['privacy:gradepath'] = 'grade';
$string['privacy:metadata:assigndownloadasfolders'] = 'A user preference for whether multiple file submissions should be downloaded into folders';
$string['privacy:metadata:assignfeedbackpluginsummary'] = 'Feedback data for the assignment.';
$string['privacy:metadata:assignfilter'] = 'Filter options such as \'Submitted\', \'Not submitted\', \'Requires grading\', and \'Granted extension\'';
$string['privacy:metadata:assigngrades'] = 'Stores user grades for the assignment';
$string['privacy:metadata:assignmarkerfilter'] = 'Filter the assign summary by the assigned marker.';
$string['privacy:metadata:assignmentid'] = 'Assignment identifier.';
$string['privacy:metadata:assignmentid'] = 'Assignment ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:assignmessageexplanation'] = 'Messages are sent to students through the messaging system.';
$string['privacy:metadata:assignoverrides'] = 'Stores override information for the assignment';
$string['privacy:metadata:assignperpage'] = 'Number of assignments shown per page.';
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:groupid'] = 'Group ID that the user is a member of.';
$string['privacy:metadata:latest'] = 'Greatly simplifies queries wanting to know information about only the latest attempt.';
$string['privacy:metadata:mailed'] = 'Has this user been mailed yet?';
$string['privacy:metadata:timecreated'] = 'Time created';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'Identifier for the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'ID of the user';
$string['privacy:studentpath'] = 'studentsubmissions';
$string['quickgrading'] = 'Quick grading';
$string['quickgradingresult'] = 'Quick grading';
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ $string['onlinetextsubmission'] = 'Allow online text submission';
$string['numwords'] = '({$a} words)';
$string['numwordsforlog'] = 'Submission word count: {$a} words';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Online text submissions';
$string['privacy:metadata:assignmentid'] = 'Assignment identifier';
$string['privacy:metadata:assignmentid'] = 'Assignment ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:filepurpose'] = 'Files that are embedded in the text submission.';
$string['privacy:metadata:submissionpurpose'] = 'The submission ID that links to submissions for the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:tablepurpose'] = 'Stores the text submission for each attempt.';
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:chat_users:ip'] = 'User IP';
$string['privacy:metadata:chat_users:lang'] = 'User language';
$string['privacy:metadata:chat_users:lastmessageping'] = 'Time of the last message in this chat room';
$string['privacy:metadata:chat_users:lastping'] = 'Time of the last access to chat room';
$string['privacy:metadata:chat_users:userid'] = 'User id';
$string['privacy:metadata:chat_users:userid'] = 'The user ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:chat_users:version'] = 'How user accessed the chat (sockets/basic/ajax/header_js)';
$string['privacy:metadata:messages'] = 'A record of the messages sent during a chat session';
$string['privacy:metadata:messages:issystem'] = 'Whether the message is a system-generated message';
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ $string['pluginname'] = 'Choice';
$string['previewonly'] = 'This is just a preview of the available options for this activity. You will not be able to submit your choice until {$a}.';
$string['privacy'] = 'Privacy of results';
$string['privacy:metadata:choice_answers'] = 'Information about the user\'s chosen answer(s) for a given choice activity';
$string['privacy:metadata:choice_answers:choiceid'] = 'The ID of the choice activity the user is providing answer for';
$string['privacy:metadata:choice_answers:choiceid'] = 'The ID of the choice activity';
$string['privacy:metadata:choice_answers:optionid'] = 'The ID of the option that the user selected.';
$string['privacy:metadata:choice_answers:userid'] = 'The ID of the user answering this choice activity';
$string['privacy:metadata:choice_answers:timemodified'] = 'The timestamp indicating when the choice was modified by the user';
@ -187,10 +187,10 @@ $string['fromfile'] = 'Import from zip file';
$string['fromfile_help'] = 'The import from zip file feature allows you to browse for and upload a preset zip of templates and fields.';
$string['generateerror'] = 'Not all files generated!';
$string['header'] = 'Header';
$string['headeraddtemplate'] = 'Defines the interface when editing entries';
$string['headerasearchtemplate'] = 'Defines the interface for Advanced Searches';
$string['headeraddtemplate'] = 'Defines the interface for adding or editing entries';
$string['headerasearchtemplate'] = 'Defines the interface for the advanced search';
$string['headercsstemplate'] = 'Defines local CSS styles for the other templates';
$string['headerjstemplate'] = 'Defines custom Javascript for the other templates';
$string['headerjstemplate'] = 'Defines custom Javascript for manipulating the way elements are displayed in the List, Single or Add templates';
$string['headerlisttemplate'] = 'Defines browsing interface for multiple entries';
$string['headerrsstemplate'] = 'Defines appearance of entries in RSS feeds';
$string['headersingletemplate'] = 'Defines browsing interface for a single entry';
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ $string['presetinfo'] = 'Saving as a preset will publish this template. Other us
$string['presets'] = 'Presets';
$string['privacy:metadata:commentpurpose'] = 'Comments on database records';
$string['privacy:metadata:data_content'] = 'Represents one answer to one field in database activity module';
$string['privacy:metadata:data_content:fieldid'] = 'Field definition id';
$string['privacy:metadata:data_content:fieldid'] = 'Field definition ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:data_content:content'] = 'Content';
$string['privacy:metadata:data_content:content1'] = 'Additional content 1';
$string['privacy:metadata:data_content:content2'] = 'Additional content 2';
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ $string['bold'] = 'Bold';
$string['calendarend'] = '{$a} closes';
$string['calendarstart'] = '{$a} opens';
$string['cannotaccess'] = 'You can only access this feedback from a course';
$string['cannotsavetempl'] = 'saving templates is not allowed';
$string['cannotsavetempl'] = 'Saving templates is not allowed';
$string['captcha'] = 'Captcha';
$string['captchanotset'] = 'Captcha hasn\'t been set.';
$string['closebeforeopen'] = 'You have specified an end date before the start date.';
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ $string['confirmdeletetemplate'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this templat
$string['confirmusetemplate'] = 'Are you sure you want to use this template?';
$string['continue_the_form'] = 'Continue answering the questions';
$string['count_of_nums'] = 'Count of numbers';
$string['courseid'] = 'courseid';
$string['courseid'] = 'Course ID';
$string['creating_templates'] = 'Save these questions as a new template';
$string['delete_entry'] = 'Delete entry';
$string['delete_item'] = 'Delete question';
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ $string['feedback:createpublictemplate'] = 'Create public template';
$string['feedback:deletesubmissions'] = 'Delete completed submissions';
$string['feedback:deletetemplate'] = 'Delete template';
$string['feedback:edititems'] = 'Edit items';
$string['feedback_is_not_for_anonymous'] = 'feedback is not for anonymous';
$string['feedback_is_not_for_anonymous'] = 'Feedback is not for anonymous';
$string['feedback_is_not_open'] = 'The feedback is not open';
$string['feedback:mapcourse'] = 'Map courses to global feedbacks';
$string['feedbackopen'] = 'Allow answers from';
@ -129,12 +129,12 @@ $string['file'] = 'File';
$string['filter_by_course'] = 'Filter by course';
$string['handling_error'] = 'Error occurred in feedback module action handling';
$string['hide_no_select_option'] = 'Hide the "Not selected" option';
$string['horizontal'] = 'horizontal';
$string['horizontal'] = 'Horizontal';
$string['check'] = 'Multiple choice - multiple answers';
$string['checkbox'] = 'Multiple choice - multiple answers allowed (check boxes)';
$string['check_values'] = 'Possible responses';
$string['choosefile'] = 'Choose a file';
$string['chosen_feedback_response'] = 'chosen feedback response';
$string['chosen_feedback_response'] = 'Chosen feedback response';
$string['downloadresponseas'] = 'Download all responses as:';
$string['importfromthisfile'] = 'Import from this file';
$string['import_questions'] = 'Import questions';
@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ and will appear in all courses using the feedback block. You can force the feedb
$string['mapcourses'] = 'Map feedback to courses';
$string['mappedcourses'] = 'Mapped courses';
$string['mappingchanged'] = 'Course mapping has been changed';
$string['minimal'] = 'minimum';
$string['maximal'] = 'maximum';
$string['minimal'] = 'Minimum';
$string['maximal'] = 'Maximum';
$string['messageprovider:message'] = 'Feedback reminder';
$string['messageprovider:submission'] = 'Feedback notifications';
$string['mode'] = 'Mode';
@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ $string['search_course'] = 'Search course';
$string['searchcourses'] = 'Search courses';
$string['searchcourses_help'] = 'Search for the code or name of the course(s) that you wish to associate with this feedback.';
$string['selected_dump'] = 'Selected indexes of $SESSION variable are dumped below:';
$string['send'] = 'send';
$string['send_message'] = 'send message';
$string['send'] = 'Send';
$string['send_message'] = 'Send message';
$string['show_all'] = 'Show all';
$string['show_analysepage_after_submit'] = 'Show analysis page';
$string['show_entries'] = 'Show responses';
@ -276,14 +276,14 @@ $string['textfield_maxlength'] = 'Maximum characters accepted';
$string['textfield_size'] = 'Textfield width';
$string['there_are_no_settings_for_recaptcha'] = 'There are no settings for captcha';
$string['this_feedback_is_already_submitted'] = 'You\'ve already completed this activity.';
$string['typemissing'] = 'missing value "type"';
$string['typemissing'] = 'Missing value "type"';
$string['update_item'] = 'Save changes to question';
$string['url_for_continue'] = 'Link to next activity';
$string['url_for_continue_help'] = 'After submitting the feedback, a continue button is displayed, which links to the course page. Alternatively, it may link to the next activity if the URL of the activity is entered here.';
$string['use_one_line_for_each_value'] = 'Use one line for each answer!';
$string['use_this_template'] = 'Use this template';
$string['using_templates'] = 'Use a template';
$string['vertical'] = 'vertical';
$string['vertical'] = 'Vertical';
// Deprecated since Moodle 3.2.
$string['start'] = 'Start';
$string['stop'] = 'End';
@ -438,11 +438,11 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:forum_digests'] = 'Information about the digest prefer
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_digests:forum'] = 'The forum subscribed to.';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_digests:maildigest'] = 'The digest preference.';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_digests:userid'] = 'The ID of the user with the digest preference.';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_discussion_subs'] = 'Information about the subscriptions to individual forum discussions.';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_discussion_subs'] = 'Information about the subscriptions to individual forum discussions';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_discussion_subs:discussionid'] = 'The ID of the discussion that was subscribed to.';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_discussion_subs:preference'] = 'The start time of the subscription.';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_discussion_subs:userid'] = 'The ID of the user with the discussion subscription.';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_discussions'] = 'Information about the individual forum discussions that a user has created.';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_discussions'] = 'Information about the individual forum discussions that a user has created';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_discussions:assessed'] = 'TODOD - what does this field store';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_discussions:name'] = 'The name of the discussion, as chosen by the author.';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_discussions:timemodified'] = 'The time that the discussion was last modified.';
@ -458,8 +458,8 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:forum_posts:subject'] = 'The subject of the forum post
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_posts:totalscore'] = 'The message of the forum post.';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_posts:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who authored the forum post.';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_queue'] = 'Temporary log of posts that will be mailed in digest form';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_queue:discussionid'] = 'Forum discussion id';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_queue:postid'] = 'Forum post id';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_queue:discussionid'] = 'Forum discussion ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_queue:postid'] = 'Forum post ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_queue:timemodified'] = 'The modified time of the original post';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_queue:userid'] = 'User who needs to be notified of the post';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_read'] = 'Information about which posts have been read by the user.';
@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:forum_track_prefs'] = 'Information about which forums
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_track_prefs:forumid'] = 'The forum that has read tracking enabled.';
$string['privacy:metadata:forum_track_prefs:userid'] = 'The ID of the user that this forum tracking preference relates to.';
$string['privacy:metadata:preference:autosubscribe'] = 'Whether to subscribe to discussions when replying to posts within them.';
$string['privacy:metadata:preference:maildigest'] = 'The site-wide mail digest preference.';
$string['privacy:metadata:preference:maildigest'] = 'The site-wide mail digest preference';
$string['privacy:metadata:preference:markasreadonnotification'] = 'Whether to mark forum posts as read when receiving them as messages.';
$string['privacy:metadata:preference:trackforums'] = 'Whether to enable read tracking.';
$string['privacy:postwasread'] = 'This post was first read on {$a->firstread} and most recently read on {$a->lastread}';
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:glossary_entries'] = 'Information about the user\'s en
$string['privacy:metadata:glossary_entries:attachment'] = 'The attachment of the entry the user added';
$string['privacy:metadata:glossary_entries:concept'] = 'The concept of the entry the user added';
$string['privacy:metadata:glossary_entries:definition'] = 'The definition of the entry the user added';
$string['privacy:metadata:glossary_entries:glossaryid'] = 'The ID of the glossary activity the user is providing entry for';
$string['privacy:metadata:glossary_entries:glossaryid'] = 'The ID of the glossary activity';
$string['privacy:metadata:glossary_entries:userid'] = 'The ID of the user that is adding this glossary entry';
$string['privacy:metadata:glossary_entries:timemodified'] = 'The timestamp indicating when the glossary entry was modified by the user';
$string['question'] = 'Question';
@ -34,5 +34,5 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:firstname'] = 'The firstname of the user using the LTI
$string['privacy:metadata:fullname'] = 'The fullname of the user using the LTI consumer.';
$string['privacy:metadata:lastname'] = 'The lastname of the user using the LTI consumer.';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'The ID of the user using the LTI consumer.';
$string['privacy:metadata:useridnumber'] = 'The idnumber of the user using the LTI consumer.';
$string['privacy:metadata:useridnumber'] = 'The ID number of the user using the LTI consumer';
$string['servicename'] = 'Memberships';
@ -644,12 +644,12 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:quiz_grades:grade'] = 'The overall grade for this quiz
$string['privacy:metadata:quiz_grades:quiz'] = 'The quiz that was graded.';
$string['privacy:metadata:quiz_grades:timemodified'] = 'The time that the grade was modified.';
$string['privacy:metadata:quiz_grades:userid'] = 'The user who was graded.';
$string['privacy:metadata:quiz_overrides'] = 'Details about overrides for this quiz.';
$string['privacy:metadata:quiz_overrides:quiz'] = 'The quiz with override information.';
$string['privacy:metadata:quiz_overrides'] = 'Details about overrides for this quiz';
$string['privacy:metadata:quiz_overrides:quiz'] = 'The quiz with override information';
$string['privacy:metadata:quiz_overrides:timeclose'] = 'The new close time for the quiz.';
$string['privacy:metadata:quiz_overrides:timelimit'] = 'The new time limit for the quiz.';
$string['privacy:metadata:quiz_overrides:timeopen'] = 'The new open time for the quiz.';
$string['privacy:metadata:quiz_overrides:userid'] = 'The user being overridden.';
$string['privacy:metadata:quiz_overrides:userid'] = 'The user being overridden';
$string['privacy:metadata:quizaccess'] = 'The quiz activity makes use of quiz access rules.';
$string['publish'] = 'Publish';
$string['publishedit'] = 'You must have permission in the publishing course to add or edit questions in this category';
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ $string['cannotloadquestioninfo'] = 'Unable to load questiontype specific questi
$string['cannotgradethisattempt'] = 'Cannot grade this attempt.';
$string['changeoptions'] = 'Change options';
$string['essayonly'] = 'The following questions need to be graded manually';
$string['invalidquestionid'] = 'Gradeable question with id {$a} not found';
$string['invalidquestionid'] = 'Gradable question with ID {$a} not found';
$string['invalidattemptid'] = 'No such attempt ID exists';
$string['grade'] = 'grade';
$string['gradeall'] = 'grade all';
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ $string['masteryoverridedesc'] = 'This preference sets the default for the maste
$string['myattempts'] = 'My attempts';
$string['myaiccsessions'] = 'My AICC sessions';
$string['repositorynotsupported'] = 'This repository does not support linking directly to an imsmanifest.xml file.';
$string['trackid'] = 'Id';
$string['trackid'] = 'ID';
$string['trackid_help'] = 'This is the identifier set by your SCORM package for this question, the SCORM specification doesn\'t allow the full question text to be provided.';
$string['trackcorrectcount'] = 'Correct count';
$string['trackcorrectcount_help'] = 'Number of correct results for the question';
@ -240,10 +240,10 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:aggregatedgradinggrade'] = 'Aggregated grade for all a
$string['privacy:metadata:assessmentgrade'] = 'Aggregated grade for the submission suggested by this assessment';
$string['privacy:metadata:assessmentgradinggrade'] = 'Grade for providing this assessment';
$string['privacy:metadata:assessmentgradinggradeover'] = 'Manually overridden value of the grade for providing this assessment';
$string['privacy:metadata:assessmentid'] = 'Identifier of the assessment';
$string['privacy:metadata:authorid'] = 'Identifier of the submission author';
$string['privacy:metadata:assessmentid'] = 'ID of the assessment';
$string['privacy:metadata:authorid'] = 'ID of the submission author';
$string['privacy:metadata:dimensiongrade'] = 'Grade in the given assessment dimension';
$string['privacy:metadata:dimensionid'] = 'Identifier of the assessment dimension';
$string['privacy:metadata:dimensionid'] = 'ID of the assessment dimension';
$string['privacy:metadata:example'] = 'Whether this record represents an example submission';
$string['privacy:metadata:feedbackauthor'] = 'Feedback for the author';
$string['privacy:metadata:feedbackauthorformat'] = 'Text format of the feedback for the author';
@ -254,25 +254,25 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:peercomment'] = 'Comment on the given grade by the use
$string['privacy:metadata:peercommentformat'] = 'Text format of the comment on the given grade';
$string['privacy:metadata:preference:perpage'] = 'Number of submissions the user prefers to see on one page';
$string['privacy:metadata:published'] = 'Whether the submission should be published to all participants once the workshop is closed';
$string['privacy:metadata:reviewerid'] = 'Identifier of the user providing the assessment';
$string['privacy:metadata:reviewerid'] = 'ID of the user providing the assessment';
$string['privacy:metadata:strategy'] = 'Name of the grading strategy subplugin interpreting the record values';
$string['privacy:metadata:submissioncontent'] = 'Content of the submission';
$string['privacy:metadata:submissioncontentformat'] = 'Text format of the submission content';
$string['privacy:metadata:submissiongrade'] = 'Aggregated grade for the submission written as a decimal number from interval 0..100';
$string['privacy:metadata:submissiongradeover'] = 'Manually overridden value of the aggregated grade';
$string['privacy:metadata:submissionid'] = 'Identifier of the submission';
$string['privacy:metadata:submissionid'] = 'ID of the submission';
$string['privacy:metadata:submissiontitle'] = 'Title of the submission';
$string['privacy:metadata:subsystem:corefiles'] = 'Workshop module stores files embedded in / attached to the submission text';
$string['privacy:metadata:subsystem:coreplagiarism'] = 'Workshop module has inbuilt support for plagiarism prevention systems';
$string['privacy:metadata:timeaggregated'] = 'When the aggregated grade was last calculated';
$string['privacy:metadata:timecreated'] = 'When this record was created in the database';
$string['privacy:metadata:timemodified'] = 'When this record was last modified in the database';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'Identifier of the user for which aggregated grade is calculated';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'ID of the user for which aggregated grade is calculated';
$string['privacy:metadata:weight'] = 'Weight of the assessment';
$string['privacy:metadata:workshopaggregations'] = 'Holds aggregated grades for assessment';
$string['privacy:metadata:workshopassessments'] = 'Holds information about allocated assessments of workshop module submissions';
$string['privacy:metadata:workshopgrades'] = 'Holds information about how the assessment forms were filled with grades and comments';
$string['privacy:metadata:workshopid'] = 'Identifier of the workshop activity';
$string['privacy:metadata:workshopid'] = 'ID of the workshop activity';
$string['privacy:metadata:workshopsubmissions'] = 'Holds information about workshop module submissions';
$string['privacy:request:delete:title'] = '[Deleted]';
$string['privacy:request:delete:content'] = 'The content has been deleted at the request of the user.';
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ $string['page-report-stats-user'] = 'User course statistics report';
$string['stats:view'] = 'View course statistics report';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Statistics plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata:courseid'] = 'An identifier for a course.';
$string['privacy:metadata:courseid'] = 'An identifier for a course';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'The user ID linked to this table.';
$string['privacy:metadata:roleid'] = 'The role ID of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:timeend'] = 'End time of logs view';
@ -31,5 +31,5 @@ $string['maxwidth'] = 'Max image width (px)';
$string['maxheight'] = 'Max image height (px)';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_wikimedia'] = 'The Wikimedia repository plugin does store user preferences, and transmits user data from Moodle to the remote system.';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_wikimedia:search_text'] = 'The Wikimedia repository user search text query.';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_wikimedia:preference:maxwidth'] = 'The user preference Max Width configured for the Wikimedia repository.';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_wikimedia:preference:maxwidth'] = 'The user preference max width configured for the Wikimedia repository';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_wikimedia:preference:maxheight'] = 'The user preference Max Height configured for the Wikimedia repository.';
@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ $string['sortrating'] = 'Rating';
$string['sortrelevance'] = 'Relevance';
$string['sortviewcount'] = 'View Count';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_youtube'] = 'The YouTube videos repository plugin does not store any personal data, but does transmit user data from Moodle to the remote system.';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_youtube:searchtext'] = 'The YouTube videos repository user search text query.';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_youtube:searchtext'] = 'The YouTube videos repository user search text query';
@ -24,17 +24,17 @@
$string['pluginname'] = 'Simple search';
$string['privacy:metadata:index'] = 'Indexed contents';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:docid'] = 'Document id (unique)';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:docid'] = 'Document ID (unique)';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:itemid'] = 'Item identifier (in search area scope)';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:title'] = 'Title';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:content'] = 'Contents';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:contextid'] = 'Document context id';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:areaid'] = 'Search area id';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:contextid'] = 'Document context ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:areaid'] = 'Search area ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:type'] = 'Document type';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:courseid'] = 'Course id';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:owneruserid'] = 'Document owner user id';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:courseid'] = 'Course ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:owneruserid'] = 'Document owner user ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:modified'] = 'Last modification time';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:userid'] = 'Document user id';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:userid'] = 'Document user ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:description1'] = 'Extra description field';
$string['privacy:metadata:index:description2'] = 'Extra description field';
$string['searchinfo'] = 'Search queries';
Reference in New Issue
Block a user