From 13fb58c66381b1d5b3d5a73891e4d6847a5d1702 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mike Churchward Date: Mon, 10 May 2021 20:08:40 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] MDL-71584 tool_brickfield: Fixed up language string issues. --- .../brickfield/lang/en/tool_brickfield.php | 26 +++---------------- admin/tool/brickfield/registration.php | 12 +-------- .../brickfield/templates/advanced.mustache | 2 +- .../lang/en/block_accessreview.php | 3 --- 4 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-) diff --git a/admin/tool/brickfield/lang/en/tool_brickfield.php b/admin/tool/brickfield/lang/en/tool_brickfield.php index f21414c6906..31be8e177fa 100644 --- a/admin/tool/brickfield/lang/en/tool_brickfield.php +++ b/admin/tool/brickfield/lang/en/tool_brickfield.php @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ $string['accessibilitydisabled'] = 'The Brickfield accessibility toolkit is not $string['accessibilityreport'] = 'Accessibility toolkit'; $string['analysistype'] = 'Enable analysis requests'; $string['analysistypedisabled'] = 'Content analysis is disabled'; -$string['analysistype_desc'] = 'Prevent content analysis from being requested'; +$string['analysistype_desc'] = 'Allow content accessibility analysis to be requested'; $string['analysis:disabled'] = 'Disabled'; $string['analysis:byrequest'] = 'By request'; $string['brickfield'] = 'Brickfield toolkit'; @@ -138,8 +138,6 @@ $string['tblpercentage'] = 'Percentage'; $string['tblpreview'] = 'Preview'; $string['tbltarget'] = 'Activity'; $string['tblupdateto'] = 'Update to'; -$string['termsandconditions'] = '

These are the terms and conditions you agree to... blah blah...

'; -$string['termsandconditionslink'] = 'terms and conditions'; $string['titleerrorscount'] = 'Error details: (showing first {$a} errors)'; $string['titleactivityresultsall'] = 'Results per activity: all reviewed courses ({$a->count} courses)'; $string['titleactivityresultspartial'] = 'Results per activity: course {$a->name}'; @@ -163,8 +161,6 @@ $string['messageprovider:warningcheckid'] = 'Warning of invalid checkids'; $string['warningcheckidbody'] = 'There is an issue with a Brickfield check which is active but not listed in the database. Please investigate.'; $string['warningcheckidsubject'] = 'Brickfield Toolkit checkID warning'; -$string['warningscontact'] = 'Email address for receiving warnings'; -$string['warningscontact_desc'] = 'An email address to receive any Brickfield Toolkit warnings'; // Check descriptions. $string['checkdesc:alinksdontopennewwindow'] = 'Links opening into a new window should warn users in advance'; @@ -204,8 +200,7 @@ $string['activate'] = 'Activate'; $string['activated'] = 'The plugin is activated and ready to use.'; $string['activationform'] = 'Brickfield registration'; $string['activationheader'] = 'Brickfield activation'; -$string['activationinfo'] = '

In order to use this plugin, you must provide valid keys for this site in this form.

Please {$a}register your details (opens in new window) to receive those keys if you do not already have them.

Once activated, your keys will then be validated via scheduled cron tasks.

'; -$string['automatedsentdaily'] = ''; +$string['activationinfo'] = '

In order to use this plugin, you must provide valid keys for this site in this form.

Please register at the Brickfield Portal (opens in new window) to receive those keys if you do not already have them.

Once activated, your keys will then be validated via scheduled cron tasks.

'; $string['contenttypeerrors'] = 'Total results of activity content tests per course and per content type.'; $string['contentyperesults'] = 'Total passed/failed for content areas per course.'; $string['country'] = 'Country'; @@ -218,35 +213,20 @@ $string['installedcli'] = 'Plugin installed via command line'; $string['installeddescription'] = 'The plugin has been installed, redirect to activation form.'; $string['language'] = 'Language'; $string['language_help'] = 'Language of the site'; -$string['mail'] = 'Email'; -$string['mail_help'] = 'This email will be used to register the account'; $string['mobileservice'] = 'Mobile services enabled ({$a})'; $string['moreinfo'] = 'More information'; -$string['notifications'] = 'Receive notifications'; -$string['notifications_help'] = 'Set to "Yes" if you want to receive email notifications. If enabled, you can set another email to receive these notifications.'; $string['numcourses'] = 'Number of courses ({$a})'; $string['numfactivities'] = 'Number of activities ({$a})'; $string['numfiles'] = 'Number of files ({$a})'; $string['numusers'] = 'Number of users ({$a})'; $string['percheckerrors'] = 'Number of specific tests and errors per check per course.'; -$string['privacy'] = 'Privacy notice and data processing agreement'; -$string['privacy_help'] = 'Access the link to read the entire policy'; -$string['privacydesc'] = 'I agree to the privacy notice and data processing agreement for'; -$string['registerplugin'] = 'Register with {$a}'; $string['registration'] = 'Registration form'; -$string['registrationheader'] = 'Register here'; -$string['registrationheaderinfo'] = '

This registration process allows you to use the Brickfield accessibility toolkit version for your registered Moodle site.

This usage is subject to the terms and conditions as stated here and which you agree to, by using this product.

'; $string['release'] = 'Moodle release ({$a})'; $string['secretkey'] = 'API key'; $string['secretkey_help'] = 'This code is received by email after registration.'; $string['sendfollowinginfo'] = '

The following information will be periodically sent to contribute to overall statistics only. It will not be made public on any central listing.

{$a}'; $string['sitehash'] = 'Secret key'; $string['sitehash_help'] = 'This code is received by email after registration.'; -$string['sitename'] = 'Site name'; -$string['sitename_help'] = 'The name of the site'; -$string['siteurl'] = 'Site URL'; -$string['siteurl_help'] = 'The URL of the site'; -$string['usedifferentemail'] = 'Use different email'; $string['usersmobileregistered'] = 'Number of users with registered mobile devices ({$a})'; $string['validationerror'] = 'Registration key validation has failed. Check that your registered site URL and keys are correct.'; @@ -272,7 +252,7 @@ $string['error:nocoursespecified'] = '

This summary report requires a valid co $string['pdf:filename'] = 'Brickfield_Summaryreport_CourseID-{$a}'; // Advanced page. -$string['bannercontentone'] = 'The Enterprise Accessibility Toolkit has a full set of features to help your organisation improve accessibility of your courses. {$a} to book a free demo of the advanced features.'; +$string['bannercontentone'] = 'The Enterprise Accessibility Toolkit has a full set of features to help your organisation improve accessibility of your courses. Contact Brickfield Education Labs to book a free demo of the advanced features.'; $string['bannercontenttwo'] = 'Build an effective and inclusive teaching and learning platform by Finding content that does not meet the guidelines, Fixing the issues and Future-proofing your Moodle course content with accessible files, editor and enhanced features.'; $string['bannerheadingone'] = 'Upgrade to the Enterprise Accessibility Toolkit'; $string['contactus'] = 'Contact us'; diff --git a/admin/tool/brickfield/registration.php b/admin/tool/brickfield/registration.php index 09f123dbe3a..f37aa07d7fa 100644 --- a/admin/tool/brickfield/registration.php +++ b/admin/tool/brickfield/registration.php @@ -41,15 +41,6 @@ admin_externalpage_setup('tool_brickfield_activation'); $thisurl = new moodle_url(\tool_brickfield\accessibility::get_plugin_url().'/registration.php'); $PAGE->set_url($thisurl); -$termsandconditions = optional_param('terms', 0, PARAM_BOOL); -if ($termsandconditions) { - $PAGE->set_pagelayout('popup'); - echo $OUTPUT->header(); - echo format_text(get_string('termsandconditions', 'tool_brickfield'), FORMAT_HTML, ['noclean' => true]); - echo $OUTPUT->footer(); - exit; -} - $context = context_system::instance(); $PAGE->set_context($context); $PAGE->set_title(get_string('registration', manager::PLUGINNAME)); @@ -85,8 +76,7 @@ if (!$registration->toolkit_is_active()) { echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('activated', manager::PLUGINNAME), 'success'); } -$keyinfo = get_string('activationinfo', manager::PLUGINNAME, ''); +$keyinfo = get_string('activationinfo', manager::PLUGINNAME, $registration->get_regurl()); echo format_text($keyinfo, FORMAT_HTML, ['noclean' => true]); $registrationform->display(); diff --git a/admin/tool/brickfield/templates/advanced.mustache b/admin/tool/brickfield/templates/advanced.mustache index 0374b82a915..55529bbb7e9 100644 --- a/admin/tool/brickfield/templates/advanced.mustache +++ b/admin/tool/brickfield/templates/advanced.mustache @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@

{{# str }}bannerheadingone, tool_brickfield{{/ str }}

- {{# str }}bannercontentone, tool_brickfield, {{# str }}contactus, tool_brickfield{{/ str }}{{/ str }} + {{# str }}bannercontentone, tool_brickfield,{{/ str }}

diff --git a/blocks/accessreview/lang/en/block_accessreview.php b/blocks/accessreview/lang/en/block_accessreview.php index 61c94e2b390..eec04cd43c3 100644 --- a/blocks/accessreview/lang/en/block_accessreview.php +++ b/blocks/accessreview/lang/en/block_accessreview.php @@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ $string['errors'] = 'Errors'; $string['errordisplay'] = 'Display errors in this format'; $string['errorssummary'] = 'Accessibility review'; $string['frown'] = 'Errors found, sorry!'; -$string['guides'] = 'Guides'; -$string['link:pdf'] = 'Link to PDF resource on {$a} - opens in new window'; -$string['link:video'] = 'Link to video resource on {$a} - opens in new window'; $string['nodata'] = 'No accessibility results data was found.'; $string['pluginname'] = 'Accessibility review'; $string['privacy:metadata:preference:block_accessreviewtogglestate'] = 'The user\'s preference for hiding or showing the course accessibility highlighting.';