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synced 2025-03-18 14:40:06 +01:00
Merge branch 'MDL-53221_master-information' of https://github.com/dmonllao/moodle
This commit is contained in:
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ $string['savegradingresult'] = 'Grade';
$string['savenext'] = 'Save and show next';
$string['savingchanges'] = 'Saving changes...';
$string['scale'] = 'Scale';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Assignment activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Assignment - activity information';
$string['sendstudentnotificationsdefault'] = 'Default setting for "Notify students"';
$string['sendstudentnotificationsdefault_help'] = 'Set the default value for the "Notify students" checkbox on the grading form.';
$string['sendstudentnotifications'] = 'Notify students';
@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ $string['editchapter'] = 'Edit chapter "{$a}"';
$string['hidechapter'] = 'Hide chapter "{$a}"';
$string['movechapterup'] = 'Move chapter up "{$a}"';
$string['movechapterdown'] = 'Move chapter down "{$a}"';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Book activities';
$string['search:chapter'] = 'Book chapters';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Book - resource information';
$string['search:chapter'] = 'Book - chapters';
$string['showchapter'] = 'Show chapter "{$a}"';
$string['subchapter'] = 'Subchapter';
$string['navimages'] = 'Images';
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ $string['repeatweekly'] = 'At the same time every week';
$string['saidto'] = 'said to';
$string['savemessages'] = 'Save past sessions';
$string['seesession'] = 'See this session';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Chat activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Chat - activity information';
$string['send'] = 'Send';
$string['sending'] = 'Sending';
$string['serverhost'] = 'Server name';
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ $string['responsesresultgraphheader'] = 'Graph display';
$string['responsesto'] = 'Responses to {$a}';
$string['results'] = 'Results';
$string['savemychoice'] = 'Save my choice';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Choice activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Choice - activity information';
$string['showpreview'] = 'Show preview';
$string['showpreview_help'] = 'Allow students to preview the available options before the choice is opened for submission.';
$string['showunanswered'] = 'Show column for unanswered';
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ $string['save_as_new_template'] = 'Save as new template';
$string['save_entries'] = 'Submit your answers';
$string['save_item'] = 'Save question';
$string['saving_failed'] = 'Saving failed';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Feedback activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Feedback - activity information';
$string['search_course'] = 'Search course';
$string['searchcourses'] = 'Search courses';
$string['searchcourses_help'] = 'Search for the code or name of the course(s) that you wish to associate with this feedback.';
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ Also note that participants view actions can not be logged in this case.';
$string['displaypage'] = 'On a separate page';
$string['displayinline'] = 'Inline on a course page';
$string['noautocompletioninline'] = 'Automatic completion on viewing of activity can not be selected together with "Display inline" option';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Folder activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Folder';
$string['showdownloadfolder'] = 'Show download folder button';
$string['showdownloadfolder_help'] = 'If set to \'yes\', a button will be displayed allowing the contents of the folder to be downloaded as a zip file.';
$string['showexpanded'] = 'Show subfolders expanded';
@ -443,8 +443,8 @@ $string['rsstype'] = 'RSS feed for this activity';
$string['rsstype_help'] = 'To enable the RSS feed for this activity, select either discussions or posts to be included in the feed.';
$string['rsstypedefault'] = 'RSS feed type';
$string['search'] = 'Search';
$string['search:post'] = 'Forum posts';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Forum activities';
$string['search:post'] = 'Forum - posts';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Forum - activity information';
$string['searchdatefrom'] = 'Posts must be newer than this';
$string['searchdateto'] = 'Posts must be older than this';
$string['searchforumintro'] = 'Please enter search terms into one or more of the following fields:';
@ -273,8 +273,8 @@ $string['rssarticles_help'] = 'This setting specifies the number of glossary ent
$string['rsssubscriberss'] = 'Display the RSS feed for \'{$a}\' concepts';
$string['rsstype'] = 'RSS feed for this activity';
$string['rsstype_help'] = 'To enable the RSS feed for this activity, select either concepts with author or concepts without author to be included in the feed.';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Glossary activities';
$string['search:entry'] = 'Glossary entries';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Glossary - activity information';
$string['search:entry'] = 'Glossary - entries';
$string['searchindefinition'] = 'Search full text';
$string['secondaryglossary'] = 'Secondary glossary';
$string['showall'] = 'Show \'ALL\' link';
@ -43,5 +43,5 @@ $string['page-mod-imscp-x'] = 'Any IMS content package module page';
$string['packagefile'] = 'Package file';
$string['pluginadministration'] = 'IMSCP administration';
$string['pluginname'] = 'IMS content package';
$string['search:activity'] = 'IMS content package activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'IMS content package - resource information';
$string['toc'] = 'TOC';
@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ $string['modulename_link'] = 'mod/label/view';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Labels';
$string['pluginadministration'] = 'Label administration';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Label';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Label activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Label';
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ $string['savepage'] = 'Save page';
$string['score'] = 'Score';
$string['score_help'] = 'Score is only used when custom scoring is enabled. Each answer can then be given a numerical point value (positive or negative).';
$string['scores'] = 'Scores';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Lesson activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Lesson - activity information';
$string['secondpluswrong'] = 'Not quite. Would you like to try again?';
$string['selectaqtype'] = 'Select a question type';
$string['shortanswer'] = 'Short answer';
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ may not require a resource key.';
$string['resourceurl'] = 'Resource URL';
$string['return_to_course'] = 'Click <a href="{$a->link}" target="_top">here</a> to return to the course.';
$string['saveallfeedback'] = 'Save all my feedback';
$string['search:activity'] = 'LTI activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'External tool - activity information';
$string['secure_icon_url'] = 'Secure icon URL';
$string['secure_icon_url_help'] = 'Similar to the icon URL, but used if the user accessing Moodle securely through SSL. The main purpose for this field is to prevent
the browser from warning the user if the underlying page was accessed over SSL, but requesting to show an unsecure image.';
@ -60,4 +60,4 @@ $string['printheading'] = 'Display page name';
$string['printheadingexplain'] = 'Display page name above content?';
$string['printintro'] = 'Display page description';
$string['printintroexplain'] = 'Display page description above content?';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Page activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Page';
@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ $string['savingnewgradeforquestion'] = 'Saving new grade for question id {$a}.';
$string['savingnewmaximumgrade'] = 'Saving new maximum grade.';
$string['score'] = 'Raw score';
$string['scores'] = 'Scores';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Quiz activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Quiz - activity information';
$string['sectionheadingedit'] = 'Edit heading \'{$a}\'';
$string['sectionheadingremove'] = 'Remove heading \'{$a}\'';
$string['seequestions'] = '(See questions)';
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ $string['resourcedetails_typedate'] = '{$a->type} {$a->date}';
$string['resourcedetails_sizetypedate'] = '{$a->size} {$a->type} {$a->date}';
$string['resource:exportresource'] = 'Export resource';
$string['resource:view'] = 'View resource';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Resource activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'File';
$string['selectmainfile'] = 'Please select the main file by clicking the icon next to file name.';
$string['showdate'] = 'Show upload/modified date';
$string['showdate_desc'] = 'Display upload/modified date on course page?';
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ $string['scormtype_help'] = 'This setting determines how the package is included
$string['scorm:viewreport'] = 'View reports';
$string['scorm:viewscores'] = 'View scores';
$string['scrollbars'] = 'Allow the window to be scrolled';
$string['search:activity'] = 'SCORM package activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'SCORM package - activity information';
$string['selectall'] = 'Select all';
$string['selectnone'] = 'Deselect all';
$string['show'] = 'Show';
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ $string['savednotes'] = 'Your notes were saved';
$string['scaleagree5'] = 'Strongly disagree,Somewhat disagree,Neither agree nor disagree,Somewhat agree,Strongly agree';
$string['scales'] = 'Scales';
$string['scaletimes5'] = 'Almost never,Seldom,Sometimes,Often,Almost always';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Survey activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Survey - activity information';
$string['seemoredetail'] = 'Click here to see more detail';
$string['selectedquestions'] = 'Selected questions from a scale, all students';
$string['summary'] = 'Summary';
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ $string['popupwidthexplain'] = 'Specifies default width of popup windows.';
$string['printintro'] = 'Display URL description';
$string['printintroexplain'] = 'Display URL description below content? Some display types may not display description even if enabled.';
$string['rolesinparams'] = 'Include role names in parameters';
$string['search:activity'] = 'URL activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'URL';
$string['serverurl'] = 'Server URL';
$string['url:addinstance'] = 'Add a new URL resource';
$string['url:view'] = 'View URL';
@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ $string['return'] = 'Go back';
$string['save'] = 'Save';
$string['saving'] = 'Saving wiki page';
$string['savingerror'] = 'Saving error';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Wiki activities';
$string['search:collaborative_page'] = 'Wiki pages - collaborative';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Wiki - activity information';
$string['search:collaborative_page'] = 'Wiki - collaborative pages';
$string['searchcontent'] = 'Search in page content';
$string['searchresult'] = 'Search results:';
$string['searchterms'] = 'Search terms';
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ $string['saveandclose'] = 'Save and close';
$string['saveandcontinue'] = 'Save and continue editing';
$string['saveandpreview'] = 'Save and preview';
$string['saveandshownext'] = 'Save and show next';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Workshop activities';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Workshop - activity information';
$string['selfassessmentdisabled'] = 'Self-assessment disabled';
$string['showingperpage'] = 'Showing {$a} items per page';
$string['showingperpagechange'] = 'Change ...';
Reference in New Issue
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