Updated strings. READY TO TRANSLATE!

This commit is contained in:
moodler 2004-08-19 08:53:59 +00:00
parent 51e3e0b9a1
commit 9b720f926a

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ $string['admindirsetting'] = "
renaming the admin directory in your installation, and putting that
new name here. For example: <br/>&nbsp;<br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br />&nbsp;<br />
This will fix admin links in Moodle.";
$string['caution'] = 'Caution';
$string['chooselanguage'] = 'Choose a language';
$string['compatibilitysettings'] = 'Checking your PHP settings ...';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = "The installer script was not able to automatically create a config.php file containing your chosen settings. Please copy the following code into a file named config.php within the root directory of Moodle.";
@ -26,60 +27,126 @@ $string['databasesettings'] = "
<b>Name:</b> database name, eg moodle<br />
<b>User:</b> your database username<br />
<b>Password:</b> your database password<br />
<b>Tables Prefix:</b> prefix to use for all table names";
$string['dataroot'] = 'Data';
$string['datarooterror'] = "The 'Data' setting is incorrect";
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Database connection error. Please check your database settings';
<b>Tables Prefix:</b> optional prefix to use for all table names";
$string['dataroot'] = 'Data Directory';
$string['datarooterror'] = "The 'Data Directory' you specified could not be found or created. Either correct the path or create that directory manually.";
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'We could not connect to the database you specified. Please check your database settings.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Database creation error. Could not create the given database name with the settings provided';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Host Server';
$string['dbpass'] = 'Password';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Tables prefix';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Type';
$string['directorysettings'] = "
You need to tell Moodle where it is located. Specify the full
web address to where moodle has been installed. If your web site
is accessible via multiple URLs then choose the most natural one
that your students would use. Do not include a trailing slash<br/>&nbsp;<br/>
Specify the full OS directory path to this same location
Make sure the upper/lower case is correct<br/>&nbsp;<br/>
You need a place where Moodle can save uploaded files. This
directory should be readable AND WRITEABLE by the web server user
(usually 'nobody' or 'apache'), but it should not be accessible
directly via the web.";
<p>Please confirm the locations of this Moodle installation.</p>
$string['dirroot'] = 'Directory';
$string['dirrooterror'] = "The 'Directory' setting was incorrect. Try the following setting";
<p><b>Web Address:</b>
Specify the full web address where Moodle will be accessed.
If your web site is accessible via multiple URLs then choose the
most natural one that your students would use. Do not include
a trailing slash.</p>
<p><b>Moodle Directory:</b>
Specify the full directory path to this installation
Make sure the upper/lower case is correct.</p>
<p><b>Data Directory:</b>
You need a place where Moodle can save uploaded files. This
directory should be readable AND WRITEABLE by the web server user
(usually 'nobody' or 'apache'), but it should not be accessible
directly via the web.</p>
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle Directory';
$string['dirrooterror'] = "The 'Moodle Directory' setting seems to be incorrect - we can't find a Moodle installation there. The value below has been reset.";
$string['download'] = 'Download';
$string['fail'] = 'Fail';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'File Uploads';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'This should be on';
$string['fileuploadshelp'] = 'Moodle requires file uploading to be switched on';
$string['fileuploadshelp'] = "
<p>File uploading seems to be disabled on your server.</p>
<p>Moodle can still be installed, but without this ability, you will not be able
to upload course files or new user profile images.
<p>To enable file uploading you (or your system administrator) will need to
edit the main php.ini file on your system and change the setting for
<b>file_uploads</b> to '1'.</p>
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD version';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'The GD library should be present to process and create images';
$string['gdversionhelp'] = 'The GD library should be present to process and create images';
$string['gdversionhelp'] = '
<p>Your server does not seem to have GD installed.</p>
<p>GD is a library that is required by PHP to allow Moodle to process images
(such as the user profile icons) and to create new images (such as
the log graphs). Moodle will still work without GD - these features
will just not be available to you.</p>
<p>To add GD to PHP under Unix, compile PHP using the --with-gd parameter.</p>
<p>Under Windows you can usually edit php.ini and uncomment the line referencing libgd.dll.</p>
$string['installation'] = 'Installation';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Memory Limit';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'The PHP memory limit setting needs to be set to at least 16M, or be changeable';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = "The memory limit needs to be set to at least 16M, or be changeable. Your current memory limit is set to \$a.<p>You can change your memory limit in your php.ini file, or sometimes by creating a .htaccess file in the Moodle directory containing this line:<p><ul>php_value memory_limit 16M</ul>";
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'The PHP memory limit is set quite low ... you may run into problems later.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = "
<p>The PHP memory limit for your server is currently set to \$a.</p>
<p>This may cause Moodle to have memory problems later on, especially
if you have a lot of modules enabled and/or a lot of users.
<p>We recommend that you configure PHP with a higher limit if possible, like 16M.
There are several ways of doing this that you can try:
<li>If you are able to, recompile PHP with <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>.
This will allow Moodle to set the memory limit itself.
<li>If you have access to your php.ini file, you can change the <b>memory_limit</b>
setting in there to something like 16M. If you don't have access you might
be able to ask your administrator to do this for you.
<li>On some PHP servers you can create a .htaccess file in the Moodle directory
containing this line:
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>However, on some servers this will prevent <b>all</b> PHP pages from working
(you will see errors when you look at pages) so you'll have to remove the .htaccess file.
$string['pass'] = 'Pass';
$string['PHPversion'] = 'PHP version';
$string['PHPversionerror'] = 'PHP version must be at least 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = "Moodle requires a PHP version of at least 4.1.0. You are currently running version \$a";
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP version';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP version must be at least 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = "
<p>Moodle requires a PHP version of at least 4.1.0.</p>
<p>You are currently running version \$a</p>
<p>You must upgrade PHP or move to a host with a newer version of PHP!</p>";
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe Mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle can not handle files properly with safe mode on';
$string['safemodehelp'] = 'Moodle can not handle files properly with safe mode on';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle may have trouble with safe mode on';
$string['safemodehelp'] = '
<p>Moodle may have a variety of problems with safe mode on, not least is that
it probably won\'t be allowed to create new files.</p>
<p>Safe mode is usually only enabled by paranoid public web hosts, so you may have
to just find a new web hosting company for your Moodle site.</p>
<p>You can try continuing the install if you like, but expect a few problems later on.</p>';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Session Auto Start';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'This should be off';
$string['sessionautostarthelp'] = 'Session auto start should be turned off';
$string['sessionsavepath'] = 'Session Save Path';
$string['sessionsavepatherror'] = 'It seems your server does not support sessions';
$string['sessionsavepathhelp'] = 'Moodle requires session support';
$string['sessionautostarthelp'] = '
<p>Moodle requires session support and will not function without it.</p>
<p>Sessions can be enabled in the php.ini file ... look for the session.auto_start parameter.</p>
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'This should be off';
$string['magicquotesruntimehelp'] = 'Magic quotes should be turned off';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'WWW';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = "The 'WWW' setting is incorrect";
$string['magicquotesruntimehelp'] = "
<p>Magic quotes runtime should be turned off for Moodle to function properly.</p>
<p>Normally it is off by default ... see the setting <b>magic_quotes_runtime</b> in your php.ini file.</p>
<p>If you don't have access to your php.ini, you might be able to place the following line in a file
called .htaccess within your Moodle directory:
<blockquote>php_value magic_quotes_runtime Off</blockquote>
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Web address';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = "The web address does not appear to be valid - this Moodle installation doesn't appear to be there.";