diff --git a/question/question.php b/question/question.php
index ca4cba7d057..1fe9b06ae9b 100644
--- a/question/question.php
+++ b/question/question.php
@@ -271,6 +271,10 @@ if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
+    // If this is a new question, save defaults for user in user_preferences table.
+    if (empty($question->id)) {
+        $qtypeobj->save_defaults_for_new_questions($fromform);
+    }
     $question = $qtypeobj->save_question($question, $fromform);
     if (isset($fromform->tags)) {
         // If we have any question context level tags then set those tags now.
diff --git a/question/type/ddwtos/tests/behat/add.feature b/question/type/ddwtos/tests/behat/add.feature
index 46a92386db4..a712f027bbd 100644
--- a/question/type/ddwtos/tests/behat/add.feature
+++ b/question/type/ddwtos/tests/behat/add.feature
@@ -20,15 +20,24 @@ Feature: Test creating a drag and drop into text question
   Scenario: Create a drag and drop into text question
-    When I add a "Drag and drop into text" question filling the form with:
-      | Question name             | Drag and drop into text 001   |
-      | Question text             | The [[1]] [[2]] on the [[3]]. |
-      | General feedback          | The cat sat on the mat.       |
-      | id_choices_0_answer       | cat                           |
-      | id_choices_1_answer       | sat                           |
-      | id_choices_2_answer       | mat                           |
-      | id_choices_3_answer       | dog                           |
-      | id_choices_4_answer       | table                         |
-      | Hint 1                    | First hint                    |
-      | Hint 2                    | Second hint                   |
-    Then I should see "Drag and drop into text 001"
+    Given I add a "Drag and drop into text" question filling the form with:
+      | Question name                  | Drag and drop into text 001   |
+      | Question text                  | The [[1]] [[2]] on the [[3]]. |
+      | General feedback               | The cat sat on the mat.       |
+      | id_shuffleanswers              | 1                             |
+      | id_choices_0_answer            | cat                           |
+      | id_choices_1_answer            | sat                           |
+      | id_choices_2_answer            | mat                           |
+      | id_choices_3_answer            | dog                           |
+      | id_choices_4_answer            | table                         |
+      | Penalty for each incorrect try | 20%                           |
+      | Hint 1                         | First hint                    |
+      | Hint 2                         | Second hint                   |
+    And I should see "Drag and drop into text 001"
+    # Checking that the next new question form displays user preferences settings.
+    When I press "Create a new question ..."
+    And I set the field "item_qtype_ddwtos" to "1"
+    And I click on "Add" "button" in the "Choose a question type to add" "dialogue"
+    Then the following fields match these values:
+      | id_shuffleanswers              | 1   |
+      | Penalty for each incorrect try | 20% |
diff --git a/question/type/edit_question_form.php b/question/type/edit_question_form.php
index 3bf44cbadd5..02d7d02b7f6 100644
--- a/question/type/edit_question_form.php
+++ b/question/type/edit_question_form.php
@@ -113,6 +113,21 @@ abstract class question_edit_form extends question_wizard_form {
         parent::__construct($submiturl, null, 'post', '', ['data-qtype' => $this->qtype()], $formeditable);
+    /**
+     * Return default value for a given form element either from user_preferences table or $default.
+     *
+     * To make use of user_preferences in your qtype default settings, you need to replace
+     * $mform->setDefault({elementname}, {defaultvalue}); in edit_{qtypename}_form.php with
+     * $mform->setDefault({elementname}, $this->get_default_value({elementname}, {defaultvalue}));
+     *
+     * @param string $name the name of the form field.
+     * @param mixed $default default value.
+     * @return string|null default value for a given form element.
+     */
+    protected function get_default_value(string $name, $default): ?string {
+        return question_bank::get_qtype($this->qtype())->get_default_value($name, $default);
+    }
      * Build the form definition.
@@ -121,10 +136,7 @@ abstract class question_edit_form extends question_wizard_form {
      * override this method and remove the ones you don't want with $mform->removeElement().
     protected function definition() {
-        global $COURSE, $CFG, $DB, $PAGE;
-        $qtype = $this->qtype();
-        $langfile = "qtype_{$qtype}";
+        global $DB, $PAGE;
         $mform = $this->_form;
@@ -189,7 +201,7 @@ abstract class question_edit_form extends question_wizard_form {
         $mform->addElement('float', 'defaultmark', get_string('defaultmark', 'question'),
                 array('size' => 7));
-        $mform->setDefault('defaultmark', 1);
+        $mform->setDefault('defaultmark', $this->get_default_value('defaultmark', 1));
         $mform->addRule('defaultmark', null, 'required', null, 'client');
         $mform->addElement('editor', 'generalfeedback', get_string('generalfeedback', 'question'),
@@ -497,7 +509,7 @@ abstract class question_edit_form extends question_wizard_form {
         $mform->addElement('select', 'penalty',
                 get_string('penaltyforeachincorrecttry', 'question'), $penaltyoptions);
         $mform->addHelpButton('penalty', 'penaltyforeachincorrecttry', 'question');
-        $mform->setDefault('penalty', 0.3333333);
+        $mform->setDefault('penalty', $this->get_default_value('penalty',  0.3333333));
         if (isset($this->question->hints)) {
             $counthints = count($this->question->hints);
diff --git a/question/type/gapselect/edit_form_base.php b/question/type/gapselect/edit_form_base.php
index 72b460061a0..1ae7d121d1e 100644
--- a/question/type/gapselect/edit_form_base.php
+++ b/question/type/gapselect/edit_form_base.php
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class qtype_gapselect_edit_form_base extends question_edit_form {
         $mform->setExpanded('choicehdr', 1);
         $mform->addElement('checkbox', 'shuffleanswers', get_string('shuffle', 'qtype_gapselect'));
-        $mform->setDefault('shuffleanswers', 0);
+        $mform->setDefault('shuffleanswers', $this->get_default_value('shuffleanswers', 0));
         $textboxgroup = array();
         $textboxgroup[] = $mform->createElement('group', 'choices',
diff --git a/question/type/gapselect/questiontypebase.php b/question/type/gapselect/questiontypebase.php
index 86f4a3d5c14..0d89c0d8a2c 100644
--- a/question/type/gapselect/questiontypebase.php
+++ b/question/type/gapselect/questiontypebase.php
@@ -319,6 +319,11 @@ abstract class qtype_gapselect_base extends question_type {
         return $goupofanswers;
+    public function save_defaults_for_new_questions(stdClass $fromform): void {
+        parent::save_defaults_for_new_questions($fromform);
+        $this->set_default_value('shuffleanswers', $fromform->shuffleanswers ?? 0);
+    }
     public function get_possible_responses($questiondata) {
         $question = $this->make_question($questiondata);
diff --git a/question/type/gapselect/tests/behat/add.feature b/question/type/gapselect/tests/behat/add.feature
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0b6d50a5a8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/question/type/gapselect/tests/behat/add.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+@qtype @qtype_gapselect
+Feature: Test creating a Select missing words question
+  As a teacher
+  In order to test my students
+  I need to be able to create Select missing words questions
+  Background:
+    Given the following "users" exist:
+      | username | firstname | lastname | email               |
+      | teacher1 | T1        | Teacher1 | teacher1@moodle.com |
+    And the following "courses" exist:
+      | fullname | shortname | category |
+      | Course 1 | C1        | 0        |
+    And the following "course enrolments" exist:
+      | user     | course | role           |
+      | teacher1 | C1     | editingteacher |
+    And I log in as "teacher1"
+    And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
+    And I navigate to "Question bank" in current page administration
+  @javascript
+  Scenario: Create a Select missing words question
+    Given I add a "Select missing words" question filling the form with:
+      | Question name             | Select missing words 001   |
+      | Question text             | The [[1]] [[2]] on the [[3]]. |
+      | General feedback          | The cat sat on the mat.       |
+      | id_shuffleanswers         | 1                             |
+      | id_choices_0_answer       | cat                           |
+      | id_choices_1_answer       | sat                           |
+      | id_choices_2_answer       | mat                           |
+      | id_choices_3_answer       | dog                           |
+      | id_choices_4_answer       | table                         |
+      | Hint 1                    | First hint                    |
+      | Hint 2                    | Second hint                   |
+    And I should see "Select missing words 001"
+    # Checking that the next new question form displays user preferences settings.
+    When I press "Create a new question ..."
+    And I set the field "item_qtype_gapselect" to "1"
+    And I click on "Add" "button" in the "Choose a question type to add" "dialogue"
+    Then the following fields match these values:
+      | id_shuffleanswers | 1 |
diff --git a/question/type/gapselect/tests/edit_form_test.php b/question/type/gapselect/tests/edit_form_test.php
index dee9bd51043..53b962a0f1c 100644
--- a/question/type/gapselect/tests/edit_form_test.php
+++ b/question/type/gapselect/tests/edit_form_test.php
@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ class qtype_gapselect_edit_form_base_testable extends qtype_gapselect_edit_form_
     public function set_allowed_tags(array $allowed) {
         $this->allowedhtmltags = $allowed;
+    public function qtype() {
+        return 'gapselect';
+    }
diff --git a/question/type/multichoice/edit_multichoice_form.php b/question/type/multichoice/edit_multichoice_form.php
index 0624c3ef292..c88857f241c 100644
--- a/question/type/multichoice/edit_multichoice_form.php
+++ b/question/type/multichoice/edit_multichoice_form.php
@@ -46,22 +46,25 @@ class qtype_multichoice_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
         $mform->addElement('select', 'single',
                 get_string('answerhowmany', 'qtype_multichoice'), $menu);
-        $mform->setDefault('single', get_config('qtype_multichoice', 'answerhowmany'));
+        $mform->setDefault('single', $this->get_default_value('single',
+            get_config('qtype_multichoice', 'answerhowmany')));
         $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'shuffleanswers',
                 get_string('shuffleanswers', 'qtype_multichoice'), null, null, array(0, 1));
         $mform->addHelpButton('shuffleanswers', 'shuffleanswers', 'qtype_multichoice');
-        $mform->setDefault('shuffleanswers', get_config('qtype_multichoice', 'shuffleanswers'));
+        $mform->setDefault('shuffleanswers', $this->get_default_value('shuffleanswers',
+            get_config('qtype_multichoice', 'shuffleanswers')));
         $mform->addElement('select', 'answernumbering',
                 get_string('answernumbering', 'qtype_multichoice'),
-        $mform->setDefault('answernumbering', get_config('qtype_multichoice', 'answernumbering'));
+        $mform->setDefault('answernumbering', $this->get_default_value('answernumbering',
+            get_config('qtype_multichoice', 'answernumbering')));
         $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'showstandardinstruction',
             get_string('showstandardinstruction', 'qtype_multichoice'), null, null, [0, 1]);
         $mform->addHelpButton('showstandardinstruction', 'showstandardinstruction', 'qtype_multichoice');
-        $mform->setDefault('showstandardinstruction', 0);
+        $mform->setDefault('showstandardinstruction', $this->get_default_value('showstandardinstruction', 0));
         $this->add_per_answer_fields($mform, get_string('choiceno', 'qtype_multichoice', '{no}'),
                 question_bank::fraction_options_full(), max(5, QUESTION_NUMANS_START));
diff --git a/question/type/multichoice/questiontype.php b/question/type/multichoice/questiontype.php
index 241456296b8..c9366b28977 100644
--- a/question/type/multichoice/questiontype.php
+++ b/question/type/multichoice/questiontype.php
@@ -85,6 +85,14 @@ class qtype_multichoice extends question_type {
         return $options;
+    public function save_defaults_for_new_questions(stdClass $fromform): void {
+        parent::save_defaults_for_new_questions($fromform);
+        $this->set_default_value('single', $fromform->single);
+        $this->set_default_value('shuffleanswers', $fromform->shuffleanswers);
+        $this->set_default_value('answernumbering', $fromform->answernumbering);
+        $this->set_default_value('showstandardinstruction', $fromform->showstandardinstruction);
+    }
     public function save_question_options($question) {
         global $DB;
         $context = $question->context;
diff --git a/question/type/multichoice/tests/behat/add.feature b/question/type/multichoice/tests/behat/add.feature
index 6aa59eeaa51..ebd8467eff2 100644
--- a/question/type/multichoice/tests/behat/add.feature
+++ b/question/type/multichoice/tests/behat/add.feature
@@ -38,22 +38,37 @@ Feature: Test creating a Multiple choice question
       | Hint 2                   | Second hint                        |
     Then I should see "Multi-choice-001"
+  @javascript
   Scenario: Create a Multiple choice question with single response
-    When I add a "Multiple choice" question filling the form with:
-      | Question name            | Multi-choice-002                       |
-      | Question text            | Find the capital city of England.      |
-      | General feedback         | London is the capital city of England. |
-      | One or multiple answers? | One answer only                        |
-      | Choice 1                 | Manchester                             |
-      | Choice 2                 | Buckingham                             |
-      | Choice 3                 | London                                 |
-      | Choice 4                 | Barcelona                              |
-      | Choice 5                 | Paris                                  |
-      | id_fraction_0            | None                                   |
-      | id_fraction_1            | None                                   |
-      | id_fraction_2            | 100%                                   |
-      | id_fraction_3            | None                                   |
-      | id_fraction_4            | None                                   |
-      | Hint 1                   | First hint                             |
-      | Hint 2                   | Second hint                            |
-    Then I should see "Multi-choice-002"
+    Given I add a "Multiple choice" question filling the form with:
+      | Question name              | Multi-choice-002                       |
+      | Question text              | Find the capital city of England.      |
+      | General feedback           | London is the capital city of England. |
+      | Default mark               | 5                                      |
+      | One or multiple answers?   | One answer only                        |
+      | Shuffle the choices?       | 0                                      |
+      | Number the choices?        | 1., 2., 3., ...                        |
+      | Show standard instructions | Yes                                    |
+      | Choice 1                   | Manchester                             |
+      | Choice 2                   | Buckingham                             |
+      | Choice 3                   | London                                 |
+      | Choice 4                   | Barcelona                              |
+      | Choice 5                   | Paris                                  |
+      | id_fraction_0              | None                                   |
+      | id_fraction_1              | None                                   |
+      | id_fraction_2              | 100%                                   |
+      | id_fraction_3              | None                                   |
+      | id_fraction_4              | None                                   |
+      | Hint 1                     | First hint                             |
+      | Hint 2                     | Second hint                            |
+    And I should see "Multi-choice-002"
+    # Checking that the next new question form displays user preferences settings.
+    When I press "Create a new question ..."
+    And I set the field "Multiple choice" to "1"
+    And I click on "Add" "button" in the "Choose a question type to add" "dialogue"
+    Then the following fields match these values:
+      | Default mark               | 5                 |
+      | One or multiple answers?   | One answer only   |
+      | Shuffle the choices?       | 0                 |
+      | Number the choices?        | 1., 2., 3., ...   |
+      | Show standard instructions | Yes               |
diff --git a/question/type/questiontypebase.php b/question/type/questiontypebase.php
index 21c00ecc812..dad811cc97d 100644
--- a/question/type/questiontypebase.php
+++ b/question/type/questiontypebase.php
@@ -295,6 +295,45 @@ class question_type {
     public function set_default_options($questiondata) {
+    /**
+     * Return default value for a given form element either from user_preferences table or $default.
+     *
+     * @param string $name the name of the form element.
+     * @param mixed $default default value.
+     * @return string|null default value for a given  form element.
+     */
+    public function get_default_value(string $name, $default): ?string {
+        return get_user_preferences($this->plugin_name() . '_' . $name, $default ?? '0');
+    }
+    /**
+     * Save the default value for a given form element in user_preferences table.
+     *
+     * @param string $name the name of the value to set.
+     * @param string $value the setting value.
+     */
+    public function set_default_value(string $name, string $value): void {
+        set_user_preference($this->plugin_name() . '_' . $name, $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Save question defaults when creating new questions.
+     *
+     * @param stdClass $fromform data from the form.
+     */
+    public function save_defaults_for_new_questions(stdClass $fromform): void {
+        // Some question types may not make use of the certain form elements, so
+        // we need to do a check on the following generic form elements. For instance,
+        // 'defaultmark' is not use in qtype_multianswer and 'penalty' in not used in
+        // qtype_essay and qtype_recordrtc.
+        if (isset($fromform->defaultmark)) {
+            $this->set_default_value('defaultmark', $fromform->defaultmark);
+        }
+        if (isset($fromform->penalty)) {
+            $this->set_default_value('penalty', $fromform->penalty);
+        }
+    }
      * Saves (creates or updates) a question.
diff --git a/question/type/shortanswer/edit_shortanswer_form.php b/question/type/shortanswer/edit_shortanswer_form.php
index 50971ec7227..43eebc38e0c 100644
--- a/question/type/shortanswer/edit_shortanswer_form.php
+++ b/question/type/shortanswer/edit_shortanswer_form.php
@@ -36,12 +36,13 @@ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
 class qtype_shortanswer_edit_form extends question_edit_form {
     protected function definition_inner($mform) {
-        $menu = array(
+        $menu = [
             get_string('caseno', 'qtype_shortanswer'),
             get_string('caseyes', 'qtype_shortanswer')
-        );
+        ];
         $mform->addElement('select', 'usecase',
                 get_string('casesensitive', 'qtype_shortanswer'), $menu);
+        $mform->setDefault('usecase', $this->get_default_value('usecase', $menu[0]));
         $mform->addElement('static', 'answersinstruct',
                 get_string('correctanswers', 'qtype_shortanswer'),
diff --git a/question/type/shortanswer/questiontype.php b/question/type/shortanswer/questiontype.php
index c98ec743e95..3039f9d93bc 100644
--- a/question/type/shortanswer/questiontype.php
+++ b/question/type/shortanswer/questiontype.php
@@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ class qtype_shortanswer extends question_type {
         $this->delete_files_in_hints($questionid, $contextid);
+    public function save_defaults_for_new_questions(stdClass $fromform): void {
+        parent::save_defaults_for_new_questions($fromform);
+        $this->set_default_value('usecase', $fromform->usecase);
+    }
     public function save_question_options($question) {
         global $DB;
         $result = new stdClass();
diff --git a/question/type/shortanswer/tests/behat/add.feature b/question/type/shortanswer/tests/behat/add.feature
index a84b3aab4e7..100ae4425e8 100644
--- a/question/type/shortanswer/tests/behat/add.feature
+++ b/question/type/shortanswer/tests/behat/add.feature
@@ -18,17 +18,24 @@ Feature: Test creating a Short answer question
     And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
     And I navigate to "Question bank" in current page administration
+  @javascript
   Scenario: Create a Short answer question
-    When I add a "Short answer" question filling the form with:
+    Given I add a "Short answer" question filling the form with:
       | Question name        | shortanswer-001                           |
       | Question text        | What is the national langauge in France?  |
       | General feedback     | The national langauge in France is French |
       | Default mark         | 1                                         |
-      | Case sensitivity     | No, case is unimportant                   |
+      | Case sensitivity     | Yes, case must match                      |
       | id_answer_0          | French                                    |
       | id_fraction_0        | 100%                                      |
       | id_feedback_0        | Well done. French is correct.             |
       | id_answer_1          | *                                         |
       | id_fraction_1        | None                                      |
       | id_feedback_1        | Your answer is incorrect.                 |
-    Then I should see "shortanswer-001"
+    And I should see "shortanswer-001"
+    # Checking that the next new question form displays user preferences settings.
+    When I press "Create a new question ..."
+    And I set the field "Short answer" to "1"
+    And I click on "Add" "button" in the "Choose a question type to add" "dialogue"
+    Then the following fields match these values:
+      | Case sensitivity | Yes, case must match |
diff --git a/question/type/upgrade.txt b/question/type/upgrade.txt
index 48cd5e8cd23..080c7a80d43 100644
--- a/question/type/upgrade.txt
+++ b/question/type/upgrade.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,24 @@
 This files describes API changes for question type plugins.
+=== 3.11 ===
+* Introducing the following \question_type base class methods to save/fetch the last form values
+  that were used when creating questions as the new defaults when creating new questions:
+  - \question_type::get_default_value()
+    - Fetches the default value for a given question field from the user preference.
+      Question type plugins can use this in edit_{qtypename}_form.php when using $mform->setDefault().
+  - \question_type::set_default_value()
+    - Saves the default value for a given question form field in the user preferences.
+  - \question_type::save_defaults_for_new_questions()
+    - Saves the question type plugin's defined form defaults into the user preferences.
+      It calls \question_type::set_default_value() to save each form field default value
+      into the user preferences.
+    - Question type plugins using \question_type::get_default_value() for their form fields must implement
+      this in order to save the values from these form fields as defaults for new questions.
+  This will help teachers who repeatedly create questions and use the same values for the fields
+  (e.g. Default mark, Penalty for each incorrect try, etc.) in the question edit form.
 === 3.8 ===
 * There is a new method for question types get_extra_question_bank_actions.