diff --git a/badges/classes/observer.php b/badges/classes/observer.php
index 511d2f454ea..9817a65131f 100644
--- a/badges/classes/observer.php
+++ b/badges/classes/observer.php
@@ -14,20 +14,17 @@
 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 // along with Moodle.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
+use \core_badges\badge;
- * Local stuff for category enrolment plugin.
+ * Event observer for badges.
  * @package    core_badges
  * @copyright  2013 Rajesh Taneja <rajesh@moodle.com>
  * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
-defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
-use \core_badges\badge;
- * Event observer for badges.
- */
 class core_badges_observer {
      * Triggered when 'course_module_completion_updated' event is triggered.
diff --git a/badges/criteria/award_criteria_activity.php b/badges/criteria/award_criteria_activity.php
index f303abf7ed6..1fea3769e35 100644
--- a/badges/criteria/award_criteria_activity.php
+++ b/badges/criteria/award_criteria_activity.php
@@ -188,8 +188,6 @@ class award_criteria_activity extends award_criteria {
      * @return bool Whether criteria is complete
     public function review($userid, $filtered = false) {
         if ($this->course->startdate > time()) {
             return false;
@@ -209,6 +207,15 @@ class award_criteria_activity extends award_criteria {
                 $check_date = ($date <= $param['bydate']);
+            // Successfull completion states depend on the completion settings.
+            if (isset($data->passgrade)) {
+                // Passing grade is required. Don't issue a badge when state is COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL.
+                $completionstates = [COMPLETION_COMPLETE, COMPLETION_COMPLETE_PASS];
+            } else {
+                // Any grade is required. Issue a badge even when state is COMPLETION_COMPLETE_FAIL.
+            }
             if ($this->method == BADGE_CRITERIA_AGGREGATION_ALL) {
                 if (in_array($data->completionstate, $completionstates) && $check_date) {
                     $overall = true;
diff --git a/badges/tests/behat/criteria_activity.feature b/badges/tests/behat/criteria_activity.feature
index b4ecdb1226d..e5f5b5f58f9 100644
--- a/badges/tests/behat/criteria_activity.feature
+++ b/badges/tests/behat/criteria_activity.feature
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-@mod @mod_quiz @core @core_badges @javascript
+@mod @mod_quiz @core @core_badges @core_completion @javascript
 Feature: Award badges based on activity completion
   In order to ensure a student has learned the material before being marked complete
   As a teacher
-  I need to set a quiz to award a badge when upon completion when the student receives a passing grade, or completed_fail if they use all attempts without passing
+  I need to configure an activity to grant a badge only when the student achieves a passing grade upon completion.
     Given the following "users" exist:
       | username | firstname | lastname | email                |
       | student1 | Student   | 1        | student1@example.com |
-      | student2 | Student   | 1        | student2@example.com |
+      | student2 | Student   | 2        | student2@example.com |
       | teacher1 | Teacher   | 1        | teacher1@example.com |
     And the following "courses" exist:
       | fullname | shortname | category | enablecompletion |
@@ -27,96 +27,103 @@ Feature: Award badges based on activity completion
       | questioncategory | qtype     | name           | questiontext              |
       | Test questions   | truefalse | First question | Answer the first question |
     And the following "activities" exist:
-      | activity   | name           | course | idnumber | attempts | gradepass | completion | completionattemptsexhausted | completionpassgrade | completionusegrade |
-      | quiz       | Test quiz name | C1     | quiz1    | 2        | 5.00      | 2          | 1                           | 1                   | 1                  |
-    And quiz "Test quiz name" contains the following questions:
+      | activity   | name             | course | idnumber | attempts | gradepass | completion | completionpassgrade | completionusegrade |
+      | quiz       | Test quiz name 1 | C1     | quiz1    | 2        | 5.00      | 2          | 1                   | 1                  |
+      | quiz       | Test quiz name 2 | C1     | quiz2    | 2        | 5.00      | 2          | 0                   | 1                  |
+    And quiz "Test quiz name 1" contains the following questions:
+      | question       | page |
+      | First question | 1    |
+    And quiz "Test quiz name 2" contains the following questions:
       | question       | page |
       | First question | 1    |
-    And user "student1" has attempted "Test quiz name" with responses:
-      | slot | response |
-      |   1  | False    |
-    And user "student2" has attempted "Test quiz name" with responses:
-      | slot | response |
-      |   1  | False    |
     And the following "core_badges > Badge" exists:
-      | name        | Course Badge                 |
+      | name        | Course Badge 1               |
       | status      | 0                            |
       | type        | 2                            |
       | course      | C1                           |
-      | description | Course badge description     |
+      | description | Course badge 1 description   |
       | image       | badges/tests/behat/badge.png |
+    And the following "core_badges > Badge" exists:
+      | name        | Course Badge 2               |
+      | status      | 0                            |
+      | type        | 2                            |
+      | course      | C1                           |
+      | description | Course badge 2 description   |
+      | image       | badges/tests/behat/badge.png |
+    And I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as teacher1
-  Scenario: Student earns a badge using activity completion, but does not get passing grade
-    Given I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as teacher1
-    And I navigate to "Badges" in current page administration
+  Scenario: Student does not earn a badge using activity completion when does not get passing grade
+    Given I navigate to "Badges" in current page administration
     And I press "Manage badges"
-    And I follow "Course Badge"
+    And I follow "Course Badge 1"
     And I select "Criteria" from the "jump" singleselect
     And I set the field "type" to "Activity completion"
-    And I set the field "Quiz - Test quiz name" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Quiz - Test quiz name 1" to "1"
     And I press "Save"
     And I press "Enable access"
     And I press "Continue"
     And I should see "Recipients (0)"
-    And I log out
-    And I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as student1
-    And the "Receive a grade" completion condition of "Test quiz name" is displayed as "done"
-    And the "Receive a passing grade" completion condition of "Test quiz name" is displayed as "failed"
-    And the "Receive a pass grade or complete all available attempts" completion condition of "Test quiz name" is displayed as "todo"
-    When I am on the "Test quiz name" "quiz activity" page
-    And I press "Re-attempt quiz"
-    And I set the field "False" to "1"
-    And I press "Finish attempt ..."
-    And I press "Submit all and finish"
-    And I click on "Submit" "button" in the "Submit all your answers and finish?" "dialogue"
-    And I log out
-    And I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as teacher1
+    # Pass grade for student1. Activity is considered complete because student1 got a passing grade.
+    And user "student1" has attempted "Test quiz name 1" with responses:
+      | slot | response |
+      | 1    | True     |
+    # Fail grade for student2. Activity is considered incomplete because student2 got a failing grade.
+    And user "student2" has attempted "Test quiz name 1" with responses:
+      | slot | response |
+      | 1    | False    |
     And I navigate to "Badges > Manage badges" in current page administration
-    And I follow "Course Badge"
+    And I follow "Course Badge 1"
     Then I should see "Recipients (1)"
+    And I select "Recipients (1)" from the "jump" singleselect
+    And I should see "Student 1"
+    And I should not see "Student 2"
-  Scenario Outline: Previously graded pass/fail students should earn a badge after enabling a badge
-    Given I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as teacher1
-    And I navigate to "Badges" in current page administration
+  Scenario: Students with any grades in an activity will receive a badge if the completion condition is set to receive any grade
+    Given I navigate to "Badges" in current page administration
     And I press "Manage badges"
-    And I follow "Course Badge"
+    And I follow "Course Badge 2"
     And I select "Criteria" from the "jump" singleselect
     And I set the field "type" to "Activity completion"
-    And I click on "Expand all" "link"
-    And I set the field "Quiz - Test quiz name" to "1"
-    And I set the field "<aggregationcriteria>" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Quiz - Test quiz name 2" to "1"
     And I press "Save"
-    # Fail grade with student2
-    And I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as student2
-    And I am on the "Test quiz name" "quiz activity" page
-    And I press "Re-attempt quiz"
-    And I set the field "False" to "1"
-    And I press "Finish attempt ..."
-    And I press "Submit all and finish"
-    And I click on "Submit" "button" in the "Submit all your answers and finish?" "dialogue"
-    And I log out
-    # Pass grade with student1
-    And I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as student1
-    And I am on the "Test quiz name" "quiz activity" page
-    And I press "Re-attempt quiz"
-    And I set the field "False" to "0"
-    And I press "Finish attempt ..."
-    And I press "Submit all and finish"
-    And I click on "Submit" "button" in the "Submit all your answers and finish?" "dialogue"
-    And I log out
-    # Enable badge access once all students have completed an activity.
-    And I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as teacher1
+    And I press "Enable access"
+    And I press "Continue"
+    # Pass grade for student1.
+    And user "student1" has attempted "Test quiz name 2" with responses:
+      | slot | response |
+      | 1    | True     |
+    # Fail grade for student2. Activity is considered complete even if student2 got a failing grade.
+    And user "student2" has attempted "Test quiz name 2" with responses:
+      | slot | response |
+      | 1    | False    |
     And I navigate to "Badges > Manage badges" in current page administration
-    And I follow "Course Badge"
+    And I follow "Course Badge 2"
+    Then I should see "Recipients (2)"
+    And I select "Recipients (2)" from the "jump" singleselect
+    And I should see "Student 1"
+    And I should see "Student 2"
+  Scenario: Previously graded pass/fail students should earn a badge after enabling a badge
+    # Pass grade for student1.
+    Given user "student1" has attempted "Test quiz name 1" with responses:
+      | slot | response |
+      | 1    | True     |
+    # Fail grade for student2.
+    And user "student2" has attempted "Test quiz name 1" with responses:
+      | slot | response |
+      | 1    | False    |
+    And I navigate to "Badges" in current page administration
+    And I press "Manage badges"
+    And I follow "Course Badge 1"
+    And I select "Criteria" from the "jump" singleselect
+    And I set the field "type" to "Activity completion"
+    And I set the field "Quiz - Test quiz name 1" to "1"
+    And I press "Save"
+    # Enable badge access once students have completed the activity.
     When I press "Enable access"
     And I press "Continue"
-    Then I should see "Recipients (2)"
-    Examples:
-      | aggregationcriteria                         |
-      | Any of the selected activities is complete  |
-      | All of the selected activities are complete |
+    # Only student1 should earn the badge because student2 did not pass the quiz.
+    Then I should see "Recipients (1)"
+    And I select "Recipients (1)" from the "jump" singleselect
+    And I should see "Student 1"
+    And I should not see "Student 2"