mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:30:15 +01:00
MDL-35289 use new TinyMCE en lang import
AMOS BEGIN MOV [common:browsemedia,editor_tinymce],[moodlemedia:browsemedia,tinymce_moodlemedia] MOV [common:browseimage,editor_tinymce],[moodleimage:browseimage,tinymce_moodleimage] AMOS END
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,7 +66,13 @@ foreach (get_plugin_list('tinymce') as $component => $ignored) {
// Ignore malformed strings with more colons.
$result[$parts[0]][$parts[1]] = $value;
$component = $parts[0];
$string = $parts[1];
if ($component === 'colors') {
// Colors are a special case, the hex values must be uppercase.
$string = strtoupper($string);
$result[$component][$string] = $value;
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
mkdir temp
mkdir temp/tinylangs
mkdir temp/langs
for lang in 'sq' 'ar' 'az' 'be' 'bn' 'nb' 'bs' 'br' 'bg' 'ca' 'ch' 'zh' 'hr' 'cs' 'da' 'dv' 'nl' 'en' 'et' 'fi' 'fr' 'gl' 'de' 'el' 'gu' 'he' 'hi' 'hu' 'is' 'id' 'ia' 'it' 'ja' 'ko' 'lv' 'lt' 'mk' 'ms' 'mn' 'se' 'no' 'nn' 'fa' 'pl' 'pt' 'ro' 'ru' 'sc' 'sr' 'ii' 'si' 'sk' 'sl' 'es' 'sv' 'ta' 'tt' 'te' 'th' 'tr' 'tw' 'uk' 'cy' 'vi'
wget "http://services.moxiecode.com/i18n/download.aspx?format=xml&code=$lang&product=tinymce" -O temp/tinylangs/$lang.xml
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This script imports TinyMCE lang strings into Moodle lang packs.
* This script imports TinyMCE lang strings into Moodle English lang pack.
* @package editor_tinymce
* @copyright 2009 Petr Skoda (http://skodak.org)
@ -23,53 +23,40 @@
define('CLI_SCRIPT', true);
require dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))))).'/config.php';
require __DIR__.'/../../../../../config.php';
if (!debugging('', DEBUG_DEVELOPER)) {
die('Only for developers!!!!!');
$langconversion = array(
// Mapping of TinyMCE lang codes to Moodle codes.
'nb' => 'no',
'sr' => 'sr_lt',
// Ignore the following files due to known errors.
'ch' => false, // XML parsing error, Moodle does not seem to have Chamorro yet anyway
'zh' => false, // XML parsing error, use 'zh' => 'zh_tw' when sorted out
$targetlangdir = "$CFG->dirroot/lib/editor/tinymce/extra/tools/temp/langs"; // change if needed
$tempdir = "$CFG->dirroot/lib/editor/tinymce/extra/tools/temp/tinylangs";
$enfile = "$CFG->dirroot/lib/editor/tinymce/lang/en/editor_tinymce.php";
/// First update English lang pack.
if (!file_exists("$tempdir/en.xml")) {
die('Missing temp/tinylangs/en.xml! Did you download langs?');
$old_strings = editor_tinymce_get_all_strings('en');
// Current strings in our lang pack.
$old_strings = editor_tinymce_get_all_strings();
// Upstream strings.
$parsed = editor_tinymce_parse_js_files();
// Our modifications and upstream changes in existing strings.
$tweaked = array();
// Detect changes and new additions.
$parsed = editor_tinymce_parse_xml_lang("$tempdir/en.xml");
// Detect changes and new additions - ignore case difference, no UTF-8 here.
foreach ($parsed as $key=>$value) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $old_strings)) {
$oldvalue = $old_strings[$key];
if ($oldvalue !== $value) {
if (strtolower($oldvalue) === strtolower($value)) {
$parsed[$key] = $oldvalue;
} else {
$tweaked[$key] = $oldvalue;
if (!$handle = fopen($enfile, 'w')) {
if (!$handle = fopen("$CFG->dirroot/lib/editor/tinymce/lang/en/editor_tinymce.php", 'w')) {
echo "Cannot write to $filename !!";
$header = <<<EOT
@ -90,7 +77,9 @@ $header = <<<EOT
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Strings for component 'editor_tinymce', language 'en'
* Strings for component 'editor_tinymce', language 'en'.
* Note: use editor/tinymce/extra/tools/update_lang_files.php script to import strings from upstream JS lang files.
* @package editor_tinymce
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
@ -108,7 +97,7 @@ foreach ($old_strings as $key=>$value) {
fwrite($handle, "\n\n// == TinyMCE upstream lang strings from all standard upstream plugins ==\n");
foreach ($parsed as $key=>$value) {
fwrite($handle, editor_tinymce_encode_stringline($key, $value));
fwrite($handle, editor_tinymce_encode_stringline($key, $value, isset($tweaked[$key])));
if ($tweaked) {
@ -120,107 +109,110 @@ if ($tweaked) {
// Now update all other langs.
$en_strings = editor_tinymce_get_all_strings('en');
if (!file_exists($targetlangdir)) {
echo "Can not find target lang dir: $targetlangdir !!";
$xmlfiles = new DirectoryIterator($tempdir);
foreach ($xmlfiles as $xmlfile) {
if ($xmlfile->isDot() or $xmlfile->isLink() or $xmlfile->isDir()) {
$filename = $xmlfile->getFilename();
if ($filename == 'en.xml') {
if (substr($filename, -4) !== '.xml') {
$xmllang = substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - 4);
echo "Processing $xmllang ...\n";
if (array_key_exists($xmllang, $langconversion)) {
$lang = $langconversion[$xmllang];
if (empty($lang)) {
echo " Ignoring: $xmllang\n";
} else {
echo " Mapped to: $lang\n";
} else {
$lang = $xmllang;
$langfile = "$targetlangdir/$lang/editor_tinymce.php";
if (!file_exists(dirname($langfile))) {
mkdir(dirname($langfile), 0755, true);
if (file_exists($langfile)) {
$parsed = editor_tinymce_parse_xml_lang("$tempdir/$xmlfile");
if (!$handle = fopen($langfile, 'w')) {
echo "*** Cannot write to $langfile !!\n";
fwrite($handle, "<?php\n\n// upload this file into the AMOS stage, rebase the stage, review the changes and commit\n");
foreach ($parsed as $key=>$value) {
fwrite($handle, editor_tinymce_encode_stringline($key, $value));
die("\nFinished update of EN lang pack (other langs have to be imported via AMOS)\n\n");
/// ============ Utility functions ========================
function editor_tinymce_encode_stringline($key, $value) {
return "\$string['$key'] = ".var_export($value, true).";\n";
function editor_tinymce_encode_stringline($key, $value, $commentedout=false) {
$return = "\$string['$key'] = ".var_export($value, true).";";
if ($commentedout) {
$return = "/* $return */";
return $return."\n";
function editor_tinymce_parse_xml_lang($file) {
$result = array();
function editor_tinymce_get_all_strings() {
$sm = get_string_manager();
return $sm->load_component_strings('editor_tinymce', 'en', true, true);
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$groups = $doc->getElementsByTagName('group');
foreach($groups as $group) {
$section = $group->getAttribute('target');
$items = $group->getElementsByTagName('item');
foreach($items as $item) {
$name = $item->getAttribute('name');
$value = $item->textContent;
//undo quoted stuff
$value = str_replace('\n', "\n", $value);
$value = str_replace('\'', "'", $value);
$value = str_replace('\\\\', '\\', $value);
$result["$section:$name"] = $value;
function editor_tinymce_parse_js_files() {
global $CFG;
$editor = get_texteditor('tinymce');
$basedir = "$CFG->libdir/editor/tinymce/tiny_mce/$editor->version";
$files = array();
$strings = array();
$files['simple'] = "$basedir/themes/simple/langs/en.js";
$files['advanced'] = "$basedir/themes/advanced/langs/en.js";
$files['advanced_dlg'] = "$basedir/themes/advanced/langs/en_dlg.js";
$items = new DirectoryIterator("$basedir/plugins/");
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item->isDot() or !$item->isDir()) {
$plugin = $item->getFilename();
if ($plugin === 'example') {
if (file_exists("$basedir/plugins/$plugin/langs/en.js")) {
$files[$plugin] = "$basedir/plugins/$plugin/langs/en.js";
if (file_exists("$basedir/plugins/$plugin/langs/en_dlg.js")) {
$files[$plugin.'_dlg'] = "$basedir/plugins/$plugin/langs/en_dlg.js";
// It would be too easy if TinyMCE used standard JSON in lang files...
// Core upstream pack.
$content = file_get_contents("$basedir/langs/en.js");
$content = trim($content);
$content = preg_replace("/^tinyMCE.addI18n\(\{en:/", '', $content);
$content = preg_replace("/\}\);$/", '', $content);
$content = preg_replace("/([\{,])([a-zA-Z0-9_]+):/", '$1"$2":', $content);
$content = preg_replace("/:'([^']*)'/", ':"$1"', $content);
$content = str_replace("\\'", "'", $content);
$maindata = json_decode($content, true);
if (is_null($maindata) or json_last_error() != 0) {
echo "error processing main lang file\n";
echo $content."\n\n";
foreach($maindata as $component=>$data) {
foreach ($data as $key=>$value) {
if ($component === 'colors') {
$key = strtolower($key);
$strings["$component:$key"] = $value;
return $result;
function editor_tinymce_get_all_strings($lang) {
$sm = get_string_manager();
return $sm->load_component_strings('editor_tinymce', $lang);
// Upstream plugins.
foreach($files as $plugin=>$path) {
$content = file_get_contents($path);
$content = trim($content);
$content = preg_replace("/^tinyMCE\.addI18n\('en\.[a-z09_]*',\s*/", '', $content);
$content = preg_replace("/\);$/", '', $content);
$content = preg_replace('/(\{|"\s*,)\s*([a-z0-9_]+)\s*:\s*"/m', '$1"$2":"', $content);
$content = str_replace("\\'", "'", $content);
$data = json_decode($content, true);
if (is_null($data) or json_last_error() != 0) {
echo "error processing $path lang file\n";
echo $content."\n\n";
foreach ($data as $key=>$value) {
if ($key === '_empty_') {
$strings["$plugin:$key"] = $value;
return $strings;
@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Strings for component 'editor_tinymce', language 'en'
* Strings for component 'editor_tinymce', language 'en'.
* Note: use editor/tinymce/extra/tools/update_lang_files.php script to import strings from upstream JS lang files.
* @package editor_tinymce
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
@ -25,12 +27,9 @@
//== Custom Moodle strings that are not part of upstream TinyMCE ==
$string['availablebuttons'] = 'Available buttons';
$string['common:browseimage'] = 'Find or upload an image...';
$string['common:browsemedia'] = 'Find or upload a sound, video or applet...';
$string['customtoolbar'] = 'Editor toolbar';
$string['customtoolbar_desc'] = 'Each line contains a list of comma separated button names, use "|" as a group separator, empty lines are ignored. See <a href="{$a}" target="_blank">{$a}</a> for the list of default TinyMCE buttons.';
$string['fontselectlist'] = 'Available fonts list';
$string['media_dlg:filename'] = 'Filename';
$string['pluginname'] = 'TinyMCE HTML editor';
$string['settings'] = 'General settings';
$string['subplugindeleteconfirm'] = 'You are about to completely delete TinyMCE subplugin \'{$a}\'. This will completely delete everything in the database associated with this subplugin. Are you SURE you want to continue?';
@ -44,25 +43,25 @@ $string['advanced:anchor_delta_width'] = '';
$string['advanced:anchor_desc'] = 'Insert/edit anchor';
$string['advanced:backcolor_desc'] = 'Select background color';
$string['advanced:block'] = 'Format';
$string['advanced:blockquote'] = 'Blockquote';
$string['advanced:blockquote_desc'] = 'Blockquote';
$string['advanced:blockquote'] = 'Block quote';
$string['advanced:blockquote_desc'] = 'Block quote';
$string['advanced:bold_desc'] = 'Bold (Ctrl+B)';
$string['advanced:bullist_desc'] = 'Unordered list';
$string['advanced:bullist_desc'] = 'Insert/remove bulleted list';
$string['advanced:charmap_delta_height'] = '';
$string['advanced:charmap_delta_width'] = '';
$string['advanced:charmap_desc'] = 'Insert custom character';
$string['advanced:charmap_desc'] = 'Insert special character';
$string['advanced:cleanup_desc'] = 'Cleanup messy code';
$string['advanced:clipboard_msg'] = 'Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.
$string['advanced:clipboard_msg'] = 'Copy/cut/paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.
Do you want more information about this issue?';
$string['advanced:code'] = 'Code';
$string['advanced:code_desc'] = 'Edit HTML Source';
$string['advanced:code_desc'] = 'Edit HTML source';
$string['advanced:colorpicker_delta_height'] = '';
$string['advanced:colorpicker_delta_width'] = '';
$string['advanced:copy_desc'] = 'Copy';
/* $string['advanced:copy_desc'] = 'Copy (Ctrl+C)'; */
$string['advanced:custom1_desc'] = 'Your custom description here';
$string['advanced:cut_desc'] = 'Cut';
/* $string['advanced:cut_desc'] = 'Cut (Ctrl+X)'; */
$string['advanced:dd'] = 'Definition description';
$string['advanced:div'] = 'Div';
$string['advanced:div'] = 'DIV';
$string['advanced:dt'] = 'Definition term ';
$string['advanced:font_size'] = 'Font size';
$string['advanced:fontdefault'] = 'Font family';
@ -74,12 +73,13 @@ $string['advanced:h4'] = 'Heading 4';
$string['advanced:h5'] = 'Heading 5';
$string['advanced:h6'] = 'Heading 6';
$string['advanced:help_desc'] = 'Help';
$string['advanced:hr_desc'] = 'Insert horizontal ruler';
$string['advanced:help_shortcut'] = 'Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help';
$string['advanced:hr_desc'] = 'Insert horizontal line';
$string['advanced:image_delta_height'] = '';
$string['advanced:image_delta_width'] = '';
$string['advanced:image_desc'] = 'Insert/edit image';
$string['advanced:image_props_desc'] = 'Image properties';
$string['advanced:indent_desc'] = 'Indent';
$string['advanced:indent_desc'] = 'Increase indent';
$string['advanced:italic_desc'] = 'Italic (Ctrl+I)';
$string['advanced:justifycenter_desc'] = 'Align center';
$string['advanced:justifyfull_desc'] = 'Align full';
@ -88,27 +88,31 @@ $string['advanced:justifyright_desc'] = 'Align right';
$string['advanced:link_delta_height'] = '';
$string['advanced:link_delta_width'] = '';
$string['advanced:link_desc'] = 'Insert/edit link';
$string['advanced:more_colors'] = 'More colors';
$string['advanced:more_colors'] = 'More colors...';
$string['advanced:newdocument'] = 'Are you sure you want clear all contents?';
$string['advanced:newdocument_desc'] = 'New document';
$string['advanced:numlist_desc'] = 'Ordered list';
$string['advanced:outdent_desc'] = 'Outdent';
$string['advanced:numlist_desc'] = 'Insert/remove numbered list';
$string['advanced:outdent_desc'] = 'Decrease indent';
$string['advanced:paragraph'] = 'Paragraph';
$string['advanced:paste_desc'] = 'Paste';
/* $string['advanced:paste_desc'] = 'Paste (Ctrl+V)'; */
$string['advanced:path'] = 'Path';
$string['advanced:pre'] = 'Preformatted';
$string['advanced:redo_desc'] = 'Redo (Ctrl+Y)';
$string['advanced:removeformat_desc'] = 'Remove formatting';
$string['advanced:rich_text_area'] = 'Rich text area';
$string['advanced:samp'] = 'Code sample';
/* $string['advanced:shortcuts_desc'] = 'Accessability Help'; */
$string['advanced:striketrough_desc'] = 'Strikethrough';
$string['advanced:style_select'] = 'Styles';
$string['advanced:sub_desc'] = 'Subscript';
$string['advanced:sup_desc'] = 'Superscript';
$string['advanced:toolbar_focus'] = 'Jump to tool buttons - Alt+Q, Jump to editor - Alt-Z, Jump to element path - Alt-X';
$string['advanced:toolbar'] = 'Toolbar';
$string['advanced:toolbar_focus'] = 'Jump to tool buttons - Alt+Q, jump to editor - Alt-Z, jump to element path - Alt-X';
$string['advanced:underline_desc'] = 'Underline (Ctrl+U)';
$string['advanced:undo_desc'] = 'Undo (Ctrl+Z)';
$string['advanced:unlink_desc'] = 'Unlink';
$string['advanced:visualaid_desc'] = 'Toggle guidelines/invisible elements';
$string['advanced:visualaid_desc'] = 'Show/hide guidelines/invisible elements';
$string['advanced_dlg:'] = '';
$string['advanced_dlg:about_author'] = 'Author';
$string['advanced_dlg:about_general'] = 'About';
$string['advanced_dlg:about_help'] = 'Help';
@ -118,10 +122,14 @@ $string['advanced_dlg:about_plugin'] = 'Plugin';
$string['advanced_dlg:about_plugins'] = 'Plugins';
$string['advanced_dlg:about_title'] = 'About TinyMCE';
$string['advanced_dlg:about_version'] = 'Version';
$string['advanced_dlg:accessibility_help'] = 'Accessibility help';
$string['advanced_dlg:accessibility_usage_title'] = 'General usage';
$string['advanced_dlg:anchor_invalid'] = 'Please specify a valid anchor name.';
$string['advanced_dlg:anchor_name'] = 'Anchor name';
$string['advanced_dlg:anchor_title'] = 'Insert/edit anchor';
$string['advanced_dlg:charmap_title'] = 'Select custom character';
$string['advanced_dlg:code_title'] = 'HTML Source Editor';
$string['advanced_dlg:charmap_title'] = 'Select special character';
$string['advanced_dlg:charmap_usage'] = 'Use left and right arrows to navigate.';
$string['advanced_dlg:code_title'] = 'HTML source editor';
$string['advanced_dlg:code_wordwrap'] = 'Word wrap';
$string['advanced_dlg:colorpicker_color'] = 'Color:';
$string['advanced_dlg:colorpicker_name'] = 'Name:';
@ -149,8 +157,9 @@ $string['advanced_dlg:image_list'] = 'Image list';
$string['advanced_dlg:image_src'] = 'Image URL';
$string['advanced_dlg:image_title'] = 'Insert/edit image';
$string['advanced_dlg:image_vspace'] = 'Vertical space';
$string['advanced_dlg:link_is_email'] = 'The URL you entered seems to be an email address, do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?';
$string['advanced_dlg:link_is_external'] = 'The URL you entered seems to external link, do you want to add the required http:// prefix?';
$string['advanced_dlg:invalid_color_value'] = 'Invalid color value';
$string['advanced_dlg:link_is_email'] = 'The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?';
$string['advanced_dlg:link_is_external'] = 'The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:// prefix?';
$string['advanced_dlg:link_list'] = 'Link list';
$string['advanced_dlg:link_target'] = 'Target';
$string['advanced_dlg:link_target_blank'] = 'Open link in a new window';
@ -158,12 +167,14 @@ $string['advanced_dlg:link_target_same'] = 'Open link in the same window';
$string['advanced_dlg:link_title'] = 'Insert/edit link';
$string['advanced_dlg:link_titlefield'] = 'Title';
$string['advanced_dlg:link_url'] = 'Link URL';
$string['advhr:advhr_desc'] = 'Horizontal rule';
$string['advhr:advhr_desc'] = 'Insert horizontal line';
$string['advhr:delta_height'] = '';
$string['advhr:delta_width'] = '';
$string['advhr_dlg:normal'] = 'Normal';
$string['advhr_dlg:noshade'] = 'No shadow';
$string['advhr_dlg:size'] = 'Height';
$string['advhr_dlg:width'] = 'Width';
$string['advhr_dlg:widthunits'] = 'Units';
$string['advimage:delta_height'] = '';
$string['advimage:delta_width'] = '';
$string['advimage:image_desc'] = 'Insert/edit image';
@ -185,8 +196,9 @@ $string['advimage_dlg:dialog_title'] = 'Insert/edit image';
$string['advimage_dlg:dimensions'] = 'Dimensions';
$string['advimage_dlg:example_img'] = 'Appearance preview image';
$string['advimage_dlg:general'] = 'General';
$string['advimage_dlg:height'] = 'Height';
$string['advimage_dlg:hspace'] = 'Horizontal space';
$string['advimage_dlg:id'] = 'Id';
$string['advimage_dlg:id'] = 'ID';
$string['advimage_dlg:image_list'] = 'Image list';
$string['advimage_dlg:langcode'] = 'Language code';
$string['advimage_dlg:langdir'] = 'Language direction';
@ -195,7 +207,7 @@ $string['advimage_dlg:long_desc'] = 'Long description link';
$string['advimage_dlg:ltr'] = 'Left to right';
$string['advimage_dlg:map'] = 'Image map';
$string['advimage_dlg:misc'] = 'Miscellaneous';
$string['advimage_dlg:missing_alt'] = 'Are you sure you want to continue without including an Image Description? Without it the image may not be accessible to some users with disabilities, or to those using a text browser, or browsing the Web with images turned off.';
$string['advimage_dlg:missing_alt'] = 'Are you sure you want to continue without including an image description? Without it the image may not be accessible to some users with disabilities, or to those using a text browser, or browsing the Web with images turned off.';
$string['advimage_dlg:mouseout'] = 'for mouse out';
$string['advimage_dlg:mouseover'] = 'for mouse over';
$string['advimage_dlg:preview'] = 'Preview';
@ -208,10 +220,11 @@ $string['advimage_dlg:tab_appearance'] = 'Appearance';
$string['advimage_dlg:tab_general'] = 'General';
$string['advimage_dlg:title'] = 'Title';
$string['advimage_dlg:vspace'] = 'Vertical space';
$string['advimage_dlg:width'] = 'Width';
$string['advlink:delta_height'] = '';
$string['advlink:delta_width'] = '';
$string['advlink:link_desc'] = 'Insert/edit link';
$string['advlink_dlg:accesskey'] = 'Accesskey';
$string['advlink_dlg:accesskey'] = 'AccessKey';
$string['advlink_dlg:advanced_props'] = 'Advanced properties';
$string['advlink_dlg:advanced_tab'] = 'Advanced';
$string['advlink_dlg:anchor_names'] = 'Anchors';
@ -221,16 +234,17 @@ $string['advlink_dlg:event_props'] = 'Events';
$string['advlink_dlg:events_tab'] = 'Events';
$string['advlink_dlg:general_props'] = 'General properties';
$string['advlink_dlg:general_tab'] = 'General';
$string['advlink_dlg:id'] = 'Id';
$string['advlink_dlg:is_email'] = 'The URL you entered seems to be an email address, do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?';
$string['advlink_dlg:is_external'] = 'The URL you entered seems to external link, do you want to add the required http:// prefix?';
$string['advlink_dlg:height'] = 'Height';
$string['advlink_dlg:id'] = 'ID';
$string['advlink_dlg:is_email'] = 'The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?';
$string['advlink_dlg:is_external'] = 'The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:// prefix?';
$string['advlink_dlg:langcode'] = 'Language code';
$string['advlink_dlg:langdir'] = 'Language direction';
$string['advlink_dlg:link_list'] = 'Link list';
$string['advlink_dlg:list'] = 'Link list';
$string['advlink_dlg:ltr'] = 'Left to right';
$string['advlink_dlg:mime'] = 'Target MIME type';
$string['advlink_dlg:popup'] = 'Javascript popup';
$string['advlink_dlg:popup'] = 'JavaScript popup';
$string['advlink_dlg:popup_dependent'] = 'Dependent (Mozilla/Firefox only)';
$string['advlink_dlg:popup_location'] = 'Show location bar';
$string['advlink_dlg:popup_menubar'] = 'Show menu bar';
@ -250,17 +264,18 @@ $string['advlink_dlg:rel'] = 'Relationship page to target';
$string['advlink_dlg:rev'] = 'Relationship target to page';
$string['advlink_dlg:rtl'] = 'Right to left';
$string['advlink_dlg:style'] = 'Style';
$string['advlink_dlg:tabindex'] = 'Tabindex';
$string['advlink_dlg:tabindex'] = 'TabIndex';
$string['advlink_dlg:target'] = 'Target';
$string['advlink_dlg:target_blank'] = 'Open in new window';
$string['advlink_dlg:target_langcode'] = 'Target language';
$string['advlink_dlg:target_name'] = 'Target name';
$string['advlink_dlg:target_parent'] = 'Open in parent window / frame';
$string['advlink_dlg:target_same'] = 'Open in this window / frame';
$string['advlink_dlg:target_parent'] = 'Open in parent window/frame';
$string['advlink_dlg:target_same'] = 'Open in this window/frame';
$string['advlink_dlg:target_top'] = 'Open in top frame (replaces all frames)';
$string['advlink_dlg:title'] = 'Insert/edit link';
$string['advlink_dlg:titlefield'] = 'Title';
$string['advlink_dlg:url'] = 'Link URL';
$string['advlink_dlg:width'] = 'Width';
$string['advlist:circle'] = 'Circle';
$string['advlist:def'] = 'Default';
$string['advlist:disc'] = 'Disc';
@ -271,26 +286,71 @@ $string['advlist:square'] = 'Square';
$string['advlist:types'] = 'Types';
$string['advlist:upper_alpha'] = 'Upper alpha';
$string['advlist:upper_roman'] = 'Upper roman';
$string['autosave:restore_content'] = 'Restore auto-saved content.';
$string['aria:rich_text_area'] = 'Rich text area';
$string['autosave:restore_content'] = 'Restore auto-saved content';
$string['autosave:unload_msg'] = 'The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page.';
$string['autosave:warning_message'] = 'If you restore the saved content, you will lose all the content that is currently in the editor.
Are you sure you want to restore the saved content?.';
Are you sure you want to restore the saved content?';
$string['colors:000000'] = 'Black';
$string['colors:000080'] = 'Navy blue';
$string['colors:0000ff'] = 'Blue';
$string['colors:003300'] = 'Dark green';
$string['colors:003366'] = 'Dark azure';
$string['colors:008000'] = 'Green';
$string['colors:008080'] = 'Teal';
$string['colors:00ccff'] = 'Sky blue';
$string['colors:00ff00'] = 'Lime';
$string['colors:00ffff'] = 'Aqua';
$string['colors:333300'] = 'Dark olive';
$string['colors:333333'] = 'Very dark gray';
$string['colors:333399'] = 'Indigo';
$string['colors:3366ff'] = 'Royal blue';
$string['colors:339966'] = 'Sea green';
$string['colors:33cccc'] = 'Turquoise';
$string['colors:666699'] = 'Grayish blue';
$string['colors:800000'] = 'Maroon';
$string['colors:800080'] = 'Purple';
$string['colors:808000'] = 'Olive';
$string['colors:808080'] = 'Gray';
$string['colors:993300'] = 'Burnt orange';
$string['colors:993366'] = 'Brown';
$string['colors:999999'] = 'Medium gray';
$string['colors:99cc00'] = 'Yellow green';
$string['colors:99ccff'] = 'Light sky blue';
$string['colors:c0c0c0'] = 'Silver';
$string['colors:cc99ff'] = 'Plum';
$string['colors:ccffcc'] = 'Pale green';
$string['colors:ccffff'] = 'Pale cyan';
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$string['colors:ff00ff'] = 'Magenta';
$string['colors:ff6600'] = 'Orange';
$string['colors:ff9900'] = 'Amber';
$string['colors:ff99cc'] = 'Pink';
$string['colors:ffcc00'] = 'Gold';
$string['colors:ffcc99'] = 'Peach';
$string['colors:ffff00'] = 'Yellow';
$string['colors:ffff99'] = 'Light yellow';
$string['colors:ffffff'] = 'White';
$string['common:apply'] = 'Apply';
$string['common:browse'] = 'Browse';
$string['common:cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$string['common:class_name'] = 'Class';
$string['common:clipboard_msg'] = 'Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.
$string['common:clipboard_msg'] = 'Copy/cut/paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox.
Do you want more information about this issue?';
$string['common:clipboard_no_support'] = 'Currently not supported by your browser, use keyboard shortcuts instead.';
$string['common:close'] = 'Close';
$string['common:edit_confirm'] = 'Do you want to use the WYSIWYG mode for this textarea?';
$string['common:insert'] = 'Insert';
$string['common:invalid_data'] = 'Error: Invalid values entered, these are marked in red.';
$string['common:more_colors'] = 'More colors';
$string['common:invalid_data_min'] = '{#field} must be a number greater than {#min}';
$string['common:invalid_data_number'] = '{#field} must be a number';
$string['common:invalid_data_size'] = '{#field} must be a number or percentage';
$string['common:more_colors'] = 'More colors...';
$string['common:not_set'] = '-- Not set --';
$string['common:popup_blocked'] = 'Sorry, but we have noticed that your popup-blocker has disabled a window that provides application functionality. You will need to disable popup blocking on this site in order to fully utilize this tool.';
$string['common:update'] = 'Update';
$string['common:value'] = '(value)';
$string['contextmenu:align'] = 'Alignment';
$string['contextmenu:center'] = 'Center';
$string['contextmenu:full'] = 'Full';
@ -317,6 +377,7 @@ $string['emotions_dlg:surprised'] = 'Surprised';
$string['emotions_dlg:title'] = 'Insert emotion';
$string['emotions_dlg:tongue_out'] = 'Tongue out';
$string['emotions_dlg:undecided'] = 'Undecided';
$string['emotions_dlg:usage'] = 'Use left and right arrows to navigate.';
$string['emotions_dlg:wink'] = 'Wink';
$string['emotions_dlg:yell'] = 'Yell';
$string['fullpage:delta_height'] = '';
@ -358,8 +419,8 @@ $string['fullpage_dlg:fontsize'] = 'Font size';
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$string['fullpage_dlg:href'] = 'HREF';
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@ -376,7 +437,7 @@ $string['fullpage_dlg:meta_index_follow'] = 'Index and follow the links';
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$string['fullpage_dlg:meta_noindex_follow'] = 'Do not index but follow the links';
$string['fullpage_dlg:meta_noindex_nofollow'] = 'Do not index and don\\\'t follow the links';
$string['fullpage_dlg:meta_noindex_nofollow'] = 'Do not index and don\'t follow the links';
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@ -391,7 +452,7 @@ $string['fullpage_dlg:rev'] = 'Rev';
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$string['fullscreen:desc'] = 'Toggle full screen mode';
$string['iespell:download'] = 'ieSpell not detected. Do you want to install it now?';
$string['iespell:iespell_desc'] = 'Run spell checking';
$string['iespell:iespell_desc'] = 'Check spelling';
$string['insertdatetime:date_fmt'] = '%Y-%m-%d';
$string['insertdatetime:day_long'] = 'Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday';
$string['insertdatetime:day_short'] = 'Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun';
@ -423,7 +484,7 @@ $string['layer:forward_desc'] = 'Move forward';
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$string['media:delta_height'] = '';
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$string['media_dlg:autohref'] = 'Auto HREF';
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@ -455,30 +519,24 @@ $string['media_dlg:correction'] = 'No correction';
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$string['media_dlg:flv_defaultvolume'] = 'Default volumne';
$string['media_dlg:flv_hiddengui'] = 'Hidden GUI';
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$string['media_dlg:flv_options'] = 'Flash video options';
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$string['media_dlg:flv_showscalemodes'] = 'Show scale modes';
$string['media_dlg:flv_smoothvideo'] = 'Smooth video';
$string['media_dlg:flv_startimage'] = 'Start image';
$string['media_dlg:flv_starttime'] = 'Start time';
$string['media_dlg:fullscreen'] = 'Fullscreen';
$string['media_dlg:flashvars'] = 'Flash vars';
$string['media_dlg:fullscreen'] = 'Full screen';
$string['media_dlg:general'] = 'General';
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$string['media_dlg:href'] = 'Href';
$string['media_dlg:href'] = 'HREF';
$string['media_dlg:hspace'] = 'H-Space';
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$string['media_dlg:html5_audio_options'] = 'Audio options';
$string['media_dlg:html5_video_options'] = 'HTML5 video options';
$string['media_dlg:id'] = 'ID';
$string['media_dlg:iframe'] = 'Iframe';
$string['media_dlg:imagestatus'] = 'Image status';
$string['media_dlg:invokeurls'] = 'Invoke URLs';
$string['media_dlg:kioskmode'] = 'Kiosk mode';
@ -489,61 +547,72 @@ $string['media_dlg:maintainaspect'] = 'Maintain aspect';
$string['media_dlg:menu'] = 'Show menu';
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$string['media_dlg:nojava'] = 'No java';
$string['media_dlg:nojava'] = 'No Java';
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$string['media_dlg:playcount'] = 'Play count';
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$string['media_dlg:poster'] = 'Poster';
$string['media_dlg:prefetch'] = 'Prefetch';
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$string['media_dlg:preload_auto'] = 'Let user\'s browser decide';
$string['media_dlg:preload_metadata'] = 'Preload video metadata';
$string['media_dlg:preload_none'] = 'Don\'t preload';
$string['media_dlg:preview'] = 'Preview';
$string['media_dlg:progress'] = 'Progress';
$string['media_dlg:qt_options'] = 'Quicktime options';
$string['media_dlg:qt_stream_warn'] = 'Streamed rtsp resources should be added to the QT Src field under the advanced tab.
You should also add a non streamed version to the Src field..';
$string['media_dlg:qtsrc'] = 'QT Src';
$string['media_dlg:qt_options'] = 'QuickTime options';
$string['media_dlg:qt_stream_warn'] = 'Streamed RTSP resources should be added to the QT source field under the advanced tab.
You should also add a non-streamed version to the source field.';
$string['media_dlg:qtsrc'] = 'QT source';
$string['media_dlg:qtsrcchokespeed'] = 'Choke speed';
$string['media_dlg:quality'] = 'Quality';
$string['media_dlg:quicktime'] = 'QuickTime';
$string['media_dlg:rate'] = 'Rate';
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$string['media_dlg:realmedia'] = 'Real Media';
$string['media_dlg:rmp_options'] = 'Real Media Player options';
$string['media_dlg:salign'] = 'SAlign';
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$string['media_dlg:shockwave_options'] = 'Shockwave options';
$string['media_dlg:shuffle'] = 'Shuffle';
$string['media_dlg:size'] = 'Dimensions';
$string['media_dlg:sound'] = 'Sound';
$string['media_dlg:source'] = 'Source';
$string['media_dlg:starttime'] = 'Start time';
$string['media_dlg:stretchtofit'] = 'Stretch to fit';
$string['media_dlg:swstretchhalign'] = 'Stretch H-Align';
$string['media_dlg:swstretchstyle'] = 'Stretch style';
$string['media_dlg:swstretchstyle'] = 'Stretch Style';
$string['media_dlg:swstretchvalign'] = 'Stretch V-Align';
$string['media_dlg:target'] = 'Target';
$string['media_dlg:targetcache'] = 'Target cache';
$string['media_dlg:title'] = 'Insert / edit embedded media';
$string['media_dlg:title'] = 'Insert/edit embedded media';
$string['media_dlg:type'] = 'Type';
$string['media_dlg:uimode'] = 'UI Mode';
$string['media_dlg:uimode'] = 'UI mode';
$string['media_dlg:video'] = 'HTML5 video';
$string['media_dlg:volume'] = 'Volume';
$string['media_dlg:vspace'] = 'V-Space';
$string['media_dlg:windowlessvideo'] = 'Windowless video';
$string['media_dlg:windowsmedia'] = 'Windows Media';
$string['media_dlg:wmode'] = 'WMode';
$string['media_dlg:wmp_options'] = 'Windows media player options';
$string['media_dlg:wmp_options'] = 'Windows Media Player options';
$string['nonbreaking:nonbreaking_desc'] = 'Insert non-breaking space character';
$string['pagebreak:desc'] = 'Insert page break.';
$string['paste:paste_text_desc'] = 'Paste as Plain Text';
$string['pagebreak:desc'] = 'Insert page break for printing';
$string['paste:paste_text_desc'] = 'Paste as plain Text';
$string['paste:paste_word_desc'] = 'Paste from Word';
$string['paste:plaintext_mode'] = 'Paste is now in plain text mode. Click again to toggle back to regular paste mode.';
$string['paste:plaintext_mode_sticky'] = 'Paste is now in plain text mode. Click again to toggle back to regular paste mode. After you paste something you will be returned to regular paste mode.';
$string['paste:plaintext_mode'] = 'Paste is now in plain text mode. Click again to toggle back to regular paste mode. After you paste something you will be returned to regular paste mode.';
$string['paste:plaintext_mode_stick'] = 'Paste is now in plain text mode. Click again to toggle back to regular paste mode.';
$string['paste:selectall_desc'] = 'Select All';
$string['paste_dlg:text_linebreaks'] = 'Keep linebreaks';
$string['paste_dlg:text_title'] = 'Use CTRL+V on your keyboard to paste the text into the window.';
$string['paste_dlg:word_title'] = 'Use CTRL+V on your keyboard to paste the text into the window.';
$string['paste_dlg:text_title'] = 'Use Ctrl+V on your keyboard to paste the text into the window.';
$string['paste_dlg:word_title'] = 'Use Ctrl+V on your keyboard to paste the text into the window.';
$string['preview:preview_desc'] = 'Preview';
$string['print:print_desc'] = 'Print';
$string['save:cancel_desc'] = 'Cancel all changes';
$string['save:save_desc'] = 'Save';
$string['searchreplace:delta_height'] = '';
$string['searchreplace:delta_width'] = '';
$string['searchreplace:replace_desc'] = 'Find/Replace';
$string['searchreplace:replace_desc'] = 'Find/replace';
$string['searchreplace:search_desc'] = 'Find';
$string['searchreplace_dlg:allreplaced'] = 'All occurrences of the search string were replaced.';
$string['searchreplace_dlg:direction'] = 'Direction';
@ -553,34 +622,36 @@ $string['searchreplace_dlg:findwhat'] = 'Find what';
$string['searchreplace_dlg:mcase'] = 'Match case';
$string['searchreplace_dlg:notfound'] = 'The search has been completed. The search string could not be found.';
$string['searchreplace_dlg:replace'] = 'Replace';
$string['searchreplace_dlg:replace_title'] = 'Find/Replace';
$string['searchreplace_dlg:replace_title'] = 'Find/replace';
$string['searchreplace_dlg:replaceall'] = 'Replace all';
$string['searchreplace_dlg:replacewith'] = 'Replace with';
$string['searchreplace_dlg:search_title'] = 'Find';
$string['searchreplace_dlg:searchnext_desc'] = 'Find again';
$string['searchreplace_dlg:up'] = 'Up';
$string['simple:bold_desc'] = 'Bold (Ctrl+B)';
$string['simple:bullist_desc'] = 'Unordered list';
$string['simple:bullist_desc'] = 'Insert/remove bulleted list';
$string['simple:cleanup_desc'] = 'Cleanup messy code';
$string['simple:italic_desc'] = 'Italic (Ctrl+I)';
$string['simple:numlist_desc'] = 'Ordered list';
$string['simple:numlist_desc'] = 'Insert/remove numbered list';
$string['simple:redo_desc'] = 'Redo (Ctrl+Y)';
$string['simple:striketrough_desc'] = 'Strikethrough';
$string['simple:underline_desc'] = 'Underline (Ctrl+U)';
$string['simple:undo_desc'] = 'Undo (Ctrl+Z)';
$string['spellchecker:desc'] = 'Toggle spellchecker';
$string['spellchecker:desc'] = 'Toggle spell checker';
$string['spellchecker:ignore_word'] = 'Ignore word';
$string['spellchecker:ignore_words'] = 'Ignore all';
$string['spellchecker:langs'] = 'Languages';
$string['spellchecker:menu'] = 'Spellchecker settings';
$string['spellchecker:learn_word'] = 'Learn word';
$string['spellchecker:menu'] = 'Spell checker settings';
$string['spellchecker:no_mpell'] = 'No misspellings found.';
$string['spellchecker:no_sug'] = 'No suggestions';
$string['spellchecker:no_sug'] = 'No Suggestions';
$string['spellchecker:sug'] = 'Suggestions';
$string['spellchecker:wait'] = 'Please wait...';
$string['style:delta_height'] = '';
$string['style:delta_width'] = '';
$string['style:desc'] = 'Edit CSS Style';
$string['style:desc'] = 'Edit CSS style';
$string['style_dlg:apply'] = 'Apply';
$string['style_dlg:background'] = 'Background';
$string['style_dlg:background_attachment'] = 'Attachment';
$string['style_dlg:background_color'] = 'Background color';
$string['style_dlg:background_hpos'] = 'Horizontal position';
@ -588,6 +659,7 @@ $string['style_dlg:background_image'] = 'Background image';
$string['style_dlg:background_repeat'] = 'Repeat';
$string['style_dlg:background_tab'] = 'Background';
$string['style_dlg:background_vpos'] = 'Vertical position';
$string['style_dlg:block'] = 'Block';
$string['style_dlg:block_display'] = 'Display';
$string['style_dlg:block_letterspacing'] = 'Letter spacing';
$string['style_dlg:block_tab'] = 'Block';
@ -596,8 +668,10 @@ $string['style_dlg:block_text_indent'] = 'Text indent';
$string['style_dlg:block_vertical_alignment'] = 'Vertical alignment';
$string['style_dlg:block_whitespace'] = 'Whitespace';
$string['style_dlg:block_wordspacing'] = 'Word spacing';
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$string['style_dlg:box_clear'] = 'Clear';
$string['style_dlg:box_float'] = 'Float';
$string['style_dlg:box_height'] = 'Height';
@ -608,6 +682,7 @@ $string['style_dlg:clip'] = 'Clip';
$string['style_dlg:color'] = 'Color';
$string['style_dlg:height'] = 'Height';
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$string['style_dlg:list'] = 'List';
$string['style_dlg:list_tab'] = 'List';
$string['style_dlg:list_type'] = 'Type';
$string['style_dlg:margin'] = 'Margin';
@ -620,23 +695,25 @@ $string['style_dlg:positioning_type'] = 'Type';
$string['style_dlg:right'] = 'Right';
$string['style_dlg:same'] = 'Same for all';
$string['style_dlg:style'] = 'Style';
$string['style_dlg:text_blink'] = 'blink';
$string['style_dlg:text'] = 'Text';
$string['style_dlg:text_blink'] = 'Blink';
$string['style_dlg:text_case'] = 'Case';
$string['style_dlg:text_color'] = 'Color';
$string['style_dlg:text_decoration'] = 'Decoration';
$string['style_dlg:text_font'] = 'Font';
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$string['style_dlg:text_none'] = 'none';
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$string['style_dlg:text_none'] = 'None';
$string['style_dlg:text_overline'] = 'Overline';
$string['style_dlg:text_props'] = 'Text';
$string['style_dlg:text_size'] = 'Size';
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$string['style_dlg:text_striketrough'] = 'Strikethrough';
$string['style_dlg:text_style'] = 'Style';
$string['style_dlg:text_tab'] = 'Text';
$string['style_dlg:text_underline'] = 'underline';
$string['style_dlg:text_underline'] = 'Underline';
$string['style_dlg:text_variant'] = 'Variant';
$string['style_dlg:text_weight'] = 'Weight';
$string['style_dlg:title'] = 'Edit CSS Style';
$string['style_dlg:title'] = 'Edit CSS style';
$string['style_dlg:toggle_insert_span'] = 'Insert span at selection';
$string['style_dlg:top'] = 'Top';
$string['style_dlg:visibility'] = 'Visibility';
$string['style_dlg:width'] = 'Width';
@ -650,10 +727,10 @@ $string['table:col_after_desc'] = 'Insert column after';
$string['table:col_before_desc'] = 'Insert column before';
$string['table:copy_row_desc'] = 'Copy table row';
$string['table:cut_row_desc'] = 'Cut table row';
$string['table:del'] = 'Delete table';
$string['table:delete_col_desc'] = 'Remove column';
$string['table:del'] = 'Delete Table';
$string['table:delete_col_desc'] = 'Delete column';
$string['table:delete_row_desc'] = 'Delete row';
$string['table:desc'] = 'Inserts a new table';
$string['table:desc'] = 'Insert/edit table';
$string['table:merge_cells_delta_height'] = '';
$string['table:merge_cells_delta_width'] = '';
$string['table:merge_cells_desc'] = 'Merge table cells';
@ -685,15 +762,16 @@ $string['table_dlg:bordercolor'] = 'Border color';
$string['table_dlg:caption'] = 'Table caption';
$string['table_dlg:cell_all'] = 'Update all cells in table';
$string['table_dlg:cell_cell'] = 'Update current cell';
$string['table_dlg:cell_col'] = 'Update all cells in column';
$string['table_dlg:cell_limit'] = 'You\'ve exceeded the maximum number of cells of {$cells}.';
$string['table_dlg:cell_row'] = 'Update all cells in row';
$string['table_dlg:cell_title'] = 'Table cell properties';
$string['table_dlg:cell_type'] = 'Cell type';
$string['table_dlg:cellpadding'] = 'Cellpadding';
$string['table_dlg:cellspacing'] = 'Cellspacing';
$string['table_dlg:cellpadding'] = 'Cell padding';
$string['table_dlg:cellspacing'] = 'Cell spacing';
$string['table_dlg:col_limit'] = 'You\'ve exceeded the maximum number of columns of {$cols}.';
$string['table_dlg:colgroup'] = 'Col Group';
$string['table_dlg:cols'] = 'Cols';
$string['table_dlg:colgroup'] = 'Col group';
$string['table_dlg:cols'] = 'Columns';
$string['table_dlg:frame'] = 'Frame';
$string['table_dlg:frame_all'] = 'all';
$string['table_dlg:frame_cols'] = 'cols';
@ -703,7 +781,7 @@ $string['table_dlg:frame_rows'] = 'rows';
$string['table_dlg:general_props'] = 'General properties';
$string['table_dlg:general_tab'] = 'General';
$string['table_dlg:height'] = 'Height';
$string['table_dlg:id'] = 'Id';
$string['table_dlg:id'] = 'ID';
$string['table_dlg:langcode'] = 'Language code';
$string['table_dlg:langdir'] = 'Language direction';
$string['table_dlg:ltr'] = 'Left to right';
@ -716,9 +794,9 @@ $string['table_dlg:row_limit'] = 'You\'ve exceeded the maximum number of rows of
$string['table_dlg:row_odd'] = 'Update odd rows in table';
$string['table_dlg:row_row'] = 'Update current row';
$string['table_dlg:row_title'] = 'Table row properties';
$string['table_dlg:rowgroup'] = 'Row Group';
$string['table_dlg:rowgroup'] = 'Row group';
$string['table_dlg:rows'] = 'Rows';
$string['table_dlg:rowtype'] = 'Row in table part';
$string['table_dlg:rowtype'] = 'Row type';
$string['table_dlg:rtl'] = 'Right to left';
$string['table_dlg:rules'] = 'Rules';
$string['table_dlg:rules_above'] = 'above';
@ -733,12 +811,12 @@ $string['table_dlg:rules_vsides'] = 'vsides';
$string['table_dlg:scope'] = 'Scope';
$string['table_dlg:style'] = 'Style';
$string['table_dlg:summary'] = 'Summary';
$string['table_dlg:tbody'] = 'Table Body';
$string['table_dlg:tbody'] = 'Body';
$string['table_dlg:td'] = 'Data';
$string['table_dlg:tfoot'] = 'Table Foot';
$string['table_dlg:tfoot'] = 'Footer';
$string['table_dlg:th'] = 'Header';
$string['table_dlg:thead'] = 'Table Head';
$string['table_dlg:title'] = 'Insert/Modify table';
$string['table_dlg:thead'] = 'Header';
$string['table_dlg:title'] = 'Insert/edit table';
$string['table_dlg:valign'] = 'Vertical alignment';
$string['table_dlg:width'] = 'Width';
$string['template:desc'] = 'Insert predefined template content';
@ -755,7 +833,9 @@ $string['template_dlg:preview'] = 'Preview';
$string['template_dlg:select'] = 'Select a template';
$string['template_dlg:title'] = 'Templates';
$string['template_dlg:warning'] = 'Warning: Updating a template with a different one may cause data loss.';
$string['visualchars:desc'] = 'Visual control characters on/off.';
$string['visualblocks:desc'] = 'Show/hide block elements';
$string['visualchars:desc'] = 'Show/hide visual control characters';
$string['wordcount:words'] = 'Words:';
$string['xhtmlxtras:abbr_delta_height'] = '';
$string['xhtmlxtras:abbr_delta_width'] = '';
$string['xhtmlxtras:abbr_desc'] = 'Abbreviation';
@ -764,7 +844,7 @@ $string['xhtmlxtras:acronym_delta_width'] = '';
$string['xhtmlxtras:acronym_desc'] = 'Acronym';
$string['xhtmlxtras:attribs_delta_height'] = '';
$string['xhtmlxtras:attribs_delta_width'] = '';
$string['xhtmlxtras:attribs_desc'] = 'Insert/Edit Attributes';
$string['xhtmlxtras:attribs_desc'] = 'Insert/edit attributes';
$string['xhtmlxtras:cite_delta_height'] = '';
$string['xhtmlxtras:cite_delta_width'] = '';
$string['xhtmlxtras:cite_desc'] = 'Citation';
@ -775,32 +855,39 @@ $string['xhtmlxtras:ins_delta_height'] = '';
$string['xhtmlxtras:ins_delta_width'] = '';
$string['xhtmlxtras:ins_desc'] = 'Insertion';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attrib_tab'] = 'Attributes';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribs_title'] = 'Insert/Edit Attributes';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribs_title'] = 'Insert/edit attributes';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_attrib_tab'] = 'Attributes';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_events_tab'] = 'Events';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_label_accesskey'] = 'AccessKey';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_label_cite'] = 'Cite';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_label_class'] = 'Class';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_label_datetime'] = 'Date/Time';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_label_datetime'] = 'Date/time';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_label_id'] = 'ID';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_label_langcode'] = 'Language';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_label_langdir'] = 'Text Direction';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_label_langdir'] = 'Text direction';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_label_style'] = 'Style';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_label_tabindex'] = 'TabIndex';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_label_title'] = 'Title';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_option_ltr'] = 'Left to right';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:attribute_option_rtl'] = 'Right to left';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:events_tab'] = 'Events';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:fieldset_attrib_tab'] = 'Element Attributes';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:fieldset_events_tab'] = 'Element Events';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:fieldset_general_tab'] = 'General Settings';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:fieldset_attrib_tab'] = 'Element attributes';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:fieldset_events_tab'] = 'Element events';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:fieldset_general_tab'] = 'General settings';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:general_tab'] = 'General';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:insert_date'] = 'Insert current date/time';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:option_ltr'] = 'Left to right';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:option_rtl'] = 'Right to left';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:remove'] = 'Remove';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:title_abbr_element'] = 'Abbreviation Element';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:title_acronym_element'] = 'Acronym Element';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:title_cite_element'] = 'Citation Element';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:title_del_element'] = 'Deletion Element';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:title_ins_element'] = 'Insertion Element';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:title_abbr_element'] = 'Abbreviation element';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:title_acronym_element'] = 'Acronym element';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:title_cite_element'] = 'Citation element';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:title_del_element'] = 'Deletion element';
$string['xhtmlxtras_dlg:title_ins_element'] = 'Insertion element';
// == Our modifications or upstream changes ==
$string['advanced:copy_desc'] = 'Copy';
$string['advanced:cut_desc'] = 'Cut';
$string['advanced:paste_desc'] = 'Paste';
$string['advanced:shortcuts_desc'] = 'Accessibility help';
@ -24,4 +24,5 @@
$string['pluginname'] = 'Insert image';
/* This plugin abuses strings from the standard TinyMCE advimage plugin, there is no need to duplicate them here. */
/* This plugin abuses strings from the standard TinyMCE advimage plugin, there is no need to duplicate them here. */
$string['moodleimage:browseimage'] = 'Find or upload an image...';
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
return "";
html = '<a class="moodlebutton" id="' + id + '_link" href="javascript:openBrowser(\'' + id + '\',\'' + target_form_element + '\', \'' + type + '\',\'' + option + '\');" onmousedown="return false;">';
html += '<span id="' + id + '">' + tinyMCEPopup.getLang('browseimage') + '</span>';
html += '<span id="' + id + '">' + tinyMCEPopup.getLang('moodleimage.browseimage') + '</span>';
html += '</a>';
return html;
@ -26,4 +26,5 @@ $string['nopreview'] = 'Can not preview media.';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Insert media';
/* All lang strings used from TinyMCE JavaScript code must be named 'pluginname:stringname', no need to create langs/en_dlg.js */
$string['moodlemedia:browsemedia'] = 'Find or upload a sound, video or applet...';
$string['moodlemedia:desc'] = 'Insert Moodle media';
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
return "";
html = '<a class="moodlebutton" id="' + id + '_link" href="javascript:openBrowser(\'' + id + '\',\'' + target_form_element + '\', \'' + type + '\',\'' + option + '\');" onmousedown="return false;">';
html += '<span id="' + id + '">' + tinyMCEPopup.getLang('browsemedia') + '</span>';
html += '<span id="' + id + '">' + tinyMCEPopup.getLang('moodlemedia.browsemedia') + '</span>';
html += '</a>';
return html;
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