MDL-19932 First drafts of Rubric strategy

Assessment form editing should work
This commit is contained in:
David Mudrak 2010-01-04 18:15:38 +00:00
parent 6cbc6c5d9a
commit a84cc57f26
5 changed files with 424 additions and 334 deletions

View File

@ -25,9 +25,6 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
define('WORKSHOPFORM_MINDIMS', 3); // default number of dimensions to show
define('WORKSHOP_STRATEGY_ADDDIMS', 2); // number of dimensions to add
* Strategy interface defines all methods that strategy subplugins has to implement

View File

@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/lib.php'); // module library
require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/edit_form.php'); // parent class definition
@ -35,6 +34,9 @@ require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/edit_form.php'); // parent class de
class workshop_edit_rubric_strategy_form extends workshop_edit_strategy_form {
const MINLEVELS = 4;
const ADDLEVELS = 2;
* Define the elements to be displayed at the form
@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ class workshop_edit_rubric_strategy_form extends workshop_edit_strategy_form {
protected function definition_inner(&$mform) {
$norepeats = $this->_customdata['norepeats']; // number of dimensions to display
$addlevels = $this->_customdata['addlevels']; // additional levels required
$descriptionopts = $this->_customdata['descriptionopts']; // wysiwyg fields options
$current = $this->_customdata['current']; // current data to be set
@ -52,26 +55,50 @@ class workshop_edit_rubric_strategy_form extends workshop_edit_strategy_form {
// value not to be overridden by submitted value
$mform->setConstants(array('norepeats' => $norepeats));
$weights = workshop_get_dimension_weights();
$levelgrades = array();
for ($i = 100; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$levelgrades[$i] = $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < $norepeats; $i++) {
$mform->addElement('header', 'dimension'.$i, get_string('dimensionnumber', 'workshopform_rubric', $i+1));
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'dimensionid__idx_'.$i);
$mform->addElement('editor', 'description__idx_'.$i.'_editor',
get_string('dimensiondescription', 'workshopform_rubric'), '', $descriptionopts);
// todo replace modgrade with an advanced element (usability issue discussed with Olli)
$mform->addElement('modgrade', 'grade__idx_'.$i,
get_string('dimensionmaxgrade','workshopform_rubric'), null, true);
$mform->setDefault('grade__idx_'.$i, 10);
$mform->addElement('select', 'weight__idx_'.$i,
get_string('dimensionweight', 'workshopform_rubric'), $weights);
$mform->setDefault('weight__idx_'.$i, 1);
if (isset($current->{'numoflevels__idx_' . $i})) {
$numoflevels = max($current->{'numoflevels__idx_' . $i} + self::ADDLEVELS, self::MINLEVELS);
} else {
$numoflevels = self::MINLEVELS;
$prevlevel = 0;
for ($j = 0; $j < $numoflevels; $j++) {
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'levelid__idx_' . $i . '__idy_' . $j);
$levelgrp = array();
$levelgrp[] = $mform->createElement('select', 'grade__idx_'.$i.'__idy_'.$j,'', $levelgrades);
$levelgrp[] = $mform->createElement('textarea', 'definition__idx_'.$i.'__idy_'.$j, '', array('cols' => 60, 'rows' => 3));
$mform->addGroup($levelgrp, 'level__idx_'.$i.'__idy_'.$j, get_string('levelgroup', 'workshopform_rubric'), array(' '), false);
$mform->setDefault('grade__idx_'.$i.'__idy_'.$j, $prevlevel + 1);
if (isset($current->{'grade__idx_'.$i.'__idy_'.$j})) {
$prevlevel = $current->{'grade__idx_'.$i.'__idy_'.$j};
} else {
$mform->addElement('submit', 'noadddims', get_string('addmoredimensions', 'workshopform_rubric',
$mform->addElement('submit', 'adddims', get_string('addmoredimensions', 'workshopform_rubric',
$mform->addElement('header', 'configheader', get_string('configuration', 'workshopform_rubric'));
$layoutgrp = array();
$layoutgrp[] = $mform->createElement('radio', 'config_layout', '',
get_string('layoutlist', 'workshopform_rubric'), 'list');
$layoutgrp[] = $mform->createElement('radio', 'config_layout', '',
get_string('layoutgrid', 'workshopform_rubric'), 'grid');
$mform->addGroup($layoutgrp, 'layoutgrp', get_string('layout', 'workshopform_rubric'), array('<br />'), false);
$mform->setDefault('config_layout', 'list');

View File

@ -25,4 +25,12 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
$string['addmoredimensions'] = 'Blanks for $a more criteria';
$string['configuration'] = 'Rubric configuration';
$string['dimensiondescription'] = 'Description';
$string['dimensionnumber'] = 'Criterion $a';
$string['layoutgrid'] = 'Grid';
$string['layoutlist'] = 'List';
$string['layout'] = 'Rubric layout';
$string['levelgroup'] = 'Level grade and definition';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Rubric';

View File

@ -66,348 +66,390 @@ class workshop_rubric_strategy implements workshop_strategy {
$this->config = $this->load_config();
$this->descriptionopts = array('trusttext' => true, 'subdirs' => false, 'maxfiles' => -1);
$this->definitionopts = array('trusttext' => true, 'subdirs' => false, 'maxfiles' => -1);
print_object($this->config); die(); // DONOTCOMMIT
* Factory method returning an instance of an assessment form editor class
* @param $actionurl URL of form handler, defaults to auto detect the current url
public function get_edit_strategy_form($actionurl=null) {
global $CFG; // needed because the included files use it
global $PAGE;
* Factory method returning an instance of an assessment form editor class
* @param $actionurl URL of form handler, defaults to auto detect the current url
public function get_edit_strategy_form($actionurl=null) {
global $CFG; // needed because the included files use it
global $DB;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/edit_form.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/edit_form.php');
$fields = $this->prepare_form_fields($this->dimensions);
$nodimensions = count($this->dimensions);
$norepeatsdefault = max($nodimensions + self::ADDDIMS, self::MINDIMS);
$norepeats = optional_param('norepeats', $norepeatsdefault, PARAM_INT); // number of dimensions
$noadddims = optional_param('noadddims', '', PARAM_ALPHA); // shall we add more?
if ($noadddims) {
$norepeats += self::ADDDIMS;
$fields = $this->prepare_form_fields($this->dimensions);
$fields->config_layout = $DB->get_field('workshopform_rubric_config', 'layout', array('workshopid' => $this->workshop->id));
// prepare the embeded files
for ($i = 0; $i < $nodimensions; $i++) {
// prepare all editor elements
$fields = file_prepare_standard_editor($fields, 'description__idx_'.$i, $this->descriptionopts,
$PAGE->context, 'workshop_dimension_description', $fields->{'dimensionid__idx_'.$i});
$nodimensions = count($this->dimensions);
$norepeatsdefault = max($nodimensions + self::ADDDIMS, self::MINDIMS);
$norepeats = optional_param('norepeats', $norepeatsdefault, PARAM_INT); // number of dimensions
$adddims = optional_param('adddims', '', PARAM_ALPHA); // shall we add more dimensions?
$addlevels = optional_param('addlevels', '', PARAM_ALPHA); // shall we add more dimensions?
if ($adddims) {
$norepeats += self::ADDDIMS;
$addlevels = (bool)$addlevels; // string to boolean
$customdata = array();
$customdata['workshop'] = $this->workshop;
$customdata['strategy'] = $this;
$customdata['norepeats'] = $norepeats;
$customdata['descriptionopts'] = $this->descriptionopts;
$customdata['current'] = $fields;
$attributes = array('class' => 'editstrategyform');
return new workshop_edit_rubric_strategy_form($actionurl, $customdata, 'post', '', $attributes);
// prepare the embeded files
for ($i = 0; $i < $nodimensions; $i++) {
// prepare all editor elements
$fields = file_prepare_standard_editor($fields, 'description__idx_'.$i, $this->descriptionopts,
$this->workshop->context, 'workshopform_rubric_description', $fields->{'dimensionid__idx_'.$i});
* Save the assessment dimensions into database
* Saves data into the main strategy form table. If the record->id is null or zero,
* new record is created. If the record->id is not empty, the existing record is updated. Records with
* empty 'description' field are removed from database.
* The passed data object are the raw data returned by the get_data().
* @uses $DB
* @param stdClass $data Raw data returned by the dimension editor form
* @return void
public function save_edit_strategy_form(stdClass $data) {
global $DB, $PAGE;
$customdata = array();
$customdata['workshop'] = $this->workshop;
$customdata['strategy'] = $this;
$customdata['norepeats'] = $norepeats;
$customdata['addlevels'] = $addlevels;
$customdata['descriptionopts'] = $this->descriptionopts;
$customdata['current'] = $fields;
$attributes = array('class' => 'editstrategyform');
$workshopid = $data->workshopid;
$norepeats = $data->norepeats;
return new workshop_edit_rubric_strategy_form($actionurl, $customdata, 'post', '', $attributes);
$data = $this->prepare_database_fields($data);
$records = $data->rubric; // records to be saved into {workshopform_rubric}
$todelete = array(); // dimension ids to be deleted
* Save the assessment dimensions into database
* Saves data into the main strategy form table. If the record->id is null or zero,
* new record is created. If the record->id is not empty, the existing record is updated. Records with
* empty 'description' field are removed from database.
* The passed data object are the raw data returned by the get_data().
* @uses $DB
* @param stdClass $data Raw data returned by the dimension editor form
* @return void
public function save_edit_strategy_form(stdClass $data) {
global $DB;
for ($i=0; $i < $norepeats; $i++) {
$record = $records[$i];
if (empty($record->description_editor['text'])) {
if (!empty($record->id)) {
// existing record with empty description - to be deleted
$todelete[] = $record->id;
$norepeats = $data->norepeats;
$layout = $data->config_layout;
$data = $this->prepare_database_fields($data);
$deletedims = array(); // dimension ids to be deleted
$deletelevs = array(); // level ids to be deleted
if ($DB->record_exists('workshopform_rubric_config', array('workshopid' => $this->workshop->id))) {
$DB->set_field('workshopform_rubric_config', 'layout', $layout, array('workshopid' => $this->workshop->id));
} else {
$record = new stdClass();
$record->workshopid = $this->workshop->id;
$record->layout = $layout;
$DB->insert_record('workshopform_rubric_config', $record, false);
foreach ($data as $record) {
if (0 == strlen(trim($record->description_editor['text']))) {
if (!empty($record->id)) {
// existing record with empty description - to be deleted
$deletedims[] = $record->id;
foreach ($record->levels as $level) {
if (!empty($level->id)) {
$deletelevs[] = $level->id;
if (empty($record->id)) {
// new field
$record->id = $DB->insert_record('workshopform_rubric', $record);
} else {
// exiting field
$DB->update_record('workshopform_rubric', $record);
// re-save with correct path to embeded media files
$record = file_postupdate_standard_editor($record, 'description', $this->descriptionopts,
$this->workshop->context, 'workshopform_rubric_description', $record->id);
$DB->update_record('workshopform_rubric', $record);
// create/update the criterion levels
foreach ($record->levels as $level) {
$level->dimensionid = $record->id;
if (0 == strlen(trim($level->definition))) {
if (!empty($level->id)) {
$deletelevs[] = $level->id;
if (empty($record->id)) {
if (empty($level->id)) {
// new field
$record->id = $DB->insert_record('workshopform_rubric', $record);
$level->id = $DB->insert_record('workshopform_rubric_levels', $level);
} else {
// exiting field
$DB->update_record('workshopform_rubric', $record);
$DB->update_record('workshopform_rubric_levels', $level);
// re-save with correct path to embeded media files
$record = file_postupdate_standard_editor($record, 'description', $this->descriptionopts,
$PAGE->context, 'workshopform_rubric_description', $record->id);
$DB->update_record('workshopform_rubric', $record);
$DB->delete_records_list('workshopform_rubric_levels', 'id', $deletelevs);
* Factory method returning an instance of an assessment form
* @param moodle_url $actionurl URL of form handler, defaults to auto detect the current url
* @param string $mode Mode to open the form in: preview/assessment
public function get_assessment_form(moodle_url $actionurl=null, $mode='preview', stdClass $assessment=null) {
global $CFG; // needed because the included files use it
global $DB;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/assessment_form.php');
$fields = $this->prepare_form_fields($this->dimensions);
$nodimensions = count($this->dimensions);
// rewrite URLs to the embeded files
for ($i = 0; $i < $nodimensions; $i++) {
$fields->{'description__idx_'.$i} = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($fields->{'description__idx_'.$i},
'pluginfile.php', $this->workshop->context->id, 'workshopform_rubric_description', $fields->{'dimensionid__idx_'.$i});
* Factory method returning an instance of an assessment form
* @param moodle_url $actionurl URL of form handler, defaults to auto detect the current url
* @param string $mode Mode to open the form in: preview/assessment
public function get_assessment_form(moodle_url $actionurl=null, $mode='preview', stdClass $assessment=null) {
global $CFG; // needed because the included files use it
global $PAGE;
global $DB;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/assessment_form.php');
$fields = $this->prepare_form_fields($this->dimensions);
$nodimensions = count($this->dimensions);
// rewrite URLs to the embeded files
if ('assessment' === $mode and !empty($assessment)) {
// load the previously saved assessment data
$grades = $this->get_current_assessment_data($assessment);
$current = new stdClass();
for ($i = 0; $i < $nodimensions; $i++) {
$fields->{'description__idx_'.$i} = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($fields->{'description__idx_'.$i},
'pluginfile.php', $PAGE->context->id, 'workshopform_rubric_description', $fields->{'dimensionid__idx_'.$i});
if ('assessment' === $mode and !empty($assessment)) {
// load the previously saved assessment data
$grades = $this->get_current_assessment_data($assessment);
$current = new stdClass();
for ($i = 0; $i < $nodimensions; $i++) {
$dimid = $fields->{'dimensionid__idx_'.$i};
if (isset($grades[$dimid])) {
$current->{'gradeid__idx_'.$i} = $grades[$dimid]->id;
$current->{'grade__idx_'.$i} = $grades[$dimid]->grade;
$current->{'peercomment__idx_'.$i} = $grades[$dimid]->peercomment;
$dimid = $fields->{'dimensionid__idx_'.$i};
if (isset($grades[$dimid])) {
$current->{'gradeid__idx_'.$i} = $grades[$dimid]->id;
$current->{'grade__idx_'.$i} = $grades[$dimid]->grade;
$current->{'peercomment__idx_'.$i} = $grades[$dimid]->peercomment;
// set up the required custom data common for all strategies
$customdata['strategy'] = $this;
$customdata['workshop'] = $this->workshop;
$customdata['mode'] = $mode;
// set up strategy-specific custom data
$customdata['nodims'] = $nodimensions;
$customdata['fields'] = $fields;
$customdata['current'] = isset($current) ? $current : null;
$attributes = array('class' => 'assessmentform rubric');
return new workshop_rubric_assessment_form($actionurl, $customdata, 'post', '', $attributes);
* Saves the filled assessment
* This method processes data submitted using the form returned by {@link get_assessment_form()}
* @param stdClass $assessment Assessment being filled
* @param stdClass $data Raw data as returned by the assessment form
* @return float|null Raw grade (0.00000 to 100.00000) for submission as suggested by the peer
public function save_assessment(stdClass $assessment, stdClass $data) {
global $DB;
// set up the required custom data common for all strategies
$customdata['strategy'] = $this;
$customdata['workshop'] = $this->workshop;
$customdata['mode'] = $mode;
if (!isset($data->nodims)) {
throw coding_expection('You did not send me the number of assessment dimensions to process');
for ($i = 0; $i < $data->nodims; $i++) {
$grade = new stdClass();
$grade->id = $data->{'gradeid__idx_' . $i};
$grade->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$grade->strategy = 'rubric';
$grade->dimensionid = $data->{'dimensionid__idx_' . $i};
$grade->grade = $data->{'grade__idx_' . $i};
$grade->peercomment = $data->{'peercomment__idx_' . $i};
$grade->peercommentformat = FORMAT_MOODLE;
if (empty($grade->id)) {
// new grade
$grade->id = $DB->insert_record('workshop_grades', $grade);
} else {
// updated grade
$DB->update_record('workshop_grades', $grade);
return $this->update_peer_grade($assessment);
// set up strategy-specific custom data
$customdata['nodims'] = $nodimensions;
$customdata['fields'] = $fields;
$customdata['current'] = isset($current) ? $current : null;
$attributes = array('class' => 'assessmentform rubric');
return new workshop_rubric_assessment_form($actionurl, $customdata, 'post', '', $attributes);
* Saves the filled assessment
* This method processes data submitted using the form returned by {@link get_assessment_form()}
* @param stdClass $assessment Assessment being filled
* @param stdClass $data Raw data as returned by the assessment form
* @return float|null Raw grade (0.00000 to 100.00000) for submission as suggested by the peer
public function save_assessment(stdClass $assessment, stdClass $data) {
global $DB;
if (!isset($data->nodims)) {
throw coding_expection('You did not send me the number of assessment dimensions to process');
* Has the assessment form been defined and is ready to be used by the reviewers?
* @return boolean
public function form_ready() {
if (count($this->dimensions) > 0) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if the given evaluation method is supported by this strategy
* To support an evaluation method, the strategy subplugin must usually implement some
* required public methods. In theory, this is what interfaces should be used for.
* Unfortunatelly, we can't extend "implements" declaration as the interface must
* be known to the PHP interpret. So we can't declare implementation of a non-installed
* evaluation subplugin.
* @param workshop_evaluation $evaluation the instance of grading evaluation class
* @return bool true if the evaluation method is supported, false otherwise
public function supports_evaluation(workshop_evaluation $evaluation) {
if (is_a($evaluation, 'workshop_best_evaluation')) {
return true;
// all other evaluation methods are not supported yet
return false;
// Methods required by the 'best' evaluation plugin //
* @param resource $restrict
* @return TODO
public function eval_best_get_assessments_recordset($restrict) {
global $DB;
$sql = 'SELECT AS submissionid, AS assessmentid, a.weight AS assessmentweight, a.reviewerid, a.gradinggrade,
g.dimensionid, g.grade
FROM {workshop_submissions} s
JOIN {workshop_assessments} a ON (a.submissionid =
JOIN {workshop_grades} g ON (g.assessmentid = AND g.strategy = :strategy)
WHERE s.example=0 AND s.workshopid=:workshopid'; // to be cont.
$params = array('workshopid' => $this->workshop->id, 'strategy' => $this->workshop->strategy);
if (is_null($restrict)) {
// update all users - no more conditions
} elseif (!empty($restrict)) {
list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($restrict, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
$sql .= " AND a.reviewerid $usql";
$params = array_merge($params, $uparams);
for ($i = 0; $i < $data->nodims; $i++) {
$grade = new stdClass();
$grade->id = $data->{'gradeid__idx_' . $i};
$grade->assessmentid = $assessment->id;
$grade->strategy = 'rubric';
$grade->dimensionid = $data->{'dimensionid__idx_' . $i};
$grade->grade = $data->{'grade__idx_' . $i};
$grade->peercomment = $data->{'peercomment__idx_' . $i};
$grade->peercommentformat = FORMAT_MOODLE;
if (empty($grade->id)) {
// new grade
$grade->id = $DB->insert_record('workshop_grades', $grade);
} else {
throw new coding_exception('Empty value is not a valid parameter here');
// updated grade
$DB->update_record('workshop_grades', $grade);
return $this->update_peer_grade($assessment);
$sql .= ' ORDER BY'; // this is important for bulk processing
* Has the assessment form been defined and is ready to be used by the reviewers?
* @return boolean
public function form_ready() {
if (count($this->dimensions) > 0) {
return true;
return false;
return $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
* Returns true if the given evaluation method is supported by this strategy
* To support an evaluation method, the strategy subplugin must usually implement some
* required public methods. In theory, this is what interfaces should be used for.
* Unfortunatelly, we can't extend "implements" declaration as the interface must
* be known to the PHP interpret. So we can't declare implementation of a non-installed
* evaluation subplugin.
* @param workshop_evaluation $evaluation the instance of grading evaluation class
* @return bool true if the evaluation method is supported, false otherwise
public function supports_evaluation(workshop_evaluation $evaluation) {
if (is_a($evaluation, 'workshop_best_evaluation')) {
return true;
// all other evaluation methods are not supported yet
return false;
// Methods required by the 'best' evaluation plugin //
* @param resource $restrict
* @return TODO
public function eval_best_get_assessments_recordset($restrict) {
global $DB;
$sql = 'SELECT AS submissionid, AS assessmentid, a.weight AS assessmentweight, a.reviewerid, a.gradinggrade,
g.dimensionid, g.grade
FROM {workshop_submissions} s
JOIN {workshop_assessments} a ON (a.submissionid =
JOIN {workshop_grades} g ON (g.assessmentid = AND g.strategy = :strategy)
WHERE s.example=0 AND s.workshopid=:workshopid'; // to be cont.
$params = array('workshopid' => $this->workshop->id, 'strategy' => $this->workshop->strategy);
if (is_null($restrict)) {
// update all users - no more conditions
} elseif (!empty($restrict)) {
list($usql, $uparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($restrict, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
$sql .= " AND a.reviewerid $usql";
$params = array_merge($params, $uparams);
} else {
throw new coding_exception('Empty value is not a valid parameter here');
* TODO: short description.
* @return array [dimid] => stdClass (->id ->max ->min ->weight)
public function eval_best_dimensions_info() {
global $DB;
$sql .= ' ORDER BY'; // this is important for bulk processing
$sql = 'SELECT, d.grade, d.weight, s.scale
FROM {workshopform_rubric} d
LEFT JOIN {scale} s ON (d.grade < 0 AND -d.grade =
WHERE d.workshopid = :workshopid';
$params = array('workshopid' => $this->workshop->id);
$dimrecords = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
$diminfo = array();
foreach ($dimrecords as $dimid => $dimrecord) {
$diminfo[$dimid] = new stdClass();
$diminfo[$dimid]->id = $dimid;
$diminfo[$dimid]->weight = $dimrecord->weight;
if ($dimrecord->grade < 0) {
// the dimension uses a scale
$diminfo[$dimid]->min = 1;
$diminfo[$dimid]->max = count(explode(',', $dimrecord->scale));
} else {
// the dimension uses points
$diminfo[$dimid]->min = 0;
$diminfo[$dimid]->max = grade_floatval($dimrecord->grade);
return $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
* TODO: short description.
* @return array [dimid] => stdClass (->id ->max ->min ->weight)
public function eval_best_dimensions_info() {
global $DB;
$sql = 'SELECT, d.grade, d.weight, s.scale
FROM {workshopform_rubric} d
LEFT JOIN {scale} s ON (d.grade < 0 AND -d.grade =
WHERE d.workshopid = :workshopid';
$params = array('workshopid' => $this->workshop->id);
$dimrecords = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
$diminfo = array();
foreach ($dimrecords as $dimid => $dimrecord) {
$diminfo[$dimid] = new stdClass();
$diminfo[$dimid]->id = $dimid;
$diminfo[$dimid]->weight = $dimrecord->weight;
if ($dimrecord->grade < 0) {
// the dimension uses a scale
$diminfo[$dimid]->min = 1;
$diminfo[$dimid]->max = count(explode(',', $dimrecord->scale));
} else {
// the dimension uses points
$diminfo[$dimid]->min = 0;
$diminfo[$dimid]->max = grade_floatval($dimrecord->grade);
return $diminfo;
// Internal methods //
* Loads the fields of the assessment form currently used in this workshop
* @return array definition of assessment dimensions
protected function load_fields() {
global $DB;
$sql = 'SELECT AS rid, AS lid, *
FROM {workshopform_rubric} r
LEFT JOIN {workshopform_rubric_levels} l ON (l.dimensionid =
WHERE r.workshopid = :workshopid
ORDER BY r.sort, l.grade';
$params = array('workshopid' => $this->workshop->id);
$rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
$fields = array();
foreach ($rs as $record) {
if (!isset($fields[$record->rid])) {
$fields[$record->rid] = new stdClass();
$fields[$record->rid]->id = $record->rid;
$fields[$record->rid]->sort = $record->sort;
$fields[$record->rid]->description = $record->description;
$fields[$record->rid]->descriptionformat = $record->descriptionformat;
$fields[$record->rid]->levels = array();
$fields[$record->rid]->levels[$record->lid] = new stdClass();
$fields[$record->rid]->levels[$record->lid]->id = $record->lid;
$fields[$record->rid]->levels[$record->lid]->grade = $record->grade;
$fields[$record->rid]->levels[$record->lid]->definition = $record->definition;
$fields[$record->rid]->levels[$record->lid]->definitionformat = $record->definitionformat;
return $fields;
* Get the configuration for the current rubric strategy
* @return object
protected function load_config() {
global $DB;
if (!$config = $DB->get_record('workshopform_rubric_config', array('workshopid' => $this->workshop->id), 'layout')) {
$config = (object)array('layout' => 'list');
return $config;
* Maps the dimension data from DB to the form fields
* @param array $fields Array of dimensions definition as returned by {@link load_fields()}
* @return stdClass of fields data to be used by the mform set_data
protected function prepare_form_fields(array $fields) {
$formdata = new stdClass();
$key = 0;
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$formdata->{'dimensionid__idx_' . $key} = $field->id;
$formdata->{'description__idx_' . $key} = $field->description;
$formdata->{'description__idx_' . $key.'format'} = $field->descriptionformat;
$formdata->{'numoflevels__idx_' . $key} = count($field->levels);
$lev = 0;
foreach ($field->levels as $level) {
$formdata->{'levelid__idx_' . $key . '__idy_' . $lev} = $level->id;
$formdata->{'grade__idx_' . $key . '__idy_' . $lev} = $level->grade;
$formdata->{'definition__idx_' . $key . '__idy_' . $lev} = $level->definition;
$formdata->{'definition__idx_' . $key . '__idy_' . $lev . 'format'} = $level->definitionformat;
return $diminfo;
// Internal methods //
* Loads the fields of the assessment form currently used in this workshop
* @return array definition of assessment dimensions
protected function load_fields() {
global $DB;
$sql = 'SELECT AS rid, AS lid, *
FROM {workshopform_rubric} r
LEFT JOIN {workshopform_rubric_levels} l ON (l.dimensionid =
WHERE r.workshopid = :workshopid
ORDER BY r.sort, l.grade';
$params = array('workshopid' => $this->workshop->id);
$rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
$fields = array();
foreach ($rs as $record) {
if (!isset($fields[$record->rid])) {
$fields[$record->rid] = new stdClass();
$fields[$record->rid]->id = $record->rid;
$fields[$record->rid]->sort = $record->sort;
$fields[$record->rid]->description = $record->description;
$fields[$record->rid]->descriptionformat = $record->descriptionformat;
$fields[$record->rid]->levels = array();
$fields[$record->rid]->levels[$record->lid] = new stdClass();
$fields[$record->rid]->levels[$record->lid]->id = $record->lid;
$fields[$record->rid]->levels[$record->lid]->grade = $record->grade;
$fields[$record->rid]->levels[$record->lid]->definition = $record->definition;
$fields[$record->rid]->levels[$record->lid]->definitionformat = $record->definitionformat;
return $fields;
* Get the configuration for the current rubric strategy
* @return object
protected function load_config() {
global $DB;
if (!$config = $DB->get_record('workshopform_rubric_config', array('workshopid' => $this->workshop->id), 'layout')) {
$config = (object)array('layout' => 'list');
return $config;
* Maps the dimension data from DB to the form fields
* @param array $raw Array of raw dimension records as returned by {@link load_fields()}
* @return array Array of fields data to be used by the mform set_data
protected function prepare_form_fields(array $raw) {
$formdata = new stdClass();
$key = 0;
foreach ($raw as $dimension) {
$formdata->{'dimensionid__idx_' . $key} = $dimension->id;
$formdata->{'description__idx_' . $key} = $dimension->description;
$formdata->{'description__idx_' . $key.'format'} = $dimension->descriptionformat;
$formdata->{'grade__idx_' . $key} = $dimension->grade;
$formdata->{'weight__idx_' . $key} = $dimension->weight;
return $formdata;
@ -422,12 +464,12 @@ class workshop_rubric_strategy implements workshop_strategy {
* @return void
protected function delete_dimensions(array $ids) {
global $DB, $PAGE;
global $DB;
$fs = get_file_storage();
foreach ($ids as $id) {
if (!empty($id)) { // to prevent accidental removal of all files in the area
$fs->delete_area_files($PAGE->context->id, 'workshopform_rubric_description', $id);
$fs->delete_area_files($this->workshop->context->id, 'workshopform_rubric_description', $id);
$DB->delete_records_list('workshopform_rubric', 'id', $ids);
@ -445,20 +487,29 @@ class workshop_rubric_strategy implements workshop_strategy {
* @return array Array of objects to be inserted/updated in DB
protected function prepare_database_fields(stdClass $raw) {
global $PAGE;
$cook = new stdClass(); // to be returned
$cook->rubric = array(); // records to be stored in {workshopform_rubric}
$cook = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $raw->norepeats; $i++) {
$cook->rubric[$i] = new stdClass();
$cook->rubric[$i]->id = $raw->{'dimensionid__idx_'.$i};
$cook->rubric[$i]->workshopid = $this->workshop->id;
$cook->rubric[$i]->sort = $i + 1;
$cook->rubric[$i]->description_editor = $raw->{'description__idx_'.$i.'_editor'};
$cook->rubric[$i]->grade = $raw->{'grade__idx_'.$i};
$cook->rubric[$i]->weight = $raw->{'weight__idx_'.$i};
$cook[$i] = new stdClass();
$cook[$i]->id = $raw->{'dimensionid__idx_'.$i};
$cook[$i]->workshopid = $this->workshop->id;
$cook[$i]->sort = $i + 1;
$cook[$i]->description_editor = $raw->{'description__idx_'.$i.'_editor'};
$cook[$i]->levels = array();
$j = 0;
while (isset($raw->{'levelid__idx_' . $i . '__idy_' . $j})) {
$level = new stdClass();
$level->id = $raw->{'levelid__idx_' . $i . '__idy_' . $j};
$level->grade = $raw->{'grade__idx_'.$i.'__idy_'.$j};
$level->definition = $raw->{'definition__idx_'.$i.'__idy_'.$j};
$level->definitionformat = FORMAT_HTML;
$cook[$i]->levels[] = $level;
return $cook;

View File

@ -341,6 +341,13 @@
border: 1px solid #ddd;
* Edit assessment form
#mod-workshop-editform fieldset.fgroup * {
vertical-align: top;
* Misc