Merge branch 'wip-MDL-29185-master' of git://

This commit is contained in:
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 2011-09-19 11:58:37 +02:00
commit ab545ab55e
9 changed files with 148 additions and 1024 deletions

View File

@ -1,128 +1,111 @@
// index.php - scheduled backup logs
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* A report to display the outcome of scheduled backups
* @package report
* @subpackage backups
* @copyright 2007 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
$courseid = optional_param('courseid', 0, PARAM_INT);
echo $OUTPUT->header();
/// Automated backups aren't active by the site admin
$backup_config = backup_get_config();
if (empty($backup_config->backup_auto_active)) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('automatedbackupsinactive', 'backup'));
$table = new html_table;
$table->head = array(
get_string("timetaken", "quiz"),
$table->headspan = array(1, 3, 1, 1);
$table->attributes = array('class' => 'generaltable backup-report');
$table->data = array();
/// Get needed strings
$backuploglaststatus = get_string("backuploglaststatus");
$backuplogdetailed = get_string("backuplogdetailed");
$stradmin = get_string("administration");
$strconfiguration = get_string("configuration");
$strbackup = get_string("backup");
$strbackupdetails = get_string("backupdetails");
$strlogs = get_string("logs");
$strftimedatetime = get_string("strftimerecent");
$strftimetime = get_string("strftimetime").":%S";
$strerror = get_string("error");
$strok = get_string("ok");
$strunfinished = get_string("unfinished");
$strskipped = get_string("skipped");
$strcourse = get_string("course");
$strtimetaken = get_string("timetaken","quiz");
$strstatus = get_string("status");
$strnext = get_string("backupnext");
$strftimedatetime = get_string("strftimerecent");
$strerror = get_string("error");
$strok = get_string("ok");
$strunfinished = get_string("unfinished");
$strskipped = get_string("skipped");
/// Decide when to show last execution logs or detailed logs
/// Lastlog view
if (!$courseid) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading($backuploglaststatus);
echo $OUTPUT->box_start();
/// Now, get every record from backup_courses
$courses = $DB->get_records("backup_courses");
list($select, $join) = context_instance_preload_sql('', CONTEXT_COURSE, 'ctx');
$sql = "SELECT bc.*, c.fullname $select
FROM {backup_courses} bc
JOIN {course} c ON = bc.courseid
$rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql);
foreach ($rs as $backuprow) {
if (!$courses) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nologsfound'));
} else {
echo "<table border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"3\">";
//Print table header
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" align=\"center\"><font size=\"3\">$strcourse</font></td>";
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\"><font size=\"3\">$strtimetaken</font></td>";
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" align=\"center\"><font size=\"3\">$strstatus</font></td>";
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" align=\"center\"><font size=\"3\">$strnext</font></td></tr>";
foreach ($courses as $course) {
/// Get the course shortname
$coursename = $DB->get_field ("course", "fullname", array("id"=>$course->courseid));
if ($coursename) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\"><font size=\"2\"><a href=\"index.php?courseid=$course->courseid\">".$coursename."</a></font></td>";
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\"><font size=\"2\">".userdate($course->laststarttime,$strftimedatetime)."</font></td>";
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\"><font size=\"2\"> - </font></td>";
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\"><font size=\"2\">".userdate($course->lastendtime,$strftimedatetime)."</font></td>";
if ($course->laststatus == 1) {
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" align=\"center\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"green\">".$strok."</font></td>";
} else if ($course->laststatus == 2) {
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" align=\"center\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"red\">".$strunfinished."</font></td>";
} else if ($course->laststatus == 3) {
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" align=\"center\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"green\">".$strskipped."</font></td>";
} else {
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" align=\"center\"><font size=\"2\" color=\"red\">".$strerror."</font></td>";
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\"><font size=\"2\">".userdate($course->nextstarttime,$strftimedatetime)."</font></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
/// Detailed View !!
// Cache the course context
// Prepare a cell to display the status of the entry
if ($backuprow->laststatus == 1) {
$status = $strok;
$statusclass = 'backup-ok'; // Green
} else if ($backuprow->laststatus == 2) {
$status = $strunfinished;
$statusclass = 'backup-unfinished'; // Red
} else if ($backuprow->laststatus == 3) {
$status = $strskipped;
$statusclass = 'backup-skipped'; // Green
} else {
echo $OUTPUT->heading($backuplogdetailed);
$coursename = $DB->get_field("course", "fullname", array("id"=>"$courseid"));
echo $OUTPUT->heading("$strcourse: $coursename");
echo $OUTPUT->box_start();
/// First, me get all the distinct backups for that course in backup_log
$executions = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT laststarttime
FROM {backup_log}
WHERE courseid = ? AND backuptype = ?
ORDER BY laststarttime DESC", array($courseid,'scheduledbackup'));
/// Iterate over backup executions
if (!$executions) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nologsfound'));
} else {
echo "<table border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"3\">";
foreach($executions as $execution) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"3\">";
echo $OUTPUT->box(userdate($execution->laststarttime));
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
$logs = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT *
FROM {backup_log}
WHERE courseid = ? AND laststarttime = ? AND backuptype = ?
ORDER BY id", array($courseid, $execution->laststarttime,'scheduledbackup'));
if ($logs) {
foreach ($logs as $log) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\"><font size=\"2\">".userdate($log->time,$strftimetime)."</font></td>";
$log->info = str_replace("- ERROR!!","- <font color=\"red\">ERROR!!</font>",$log->info);
$log->info = str_replace("- OK","- <font color=\"green\">OK</font>",$log->info);
echo "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\"><font size=\"2\">".str_replace(" ","&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;",$log->info)."</font></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
$status = $strerror;
$statusclass = 'backup-error'; // Red
$status = new html_table_cell($status);
$status->attributes = array('class' => $statusclass);
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
// Create the row and add it to the table
$cells = array(
format_string($backuprow->fullname, true, array('context' => get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $backuprow->courseid))),
userdate($backuprow->laststarttime, $strftimedatetime),
userdate($backuprow->lastendtime, $strftimedatetime),
userdate($backuprow->nextstarttime, $strftimedatetime)
$table->data[] = new html_table_row($cells);
// Check if we have any results and if not add a no records notification
if (empty($table->data)) {
$cell = new html_table_cell($OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nologsfound')));
$cell->colspan = 6;
$table->data[] = new html_table_row(array($cell));
$automatedbackupsenabled = get_config('backup', 'backup_auto_active');
// Display the backup report
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("backuploglaststatus"));
echo $OUTPUT->box_start();
if (empty($automatedbackupsenabled)) {
// Automated backups aren't active, display a notification.
// Not we don't stop because of this as perhaps scheduled backups are being run
// automatically, or were enabled in the page.
echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('automatedbackupsinactive', 'backup'));
echo html_writer::table($table);
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
echo $OUTPUT->footer();

View File

@ -1,4 +1,27 @@
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Settings for the backups report
* @package report
* @subpackage backups
* @copyright 2007 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;

View File

@ -1,857 +0,0 @@
//This file contains all the code needed to execute scheduled backups
//This function is executed via moodle cron
//It prepares all the info and execute backups as necessary
function schedule_backup_cron() {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
$emailpending = false;
//Check for required functions...
if(!function_exists('utf8_encode')) {
mtrace(" ERROR: You need to add XML support to your PHP installation!");
return true;
//Get now
$now = time();
//First of all, we have to see if the scheduled is active and detect
//that there isn't another cron running
mtrace(" Checking backup status",'...');
$backup_config = backup_get_config();
if(!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_active) || !$backup_config->backup_sche_active) {
return true;
} else if (isset($backup_config->backup_sche_running) && $backup_config->backup_sche_running) {
//Now check if it's a really running task or something very old looking
//for info in backup_logs to unlock status as necessary
$timetosee = 1800; //Half an hour looking for activity
$timeafter = time() - $timetosee;
$numofrec = $DB->count_records_select ("backup_log","time > ? AND backuptype = ?", array($timeafter, 'scheduledbackup'));
if (!$numofrec) {
$timetoseemin = $timetosee/60;
mtrace(" No activity in last ".$timetoseemin." minutes. Unlocking status");
} else {
mtrace(" Scheduled backup seems to be running. Execution delayed");
return true;
} else {
//Mark backup_sche_running
//Now we get the main admin user (we'll use his timezone, mail...)
mtrace(" Getting admin info");
$admin = get_admin();
if (!$admin) {
$status = false;
//Delete old_entries from backup tables
if ($status) {
mtrace(" Deleting old data");
if (!backup_delete_old_data()) {;
$errorstr = "An error occurred deleting old backup data";
mtrace(" ".$errorstr);
//Now we get a list of courses in the server
if ($status) {
mtrace(" Checking courses");
//First of all, we delete everything from backup tables related to deleted courses
mtrace(" Skipping deleted courses");
$skipped = 0;
if ($bckcourses = $DB->get_records('backup_courses')) {
foreach($bckcourses as $bckcourse) {
//Search if it exists
if (!$exists = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$bckcourse->courseid))) {
//Doesn't exist, so delete from backup tables
$DB->delete_records('backup_courses', array('courseid'=>$bckcourse->courseid));
$DB->delete_records('backup_log', array('courseid'=>$bckcourse->courseid));
mtrace(" $skipped courses");
//Now process existing courses
$courses = $DB->get_records("course");
//For each course, we check (insert, update) the backup_course table
//with needed data
foreach ($courses as $course) {
if ($status) {
mtrace(" $course->fullname");
//We check if the course exists in backup_course
$backup_course = $DB->get_record("backup_courses", array("courseid"=>$course->id));
//If it doesn't exist, create
if (!$backup_course) {
$temp_backup_course->courseid = $course->id;
$newid = $DB->insert_record("backup_courses",$temp_backup_course);
//And get it from db
$backup_course = $DB->get_record("backup_courses", array("id"=>$newid));
//If it doesn't exist now, error
if (!$backup_course) {
mtrace(" ERROR (in backup_courses detection)");
$status = false;
// Skip backup of unavailable courses that have remained unmodified in a month
$skipped = false;
if (!$course->visible && ($now - $course->timemodified) > 31*24*60*60) { //Hidden + unmodified last month
mtrace(" SKIPPING - hidden+unmodified");
$DB->set_field("backup_courses","laststatus","3", array("courseid"=>$backup_course->courseid));
$skipped = true;
//Now we backup every non skipped course with nextstarttime < now
if (!$skipped && $backup_course->nextstarttime > 0 && $backup_course->nextstarttime < $now) {
//We have to send a email because we have included at least one backup
$emailpending = true;
//Only make the backup if laststatus isn't 2-UNFINISHED (uncontrolled error)
if ($backup_course->laststatus != 2) {
//Set laststarttime
$starttime = time();
$DB->set_field("backup_courses","laststarttime",$starttime, array("courseid"=>$backup_course->courseid));
//Set course status to unfinished, the process will reset it
$DB->set_field("backup_courses","laststatus","2", array("courseid"=>$backup_course->courseid));
//Launch backup
$course_status = schedule_backup_launch_backup($course,$starttime);
//Set lastendtime
$DB->set_field("backup_courses","lastendtime",time(), array("courseid"=>$backup_course->courseid));
//Set laststatus
if ($course_status) {
$DB->set_field("backup_courses","laststatus","1", array("courseid"=>$backup_course->courseid));
} else {
$DB->set_field("backup_courses","laststatus","0", array("courseid"=>$backup_course->courseid));
//Now, calculate next execution of the course
$nextstarttime = schedule_backup_next_execution ($backup_course,$backup_config,$now,$admin->timezone);
//Save it to db
$DB->set_field("backup_courses","nextstarttime",$nextstarttime, array("courseid"=>$backup_course->courseid));
//Print it to screen as necessary
$showtime = "undefined";
if ($nextstarttime > 0) {
$showtime = userdate($nextstarttime,"",$admin->timezone);
mtrace(" Next execution: $showtime");
//Delete old logs
if (!empty($CFG->loglifetime)) {
mtrace(" Deleting old logs");
$loglifetime = $now - ($CFG->loglifetime * 86400);
$DB->delete_records_select("backup_log", "laststarttime < ?", array($loglifetime));
//Send email to admin if necessary
if ($emailpending) {
mtrace(" Sending email to admin");
$message = "";
//Get info about the status of courses
$count_all = $DB->count_records('backup_courses');
$count_ok = $DB->count_records('backup_courses', array('laststatus'=>'1'));
$count_error = $DB->count_records('backup_courses', array('laststatus'=>'0'));
$count_unfinished = $DB->count_records('backup_courses', array('laststatus'=>'2'));
$count_skipped = $DB->count_records('backup_courses', array('laststatus'=>'3'));
//Build the message text
$message .= get_string('summary')."\n";
$message .= "==================================================\n";
$message .= " ".get_string('courses').": ".$count_all."\n";
$message .= " ".get_string('ok').": ".$count_ok."\n";
$message .= " ".get_string('skipped').": ".$count_skipped."\n";
$message .= " ".get_string('error').": ".$count_error."\n";
$message .= " ".get_string('unfinished').": ".$count_unfinished."\n\n";
if ($count_error != 0 || $count_unfinished != 0) {
$message .= " ".get_string('backupfailed')."\n\n";
$dest_url = "$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/report/backups/index.php";
$message .= " ".get_string('backuptakealook','',$dest_url)."\n\n";
//Set message priority
$admin->priority = 1;
//Reset unfinished to error
$DB->set_field('backup_courses','laststatus','0', array('laststatus'=>'2'));
} else {
$message .= " ".get_string('backupfinished')."\n";
//Build the message subject
$site = get_site();
$prefix = format_string($site->shortname, true, array('context' => get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, SITEID))).": ";
if ($count_error != 0 || $count_unfinished != 0) {
$prefix .= "[".strtoupper(get_string('error'))."] ";
$subject = $prefix.get_string("scheduledbackupstatus");
//Send the message
$eventdata = new stdClass();
$eventdata->modulename = 'moodle';
$eventdata->userfrom = $admin;
$eventdata->userto = $admin;
$eventdata->subject = $subject;
$eventdata->fullmessage = $message;
$eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN;
$eventdata->fullmessagehtml = '';
$eventdata->smallmessage = '';
//Everything is finished stop backup_sche_running
return $status;
//This function executes the ENTIRE backup of a course (passed as parameter)
//using all the scheduled backup preferences
function schedule_backup_launch_backup($course,$starttime = 0) {
$preferences = false;
$status = false;
mtrace(" Executing backup");
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$course->id,"Start backup course $course->fullname");
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$course->id," Phase 1: Checking and counting:");
$preferences = schedule_backup_course_configure($course,$starttime);
if ($preferences) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$course->id," Phase 2: Executing and copying:");
$status = schedule_backup_course_execute($preferences,$starttime);
if ($status && $preferences) {
//Only if the backup_sche_keep is set
if ($preferences->backup_keep) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$course->id," Phase 3: Deleting old backup files:");
$status = schedule_backup_course_delete_old_files($preferences,$starttime);
if ($status && $preferences) {
mtrace(" End backup OK");
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$course->id,"End backup course $course->fullname - OK");
} else {
mtrace(" End backup with ERROR");
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$course->id,"End backup course $course->fullname - ERROR!!");
return $status && $preferences;
//This function saves to backup_log all the needed process info
//to use it later. NOTE: If $starttime = 0 no info in saved
function schedule_backup_log($starttime,$courseid,$message) {
global $DB;
if ($starttime) {
add_to_backup_log($starttime,$courseid,$message, 'scheduledbackup');
//This function returns the next future GMT time to execute the course based in the
//configuration of the scheduled backups
function schedule_backup_next_execution ($backup_course,$backup_config,$now,$timezone) {
$result = -1;
//Get today's midnight GMT
$midnight = usergetmidnight($now,$timezone);
//Get today's day of week (0=Sunday...6=Saturday)
$date = usergetdate($now,$timezone);
$dayofweek = $date['wday'];
//Get number of days (from today) to execute backups
$scheduled_days = substr($backup_config->backup_sche_weekdays,$dayofweek).
$daysfromtoday = strpos($scheduled_days, "1");
//If some day has been found
if ($daysfromtoday !== false) {
//Calculate distance
$dist = ($daysfromtoday * 86400) + //Days distance
($backup_config->backup_sche_hour*3600) + //Hours distance
($backup_config->backup_sche_minute*60); //Minutes distance
$result = $midnight + $dist;
//If that time is past, call the function recursively to obtain the next valid day
if ($result > 0 && $result < time()) {
$result = schedule_backup_next_execution ($backup_course,$backup_config,$now + 86400,$timezone);
return $result;
//This function implements all the needed code to prepare a course
//to be in backup (insert temp info into backup temp tables).
function schedule_backup_course_configure($course,$starttime = 0) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$course->id," checking parameters");
//Check the required variable
if (empty($course->id)) {
$status = false;
//Get scheduled backup preferences
$backup_config = backup_get_config();
//Checks backup_config pairs exist
if ($status) {
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_modules)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_modules = 1;
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_withuserdata)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_withuserdata = 1;
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_metacourse)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_metacourse = 1;
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_users)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_users = 1;
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_logs)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_logs = 0;
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_userfiles)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_userfiles = 1;
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_coursefiles)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_coursefiles = 1;
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_sitefiles)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_sitefiles = 1;
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_gradebook_history)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_gradebook_history = 0;
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_messages)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_messages = 0;
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_blogs)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_blogs = 0;
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_active)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_active = 0;
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_weekdays)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_weekdays = "0000000";
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_hour)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_hour = 00;
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_minute)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_minute = 00;
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_destination)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_destination = "";
if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_keep)) {
$backup_config->backup_sche_keep = 1;
if ($status) {
//Checks for the required files/functions to backup every mod
//And check if there is data about it
$count = 0;
if ($allmods = $DB->get_records("modules") ) {
foreach ($allmods as $mod) {
$modname = $mod->name;
$modfile = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$modname/backuplib.php";
$modbackup = $modname."_backup_mods";
$modcheckbackup = $modname."_check_backup_mods";
if (file_exists($modfile)) {
if (function_exists($modbackup) and function_exists($modcheckbackup)) {
$var = "exists_".$modname;
$$var = true;
// PENNY NOTES: I have moved from here to the closing brace inside
// by two sets of ifs()
// to avoid the backup failing on a non existant backup.
// If the file/function/whatever doesn't exist, we don't want to set this
// this module in backup preferences at all.
//Check data
//Check module info
$var = "backup_".$modname;
if (!isset($$var)) {
$$var = $backup_config->backup_sche_modules;
//Now stores all the mods preferences into an array into preferences
$preferences->mods[$modname]->backup = $$var;
//Check include user info
$var = "backup_user_info_".$modname;
if (!isset($$var)) {
$$var = $backup_config->backup_sche_withuserdata;
//Now stores all the mods preferences into an array into preferences
$preferences->mods[$modname]->userinfo = $$var;
//And the name of the mod
$preferences->mods[$modname]->name = $modname;
// now set instances
if ($coursemods = get_course_mods($course->id)) {
foreach ($coursemods as $mod) {
if (array_key_exists($mod->modname,$preferences->mods)) { // we are to backup this module
if (empty($preferences->mods[$mod->modname]->instances)) {
$preferences->mods[$mod->modname]->instances = array(); // avoid warnings
$preferences->mods[$mod->modname]->instances[$mod->instance]->backup = $preferences->mods[$mod->modname]->backup;
$preferences->mods[$mod->modname]->instances[$mod->instance]->userinfo = $preferences->mods[$mod->modname]->userinfo;
// there isn't really a nice way to do this...
$preferences->mods[$mod->modname]->instances[$mod->instance]->name = $DB->get_field($mod->modname,'name', array('id'=>$mod->instance));
// finally, clean all the $preferences->mods[] not having instances. Nothing to backup about them
foreach ($preferences->mods as $modname => $mod) {
if (!isset($mod->instances)) {
//Convert other parameters
if ($status) {
$preferences->backup_metacourse = $backup_config->backup_sche_metacourse;
$preferences->backup_users = $backup_config->backup_sche_users;
$preferences->backup_logs = $backup_config->backup_sche_logs;
$preferences->backup_user_files = $backup_config->backup_sche_userfiles;
$preferences->backup_course_files = $backup_config->backup_sche_coursefiles;
$preferences->backup_site_files = $backup_config->backup_sche_sitefiles;
$preferences->backup_gradebook_history = $backup_config->backup_sche_gradebook_history;
$preferences->backup_messages = $backup_config->backup_sche_messages;
$preferences->backup_blogs = $backup_config->backup_sche_blogs;
$preferences->backup_course = $course->id;
$preferences->backup_destination = $backup_config->backup_sche_destination;
$preferences->backup_keep = $backup_config->backup_sche_keep;
//Calculate various backup preferences
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$course->id," calculating backup name");
//Calculate the backup file name
$backup_name = backup_get_zipfile_name($course);
//Calculate the string to match the keep preference
$keep_name = backup_get_keep_name($course);
//Set them
$preferences->backup_name = $backup_name;
$preferences->keep_name = $keep_name;
$roles = get_all_roles();
foreach ($roles as $role) {
$preferences->backuproleassignments[$role->id] = $role;
//Another Info
//Calculate the backup unique code to allow simultaneus backups (to define
//the temp-directory name and records in backup temp tables
if ($status) {
$backup_unique_code = time();
$preferences->backup_unique_code = $backup_unique_code;
//Calculate necesary info to backup modules
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$course->id," calculating modules data");
if ($allmods = $DB->get_records("modules") ) {
foreach ($allmods as $mod) {
$modname = $mod->name;
$modbackup = $modname."_backup_mods";
//If exists the lib & function
$var = "exists_".$modname;
if (isset($$var) && $$var) {
//Add hidden fields
$var = "backup_".$modname;
//Only if selected
if ($$var == 1) {
$var = "backup_user_info_".$modname;
//Call the check function to show more info
$modcheckbackup = $modname."_check_backup_mods";
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$course->id," $modname");
//Now calculate the users
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$course->id," calculating users");
//Decide about include users with messages, based on SITEID
if ($preferences->backup_messages && $preferences->backup_course == SITEID) {
$include_message_users = true;
} else {
$include_message_users = false;
//Decide about include users with blogs, based on SITEID
if ($preferences->backup_blogs && $preferences->backup_course == SITEID) {
$include_blog_users = true;
} else {
$include_blog_users = false;
user_check_backup($course->id,$backup_unique_code,$preferences->backup_users,$include_message_users, $include_blog_users);
//Now calculate the logs
if ($status) {
if ($preferences->backup_logs) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$course->id," calculating logs");
//Now calculate the userfiles
if ($status) {
if ($preferences->backup_user_files) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$course->id," calculating user files");
//Now calculate the coursefiles
if ($status) {
if ($preferences->backup_course_files) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$course->id," calculating course files");
//Now calculate the sitefiles
if ($status) {
if ($preferences->backup_site_files) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$course->id," calculating site files");
//If everything is ok, return calculated preferences
if ($status) {
$status = $preferences;
return $status;
//TODO: Unify this function with backup_execute() to have both backups 100% equivalent. Moodle 2.0
//This function implements all the needed code to backup a course
//copying it to the desired destination (default if not specified)
function schedule_backup_course_execute($preferences,$starttime = 0) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Some parts of the backup doesn't know about $preferences, so we
//put a copy of it inside that CFG (always global) to be able to
//use it. Then, when needed I search for preferences inside CFG
//Used to avoid some problems in full_tag() when preferences isn't
//set globally (i.e. in scheduled backups)
$CFG->backup_preferences = $preferences;
//Check for temp and backup and backup_unique_code directory
//Create them as needed
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," checking temp structures");
$status = check_and_create_backup_dir($preferences->backup_unique_code);
//Empty backup dir
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," cleaning current dir");
$status = clear_backup_dir($preferences->backup_unique_code);
//Create the moodle.xml file
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," creating backup file");
//Obtain the xml file (create and open) and print prolog information
$backup_file = backup_open_xml($preferences->backup_unique_code);
//Prints general info about backup to file
if ($backup_file) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," general info");
$status = backup_general_info($backup_file,$preferences);
} else {
$status = false;
//Prints course start (tag and general info)
if ($status) {
$status = backup_course_start($backup_file,$preferences);
//Metacourse information
if ($status && $preferences->backup_metacourse) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," metacourse info");
$status = backup_course_metacourse($backup_file,$preferences);
//Block info
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," blocks info");
$status = backup_course_blocks($backup_file,$preferences);
//Section info
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," sections info");
$status = backup_course_sections($backup_file,$preferences);
//User info
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," user info");
$status = backup_user_info($backup_file,$preferences);
//If we have selected to backup messages and we are
//doing a SITE backup, let's do it
if ($status && $preferences->backup_messages && $preferences->backup_course == SITEID) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," messages");
$status = backup_messages($backup_file,$preferences);
//If we have selected to backup blogs and we are
//doing a SITE backup, let's do it
if ($status && $preferences->backup_blogs && $preferences->backup_course == SITEID) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," blogs");
$status = backup_blogs($backup_file,$preferences);
//If we have selected to backup quizzes, backup categories and
//questions structure (step 1). See notes on mod/quiz/backuplib.php
if ($status and $preferences->mods['quiz']->backup) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," categories & questions");
$status = backup_question_categories($backup_file,$preferences);
//Print logs if selected
if ($status) {
if ($preferences->backup_logs) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," logs");
$status = backup_log_info($backup_file,$preferences);
//Print scales info
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," scales");
$status = backup_scales_info($backup_file,$preferences);
//Print groups info
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," groups");
$status = backup_groups_info($backup_file,$preferences);
//Print groupings info
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," groupings");
$status = backup_groupings_info($backup_file,$preferences);
//Print groupings_groups info
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," groupings_groups");
$status = backup_groupings_groups_info($backup_file,$preferences);
//Print events info
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," events");
$status = backup_events_info($backup_file,$preferences);
//Print gradebook info
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," gradebook");
$status = backup_gradebook_info($backup_file,$preferences);
//Module info, this unique function makes all the work!!
//db export and module fileis copy
if ($status) {
$mods_to_backup = false;
//Check if we have any mod to backup
foreach ($preferences->mods as $module) {
if ($module->backup) {
$mods_to_backup = true;
//If we have to backup some module
if ($mods_to_backup) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," modules");
//Start modules tag
$status = backup_modules_start ($backup_file,$preferences);
//Iterate over modules and call backup
foreach ($preferences->mods as $module) {
if ($module->backup and $status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," $module->name");
$status = backup_module($backup_file,$preferences,$module->name);
//Close modules tag
$status = backup_modules_end ($backup_file,$preferences);
//Backup course format data, if any.
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," course format data");
$status = backup_format_data($backup_file,$preferences);
//Prints course end
if ($status) {
$status = backup_course_end($backup_file,$preferences);
//Close the xml file and xml data
if ($backup_file) {
//Now, if selected, copy user files
if ($status) {
if ($preferences->backup_user_files) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," copying user files");
$status = backup_copy_user_files ($preferences);
//Now, if selected, copy course files
if ($status) {
if ($preferences->backup_course_files) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," copying course files");
$status = backup_copy_course_files ($preferences);
//Now, if selected, copy site files
if ($status) {
if ($preferences->backup_site_files) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," copying site files");
$status = backup_copy_site_files ($preferences);
//Now, zip all the backup directory contents
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," zipping files");
$status = backup_zip ($preferences);
//Now, copy the zip file to course directory
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," copying backup");
$status = copy_zip_to_course_dir ($preferences);
//Now, clean temporary data (db and filesystem)
if ($status) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," cleaning temp data");
$status = clean_temp_data ($preferences);
//Unset CFG->backup_preferences only needed in scheduled backups
unset ($CFG->backup_preferences);
return $status;
//This function deletes old backup files when the "keep" limit has been reached
//in the destination directory.
function schedule_backup_course_delete_old_files($preferences,$starttime=0) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Calculate the directory to check
$dirtocheck = "";
//if $preferences->backup_destination isn't empty, then check that directory
if (!empty($preferences->backup_destination)) {
$dirtocheck = $preferences->backup_destination;
//else calculate standard backup directory location
} else {
$dirtocheck = $CFG->dataroot."/".$preferences->backup_course."/backupdata";
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," checking $dirtocheck");
if ($CFG->debug > 7) {
mtrace(" Keeping backup files in $dirtocheck");
//Get all the files in $dirtocheck
$files = get_directory_list($dirtocheck,"",false);
//Get all matching files ($preferences->keep_name) from $files
$matchingfiles = array();
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (substr($file, 0, strlen($preferences->keep_name)) == $preferences->keep_name) {
$modifieddate = filemtime($dirtocheck."/".$file);
$matchingfiles[$modifieddate] = $file;
//Sort by key (modified date) to get the oldest first (instead of doing that by name
//because it could give us problems in some languages with different format names).
//Count matching files
$countmatching = count($matchingfiles);
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," found $countmatching backup files");
mtrace(" found $countmatching backup files");
if ($preferences->backup_keep < $countmatching) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," keep limit ($preferences->backup_keep) reached. Deleting old files");
mtrace(" keep limit ($preferences->backup_keep) reached. Deleting old files");
$filestodelete = $countmatching - $preferences->backup_keep;
$filesdeleted = 0;
foreach ($matchingfiles as $matchfile) {
if ($filesdeleted < $filestodelete) {
schedule_backup_log($starttime,$preferences->backup_course," $matchfile deleted");
mtrace(" $matchfile deleted");
$filetodelete = $dirtocheck."/".$matchfile;
return $status;

View File

@ -489,15 +489,3 @@
return ($status && $status2);
function add_to_backup_log($starttime,$courseid,$message, $backuptype) {
global $DB;
$log = new stdClass();
$log->courseid = $courseid;
$log->time = time();
$log->laststarttime = $starttime;
$log->info = $message;
$log->backuptype = $backuptype;
$DB->insert_record('backup_log', $log);

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<XMLDB PATH="lib/db" VERSION="20110907" COMMENT="XMLDB file for core Moodle tables"
<XMLDB PATH="lib/db" VERSION="20110915" COMMENT="XMLDB file for core Moodle tables"
@ -2416,7 +2416,7 @@
<KEY NAME="backup_code-table_name-old_id" TYPE="unique" FIELDS="backup_code, table_name, old_id" PREVIOUS="primary"/>
<TABLE NAME="backup_courses" COMMENT="To store every course backup status" PREVIOUS="backup_ids" NEXT="backup_log">
<TABLE NAME="backup_courses" COMMENT="To store every course backup status" PREVIOUS="backup_ids" NEXT="block">
<FIELD NAME="id" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="true" SEQUENCE="true" NEXT="courseid"/>
<FIELD NAME="courseid" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="true" DEFAULT="0" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="id" NEXT="laststarttime"/>
@ -2430,21 +2430,7 @@
<KEY NAME="courseid" TYPE="unique" FIELDS="courseid" PREVIOUS="primary"/>
<TABLE NAME="backup_log" COMMENT="To store every course backup log info" PREVIOUS="backup_courses" NEXT="block">
<FIELD NAME="id" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="true" SEQUENCE="true" NEXT="courseid"/>
<FIELD NAME="courseid" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="true" DEFAULT="0" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="id" NEXT="time"/>
<FIELD NAME="time" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="true" DEFAULT="0" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="courseid" NEXT="laststarttime"/>
<FIELD NAME="laststarttime" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="true" DEFAULT="0" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="time" NEXT="info"/>
<FIELD NAME="info" TYPE="char" LENGTH="255" NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="laststarttime" NEXT="backuptype"/>
<FIELD NAME="backuptype" TYPE="char" LENGTH="50" NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="info"/>
<KEY NAME="primary" TYPE="primary" FIELDS="id" NEXT="courseid"/>
<KEY NAME="courseid" TYPE="foreign" FIELDS="courseid" REFTABLE="backup_courses" REFFIELDS="courseid" PREVIOUS="primary"/>
<TABLE NAME="block" COMMENT="contains all installed blocks" PREVIOUS="backup_log" NEXT="block_instances">
<TABLE NAME="block" COMMENT="contains all installed blocks" PREVIOUS="backup_courses" NEXT="block_instances">
<FIELD NAME="id" TYPE="int" LENGTH="10" NOTNULL="true" UNSIGNED="true" SEQUENCE="true" NEXT="name"/>
<FIELD NAME="name" TYPE="char" LENGTH="40" NOTNULL="true" SEQUENCE="false" PREVIOUS="id" NEXT="version"/>

View File

@ -1224,26 +1224,6 @@ WHERE gradeitemid IS NOT NULL AND grademax IS NOT NULL");
upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2009021800);
if ($oldversion < 2009021801) {
/// Define field backuptype to be added to backup_log
$table = new xmldb_table('backup_log');
$field = new xmldb_field('backuptype', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '50', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, 'info');
/// Conditionally Launch add field backuptype and set all old records as 'scheduledbackup' records.
if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
// Set the default we want applied to any existing records
// Add the field to the database
$dbman->add_field($table, $field);
// Remove the default
// Update the database to remove the default
$dbman->change_field_default($table, $field);
/// Main savepoint reached
upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2009021801);
/// Add default sort order for question types.
if ($oldversion < 2009030300) {
set_config('multichoice_sortorder', 1, 'question');
@ -6746,6 +6726,22 @@ FROM
upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2011091300.00);
if ($oldversion < 2011091600.01) {
// It has been decided that it is now safe to drop the backup_log table
// as it hasn't been used within 2+.
// Define table backup_log to be dropped
$table = new xmldb_table('backup_log');
// Conditionally launch drop table for backup_log
if ($dbman->table_exists($table)) {
// Main savepoint reached
upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2011091600.01);
return true;

View File

@ -4303,7 +4303,6 @@ function remove_course_contents($courseid, $showfeedback = true) {
'course_display' => 'course',
'backup_courses' => 'courseid', // Delete scheduled backup stuff
'user_lastaccess' => 'courseid',
'backup_log' => 'courseid'
foreach ($tablestoclear as $table => $col) {
$DB->delete_records($table, array($col=>$course->id));

View File

@ -47,6 +47,12 @@
#page-admin-report-capability-index .rolecaps th {text-align: left;}
#page-admin-report-capability-index #settingsform #capabilitysearch {width: 30em;}
#page-admin-report-backups-index .backup-report {width:100%;}
#page-admin-report-backups-index .backup-error,
#page-admin-report-backups-index .backup-unfinished {color: #f00000;}
#page-admin-report-backups-index .backup-skipped,
#page-admin-report-backups-index .backup-ok {color: #006400;}
#page-admin-qbehaviours .disabled {color: gray;}
#page-admin-qbehaviours th {white-space: normal;}
#page-admin-qbehaviours .cell.c1,

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
$version = 2011091600.00; // YYYYMMDD = weekly release date of this DEV branch
$version = 2011091600.01; // YYYYMMDD = weekly release date of this DEV branch
// RR = release increments - 00 in DEV branches
// .XX = incremental changes