Merge branch 'MDL-48748-master-enfix' of git://

This commit is contained in:
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 2015-01-07 17:15:52 +01:00
commit ae3663a082
9 changed files with 18 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
$string['cannotfit'] = 'The replacement is longer than original and shortening is not allow, cannot continue.';
$string['disclaimer'] = 'I understand the risks of this operation';
$string['doit'] = 'Yes, do it!';
$string['excludedtables'] = 'Several tables are not updated as part of the text replacement. This include configuration, log, events, and session tables.';
$string['invalidcharacter'] = 'Invalid characters were found in the search or replacement text.';
$string['excludedtables'] = 'Several tables are not updated as part of the text replacement. These include configuration, log, events, and session tables.';
$string['invalidcharacter'] = 'Invalid characters were found in the search or replace text.';
$string['notifyfinished'] = '...finished';
$string['notifyrebuilding'] = 'Rebuilding course cache...';
$string['notimplemented'] = 'Sorry, this feature is not implemented in your database driver.';
$string['notsupported'] = 'This script should be considered experimental and the changes it makes can not be reverted. Please make a complete backup for running this script!';
$string['notsupported'] = 'This script should be considered experimental. Changes made cannot be reverted, thus a complete backup should be made before running the script!';
$string['pageheader'] = 'Search and replace text throughout the whole database';
$string['pluginname'] = 'DB search and replace';
$string['replacewith'] = 'Replace with this string';

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ $string['auth_ldap_passtype'] = 'Specify the format of new or changed passwords
$string['auth_ldap_passtype_key'] = 'Password format';
$string['auth_ldap_passwdexpire_settings'] = 'LDAP password expiration settings.';
$string['auth_ldap_preventpassindb'] = 'Select yes to prevent passwords from being stored in Moodle\'s DB.';
$string['auth_ldap_preventpassindb_key'] = 'Cache passwords';
$string['auth_ldap_preventpassindb_key'] = 'Don\'t cache passwords';
$string['auth_ldap_search_sub'] = 'Search users from subcontexts.';
$string['auth_ldap_search_sub_key'] = 'Search subcontexts';
$string['auth_ldap_server_settings'] = 'LDAP server settings';

View File

@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ $string['configfiltermatchoneperpage'] = 'Automatic linking filters will only ge
$string['configfiltermatchonepertext'] = 'Automatic linking filters will only generate a single link for the first matching text instance found in each item of text (e.g., resource, block) on the page. All others are ignored. This setting is ignored if the one per page setting is <i>yes</i>.';
$string['configfilteruploadedfiles'] = 'Process all uploaded HTML and text files with the filters before displaying them, only uploaded HTML files or none at all.';
$string['configforcelogin'] = 'Normally, the front page of the site and the course listings (but not courses) can be read by people without logging in to the site. If you want to force people to log in before they do ANYTHING on the site, then you should enable this setting.';
$string['configforceloginforprofiles'] = 'This setting forces people to login as a real (non-guest) account before viewing any user\'s profile. If you disabled this setting, you may find that some users post advertising (spam) or other inappropriate content in their profiles, which is then visible to the whole world.';
$string['configforceloginforprofiles'] = 'This setting forces people to log in as a real (non-guest) account before viewing any user\'s profile. If you disabled this setting, you may find that some users post advertising (spam) or other inappropriate content in their profiles, which is then visible to the whole world.';
$string['configfrontpage'] = 'The items selected above will be displayed on the site\'s front page.';
$string['configfrontpagecourselimit'] = 'Maximum number of courses';
$string['configfrontpagecourselimithelp'] = 'Maximum number of courses to be displayed on the site\'s front page in course listings.';
@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ $string['filtersettingsgeneral'] = 'General filter settings';
$string['filteruploadedfiles'] = 'Filter uploaded files';
$string['forcelogin'] = 'Force users to log in';
$string['forceloginforprofileimage'] = 'Force users to log in to view user pictures';
$string['forceloginforprofileimage_help'] = 'If enabled, users must login in order to view user profile pictures and the default user picture will be used in all notification emails.';
$string['forceloginforprofileimage_help'] = 'If enabled, users must log in in order to view user profile pictures and the default user picture will be used in all notification emails.';
$string['forceloginforprofiles'] = 'Force users to log in for profiles';
$string['forcetimezone'] = 'Force timezone';
$string['formatuninstallwithcourses'] = 'There are {$a->count} courses using {$a->format}. Their format will be changed to {$a->defaultformat} (default format for this site). Some format-specific data may be lost. Are you sure you want to proceed?';

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ $string['guestloginbutton'] = 'Guest login button';
$string['changepassword'] = 'Change password URL';
$string['changepasswordhelp'] = 'Here you can specify a location at which your users can recover or change their username/password if they\'ve forgotten it. This will be provided to users as a button on the login page and their user page. If you leave this blank the button will not be printed.';
$string['chooseauthmethod'] = 'Choose an authentication method';
$string['chooseauthmethod_help'] = 'This setting determines the authentication method used when the user logs in. Only enabled authentication plugins should be chosen, otherwise the user will no longer be able to login. To block the user from logging in, select "No login".';
$string['chooseauthmethod_help'] = 'This setting determines the authentication method used when the user logs in. Only enabled authentication plugins should be chosen, otherwise the user will no longer be able to log in. To block the user from logging in, select "No login".';
$string['incorrectpleasetryagain'] = 'Incorrect. Please try again.';
$string['infilefield'] = 'Field required in file';
$string['informminpassworddigits'] = 'at least {$a} digit(s)';
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ $string['internal'] = 'Internal';
$string['limitconcurrentlogins'] = 'Limit concurrent logins';
$string['limitconcurrentlogins_desc'] = 'If enabled the number of concurrent browser logins for each user is restricted. The oldest session is terminated after reaching the limit, please note that users may lose all unsaved work. This setting is not compatible with single sign-on (SSO) authentication plugins.';
$string['locked'] = 'Locked';
$string['authloginviaemail'] = 'Allow login via email';
$string['authloginviaemail'] = 'Allow log in via email';
$string['authloginviaemail_desc'] = 'Allow users to use both username and email address (if unique) for site login.';
$string['md5'] = 'MD5 hash';
$string['nopasswordchange'] = 'Password can not be changed';

View File

@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ $string['missingvarname'] = 'Required variable name is missing!';
$string['missing_moodle_backup_xml_file'] = 'Backup is missing XML file: {$a}';
$string['mixedtypesqlparam'] = 'ERROR: Mixed types of sql query parameters!!';
$string['mnetdisable'] = 'MNET is disabled';
$string['mnetlocal'] = 'Remote MNET users cannot login locally';
$string['mnetlocal'] = 'Remote MNET users cannot log in locally';
$string['moduledisable'] = 'This module ({$a}) has been disabled for this particular course';
$string['moduledoesnotexist'] = 'This module does not exist';
$string['moduleinstancedoesnotexist'] = 'The instance of this module does not exist';
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ $string['nofolder'] = 'Requested directory does not exist';
$string['noformdesc'] = 'No formslib form description file found for this activity.';
$string['noguest'] = 'No guests here!';
$string['noinstances'] = 'There are no instances of {$a} in this course!';
$string['nologinas'] = 'You are not allowed to login as that user';
$string['nologinas'] = 'You are not allowed to log in as that user';
$string['nonmeaningfulcontent'] = 'Non meaningful content';
$string['noparticipants'] = 'No participants found for this course';
$string['noparticipatorycms'] = 'Sorry, but you have no participatory course modules to report on';
@ -471,10 +471,10 @@ $string['serverconnection'] = 'Error connecting to the server';
$string['servicedonotexist'] = 'The service does not exist';
$string['sessionwaiterr'] = 'Timed out while waiting for session lock.<br />Wait for your current requests to finish and try again later.';
$string['sessioncookiesdisable'] = 'Incorrect use of require_key_login() - session cookies must be disabled!';
$string['sessiondiskfull'] = 'The session partition is full. It is not possible to login at this time. Please notify the server administrator.';
$string['sessiondiskfull'] = 'The session partition is full. It is not possible to log in at this time. Please notify the server administrator.';
$string['sessionhandlerproblem'] = 'Session handler is misconfigured';
$string['sessionerroruser'] = 'Your session has timed out. Please login again.';
$string['sessionerroruser2'] = 'A server error that affects your login session was detected. Please login again or restart your browser.';
$string['sessionerroruser'] = 'Your session has timed out. Please log in again.';
$string['sessionerroruser2'] = 'A server error that affects your login session was detected. Please log in again or restart your browser.';
$string['sessionipnomatch'] = 'Sorry, but your IP number seems to have changed from when you first logged in. This security feature prevents crackers stealing your identity while logged in to this site. Normal users should not be seeing this message - please ask the site administrator for help.';
$string['sessionipnomatch2'] = '<p>Sorry, but your IP number seems to have changed from when you first logged in. This security feature prevents crackers stealing your identity while logged in to this site. You may see this error if you use wireless networks or if you are roaming between different networks. Please ask the site administrator for more help.</p>
<p>If you want to continue please press F5 key to refresh this page.</p>';

View File

@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ $string['commentincontext'] = 'Find this comment in context';
$string['comments'] = 'Comments';
$string['commentscount'] = 'Comments ({$a})';
$string['commentsnotenabled'] = 'Comments feature is not enabled';
$string['commentsrequirelogin'] = 'You need to login to view the comments';
$string['commentsrequirelogin'] = 'You need to log in to view the comments.';
$string['comparelanguage'] = 'Compare and edit current language';
$string['complete'] = 'Complete';
$string['completereport'] = 'Complete report';

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ $string['deletedevice'] = 'Delete the device. Note that an app can register the
$string['devicetoken'] = 'Device token';
$string['errorretrievingkey'] = 'An error occurred while retrieving key. Your Moodle site must be registered with to use this service. You may need to re-register to update your details there.';
$string['keyretrievedsuccessfully'] = 'Key retrieved successfully';
$string['nodevices'] = 'No registered devices. Devices will automatically register after you allow a Moodle iOS app to receive push notifications.';
$string['nodevices'] = 'No registered devices. Devices will automatically appear after you install the Moodle Mobile app and add this site.';
$string['nopermissiontomanagedevices'] = 'You don\'t have permission to manage devices.';
$string['notconfigured'] = 'The Airnotifier server hasn\'t been configured so Airnotifier messages cannot be sent';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Mobile notifications';

View File

@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ $string['invalidfloatforgrade'] = 'The grade provided could not be understood: {
$string['lastmodifiedsubmission'] = 'Last modified (submission)';
$string['lastmodifiedgrade'] = 'Last modified (grade)';
$string['latesubmissions'] = 'Late submissions';
$string['latesubmissionsaccepted'] = 'Only student(s) having been granted extension can still submit the assignment';
$string['latesubmissionsaccepted'] = 'Allowed until the cut-off date';
$string['locksubmissionforstudent'] = 'Prevent any more submissions for student: (id={$a->id}, fullname={$a->fullname}).';
$string['locksubmissions'] = 'Lock submissions';
$string['manageassignfeedbackplugins'] = 'Manage assignment feedback plugins';
@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ $string['noattempt'] = 'No attempt';
$string['nofiles'] = 'No files. ';
$string['nograde'] = 'No grade. ';
$string['nolatesubmissions'] = 'No late submissions accepted. ';
$string['nomoresubmissionsaccepted'] = 'No more submissions accepted';
$string['nomoresubmissionsaccepted'] = 'Only allowed for participants who have been granted an extension';
$string['noonlinesubmissions'] = 'This assignment does not require you to submit anything online';
$string['nosavebutnext'] = 'Next';
$string['nosubmission'] = 'Nothing has been submitted for this assignment';

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@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ $string['false'] = 'False';
$string['fileformat'] = 'File format';
$string['finish'] = 'Finish';
$string['firstanswershould'] = 'First answer should jump to the "Correct" page';
$string['firstwrong'] = 'Unfortunately you cannot earn this one point, because your response was not correct. Would you like to keep guessing, just for the sheer joy of learning (but for no point credit)?';
$string['firstwrong'] = 'You have answered incorrectly. Would you like to attempt the question again? (If you now answer the question correctly, it will not count towards your final score.)';
$string['flowcontrol'] = 'Flow control';
$string['fractionsaddwrong'] = 'The positive grades you have chosen do not add up to 100%<br />Instead, they add up to {$a}%<br />Do you want to go back and fix this question?';
$string['fractionsnomax'] = 'One of the answers should be 100%, so that it is<br />possible to get a full grade for this question.<br />Do you want to go back and fix this question?';