mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:30:15 +01:00
MDL-18599 mod_forum: Hide single discussion owner's name and picture
* On the discussion's page. * On the recent activity block. * On the recent activity page.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1602,27 +1602,34 @@ function forum_print_recent_activity($course, $viewfullnames, $timestart) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('newforumposts', 'forum').':', 3);
echo "\n<ul class='unlist'>\n";
$list = html_writer::start_tag('ul', ['class' => 'unlist']);
foreach ($printposts as $post) {
$subjectclass = empty($post->parent) ? ' bold' : '';
$authorhidden = forum_is_author_hidden($post, (object) ['type' => $post->forumtype]);
echo '<li><div class="head">'.
'<div class="date">'.userdate($post->modified, $strftimerecent).'</div>'.
'<div class="name">'.fullname($post, $viewfullnames).'</div>'.
echo '<div class="info'.$subjectclass.'">';
if (empty($post->parent)) {
echo '"<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/forum/discuss.php?d='.$post->discussion.'">';
} else {
echo '"<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/forum/discuss.php?d='.$post->discussion.'&parent='.$post->parent.'#p'.$post->id.'">';
$list .= html_writer::start_tag('li');
$list .= html_writer::start_div('head');
$list .= html_writer::div(userdate($post->modified, $strftimerecent), 'date');
if (!$authorhidden) {
$list .= html_writer::div(fullname($post, $viewfullnames), 'name');
$list .= html_writer::end_div(); // Head.
$list .= html_writer::start_div('info' . $subjectclass);
$discussionurl = new moodle_url('/mod/forum/discuss.php', ['d' => $post->discussion]);
if (!empty($post->parent)) {
$discussionurl->param('parent', $post->parent);
$discussionurl->set_anchor('p'. $post->id);
$post->subject = break_up_long_words(format_string($post->subject, true));
echo $post->subject;
echo "</a>\"</div></li>\n";
$list .= html_writer::link($discussionurl, $post->subject);
$list .= html_writer::end_div(); // Info.
$list .= html_writer::end_tag('li');
echo "</ul>\n";
$list .= html_writer::end_tag('ul');
echo $list;
return true;
@ -3319,53 +3326,69 @@ function forum_print_post($post, $discussion, $forum, &$cm, $course, $ownpost=fa
$forumpostclass .= ' lastpost';
// Flag to indicate whether we should hide the author or not.
$authorhidden = forum_is_author_hidden($post, $forum);
$postbyuser = new stdClass;
$postbyuser->post = $post->subject;
$postbyuser->user = $postuser->fullname;
$discussionbyuser = get_string('postbyuser', 'forum', $postbyuser);
$output .= html_writer::tag('a', '', array('id'=>'p'.$post->id));
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class'=>'forumpost clearfix'.$forumpostclass.$topicclass,
'role' => 'region',
'aria-label' => $discussionbyuser));
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class'=>'row header clearfix'));
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class'=>'left picture'));
$output .= $OUTPUT->user_picture($postuser, array('courseid'=>$course->id));
$output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
// Begin forum post.
$output .= html_writer::start_div('forumpost clearfix' . $forumpostclass . $topicclass,
['role' => 'region', 'aria-label' => $discussionbyuser]);
// Begin header row.
$output .= html_writer::start_div('row header clearfix');
// User picture.
if (!$authorhidden) {
$picture = $OUTPUT->user_picture($postuser, ['courseid' => $course->id]);
$output .= html_writer::div($picture, 'left picture');
$topicclass = 'topic' . $topicclass;
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class'=>'topic'.$topicclass));
// Begin topic column.
$output .= html_writer::start_div($topicclass);
$postsubject = $post->subject;
if (empty($post->subjectnoformat)) {
$postsubject = format_string($postsubject);
$output .= html_writer::tag('div', $postsubject, array('class'=>'subject',
'role' => 'heading',
'aria-level' => '2'));
$output .= html_writer::div($postsubject, 'subject', ['role' => 'heading', 'aria-level' => '2']);
$by = new stdClass();
$by->name = html_writer::link($postuser->profilelink, $postuser->fullname);
$by->date = userdate($post->modified);
$output .= html_writer::tag('div', get_string('bynameondate', 'forum', $by), array('class'=>'author',
'role' => 'heading',
'aria-level' => '2'));
$output .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); //topic
$output .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); //row
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class'=>'row maincontent clearfix'));
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class'=>'left'));
$groupoutput = '';
if ($groups) {
$groupoutput = print_group_picture($groups, $course->id, false, true, true);
if ($authorhidden) {
$bytext = userdate($post->modified);
} else {
$by = new stdClass();
$by->date = userdate($post->modified);
$by->name = html_writer::link($postuser->profilelink, $postuser->fullname);
$bytext = get_string('bynameondate', 'forum', $by);
$bytextoptions = [
'role' => 'heading',
'aria-level' => '2',
$output .= html_writer::div($bytext, 'author', $bytextoptions);
// End topic column.
$output .= html_writer::end_div();
// End header row.
$output .= html_writer::end_div();
// Row with the forum post content.
$output .= html_writer::start_div('row maincontent clearfix');
// Show if author is not hidden or we have groups.
if (!$authorhidden || $groups) {
$output .= html_writer::start_div('left');
$groupoutput = '';
if ($groups) {
$groupoutput = print_group_picture($groups, $course->id, false, true, true);
if (empty($groupoutput)) {
$groupoutput = ' ';
$output .= html_writer::div($groupoutput, 'grouppictures');
$output .= html_writer::end_div(); // Left side.
if (empty($groupoutput)) {
$groupoutput = ' ';
$output .= html_writer::tag('div', $groupoutput, array('class'=>'grouppictures'));
$output .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); //left side
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class'=>'no-overflow'));
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class'=>'content'));
@ -5899,6 +5922,7 @@ function forum_get_recent_mod_activity(&$activities, &$index, $timestart, $cours
$tmpactivity->content->discussion = $post->discussion;
$tmpactivity->content->subject = format_string($post->subject);
$tmpactivity->content->parent = $post->parent;
$tmpactivity->content->forumtype = $post->forumtype;
$tmpactivity->user = new stdClass();
$additionalfields = array('id' => 'userid', 'picture', 'imagealt', 'email');
@ -5913,48 +5937,85 @@ function forum_get_recent_mod_activity(&$activities, &$index, $timestart, $cours
* @todo Document this function
* @global object
* Outputs the forum post indicated by $activity.
* @param object $activity the activity object the forum resides in
* @param int $courseid the id of the course the forum resides in
* @param bool $detail not used, but required for compatibilty with other modules
* @param int $modnames not used, but required for compatibilty with other modules
* @param bool $viewfullnames not used, but required for compatibilty with other modules
function forum_print_recent_mod_activity($activity, $courseid, $detail, $modnames, $viewfullnames) {
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
global $OUTPUT;
if ($activity->content->parent) {
$content = $activity->content;
if ($content->parent) {
$class = 'reply';
} else {
$class = 'discussion';
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="forum-recent">';
$tableoptions = [
'border' => '0',
'cellpadding' => '3',
'cellspacing' => '0',
'class' => 'forum-recent'
$output = html_writer::start_tag('table', $tableoptions);
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('tr');
echo "<tr><td class=\"userpicture\" valign=\"top\">";
echo $OUTPUT->user_picture($activity->user, array('courseid'=>$courseid));
echo "</td><td class=\"$class\">";
$post = (object) ['parent' => $content->parent];
$forum = (object) ['type' => $content->forumtype];
$authorhidden = forum_is_author_hidden($post, $forum);
if ($activity->content->parent) {
// Show user picture if author should not be hidden.
if (!$authorhidden) {
$pictureoptions = [
'courseid' => $courseid,
'link' => $authorhidden,
'alttext' => $authorhidden,
$picture = $OUTPUT->user_picture($activity->user, $pictureoptions);
$output .= html_writer::tag('td', $picture, ['class' => 'userpicture', 'valign' => 'top']);
// Discussion title and author.
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('td', ['class' => $class]);
if ($content->parent) {
$class = 'title';
} else {
// Bold the title of new discussions so they stand out.
$class = 'title bold';
echo "<div class=\"{$class}\">";
$output .= html_writer::start_div($class);
if ($detail) {
$aname = s($activity->name);
echo "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('icon', $activity->type) . "\" ".
"class=\"icon\" alt=\"{$aname}\" />";
$output .= html_writer::img($OUTPUT->pix_url('icon', $activity->type), $aname, ['class' => 'icon']);
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/discuss.php?d={$activity->content->discussion}"
echo '</div>';
$discussionurl = new moodle_url('/mod/forum/discuss.php', ['d' => $content->discussion]);
$discussionurl->set_anchor('p' . $activity->content->id);
$output .= html_writer::link($discussionurl, $content->subject);
$output .= html_writer::end_div();
echo '<div class="user">';
$fullname = fullname($activity->user, $viewfullnames);
echo "<a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id={$activity->user->id}&course=$courseid\">"
."{$fullname}</a> - ".userdate($activity->timestamp);
echo '</div>';
echo "</td></tr></table>";
$timestamp = userdate($activity->timestamp);
if ($authorhidden) {
$authornamedate = $timestamp;
} else {
$fullname = fullname($activity->user, $viewfullnames);
$userurl = new moodle_url('/user/view.php');
$userurl->params(['id' => $activity->user->id, 'course' => $courseid]);
$by = new stdClass();
$by->name = html_writer::link($userurl, $fullname);
$by->date = $timestamp;
$authornamedate = get_string('bynameondate', 'forum', $by);
$output .= html_writer::div($authornamedate, 'user');
$output .= html_writer::end_tag('td');
$output .= html_writer::end_tag('tr');
$output .= html_writer::end_tag('table');
echo $output;
@ -7910,3 +7971,24 @@ function mod_forum_myprofile_navigation(core_user\output\myprofile\tree $tree, $
return true;
* Checks whether the author's name and picture for a given post should be hidden or not.
* @param object $post The forum post.
* @param object $forum The forum object.
* @return bool
* @throws coding_exception
function forum_is_author_hidden($post, $forum) {
if (!isset($post->parent)) {
throw new coding_exception('$post->parent must be set.');
if (!isset($forum->type)) {
throw new coding_exception('$forum->type must be set.');
if ($forum->type === 'single' && empty($post->parent)) {
return true;
return false;
@ -3012,6 +3012,39 @@ class mod_forum_lib_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
$this->assertCount($expectedreplycount, $unmailed);
* Test for forum_is_author_hidden.
public function test_forum_is_author_hidden() {
// First post, different forum type.
$post = (object) ['parent' => 0];
$forum = (object) ['type' => 'standard'];
$this->assertFalse(forum_is_author_hidden($post, $forum));
// Child post, different forum type.
$post->parent = 1;
$this->assertFalse(forum_is_author_hidden($post, $forum));
// First post, single simple discussion forum type.
$post->parent = 0;
$forum->type = 'single';
$this->assertTrue(forum_is_author_hidden($post, $forum));
// Child post, single simple discussion forum type.
$post->parent = 1;
$this->assertFalse(forum_is_author_hidden($post, $forum));
// Incorrect parameters: $post.
$this->setExpectedException('coding_exception', '$post->parent must be set.');
forum_is_author_hidden($post, $forum);
// Incorrect parameters: $forum.
$this->setExpectedException('coding_exception', '$forum->type must be set.');
forum_is_author_hidden($post, $forum);
public function forum_get_unmailed_posts_provider() {
return [
'Untimed discussion; Single post; maxeditingtime not expired' => [
Reference in New Issue
Block a user