mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 22:08:20 +01:00
Automatic installer.php lang files by installer_builder (20060712)
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,4 +9,17 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Maak die venster toe';
$string['continue'] = 'Gaan voort';
$string['error'] = 'Fout';
$string['help'] = 'Help';
$string['language'] = 'Taal';
$string['name'] = 'Naam';
$string['next'] = 'Volgende';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Wagwoord';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Afrikaans';
$string['user'] = 'Gebruiker';
@ -9,4 +9,83 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'مجلد الإدارة المحدد غير صحيح';
$string['admindirname'] = 'مجلد الإدارة';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = 'أعداد دليل المدير';
$string['bypassed'] = 'مرور';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'لم يتم أنشاء دليل اللغة';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'لم يتم أنشاء الدليل المؤقت';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'لم يتم تنزيل بعض العناصر';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'لم يتم تنزيل بعض الملف المضغوط';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'لم يتم العثور على العنصر';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'لم يتم حفظ ملف md5';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'لم يتم حفظ الملف المضغوط';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'لم يتم فك الملف المضغوط';
$string['caution'] = 'تحذير';
$string['check'] = 'أختر';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'اختر اللغة';
$string['closewindow'] = 'أغلق هذه النافذة';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'أفحص إعدادات الـ PHP';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'تم انشاء ملف config.php بنجاح';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'تمت عملية الإعداد';
$string['continue'] = 'استمر';
$string['database'] = 'قاعدة بيانات';
$string['dataroot'] = 'دليل البيانات';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'إعداد المعلومات غير صحيح';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'لم يتم التوصيل بقاعدة البيانات المحددة. تأكد من إعدادات قاعدة البيانات.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'خطاء في إنشاء قاعدة البيانات. لم يم انشاء قاعدة البيانات المسماه في الأعدادات المعطاه.';
$string['dbhost'] = 'الخادم المضيف';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'مقدمة الجداول';
$string['dbtype'] = 'نوع';
$string['dirroot'] = 'دليل مودل';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'إعدادّّّ\"المجلد\" غير صحيح. حاول إعادة الإعداد';
$string['download'] = 'تنزيل';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = 'تنزيل حزمة اللغة';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = 'يجب عليك تصحيح كل المشاكل (الأخطاء) الموضحه أعلاه قبل الأستمرار في ثتبيت هذا الأصدار لمودل';
$string['environmenthead'] = 'يتم فحص البيئة';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'ينصح بتثبيته/تمكينه';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'يفضل الأصدار a$->needed ، وانت تستخدم الأصدار a$->current';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'مطلوب تثبيته/تمكينه';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'مطلوب الأصدار a$->needed ، وانت تستخدم الأصدار a$->current';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = 'خطاء في قراءة بيانات البيئة (a$->error_code)';
$string['error'] = 'خطاء';
$string['fail'] = 'فشل';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'تحميل ملف';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'هذا يجب أن يكون نشط';
$string['gdversion'] = 'أصدار جي دي';
$string['help'] = 'مساعدة';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'ينصح بشدة تثبيت مكتبة ICONV الاختيارية وذلك لتحسين أداء موقعك خصوصا لو كنت تستخدم لغات غير لاتينيه.';
$string['info'] = 'معلومات';
$string['installation'] = 'تثبيت';
$string['language'] = 'اللغة';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'هذا يجب ان يكون معطل';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'يفضل وبشدة تثبيت مكتبة (MBSTRING) الاختيارية وذلك لتسحين اداء الموقع وبذات لوكان موقعك يدعم لغات غير لاتينية.';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'حد الذاكرة';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'ذاكرة الـ PHP صغيرة جداً... من المحتل ستواجه بعض المشاكل لاحقاً';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'على الرغم من أن موقعك يستخدم iso-8859-1 للغات (اللأتينية)فقط، يمكنك الأستمرار في استخدام MySQL 4.1.12 أو أعلى المثبتة حاليا.';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'MySQL 4.1.16 هي الأصدار الأقل المطلوب لاتثبيت أصدار مودل 1.6 وذلك لضمان إمكانية تحويل جميع البيانات إلى UTF-8 في المستقبل.';
$string['name'] = 'الاسم';
$string['next'] = 'التالي';
$string['ok'] = 'تم';
$string['parentlanguage'] = 'المترجمون: أذا كانت لغتك لها لغة أم والتي يجب على مودل يتخدم ويوجد بعض التعابير مفقودة من حزمة لغتك، لذا يجب عليك تحديد الرمز هناء. لو تركت هذا الحقل فارغا سيتم استخدام اللغة الإنجليزية. على سبيل المثال : nl>>';
$string['pass'] = 'اجتياز';
$string['password'] = 'كلمة المرور';
$string['phpversion'] = 'أصدار PHP';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'يجب ان يكون إصدار PHP 4.1.0 على الاقل ';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p> يتطلب مودل على الاقل الأصدار 4.1.0 لـ PHP </p>
<p> انت تستخدم الأصدار $a </p>
<p> يجب عليك ترقية PHP أو الانتقال إلى مستظيف أخر لديه أصدار اجد لـ PHP.</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'السابق';
$string['report'] = 'تقرير';
$string['safemode'] = 'وضع الامان';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'من الممكن ان مودل يواجه مشاكل عندما يكون وضع الامان نشط';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'البدء الآلي للجلسة';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'يجب أن يكون هذا معطل';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = 'تخطى اختبار تشفير قاعدة البيانات';
$string['status'] = 'الحالة';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'عربي';
$string['user'] = 'مستخدم';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'WWW';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'إعداد \'WWW\' غير صحيح';
@ -9,4 +9,34 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Абраны каталог адміністратара няслушны';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Каталог адміністратара';
$string['caution'] = 'Папярэджанне';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Згарнуць вакно';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Скрыпт ўстаноўкі не змог аўтаматычна стварыць файл config.php, які ўтрымлівае Вамі абраныя настроўкі, па прычыне, што нельга пісаць у папку з устаноўкай Moodle. Вы можаце ўручную скапіяваць наступны код ў файл з назвай config.php і змясць яго ў карнявую папку ўстаноўкі Moodle.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php быў паспяхова створаны';
$string['continue'] = 'Працягнуць';
$string['database'] = 'База Дадзеных';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Каталог дадзеных';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Хост сэрвера';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Прэфікс табліцаў';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Тып';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Каталог Moodle';
$string['download'] = 'Загрузіць';
$string['error'] = 'Памылка';
$string['fail'] = 'Памылка';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD версія';
$string['help'] = 'Дапамога';
$string['installation'] = 'Ладаванне';
$string['language'] = 'Мова';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Мяжа памяці';
$string['name'] = 'Назва';
$string['next'] = 'Далей';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Пароль';
$string['previous'] = 'Папярэдні';
$string['status'] = 'Статус';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Беларуская';
$string['user'] = 'Карыстальнік';
@ -9,4 +9,19 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Затваряне на прозореца';
$string['continue'] = 'Напред';
$string['error'] = 'Грешка';
$string['help'] = 'Помощ';
$string['info'] = "Information";
$string['language'] = 'Език';
$string['name'] = 'Име';
$string['next'] = 'Напред';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Парола';
$string['previous'] = 'Предишен';
$string['status'] = 'Състояние';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Български';
$string['user'] = 'Потребител';
@ -9,4 +9,66 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Određeni administratorski direktorij je nepravilan';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Administratorski direktorij';
$string['caution'] = 'Pažnja';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Zatvorite prozor';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Instalacijska skripta nije u mogućnosti da automatski kreira config.php datoteku koja obuhvata Vaše izabrano podešavanje, vjerovatno zbog Moodle direktorija koji nije pisan. Možete ručno kopirati prateći kod u ime fajla config.php unutar osnovnog direktorija za Moodle.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php je bio uspješno kreiran';
$string['continue'] = 'Nastavak';
$string['database'] = 'Baza podataka';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Direktorij podataka';
$string['datarooterror'] = '\'Directorij podataka\' koji ste naveli ne može biti pronađen ili kreiran. Svaka korekcija puta ili pravljenja ručno tog direktorija.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Ne možemo se spojiti na bazu podataka koju ste naveli. Molimo Vas da provjerite svoja podešavanja baze podataka.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Greška prilikom pravljenja baze podataka. Ne možete napraviti ime date baze podataka sa predviđenim podešavanjima';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Glavni server';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Lista prefiksa';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Tip';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Direktorij Moodla';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'Podešavanje \'Direktorija Moodla\' izgleda je netačno - ne možemo tamo naći Moodle instalaciju. Niža vrijednost će biti ponovo dovedena na početni položaj.';
$string['download'] = 'Preuzeti';
$string['error'] = 'Greška';
$string['fail'] = 'Izostati';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Katalog za učitavanja datoteka';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Ovo bi trebalo biti uključeno';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD verzija';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'GD datoteka sa izvornim kodom trebala bi prezentirati proces i kreirati duplikate';
$string['help'] = 'Pomoć';
$string['installation'] = 'Instalacija';
$string['language'] = 'Jezik';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Čari naznake vremenskog kretanja';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Ovo bi trebalo biti isključeno';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Ograničenje memorije';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'PHP ograničenje je podešeno na potpuno malo memorije ... kasnije se možete kretati unutar problema.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>PHP ograničenje memorije za Vaš server je trenutno podešeno na $a.</p>
<p>Ovo možda prouzrokuje Moodlu da kasnije ima problema sa memorijom, posebno ako imate mnogo dozvoljenih modula i /ili mnogo korisnika.</p>
<p>Preporučujemo Vam da konfigurišete PHP sa visokim ograničenjem ako je moguće, kao 16M. Čineći ovo tamo je nekoliko načina pa možete pokušati: </p><ol>
<li>Ako ste, opet kompajlisati PHP sa <i>--dostupnim-memorijskim-ograničenjem</i>. Ovo će dozvoliti Moodle da postavi memorijsko ograničenje sam za sebe.</li>
<li>Ako imate pristup na Vašu php.ini datoteku, možete promijeniti <b>memorijsko_ograničenje</b> podešavanje u nešto kao ovo 16M. Ako nemate pristup možete pitati svog administratora da to uradi za Vas.</li>
<li>Na nekim PHP serverima možete kreirati a.ht pristupnu datoteku u Moodle direktoriju koji se sadrži na ovoj liniji:<br /><blockquote>php_vrijednost memorijskog_ograničenja 16M</blockquote></li>
<br />Kakogod, na istom serveru ovo izbjegavajte <b>sve</b> PHP stranice za rad (vidjet ćete grešku prilkom pregleda stranice) ćete na njima morati izbrisati .htpristupnu datoteku. </li></ol>';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP neće biti propisno konfigurisan sa MySQL ekstenzijom tako da može komunicirati sa MySQL. Molimo Vas da provjerite svoju php.ini datoteku ili opet kompajlišite PHP.';
$string['name'] = 'Ime';
$string['next'] = 'Sljedeći';
$string['ok'] = 'Sve je u redu';
$string['pass'] = 'Proći';
$string['password'] = 'Lozinka';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP verzija';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP verzija mora biti najmanje 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle zahtijeva najmanju PHP verziju 4.1.0.</p>
<p>Trenutno pokrećete verziju $a</p>
<p>Možete nadograditi PHP ili premjestiti na glavnu sa novijom verzijom PHP!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Prijethodni';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe Mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle može imati problema sa uključenim safe mode-om';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Automatski početak akcije';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Ovo bi trebalo biti isključeno';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Bosanski';
$string['user'] = 'Korisnik';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Web adresa';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'Web adresa nije jasna da bi bila validna - ovom Moodle instalacija je nejasna da bila tu.';
@ -9,4 +9,154 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'El directori d\'administració especificat és incorrecte';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Directori d\'administració';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = 'S\'està configurant el directori d\'administració...';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = 'Alguns proveïdors d\'espai web utilitzen /admin com una adreça URL especial per accedir a un tauler de control o quelcom semblant. Malauradament això interfereix amb la ubicació estàndard de les pàgines d\'administració de Moodle. Podeu solucionar aquest problema canviant el nom del directori admin en la vostra instal·lació i introduint aquí el nou nom. Per exemple: <br /> <br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br /> <br />
Això repararà tots els enllaços d\'administració de Moodle.';
$string['bypassed'] = 'S\'ha deixat de banda';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'No es pot crear el directori d\'idiomes.';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'No s\'ha pogut crear el directori temporal';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'No s\'han pogut baixar components';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'No s\'ha pogut baixar el fitxer zip';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'No s\'ha pogut trobar un component';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'No s\'ha pogut desar el fitxer md5';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'No s\'ha pogut desar el fitxer zip';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'No s\'ha pogut descomprimir el fitxer';
$string['caution'] = 'Alerta';
$string['check'] = 'Activa';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Trieu un idioma';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'Trieu un idioma NOMÉS per a la instal·lació. En una pantalla posterior podreu triar idiomes per al lloc i per als usuaris.';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Tanca aquesta finestra';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'S\'estan comprovant els paràmetres del PHP...';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'El vostre servidor hauria de passar totes aquestes proves per tal que Moodle funcioni correctament.';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'El component està al dia';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'La seqüència d\'instal·lació no ha estat capaç de crear automàticament un fitxer config.php que contingui els paràmetres que heu triat, probablement perquè no pugui escriure al directori de Moodle. Podeu copiar a mà el codi següent en un fitxer anomenat config.php dins del directori arrel de Moodle.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'S\'ha creat amb èxit el fitxer config.php';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'S\'ha completat la configuració';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'Moodle ha intentat desar la configuració en un fitxer en l\'arrel de la vostra instal·lació de Moodle.';
$string['continue'] = 'Continua';
$string['database'] = 'Base de dades';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = 'Ara cal configurar els paràmetres de la base de dades on s\'emmagatzemaran la majoria de dades de Moodle. L\'instal·lador crearà automàticament aquesta base de dades amb els paràmetres que especifiqueu aquí.';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<b>Tipus:</b> fixat a \"mysql\" per l\'instal·lador<br />
<b>Servidor:</b> fixat a \"localhost\" per l\'instal·lador<br />
<b>Nom:</b> nom de la base de dades, p. ex. moodle<br />
<b>Usuari:</b> fixat a \"root\" per l\'instal·lador<br />
<b>Contrasenya:</b> la contrasenya de l\'usuari \"root\" de la base de dades<br />
<b>Prefix de les taules:</b> prefix opcional per utilitzar en els noms de totes les taules';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = 'Ara cal configurar la base de dades on s\'emmagatzemaran la majoria de dades de Moodle. Aquesta base de dades s\'ha d\'haver crear abans i cal tenir un nom d\'usuari i una contrasenya per accedir-hi.';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<b>Tipus:</b> mysql o postgres7<br />
<b>Servidor:</b> p. ex. localhost o db.isp.com<br />
<b>Nom:</b> nom de la base de dades, p. ex. moodle<br />
<b>Usuari:</b> nom de l\'usuari de la base de dades<br />
<b>Contrasenya:</b> contrasenya de l\'usuari de la base de dades<br />
<b>Prefix de les taules:</b> prefix opcional per utilitzar en els noms de totes les taules';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Directori de dades';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'No s\'ha pogut trobar o crear el directori de dades que heu especificat. Corregiu el camí o creeu el directori a mà.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'No es pot obrir la connexió amb la base de dades que heu especificat. Comproveu els paràmetres de la base de dades.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Error en la creació de la base de dades. No s\'ha pogut crear la base de dades amb els paràmetres proporcionats.';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Ordinador servidor';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Prefix de taules';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Tipus';
$string['dbwrongencoding'] = 'La base de dades que heu seleccionat està funcionant amb una codificació ($a) no recomanada. Seria millor utilitzar una base de dades amb codificació Unicode (UTF-8). De totes maneres, podeu deixar de banda aquesta prova si seleccioneu més avall \"Omet la prova de codificació de la base de dades\", però podríeu experimentar problemes en el futur.';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = 'Confirmeu les ubicacions d\'aquesta instal·lació de Moodle.';
$string['directorysettingssub'] = '<b>Adreça web:</b>
Especifiqueu l\'adreça web completa per a accedir a Moodle. Si el vostre lloc és accessible per mitjà de diversos URL, trieu el més natural per als estudiants. No inclogueu la barra final.</p>
<br /><br />
<b>Directori de Moodle:</b>
Especifiqueu el camí complet del directori d\'aquesta instal·lació. Assegureu-vos que les majúscules/minúscules són correctes.</p>
<br /><br />
<b>Directori de dades:</b>
Necessiteu un lloc on Moodle pugui desar els fitxers que es pengin. L\'usuari del servidor web (generalment \'nobody\' o \'apache\') ha de tenir permisos de lectura i d\'ESCRIPTURA en aquest directori, però no hauria de ser accessible directament via web.</p>';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Directori de Moodle';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'El paràmetre \'Directori de Moodle\' sembla incorrecte: no s\'hi ha pogut trobat cap instal·lació de Moodle. S\'ha reiniciat el valor del paràmetre.';
$string['download'] = 'Baixa';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'Ha fallat la comprovació del fitxer baixat';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = 'Baixa el paquet d\'idioma "$a"';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = 'Baixa paquet d\'idioma';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = 'Podeu continuar el procés d\'instal·lació amb el paquet d\'idioma per defecte \"$a\".';
$string['downloadlanguagesub'] = 'Ara teniu l\'opció de baixar un paquet d\'idioma i continuar el procés d\'instal·lació en aquest idioma.<br /><br />Si no podeu baixar el paquet, el procés d\'instal·lació prosseguirà en anglès. (Després que s\'hagi completat la instal·lació, tindreu l\'oportunitat de baixar i instal·lar paquets d\'idioma addicionals.)';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = 'Abans d\'instal·lar aquesta versió de Moodle heu de resoldre tots els problemes d\'entorn (errors) que s\'han trobat.';
$string['environmenthead'] = 'S\'està comprovant el vostre entorn';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'es recomana instal·lar/habilitar';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'esteu executant la versió $a->current i es recomana la $a->needed';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'es requereix instal·lar/habilitar';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'esteu executant la versió $a->current i es requereix la $a->needed';
$string['environmentsub'] = 'S\'està comprovant si els diferents components del vostre sistema satisfan els requeriments';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = 'S\'ha produït un error en llegir les dades de l\'entorn ($a->error_code)';
$string['error'] = 'Error';
$string['fail'] = 'Error';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Càrrega de fitxers';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Hauria d\'estar habilitada';
$string['gdversion'] = 'Versió GD';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'La biblioteca GD hauria d\'estar present per processar i crear imatges';
$string['globalsquotes'] = 'Gestió insegura dels globals';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = 'Arregleu els paràmetres del vostre PHP: inhabiliteu register_globals i/o habiliteu magic_quotes_gpc';
$string['help'] = 'Ajuda';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'És sumament recomanable instal·lar la biblioteca opcional ICONV a fi de millorar el rendiment del lloc, especialment si el vostre lloc utilitza llengües no romàniques.';
$string['info'] = 'Informació';
$string['installation'] = 'Instal·lació';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'El md5 no és vàlid';
$string['langdownloaderror'] = 'Dissortadament l\'idioma \"$a\" no està instal·lat. La instal·lació prosseguirà en anglès.';
$string['langdownloadok'] = 'L\'dioma \"$a\" s\'ha instal·lat amb èxit. La instal·lació prosseguirà en aquest idioma.';
$string['language'] = 'Idioma';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Hauria d\'estar desactivat';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'És sumament recomanable instal·lar la biblioteca opcional MBSTRING a fi de millorar el rendiment del lloc, especialment si el vostre lloc utilitza llengües no romàniques.';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Límit de memòria';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'El límit de memòria del PHP està definit una mica baix. Podeu tenir problemes més endavant.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>El límit de memòria del PHP del vostre servidor actualment està definit en $a.</p>
<p>Això pot causar que Moodle tingui problemes de memòria més endavant, especialment si teniu molts mòduls habilitats i/o molts usuaris.</p>
<p>És recomanable que configureu el PHP amb un límit superior, com ara 16 MB, sempre que sigui possible. Hi ha diverses maneres de fer això:</p>
<li>Si podeu, recompileu el PHP amb <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>. Això permetrà que Moodle defineixi el límit de memòria per si mateix.</li>
<li>Si teniu accés al fitxer php.ini, podeu canviar el paràmetre <b>memory_limit</b> a 16M. Si no hi teniu accés podeu demanar al vostre administrador que ho faci ell.</li>
<li>En alguns servidors PHP podeu crear un fitxer .htaccess dins del directori de Moodle amb aquesta línia:
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>Tanmateix, en alguns servidors això farà que no funcioni <b>cap</b> pàgina PHP (es visualitzaran errors) en el qual cas hauríeu de suprimir el fitxer .htaccess.</p></li>
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'Falta algun camp necessari';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'Tanmateix, si el vostre lloc fa servir NOMÉS llengües romàniques (iso-8859-1), podeu seguir utilitzant el MySQL 4.1.12 (o superior) instal·lat.';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'MySQL 4.1.16 és la versió mínima requerida per Moodle 1.6 a fi de garantir la conversió de totes les dades a UTF-8 en el futur.';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'El PHP no s\'ha configurat correctament amb l\'extensió MySQL per tal que es pugui comunicar amb MySQL. Comproveu el fitxer php.ini o recompileu el PHP.';
$string['name'] = 'Nom';
$string['next'] = 'Següent';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['pass'] = 'Correcte';
$string['password'] = 'Contrasenya';
$string['php50restricted'] = 'PHP 5.0 té alguns problemes coneguts. Actualitzeu-vos si us plau a 5.1.x o torneu a 4.3.x o 4.4.x';
$string['phpversion'] = 'Versió PHP';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'La versió del PHP ha de ser com a mínim la 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle necessita la versió de PHP 4.1.0 o posterior.</p>
<p>A hores d\'ara esteu utilitzant la versió $a.</p>
<p>Us caldrà actualitzar el PHP o traslladar Moodle a un ordinador amb una versió de PHP més recent.</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Anterior';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'El vostre servidor no permet baixar components ((allow_url_fopen inhabilitat).<br /><br />Baixeu manualment el fitxer <a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a>, copieu en la ubicació \"$a->dest\" del vostre servidor i descomprimiu-lo allí.';
$string['report'] = 'Informe';
$string['restricted'] = 'Restringit';
$string['safemode'] = 'Mode segur';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle pot tenir problemes amb el mode segur activat';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Autoinici de sessió';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Hauria d\'estar desactivat';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = 'Omet la prova de codificació de la base de dades';
$string['status'] = 'Estat';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Català';
$string['user'] = 'Usuari';
$string['welcomep10'] = '$a->installername ($a->installerversion)';
$string['welcomep20'] = 'Esteu veient aquesta pàgina perquè heu instal·lat amb èxit i heu executat el paquet <strong>$a->packname $a->packversion</strong>. Felicitacions!';
$string['welcomep30'] = 'Aquesta versió de <strong>$a->installername</strong> inclou les aplicacions necessàries per crear un entorn en el qual funcioni <strong>Moodle</strong>:';
$string['welcomep40'] = 'El paquet inclou també <strong>Moodle $a->moodlerelease ($a->moodleversion)</strong>.';
$string['welcomep50'] = 'L\'ús de totes les aplicacions d\'aquest paquet és governat per les seves llicències respectives. El paquet <strong>$a->installername</strong> complet és
<a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html\">codi font obert</a> i es distribueix
sota llicència <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\">GPL</a>.';
$string['welcomep60'] = 'Les pàgines següents us guiaran per una sèrie de passos fàcils de seguir per configurar <strong>Moodle</strong> en el vostre ordinador. Podeu acceptar els paràmetres per defecte o, opcionalment, modificar-los perquè s\'ajustin a les vostres necessitats.';
$string['welcomep70'] = 'Feu clic en el botó \"Següent\" per continuar la configuració de <strong>Moodle</strong>.';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = 'El camí de destinació és erroni';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'L\'adreça (URL) base de la font és errònia';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'El nom del fitxer ZIP és erroni';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Adreça web';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'L\'adreça web no sembla vàlida. La instal·lació de Moodle no sembla que sigui en aquesta ubicació,';
@ -9,4 +9,156 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Adresář pro správu (admin) není zadán správně.';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Adresář pro správu (admin)';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = 'Nastavování adresáře \'admin\'...';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = 'Na některých serverech je URL adresa /admin vyhrazena pro speciální účely (např. pro ovládací panel). Na takových serverech může dojít ke kolizi se standardním umístěním stránek pro správu Moodlu. Máte-li tento problém, přejmenujte adresář \'admin\' ve vaší instalaci Moodlu a do tohoto pole zadejte jeho nový název. Příklad: <br /> <br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br /> <br />
Všechny generované odkazy na stránky správy Moodlu budou používat tento nový název.';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Přeskočeno';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'Nelze vytvořit adresář pro jazykové soubory.';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Nelze vytvořit dočasný adresář.';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Nelze stáhnout komponenty.';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'Nelze stáhnout soubor ZIP.';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Komponenta nenalezena.';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'Nelze uložit soubor MD5.';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'Nelze uložit soubor ZIP.';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'Nelze dekomprimovat soubor.';
$string['caution'] = 'Varování';
$string['check'] = 'Prověřit';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Vyberte jazyk';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'Zvolte si jazyk PRO INSTALOVÁNÍ. Jazyk pro stránky Moodlu a pro uživatele budete moci vybrat později.';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Zavřít toto okno';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'Kontrola nastavení PHP...';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'Pro správný běh Moodlu by váš server měl vyhovět ve všech následujících testech.';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'Komponenta je aktuální.';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Instalačnímu skriptu se nepodařilo automaticky vytvořit soubor config.php s vaší konfigurací -- proces webového serveru zřejmě nemá právo zapisovat do adresáře s instalací Moodlu. Můžete ručně zkopírovat následující kód do souboru s názvem config.php a uložit jej do kořenového adresáře vaší instalace Moodlu.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'Soubor config.php byl úspěšně vytvořen.';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'Konfigurace dokončena';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'Moodle se pokusil uložit soubor s konfigurací do kořenového adresáře instalace Moodlu.';
$string['continue'] = 'Pokračovat';
$string['database'] = 'Databáze';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = 'Nyní musíte nastavit připojení k databázi, kam si bude Moodle ukládat většinu svých dat. Tato databáze může být vytvořena instalátorem automaticky podle následujícího nastavení.';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<b>Typ:</b> instalátor nastaví na \"mysql\"<br />
<b>Hostitel:</b> instalátor nastaví na \"localhost\"<br />
<b>Název:</b> název databáze, např. moodle<br />
<b>Uživatel:</b> instalátor nastaví na \"root\"<br />
<b>Heslo:</b> heslo k tomuto účtu<br />
<b>Předpona tabulek:</b> volitelná předpona, která se vloží před názvy všech tabulek (umožňuje používat jednu databázi pro více instalací Moodlu)';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = 'Nyní musíte nastavit připojení k databázi, kam si bude Moodle ukládat většinu svých dat. Tato databáze již musí být vytvořena, stejně jako musí být nastaveno uživatelské jméno a heslo pro přístup k ní.';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<b>Typ:</b> mysql nebo postgres7<br />
<b>Hostitel:</b> např. localhost nebo db.naseskola.cz<br />
<b>Název:</b> název databáze, např. moodle<br />
<b>Uživatel:</b> uživatelské jméno účtu pro přístup k databázi<br />
<b>Heslo:</b> heslo k tomuto účtu<br />
<b>Předpona tabulek:</b> volitelná předpona, která se vloží před názvy všech tabulek (umožňuje používat jednu databázi pro více instalací Moodlu)';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Datový adresář';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'Zadaný datový adresář se nepodařilo nalézt nebo vytvořit. Buď opravte zadanou cestu, nebo vytvořte adresář ručně.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Nepodařilo se připojit k databázi, kterou jste zadali. Zkontrolujte prosím nastavení databáze.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Chyba při vytváření databáze. Nelze vytvořit databázi zadaného jména a nastavení.';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Hostitelský server';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Předpona tabulek';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Typ';
$string['dbwrongencoding'] = 'Vybraná databáze používá nedoporučené kódování $a. Vhodnější by bylo používat databázi s kódováním Unicode (UTF-8). Tuto kontrolu můžete přeskočit zaškrtnutím pole \"Přeskočit test kódování DB\", můžete však v budoucnu narazit na problémy.';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = 'Potvrďte prosím adresy této instalace Moodlu.';
$string['directorysettingssub'] = '<b>Webová adresa</b>:
zadejte úplnou webovou adresu, na níž bude Moodle dostupný. Jsou-li vaše stránky dostupné na více URL, vyberte z nich tu, kterou budou vaši studenti používat nejčastěji. Na konci adresy neuvádějte lomítko.
<br />
<br />
<b>Adresář Moodlu</b>:
zadejte úplnou cestu k adresáři s touto instalací. Ujistěte se, že jsou v ní správně uvedena malá/VELKÁ písmena.
<br />
<br />
<b>Datový adresář</b>:
potřebujete diskový prostor, kam bude Moodle ukládat nahrané (uploadované) soubory. K tomuto adresáři musí mít proces webového serveru právo ke čtení I ZÁPISU (webový server bývá spouštěn pod uživatelem \'nobody\' nebo \'apache\' nebo podobně). Tento adresář by ale zároveň neměl být dostupný přímo přes webové rozhraní (může obsahovat neveřejná data).';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Adresář Moodlu';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'Parametr \'Adresář Moodlu\' je zřejmě nastaven nesprávně -- v zadaném umístění se nepodařilo najít instalaci Moodlu. Ve formuláři níže byla automaticky nastavena výchozí hodnota.';
$string['download'] = 'Stáhnout';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'Kontrola staženého souboru dopadla negativně';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = 'Stáhnout jazykový balíček \"$a\"';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = 'Stáhnout jazykový balíček';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = 'V instalaci lze nyní pokračovat v jazyce \"$a\".';
$string['downloadlanguagesub'] = 'Nyní máte možnost stáhnout si některý z jazykových balíčků Moodlu a pokračovat v tomto jazyce.<br /><br />Pokud si momentálně nemůžete nebo nechcete stáhnout jazykový balíček, bude instalační proces pokračovat v angličtině. Jazykové balíčky si budete moci stáhnout i později po ukončení instalace.';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = 'Pro pokračování v instalaci této verze Moodlu je nutné nejdříve vyřešit problémy v programovém prostředí (chyby) serveru uvedené výše!';
$string['environmenthead'] = 'Kontrola programového prostředí...';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'doporučená komponenta';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'doporučena je verze $a->needed, nyní používáte verzi $a->current';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'vyžadovaná komponenta';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'vyžadována je verze $a->needed, nyní používáte verzi $a->current';
$string['environmentsub'] = 'Nyní se prověřuje, zda vybrané komponenty vašeho systému splňují požadavky instalace.';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = 'Chyba při zjišťování údajů o programovém prostředí ($a->error_code)';
$string['error'] = 'Chyba';
$string['fail'] = 'Selhalo';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Nahrávání souborů (FIle Uploads)';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Mělo by být zapnuto';
$string['gdversion'] = 'Verze GD';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'Knihovna GD se používá pro zpracovávání a tvorbu obrázků (např. fotografií, grafů apod.).';
$string['globalsquotes'] = 'Nezabezpečené zacházení s globálními proměnnými';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = 'Upravte nastavení PHP: zakažte register_globals a/nebo povolte magic_quotes_gpc';
$string['help'] = 'Nápověda';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'Instalace volitelné knihovny ICONV je silně doporučena, neboť zvyšuje výkon stránek, zejména pokud používáte jazyky nezaložené na latince.';
$string['info'] = 'Informace';
$string['installation'] = 'Instalace';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'Neplatný MD5 hash';
$string['langdownloaderror'] = 'Bohužel, jazyk \"$a\" se nepodařilo nainstalovat. Instalace bude pokračovat v angličtine.';
$string['langdownloadok'] = 'Podařilo se úspěšně nainstalovat jazykový balíček \"$a\". Instalace bude pokračovat v tomto jazyce.';
$string['language'] = 'Jazyk';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Mělo by být vypnuto';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'Instalace volitelné knihovny MBSTRING je silně doporučena, neboť zvyšuje výkon stránek, zejména pokud používáte jazyky nezaložené na latince.';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Limit paměti';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'Limit paměti pro PHP skripty je nastaven relativně nízko ... v budoucnu byste mohli narazit na problémy.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>Limit paměti pro PHP skripty je na vašem serveru momentálně nastaven na hodnotu $a.</p>
<p>To může později způsobovat Moodlu problémy, zvláště při větším množství modulů a/nebo uživatelů.</p>
<p>Je-li to možné, doporučujeme vám nastavit v PHP vyšší limit, např. 16M. Můžete to provést několika způsoby:
<li>Můžete-li, překompilujte PHP s volbou <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>.
Moodle si tak bude sám moci nastavit potřebný limit.</li>
<li>Máte-li přístup k souboru php.ini, změňte nastavení <b>memory_limit</b>
na hodnotu blízkou 16M. Nemáte-li taková práva, požádejte správce vašeho webového serveru, aby toto nastavení provedl on.</li>
<li>Na některých serverech můžete v kořenovém adresáři Moodlu vytvořit soubor .htaccess s následujícím řádkem:
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>Bohužel, v některých případech tím vyřadíte z provozu <b>všechny</b> PHP stránky (při jejich prohlížení uvidíte chybová hlášení), takže budete muset soubor .htaccess zase odstranit.</li>
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'Chybí některé z povinných polí';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'Pokud ovšem ve vaší instalaci Moodlu používáte POUZE jazyky založené na latince (iso-8859-1), můžete nadále používat momentálně nainstalovanou verzi MySQL 4.1.12 (nebo vyšší).';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'Minimální verzí požadovanou pro Moodle 1.6 -- a pro pozdější bezpečný převod všech dat do UTF-8 -- je MySQL 4.1.16.';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP nebylo korektně nakonfigurováno pro komunikaci v MySQL. Zkontrolujte váš php.ini nebo překompilujte PHP.';
$string['name'] = 'Název';
$string['next'] = 'Další';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['pass'] = 'V pořádku';
$string['password'] = 'Heslo';
$string['php50restricted'] = 'V PHP 5.0.x bylo nalezeno množství chyb; přejděte buď na vyšší verzi 5.1.x, nebo na nižší verzi 4.3.x či 4.4.x.';
$string['phpversion'] = 'Verze PHP';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'Verze PHP musí být alespoň 4.3.0 nebo 5.1.0 (PHP 5.0.x obsahuje množství chyb).';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle vyžaduje PHP alespoň verze 4.3.0 nebo 5.1.0 (PHP 5.0.x obsahuje množství chyb).</p>
<p>Nyní používáte PHP verze $a.</p>
<p>Musíte PHP upgradovat, nebo přejít k hostiteli s vyšší verzí!<br />
(U PHP 5.0.x můžete také přejít na nižší verzi 4.4.x či 4.3.x.)</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Předchozí';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'Stahování komponent na server není povoleno (direktiva allow_url_fopen je ve stavu \'vypnuto\').<br /><br />Musíte soubor stáhnout <a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a> ručně, zkopírovat jej na serveru do umístění \"$a->dest\" a tam jej dekomprimovat.';
$string['report'] = 'Report';
$string['safemode'] = 'Bezpečný režim (Safe Mode)';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Se zapnutým bezpečným režimem (Safe Mode) může mít Moodle problémy.';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Session Auto Start';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Mělo by být vypnuto';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = 'Přeskočit test kódování DB';
$string['status'] = 'Stav';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Čeština';
$string['user'] = 'Uživatel';
$string['welcomep10'] = '$a->installername ($a->installerversion)';
$string['welcomep20'] = 'Podařilo se vám úspěšně nainstalovat a spustit balíček <strong>$a->packname $a->packversion</strong>. Gratulujeme!';
$string['welcomep30'] = '<strong>$a->installername</strong> obsahuje aplikace k vytvoření prostředí, ve kterém bude provozován váš <strong>Moodle</strong>. Jmenovitě se jedná o:';
$string['welcomep40'] = 'Balíček rovněž obsahuje <strong>Moodle ve verzi $a->moodlerelease ($a->moodleversion)</strong>.';
$string['welcomep50'] = 'Použití všech aplikací v tomto balíčku je vázáno jejich příslušnými licencemi. Kompletní balíček <strong>$a->installername</strong> je software s <a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html\"> otevřeným kódem (open source)</a> a je šířen pod licencí <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\">GPL</a>.';
$string['welcomep60'] = 'Následující stránky vás v několik jednoduchých krocích nastavením <strong>Moodlu</strong> na vašem počítači. Můžete přijmout výchozí nastavení, nebo si je upravit podle svých potřeb.';
$string['welcomep70'] = 'Stisknutím níže uvedeného tlačítka \"Další\" pokračujte v nastavení vaší instalace Moodlu.';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = 'Chybné cílové umístění';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'Chybné URL zdrojového serveru';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Chybné jméno souboru ZIP';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Webová adresa';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'Parametr \'Webová adresa\' je zřejmě nastaven nesprávně -- v zadaném umístění se nepodařilo najít instalaci Moodlu. Ve formuláři níže byla automaticky nastavena výchozí hodnota.';
@ -9,4 +9,72 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Det angivende admin biblioteket er forkert';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Adminbibliotek';
$string['caution'] = 'Pas på';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Luk dette vindue';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Installationsscriptet var ikke i stand til at oprette config.php filen der indeholder de valgte indstillinger, sandsynligvis fordi den bruger hvis apache(PHP) kører med (apache, nobody ell) ikke har rettigheder til at skrive til moodlebiblioteket. Du kan manuelt kopiere den følgende kode ind i en fil med navnet \"config.php\" i roden af moodle-biblioteket.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php er blevet oprettet';
$string['continue'] = 'Fortsæt';
$string['database'] = 'Database';
$string['dataroot'] = 'DataBibliotek';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'DataBiblioteket du specificerede kan ikke findes eller oprettes. Ret stien til biblioteket eller opret det manuelt.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Den angive database kunne ikke kontaktes. Kontroller eller ret venligst databaseinformationerne.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Fejl ved oprettelse af databasen. Kan ikke oprette den givne database med de angivne indstillinger.';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Værts Server';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'præfix for tabeller';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Type';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle bibliotek';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'Det angivne moodle-bibliotek lader ikke til at være rigtigt - der kan ikke findes en Moodle-installation. Den nedenstående værdi er blevet fjernet.';
$string['download'] = 'Download';
$string['error'] = 'Fejl';
$string['fail'] = 'Mislykkedes';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Fil uploads';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Denne skulle være aktiveret';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD version';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'GD library skal være tilgængelig for PHP for at der kan billeder kan manipuleres og oprettes.';
$string['help'] = 'Hjælp';
$string['info'] = 'Information';
$string['installation'] = 'Installation';
$string['language'] = 'Sprog';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Denne skulle være deaktiveret';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Hukommelses begrænsning';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'Den tilgængelige hukommelse til PHP er ret lav... Det kan være at der opstår problemer senere.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>Mængden af hukommelse som PHP kan bruge er sat til $a.</p>
<p>Dette kan forårsage at der opstår problemer senere, især hvis du har mange moduler installeret eller mange brugere.</p>
<p>Vi anbefaler at du konfigurere PHP til at kunne bruge mere hukommelse, f.eks. 16Mb.
Der er flere måder hvorpå du kan rette det.</p>
<li>Hvis du har mulighed for det kan du rekompilere PHP med <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>.
Dette vil tillade at Moodle selv kan definere hvor meget hukommelse der er brug for.</li>
<li>Hvis du har adgang til php.ini filen kan du ændre <b>memory_limit</b>
indstillingen så der er minimum 16Mb til rådighed. Hvis du ikke har direkte adgang til den kan du spørge systemadministratoren om han han vil gøre det for dig.</li>
<li>På nogle servere kan du oprette en \'.htaccess\' fil, gemme den i moodle biblioteket med linjen <p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>Det kan dog på nogle servere forårsage en fejl på <b>alle</b> PHPsiderne. i så fald kan du blive nødt til at fjerne \'.htaccess\' filen igen.</p></li>
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP er ikke blevet ordentligt konfigureret med MySQL udvidelsen så den kan kommunikere med MySQL. Det kan skyldes at MySQL extension/dll ikke er loadet. Kontroller venlist phpinfo() og php.ini filen eller rekompiler PHP.';
$string['name'] = 'Navn';
$string['next'] = 'Næste';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['pass'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Password';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP version';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP versionen skal være nyere end 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle kræver en PHP version der er nyere end 4.1.0.</p>
<p>Webserveren bruger i øjeblikket version $a</p>
<p>Du bliver nødt til at opdatere PHP eller flytte systemet over på en anden webserver der har en nyere version af PHP!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Forrige';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle kan have problemer med \"Safe mode : on\"';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Session autostart';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Denne skulle være deaktiveret';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Dansk';
$string['user'] = 'Bruger';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Web adresse';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'Webadressen lader ikke til at være korrekt - Moodleinstallationen kunne ikke findes der.';
@ -9,4 +9,19 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Dieses Fenster schließen';
$string['continue'] = 'Weiter';
$string['error'] = 'Fehler';
$string['help'] = 'Hilfe';
$string['language'] = 'Sprache';
$string['name'] = 'Name';
$string['next'] = 'Nächste';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['parentlanguage'] = 'de_utf8';
$string['password'] = 'Kennwort';
$string['previous'] = 'Frühere';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Deutsch - Du';
$string['user'] = 'Nutzer';
@ -9,4 +9,151 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Das angegebene Admin-Verzeichnis ist falsch.';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Name für das Admin-Verzeichnis';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = 'admin-Verzeichnis festlegen ...';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = 'Einige wenige Webhosting-Anbieter benutzen /admin als spezielles Verzeichnis für den Zugang zum Administrationstool oder andere Dinge. Leider kommt es dadurch zu Konflikten mit dem Standard für das Administrationsverzeichnis von moodle. Sie können dies ändern, indem Sie das admin-Verzeichnis in der moodle-Installation umbenennen. Den gewählten Namen dieses Verzeichnisses müssen Sie hier eingeben.
Zum Beispiel: <br /> <br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br />
Dies ändert die Links für das Admin-Verzeichnis in moodle.';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Uberbrückt';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'lang-Verzeichnis kann nicht angelegt werden.';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Temporäres Verzeichnis kann nicht angelegt werden.';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Komponenten können nicht heruntergeladen werden.';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'ZIP-Datei kann nicht heruntergeladen werden.';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Komponente wurde nicht gefunden.';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'md5-Datei konnte nicht gespeichert werden.';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'ZIP-Datei konnte nicht gespeichert werden';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'Datei konnte nicht entpackt werden.';
$string['caution'] = 'Warnung';
$string['check'] = 'Prüfen';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Einige wenige Webhosting-Anbieter benutzen /admin als spezielles Verzeichnis für den Zugang zum Administrationstool oder andere Dinge. Leider kommt es dadurch zu Konflikten mit dem Standard für das Administrationsverzeichnis von moodle. Sie können dies ändern, indem Sie das admin-Verzeichnis in der moodle-Installation umbenennen. Den gewählten Namen dieses Verzeichnisses müssen Sie hier eingeben.';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'Wählen Sie eine Sprache die Sie während der Installation verwenden wollen. Nach der Installation können Sie die Sprache für die Oberfläche und die Nutzer/innen festlegen.';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Dieses Fenster schließen';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'Prüfung Ihrer PHP- Einstellungen ...';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'Alle Tests sollten vom Server bestätigt werden, damit moodle später reibungslos laufen kann.';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'Die Komponente ist nicht aktuell.';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Ds Installationsscript kann die Datei config.php, welche die gewählten Einstellungen enthält, nicht automatisch erstellen, weil der web-user keine Schreibrechte für das moodle-Verzeichnis hat. Sie können den folgenden Code manuell in einer Datei config.php speichern und diese ins moodle- Hauptverzeichnis kopieren.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'Die Datei config.php wurde erfolgreich erstellt';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'Die Konfiguration ist abgeschlossen.';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'moodle speichert Ihre Konfigurationseinstellungen nun im root-Verzeichnis Ihrer moodle-Installation.';
$string['continue'] = 'Weiter';
$string['database'] = 'Datenbank';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = 'Sie müssen nun die Einstellungen für die Datenbank, in der die meisten moodle-Daten abgelegt werden, konfigurieren. Der Istallationsprozess erstellt die Datenbanktabellen automatisch auf der Grundlage der Einstellungen.';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<b>Typ:</b> \"mysql\" vom Installer festgelegt<br />
<b>Host:</b> \"localhost\" vom Installer festgelegt<br />
<b>Name:</b> Datenbankname, z.B. moodle<br />
<b>User:</b> \"root\" vom Installer festgelegt<br />
<b>Password:</b> Ihr Datenbankpasswort<br />
<b>Tables Prefix:</b> optionaler Prefix für alle Tabellennamen';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = 'Sie müssen nun die Einstellungen für die Datenbank, in der die meisten moodle-Daten abgelegt werden, konfigurieren. Die Datenbank muß bereits mit Nutzernamen und Passwort angelegt worden sein, um auf sie zugreifen zu können.';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<b>Typ:</b> mysql oder postgres7<br />
<b>Host:</b> z.B. localhost oder db.isp.com<br />
<b>Name:</b> Datenbankname, Z.B. moodle<br />
<b>Nutzer:</b> Ihr Benutzername für die Datenbank<br />
<b>Passwort:</b> Ihr Passwort für die Datenbank<br />
<b>Tabellen Prefix:</b> optionaler Prefix, der für aller Tabellen genutzt wird ';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Datenverzeichnis';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'Das angegebene Datenverzeichnis ist nicht vorhanden und kann nicht angelegt werden. Korrigieren Sie diese Eingabe oder legen Sie das Verzeichnis manuell an.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Eine Verbindung zur angegebenen Datenbank konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Eingaben.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Fehler beim Anlegen der Datenbank. Die Datenbank konnte mit diesen Einstellungen nicht erstellt werden.';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Name des Datenbankservers';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Prefix für alle Tabellen';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Datenbankart';
$string['dbwrongencoding'] = 'Die ausgewählte Datenbank läuft unter einem nicht empfohlenen Zeichensatz. Es wäre besser wenn Sie eine Unicode (UTF-8) basierte Datenbank verwenden würden. Sie haben die Möglichkeit diesen Schritt zu überspringen. Vermutlch wirddies später bei der Nutzung aber zu Problemen führen.';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = 'Bestätigen Sie bitte die Verzeichniseinträge für Ihre moodle-Installation';
$string['directorysettingssub'] = '<b>URL Adresse:</b>
Geben Sie hier die vollständige URL für Ihre Moodle Installation an. Sollte Ihre Seite über mehrere Adressen erreichbar sein, geben Sie die Adresse an, die am häufigsten genutzt wird. Bitte geben Sie am Ende kein Backslash ein.<br/><br/>
<b>Moodle Verzeichnis:</b>
Geben Sie den absoluten Pfad für Ihre Moodle Installation an. Bitte beachten Sie ob Gross- und Kleinschreibung korrekt ist.<br/><br/>
Moodle benötigt ein Verzeichnis, indem hochgeladene Dateien abgelegt werden. Dieses Verzeichnis muss Lese- und Schreibrechte für den
Webuser des Servers haben. (üblicherweise \'nobody\' or \'apache\'), aber es sollte nicht direkt über das Internet erreichbar sein.';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle Verzeichnis';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'Die Einstellungen für das Moodle-Verzeichnis sind nicht korrekt. Es wurde keine Moodle Installation gefunden. Die anderen Werte wurden gelöscht.';
$string['download'] = 'Herunterladen';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'Prüfung der heruntergeladenen Datei ist gescheitert';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = 'Download des \"$a\" Sprachpakets';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = 'Download der Sprachpakete';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = 'Sie können die Installation mit dem Sprachpaket \"$a\" fortsetzen.';
$string['downloadlanguagesub'] = 'Sie haben nun die Möglichkeit ein Sprachpaket herunterzuladen und den Installationsprozess mit dieser Sprache fortzusetzen. <br/><br/> Falls sie keinen Download durchführen können, wird die Installation auf Englisch fortgeführt. (Wenn die Installation abgeschlossen ist, haben Sie die Option weitere Sprachpakete herunterzuladen.)';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = 'Sie müssen zunächst alle Probleme mit Einstellungen des Servers beheben, bevor Sie mit der Installation von moodle fortfahren können.';
$string['environmenthead'] = 'Prüfung der Installationsvoraussetzungen';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'sollte installiert bzw. aktiviert werden';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'Version $a->needed wird empfohlen. Derzeit ist $a->current installiert.';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'muß installiert /aktiviert werden.';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'Version $a->needed muß installiert werden. Derzeit ist $a->current installiert.';
$string['environmentsub'] = 'Wir prüfen nun, ob die verschiedenen Komponenten Ihres Systems die Installationsanforderungen erfüllen.';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = 'Beim Auslesen der Einstellungen auf dem Server ist ein Fehler aufgetreten ($a->error_code)';
$string['error'] = 'Fehler';
$string['fail'] = 'Fehlgeschlagen';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Dateien hochladen';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Dies sollte auf \'on\' stehen';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD Version';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'Die GD Bibliothek sollte verfügbar sein, um Bilder zu erzeugen und anzuzeigen.';
$string['globalsquotes'] = 'Unsichere Einstellung von Globals';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = 'Prüfen Sie die PHP-Einstellungen: deaktivieren Sie register_globals und/oder aktivieren Sie magic_quotes_gpc';
$string['help'] = 'Hilfe';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'Die Installation der ICONV Bibliothek wird zur Leistungsverbesserung dringend empfohlen. Dies ist besonders wichtig wenn Sie Sprachen mit anderen als lateinischen Zeichensätzen verwenden.';
$string['info'] = 'Information';
$string['installation'] = 'Installation';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'md5 ungültig';
$string['langdownloaderror'] = 'Leider konnte die Sprache \"$a\" nicht installiert werden. Die Installation wird auf Englisch fortgesetzt. ';
$string['langdownloadok'] = 'Die Installation der Sprache \"$a\" war erfolgreich. Der weitere Installationsprozess erfolgt nun in dieser Sprache.';
$string['language'] = 'Sprache';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Dies sollte ausgeschaltet sein (\'off\')';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'Die Installation der MBSTRING Bibliothek wird zur Leistungsverbesserung dringend empfohlen. Dies ist besonders wichtig wenn Sie Sprachen mit anderen als lateinischen Zeichensätzen verwenden.';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Memory Limit';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'Die Speichereinstellung PHP memory limit ist zu niedrig. Es wird bei der künftigen Nutzung vermutlich zu Problemen kommen.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>Die Einstellung der PHP memory limit für Ihren Server ist zur Zeit auf $a eingestellt. </p>
<p>Dies wird vermutlich zu Problemen führen wenn Sie moodle mit vielen Aktivitäten oder vielen Nutzer/innen verwenden. </p>
<p>Wir empfehlen die Einstellung zu erhöhen. Empfohlen werden 16M oder mehr. Dies können Sie auf verschiedene Arten machen:</p>
<li>Wenn Sie PHP neu kompilieren können, nehmen Sie die Einstellung <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>. Dann kann moodle die Einstellung selber vornehmen.
<li>Wenn Sie Zugriff auf die Datei php.ini haben, können Sie die Einstellung <b>memory_limit</b> selber auf z.B. 16M anpassen. Wenn Sie selber keinen Zugriff haben, fragen Sie den/die Administrator/in, dies für Sie zu tun.
<li>Auf einigen PHP-Servern können Sie eine .htaccess-Datei im moodle-Verzeichnis einrichten. Tragen Sie darin die folgende Zeile ein: <p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>Achtung: auf einigen Servern hindert diese Einstellung <b>alle</b> PHP-Seiten und Sie erhalten Fehlermeldungen. Entfernen Sie dann den Eintrag in der .htaccess-Datei wieder.</p></li>
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'Einige erforderliche Felder sind nicht ausgefüllt.';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'Wenn Sie auf Ihrer Site NUR iso-8859-1 (lateinische) Sprachen verwenden, können Sied ie derzeitige MySQL-Version 4.1.12 (oder höher) verwenden.';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'MySQL 4.1.16 odereine höhere Version ist für moodle 1.6 unbedingt erforderlich, um sicher zu stellen, dass alle Daten künftig nach UTF-8 konvertiert werden können.';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP wurde noch nicht richtig für diese MySQL Erweiterung konfiguriert. Daher kann es nicht mit MySQL kommunizieren. Prüfen Sie bitte die php.ini-Einstellungen oder kompilieren Sie PHP neu.';
$string['name'] = 'Name';
$string['next'] = 'Nächste';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['parentlanguage'] = 'en_utf8';
$string['pass'] = 'Durchgang';
$string['password'] = 'Kennwort';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP Version';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP muss mindestens in der Version 4.1.0 installiert sein.';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>moodle erwartet PHP mit der Version 4.1.0 oderhöher.</p>
<p>Sie nutzen zur Zeit die Version $a.</p>
<p>Sie müssen Ihre PHP-Verson aktualisieren oder auf einen Rechner wechseln, der eine neuere Version von PHP nutzt.</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Frühere';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'Der Download von Komponenten auf Ihren Server ist nicht erlaubt (allow_url_fopen ist deaktiviert). <br/><br/> Die Datei <a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a> muß manuell heruntergeladen werden. Kopieren Sie die Datei nach \"$a->dest\" auf dem Server und entpacken Sie sie dort. ';
$string['report'] = 'Bericht';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe Mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Die Nutzung von moodle im safe mode kann zu Schwierigkeiten führen.';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Session Auto Start';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Dies Option sollte abgestellt sein.';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = 'Prüfung der Datenbank-Verschlüsselung überspringen';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Deutsch';
$string['user'] = 'Nutzer/in';
$string['welcomep10'] = '$a->installername ($a->installerversion)';
$string['welcomep20'] = 'Sie haben das Paket <strong>$a->packname $a->packversion</strong> erfolgreich auf Ihrem Computer installiert.';
$string['welcomep30'] = 'Diese Version von <strong>$a->installername</strong> enthält folgende Anwendungen mit denen Sie <strong>moodle</strong> ausführen können:';
$string['welcomep40'] = 'Das Paket enthält: <strong>Moodle $a->moodlerelease ($a->moodleversion)</strong>.';
$string['welcomep50'] = 'Die Nutzung dieser Anwendungen ist lizenzrechtlich geprüft. Alle Anwendungen von <strong>$a->installername</strong> sind
<a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html\">Open Source</a> und unterliegen der <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\">GPL</a> Lizenz.';
$string['welcomep60'] = 'Die folgenden Seiten führen Sie in einfachen Schritten durch die Konfiguration und Installation von <strong>moodle</strong> auf Ihrem Computer. Sie können die vorgeschlagenen Einstellungen übernehmen oder an Ihre Bedürfnisse anpassen. ';
$string['welcomep70'] = 'Klicken Sie auf den \"Weiter\"-Button, um mit dem Setup von <string>moodle</string> fortzufahren.';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = 'Falscher Pfad';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'URL-Quelle ist falsch.';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Zip-Dateiname ist falsch';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'URL Adresse';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'Diese URL scheint nicht gültig zu sein. Moodle ist nicht unter dieser Adresse installiert. ';
@ -9,4 +9,17 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Κλείστε αυτό το παράθυρο';
$string['continue'] = 'Συνέχεια';
$string['error'] = 'Σφάλμα';
$string['help'] = 'Βοήθεια';
$string['language'] = 'Γλώσσα';
$string['name'] = 'Όνομα';
$string['next'] = 'Επόμενος';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Κωδικός πρόσβασης';
$string['status'] = 'Κατάσταση';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Ελληνικά';
$string['user'] = 'Χρήστης';
@ -9,4 +9,7 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['parentlanguage'] = 'en_utf8';
$string['thischarset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'English';
@ -9,4 +9,6 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'English';
@ -9,4 +9,184 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'The admin directory specified is incorrect';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Admin Directory';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = 'Setting the admin directory ...';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = ' A very few webhosts use /admin as a special URL for you to access a
control panel or something. Unfortunately this conflicts with the
standard location for the Moodle admin pages. You can fix this by
renaming the admin directory in your installation, and putting that
new name here. For example: <br /> <br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br /> <br />
This will fix admin links in Moodle.';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Bypassed';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'Cannot create lang dir.';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Cannot create temp dir.';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Cannot download components.';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'Cannot download ZIP file.';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Cannot find component.';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'Cannot save md5 file.';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'Cannot save ZIP file.';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'Cannot unzip file.';
$string['caution'] = 'Caution';
$string['check'] = 'Check';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Choose a language';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'Please choose a language for the installation ONLY. You will be able to choose site and user languages on a later screen.';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Close this window';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'Checking your PHP settings ...';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'Your server should pass all these tests to make Moodle run properly';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'Component is up to date.';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'The installer script was not able to automatically create a config.php file containing your chosen settings, probably because the Moodle directory is not writeable. You can manually copy the following code into a file named config.php within the root directory of Moodle.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php has been successfully created';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'Configuration completed';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'Moodle made an attempt to save your configuration in a file in the root of your Moodle installation.';
$string['continue'] = 'Continue';
$string['database'] = 'Database';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = 'Now you need to configure the database settings where most Moodle data
will be stored. This database will be created automatically by the installer
with the settings specified below.';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<b>Type:</b> fixed to \"mysql\" by the installer<br />
<b>Host:</b> fixed to \"localhost\" by the installer<br />
<b>Name:</b> database name, eg moodle<br />
<b>User:</b> fixed to \"root\" by the installer<br />
<b>Password:</b> your database password<br />
<b>Tables Prefix:</b> optional prefix to use for all table names';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = 'Now you need to configure the database where most Moodle data
will be stored. This database must already have been created
and a username and password created to access it.';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<b>Type:</b> mysql or postgres7<br />
<b>Host:</b> eg localhost or db.isp.com<br />
<b>Name:</b> database name, eg moodle<br />
<b>User:</b> your database username<br />
<b>Password:</b> your database password<br />
<b>Tables Prefix:</b> optional prefix to use for all table names';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Data Directory';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'The \'Data Directory\' you specified could not be found or created. Either correct the path or create that directory manually.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'We could not connect to the database you specified. Please check your database settings.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Database creation error. Could not create the given database name with the settings provided';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Host Server';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Tables prefix';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Type';
$string['dbwrongencoding'] = 'The selected database is running under one non-recommended encoding ($a). It would be better to use one Unicode (UTF-8) encoded database instead. Anyway, you can bypass this test by selecting the \"Skip DB Encoding Test\" check below, but you could experience problems in the future.';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = 'Please confirm the locations of this Moodle installation';
$string['directorysettingssub'] ='<b>Web Address:</b>
Specify the full web address where Moodle will be accessed.
If your web site is accessible via multiple URLs then choose the
most natural one that your students would use. Do not include
a trailing slash.
<br />
<br />
<b>Moodle Directory:</b>
Specify the full directory path to this installation
Make sure the upper/lower case is correct.
<br />
<br />
<b>Data Directory:</b>
You need a place where Moodle can save uploaded files. This
directory should be readable AND WRITEABLE by the web server user
(usually \'nobody\' or \'apache\'), but it should not be accessible
directly via the web.';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle Directory';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'The \'Moodle Directory\' setting seems to be incorrect - we can\'t find a Moodle installation there. The value below has been reset.';
$string['download'] = 'Download';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'Downloaded file check failed.';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = 'Download the "$a" language pack';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = 'Download language pack';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = 'You may continue the installation process using the default language pack, \"$a\".';
$string['downloadlanguagesub'] = 'You now have the option of downloading a language pack and continuing the installation process in this language.<br /><br />If you are unable to download the language pack, the installation process will continue in English. (Once the installation process is complete, you will have the opportunity to download and install additional language packs.)';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = 'You must solve all the environmental problems (errors) found above before proceeding to install this Moodle version!';
$string['environmenthead'] = 'Checking your environment ...';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'is recommended to be installed/enabled';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'version $a->needed is recommended and you are running $a->current';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'is required to be installed/enabled.';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'version $a->needed is required and you are running $a->current';
$string['environmentsub'] = 'We are checking if the various components of your system meet the system requirements';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = 'Error reading environment data ($a->error_code)';
$string['error'] = 'Error';
$string['fail'] = 'Fail';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'File Uploads';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'This should be on';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD version';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'The GD library should be present to process and create images';
$string['globalsquotes'] = 'Insecure Handling of Globals';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = 'Fix your PHP settings: disable register_globals and/or enable magic_quotes_gpc';
$string['help'] = 'Help';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'Installing the optional ICONV library is highly recommended in order to improve site performance, particularly if your site is supporting non-latin languages.';
$string['info'] = 'Information';
$string['installation'] = 'Installation';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'Invalid md5';
$string['langdownloaderror'] = 'Unfortunately the language \"$a\" was not installed. The installation process will continue in English.';
$string['langdownloadok'] = 'The language \"$a\" was installed successfully. The installation process will continue in this language.';
$string['language'] = 'Language';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'This should be off';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'Installing the optional MBSTRING library is highly recommended in order to improve site performance, particularly if your site is supporting non-latin languages.';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Memory Limit';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'The PHP memory limit is set quite low ... you may run into problems later.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>The PHP memory limit for your server is currently set to $a.</p>
<p>This may cause Moodle to have memory problems later on, especially
if you have a lot of modules enabled and/or a lot of users.</p>
<p>We recommend that you configure PHP with a higher limit if possible, like 16M.
There are several ways of doing this that you can try:</p>
<li>If you are able to, recompile PHP with <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>.
This will allow Moodle to set the memory limit itself.</li>
<li>If you have access to your php.ini file, you can change the <b>memory_limit</b>
setting in there to something like 16M. If you don\'t have access you might
be able to ask your administrator to do this for you.</li>
<li>On some PHP servers you can create a .htaccess file in the Moodle directory
containing this line:
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>However, on some servers this will prevent <b>all</b> PHP pages from working
(you will see errors when you look at pages) so you\'ll have to remove the .htaccess file.</p></li>
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'Some required field is missing';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'However, if your site is using iso-8859-1 (latin) languages ONLY, you may continue using your currently installed MySQL 4.1.12 (or higher).';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'MySQL 4.1.16 is the minimum version required for Moodle 1.6 in order to guarantee that all data can be converted to UTF-8 in the future.';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP has not been properly configured with the MySQL extension so that it can communicate with MySQL. Please check your php.ini file or recompile PHP.';
$string['name'] = 'Name';
$string['next'] = 'Next';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['pass'] = 'Pass';
$string['password'] = 'Password';
$string['php50restricted'] = 'PHP 5.0.x has a number of known problems, please upgrade to 5.1.x or downgrade to 4.3.x or 4.4.x';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP version';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP version must be at least 4.3.0 or 5.1.0 (5.0.x has a number of known problems).';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle requires a PHP version of at least 4.3.0 or 5.1.0 (5.0.x has a number of known problems).</p>
<p>You are currently running version $a</p>
<p>You must upgrade PHP or move to a host with a newer version of PHP!<br/>
(In case of 5.0.x you could also downgrade to 4.4.x version)</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Previous';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'Download of components to your server isn\'t allowed (allow_url_fopen is disabled).<br /><br />You must download the <a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a> file manually, copy it to \"$a->dest\" in your server and unzip it there.';
$string['report'] = 'Report';
$string['restricted'] = 'Restricted';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe Mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle may have trouble with safe mode on';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Session Auto Start';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'This should be off';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = 'Skip DB Encoding Test';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'English';
$string['user'] = 'User';
$string['welcomep10'] = '$a->installername ($a->installerversion)';
$string['welcomep20'] = 'You are seeing this page because you have successfully installed and
launched the <strong>$a->packname $a->packversion</strong> package in your computer. Congratulations!';
$string['welcomep30'] = 'This release of the <strong>$a->installername</strong> includes the applications
to create an environment in which <strong>Moodle</strong> will operate, namely:';
$string['welcomep40'] = 'The package also includes <strong>Moodle $a->moodlerelease ($a->moodleversion)</strong>.';
$string['welcomep50'] = 'The use of all the applications in this package is governed by their respective
licences. The complete <strong>$a->installername</strong> package is
<a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html\">open source</a> and is distributed
under the <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\">GPL</a> license.';
$string['welcomep60'] = 'The following pages will lead you through some easy to follow steps to
configure and set up <strong>Moodle</strong> on your computer. You may accept the default
settings or, optionally, amend them to suit your own needs.';
$string['welcomep70'] = 'Click the \"Next\" button below to continue with the set up of <strong>Moodle</strong>.';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = 'Wrong destination path.';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'Wrong source URL base.';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Wrong ZIP filename.';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Web address';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'The \'Web Address\' does not appear to be valid - this Moodle installation doesn\'t appear to be there. The value below has been reset.';
@ -9,4 +9,7 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['parentlanguage'] = 'es_utf8';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Español - Argentina';
@ -9,4 +9,18 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Cerrar esta ventana';
$string['continue'] = 'Continuar';
$string['error'] = 'Error';
$string['help'] = 'Ayuda';
$string['language'] = 'Idioma';
$string['name'] = 'Nombre';
$string['next'] = 'Siguiente';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['parentlanguage'] = 'es_utf8';
$string['password'] = 'Contraseña';
$string['status'] = 'Estado';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Español - España';
$string['user'] = 'Usuario';
@ -9,4 +9,7 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['parentlanguage'] = 'es_utf8';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Español - Mexico';
@ -9,4 +9,171 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'El directorio especificado para admin es incorrecto';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Directorio Admin';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = 'Seleccionar el directorio admin...';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = 'Muy pocos servidores web usan /admin como URL especial para permitirle acceder
a un panel de control o similar. Desgraciadamente, esto entra en conflicto con la ubicación estándar
de las páginas de administración de Moodle. Usted puede corregir esto renombrando el directorio admin
en su instalación, y poniendo aquí ese nuevo nombre. Por ejemplo: <br /> <br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br /> <br />
Así se corregirán los enlaces admin en Moodle.';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Bypassed';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'No se puede crear el directorio lang.';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'No se puede crear el directorio temp.';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'No se puede descargar componentes.';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'No se puede descargar el archivo ZIP.';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'No se puede encontrar el componente.';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'No se puede guardar el archivo md5.';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'No se puede guardar el archivo ZIP.';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'No se puede descomprimir el archivo.';
$string['caution'] = 'Precaución';
$string['check'] = 'Check';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Seleccionar idioma';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'Por favor, seleccione un idioma para el proceso de instalación.';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Close this window';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'Comprobando sus ajustes PHP...';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'Su servidor debería pasar todos estas comprobaciones para que Moodle pueda funcionar correctamente.';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'El componente está actualizado.';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'El script instalador no ha podido crear automáticamente un archivo config.php con las especificaciones elegidas. Por favor, copie el siguiente código en un archivo llamado config.php y coloque ese archivo en el directorio raíz de Moodle.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php se ha creado con éxito';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'Configuración completa';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'Moodle ha creado su fichero de configuración';
$string['continue'] = 'Continue';
$string['database'] = 'Base de datos';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = 'Ahora necesita configurar los ajustes de la base de datos donde se almacenarán la mayoría de los datos de Moodle. El instalador creará la base de datos con los ajustes especificados más abajo.';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<b>Tipo:</b> el valor por defecto es \"mysql\"<br />
<b>Servidor:</b> el valor por defecto es \"localhost\"<br />
<b>Nombre:</b> nombre de la base de datos, e.g., moodle<br />
<b>Usuario:</b> el valor por defecto es \"root\"<br />
<b>Contraseña:</b> contraseña de la base de datos<br />
<b>Prefijo de tablas:</b> prefijo opcional para todas las tablas';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = 'Ahora necesita configurar la base de datos en la que se almacenarán la mayor parte de los datos de Moodle. Esta base de datos debe haber sido ya creada y disponer de un nombre de usuario y una contraseña de acceso.';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<b>Tipo:</b> mysql o postgres7<br />
<b>Servidor:</b> p.ej.: localhost o db.tudominio.com<br />
<b>Usuario:</b> el usuario propietario de tu base de datos<br />
<b>Contraseña:</b> la contraseña del usuario de la base de datos<br />
<b>Prefijo de tablas:</b> prefijo opcional para utilizar en todas las tablas';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Directorio de Datos';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'El \'Directorio de Datos\' no pudo ser encontrado o creado. Corrija la ruta o cree el directorio manualmente.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Error de conexión con la base de datos. Por favor, compruebe los ajustes de la base de datos.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Error al crear la base de datos. No se ha podido crear la base de datos con el nombre y ajustes suministrados';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Servidor';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Prefijo de tablas';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Tipo';
$string['dbwrongencoding'] = 'La base de datos seleccionada está ejecutándose bajo una codificación no recomendada ($a). Convendría usar en su lugar una base de datos con codificación Unicode (UTF-8). En cualquier caso, usted puede pasar por alto esta prueba seleccionando \"Pasar por alto la prueba de codificación BD\", si bien tal vez tenga problemas en el futuro.';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = 'Por favor confirme las siguientes localizaciones de su instalación';
$string['directorysettingssub'] = '<b>Dirección Web:</b>
Especifique la dirección web completa en la que se accederá a Moodle.
Si su sitio es accesible desde diferentes URLs entonces elija
la más natural que sus estudiantes deberían utilizar. No incluya la barra final.
<br />
<br />
<b>Directorio Moodle:</b>
Especifique la ruta completa de esta instalación. Asegurese de que las mayúsculas/minúsculas son correctas.
<br /><br />
<b>Directorio de Datos:</b>
Es necesario un lugar donde Moodle pueda guardar los archivos subidos. Este directorio debe ser legible y
escribible por el usuario de su servidor web (normalmente \'nobody\' o \'apache\'), pero no debería ser
directamente accesible desde la red.';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Directorio Moodle';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'El \'Directorio de Moodle\' parece incorrecto. No se pudo encontrar una instalación de Moodle. El valor ha sido cambiado por el original.';
$string['download'] = 'Descargar';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'Ha fallado la comprobación del archivo descargado.';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = 'Descargar el paquete de idioma \"$a\"';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = 'Descargar paquete de idioma';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = 'Puede continuar el proceso de instalación con el idioma por defecto, \"$a\".';
$string['downloadlanguagesub'] = 'Ahora tiene la opción de descargar su paquete de idioma y continuar con el proceso de instalación en ese idioma.<br /><br />Si no es posible la descarga el proceso de instalación continuará en inglés (una vez que la instalación haya finalizado, podrá descargar e instalar otros idiomas).';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = 'Debe resolver todos los problemas de entorno (errores) encontrados arriba antes de proceder a instalar esta versión de Moodle';
$string['environmenthead'] = 'Comprobando su entorno';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'es recomendable que esté instalado/activado';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'versión $a->needed es recomendada y está ejecutando $a->current';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'es obligatorio que esté instalado/activado';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'versión $a->needed es obligatoria y está ejecutando $a->current';
$string['environmentsub'] = 'Estamos comprobando que diferentes componentes de su servidor cumplen con los requerimientos del sistema';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = 'Error leyendo la información sobre el entorno ($a->error_code)';
$string['error'] = 'Error';
$string['fail'] = 'Fallo';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Subidas de archivos';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Debe estar activado';
$string['gdversion'] = 'Versión GD';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'La librería GD debería estar presente para procesar y crear imágenes';
$string['globalsquotes'] = 'Manejo Inseguro de Ajustes Globales';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = 'Fije sus ajustes PHP: deshabilite register_globals y/o habilite magic_quotes_gpc';
$string['help'] = 'Help';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'La instalación de la librería opcional ICONV es muy recomendable para mejorar el rendimiento del sitio, especialmente si su sitio está soportando idiomas no latinos.';
$string['info'] = 'Information';
$string['installation'] = 'Instalación';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'md5 no válido';
$string['langdownloaderror'] = 'El idioma \"$a\" no pudo ser instalado. El proceso de instalación continuará en inglés.';
$string['langdownloadok'] = 'El idioma \"$a\" ha sido instalado correctamente. El proceso de instalación continuará en este idioma.';
$string['language'] = 'Language';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Debe estar desactivado';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'La instalación de la librería opcional MBSTRING es muy recomendable para mejorar el rendimiento del sitio, especialmente si su sitio está soportando idiomas no latinos.';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Límite de memoria';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'El límite de memoria PHP es demasiado bajo... Puede tener problemas más tarde.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>El límite de memoria PHP en su servidor es actualmente $a.</p>
<p>Esto puede ocasionar que Moodle tenga problemas de memoria más adelante, especialmente si usted tiene activados muchos módulos y/o muchos usuarios.</p>
<p>Recomendamos que configure PHP con el límite más alto posible, e.g. 16M.
Hay varias formas de hacer esto:</p>
<li>Si puede hacerlo, recompile PHP con <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>.
Esto hace que Moodle fije por sí mismo el límite de memoria.</li>
<li>Si usted tiene acceso al archivo php.ini, puede cambiar el ajuste <b>memory_limit</b>
a, digamos, 16M. Si no lo tiene, pida a su administrador que lo haga por usted.</li>
<li>En algunos servidores PHP usted puede crear en el directorio Moodle un archivo .htaccess que contenga esta línea:
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>Sin embargo, en algunos servidores esto hace que <b>todas</b> las páginas PHP dejen de funcionar
(podrá ver los errores cuando mire las páginas) de modo que tendrá que eliminar el archivo .htaccess.</p></li>
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'Falta algún campo necesario';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'En cualquier caso, si su sitio únicamente está utilizando idiomas ISO-8859-1 (latin), puede continuar con su versión de MySQL actual (4.1.12 o superior).';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'MySQL 4.1.16 es la versión mínima requerida para trabajar con Moodle 1.6 y garantizar que toda la información podrá ser convertida a UTF-8 en el futuro.';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP no ha sido adecuadamente configurado con la extensión MySQL de modo que pueda comunicarse con MySQL. Por favor, compruebe el archivo php.ini o recompile PHP.';
$string['name'] = 'Name';
$string['next'] = 'Next';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['pass'] = 'Correcto';
$string['password'] = 'Password';
$string['php50restricted'] = 'PHP 5.0.x tiene varios problemas conocidos; por favor, actualícese a la versión 5.1.x o utilice las versiones 4.3.x o 4.4.x';
$string['phpversion'] = 'Versión PHP';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'La versión PHP debe ser 4.1.0 o superior';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle requiere una versión de PHP 4.1.0 o superior.</p>
<p>Su versión es $a</p>
<p>Debe actualizar PHP o acudir a otro servidor con una versión más reciente de PHP</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Previous';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'No está permitido descargar los componentes a su servidor (allow_url_fopen está deshabilitado).<br /><br />Debe descargar el archivo <a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a> manualmente, y copiarlo a \"$a->dest\" ';
$string['report'] = 'Report';
$string['restricted'] = 'Restricted';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe Mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle puede tener problemas con \'safe mode\' activado';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Autocomienzo de sesión';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Deb e estar desactivado';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = 'Pasar por alto el test de decodificación de la BD';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Español - Internacional';
$string['user'] = 'User';
$string['welcomep10'] = '$a->installername ($a->installerversion)';
$string['welcomep20'] = 'Si está viendo esta página es porque ha podido ejecutar el paquete
<strong>$a->packname $a->packversion</strong> en su ordenador. !Enhorabuena!';
$string['welcomep30'] = 'Esta versión de <strong>$a->installername</strong> incluye las
aplicaciones necesarias para que <strong>Moodle</strong> funcione en su ordenador,
$string['welcomep40'] = 'El paquete también incluye <strong>Moodle $a->moodlerelease ($a->moodleversion)</strong>.';
$string['welcomep50'] = 'El uso de todas las aplicaciones del paquete está gobernado por sus respectivas
licencias. El programa <strong>$a->installername</strong> es
<a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html\">código abierto</a> y se distribuye
bajo licencia <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\">GPL</a>.';
$string['welcomep60'] = 'Las siguientes páginas le guiarán a traves de algunos sencillos pasos para configurar
y ajustar <strong>Moodle</strong> en su ordenador. Puede utilizar los valores por defecto sugeridos o,
de forma opcional, modificarlos para que se ajusten a sus necesidades.';
$string['welcomep70'] = 'Pulse en el botón \"Siguiente\" para continuar con la configuración de <strong>Moodle</strong>.';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = 'Ruta de destino errónea.';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'Base de fuente de URL errónea.';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Nombre de archivo ZIP erróneo.';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Dirección Web';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'La \'Dirección Web\' parece incorrecto. No se pudo encontrar una instalación de Moodle. El valor ha sido cambiado por el original.';
@ -9,4 +9,74 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Valitud adminni kataloog on vale';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Administraatori kataloog';
$string['caution'] = 'Hoiatus';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Sulge aken';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Installatsiooni skript ei suutnud automaatselt tekitada config.php faili mis sisaldasid sinu valitud seadeid. Arvatavasti sellepärast ,et sinu Moodel kataloog ei ole kirjutatav. Sa saad manuaalselt kopeerida järgnevat koodi faili mille nimeks on config.php mis asub Moodle põhikataloogis';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php on edukalt loodud';
$string['continue'] = 'Jätka';
$string['database'] = 'Andmekogu';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Andmete kataloog';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'Andme kataloog mis täpsustasid ei suudetud luua. Paranda teekond või tee ise manuaalselt';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Me ei suutnud sinu täpsustatud andmebaasi ühendada. Palun kontrollige oma andmebaasi seadeid';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Andmebaasi loomise viga. Ei suudetud luua andmebaasi antud nimega ';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Pea Server';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Tabeli eesliide';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Tüüp';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle kataloog';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'Moodle Kataloogi seaded paistavad olevat valed. Me ei suuda Moodle installerimist siit leida. Väärtus on nullitud';
$string['download'] = 'Lae alla';
$string['error'] = 'Viga';
$string['fail'] = 'Fail';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Failide üleslaadimine';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'See peaks olema sisse lülitatud';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD versioon';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'GD teek ei tohiks olla esitatud piltide protsessimiseks ja loomiseks';
$string['help'] = 'Abi';
$string['info'] = 'Infromatsioon';
$string['installation'] = 'Installeerimine';
$string['language'] = 'Keel';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'See peaks olema välja lülitatud';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Mälu limiit';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'PHP mälu limiit on pandud päris madalale .... hiljem võib sellega tekkida probleeme';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>PHP mälu limiit sinu serveris on hetkel $a.</p>
<p>See võib hiljem tekitada Moodlel mälu probleeme
<p>Me soovitame ,et sa konfigureeriksid PHP-d kõrgema limiidi peale, näiteks 16M. On mitmeid viise selle tegemiseks:</p>
<li>kui võimalik siis kompileeri PHP uuesti <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>.
See lubab Moodlel ise määrata mälu limiiti.</li>
<li>Kui sul on läbipäaas oma php.ini failile siis saa saad muuta <b>mälu limiiti</b> sealt. Kui sul ei ole läbipääsu siis sa võid administraatorilt abi paluda
<li>Mõnedel PHP serveritel sa saad tekitada .htaccess faili oma Moodle kataloogi mis sisaldaks seda koodi:<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>Kuigi mõnedel serveritel ei pruugi see töödata
(Sa näed vigu kui vaatad lehti) Siis sa pead eemaldama selle .htaccess faili.</p></li>
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP-d ei ole õieti MySQL-ga konfigureeritud. Palun kontrollige oma php.ini faili';
$string['name'] = 'Nimi';
$string['next'] = 'Järgmine';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['pass'] = 'Korras';
$string['password'] = 'Salasõna';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP versioon';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP versioon peab olema vähemalt 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle vajab vähemalt 4.1.0 php versiooni</p>
<p>Sinu jooksev versioon on $a</p>
<p>Sa pead oma PHP-d uuendama!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Eelmine';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe Mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle\'l võib tekkida safe mode\'s komplikatsioone';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Session Auto Start';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'See peaks olema välja lülitatud';
$string['status'] = 'Staatus';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Eesti';
$string['user'] = 'Kasutaja';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Veebi aadress';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'Veebi aadress ei paista olevat õige. Moodle installatsioon ei paista olevat seal';
@ -9,4 +9,32 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Itxi leiho hau';
$string['continue'] = 'Jarraitu';
$string['database'] = 'Datu-basea';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Datuen direktorioa';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle direktorioa';
$string['download'] = 'Jaitsi';
$string['error'] = 'Errorea';
$string['fail'] = 'Errorea';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Fitxategiak igo';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD bertsioa';
$string['help'] = 'Laguntza';
$string['info'] = 'Informazioa';
$string['installation'] = 'Instalazioa';
$string['language'] = 'Hizkuntza';
$string['name'] = 'Izena';
$string['next'] = 'Hurrengoa';
$string['ok'] = 'Ongi';
$string['password'] = 'Pasahitza';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP bertsioa';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP bertsioak gutxienez 4.1.0 behar luke izan';
$string['previous'] = 'Aurrekoa';
$string['safemode'] = 'Modu seguruan';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Modu seguruan Moodlek arazoak izan ditzake';
$string['status'] = 'Egoera';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Euskara';
$string['user'] = 'Erabiltzaile';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Web-helbidea';
@ -9,4 +9,17 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'این پنجره را ببند';
$string['continue'] = 'ادامه';
$string['error'] = 'خطا';
$string['help'] = 'راهنمایی';
$string['language'] = 'زبان';
$string['name'] = 'نام';
$string['next'] = 'سپس';
$string['ok'] = 'تایید';
$string['password'] = 'رمز ورود';
$string['status'] = 'وضعیت';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'فارسی';
$string['user'] = 'کاربر';
@ -9,4 +9,74 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Ylläpitohakemisto on määritetty väärin';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Ylläpitohakemisto';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Ohitettu';
$string['caution'] = 'Varoitus';
$string['check'] = 'Tarkista';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Sulje tämä ikkuna';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Asennus ei pystynyt luomaan automaattisesti config.php tiedostoa, joka olisi sisältänyt valitsemasi asetukset, todennäköisesti koska Moodlen hakemisto on kirjoitussuojattu. Voit manuaalisesti kopioida seuraavan koodin tiedostoon nimeltä config.php Moodlen päähakemiston sisällä.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php on luotu.';
$string['continue'] = 'Jatka';
$string['database'] = 'Tietokanta';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Datahakemisto';
$string['datarooterror'] = '\"Datahakemistoa\", jonka määrittelit, ei voitu löytää, eikä luoda. Joko korjaa polku, tai luo hakemisto manuaalisesti.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Emme pystyneet kytkeytymään tiedokantaan, jonka määrittelit. Tarkista tietokanta asetuksesi.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Tietokannan luomisvirhe. Ei pystytty luomaan annettua tietokannan nimeä tarjotuilla asetuksilla.';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Palvelin';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Taulukon etumerkki';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Tyyppi';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle hakemisto';
$string['dirrooterror'] = '\"Moodle hakemisto\" asetus näyttäisi olevan väärä-emme voi löytää Moodle asennusta sieltä. Arvo alapuolella on nollattu.';
$string['download'] = 'Lataus';
$string['error'] = 'Virhe';
$string['fail'] = 'Virhe';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Tiedostojen lähettäminen';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Tämän pitäisi olla päällä';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD versio';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'GD kirjaston pitäisi olla päällä, että voidaan käsitellä ja luoda kuvia.';
$string['help'] = 'Ohje';
$string['info'] = 'Tiedot';
$string['installation'] = 'asennus';
$string['language'] = 'Kieli';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic quotes ajoaika';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Tämän pitäisi olla poissa päältä';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Muistiraja';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'PHP muistiraja on asetettu aika alas... Se saattaa aiheuttaa ongelmia myöhemmin.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>PHP muistiraja palvelimellesi on tällä hetkellä asetettu $a:han.</p>
<p>Tämä saattaa aiheuttaa Moodlelle muistiongelmia myöhemmin, varsinkin jos sinulla on paljon mahdollisia moduuleita ja/tai paljon käyttäjiä.</p>
<p>Suosittelemme, että valitset asetuksiksi PHP:n korkeimmalla mahdollisella raja-arvolla, esimerkiksi 16M.
On olemassa monia tapoja joilla voit yrittää tehdä tämän:</p>
<li>Jos pystyt, uudelleenkäännä PHP <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>. :llä.
Tämä sallii Moodlen asettaa muistirajan itse.</li>
<li>Jos sinulla on pääsy php.ini tiedostoosi, voit muuttaa <b>memory_limit</b> setuksen siellä johonkin kuten 16M. Jos sinulla ei ole pääsyoikeutta, voit kenties pyytää ylläpitäjää tekemään tämän puolestasi.</li>
<li>Joillain PHP palvelimilla voit luoda a .htaccess tiedoston Moodle hakemistossa, sisältäen tämän rivin:
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>Kuitenkin, joillain palvelimilla tämä estää <b>kaikkia</b> PHP sivuja toimimasta (näet virheet, kun katsot sivuja), joten sinun täytyy poistaa .htaccess tiedosto.</p></li>
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP:tä ei ole kunnolla valittu asetukseksi MySQL laajennuksen kanssa, jotta se voisi kommunikoida MySQL:n kanssa. Tarkista php.ini tiedostosi tai käännä PHP uudelleen.';
$string['name'] = 'Nimi';
$string['next'] = 'Seuraava';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['pass'] = 'Tarkastettu';
$string['password'] = 'Salasana';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP versio';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP version täytyy olla vähintään 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle vaatii vähintään PHP version 4.1.0.</p>
<p>Käytät parhaillaan versiota $a</p>
<p>Sinun täytyy päivittää PHP tai siirtää isäntä uudemman PHP version kanssa!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Edellinen';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodlella saattaa olla ongelmia PHP:n Safe Moden ollessa päällä';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Istunnon automaattinen aloitus';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Tämän pitäisi olla pois päältä';
$string['status'] = 'Tilanne';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Suomi';
$string['user'] = 'Käyttäjä';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Web-osoite';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'Web-osoite ei näyttäisi olevan voimassa- tämä Moodle asennus ei näyttäisi olevan siellä.';
@ -9,4 +9,20 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Isara ang bintanang ito';
$string['continue'] = 'Ituloy';
$string['error'] = 'Error';
$string['help'] = 'Tulong';
$string['info'] = 'Impormasyon';
$string['language'] = 'Lengguwahe';
$string['name'] = 'Pangalan';
$string['next'] = 'Susunod';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['parentlanguage'] = 'tl_utf8';
$string['password'] = 'Password';
$string['previous'] = 'Nakaraan';
$string['status'] = 'Katayuan';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Filipino';
$string['user'] = 'User';
@ -9,4 +9,61 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Le dossier d\'administration spécifié est incorrect';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Dossier d\'administration';
$string['caution'] = 'Attention';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Fermer cette fenêtre';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Le programme d\'installation n\'a pas pu créer automatiquement le fichier de configuration « config.php » contenant vos réglages, vraisemblablement parce que le dossier principal de Moodle n\'est pas accessible en écriture. Vous pouvez copier le code ci-dessous dans un fichier appelé « config.php », que vous placerez à l\'intérieur du dossier principal de Moodle (là où se trouve un fichier « config-dist.php »).';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'Le fichier « config.php » a été créé avec succès';
$string['continue'] = 'Continuer';
$string['database'] = 'Base de données';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Dossier de données';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'Le dossier de données indiqué n\'a pas pu être trouvé, ni créé. Veuillez corriger le paramètre ou créer manuellement le dossier.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Moodle n\'a pas pu se connecter à la base de données indiquée. Veuillez vérifier les paramètres de votre base de données';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Erreur lors de la création de la base de données. Impossible de créer la base de données avec les paramètres fournis';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Serveur hôte';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Préfixe des tables';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Type';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Dossier Moodle';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'Le dossier Moodle semble incorrect : aucune installation de Moodle ne se trouve dans ce dossier. Le dossier Moodle indiqué ci-dessous est vraisemblablement correct.';
$string['download'] = 'Télécharger';
$string['error'] = 'Erreur';
$string['fail'] = 'Échec';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Téléchargement des fichiers';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Le téléchargement des fichiers sur le serveur doit être activé';
$string['gdversion'] = 'Version de GD';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'La librairie GD doit être activée pour traiter et créer les images';
$string['help'] = 'Aide';
$string['installation'] = 'Installation';
$string['language'] = 'Langue';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Ce réglage doit être désactivé';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Limite de mémoire';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'La limite de mémoire de PHP est très basse. Vous risquez de rencontrer des problèmes ultérieurement.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>La limite de mémoire de PHP sur votre serveur est actuellement de $a.</p> <p>Cette valeur très faible risque de générer des problèmes de manque de mémoire pour Moodle, notamment si vous utilisez beaucoup de modules et/ou si vous avez un grand nombre d\'utilisateurs.</p> <p>Il est recommandé de configurer PHP avec une limite de mémoire aussi élevée que possible, par exemple 16 Mo. Vous pouvez obtenir cela de différentes façons :
<li>si vous en avez la possibilité, recompilez PHP avec l\'option <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>. Cela permettra à Moodle de fixer lui-même sa limite de mémoire ;</li>
<li>si vous avez accès à votre fichier « php.ini », vous pouvez attribuer au paramètre <b>memory_limit</b> une valeur comme 16M. Si vous n\'y avez pas accès, demandez à l\'administrateur de le faire pour vous ;</li>
<li>sur certains serveur, vous pouvez créer dans le dossier principal de Moodle un fichier « .htaccess » contenant cette ligne : <p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p> <p>Cependant, sur certains serveur, cela empêchera le fonctionnement correcte de <b>tous</b> les fichiers PHP (vous verrez s\'afficher des erreurs lors de la consultation de pages). Dans ce cas, vous devrez supprimer le fichier « .htaccess ».</li>
$string['name'] = 'Nom';
$string['next'] = 'Suivant';
$string['ok'] = 'Ok';
$string['parentlanguage'] = 'fr_utf8';
$string['pass'] = 'Réussi';
$string['password'] = 'Mot de passe';
$string['phpversion'] = 'Version de PHP';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'La version du programme PHP doit être au moins 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle nécessite au minimum la version 4.1.0 de PHP.</p> <p>Vous utilisez actuellement la version $a.</p> <p>Pour que Moodle fonctionne, vous devez mettre à jour PHP ou aller chez un hébergeur ayant une version récente de PHP.</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Précédent';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe Mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle risque de rencontrer des problèmes lorsque le mode « safe mode » est activé';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Démarrage automatique des sessions';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Ce paramètre doit être désactivé';
$string['status'] = 'Statuts';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Français - Canada';
$string['user'] = 'Utilisateur';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Adresse web';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'L\'adresse web indiquée semble incorrecte : aucune installation de Moodle ne se trouve à cette adresse.';
@ -9,4 +9,138 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Le dossier d\'administration spécifié est incorrect';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Dossier d\'administration';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = 'Réglage du dossier « admin »...';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = 'De rares hébergeurs web utilisent le dossier « /admin » comme URL spéciale vous permettant d\'accéder à un tableau de bord ou autre chose. Ceci entre en collision avec l\'emplacement standard des pages d\'administration de Moodle. Vous pouvez corriger cela en renommant le dossier d\'administration de votre installation de Moodle, en inscrivant ici le nouveau nom, par exemple <br /><br /><strong>moodleadmin</strong>.<br /><br />Les liens vers l\'administration de Moodle seront ainsi corrigés.';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Court-circuité';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'Création du dossier lang impossible.';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Création du dossier temp impossible.';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Téléchargement des composants impossible.';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'Téléchargement du fichier ZIP impossible.';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Composant introuvable.';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'Enregistrement du fichier md5 impossible.';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'Enregistrement du fichier ZIP impossible.';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'Décompression du fichier ZIP impossible.';
$string['caution'] = 'Attention';
$string['check'] = 'Vérifier';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Choisissez une langue';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'Veuillez choisir la langue d\'installation. Vous pourrez choisir ultérieurement la langue du site et les langues des utilisateurs.';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Fermer cette fenêtre';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'Vérification de votre configuration PHP...';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'Votre serveur doit passer tous ces tests pour que Moodle fonctionne correctement.';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'Le composant est à jour.';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Le programme d\'installation n\'a pas pu créer automatiquement le fichier de configuration « config.php » contenant vos réglages, vraisemblablement parce que le dossier principal de Moodle n\'est pas accessible en écriture. Vous pouvez copier le code ci-dessous dans un fichier appelé « config.php », que vous placerez à l\'intérieur du dossier principal de Moodle (là où se trouve un fichier « config-dist.php »).';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'Le fichier « config.php » a été créé avec succès';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'Configuration terminée';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'Moodle a tenté d\'enregistrer votre configuration dans un fichier à la racine de votre installation de Moodle.';
$string['continue'] = 'Continuer';
$string['database'] = 'Base de données';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = 'La base de données dans laquelle sont enregistrées la plupart des données utilisées par Moodle doit maintenant être configurée. Cette base de données sera créée automatiquement par l\'installeur Moodle4Windows avec les options spécifiées ci-dessous.';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<strong>Type :</strong> réglé sur « mysql » par l\'installeur<br />
<strong>Serveur :</strong> réglé sur « localhost » par l\'installeur<br />
<strong>Nom :</strong> nom de la base de données, par exemple « moodle »<br />
<strong>Utilisateur :</strong> réglé sur « root » par l\'installeur<br />
<strong>Mot de passe :</strong> le mot de passe de la base de données<br />
<strong>Préfixe des tables :</strong> le préfixe à utiliser pour les noms de toutes les tables (facultatif)';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = 'La base de données dans laquelle sont enregistrées la plupart des données utilisées par Moodle doit maintenant être configurée. Cette base de données doit avoir déjà été créée sur le serveur, ainsi qu\'un nom d\'utilisateur et un mot de passe permettant d\'y accéder.';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<strong>Type :</strong> « mysql » ou « postgres7 »<br />
<strong>Serveur hôte :</strong> le plus souvent « localhost » ou par exemple « db.isp.com »<br />
<strong>Nom :</strong> nom de la base de données, par exemple « moodle »<br />
<strong>Utilisateur :</strong> le nom d\'utilisateur de la base de données<br />
<strong>Mot de passe :</strong> le mot de passe de la base de données<br />
<strong>Préfixe des tables :</strong> le préfixe à utiliser pour les noms de toutes les tables (facultatif)';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Dossier de données';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'Le dossier de données indiqué n\'a pas pu être trouvé ou créé. Veuillez corriger le paramètre ou créer manuellement le dossier.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Moodle n\'a pas pu se connecter à la base de données indiquée. Veuillez vérifier les paramètres de votre base de données';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Erreur lors de la création de la base de données. Impossible de créer la base de données avec les paramètres fournis';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Serveur hôte';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Préfixe des tables';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Type';
$string['dbwrongencoding'] = 'La base de données choisie fonctionne avec un encodage non recommandé ($a). La meilleure solution serait d\'utiliser plutôt une base de données encodée en Unicode (UTF-8). Vous pouvez cependant passer outre ce test en cochant l\'option « Ne pas effectuer le test d\'encodage de la base de données » ci-dessous, mais alors des problèmes pourraient survenir à l\'avenir.';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = 'Veuillez confirmer les emplacements de cette installation de Moodle.';
$string['directorysettingssub'] = '<strong>Adresse web :</strong> veuillez indiquer l\'adresse web complète par laquelle on accédera à Moodle. Si votre site web est accessible par plusieurs URL, choisissez celle qui est la plus naturelle ou la plus évidente. Ne placez pas de barre oblique à la fin de l\'adresse.<br /><br />
<strong>Dossier Moodle :</strong> veuillez spécifier le chemin complet de cette installation de Moodle (« OS path »). Assurez-vous que la casse des caractères (majuscules/minuscules) est correcte.<br /><br />
<strong>Dossier de données :</strong> Moodle a besoin d\'un emplacement où enregistrer les fichiers déposés sur le site. Le serveur web (utilisateur dénommé habituellement « www », « apache » ou « nobody ») doit avoir accès à ce dossier en lecture et EN ÉCRITURE. Toutefois ce dossier ne devrait pas être accessible directement depuis le web.';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Dossier Moodle';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'Le dossier Moodle semble incorrect : aucune installation de Moodle ne se trouve dans ce dossier. Le dossier Moodle indiqué ci-dessous est vraisemblablement correct.';
$string['download'] = 'Télécharger';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'La vérification du fichier téléchargé à échoué.';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = 'Télécharger les paquetages de langue « $a »';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = 'Télécharger les paquetages de langue';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = 'Vous pouvez continuer la procédure d\'installation avec la langue par défaut « $a ».';
$string['downloadlanguagesub'] = 'Vous avez maintenant la possibilité de télécharger le paquetage de la langue que vous avez sélectionnée afin de poursuivre l\'installation dans cette langue.<br /><br />Si le téléchargement ne peut avoir lieu, la procédure d\'installation continuera en anglais. Une fois l\'installation terminée, vous pourrez alors télécharger et installer d\'autres langues.';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = 'Vous devez résoudre tous les problèmes liés à l\'environnement (erreurs) décrits ci-dessus avant de continuer l\'installation de cette version de Moodle !';
$string['environmenthead'] = 'Vérification de l\'environnement...';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'est recommandée ; veuillez l\'installer ou l\'activer';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'la version $a->needed est recommandée ; vous utilisez actuellement la version $a->current';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'est obligatoire ; veuillez l\'installer ou l\'activer';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'la version $a->needed is requise ; vous utilisez actuellement la version $a->current';
$string['environmentsub'] = 'Les divers composants de votre système doivent satisfaire les exigences nécessaires à Moodle. Une vérification de votre environnement est en cours.';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = 'Erreur lors de la lecture des données d\'environnement ($a->error_code)';
$string['error'] = 'Erreur';
$string['fail'] = 'Échec';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Téléchargement des fichiers';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Le téléchargement des fichiers sur le serveur doit être activé';
$string['gdversion'] = 'Version de GD';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'La librairie GD doit être activée pour traiter et créer les images';
$string['globalsquotes'] = 'Traitement non sûr des variables globales';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = 'Veuillez corriger vos réglages PHP : désactivez « register_globals » et/ou activez « magic_quotes_gpc »';
$string['help'] = 'Aide';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'Bien que la bibliothèque ICONV soit facultative, il est vivement recommandé de l\'installer sur le serveur pour de meilleures performance, notamment si votre site supporte des caractères non latins.';
$string['info'] = 'Information';
$string['installation'] = 'Installation';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'Code md5 non valide';
$string['langdownloaderror'] = 'La langue $a n\'a pas été installée. La suite de l\'installation se déroulera en anglais. Vous pourrez télécharger et installer d\'autres langues à la fin de l\'installation';
$string['langdownloadok'] = 'La langue $a a été installée correctement. La suite de l\'installation se déroulera dans cette langue';
$string['language'] = 'Langue';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Ce réglage doit être désactivé';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'Bien que la bibliothèque MBSTRING soit facultative, il est vivement recommandé de l\'installer sur le serveur pour de meilleures performance, notamment si votre site supporte des caractères non latins.';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Limite de mémoire';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'La limite de mémoire de PHP est très basse. Vous risquez de rencontrer des problèmes ultérieurement.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>La limite de mémoire de PHP sur votre serveur est actuellement de $a.</p><p>Cette valeur trop basse risque de générer des problèmes de manque de mémoire pour Moodle, notamment si vous utilisez beaucoup de modules et/ou si vous avez un grand nombre d\'utilisateurs.</p><p>Il est recommandé de configurer PHP avec une limite de mémoire aussi élevée que possible, par exemple 16 Mo. Vous pouvez obtenir cela de différentes façons :
<li>si vous en avez la possibilité, recompilez PHP avec l\'option <em>--enable-memory-limit</em>. Cela permettra à Moodle de fixer lui-même sa limite de mémoire ;</li>
<li>si vous avez accès à votre fichier « php.ini », vous pouvez attribuer au paramètre <strong>memory_limit</strong> une valeur comme 16M. Si vous n\'y avez pas accès, demandez à l\'administrateur de le faire pour vous ;</li>
<li>sur certains serveur, vous pouvez créer dans le dossier principal de Moodle un fichier « .htaccess » contenant cette ligne : <p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p><p>Cependant, sur certains serveur, cela empêchera le fonctionnement correct de <strong>tous</strong> les fichiers PHP (vous verrez s\'afficher des erreurs lors de la consultation de pages). Dans ce cas, vous devrez supprimer le fichier « .htaccess ».</li>
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'Un champ obligatoire n\'est pas renseigné';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'Toutefois, si votre site utilise UNIQUEMENT des langues encodées en iso-8859-1 (latin), vous pouvez continuer à utiliser votre version actuelle de MySQL 4.1.12 (ou ultérieure).';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'MySQL 4.1.16 est la version minimale requise pour Moodle 1.6, afin de garantir que toutes les données pourront à l\'avenir être converties en encodage UTF-8.';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'La configuration de l\'extension MySQL de PHP n\'a pas été effectuée correctement. De ce fait, PHP ne peut communiquer avec MySQL. Veuillez contrôler votre fichier « php.ini » ou recompiler PHP.';
$string['name'] = 'Nom';
$string['next'] = 'Suivant';
$string['ok'] = 'Ok';
$string['pass'] = 'Réussi';
$string['password'] = 'Mot de passe';
$string['php50restricted'] = 'Les versions 5.0.x de PHP ont plusieurs problèmes connus. Veuillez mettre à jour PHP à la version 5.1.x ou revenir à une version 4.3.x ou 4.4.x';
$string['phpversion'] = 'Version de PHP';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'La version du programme PHP doit être au moins 4.3.0 ou 5.1.0 (5.0.x a bon nombre de problèmes).';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle nécessite au minimum la version 4.3.0 ou 5.1.0 (5.0.x a bon nombre de problèmes).</p><p>Vous utilisez actuellement la version $a.</p><p>Pour que Moodle fonctionne, vous devez mettre à jour PHP ou aller chez un hébergeur ayant une version récente de PHP.<br/>(Si vous avez une version 5.0.x, vous pouvez aussi re-passer à la version 4.4.x)</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Précédent';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'Le téléchargement de composants sur votre serveur n\'est pas autorisé (l\'option allow_url_fopen est désactivée).<br /><br />Vous devez télécharger manuellement le fichier <a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a>, le copier vers « $a->dest » dans votre serveur et le décompresser.';
$string['report'] = 'Rapport';
$string['restricted'] = 'Interdit';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe Mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle risque de rencontrer des problèmes lorsque le mode « safe mode » est activé';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Démarrage automatique des sessions';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Ce paramètre doit être désactivé';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = 'Ne pas effectuer le test d\'encodage de la base de données';
$string['status'] = 'Statut';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Français';
$string['user'] = 'Utilisateur';
$string['welcomep10'] = '$a->installername ($a->installerversion)';
$string['welcomep20'] = 'Vous voyez cette page, car vous avez installé Moodle correctement et lancé le logiciel <strong>$a->packname $a->packversion</strong> sur votre ordinateur. Félicitations !';
$string['welcomep30'] = 'Cette version du paquet <strong>$a->installername</strong> comprend des logiciels qui créent un environnement dans lequel <strong>Moodle</strong> va fonctionner, à savoir :';
$string['welcomep40'] = 'Ce paquet contient également <strong>Moodle $a->moodlerelease ($a->moodleversion)</strong>.';
$string['welcomep50'] = 'L\'utilisation de tous les logiciels de ce paquet est soumis à l\'acceptation de leurs licences respectives. Le paquet <strong>$a->installername</strong> est un <a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html\">logiciel libre</a>. Il est distribué sous licence <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\">GPL</a>.';
$string['welcomep60'] = 'Les pages suivantes vous aideront pas à pas à configurer et mettre en place <strong>Moodle</strong> sur votre ordinateur. Il vous sera possible d\'accepter les réglages par défaut ou, facultativement, de les adapter à vos propres besoins.';
$string['welcomep70'] = 'Cliquer sur le bouton « Suivant » ci-dessous pour continuer l\'installation de <strong>Moodle</strong>.';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = 'Chemin de destination incorrect.';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'Adresse URL de base de la source incorrect.';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Nom de fichier ZIP incorrect.';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Adresse web';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'L\'adresse web indiquée semble incorrecte : aucune installation de Moodle ne se trouve à cette adresse.';
@ -9,4 +9,19 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Dún an fhuinneog seo';
$string['continue'] = 'Lean ar aghaidh';
$string['error'] = 'Earráid';
$string['help'] = 'Cuidigh';
$string['language'] = 'Teanga';
$string['name'] = 'Ainm';
$string['next'] = 'Ar aghaidh';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['parentlanguage'] = '';
$string['password'] = 'Pasfhocal';
$string['previous'] = 'Siar';
$string['status'] = 'Stádas';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Gaeilge';
$string['user'] = 'Úsáideoir';
@ -9,4 +9,19 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Pechar esta xanela';
$string['continue'] = 'Continuar';
$string['error'] = 'Erro';
$string['help'] = 'Axuda';
$string['language'] = 'Idioma';
$string['name'] = 'Nome';
$string['next'] = 'Seguinte';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['parentlanguage'] = 'es_utf8';
$string['password'] = 'Contrasinal';
$string['previous'] = 'Anterior';
$string['status'] = 'Estado';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Galego';
$string['user'] = 'Usuario';
@ -9,4 +9,19 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'סגור את החלון הזה';
$string['continue'] = 'המשך';
$string['error'] = 'טעות';
$string['help'] = 'עזרה';
$string['info'] = 'מידע';
$string['language'] = 'חבילת שפה';
$string['name'] = 'שם';
$string['next'] = 'הלאה';
$string['ok'] = 'כן';
$string['password'] = 'סיסמא';
$string['previous'] = 'קודם';
$string['status'] = 'מצב';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'עברית';
$string['user'] = 'משתמש';
@ -9,4 +9,14 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'इस विन्डो को बन्द कीजिए';
$string['continue'] = 'जारी रखें';
$string['database'] = 'डेटाबेस';
$string['language'] = 'भाषा';
$string['name'] = 'नाम';
$string['next'] = 'अगला';
$string['password'] = 'पासवर्ड';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'हिन्दी';
$string['user'] = 'यूज़र';
@ -9,4 +9,39 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['caution'] = 'Oprez';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Zatvorite ovaj prozor';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Instalacijska skripta nije bila u mogućnosti automatski kreirati datoteku naziva config.php koja bi sadržavala vaše odabrane postavke, vjerojatno zbog toga što nema prava na pisanje (mijenjanje sadržaja) u vašoj Moodle mapi. Ako zo želite, možete ručno kopirati kod u datoteku config.php u osnovnoj mapi vaše Moodle instalacije.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php je uspješno kreiran';
$string['continue'] = 'Nastavi';
$string['database'] = 'Baza podataka';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Mapa s podacima';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Nemoguće je uspostaviti vezu sa bazom podataka koju ste naveli. Molimo provjerite podatke koje ste unijeli.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Pogreška pri kreiranju baze podataka. Nije bilo moguće kreirati bazu navedenog imena uz zadane postavke';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Poslužitelj';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Prefiks tablice';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Tip';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle mapa';
$string['error'] = 'Greška';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Ova opcija bi trebala biti uključena';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD inačica';
$string['help'] = 'Pomoć';
$string['info'] = 'Informacija';
$string['installation'] = 'Instalacija';
$string['language'] = 'Jezik';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Ova opcija bi trebala biti isključena';
$string['name'] = 'Ime';
$string['next'] = 'Sljedeći';
$string['ok'] = 'U redu';
$string['pass'] = 'Pass';
$string['password'] = 'Lozinka';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP inačica';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP inačica mora biti bar 4.1.0';
$string['previous'] = 'Prethodni';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Ova opcija bi trebala biti isključena';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Hrvatski';
$string['user'] = 'Korisnik';
@ -9,4 +9,154 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'A megadott rendszergazdakönyvtár hibás';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Rendszergazdakönyvtár';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = 'A rendszergazdakönyvtár beállítása...';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = 'Nagyon kevés kiszolgálónál használatos az /admin mint a vezérlőpanel vagy egyéb elérésére szolgáló külön URL. Sajnos ez ütközik a Moodle rendszergazdai oldalainak szokásos helyével. Ha telepítésében átnevezi a könyvtárat és az új nevet ide helyezi, a hiba megoldódik. Például: <br /> <br /> <b>moodleadmin</b><br /> <br />
Ezzel a rendszergazdai ugrópontok a Moodle-ban rendbe tehetők.';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Kihagyva';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'Nem hozható létre a lang könyvtár.';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Nem hozható létre a temp könyvtár.';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Az összetevőket nem lehet letölteni.';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'A tömörített állományt nem lehet letölteni.';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Nincs meg az összetevő.';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'Az md5 állományt nem lehet elmenteni.';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'A tömörített állományt nem lehet elmenteni.';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'A tömörített állományt nem lehet kicsomagolni.';
$string['caution'] = 'Vigyázat';
$string['check'] = 'Ellenőrzés';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Válasszon nyelvet';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'Válasszon nyelvet KIZÁRÓLAG a telepítéshez! A portál és a felhasználó nyelvét egy későbbi képernyőn adhatja meg.';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Ablak bezárása';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'PHP-beállításainak ellenőrzése ...';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'Szerverének az összes tesztet sikeresen kell lefuttatnia ahhoz, hogy a Moodle megfelelően működjön.';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'Az összetevő a legújabb.';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'A telepítő kóddal nem lehetett a megadott beállításaival létrehozni a config.php állományt, feltehetőleg azért, mert a Moodle könyvtára nem írható. Az alábbi kódot átmásolhatja a Moodle gyökérkönyvtárába egy config.php nevű állományba.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'a config.php létrehozása sikerült';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'Beállítás kész';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'A Moodle megpróbálta beállításait a telepítés gyökérkönyvtárában egy állományba elmenteni.';
$string['continue'] = 'Tovább';
$string['database'] = 'Adatbázis';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = ' Most a Moodle adatainak tárolására szánt adatbázis beállításait kell elvégeznie.
Ezt az adatbázist a telepítő automatikusan beállítja az alábbiak szerint.';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<strong>Típus:</strong> a telepítő \"mysql\"-re állítja be<br />
<strong>Gazdagép:</strong> a telepítő \"localhost\"-ra állítja<br />
<strong>Név:</strong> az adatbázis neve, pl. moodle<br />
<strong>Felhasználó:</strong> a telepítő \"root\"-ra állítja<br />
<strong>Jelszó:</strong> az Ön jelszava az adatbázishoz<br />
<strong>Táblázat előtagja:</strong> opcionális előtag az összes táblázatnévhez';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = 'Most be kell állítania azt az adatbázist, ahol Moodle-adatainak többségét tárolni fogja. Az adatbázisnak már léteznie kell, a hozzá tartozó azonosítóval és jelszóval együtt.';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<strong>Típus:</strong> mysql vagy postgres7<br />
<strong>Gazdagép:</strong> pl. localhost vagy db.isp.com<br />
<strong>Név:</strong>az adatbázis neve, pl. moodle<br />
<strong>Felhasználó:</strong>az Ön adatbázishoz használt azonosítója<br />
<strong>Jelszó:</strong> az Ön adatbázishoz használt jelszava<br />
<strong>Táblázat előtagja:</strong> opcionális előtag az összes táblanévhez';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Adatkönyvtár';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'A megadott \'Adatkönyvtár\' nem létezik vagy nem sikerült létrehozni. Módosítsa az útvonalat vagy hozza létre a könyvtárat.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Nem sikerült a megadott adatbázishoz csatlakozni. Ellenőrizze adatbázisának beállításait.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Hiba az adatbázis létrehozása közben. A megadott beállításokkal nem lehetett létrehozni az adatbázis nevét.';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Gazdagép szervere';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Táblázat előtagja';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Típus';
$string['dbwrongencoding'] = 'A kiválasztott adatbázis egy nem ajánlott kódolást használ ($a). Helyette ajánlatos unikódos (UTF-8) adatbázist használni. Egyébként ezt a tesztet átugorhatja, ha bejelöli alább az \"Adatbázis kódolásának ellenőrzése\" négyzetet, bár így a későbbiekben gondjai támadhatnak.';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = 'Erősítse meg a Moodle telepítésének helyét.';
$string['directorysettingssub'] = '<strong>Webcím:</strong>
Adja meg a teljes webcímet, ahol a Moodle elérhető lesz. Ha portálja több URL-ről is elérhető, adja meg azt, amelyet a tanulók leginkább használni fognak. Ne tegyen a végére perjelet.
<br />
<br />
Adja meg a telepítés teljes útvonalát. Ügyeljen a kis-/nagybetűk különbözésére.
<br />
<br />
Egy helyre lesz szüksége, ahova a Moodle a feltöltött állományokat menti. A könyvtárnak olvashatónak és a webszerver felhasználója által (ez általában \'nobody\' vagy \'apache\') ÍRHATÓNAK kell lennie, ugyanakkor ne legyen az Internetről közveltenül elérhető.';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle-könyvtár';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'A \'Moodle-könyvtár\' beállítása feltehetőleg hibás - nem található alatta a Moodle telepítése. Az alábbi értéket visszaállítottuk.';
$string['download'] = 'Letöltés';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'A letöltött állomány ellenőrzése nem sikerült.';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = 'Töltse le a(z) \"$a\" nyelvi csomagot';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = 'Töltse le a nyelvi csomagot';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = 'Folytathatja a telepítést az alapértelmezés szerinti \"$a\" nyelvi csomaggal.';
$string['downloadlanguagesub'] = 'Letölthet most egy nyelvi csomagot és azon a nyelven folytathatja a telepítést.<br /><br />Ha nem tudja letölteni, folytathatja a telepítést angol nyelven. (A telepítés végén lehetősége lesz további nyelvi csomagok letöltésére és telepítésére.)';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = 'A fentiekben fellelt összes környezeti problémát (hibát) el kell hárítania, mielőtt folytatja a Moodle ezen változatának a telepítését!';
$string['environmenthead'] = 'Környezetének ellenőrzése ...';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'ajánlott telepíteni/bekapcsolni';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'a $a->needed változat használata ajánlott a mostani $a->current helyett';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'szükséges telepíteni/bekapcsolni';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'a $a->needed változat használata szükséges a mostani $a->current helyett';
$string['environmentsub'] = 'Ellenőrizzük, hogy rendszerének különféle összetevői megfelelnek-e a rendszerkövetelményeknek';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = 'Hiba környezeti adatok ($a->error_code) olvasása közben';
$string['error'] = 'Hiba';
$string['fail'] = 'Hiba';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Állományok feltöltése';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Bekapcsolva kell lennie';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD-verzió';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'Képek feldolgozásához és készítéséhez a GD-könyvtárnak léteznie kell.';
$string['globalsquotes'] = 'Globális változók nem biztonságos kezelése';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = 'Javítsa ki a PHP beállításait: kapcsolja ki a disable register_globals és/vagy az enable magic_quotes_gpc opciókat';
$string['help'] = 'Súgó';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'Ajánlatos az opcionális ICONV könyvtár telepítése a portál teljesítményének a növelése érdekében, különösen abban az esetben, ha a portál támogatja nem latin nyelvek használatát.';
$string['info'] = 'Információ';
$string['installation'] = 'Telepítés';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'Érvénytelen md5.';
$string['langdownloaderror'] = 'A(z) \"$a\" nyelv nincs telepítve. A telepítés angol nyelven folytatódik. ';
$string['langdownloadok'] = 'A(z) \"$a\" nyelv telepítése sikerült. A telepítés ezen a nyelven folytatódik.';
$string['language'] = 'Nyelv';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Futásidejű Magic Quotes';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Kikapcsolva kell lennie';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'A portál teljesítményének javítása érdekében ajánlatos telepíteni az opcionális MBSTRING könyvtárat, különösen, ha a portál támogatja nem latin nyelvek használatát. ';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Memóriakorlát';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'A PHP memóriakorlátja túl alacsonyra van állítva... ez a későbbiekben gondot okozhat.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>Szerverén a PHP memóriakorlátja jelenleg $a.</p>
<p>Ez a Moodle számára a későbbiekben gondot okozhat, különösen akkor, ha sok modulja és/vagy sok felhasználója van bekapcsolva.</p>
<p>Ha lehet, állítsa be a PHP magasabb korláttal, pl. 16M-tal. Többféleképpen próbálkozhat:</p>
<li>Ha lehet, fordítsa újra a PHP-t <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>-tel. Így a Moodle maga állíthatja be a memóriakorlátot.</li>
<li>Ha elérhető a php.ini állomány, módosítsa a <b>memory_limit</b>
beállítást pl. 16M-ra. Ha nem éri el az állományt, kérje meg a rendszeradminisztrátort a módosítás elvégzésére.</li>
<li>Egyes PHP-szervereken létrehozhat egy .htaccess állományt a Moodle-könyvtárban az alábbi sorral:
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>Vannak szerverek, ahol ez <b>az összes</b> PHP-oldal működését megakadályozza
(az oldalak hibát jeleznek), ezért el kell távolítania a .htaccess állományt.</p></li>
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'Egy szükséges mező hiányzik';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'Ha viszont a portálja CSAK iso-8859-1 (latin) nyelveket használ, továbbra is használhatja a pillanatnyilag telepített MySQL 4.1.12 (vagy magasabb) verziót.';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'A Moodle 1.6 esetén a MySQL minimális verziószáma a 4.1.16 annak érdekében, hogy a későbbiekben minden adatot UTF-8 formában lehessen tárolni.';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'A PHP nincs jól beállítva a MySQL kiterjesztéshez, így nem tud ele kommunikálni. Ellenőrizze a php.ini fájlt vagy fordítsa újra a PHP-t.';
$string['name'] = 'Név';
$string['next'] = 'Következő';
$string['ok'] = 'Rendben';
$string['pass'] = 'Rendben';
$string['password'] = 'Jelszó';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP-verzió';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'A PHP-verzió legalább 4.1.0 legyen';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>A Moodle használatához legalább PHP 4.1.0 verziója szükséges.</p>
<p>Az Ön által használt verzió $a</p>
<p>Frissítse a PHP-verziót vagy térjen át újabb PHP-verziót működtető gazdagépre!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Előző';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'Az összetevőket nem lehet szerverére letölteni(az allow_url_fopen ki van kapcsolva).<br /><br />A(z) <a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a> állományt töltse le kézzel, másolja át szerverén a(z) \"$a->dest\" célkönyvtárba és csomagolja ki ott.';
$string['report'] = 'Jelentés';
$string['safemode'] = 'Biztonságos mód';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'A Moodle bekapcsolt biztonságos mód esetén akadályba ütközhet';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Folyamat automatikus kezdése';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Ezt ki kell kapcsolni';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = 'Az adatbázis-kódolás ellenőrzésének kihagyása';
$string['status'] = 'Állapot';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Magyar';
$string['user'] = 'Felhasználó';
$string['welcomep10'] = '$a->installername ($a->installerversion)';
$string['welcomep20'] = 'Azért látja ezt az oldalt, mert sikeresen telepítette és futtatja a(z) <strong>$a->packname $a->packversion</strong> csomagot számítógépén. Gratulálunk!';
$string['welcomep30'] = 'A(z) <strong>$a->installername</strong> tartalmazza azokat az alkalmazásokat, amelyekkel a <strong>Moodle</strong> számára kialakítható a működési környezet, azaz:';
$string['welcomep40'] = 'A csomag tartalmazza a <strong>Moodle $a->moodlerelease ($a->moodleversion)</strong>-t is.';
$string['welcomep50'] = 'A csomagban lévő alkalmazások használatára a vonatkozó engedélyek érvényesek. A teljes <strong>$a->installername</strong> csomag
<a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html\">nyílt forráskódú</a> és közreadása a <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\">GPL</a> licenc alapján történik.';
$string['welcomep60'] = 'A következő oldalak segítségével számítógépén egyszerűen telepítheti és beállíthatja a <strong>Moodle</strong>-t. Elfogadhatja az alapbeállításokat, de módosíthatja is őket igényeinek megfelelően.';
$string['welcomep70'] = 'Kattintson az alábbi \"Tovább\" gombra és folytassa a <strong>Moodle</strong> telepítését.';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = 'Hibás célútvonal.';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'Hibás URL-forrás.';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Hibás ZIP-állománynév';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Webcím';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'A webcím nem érvényes - a Moodle mostani telepítése nincs a megadott címen. Az alábbi érték visszaállt.';
@ -9,4 +9,18 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Tutup';
$string['continue'] = 'lanjut';
$string['error'] = 'Kesalahan';
$string['help'] = 'Bantuan';
$string['language'] = 'Bahasa';
$string['name'] = 'Nama';
$string['next'] = 'Selanjutnya';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Password';
$string['previous'] = 'Sebelumnya';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Indonesian';
$string['user'] = 'Pengguna';
@ -9,4 +9,86 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Uppgefið \'admin\' skráarsafn er rangt';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Stiklað yfir';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'Get ekki myndað lang skráarsafnið';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Get ekki myndað tímabundið skráarsafn';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Get ekki sótt viðbótareiningar';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'Get ekki sótt ZIP skrá';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Finn ekki viðbótareiningu';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'Get ekki vistað md5 skrá';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'Get ekki vistað ZIP skrá';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'Get ekki afþjappað skrá';
$string['caution'] = 'Aðgát';
$string['check'] = 'Athuga';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Tungumál valið';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'Veldu tungumál sem þú vilt nota við uppsetninguna. Síðar er hægt að velja tungumál á sjálfan vefinn.';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Loka þessum glugga';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'Stillingar á PHP athugaðar';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'Vefþjóninn verður að standast allar þessar prófanir til þess að tryggja að Moodle keyri án vandkvæða';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php skráin hefur verið mynduð';
$string['continue'] = 'Áfram';
$string['database'] = 'Gagnagrunnur';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = 'Nú er komið að því að setja upp gagnagrunninn þar sem flest gögn sem tilheyra Moodle eru hýst. Uppsetningarforritið skilgreinir gagnagrunninn með neðangreindum stillingum.
<b>Tegund:</b> sjálfgefið gildi uppsetningarforrits er \"mysql\"<br />
<b>Vefþjónn:</b> sjálfgefið gildi uppsetningarforrits er \"localhost\"<br />
<b>Nafn:</b> nafn gagnagrunns, t.d moodle<br />
<b>Notandi:</b> fixed to \"root\" by the installer<br />
<b>Lykilorð:</b> lykilorðið að gagnagrunninum<br />
<b>Forskeyti á töflur:</b> valkvæmt forskeyti á nöfn allra taflna';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = 'Nú er komið að því að setja upp gagnagrunninn þar sem flest gögn sem tilheyra Moodle eru hýst. Gagnagrunnurinn verður að vera til staðar ásamt notendanafni og lykilorði sem veitir aðgang að honum.';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<b>Tegund:</b> mysql eða postgres7<br />
<b>Vefþjónn:</b> þ.e. localhost eða db.isp.com<br />
<b>Nafn:</b> nafn gagnagrunns, t.d. moodle<br />
<b>Notandi:</b> notendanafn að gagnagrunni<br />
<b>Lykilorð:</b> lykilorð að gagnagrunni<br />
<b>Forskeyti á töflur:</b> valkvæmt forskeyti á töflur';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Gagnamappa';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Ekki náðist tenging við uppgefinn gagnagrunn. Vinsamlegast athugaðu hvort stillingar séu réttar.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Villa við myndun á gagnagrunni. Gat ekki myndað gagnagrunn með uppgefnum stillingum';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Vefþjónn';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'fortáknun taflna';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Tegund';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = 'Vinsamlegast staðfestu staðsetningu á þessari Moodle uppsetningu';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle skráarsafnið';
$string['download'] = 'Sækja';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = 'Sækja \"$a\" tungumálapakkann';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = 'Sækja tungumálapakka';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = 'Þú getur haldið áfram með uppsetninguna með sjálfgefnum tungumálapakka, \"$a\".';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'mælum við með að sé uppsett/virkt';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'mælt er með útgáfu $a->needed en þú notast við útgáfu $a->current';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'verður að vera uppsett/virkt';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'krafist er útgáfu $a->needed en þú notast við útgáfu $a->current';
$string['error'] = 'Villa';
$string['fail'] = 'Ekki staðið';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD útgáfa';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'GD forritasafnið á að vera til staðar til að hægt sé að búa til og vinna með myndir';
$string['help'] = 'Hjálp';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'Mælt er með uppsetningu á ICONV safninu í því skyni að auka virkni vefsins, sérstaklega ef vefurinn styður við tungumál sem ekki eru af latneskum stofni (non-latin).';
$string['info'] = 'Upplýsingar';
$string['installation'] = 'Uppsetning';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'Ótækt md5';
$string['language'] = 'Tungumál';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'Mælt er með uppsetningu á MBSTRING safninu í því skyni að auka virkni vefsins, sérstaklega ef vefurinn styður við tungumál sem ekki eru af latneskum stofni (non-latin).';
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'Einhverjir reitir eru enn óútfylltir';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'Ef vefurinn notast hinsvegar EINUNGIS við iso-8859-1 (latin) stafasettið er óhætt að notast áfram við MySQL 4.1.12 eða yngri útgáfur. ';
$string['mysql416required'] = ' Moodle gerir lágmarkskröfu um MySQL 4.1.16 gagnagrunninn til þess að trygga að mögulegt sé að yfirfæra öll gögn yfir í UTF-8.';
$string['name'] = 'Nafn';
$string['next'] = 'Áfram';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['parentlanguage'] = 'en';
$string['pass'] = 'Staðið';
$string['password'] = 'Lykilorð';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP útgáfa';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP útgáfan má ekki vera eldri en 4.1.0';
$string['previous'] = 'Til baka';
$string['report'] = 'Skýrsla';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle getur átt í vandræðum ef \"Save mode\" stillingin er virkjuð';
$string['status'] = 'Staða';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Íslenska';
$string['user'] = 'Notandi';
$string['welcomep70'] = 'Smelltu á \"Áfram\" hnappinn hér að neðan til þess að halda áfram uppsetningunni á <strong>Moodle</strong>.';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Rang skráarheiti á ZIP skrá.';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Vefslóð';
@ -9,4 +9,102 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'La directory di amministrazione specificata non è corretta';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Directory di amministrazione';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = 'Impostazione la directory admin...';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Aggirato';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'Non è possibile creare la cartella delle lingue.';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Non è possibile creare la cartella temporanea.';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Non è possibile scaricare componenti.';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'Non è possibile scaricare il file compresso.';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Non è possibile trovare il componente.';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'Non è possibile salvare il file md5.';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'Non è possibile salvare il file compresso.';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'Non è possibile scompattare il file.';
$string['caution'] = 'Attenzione';
$string['check'] = 'Controlla';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Scegli la lingua';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Chiudi questa finestra';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'Controllo impostazioni PHP...';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'Componente aggiornato.';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Il sistema di installazione non è in grado di creare il file config.php contenente le vostre impostazioni, probabilmente perchè la directory di Moodle non è scrivibile. È possbile copiare manualmente il codice seguente in un file chiamato config.php nella directory principale di Moodle.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'Il config.php è stato creato correttamente';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'Configurazione completata';
$string['continue'] = 'Continua';
$string['database'] = 'Base di dati';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Directory dati';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'La \'Directory dati\' specificata non può essere trovata o creata. È possibile correggere il percorso o crearla manualmente.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Non è possibile connettersi alla base dati specificata. Controllare le impostazioni della base dati.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Errore durante la creazione della base dati. Non è possibile creare una base dati con le impostazioni fornite.';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Server della base dati';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Prefisso tabelle';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Tipo';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Directory di Moodle';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'L\'impostazione \'Directory di Moodle\' sembra essere scorretta - non è possibile trovare un\'installazione di Moodle nel percorso specificato. Il valore sotto è stato ripristinato.';
$string['download'] = 'Download';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'Controllo file scaricato fallito.';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = 'Dovete risolvere tutti i problemi relativi all\'ambiente (errori) trovati qui sopra prima di procedere con l\'installazione di questa versione di Moodle!';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'è raccomandata l\'installazione/abilitazione';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'È raccomandata la versione $a->needed e la vostra versione attuale è $a->current';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'è necessaria l\'installazione/abilitazione';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'È necessaria la versione $a->needed e la vostra versione attuale è $a->current';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = 'Errore durante la lettura dei dati dell\'ambiente ($a->error_code)';
$string['error'] = 'Errore';
$string['fail'] = 'Fallito';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Invio file';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Questo deve essere impostato a on';
$string['gdversion'] = 'Versione GD';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'La libreria GD deve essere presente per elaborare e creare immagini';
$string['help'] = 'Aiuto';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'Installare la libreria opzionale ICONV è caldamente consigliato per migliorare le prestazioni del sito, in particolare se il vostro sito supporta lingue non latine.';
$string['info'] = 'Informazioni';
$string['installation'] = 'Installazione';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'MD5 non valido';
$string['language'] = 'Lingua';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Questo deve essere impostato a off';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'Installare la libreria opzionale MBSTRING è caldamente consigliato per migliorare le prestazioni del sito, in particolare se il vostro sito supporta lingue non latine.';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Limite memoria';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'Il limite di memoria del PHP è impostato a un valore basso ... potrebbero verificarsi probremi in futuro.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>Il limite della memoria assegnata a PHP attualmente è $a.</p>
<p>Questo può dare problemi a Moodle in futuro, specialmente se avete molti moduli abilitati e molti utenti.</p>
<p>Vi raccomandiamo di impostare il PHP con un limite più alto se possibile, ad esempio 16M.
Ci sono diversi modi che potete provare:
<li>Se possibile, ricompilare il PHP con l\'opzione <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>.
Questo permetterà a Moodle di impostare il limite di memoria da solo.</li>
<li>Se avete accesso al file php.ini, è possibile modificare l\'impostazione <b>memory_limit</b> a un valore tipo 16M. Se non avete l\'accesso potete chiedere al vostro amministratore di sistema di farlo.</li>
<li>Su alcuni server PHP è possibile creare un file .htaccess nella Directory di Moodle che contenga questa linea:
<blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote>
<p>Tuttavia, su alcuni server questo impedirà a <b>tutte</b> le pagine PHP di funzionare (vedrete degli errori quando visualizzerete le pagine) cosi dovrete rimuovere il file .htaccess.</li></ol>';
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'Mancano alcuni campi richiesti';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'Comunque, se il vostro sito sta utilizzando SOLO lingue iso-8859-1 (latin), potete continuare ad utilizzare MySQL 4.1.12 (o successivo) attualmente installato.';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'MySQL 4.1.16 è la versione minima richiesta per Moodle 1.6 per garantire che tutti i dati possano essere convertiti in UTF-8 in futuro.';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'Il PHP non è stato correttamente configurato con l\'estensione di MySQL. Controllate il vostro php.ini o ricompilate il PHP.';
$string['name'] = 'Nome';
$string['next'] = 'Prossimo';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['pass'] = 'Passato';
$string['password'] = 'Password';
$string['phpversion'] = 'Versione PHP';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'La versione del PHP deve essere come minimo la 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle richiede come minimo la versione 4.1.0 del PHP.</p>
<p>Attualmente state utilizzando la versione $a</p>
<p>È necessario aggiornare il PHP o spostarsi su un server con una versione di PHP più recente!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Precedente';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'Non è permesso scaricare i componenti su vostro server (allow_url_fopen è disabilitato). <br /><br /> È necessario scaricare manualmente il file <a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a>, copiarlo in \"$a->dest\" sul vostro server e scompattarlo la.';
$string['report'] = 'Risultato';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe Mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle può avere problemi con il safemode impostato a on';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Session Auto Start';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Questo deve essere off';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Italiano';
$string['user'] = 'Utente';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = 'Percorso della destinazione errato.';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'Indirizzo (URL) base sorgente errato. ';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Nome file compresso errato.';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Indirizzo web';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'L\'indirizzo web sembra non essere valido - questa installazione di Moodle non sembra esere li.';
@ -9,4 +9,154 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = '設定されたadminディレクトリが間違っています。';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Adminディレクトリ';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = '管理ディレクトリの設定中 ...';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = 'まれなケースですが /admin をコントロールパネルまたはその他のページにアクセスするための特別なURLとして使用しているウェブホストがあります。残念ですが、これは標準的なMoodle管理ページのロケーションと衝突します。あなたのインストールに関するadminディレクトリをリネームすることで、この衝突を回避できます。例えば: <br /> <br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br /> <br />
$string['bypassed'] = 'バイパス';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'langディレクトリを作成できません。';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'tempディレクトリを作成できません。';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'コンポーネットをダウンロードできません。';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'ZIPファイルをダウンロードできません。';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'コンポーネントを見つけることができません。';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'mp5ファイルを保存できません。';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'ZIPファイルを保存できません。';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'ZIPファイルを解凍できません。';
$string['caution'] = '警告';
$string['check'] = 'チェック';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = '言語を選択してください。';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'インストールのみに使用する言語を選択してください。後に表示される画面で、サイトおよびユーザの言語を選択することができます。';
$string['closewindow'] = 'ウィンドウを閉じる';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'PHP設定を確認しています ...';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'Moodleを適切に動作させるためには、あなたのサーバがこれらすべてのテストに通る必要があります。';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'コンポーネントは最新です。';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'インストールスクリプトは、自動的にあなたの選択した設定を反映したconfig.phpファイルを作成することができませんでした。おそらく、Moodleディレクトリに書き込み権が無いためだと思われます。下記のコードをconfig.phpという名称のファイルとしてMoodleのルートディレクトリにコピーすることができます。';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.phpが正常に作成されました。';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = '設定が完了しました。';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'Moodleは、Moodleインストレーションのルートへの設定内容保存を試みました。';
$string['continue'] = '続ける';
$string['database'] = 'データベース';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = 'ほとんどのMoodleデータが保存されるデータベース設定を行ってください。このデータベースはインストーラーにより、下記の設定が指定された形で自動的に作成されます。';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<b>タイプ:</b> インストーラーにより「mysql」に修正されました。<br />
<b>ホスト:</b> インストーラーにより「localhost」に修正されました。<br />
<b>データベース名:</b> データベース名、例 moodle<br />
<b>ユーザ名:</b> インストーラーにより「root」に修正されました。<br />
<b>パスワード:</b> あなたのデータベースパスワードです。<br />
<b>テーブル接頭辞:</b> すべてのテーブル名に使用される任意の接頭辞です。';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = 'ほとんどのMoodleデータが保存されるデータベースの設定を行います。このデータベースは、アクセスするためのユーザ名およびパスワードと共にすでに作成されている必要があります。';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<b>タイプ:</b> mysql または postgres7<br />
<b>ホスト:</b> 例 localhost または db.isp.com<br />
<b>データベース名:</b> 例:moodle<br />
<b>ユーザ名:</b> データベースのユーザ名<br />
<b>パスワード:</b> データベースのパスワード<br />
<b>テーブル接頭辞:</b> すべてのテーブル名にオプションで使用する接頭辞';
$string['dataroot'] = 'データディレクトリ';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'あなたが指定した「データディレクトリ」が見つからないか、作成されませんでした。パスを訂正するか、ディレクトリを手動で作成してください。';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'あなたが指定したデータベースに接続できませんでした。データベース設定を確認してください。';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'データベース作成エラー。設定で指定された名称のデータベースを作成できませんでした。';
$string['dbhost'] = 'ホストサーバ';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'テーブル接頭辞';
$string['dbtype'] = 'タイプ';
$string['dbwrongencoding'] = '選択したデータベースは、非推奨のエンコーディング ( $a ) で動作しています。代わりにユニコード ( UTF-8 ) でエンコードされたデータベースの使用をお勧めします。下記の「DBエンコーディングテストをスキップ」をチェックすることで、このテストをバイパスできますが、将来的に問題が発生する恐れがあります。';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = 'Moodleのインストール先を確認してください。';
$string['directorysettingssub'] = '<p><b>ウェブアドレス:</b>
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Moodleが、アップロードされたファイルを保存する場所が必要です。 このディレクトリは、ウェブサーバのユーザ ( 通常は「nobody」または「apache」 ) が読み込みおよび書き込みできるようにしてください。しかし、ウェブから直接アクセスできないようにしてください。</p>';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodleディレクトリ';
$string['dirrooterror'] = '「Moodleディレクトリ」設定が間違っているようです - インストール済みMoodleが見つかりませんでした。下記の値がリセットされました。';
$string['download'] = 'ダウンロード';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'ダウンロードファイルのチェックが失敗しました。';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = '「 $a 」言語パックをダウンロードする。';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = '言語パックのダウンロード';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = 'デフォルトの言語パック「 $a 」でインストール処理を続けることができます。';
$string['downloadlanguagesub'] = 'あなたは、この言語パックをダウンロードして、インストール処理を継続することができます。<br /><br />言語パックのダウンロードを無効にしている場合、インストール処理は英語で継続されます。 ( インストール処理が完了した後、他の言語パックをダウンロードして、インストールすることができます。 )';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = 'このバージョンのMoodleをインストールする前に、発見された動作環境の問題 ( エラー ) を解消してください!';
$string['environmenthead'] = 'あなたの環境を確認しています ...';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'インストールおよび Enabled を推奨します。';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'バージョン $a->needed 以上を推奨します。あなたは現在 $a->current を使用しています。';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'インストールおよび Enabled が必須です。';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'バージョン $a->needed 以上が必須です。あなたは現在 $a->current を使用しています。';
$string['environmentsub'] = 'あなたのシステムに関する様々な要素が、システム要件に合致するか確認しています。';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = '環境データ ($a->error_code) の読み込み中にエラーが発生しました。';
$string['error'] = 'エラー';
$string['fail'] = '失敗';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'ファイルアップロード';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'これは有効にしてください。';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GDバージョン';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'イメージの処理および作成を行うにはGDライブラリが必要です。';
$string['globalsquotes'] = '安全では無いGlobalsのハンドリング';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = 'PHP設定を修正してください: register_globalsを「Off」および/またはmagic_quotes_gpcを「On」';
$string['help'] = 'ヘルプ';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'より良いパフォーマンスを得るため、ICONVライブラリのインストールおよび稼動を強くお勧めします。あなたのサイトがラテン文字以外をサポートしている場合、特にお勧めします。';
$string['info'] = '情報';
$string['installation'] = 'インストレーション';
$string['invalidmd5'] = '無効なmp5ファイルです。';
$string['langdownloaderror'] = '残念ですが、言語「 $a 」がインストールされていません。インストール処理は英語で継続されます。';
$string['langdownloadok'] = '言語「 $a 」が正常にインストールされました。インストール処理は、この言語で継続されます。';
$string['language'] = '言語設定';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotesランタイム';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'これは無効にしてください。';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'より良いパフォーマンスを得るため、mbstringライブラリのインストールおよび稼動を強くお勧めします。あなたのサイトがラテン文字以外をサポートしている場合、特にお勧めします。';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Memory Limit';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'PHPのmemory limitが低すぎます ... 後で問題が発生する可能性があります。';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>現在、サーバのPHPメモリー制限が $a に設定されています。</p>
<p>この設定では、Moodleのメモリーに関わるトラブルが発生します。 特に多くのモジュールを使用したり、多くのユーザがMoodleを使用する場合に、トラブルが発生します。</p>
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'いくつかの必須入力フィールドに入力されていません。';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'あなたのサイトが iso-8859-1 ( ラテン ) 言語のみ使用している場合、現在インストールされている MySQL 4.1.12 ( またはそれ以上 ) を使用することができます。';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'Moodle1.6では、将来すべてのデータをUTF-8に変換するため、MySQL 4.1.16 が要求される最低限のバージョンです。';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'MySQLと通信できるようにPHPのMySQL extension設定が正しく設定されていません。php.iniを確認するか、PHPを再度コンパイルしてください。';
$string['name'] = '名称';
$string['next'] = '次へ';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['pass'] = 'パス';
$string['password'] = 'パスワード';
$string['php50restricted'] = 'PHP 5.0.x には数多くの既知の問題があります。5.1.x にアップグレードするか、4.3.x または 4.4.x にダウングレードしてください。';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHPバージョン';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHPバージョンは少なくとも 4.3.0 または 5.1.0 をお使いください ( 5.0.x には既知の多数の問題があります )。';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodleには、少なくとも 4.3.0 または 5.1.0 のPHPバージョンが必要です ( 5.0.x には既知の多数の問題があります )。</p>
<p>現在、バージョン $a が動作しています。</p>
( 5.0.x の場合、バージョン 4.4.x にダウングレードすることもできます。 )</p>';
$string['previous'] = '前へ';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'あなたのサーバーにコンポーネントをダウンロードすることができません ( allow_url_fopen が無効 )。<br /><br /><a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a> ファイルを手動でダウンロードして、サーバの「 $a->dest 」にコピーした後、解凍してください。';
$string['report'] = 'レポート';
$string['restricted'] = '使用禁止';
$string['safemode'] = 'セーフモード';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'セーフモードが有効の場合、Moodleに問題が発生する場合があります。';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'セッション自動スタート';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'これは無効にしてください。';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = 'DBエンコーディングテストをスキップ';
$string['status'] = '状態';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = '日本語';
$string['user'] = 'ユーザ';
$string['welcomep10'] = '$a->installername ( $a->installerversion )';
$string['welcomep20'] = 'インストールが正常に完了したため、このページをご覧頂いています。あなたのコンピュータで <strong>$a->packname $a->packversion</strong> パッケージを起動してください。';
$string['welcomep30'] = 'このリリース <strong>$a->installername</strong> には、<strong>Moodle</strong> で環境を作成するアプリケーションが含まれています。すなわち:';
$string['welcomep40'] = 'パッケージには <strong>Moodle $a->moodlerelease ($a->moodleversion)</strong> も含まれています。';
$string['welcomep50'] = 'このパッケージ内のすべてのアプリケーションの使用は個々のライセンスによって規定されています。全体の <strong>$a->installername</strong> パッケージは <a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html\">オープンソース</a> であり、<a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\">GPL</a>ライセンスの下で配布されています。';
$string['welcomep60'] = '次からのページは、あなたのコンピュータに <strong>Moodle</strong> を簡単に設定およびセットアップする手順にしたがって進みます。デフォルトの設定を使用することも、必要に応じて任意で設定を変更することもできます。';
$string['welcomep70'] = '<strong>Moodle</strong>のセットアップを続けるには「次へ」ボタンをクリックしてください。';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = '宛先パスが間違っています。';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'ソースURLベースが間違っています。';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'ZIPファイル名が間違っています。';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'ウェブアドレス';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = '「ウェブアドレス」が間違っています - インストール済みMoodleはそこに表示されません。下記の値はリセットされました。';
@ -9,4 +9,79 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'არაკორექტულადაა მითითებული ადმინისტრატორის დირექტორია';
$string['admindirname'] = 'ადმინისტრატორის დირექტორია';
$string['caution'] = 'გაფრთხილება';
$string['closewindow'] = 'დახურეთ ეს ფანჯარა';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'ინსტალაციის სკრიპტს არ შეუძლია config.php ფაილის ავტომატური შექმნა, რომელიც შეიცავსთქვენს არჩეულ სეთინგებს. შესაძლოა იმიტომ, რომ Moodle-ს დირექტორია არ არის ჩაწერადი. შეგიძლიათ ხელით შეასრულოთ შემდეგი კოდების კოპირება დასახელებულ ფაილში config.php Moodle-ს ძირეული დირექტორიიდან.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php წარმატებით შესრულდა';
$string['continue'] = 'გაგრძელება';
$string['database'] = 'მონაცემთა ბაზა';
$string['dataroot'] = 'მონაცემტა დირექტორია';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'შეუძლებელია თქვენს მიერ მითითებული ”მონაცემთა დირექტორიის” შექმნა ან მოძიება. ან შეასწორეთ მითითებული გზა ,ან ხელით შექმენით ეს დირექტორია.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'ვერ შევძელით თქვენს მიერ მითითებულ მონაცემებთან დაკავშირება. გადახედეთ თქვენი მონაცემთა ბაზის სეთინგებს.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'მონაცემთა ბაზის შექმნის შეცდომა. არსებული სეთინგის პირობებში შეუძლებელია მოცემული სახელის მონაცემთა ბაზის შექმნა';
$string['dbhost'] = 'ჰოსტი სერვერი';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'ცხრილების პრეფიქსი';
$string['dbtype'] = 'სახეობა';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle-ის დირექტორია';
$string['dirrooterror'] = '”Moodle-ის დირექტორიის” სეთინგი არასწორია. აქ არ არის Moodle-ის ინსტალაცია. ქვემოთ მოცემული მნისვნელობა ამოგდებულია.';
$string['download'] = 'ჩატვირთვა';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'რეკომენდირებულია ჩართვა/დაყენება';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'რეკომენდირებულია ჩართვა/დაყენება';
$string['error'] = 'შეცდომა';
$string['fail'] = '”ჩაფლავდა”';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'ფაილის ატვირთვა';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'ეს უნდა იყოს';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD ვარიანტი';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'უნდა არსებობდეს GD ბიბლიოთეკა გამოსახულებების შესაქმნელად და დასამუშავებლად';
$string['help'] = 'დახმარება';
$string['info'] = 'ინფორმაცია';
$string['installation'] = 'ინსტალირება';
$string['language'] = 'ენა';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'ეს უნდა იყოს ამორთული';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'მახსოვრობის ზღვარი';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'არჩეულია ძალიან დაბალი PHP მახსოვრობის ზღვარი ... შემდგომში პრობლემები გექნებათ';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>The PHP memory limit for your server is currently set to $a.</p>
<p>This may cause Moodle to have memory problems later on, especially
if you have a lot of modules enabled and/or a lot of users.</p>
<p>We recommend that you configure PHP with a higher limit if possible, like 16M.
There are several ways of doing this that you can try:</p>
<li>If you are able to, recompile PHP with <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>.
This will allow Moodle to set the memory limit itself.</li>
<li>If you have access to your php.ini file, you can change the <b>memory_limit</b>
setting in there to something like 16M. If you don\'t have access you might
be able to ask your administrator to do this for you.</li>
<li>On some PHP servers you can create a .htaccess file in the Moodle directory
containing this line:
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>However, on some servers this will prevent <b>all</b> PHP pages from working
(you will see errors when you look at pages) so you\'ll have to remove the .htaccess file.</p></li>
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP არ არის სწორად კონფიგურირებული MySQL გაფართოებიდან, რათა ის უკავშირდებოდეს MySQL-ს. გადასინჯეთ php.ini ფაილი ან შეასრულეთ PHP-ის რეკომპილაცია.';
$string['name'] = 'სახელი';
$string['next'] = 'შემდეგი';
$string['ok'] = 'დიახ';
$string['pass'] = 'გადაცემა';
$string['password'] = 'პაროლი';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP ვარიანტი';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP-ის ვერსია უნდა იყოს არა ნაკლები ვიდრე 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle requires a PHP version of at least 4.1.0.</p>
<p>You are currently running version $a</p>
<p>You must upgrade PHP or move to a host with a newer version of PHP!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'წინა';
$string['safemode'] = 'უსაფრთხო ვარიანტი';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle-ს შეიძლება ჰქონდეს პრობლემები ”დაცულ ';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'სესიის ავტომატური დასაწყისი';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'ეს უნდა იყოს ამორთული';
$string['status'] = 'მდგომარეობა';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'ქართული';
$string['user'] = 'მომხმარებელი';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Web მისამართი';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'ეს web მისამართი არ უნდა იყოს სწორი. აქ არ არის Moodle-ის ინსტალაცია.';
@ -9,4 +9,15 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'បិទបង្អួចនេះ';
$string['continue'] = 'បន្ត';
$string['error'] = 'កំហុស';
$string['help'] = 'ជំនួយ';
$string['language'] = 'ភាសា';
$string['name'] = 'ឈ្មោះ';
$string['next'] = 'បន្ទាប់';
$string['password'] = 'ពាក្យសំងាត់';
$string['previous'] = 'មុន';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Khmer';
@ -9,4 +9,35 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'ನೀವು ತಿಳಿಸಿದ ನಿರ್ವಾಹಕ ಕಡತ ಕೋಶ ತಪ್ಪಾಗಿದೆ';
$string['admindirname'] = 'ನಿರ್ವಾಹಕ ಕಡತ ಕೋಶ';
$string['caution'] = 'ಎಚ್ಚರಿಕೆ';
$string['closewindow'] = 'ಈ ಕಿಟಕಿಯನ್ನು ಮುಚ್ಚಿ ಹಾಕು';
$string['continue'] = 'ಮುಂದುವರಿ';
$string['database'] = 'ದತ್ತಸಂಚಯ';
$string['dataroot'] = 'ದತ್ತ ಡೈರೆಕ್ಟರಿ ';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'ನೀವು ತಿಳಿಸಿದ ದತ್ತ ಡೈರೆಕ್ಟರಿ ಸಿಗಲಿಲ್ಲ ಅಥವಾ ಹೊಸದಾಗಿ ಮಾಡಲು ಆಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲವೆಂದು ಕಾಣುತ್ತದೆ';
$string['dbhost'] = 'ಅತಿಥೇಯ ಗಣಕ';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'ಪಟ್ಟಿಯ ಶೀರ್ಷಿಕೆ';
$string['dbtype'] = 'ವಿಧ';
$string['dirroot'] = 'ಮೂಡಲ್ ಡೈರೆಕ್ಟರಿ ';
$string['download'] = 'ನಕಲಿಳಿಸು';
$string['error'] = 'ದೋಷ';
$string['gdversion'] = 'ಜಿಡಿ ಆವೃತ್ತಿ';
$string['help'] = 'ಸಹಾಯ';
$string['installation'] = 'ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪನೆ';
$string['language'] = 'ಭಾಷೆ';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'ಸ್ಮೃತಿ ಪರಿಮಿತಿ';
$string['name'] = 'ಹೆಸರು';
$string['next'] = 'ಮುಂದೆ';
$string['ok'] = 'ಸರಿ';
$string['password'] = 'ಪ್ರವೇಶ ಪದ';
$string['phpversion'] = 'ಪಿಎಚ್ಪಿ ಆವೃತ್ತಿ';
$string['previous'] = 'ಹಿಂದಿನದು';
$string['status'] = 'ಸ್ಥಿತಿ';
$string['thischarset'] = 'utf-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'ಕನ್ನಡ';
$string['user'] = 'ಬಳಕೆದಾರ';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'ಅಂತರ್ಜಾಲ ವಿಳಾಸ';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'ಅಂತರ್ಜಾಲ ವಿಳಾಸ ಸರಿಯೆಂದು ತೋರುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ-Moodle ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪನೆ ಅಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲವೆಂದು ತೋರುತ್ತದೆ';
@ -9,4 +9,154 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = '명시된 관리 디렉토리가 맞지 않습니다';
$string['admindirname'] = '관리 디렉토리';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = '관리자 디렉토리 설정 ...';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = '몇개의 웹사이트만이 제어판 등을 제공하는 특별한 URL으로서 /admin을 사용합니다. 불행하게도 이것은 무들 관리페이지를 위한 표준 위치와 충돌을 일으킵니다. 설치도중 admin디렉토리 이름을 바꿈으로서 이런문제를 고칠수 있습니다. 새이름을 여기에 넣을 수 있습니다. 예: <br /> <br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br /> <br /> 이렇게 하면 무들에서 관리자 링크문제가 해결됩니다.';
$string['bypassed'] = '건너뜀';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'lang 디렉토리를 만들 수 없습니다.';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'temp 디렉토리를 만들 수 없습니다.';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = '구성요소를 내려받기 할 수 없습니다.';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'ZIP파일을 내려받기 할 수 없습니다.';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = '구성요소를 찾을 수 없습니다.';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'md5 파일을 저장할 수 없습니다.';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'ZIP 파일을 저장할 수 없습니다.';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = '파일 압축풀기를 할 수 없습니다.';
$string['caution'] = '주의';
$string['check'] = '점검';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = '언어를 선택하시오';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = '설치를 위한 언어를 선택하시오. 추후 화면에 사이트와 사용자 언어를 선택할 수 있습니다.';
$string['closewindow'] = '이 창을 닫기';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'PHP 설정을 검사하는 중 ..';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = '당신의 서버는 무들이 잘 돌아가도록 하는데 필요한 모든 테스트를 통과해야 합니다.';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = '구성 요소가 최신의 것입니다.';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = '설치 스크립트는 당신이 선택한 설정으로 config.php파일을 자동적으로 생성할수 없습니다. 아마도 무들의 경로에 쓰기 허용이 되어 있지 않은 모양입니다. 당신은 수동적으로 다음의 코드를 무들의 루트디렉토리안의 config.php파일로 복사할수 있습니다.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = '성공적으로 contig.php가 생성되었음.';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = '초기 설정 완료';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = '무들이 당신의 무들 설치 루트디렉토리에 있는 파일에 당신의 설정을 저장하도록 시도하였습니다.';
$string['continue'] = '계속';
$string['database'] = '데이타 베이스';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = '대부분의 무들 데이터가 저장될 데이터베이스를 설정하는 것이 필요합니다. 아래에 명시된 설정대로 데이터베이스가 자동으로 설치프로그램에 의해 생성될 것입니다.';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<b>종류:</b> 설치프로그램에 의해 \"mysql\" 로 고정됨 <br />
<b>호스트:</b>설치프로그램에 의해 \"localhost\"로 고정됨<br />
<b>이름:</b>데이터베이스이름, 예:moodle<br />
<b>사용자:</b> 설치프로그램에 의해 \"root\" 로 고정됨 <br />
<b>암호:</b> 데이터베이스 암호 <br />
<b>테이블 첨두어:</b> 모든 테이블에 사용되는 선택적 첨두어';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = '모든 무들데이터가 저장되는 데이터베이스를 설정할 필요가 있습니다. 이 데이터베이스는 이미 만들어졌으며 데이터베이스를 접근할 수 있는사용자 이름과 암호가 생성되었습니다.';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<b>종류:</b> mysql 또는 postgres7<br />
<b>호스트:</b>예: localhost 또는 db.isp.com <br />
<b>이름:</b> 데이터베이스 이름, 예:moodle<br />
<b>사용자:</b> 데이터베이스 사용자이름<br />
<b>암호:</b> 데이터베이스 암호<br />
<b>테이블 첨두어:</b> 모든 테이블에 사용되는 선택적 첨두어';
$string['dataroot'] = '데이타 디렉토리';
$string['datarooterror'] = '당신이 지정한 \'데이타 디렉토리\'가 없거나 생성되지 않았습니다. 정확한 경로를 적거나 수동으로 그 디렉토리를 생성해 놓으시오.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = '지정한 데이터베이스에 연결할 수 없습니다. 데이타베이스의 설정을 점검하시오.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = '데이터베이스 생성 오류. 주어진 설정값으로 데이터베이스 이름을 생성할 수 없습니다.';
$string['dbhost'] = '호스트 서버';
$string['dbprefix'] = '접두사';
$string['dbtype'] = '형태';
$string['dbwrongencoding'] = '선택된 데이터베이스는 추천되지 않는 엔코딩 방법($a)에 의해 동작하고 있습니다. 유니코드 UTF-8로 인코딩 되는 데이터베이스를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다. 아래의\"DB 엔코딩 테스트 건너뛰기\"를 선택하여 이 테스트를 건너뛸 수 있지만 추후 문제를 경험할 수 있습니다.';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = '무들 설치 위치를 확인하기 바랍니다.';
$string['directorysettingssub'] = '<b>웹 주소:</b>
무들이 접속될 완전한 웹주소를 기입하시오.
만일 다중 URL을 통하여 웹사이트가 접근할 수 있다면 학습자가 사용하기 쉬운 자연스런 주소를 선택하시오. 끝에 슬래시를 포함하지 마십시요.
<br />
<br />
<b>무들 경로:</b>
이 설치에 대한 완전한 디렉토리 경로를 명시하시오. 대문자/소문자가 맞는지 확인하시오.
<br />
<br />
<b>데이터 디렉토리:</b>
무들이 올리기한 파일을 저장할 곳이 필요합니다. 이 디렉토리는 웹서버 사용자(\'nobody 나 \'apache\')들이 읽고 쓸 수 있어야 합니다. 그러나 직접 접근할 수 있어서는 안됩니다.';
$string['dirroot'] = '무들 디렉토리';
$string['dirrooterror'] = '무들 경로의 위치가 바르지 않은 것 같습니다 - 모들설치 프로그램을 찾을 수 없습니다. 아래의 값들은 초기화 되었습니다.';
$string['download'] = '다운로드';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = '내려받기 한 파일 체크가 실패하였습니다.';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = '\"$a\" 언어팩 내려받기';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = '언어팩 다운로드';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = '기본 언어팩인 \"$a\"을 사용하여 설치과정을 계속할 수 있습니다.';
$string['downloadlanguagesub'] = '이제 언어팩 선택을 하셨기 때문에 추후에는 선택한 언어로 설치를 계속할 수 있습니다.<br /><br />만일 해당 언어팩을 내려받지 못한다면, 영문으로 설치가 계속될 것입니다.(일단 영문으로 프로그램을 깐 후, 다시 또 다른 언어팩을 선택하여 설정할 수 있는 기회가 있습니다) ';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = '이 무들버전을 설치하기 전에 위에서 발견된 모든 환경설정 문제들을 해결해야 합니다.';
$string['environmenthead'] = '환경변수를 점검하십시요.';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = '은 설치하거나 활성화되는 것을 추천합니다.';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = '$a->needed 버전을 추천합니다.당신은 $a->currentversion 을 사용하고 있습니다. ';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = '이 설치되거나 활성화 되어야 합니다.';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = '$a->needed 버전을 사용하여야 합니다.당신은 $a->currentversion 을 사용하고 있습니다.';
$string['environmentsub'] = '당신의 시스템의 여러 구성요소가 시스템 요구조건을 만족하는지 점검합니다.';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = '환경 설정 데이터 불러들이기 오류 ($a->error_code)';
$string['error'] = '오류';
$string['fail'] = '실패';
$string['fileuploads'] = '업로드된 파일 ';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = '이것은 켜져야 합니다.';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD 의 버전';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'GD 라이브러리는 진행과정과 사진을 만드는 것을 보여주어야 합니다.';
$string['globalsquotes'] = '전역변수 조작 안전성 결여';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = '여러분의 PHP 설정을 다음과 같이 고쳤습니다: register_globals 및 enable magic_quotes_gpc 을 껐습니다.';
$string['help'] = '도움';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = '당신의 사이트가 라틴언어계열이 아닌 언어를 지원하는 경우 사이트의 성능을 향상시키기 위해서는 ICONV라이브러리를 설치하는것을 권장합니다.';
$string['info'] = '정보';
$string['installation'] = '설치';
$string['invalidmd5'] = '잘못된 md5';
$string['langdownloaderror'] = '안타깝게도 \"$a\" 언어팩이 설치되지 않았습니다. 대신 영어를 이용하여 설치될 것입니다.';
$string['langdownloadok'] = '\"$a\" 언어팩이 성공적으로 설치되었습니다. 해당 언어를 이용하여 설치가 진행될 것입니다.';
$string['language'] = '언어';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = '매직 코트 실행 시간';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = '이것은 꺼져야 합니다.';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = '당신의 사이트가 라틴언어계열이 아닌 언어를 지원하는 경우 사이트의 성능을 향상시키기 위해서는 MBSTRING 라이브러리를 설치하는것을 권장합니다.';
$string['memorylimit'] = '기억 제한';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = '이 php 기억 제한은 매우 낮게 설치되어 있습니다. 당신은 후에 문제를 닥치게 될 것입니다.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>서버의 PHP 메모리한계가 최근 $a 로 설정되었습니다.</p>
<p>이것은 아마 무들이 나중에 기억의 문제를 갖게 되는 것을 야기시킬것입니다. 특히 만약 당신이 사용할 수 있는 많은 무들을 가지고 있거나 그런 사용자를 가지고 있다면 그러할 것입니다.</p>
<p>우리는 당신이 16M 와 같은 가능하면 더 높은 제한을 가지고 있는 PHP를 형성하기를 요구합니다.
당신이 시도 할 수 잇는 여러가지 방법들이 있습니다.</p>
<li>만약 당신이 할 수 있다면 기억제한이 가능한 파일과 함께 PHP를 번역하세요. 이것은 무들이 자기 스스로 기억제한을 설치하는데 허락할 것입니다</li>
<li>만약 다신이 php.ini.파일에 접속했다면 당신은 <b>memory_limit</b>을 16M와 같은 어떤 것으로 바꿔설치 할 수 있을것입니다. 만약 당신이 접속하지 않았다면 이것을 실행하기 위한 당신의관리자에게 문의하실 수 있습니다.</li>
<li>당신이 만들어 낼수 있는 몇개의 PHP서버들에서 무들 주소성명록에 있는 접속파일은 이 라인을 포함하고 있습니다.
<P><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M<blockquote></p>
<p>그러나 모든 php페이지가 (당신이 페이지를 살펴보았을때 문제를 찾을 것이다) 일하는 것으로부터 방해 할 이 몇개의 서버들이 있기때문에 당신은 .htaccess 를 제거해야 할 것입니다.</p></li></ol>';
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = '필요한 항목이 빠져 있습니다.';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = '당신의 사이트가 iso-8859-1 (라틴) 언어만을 사용하는 경우 현재 설치된 MySQL 4.1.12 혹은 그 이상버전을 사용할 수 있습니다. ';
$string['mysql416required'] = '모든 데이터가 향후 UTF-8로 변환될 수 있도록 하기위해서는 MySQL 4.1.16 이상 버전이 무들 1.6버전에 필요합니다. ';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'php는 php가 mysql과 연결할 수 있기 위해서 적절하게 형성됐다. 당신의 php.ini 파일이나 recompile php를 확인하세요.';
$string['name'] = '이름';
$string['next'] = '다음으로';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['parentlanguage'] = 'en';
$string['pass'] = '통과하세요.';
$string['password'] = '비밀번호';
$string['phpversion'] = 'php버젼';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'php 버젼은 틀림없이 적어도 4.1.0.이어야합니다.';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '무들은 적어도 4.1.0의 php버젼을 요구합니다.';
$string['previous'] = '이전으로';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = '서버로 구성요소를 내려받는 것이 허용되지 않습니다. (allow_url_fopen 이 비활성화 됨).<br /><br /> 수동으로 <a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a> 파일을 다운로드 하고, 서버의 \"$a->dest\" 에 복사한 후 압축을 푸셔야 합니다.';
$string['report'] = '보고';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe Mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = '아마 Safe Mode가 작동되어서 문제가 있을 것입니다.';
$string['sessionautostart'] = '세션의 활동을 시작하세요.';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = '이것은 종료되어야 합니다.';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = 'DB 엔코딩 테스트 생략';
$string['status'] = '상태';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = '한국어';
$string['user'] = '사용자';
$string['welcomep10'] = '$a->installername ($a->installerversion)';
$string['welcomep20'] = '당신의 컴퓨터에 <strong>$a->packname $a->packversion</strong> 패키지를 성공적으로 설치한 것을 축하합니다! ';
$string['welcomep30'] = '<strong>$a->installername</strong> 의 이 릴리스는 <strong>무들</strong>이 그 속에서 동작하는 환경을 생성하기 위한 어플리케이션을 포함하고 있습니다.';
$string['welcomep40'] = '이 패키지는 <strong>무들 $a->moodlerelease ($a->moodleversion)</strong> 을 포함하고 있습니다.';
$string['welcomep50'] = '이 패키지에 있는 모든 어플리케이션을 사용하는 것은 각각의 라이선스에의해 지배받습니다. 완전한<strong>$a->installername</strong> 패키지는
<a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html\">공개 소스이며 </a> <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\">GPL</a> 라이선스에 의해 배포됩니다.';
$string['welcomep60'] = '다음 페이지들은 당신의 컴퓨터에 <strong>무들</strong>을 설정하고 설치하는데 따라하기 쉬운 방법으로 당신을 안내할 것입니다. 당신은 기본 설정을 선택하거나 당신의 목적에 맞게 선택적으로 수정할 수 있습니다.';
$string['welcomep70'] = '<strong>무들</strong> 설정을 계속하기 위해서는 \"다음\" 버튼을 클릭하세요.';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = '잘못된 목적 경로';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = '잘못된 소스 URL 베이스';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = '잘못된 ZIP 파일이름';
$string['wwwroot'] = '웹 주소';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = '이 웹 주소는 유효한 것 같지 않습니다 - 무들 설치 프로그램이 거기에 없습니다.';
@ -9,4 +9,18 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Uždaryti šį langą';
$string['continue'] = 'Tęsti';
$string['error'] = 'Klaida';
$string['help'] = 'Pagalba';
$string['language'] = 'Kalba';
$string['name'] = 'Vardas';
$string['next'] = 'Toliau';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Slaptažodis';
$string['previous'] = 'Ankstesnis';
$string['status'] = 'Būsena';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Lietuvių';
$string['user'] = 'Vartotojas';
@ -9,4 +9,18 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Aizvērt šo logu';
$string['continue'] = 'Turpināt';
$string['error'] = 'Kļūda';
$string['help'] = 'Palīdzība';
$string['language'] = 'Valoda';
$string['name'] = 'Nosaukums';
$string['next'] = 'Tālāk';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Parole';
$string['previous'] = 'Iepriekšējais';
$string['status'] = 'Statuss';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Latviešu';
$string['user'] = 'Lietotājs';
@ -9,4 +9,44 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['caution'] = 'Kia tūpato';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Kātia i roro whakaata';
$string['continue'] = 'Haere tonu';
$string['database'] = 'Puna Kōrero';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Kōpaki Hōtuku';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Tūmau Rorohiko Tuku';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Momo';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Kōpaki Moodle';
$string['download'] = 'Tuku Mai';
$string['error'] = 'He hapa';
$string['fail'] = 'Kāore he Pāhi';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Kōnae Tuku Atu';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Me whakakāngia tēneki';
$string['gdversion'] = 'Whakaaturanga GD ';
$string['help'] = 'Āwhina';
$string['installation'] = 'Whakauta';
$string['language'] = 'Reo';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Me whakaweto tēnei';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Tau Pūmahara';
$string['name'] = 'Ingoa';
$string['next'] = 'Anō';
$string['ok'] = 'Ae';
$string['pass'] = 'Pāhi';
$string['password'] = 'Kupu Whakauru';
$string['phpversion'] = 'Whakaaturanga PHP ';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'Kaua e heke i te Whakaaturanga PHP 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Ka whai atu te Moodle ki ngā Whakaaturanga PHP piki ake ki te 4.1.0.</p>
<p>Kei te mahi koe i te whakaaturanga $a</p>
<p>Whakapai ake i te PHP, neke atu rānei ki tētehi rorohiko tuku me te PHP hou!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'O mua';
$string['safemode'] = 'Tūmomo Haumaru';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Tēnā pea';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Me Whakaweto';
$string['status'] = 'Āhuatanga';
$string['thischarset'] = 'utf-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Māori - Tainui';
$string['user'] = 'Kaiwhakauru';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Nohoanga Tukutuku';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'Kāore te Pae Tukutuku e whai mana - ko tēneki whakauta Moodle kāore ki reira pea.';
@ -9,4 +9,12 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['check'] = 'പരിശോധിക്കുക';
$string['closewindow'] = 'ഈ ജാലകം അടയ്ക്കുക';
$string['continue'] = 'തുടരുക';
$string['language'] = 'ഭാഷ';
$string['password'] = 'പാസ്സ്വേര്ഡ്';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'മലയാളം';
$string['user'] = 'ഉപഭോക്താവ്';
@ -9,4 +9,18 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Tutup';
$string['continue'] = 'Teruskan';
$string['error'] = 'Ralat';
$string['help'] = 'Bantuan';
$string['language'] = 'Bahasa';
$string['name'] = 'Nama';
$string['next'] = 'Teruskan';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Katakunci';
$string['previous'] = 'Sebelum';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Bahasa Melayu';
$string['user'] = 'Pengguna';
@ -9,4 +9,152 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'De admin-map die je opgeeft is niet juist';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Admin-map';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = 'Admin-map instellen..';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = 'Enkele webhosts gebruiken /admin als een speciale url om een controle paneel of iets dergelijks te openen. Dat kan jammer genoeg conflict geven met de standaardlocatie van de Moodle admin pagina\'s. Je kunt dit in orde brengen door de adminmap van Moodle hier te hernoemen en die nieuwe naam hier te zetten, bijvoorbeeld <br /><br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br /><br />Dit zal de links naar de adminmap in Moodle herstellen.';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Omzeild';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'Kan lang map niet maken';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Kan tijdelijke map niet maken.';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Kan componenten niet downloaden.';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'Kan ZIP-bestand niet downloaden.';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Kan component niet vinden.';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'Kan md5-bestand niet bewaren.';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'Kan ZIP-bestand niet bewaren.';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'Kan bestand niet unzippen';
$string['caution'] = 'Opgelet';
$string['check'] = 'Controleer';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Kies een taal';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'De taalinstelling die je hier kiest is enkel voor het installatieproces. In één van de volgende schermen zul je de standaardtaal voor de site kunnen kiezen. Bebruikers kunnen als je dat wil, zelf bepalen met welke taal ze werken.';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Sluit dit venster';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'Bezig met je PHP-instellingen te controleren ...';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'Om Moodle goed te laten werken, moet je server slagen voor al deze testen.';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'Component niet up-to-date';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Het installatiescript kon het bestand config.php met jouw gekozen instellingen niet automatisch aanmaken. Kopieer de volgende code in een bestand dat je config.php noemt en plaats dat in de rootmap van Moodle.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'Het maken van config.php is gelukt';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'Configuratie klaar';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'Moodle probeerde je configuratie te bewaren in een bestand in de root van je installatie.';
$string['continue'] = 'Ga door';
$string['database'] = 'Databank';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = 'Nu moet je de databankinstellingen configureren. In deze databank zullen de meeste gegevens van Moodle opgeslagen worden. De databank zal automatisch gemaakt worden door het installatiescript met volgende instellingen.';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<b>Type:</b> \"mysql\" gekozen door het installatiescript<br />
<b>Host:</b> \"localhost\" gekozen door het installatiescript<br />
<b>Naam:</b> database naam, bv moodle<br />
<b>Gebruiker:</b> \"root\" gekozen door het installatiescript<br />
<b>Wachtwoord:</b> het wachtwoord van jouw databank<br />
<b>Tabelvoorvoegsel:</b> een voorvoegsel dat je wil gebruiken voor alle tabelnamen.';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = 'Nu moet je de databank waarin Moodle geïnstalleerd zal worden, configureren. Deze databank moet al aangemaakt zijn en je hebt een gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord ervan nodig om Moodle toegang te geven.';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<b>Type:</b> mysql of postgres7<br />
<b>Host:</b> vb localhost of db.isp.com<br />
<b>Naam:</b> database naam, vb moodle<br />
<b>Gebruiker:</b> de gebruikersnaam voor jouw database<br />
<b>Wachtwoord:</b> het wachtwoord voor je databank<br />
<b>Tabelvoorvoegsel:</b> een voorvoegsel dat je wil gebruiken voor alle tabelnamen';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Gegevens';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'De \'data-map\' die je opgaf kon niet gevonden of gemaakt worden. Verbeter ofwel het pad of maak die map manueel.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'We konden geen verbinding maken met de databank die je opgegeven hebt. Controleer je databankinstellingen';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Probleem met het opbouwen van de databank. De databanknaam kon niet aangemaakt worden met de gegevens die je opgegeven hebt';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Hostserver';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Tabelvoorvoegsel';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Type';
$string['dbwrongencoding'] = 'De gekozen databank loopt niet onder Unicode (UTF8), maar onder een ongeschikte encodering ($a). Je kunt beter een Unicode (UTF8) databank gebruiken. Als je wil, kun je deze test overslaan door hieronder op \"Negeer DB-encodingtest\" te klikken, maar je zou hierdoor wel problemen kunnen krijgen.';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = 'Bevestig de locaties voor dese Moodle-installatie';
$string['directorysettingssub'] = '<b>Webadres:</b>
Geef hier het volledig webadres (URL) langswaar moodle zall bekeken worden. Als je website via verschillende URL\'s toegankelijk is, kies dan diegene die je leerlingen normaal zullen gebruiken. Opgelet, geen schuine streep achteraan.
<br />
<br />
<b>Moodle installatiemap:</b>
Geef het volledige pad naar deze installatie. Zorg er voor dat je hoofdletters/kleine letters respecteert.
<br />
<br />
Je hebt een plaats nodig waar Moodle bestanden kan opslaat. Deze map moet leesbaar EN BESCHRIJFBAAR zijn door de webserver (meestal gebruikersnaam nobody, apache of www-data), maar mag niet rechtstreeks toegankelijk zijn via het web.';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle-map';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'De instelling voor \'Moodle-map\' was niet juist - we kunnen daar geen Moodle-installatie vinden. Onderstaande waarde is gereset.';
$string['download'] = 'Download';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'Controle van het gedownloade bestand mislukt';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = 'Download het "$a" taalpakket';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = 'Download taalpakket';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = 'Je kunt het installatieproces verder laten lopen met het standaard taalpakket, \"$a\".';
$string['downloadlanguagesub'] = 'Je kun nu een taalpakket downloaden en de installatie in die taal verder zetten.<br /><br />Als je dit taalpakket niet kunt downloaden, dan zal de installatie in het Engels verder gaan. (Als de installatie is afgewerkt, krijg je terug de mogelijkheid om nieuwe taalpakketten te downloaden en te installeren)';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = 'Je moet all de problemen over de installatie-omgeving die hierboven gevonden zijn, oplossen. Ga pas dan verder met het installeren van deze Moodleversie.';
$string['environmenthead'] = 'Omgeving controleren ...';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'wordt aangeraden om te installeren of in te schakelen';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'je kunt betere versie $a->needed gebruiken en je gebruikt nu versie $a->current';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'moet geïnstalleerd/ingeschakeld zijn';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'versie $a->needed is vereist en je gebruikt nu versie $a->current';
$string['environmentsub'] = 'We controleren nu of de versies van verschillende componenten van je server voldoen aan de systeemvereisten van Moodle';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = 'Fout bij het lezen van de omgevingsdata ($&->error_code)';
$string['error'] = 'Fout';
$string['fail'] = 'Niet OK';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Bestanden uploaden';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Dit moet ingeschakeld zijn';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD-versie';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'De GD-bibliotheek moet geïnstalleerd zijn om afbeeldingen te kunnen maken en verwerken';
$string['globalsquotes'] = 'Inveilige behandeling van globals';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = 'Zet je PHP instellingen juist: schakel register_globals uit en/of schakel magic_quotes_gpc in';
$string['help'] = 'Help';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'Als je site andere talen dan die uit de Latin1 tekenset gebruikt, dan is het installeren van de optionele ICONV library ten zeerste aangeraden om de performantie van de site te verhogen.';
$string['info'] = 'Informatie';
$string['installation'] = 'Installatie';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'Ongeldig md5';
$string['langdownloaderror'] = 'De taal \"$a\" is jammer genoeg niet geïnstalleerd. Het installatieproces gaat verder in het Engels.';
$string['langdownloadok'] = 'De taal \"$a\" is met succes geïnstalleerd. Het installatieproces zal in deze taal verder gaan.';
$string['language'] = 'Taal';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes runtime';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Dit moet uitgeschakeld zijn';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'Als je site andere talen dan die uit de Latin1 tekenset gebruikt, dan is het installeren van de optionele MBSTRING library ten zeerste aangeraden om de performantie van de site te verhogen.';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Geheugenlimiet';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'De PHP-geheugenlimiet staat eerder laag ingesteld ... je zou hierdoor later problemen kunnen krijgen.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>De PHP-geheugenlimiet van je server is ingesteld op $a.</p>
<p>Hierdoor kan Moodle geheugenproblemen krijgen, vooral als je veel modules installeert en/of veel gebruikers hebt.</p>
<p>We raden je aan PHP met een hogere geheugenlimiet te configureren indien mogelijk, bijvoorbeeld 16Mb. Er zijn verschillende mogelijkheden om dat te doen. Je kunt proberen:
<li>Indien je kunt PHP hercompileren met <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>.
Hierdoor kan Moodle zelf zijn geheugenlimiet instellen.
<li>Als je toegang hebt tot het php.ini-bestand, kun je de <b>memory_limit</b>-instelling veranderen naar bv 16Mb. Als je geen toegang hebt kun je je systeembeheerder vragen dit voor je te wijzigen.</li>
<li>Op sommige PHP-servers kun je een .htaccess-bestand maken in de Moodle-map met volgende lijn: <p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>Opgelet: op sommige servers zal dit verhinderen dat <b>alle</b> PHP-bestanden uitgevoerd worden. (je zult foutmeldingen zien wanneer je naar php-pagina\'s kijkt) Je zult dan het .htaccess-bestand moeten verwijderen.</li>
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'Vereist veld ontbreekt';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'Als je site echter UITSLUITEND iso-8859-1 (latin) talen gebruikt, dan kun je MySQL 4.1.12 (of hoger) blijven gebruiken.';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'MySQL 4.1.16 is de minimum versie die nodig is voor Moodle 1.6 om te kunnen garanderen dat alle gegevens naar UTF-8 geconverteerd zullen worden.';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP is niet goed geconfigureerd met de MySQL-extentie om met MySQL te communiceren. Controleer je php.ini-bestand of hercompileer PHP.';
$string['name'] = 'Naam';
$string['next'] = 'Volgende';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['pass'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Wachtwoord';
$string['php50restricted'] = 'PHP 5.0.x heeft een heel aantal bekende problemen. Upgrade naar 5.1.x of downgrade naar 4.3.x of 4.4.x';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP-versie';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP-versie moet minstens 4.1.0 zijn';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle heeft minstens PHP-versie 4.1.0 nodig.</p> <p>De huidige versie op je server is $a</p>
<p>Je moet PHP upgraden of verhuizen naar een host met een nieuwere versie van PHP!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Vorige';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'Het downloaden van componenten naar je server is niet toegelaten (allow_url_fopen is uitgeschakeld)<br /><br />Je moet het <a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a>bestand manueel downloaden en het kopiëren naar \"$a->dest\" op je server en het daar unzippen.';
$string['report'] = 'Rapport';
$string['restricted'] = 'Beperkt';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe Mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle kan bestanden niet juist behandelen met safe mode ingeschakeld';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Session Auto Start';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Dit moet uitgeschakeld zijn';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = 'Negeer DB-encodingtest';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Nederlands';
$string['user'] = 'Gebruiker';
$string['welcomep10'] = '$a->installername ($a->installerversion)';
$string['welcomep20'] = 'Je krijgt deze pagina te zien omdat je met succes het <strong>$a->packname $a->packversion</strong> packet op je computer gezet en gestart hebt. Proficiat! ';
$string['welcomep30'] = 'Deze uitgave van <strong>$a->installername</strong> bevat de software die nodig is om een omgeving te creëren waarin <strong>Moodle</strong> zal werken, namelijk:';
$string['welcomep40'] = 'Dit pakket bevat ook <strong>Moodle $a->moodlerelease ($a->moodleversion)</strong>.';
$string['welcomep50'] = 'Het gebruik van alle programma\'s in dit pakket wordt geregeld door hun respectievelijke licenties. Het complete <strong>$a->installername</strong> pakket is
<a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html\">open source</a> en wordt verdeeld onder de <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\">GPL</a> licentie.';
$string['welcomep60'] = 'De volgende pagina\'s leiden je door een aantal makkelijk te volgen stappen om <strong>Moodle</strong> te installeren op je computer. Je kunt de standaardinstellingen overnemen of, optionneel, ze aanpassen aan je noden.';
$string['welcomep70'] = 'Klik op de \"volgende\"-knop om verder te gaan met de installatie van <strong>Moodle</strong>';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = 'Fout pad voor bestemming';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'Foute URL voor de bron';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Foute ZIP-bestandsnaam';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Web adres';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'Het webadres lijkt niet geldig te zijn - deze Moodle-installatie is blijkbaar niet op die plaats.';
@ -9,4 +9,20 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['check'] = 'Sjekk';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Lukk dette vindauget';
$string['continue'] = 'Hald fram';
$string['error'] = 'Feil';
$string['help'] = 'Hjelp';
$string['info'] = 'Informasjon';
$string['language'] = 'Språk';
$string['name'] = 'Namn';
$string['next'] = 'Neste';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Passord';
$string['previous'] = 'Forrige';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Norsk - nynorsk';
$string['user'] = 'Brukar';
@ -9,4 +9,19 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Lukk dette vinduet';
$string['continue'] = 'Fortsett';
$string['error'] = 'Feil';
$string['help'] = 'Hjelp';
$string['language'] = 'Språk';
$string['name'] = 'Navn';
$string['next'] = 'Neste';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['parentlanguage'] = 'no_utf8';
$string['password'] = 'Passord';
$string['previous'] = 'Forrige';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Norsk';
$string['user'] = 'Bruker';
@ -9,4 +9,82 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'The admin directory specified is incorrect';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Admin Directory';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Utelatt';
$string['caution'] = 'Caution';
$string['check'] = 'Sjekk';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Lukk dette vinduet';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'The installer script was not able to automatically create a config.php file containing your chosen settings, probably because the Moodle directory is not writeable. You can manually copy the following code into a file named config.php within the root directory of Moodle.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php has been successfully created';
$string['continue'] = 'Fortsett';
$string['database'] = 'Database';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Data Directory';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'The \'Data Directory\' you specified could not be found or created. Either correct the path or create that directory manually.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'We could not connect to the database you specified. Please check your database settings.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Database creation error. Could not create the given database name with the settings provided';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Host Server';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Tables prefix';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Type';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle Directory';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'The \'Moodle Directory\' setting seems to be incorrect - we can\'t find a Moodle installation there. The value below has been reset.';
$string['download'] = 'Download';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'Du må ha versjon $a->needed. Du kjører $a->current';
$string['error'] = 'Feil';
$string['fail'] = 'Fail';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'File Uploads';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'This should be on';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD version';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'The GD library should be present to process and create images';
$string['help'] = 'Hjelp';
$string['info'] = 'Informasjon';
$string['installation'] = 'Installation';
$string['language'] = 'Språk';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'This should be off';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Memory Limit';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'The PHP memory limit is set quite low ... you may run into problems later.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>The PHP memory limit for your server is currently set to $a.</p>
<p>This may cause Moodle to have memory problems later on, especially
if you have a lot of modules enabled and/or a lot of users.</p>
<p>We recommend that you configure PHP with a higher limit if possible, like 16M.
There are several ways of doing this that you can try:</p>
<li>If you are able to, recompile PHP with <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>.
This will allow Moodle to set the memory limit itself.</li>
<li>If you have access to your php.ini file, you can change the <b>memory_limit</b>
setting in there to something like 16M. If you don\'t have access you might
be able to ask your administrator to do this for you.</li>
<li>On some PHP servers you can create a .htaccess file in the Moodle directory
containing this line:
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>However, on some servers this will prevent <b>all</b> PHP pages from working
(you will see errors when you look at pages) so you\'ll have to remove the .htaccess file.</p></li>
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP has not been properly configured with the MySQL extension so that it can communicate with MySQL. Please check your php.ini file or recompile PHP.';
$string['name'] = 'Navn';
$string['next'] = 'Neste';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['parentlanguage'] = 'Overordnet reservespråk';
$string['pass'] = 'Pass';
$string['password'] = 'Passord';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP version';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP version must be at least 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle requires a PHP version of at least 4.1.0.</p>
<p>You are currently running version $a</p>
<p>You must upgrade PHP or move to a host with a newer version of PHP!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Forrige';
$string['report'] = 'Rapport';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe Mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle may have trouble with safe mode on';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Session Auto Start';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'This should be off';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Norsk - bokmål';
$string['user'] = 'Bruker';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Web address';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'The web address does not appear to be valid - this Moodle installation doesn\'t appear to be there.';
@ -9,4 +9,92 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Podany katalod admin jest nieprawidłowy';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Katalog admin';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = 'Niektóre webhost’y używają / admin jako specjalne URL w celu akcesu do panela kontrolnego a także w innych celach. Niestety powoduje to konflikt ze standardową lokalizacją dla stron administratora w Moodle. Powyższy konflikt można naprawić zmieniając nazwę katalogu administratora podczas instalacji i wstawiając nową nazwę. Na przykład:
<br /> <br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br /> <br />
Zostaną również poprawione linki administratora w Moodle';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Ominięty';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'Nie można utworzyć katelogu do \"paczki językowej\" (lang)';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Nie można utworzyć katalogu tymczasowego';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Nie można pobrać składowych (komponentów)';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'Nie można pobrać spakowanego pliku (ZIP)';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Nie można znaleźć składowej (komponentu)';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'Nie mozna zapisać pliku md5';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'Nie można zapisać spakowanego pliku ZIP';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'Nie można rozpakować pliku ZIP';
$string['caution'] = 'Ostrzeżenie';
$string['check'] = 'Sprawdź';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Wybierz język';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Zamknij to okno';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'Sprawdzanie Twoich ustawień PHP';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'Składowa (komponent) jest aktualny';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Instalator nie mógł automatycznie utworzyć plik config.php zawierający Twoje parametry instalacyjne, prawdopodobnie dlatego że katalog Moodle nie ma prawa zapisu. Musisz ręcznie przekopiować poniższy kod do pliku config.php, który powinien znajdować się w głównym katalogu Moodle.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php został pomyślnie stworzony';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'Konfiguracja skończona';
$string['continue'] = 'Kontynuuj';
$string['database'] = 'Baza danych';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Katalog z danymi';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'Katalog z danymi który podałeś nie może być znaleziony lub utworzony. Popraw ścieżkę lub utwórz katalog ręcznie.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Nie można połączyć się z podaną bazą danych. Sprawdź ustawienia Twojej bazy danych.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Błąd tworzenia bazy danych. Nie można stworzyć bazy danych o takiej nazwie z dostarczonymi ustawieniami';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Serwer baz danych';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'prefiksy tabel';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Typ';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Katalog Moodle';
$string['dirrooterror'] = '\"Katalog Moodle\" wydaje się być nieprawidłowy - tam nie można znaleźć instalacji Moodle. Wartości poniżej zostaną usunięte.';
$string['download'] = 'Pobierz';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'Pobierany plik jest uszkodzony';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = 'Pobierz "$a" pakiet językowy';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = 'Pobierz pakiet językowy';
$string['error'] = 'Błąd';
$string['fail'] = 'zawieść';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Plik pobrany';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Powinno być włączone';
$string['gdversion'] = 'versja biblioteki GD';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'Aby przeprowadzać operacje i kreować obrazy niezbędna jest biblioteka GD';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = 'Ustal swoje ustawienia PHP: niedostępne register_globals i/lub udostępnione magic_quotes_gpc';
$string['help'] = 'Pomoc';
$string['info'] = 'Informacja';
$string['installation'] = 'Instalacja';
$string['language'] = 'Język';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Runtime';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Powinno być wyłączone';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Ograniczenie pamięci';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = '= Limit pamięci PHP jest ustawiony zbyt nisko ... może to powodować problemy w przyszłości';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = 'Limit pamięci PHP dla Twojego serwera jest ustawiony obecnie na $a.</p>
<p> Może to stworzyć sytuację, w której Moodle będzie miał w przyszłości problemy z pamięcią, zwłaszcza jeśli masz udostępnionych wiele modułów i/lub wielu użytkowników.</p>
<p> Jeśli jest to możliwe, zalecamy ustawienie konfiguracji PHP z wyższym limitem, np. 16M.
Istnieje kilka sposobów przeprowadzenia tej operacji, których możesz spróbować: </p>
<li> Jeśli możesz przekompiluj PHP za pomocą <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>.
Pozwoli to Moodle ustawić samoczynnie limit pamięci. </li>
<li> Jeśli masz dostęp do swojego pliku php.ini, możesz w nim zmienić ustawienie <b>memory_limit</b> do wielkođci 16M. Jeśli nie posiadasz tego dostępu możesz poprosić swojego administratora aby zrobił to za Ciebie.</li>
<li> Na niektórych serwerach PHP można stworzyć plik. htaccess w katalogu Moodle zawierający poniższą linię:
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p> jednakże na niektórych serwerach będzie uniemożliwiało to działanie <b> wszystkich </b> stron PHP (ujrzysz błędy na stronie), a więc będziesz zmuszony usunąć plik .htaccess. </p></li></ol>”';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP nie został prawidłowo skonfigurowany z rozszerzeniem MySQL, co może zostać zakomunikowane przez MySQL. Sprawdź proszę swój plik php.ini lub przekompiluj PHP';
$string['name'] = 'Nazwa';
$string['next'] = 'Następne';
$string['ok'] = 'OK.';
$string['parentlanguage'] = '<<DO TŁUMACZY: Jeżeli Twój język ma Język nadrzędny który powinien być użyty w przypadku braku tlumaczenia, wpisz tutaj odpowiedni kod (np: nl). Pozostawienia pustego powoduje używanie języka angielskiego.';
$string['password'] = 'Hasło';
$string['phpversion'] = 'wersja PHP';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'Wersja PHP musi być ca najmniej 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p> Moodle wymaga wersji PHP co najmniej 4.1.0. </p>
<p>Obecnie jest uruchomiona wersja $a</p>
<p> Musisz uaktualnić wersje PHP lub przenieść na host z nowszą wersją PHP!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Poprzedni';
$string['report'] = 'Raport ';
$string['safemode'] = 'Bezpieczny tryb';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle ma trudności z włączeniem bezpiecznego trybu';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'To powinno być wyłączone';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Polski';
$string['user'] = 'Użytkownik';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Adres w sieci';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'Adres w sieci wydaje się być niepoprawny - wydaje się że nie ma tam instalacji Moodle';
@ -9,4 +9,153 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'O diretório admin indicado não é correto';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Diretório Admin';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = 'Criando o diretório admin ...';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = 'Alguns serviços de hospedagem de sites web usam /admin como URL especial para acessar o painel de controle. Isto cria conflitos com os diretórios das páginas de administração de Moodle. para resolver este problema é necessário mudar o nome do diretório admin da sua instalação, e indicar este nome aqui. Por exemplo: <br /> <br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br /> <br />
Isto resolve os eventuais problemas com links do painel de administração de Moodle.';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Ignorado';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'Impossível criar diretório lang';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Impossível criar diretório temp';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Impossível baixar componentes';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'Impossível baixar arquivo ZIP';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Impossível achar componente';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'Impossível salvar arquivo md5';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'Impossível salvar arquivo ZIP';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'Impossível descompactar arquivo ZIP';
$string['caution'] = 'Atenção';
$string['check'] = 'Selecionar';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Escolha um idioma';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'Escolha um idioma a ser usado durante a instalação. Após a instalação você pode definir o idioma principal do site e outros idiomas a serem utilizados pelos usuários.';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Fechar esta janela';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'Controlando configurações do PHP ...';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'O seu servidor deve ser compatível com este teste para que o Moodle funcione apropriadamente';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'Componente atualizado';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'O script do instalador não conseguiu criar o arquivo config.php com as configurações que você definiu, provavelmente o diretório não está protegido e não aceita modificações. Você pode copiar o seguinte código manualmente em um arquivo de texto com o nome config.php e carregar este arquivo no diretório principal do Moodle.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php foi criado com sucesso';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'Configuração completada';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'Moodle tentou salvar a sua configuração em um arquivo na área principal (root) da sua instalação do Moodle';
$string['continue'] = 'Continuar';
$string['database'] = 'Base de dados';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = 'Agora você precisa configurar a base de dados que será criada automaticamente pelo instalador com os valores especificados abaixo.';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<b>Tipo:</b> definido como \"mysql\" pelo instalador<br />
<b>Host:</b> definido como \"localhost\" pelo instalador<br />
<b>Nome:</b> nome da base de dados, por exemplo moodle<br />
<b>Usuário:</b> definido como \"root\" pelo instalador<br />
<b>Senha:</b> a senha de acesso à base de dados<br />
<b>Prefixo das Tabelas:</b> prefixo opcional usaado no nome das tabelas';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = 'Agora você precisa configurar a base de dados. Esta base de dados deve ter sido criada e configurada com uma senha e um nome de usuário.';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<b>Tipo:</b> mysql ou postgres7<br />
<b>Host:</b> ex. localhost ou db.isp.com<br />
<b>Nome:</b> nome da base de dados, ex. moodle<br />
<b>Usuário:</b> nome de usuário da base de dados<br />
<b>Senha:</b> senha da base de dados<br />
<b>Prefixo das tabelas:</b> prefixo opcional a ser utilizado no nome das tabelas';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Diretório Data';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'O \'Diretório Data\' indicado não foi encontrado e não foi possível criar um novo diretório. Corrija a indicação do percurso ou crie o diretório manualmente.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Não foi possível fazer a conexão com a base de dados indicada. Controle as configurações da base de dados.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Erro de ciação de base de dados. Não foi possível criar o nome da base de dados indicado com os parâmetros fornecidos.';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Servidor hospedeiro';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Prefixo das tabelas';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Tipo';
$string['dbwrongencoding'] = 'A base de dados selecionada usa uma codificação que não é recomendável($a). É melhor usar uma codificação Unicode (UTF-8). Você pode saltar este teste clicando \"Saltar teste de codificação da base de dados\", mas é possível que se apresentem problemas no futuro.';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = 'Confirme os percursos de acesso desta instalação de Moodle';
$string['directorysettingssub'] = '<b>Endereço Web:</b>
Especifique o endereço web completo em que Moodle pode ser acessado. Se o acesso é múltiplo, escolha o endereço mais fácil para os alunos. Não inclua uma barra final no endereço.
br />
<br />
<b>Diretório Moodle:</b>
Especifique o percurso completo de acesso ao diretório de instalação. Atenção ao uso de maiúsculas e minúsculas.
<br />
<br />
<b>Diretório de dados:</b>
Especifique um diretório para que o Moodle possa salvar arquivos carregados no servidor. Este diretório deve ter permissões de leitura e escritura pelo usuário do servidor web (normalmente \'nobody\' ou \'apache\'), mas não deve ter acesso livre via web.';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Diretório Moodle';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'A configuração do percurso de acesso ao Diretório Moodle parece errada - não foi possível encontrar uma instalação de Moodle neste endereço. O valor abaixo foi reconfigurado.';
$string['download'] = 'Download';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'Impossível fazer o controle do arquivo baixado';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = 'Baixar o Pacote de Idioma \"$a\"';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = 'Baixar Pacote de Idioma';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = 'Você pode continuar a instalação usando o idioma padrão \"$a\".';
$string['downloadlanguagesub'] = 'Você pode indicar um idioma a ser instalado para que o processo continue com o uso deste idioma.<br /><br /> Se não for possível baixar o pacote do idioma, a instalação vai continuar em Inglês. (Depois da instalação é possível acrescentar outros pacotes de idioma)';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = 'Você deve resolver os problemas indicados acima antes de instalar esta versão de Moodle.';
$string['environmenthead'] = 'Verificando o ambiente ...';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'é recomendado como instalado/habilitado';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'a versão $a->needed é recomendada e você está usando a versão $a->current';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'deve ser instalado/habilitado';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'a versão $a->needed é necessária e você está usando a versão $a->current';
$string['environmentsub'] = 'Verificando se componentes do seu sistema são compatíveis com os requisitos de sistema';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = 'Erro de leitura dos dados do ambiente ($a->error_code)';
$string['error'] = 'Erro';
$string['fail'] = 'Erro';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Carregamento de arquivos';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Isto deve estar ativado';
$string['gdversion'] = 'Versão do gd';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'A library GD';
$string['globalsquotes'] = 'Tratamento de Globais sem Segurança';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = 'Corrija a configuração do seu PHP: desabilitar register_globals e/ou habilitar magic_quotes_gpc';
$string['help'] = 'Ajuda';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'Instalar ICONV library é altamente recomendável para aumentar a performance do site, especialmente quando o site suporta o uso de idiomas não-latinos';
$string['info'] = 'Informação';
$string['installation'] = 'Instalação';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'md5 inválido';
$string['langdownloaderror'] = 'Infelizmente o idioma \"$a\" não foi instalado. A instalação vai continuar em Inglês.';
$string['langdownloadok'] = 'Idioma \"$a\" instalado com sucesso. O processo de instalação vai continuar neste idioma.';
$string['language'] = 'Idioma';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Isto deveria estar desativado';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'A instalação da MBSTRING library é altamente recomendável para melhorar a performanse do site, especialmente se o seu site suporta idiomas não-latinos.';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Limite de Memória';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'A configuração do limite da memória do PHP está muito baixa ... isto pode causar problemas no futuro.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>O limite de memória do PHP configurado atualmente no seu servidor é de $a.</p>
<p>Este limite pode causar problemas no futuro, especialmente quando muitos módulos estiverem ativados ou em caso de um número elevado de usuários.</p>
<p>É aconselhável a configuração do limite de memória com o valor mais alto possível, como 16M. Você pode tentar um dos seguintes caminhos:</p>
<li>Se você puder, recompile o PHP com <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>.
Com esta operação Moodle será capaz de configurar o limite de memória sózinho.</li>
<li>Se você tiver acesso ao arquivo php.ini, você pode mudar o parâmetro <b>memory_limit</b> para um valor próximo a 16M. Se você não tiver acesso direto, peça ao administrador do sistema para fazer esta operação.</li>
<li>Em alguns servidores é possível fazer esta mudança criando um arquivo .htaccess no diretório Moodle. O arquivo deve conter a seguinte expressão:
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>Alguns servidores não aceitam este procedimento e <b>todas</b> as páginas PHP do servidor ficam bloqueadas ou imprimem mensagens de erro. Neste caso será necessário cancelar o arquivo .htaccess .</p>
</li></ol> ';
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'Faltam informações obrigatórias';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'Entretanto, se o seu site usa apenas idiomas iso-8859-1 (latin), você pode continuar a usar a sua base de dados atual MySQL 4.1.12 (ou superior).';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'MySQL 4.1.16 é a versão mínima necessária para ainstalação de Moodle 1.6 em modo que os daados possam ser convertidos para UTF-8.';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'O PHP não foi configurado corretamente com a extensão MySQL e não pode comunicar com a base de dados. Controle o seu php.ini ou faça a recompilação do PHP.';
$string['name'] = 'Nome';
$string['next'] = 'Próximo';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['pass'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Senha';
$string['phpversion'] = 'Versão do PHP';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'A versão do PHP não deve ser inferior a 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle requer a versão 4.1.0 de PHP ou posterior.</p>
<p>A sua versão é $a</p>
<p>Atualize a versão do PHP!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Anterior';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'Não é permitido baixar componentes no seu servidor (allow_url_fopen está desabilitado).).<br /><br />Você deve baixar o arquivo <a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a> manualmente, copiar em \"$a->dest\" no seu servidor e descomprimir o arquivo nesta posição.';
$string['report'] = 'Relatório';
$string['safemode'] = 'Modalidade segura';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle pode ter problemas se a modalidade segura estiver ativa';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Início da sessão automático';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Isto deve estar ativado';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = 'Saltar Teste de Codificação da Base de Dados';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Português - Brasil';
$string['user'] = 'Usuário';
$string['welcomep10'] = '$a->installername ($a->installerversion)';
$string['welcomep20'] = 'Se você chegou nesta página, o pacote <strong>$a->packname $a->packversion</strong> foi instalado. Parabéns!';
$string['welcomep30'] = 'Esta versão do <strong>$a->installername</strong> inclui as aplicações para a criação de um ambiente em que <strong>Moodle</strong> possa operar:';
$string['welcomep40'] = 'O pacote inclui também o <strong>Moodle $a->moodlerelease ($a->moodleversion)</strong>.';
$string['welcomep50'] = 'O uso das aplicações incluídas neste pacote é regulamentado pelas respectivas licenças. O instaldor completo <strong>$a->installername</strong> é <a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html\">open source</a> e é distribuído com uma licença <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\">GPL</a>.';
$string['welcomep60'] = 'As seguinte páginas guiam passo a passo a configuração de <strong>Moodle</strong> no seu computador. Você pode usar a configuração padrão ou alterá-las de acordo com as suas necessidades.';
$string['welcomep70'] = 'Clicar o botão \"Próxima\" abaixo para continuar a configuração de <strong>Moodle</strong>.';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = 'Percurso do destino errado';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'URL do recurso errado';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Nome do arquivo ZIP errado';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Endereço web';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'Este endereço web não está correto - a instalação do Moodle não foi encontrada.';
@ -9,4 +9,66 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'O directório da administração especificado está errado';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Directório de Administração';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = 'A configurar o directório de gestão...';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = 'Alguns servidores Web utilizam /admin como endereço especial para acceder um panel de controlo, ou algo semelhante. Desafortunadamente, isso cria conflictos com o endereço padrão das páginas de destão do Moodle. Pderá resolver esse problema renomeando o directório admin na sua instalção de Moodle, e escrevendo aqui o novo nome que utilizou. Por exemplo:<br /><br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br /><br />
Isso resolverá o acesso às páginas de gestão do Moodle.';
$string['caution'] = 'Advertência';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Escolha uma língua';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'Escolha a língua substituta';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Fechar esta janela';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'A conferir a configuração do PHP...';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'A conferir a língua substituta...';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'O script de instalação não conseguiu crear o ficheiro config.php em forma automática, provavlemente por não ter autorização para escrever no directório do Moodle. Poderá copiar manualmente o código que se segue para um ficheiro que deverá chamar config.php, no directório principal do Moodle.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'O ficheiro config.php foi criado com sucesso';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'Configuração concluida';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'Configuração de substituições concluida';
$string['continue'] = 'Continue';
$string['database'] = 'Basde de dados';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = 'Agora terá que configurar a base de dados onde a maior parte dos dados do Moodle serão armazenados. Essa base de dados será criada automáticamente pelo programa de instalação, usando a configuração no quadro seguinte.';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<b>Tipo:</b> o instalador selecciona inicialmente \"mysql\"<br />
<b>Servidor:</b> nome do servidor; o instalador selecciona inicialmente \"localhost\"<br />
<b>Nome:</b> nome da base de dados, por exemplo, moodle<br />
<b>Utilizador:</b> para acceder à base de dados; o instaldor selecciona inicialmente \"root\"<br />
<b>Contrasenha:</b> para acceder à base de dados<br />
<p>Prefixo das tabelas:</b> um prefixo optativo para os nomes de todas as tabelas na base de dados';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = 'Agora terá que configurar a base de dados onde a maior parte dos dados do Moodle serão armazenados. Essa base de dados deverá ter sido criada previamente, incluindo um nome de utilizador e contrasenha para accedé-la.';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<b>Tipo:</b>mysql ou postgres7<br />
<b>Servidor:</b> por exemplo, localhost ou db.isp.com<br />
<b>Nome:</b> nome da base de dados, por exemplo, moodle<br />
<b>Utilizador:</b> para acceder à base de dados<br />
<b>Contrasenha:</b> para acceder à base de dados<br />
<p>Prefixo das tabelas:</b> um prefixo optativo para os nomes de todas as tabelas na base de dados';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Directório de dados';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Servidor anfitrão';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Prfixo das tabelas';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Tipo';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Directório do Moodle';
$string['download'] = 'Descarregar';
$string['error'] = 'Erro';
$string['fail'] = 'Falha';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Envio de ficheiros';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Isto deveria estar activo';
$string['gdversion'] = 'Versão do GD';
$string['help'] = 'Ajuda';
$string['info'] = 'Informação';
$string['installation'] = 'Instalação';
$string['language'] = 'Língua';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Isto deveria estar desactivado';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Limite de memoria';
$string['name'] = 'Nome(s)';
$string['next'] = 'Próximo';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['pass'] = 'Passa';
$string['password'] = 'Palavra chave';
$string['phpversion'] = 'Versão do PHP';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'A versão do PHP deverá ser, pelo menos, 4.1.0';
$string['previous'] = 'Prévio';
$string['safemode'] = 'Modo seguro';
$string['status'] = 'Regime';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Português - Portugal';
$string['user'] = 'Utilizador';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Endereço Web';
@ -9,4 +9,15 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Închide fereastra';
$string['continue'] = 'Continua';
$string['error'] = 'Eroare';
$string['help'] = 'Ajutor';
$string['language'] = 'Limba';
$string['name'] = 'Nume';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Parola';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Română';
@ -9,4 +9,36 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Указанный каталог администратора неверен';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Каталог администратора';
$string['caution'] = 'Предупреждение';
$string['check'] = 'Отметить';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Закрыть окно';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php успешно создан';
$string['continue'] = 'Продолжить';
$string['database'] = 'База Данных';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Каталог данных';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Хост сервера';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Префикс таблиц';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Тип';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Каталог Moodle';
$string['download'] = 'Загрузить';
$string['error'] = 'Ошибка';
$string['fail'] = 'Ошибка';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD версия';
$string['help'] = 'Помощь';
$string['info'] = 'Информация';
$string['installation'] = 'Установка';
$string['language'] = 'Язык';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Предел памяти';
$string['name'] = 'Название';
$string['next'] = 'Дальше';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Пароль';
$string['previous'] = 'Предыдущий';
$string['report'] = 'Отчет';
$string['status'] = 'Статус';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Русский';
$string['user'] = 'Пользователь';
@ -9,4 +9,69 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Adresár pre správu (admin) nie je určený správne';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Adresár pre správu (admin)';
$string['caution'] = 'Varovanie';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Zavrieť toto okno';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Inštalačný skript nebol schopný automaticky vytvoriť config.php súbor, obsahujúci Vaše zvolené nastavenia, pravdepodobne preto, že adresár Moodle nie je zapisovateľný. Môžete ručne skopírovať nasledovný kód do súboru s názvom config.php v rámci koreňového adresára Moodle.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'súbor config.php bol úspešne vytvorený';
$string['continue'] = 'Pokračovať';
$string['database'] = 'Databáza';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Adresár pre údaje';
$string['datarooterror'] = '\'Adresár pre údaje\', ktorý ste zadali, nemôže byť nájdený alebo vytvorený. Upravte buď cestu alebo vytvorte ten adresár ručne.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Nemohli sme sa pripojiť k vami zadanej databáze. Prosím skontrolujte nastavenia Vašej databázy.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Chyba pri vytváraní databázy. Nebolo možné vytvoriť databázu so zadaným menom a jej nastaveniami';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Hosťovský server';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Predpona tabuliek';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Typ';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Adresár Moodle';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'Nastavenia v \'Adresári Moodle\' sú nesprávne - nemôžeme tu nájsť inštaláciu Moodle. Hodnota dole bola vynulovaná.';
$string['download'] = 'Stiahnuť';
$string['error'] = 'Chyba';
$string['fail'] = 'Neúspešné';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'prenesené súbory';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Toto by malo byť zapnuté';
$string['gdversion'] = 'Verzia knižnice GD';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'Knižnica GD by mala existovať na spracovávanie a vytváranie obrázkov';
$string['help'] = 'Pomoc';
$string['info'] = 'Informácie ';
$string['installation'] = 'Inštalácia';
$string['language'] = 'Jazyk';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Toto by malo byť vypnuté';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Limit pamäte';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'PHP limit pamäte je nastavený na minimum...S týmto môžete mať neskôr problémy.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>PHP limit pamäte pre Váš server je momentálne nastavený na $a.</p>
<p>Toto môže neskôr spôsobiť problémy v Moodle, najmä ak máte veľa modulov a/alebo veľa používateľov.</p>
<p>Odporúčame Vám, aby ste nastavili PHP s vyšším limitom pamäte, ak je to možné, napr. 16M. Na to existuje veľa spôsobov, ktoré môžete vyskúšať:</p>
<li>Ak je to možné, znovu vytvorte PHP s <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>. Toto umožní Moodle samonastavenie limitu pamäte.</li>
<li>Ak máte prístup k Vášmu php.ini súboru, môžete zmeniť <b>memory_limit</b> nastavenie, napr. na 16M. Ak nemáte prístup k súboru, môžete sa na to spýtať Vášho administrátora.</li>
Na niektorých PHP serveroch, si môžete vytvoriť súbor .htaccess v Adresári Moodle, ktorý bude obsahovať tento riadok: <p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>Avšak, na niektorých serveroch bude toto brániť <b>všetkým</b> PHP stránkam v práci (budete vidieť chyby, keď sa pozriete na stránky), takže budete musieť odstrániť súbor .htaccess.</p></li>
</ol> ';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP nebolo správne nakonfigurované s MySQL rozšírením a tak nemôže komunikovať s MySQL. Prosím, skontrolujte si Váš php.ini súbor alebo znovu vytvorte PHP.';
$string['name'] = 'Meno';
$string['next'] = 'Ďalší';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['pass'] = 'Prejsť';
$string['password'] = 'Heslo';
$string['phpversion'] = 'Verzia PHP';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'Verzia PHP musí byť aspoň 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle si vyžaduje verziu PHP aspoň 4.1.0.</p>
<p>Vy máte momentálne nainštalovanú túto verziu $a</p>
<p>Musíte obnoviť PHP alebo presunúť na hostiteľský počítač s novou verziou PHP!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Predchádzajúci';
$string['safemode'] = 'Bezpečný mód';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle môže mať problémy, ak je zapnutý bezpečný mód';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Autoštart sekcie';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Toto by malo byť vypnuté';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Slovenčina';
$string['user'] = 'Používateľ';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Web adresa';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'Táto web adresa pravdepodobne nie je platná - táto inštalácia Moodle tu pravdepodobne nie je.';
@ -9,4 +9,18 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Zapri okno';
$string['continue'] = 'Nadaljuj';
$string['error'] = 'Napaka';
$string['help'] = 'Pomoč';
$string['language'] = 'Jezik';
$string['name'] = 'Ime';
$string['next'] = 'Naslednji';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Geslo';
$string['previous'] = 'Prej�nji';
$string['status'] = 'Stanje';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Slovenšèina';
$string['user'] = 'uporabnik';
@ -75,26 +75,7 @@ $string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle may have trouble with safe mode on';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Session Auto Start';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'O le mea lea e tatu ona tape';
$string['status'] = 'Tulaga';
$string['alphabet'] = 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z';
$string['backupnameformat'] = '%%Y%%m%%d-%%H%%M';
$string['firstdayofweek'] = '0';
$string['locale'] = 'mi_NZ.UTF-8';
$string['localewin'] = 'Maori.1252';
$string['localewincharset'] = 'WINDOWS-1252';
$string['oldcharset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['strftimedate'] = '%%d %%B %%Y';
$string['strftimedateshort'] = '%%d %%B';
$string['strftimedatetime'] = '%%d %%B %%Y, %%I:%%M %%p';
$string['strftimedaydate'] = '%%A, %%d %%B %%Y';
$string['strftimedaydatetime'] = '%%A, %%d %%B %%Y, %%I:%%M %%p';
$string['strftimedayshort'] = '%%A, %%d %%B';
$string['strftimedaytime'] = '%%a, %%H:%%M';
$string['strftimemonthyear'] = '%%B %%Y';
$string['strftimerecent'] = '%%d %%b, %%H:%%M';
$string['strftimerecentfull'] = '%%a, %%d %%b %%Y, %%I:%%M %%p';
$string['strftimetime'] = '%%I:%%M %%p';
$string['thischarset'] = 'utf-8';
$string['thisdirection'] = 'ltr';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Samoan';
$string['user'] = 'O le tagata fa\'aaoga';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Tuatusi o le initaneti';
@ -9,4 +9,27 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Khaanadda Maammulka ee meesha la dhigey waa khalad';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Khaanad Maamul';
$string['caution'] = 'Taxaddar';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Daaqaddan xidh';
$string['configfilewritten'] = '\"config.php\" si guul leh ayaa loo sameeyey';
$string['continue'] = 'Sii wad';
$string['database'] = '$a';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Khaanadda \"data\"da';
$string['error'] = 'Cillad';
$string['help'] = 'Gacan-siin';
$string['info'] = 'Maclluumaad';
$string['language'] = 'Luqad';
$string['name'] = 'Magac';
$string['next'] = 'Ka ku xiga';
$string['ok'] = 'Waayahay';
$string['password'] = 'Isgarad-erey';
$string['previous'] = 'Kii hore';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Kani waa in uu damisnaadaa';
$string['status'] = 'Darajo';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Soomaali';
$string['user'] = 'Isticmaale';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Cinwaan web';
@ -9,4 +9,18 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Mbylle këtë dritare';
$string['continue'] = 'Vazhdo';
$string['error'] = 'Gabim';
$string['help'] = 'Ndihmë';
$string['language'] = 'Gjuha';
$string['name'] = 'Emri';
$string['next'] = 'Pasardhësi';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Fjalëkalimi';
$string['previous'] = 'Paraardhësi';
$string['status'] = 'Gjëndja';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Shqip';
$string['user'] = 'Përdoruesi';
@ -9,4 +9,18 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Затворите прозор';
$string['continue'] = 'Наставак';
$string['error'] = 'Грешка';
$string['help'] = 'Помоћ';
$string['language'] = 'Језик';
$string['name'] = 'Име';
$string['next'] = 'Next';
$string['ok'] = 'Све је у реду';
$string['password'] = 'Лозинка';
$string['previous'] = 'Претходни';
$string['status'] = 'Статус';
$string['thischarset'] = 'utf-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Српски';
$string['user'] = 'Корисник';
@ -9,4 +9,68 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Den katalog för administration som är angiven är felaktig';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Katalog för administration';
$string['caution'] = 'Varning';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Stäng detta fönster';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Skriptet för installationen kunde inte automatiskt skapa en config.php som innehåller de inställningar som Du har valt. Var snäll och kopiera den följande koden till en fil med namnet config.php i Moodles \"root\"-katalog.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php har skapats framgångsrikt';
$string['continue'] = 'Nästa';
$string['database'] = 'Databas';
$string['dataroot'] = 'katalog för data';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'Den \"katalog för data\" som Du har angivit gick inte att hitta eller skapa. Du får antingen korrigera sökvägen eller skapa katalogen manuellt.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Det gick inte att ansluta till den databas som Du har angivit. Var snäll och kontrollera inställningarna till Din databas.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Fel (error) när databasen skulle skapas. Det gick tyvärr inte att skapa det namn (och med de inställningar) på databasen som Du har angivit ';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Värdserver';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Prefix för tabeller';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Typ';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Katalogen för Moodle';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'Inställningarna för \"Katalogen för Moodle\" tycks vara felaktiga - det går inte att hitta någon installation av Moodle där. Värdet här nedan har återställts.';
$string['download'] = 'Ladda ner';
$string['error'] = 'Fel';
$string['fail'] = 'Misslyckas';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Uppladdningar av filer';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Detta bör vara aktiverat (on)';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD version';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'GD biblioteket bör vara tillgängligt för att Du ska kunna bearbeta och skapa bilder. ';
$string['globalsquotes'] = 'Inte säker hantering av globala variabler';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = 'Ordna till Dina inställningar för PHP: avaktivera register_globals och/eller avaktivera magic_quotes_gpc';
$string['help'] = 'Hjälp';
$string['info'] = 'Information';
$string['installation'] = 'Installation';
$string['language'] = 'Språk';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'körtid för \'Magiska citat\'';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Det här bör vara \'off\'';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Minnesbegränsning';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'Minnesbegränsningen för PHP på Din server är f n inställt till ett ganska lågt värde... Detta kan leda till problem senare.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>Minnesbegränsningen för PHP på Din server är f n inställt till $a.</p>
<p>Detta kan förorsaka att Moodle får minnesproblem senare, särskilt om Du har aktiverat många moduler och/eller har många användare.</p>
<p>Vi rekommenderar att Du konfigurerar PHP med en högre begränsning, som t ex 16M. Det finns flera sätt att göra detta som Du kan pröva med:</p> <ol>
<li>Om Du har möjlighet till det så kan Du kompilera om PHP med<i>--enable-memory-limit </i>Detta gör det möjligt för Moodle att ställa in minnesbegränsningen själv. </li>
<li>Om Du har tillgång till Din php.ini-fil så kan Du ändra inställningen för <b>memory limit</b> till något i stil med 16M. Om Du inte har tillgång själv så kan Du kanske be Din systemadministratör att göra detta åt Dig.</li>
<li>På en del PHP-servrar kan Du skapa en .htaccess-fil i Moodle-katalogen som innehåller den här raden: <blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote>.<br />Detta kan dock på en del servrar leda till att <b>inga</b> PHP-sidor fungerar. (Du får Error-sidor istället för de riktiga) så då får Du ta bort .htaccess-filen.</li>
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP har inte konfigurerats på det sätt som måste i förhållande till MySQL-extensionen för att kunna kommunicera med MySQL. Var snäll och kontrollera Din php.ini-fil eller kompilera om PHP.';
$string['name'] = 'Namn';
$string['next'] = 'Nästa';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['pass'] = 'Pass';
$string['password'] = 'Lösenord';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP-version';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP-versionen måste vara minst 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle kräver minst PHP 4.1.0</p>
<p>Du använder f n verion $a</p>
<p>Du måste uppgradera PHP eller flytta till en värd som har en nyare version av PHP!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Tidigare';
$string['report'] = 'Rapport';
$string['safemode'] = 'Säkert läge';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle kan få problem om \'säkert läge\' (safe mode) är aktiverat';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Automatisk start av session';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'De här bör vara inställt till \'off\'.';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Svenska';
$string['user'] = 'Användare';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Webbadress';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'Webbadressen verkar inte vara giltig - den här installationen av Moodle verkar inte att finnas där.';
@ -9,4 +9,184 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'The admin directory specified is incorrect';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Admin Directory';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = 'Setting the admin directory ...';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = ' A very few webhosts use /admin as a special URL for you to access a
control panel or something. Unfortunately this conflicts with the
standard location for the Moodle admin pages. You can fix this by
renaming the admin directory in your installation, and putting that
new name here. For example: <br /> <br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br /> <br />
This will fix admin links in Moodle.';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Bypassed';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'Cannot create lang dir.';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Cannot create temp dir.';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Cannot download components.';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'Cannot download ZIP file.';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Cannot find component.';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'Cannot save md5 file.';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'Cannot save ZIP file.';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'Cannot unzip file.';
$string['caution'] = 'எச்சரிக்கை';
$string['check'] = 'சரிபார்';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'மொழியைத் தேர்ந்தெடு';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'Please choose a language for the installation ONLY. You will be able to choose site and user languages on a later screen.';
$string['closewindow'] = 'இந்த சாளரத்தை மூடு';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'Checking your PHP settings ...';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'Your server should pass all these tests to make Moodle run properly';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'Component is up to date.';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'The installer script was not able to automatically create a config.php file containing your chosen settings, probably because the Moodle directory is not writeable. You can manually copy the following code into a file named config.php within the root directory of Moodle.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'கான்பிக்.பிஹெச்பி வெற்றிகரமாக முடிக்கப்பட்டது.';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'Configuration completed';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'Moodle made an attempt to save your configuration in a file in the root of your Moodle installation.';
$string['continue'] = 'தொடர்க';
$string['database'] = 'Database';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = 'Now you need to configure the database settings where most Moodle data
will be stored. This database will be created automatically by the installer
with the settings specified below.';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<b>Type:</b> fixed to \"mysql\" by the installer<br />
<b>Host:</b> fixed to \"localhost\" by the installer<br />
<b>Name:</b> database name, eg moodle<br />
<b>User:</b> fixed to \"root\" by the installer<br />
<b>Password:</b> your database password<br />
<b>Tables Prefix:</b> optional prefix to use for all table names';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = 'Now you need to configure the database where most Moodle data
will be stored. This database must already have been created
and a username and password created to access it.';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<b>Type:</b> mysql or postgres7<br />
<b>Host:</b> eg localhost or db.isp.com<br />
<b>Name:</b> database name, eg moodle<br />
<b>User:</b> your database username<br />
<b>Password:</b> your database password<br />
<b>Tables Prefix:</b> optional prefix to use for all table names';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Data Directory';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'The \'Data Directory\' you specified could not be found or created. Either correct the path or create that directory manually.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'We could not connect to the database you specified. Please check your database settings.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Database creation error. Could not create the given database name with the settings provided';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Host Server';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Tables prefix';
$string['dbtype'] = 'வகை';
$string['dbwrongencoding'] = 'The selected database is running under one non-recommended encoding ($a). It would be better to use one Unicode (UTF-8) encoded database instead. Anyway, you can bypass this test by selecting the \"Skip DB Encoding Test\" check below, but you could experience problems in the future.';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = 'Please confirm the locations of this Moodle installation';
$string['directorysettingssub'] = '<b>Web Address:</b>
Specify the full web address where Moodle will be accessed.
If your web site is accessible via multiple URLs then choose the
most natural one that your students would use. Do not include
a trailing slash.
<br />
<br />
<b>Moodle Directory:</b>
Specify the full directory path to this installation
Make sure the upper/lower case is correct.
<br />
<br />
<b>Data Directory:</b>
You need a place where Moodle can save uploaded files. This
directory should be readable AND WRITEABLE by the web server user
(usually \'nobody\' or \'apache\'), but it should not be accessible
directly via the web.';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle Directory';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'The \'Moodle Directory\' setting seems to be incorrect - we can\'t find a Moodle installation there. The value below has been reset.';
$string['download'] = 'Download';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'Downloaded file check failed.';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = 'Download the \"$a\" language pack';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = 'Download language pack';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = 'You may continue the installation process using the default language pack, \"$a\".';
$string['downloadlanguagesub'] = 'You now have the option of downloading a language pack and continuing the installation process in this language.<br /><br />If you are unable to download the language pack, the installation process will continue in English. (Once the installation process is complete, you will have the opportunity to download and install additional language packs.)';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = 'You must solve all the environmental problems (errors) found above before proceeding to install this Moodle version!';
$string['environmenthead'] = 'Checking your environment ...';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'is recommended to be installed/enabled';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'version $a->needed is recommended and you are running $a->current';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'is required to be installed/enabled.';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'version $a->needed is required and you are running $a->current';
$string['environmentsub'] = 'We are checking if the various components of your system meet the system requirements';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = 'சுற்றுச்சூழல் தரவு வாசித்தலில் பிழை ($a->error_code)';
$string['error'] = 'பிழை';
$string['fail'] = 'தோல்வி';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'File Uploads';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'This should be on';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD version';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'The GD library should be present to process and create images';
$string['globalsquotes'] = 'Insecure Handling of Globals';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = 'Fix your PHP settings: disable register_globals and/or enable magic_quotes_gpc';
$string['help'] = 'உதவி';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'Installing the optional ICONV library is highly recommended in order to improve site performance, particularly if your site is supporting non-latin languages.';
$string['info'] = 'தகவல்';
$string['installation'] = 'Installation';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'Invalid md5';
$string['langdownloaderror'] = 'Unfortunately the language \"$a\" was not installed. The installation process will continue in English.';
$string['langdownloadok'] = 'The language \"$a\" was installed successfully. The installation process will continue in this language.';
$string['language'] = 'மொழி';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'This should be off';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'Installing the optional MBSTRING library is highly recommended in order to improve site performance, particularly if your site is supporting non-latin languages.';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Memory Limit';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'The PHP memory limit is set quite low ... you may run into problems later.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>The PHP memory limit for your server is currently set to $a.</p>
<p>This may cause Moodle to have memory problems later on, especially
if you have a lot of modules enabled and/or a lot of users.</p>
<p>We recommend that you configure PHP with a higher limit if possible, like 16M.
There are several ways of doing this that you can try:</p>
<li>If you are able to, recompile PHP with <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>.
This will allow Moodle to set the memory limit itself.</li>
<li>If you have access to your php.ini file, you can change the <b>memory_limit</b>
setting in there to something like 16M. If you don\'t have access you might
be able to ask your administrator to do this for you.</li>
<li>On some PHP servers you can create a .htaccess file in the Moodle directory
containing this line:
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>However, on some servers this will prevent <b>all</b> PHP pages from working
(you will see errors when you look at pages) so you\'ll have to remove the .htaccess file.</p></li>
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'Some required field is missing';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'However, if your site is using iso-8859-1 (latin) languages ONLY, you may continue using your currently installed MySQL 4.1.12 (or higher).';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'MySQL 4.1.16 is the minimum version required for Moodle 1.6 in order to guarantee that all data can be converted to UTF-8 in the future.';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP has not been properly configured with the MySQL extension so that it can communicate with MySQL. Please check your php.ini file or recompile PHP.';
$string['name'] = 'பெயர்';
$string['next'] = 'அடுத்து';
$string['ok'] = 'சரி';
$string['pass'] = 'தேர்ச்சி';
$string['password'] = 'கடவுச்சொல்';
$string['php50restricted'] = 'PHP 5.0.x has a number of known problems, please upgrade to 5.1.x or downgrade to 4.3.x or 4.4.x';
$string['phpversion'] = 'பிஎச்பி பதிப்பு';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP version must be at least 4.3.0 or 5.1.0 (5.0.x has a number of known problems).';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle requires a PHP version of at least 4.3.0 or 5.1.0 (5.0.x has a number of known problems).</p>
<p>You are currently running version $a</p>
<p>You must upgrade PHP or move to a host with a newer version of PHP!<br/>
(In case of 5.0.x you could also downgrade to 4.4.x version)</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'முந்தைய';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'Download of components to your server isn\'t allowed (allow_url_fopen is disabled).<br /><br />You must download the <a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a> file manually, copy it to \"$a->dest\" in your server and unzip it there.';
$string['report'] = 'அறிக்கை';
$string['restricted'] = 'Restricted';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe Mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle may have trouble with safe mode on';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Session Auto Start';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'This should be off';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = 'Skip DB Encoding Test';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Tamil';
$string['user'] = 'பயனாளர்';
$string['welcomep10'] = '$a->installername ($a->installerversion)';
$string['welcomep20'] = 'You are seeing this page because you have successfully installed and
launched the <strong>$a->packname $a->packversion</strong> package in your computer. Congratulations!';
$string['welcomep30'] = 'This release of the <strong>$a->installername</strong> includes the applications
to create an environment in which <strong>Moodle</strong> will operate, namely:';
$string['welcomep40'] = 'The package also includes <strong>Moodle $a->moodlerelease ($a->moodleversion)</strong>.';
$string['welcomep50'] = 'The use of all the applications in this package is governed by their respective
licences. The complete <strong>$a->installername</strong> package is
<a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html\">open source</a> and is distributed
under the <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\">GPL</a> license.';
$string['welcomep60'] = 'The following pages will lead you through some easy to follow steps to
configure and set up <strong>Moodle</strong> on your computer. You may accept the default
settings or, optionally, amend them to suit your own needs.';
$string['welcomep70'] = 'Click the \"Next\" button below to continue with the set up of <strong>Moodle</strong>.';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = 'Wrong destination path.';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'Wrong source URL base.';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Wrong ZIP filename.';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'இணைய முகவரி';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'The \'Web Address\' does not appear to be valid - this Moodle installation doesn\'t appear to be there. The value below has been reset.';
@ -9,4 +9,78 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'ไดเรกทอรี admin ที่ระบุไม่ถูกต้อง';
$string['admindirname'] = 'ไดเรกทอรี admin';
$string['caution'] = 'คำเตือน';
$string['closewindow'] = 'ปิดหน้าต่าง';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'ตัวติดตั้งอัตโนมัติไม่สามารถสร้างไฟล์ config.php ได้ อาจเป็นเพราะว่าไม่สามารถเขียนลงไดเรกทอรี moodle ได้ คุณสามารถสร้างไฟล์ดังกล่าวได้เองโดยการก้อปปี้โค้ดต่อไปนี้ลงในไฟล์ที่ต้องการสร้างใหม่';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'สร้าง config.php เรียบร้อยแล้ว';
$string['continue'] = 'ขั้นต่อไป';
$string['database'] = 'ฐานข้อมูล';
$string['dataroot'] = 'ไดเรกทอรีข้อมูล';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'ไม่พบไดเรกทอรีข้อมูลที่คุณระบุไว้หรือไม่สามารถสร้างได้ กรุณาแก้ไข Path ให้ถูกต้องหรือสร้างไดเรกทอรีนี้ใหม่';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'ไม่สามารถติดต่อฐานข้อมูลที่คุณระบุไว้ได้ กรุณาตรวจสอบค่าที่ตั้งไว้ของฐานข้อมูล';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'มีข้อผิดพลาดในการสร้างฐานข้อมูล ไม่สามารถสร้างฐานข้อมูลที่ระบุด้วยค่าที่ให้ไว้ได้';
$string['dbhost'] = 'โฮสต์เซิร์ฟเวอร์';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'คำนำหน้าตาราง (Table Prefix)';
$string['dbtype'] = 'ประเภท';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle ไดเรกทอรี';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'การตั้งค่า ไดเรกทอรี moodle ไม่ถูกต้อง ไม่พบไฟล์ติดตั้งที่ระบุ ระบบทำการรีเซ็ตค่าด้านล่างนี้ ';
$string['download'] = 'ดาวน์โหลด';
$string['error'] = 'มีข้อผิดพลาด';
$string['fail'] = 'ล้มเหลว';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'ไฟล์อัพโหลด';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'ควรจะเปิด(on)';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD เวอร์ชัน';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'เซิร์ฟเวอร์ควรมีการใช้ GD library เพื่อที่ใช้';
$string['help'] = 'ช่วยเหลือ';
$string['info'] = 'ข้อมูล';
$string['installation'] = 'การติดตั้ง';
$string['language'] = 'ภาษาที่ใช้ในเว็บ';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'ควรจะปิด (off)';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'ความจำสูงสุด (Memory Limit)';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'ความจำสูงสุดที่คุณตั้งไว้ค่อนข้างต่ำ อาจมีปัญหาในภายหลังค่ะ';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>ค่าความจำสูงสุดของเซิร์ฟเวอร์ของคุณตั้งไว้ที่ $a</p>
<p>ความจำดังกล่าวมีค่าน้อยไปค่ะอาจทำให้มีปัญหาในการใช้งาน moodle ในภายหลังโดยเฉพาะเมื่อคุณใช้โมดูลหลาย ๆ ตัวรวมไปถึงมีสมาชิกจำนวนมาก
<p>ค่าที่ตั้งไว้นี้ควรตั้งให้มากที่สุดเท่าที่จะมากได้ ค่าทั่วไปแนะนำไว้ที่ 16M มีอยู่หลายวิธีในการเพิ่มค่าความจำสูงสุด กล่าวคือ:
<li>รีคอมไพล์ PHP ใหม่ โดยเพิ่มคำสั่ง <i>--enable-memory-limit</i> ซึ่งเป็นการตั้งค่าให้ moodle กำหนดขีดจำกัดค่าสูงสุดเอง
<li>ถ้าคุณสามารถแก้ไขไฟล์ php.ini ได้ด้วยตนเองก็สามารถเปลี่ยนค่า <b>memory_limit</b> ให้เป็นค่าอื่นได้เช่น 16M แต่ถ้าไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนค่านี้ได้ด้วยตนเองให้แจ้งผู้ดูแลระบบแก้ไข
<li>ในเซิร์ฟเวอร์ PHP บางตัวคุณสามารถสร้าง ไฟล์ .htaccess ภายใต้ไดเรกทอรี moodle ซึ่งมีบรรทัดต่อไปนี้อยู่:
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>อย่างไรก็ตามในบางเซิร์ฟเวอร์คุณไม่สามารถใช้ วิธีนี้ได้ โดยจะมีการแสดง error ขึ้นมาคุณจำเป็นต้องลบไฟล์ดังกล่าวนี้ทิ้ง
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'การตั้งค่า PHP ให้ใช้กับ MySQL ไม่ถูกต้องกรุณาตรวจสอบใน php.ini อีกครั้งหรือรีคอมไฟล์ php';
$string['name'] = 'ชื่อ';
$string['next'] = 'ต่อไป';
$string['ok'] = 'เรียบร้อย';
$string['pass'] = 'สำเร็จ';
$string['password'] = 'รหัสผ่าน';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP เวอร์ชัน';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'เวอร์ชันของ PHP ควรเป็นอย่างน้อย 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle จำเป็นต้องใช้ PHP เวอร์ชัน 4.1.0 เป็นอย่างน้อย</p>
<p>คุณกำลังใช้เวอร์ชัน $a</p>
<p>คุณต้องอัพเกรด PHP หรือย้ายโฮสต์ใหม่ที่มี PHP เวอร์ชันใหม่กว่า</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'หน้าก่อน';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe Mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'moodle อาจมีปัญหาหาก safe mode on';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Session Auto Start';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'ควรจะปิด (off)';
$string['status'] = 'สถานะ';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Thai';
$string['user'] = 'สมาชิก';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'ที่อยู่ของเว็บ';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'ที่อยู่ของเว็บไม่ถูกต้อง ระบบไม่พบว่ามี Moodle อยู่ที่นั่น';
@ -9,4 +9,166 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Malî ang ibinigay na bugsok na pang-admin';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Pang-Admin na Bugsok';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = 'Itinatakda ang bugsok na pang-admin...';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = 'May ilang webhost na ginagamit ang /admin bilang isang espesyal na URL, halimbawa ay para makapasok sa isang kontrol panel. Nguni\'t nakakagulo ito sa istandard na lokasyon ng mga pahinang pang-admin ng Moodle. Malulutas ninyo ito sa pamamagitan ng pagbabago ng pangalan ng bugsok na pang-admin sa iniluklok ninyo, tapos ay isulat ang bagong pangalan dito. Halimbawa: <br /> <br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br /> <br />
Maaayos nito ang mga link na pang-admin sa Moodle.';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Nilagpasan';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'Hindi makalikha ng lang bgsk.';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Hindi makalikha ng temp bgsk.';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Hindi mailusong ang mga piyesa';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'Hindi mailusong ang sakong ZIP.';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Hindi makita ang piyesa.';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'Hindi maisilid ang sakong md5.';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'Hindi maisilid ang sakong ZIP.';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'Hindi mai-unzip ang sako.';
$string['caution'] = 'Mag-ingat';
$string['check'] = 'Tsekan';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Pumilì ng wika';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'Pumili po ng wika para sa pagluluklok LAMANG. Sa mga susunod na iskrin ay makakapili ka ng wika para sa site o tagagamit.';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Isara ang bintanang ito';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'Sinusuri ang iyong kaayusan ng PHP...';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'Kailangang pumasa ang server mo sa lahat ng pagsubok upang mapatakbo nang mahusay ang Moodle';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'Bago ang piyesa.';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Hindi nakalikha nang kusa ang iskrip na pangluklok ng sakong config.php na siyang naglalaman ng mga pinilì mong kaayusan. Marahil ay dahil sa hindi masulatan ang bugsok ng Moodle. Maaari mong kopyahin nang mano-mano ang sumusunod na code sa isang sako na nagngangalang config.php sa loob ng punong bugsok ng Moodle.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'matagumpay na nalikha ang config.php';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'Nakumpleto na ang pagsasaayos';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'Tinangka ng Moodle na isilid ang kaayusan mo sa isang sako sa root ng iniluklok mong Moodle.';
$string['continue'] = 'Ituloy';
$string['database'] = 'Datosan';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = 'Ngayon ay kailangan mo namang isaayos ang mga kaayusan ng datosan kung saan nalalagak ang karamihan sa datos ng Moodle. Ang datosan na ito ay kusang lilikhain ng pangluklok, at itatakda nito ang sumusunod na kaayusan.';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<b>Uri:</b> ipinirmi ng pangluklok sa \"mysql\"<br />
<b>Host:</b> ipinirmi ng pangluklok sa \"localhost\"<br />
<b>Ngalan:</b> pangalan ng datosan, hal. moodle<br />
<b>Tagagamit:</b> ipinirmi ng pangluklok sa \"root\"<br />
<b>Kontrasenyas:</b> ang kontrasenyas ng datosan mo<br />
<b>Unlapi ng Teybol:</b> opsiyonal na unlapi na gagamitin sa lahat ng pangalan ng teybol';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = 'Ngayon naman ay kailangan mong isaayos ang datosan kung saan iimbakin
ang karamihan sa datos ng Moodle. Dapat ay nalikha na ang datosan na ito
at may bansag at kontrasenyas na upang mapasok ito.';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<b>Uri:</b> mysql o postgres7<br />
<b>Host:</b> eg localhost o db.isp.com<br />
<b>Pangalan:</b> pangalan ng datosan, eg moodle<br />
<b>Tagagamit:</b> ang iyong bansag para sa datosan<br />
<b>Kontrasenyas:</b> ang iyong kontrasenyas ng datosan<br />
<b>Unlapi ng mga Teybol:</b> opsiyonal na unlapi na gagamitin sa lahat ng pangalan ng teybol';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Bugsok ng Datos';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'Hindi matagpuan o malikha ang \'Bugsok ng Datos\' na ibinigay mo. Alin sa dalawa, iwasto mo ang landas o lumikha ng bugsok nang mano-mano.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Hindi kami makakonekta sa ibinigay mong datosan. Pakitsek ang kaayusan ng iyong datosan.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Nagka-error sa paglikha ng datosan. Hindi malikha ang ibinigay na pangalan ng datosan nang may mga ibinigay na kaayusan';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Unlapi ng mga teybol';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Uri';
$string['dbwrongencoding'] = 'Ang piniling datosan ay gumagana alinsunod sa hindi iminumungkahing encoding ($a). Mas makabubuti na gamitin ang isa sa mga inencode sa Unicode (UTF-8) na datosan. Magkagayunman, maaari mong lagpasan ang pagsubok na ito sa pamamagitan ng pagpili sa tsek ng \"Lagpasan ang Pagsubok ng DB Encoding\" sa ibaba, pero maaari kang makaranas ng mga problema sa hinaharap.';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = 'Pakikumpirma ang mga lokasyon ng iluluklok na Moodle';
$string['directorysettingssub'] = '<b>Web Address:</b>
Ibigay ang buong web address kung saan papasukin ang Moodle.
Kung ang web site mo ay mapapasok sa pamamagitan ng maraming URL piliin ang
pinakaangkop para sa mga mag-aaral mo. Huwag lalagyan ng
slash sa dulo.
<br />
<br />
<b>Bugsok ng Moodle:</b>
Ibigay ang buong landas ng bugsok sa iluluklok na ito
Tiyakin na ang malaki/maliit na titik ay wasto.
<br />
<br />
<b>Bugsok ng Datos:</b>
Kailangan mo ng pook kung saan puwedeng magsilid ng inahon na sako ang Moodle. Ang
bugsok na ito ay dapat na nababasa AT NASUSULATAN ng tagagamit na web server
(kadalasan ay \'nobody\' o \'apache\'), pero hindi ito dapat mapasok nang
direkta sa pamamagitan ng web.';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Bugsok ng Moodle';
$string['dirrooterror'] = 'Mukhang mali ang kaayusan ng \'Bugsok ng Moodle\' - wala kaming matagpuang iluluklok na Moodle doon. Inireset ang halaga sa ibaba.';
$string['download'] = 'Ilusong';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'Bigo ang pagsusuri sa inilusong na sako.';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = 'Ilusong ang \"$a\" na pakete ng wika';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = 'Ilusong ang pakete ng wika';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = 'Maaari mong ipagpatuloy ang proseso ng pagluluklok sa pamamagitan ng umiiral na pakete ng wika, na \"$a\".';
$string['downloadlanguagesub'] = 'May opsiyon ka ngayon na maglusong ng pakete ng wika at ipagpatuloy ang proseso ng pagluluklok sa
wikang ito.<br /><br />Kung hindi mo mailusong ang pakete ng wika, ang proseso ng pagluluklok ay magpapatuloy sa Ingles.(Kapag tapos na ang proseso ng pagluluklok, magkakaroon ka ng pagkakataon na maglusong at magluklok ng iba pang pakete ng wika.)';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = 'Kailangan mo munang lutasin ang lahat ng suliraning pangkapaligiran (mga error) bago mo maituloy ang pagluklok ng bersiyon ng Moodle na ito.';
$string['environmenthead'] = 'Sinusuri ang kapaligiran mo...';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'ay iminumungkahing maluklok/mabuhay';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'ang bersiyon $a->needed ay iminumungkahi at ang pinatatakbo mo ay $a->current';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'ay kinakailangang maluklok/mabuhay';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'ang bersiyon $a->needed ay kinakailangan at ang pinatatakbo mo ay $a->current';
$string['environmentsub'] = 'Sinusuri namin kung ang iba\'t-ibang piyesa ng sistema mo ay umaayon sa mga kinakailangan na sistema';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = 'Nagka-error sa pagbasa ng datos na pangkapaligiran ($a->error_code)';
$string['fail'] = 'Bigô';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Mga Inahon na Sako';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Dapat ay buhay ito';
$string['gdversion'] = 'Bersiyon ng GD';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'Dapat ay may GD library para maproseso at makalikha ng mga larawan';
$string['globalsquotes'] = 'Di-ligtas na Pagmanipula ng mga Global';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = 'Ayusin ang iyong mga kaayusan ng PHP: patayin ang register_globals at/o buhayin ang magic_quotes_gpc';
$string['help'] = 'Tulong';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'Mahigpit na iminumungkahi ang pagluklok ng opsiyonal na ICONV library upang mapahusay ang paggana ng site, lalupa\'t kung sinusuportahan ng site mo ang mga di-latin na wika.';
$string['info'] = 'Impormasyon';
$string['installation'] = 'Pagluklok';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'Ditanggap na md5';
$string['langdownloaderror'] = 'Ikinalulungkot namin na ang wikang \"$a\" ay hindi nailuklok. Ang kabuuan ng pagluluklok ay itutuloy sa Ingles.';
$string['langdownloadok'] = 'Matagumpay na nailuklok ang wikang \"$a\". Ang kabuuan ng pagluluklok ay itutuloy sa wikang ito.';
$string['language'] = 'Wikà';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Dapat ay patay ito';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'Ang pagluluklok ng opsiyonal na MBSTRING library ay mahigpit na inirerekomenda upang mapahusay ang paggana ng site, lalupa\'t kung sinusuportahan ng site mo ang mga di-latin na wika.';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'Labis na mababa ang memory limit ng PHP ... maaaring magkaproblema ka mamaya.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>Ang memory limit ng PHP para sa server mo ay kasalukuyang nakatakda sa $a.</p>
<p>Maaaring magdulot ito ng mga problemang pangmemorya sa Moodle sa mga susunod na panahon, lalo na
kung marami kang binuhay na modyul at/o marami kang tagagamit.</p>
<p>Iminumungkahi namin na isaayos mo ang PHP na may mas mataas na limit kung maaari, tulad ng 16M.
May iba\'t-ibang paraan na magagawa kayo upang ito ay maiisakatuparan:</p>
<li>Kunga maaari mong gawin, muling ikompayl ang PHP na may <i>--enable-memory-limit</i>.
Pahihintulutan nito ang Moodle na itakda ang memory limit sa sarili nito.</li>
<li>Kung mapapasok mo ang iyong sakong php.ini, mababago mo ang <b>memory_limit</b>
na kaayusan doon at gawin itong mga 16M. Kung wala kang karapatang pasukin ito
baka puwede mong hilingin sa administrador na gawin ito para sa iyo.</li>
<li>Sa ilang PHP serve maaari kang lumikha ng isang sakong .htaccess sa bugsok ng Moodle
na naglalaman ng linyang ito:
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>Subali\'t sa ilang server ay pipigilin nito ang paggana ng <b>lahat</b> ng pahinang PHP
(makakakita ka ng mga error kapag tumingin ka sa mga pahina) kaya\'t kakailanganin mong tanggalin ang sakong .htaccess.</p></li>
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'May ilang nawawalang pitak na kailangan';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'Magkagayuman, kung TANGING iso-8859-1 (latin) na wika ang ginagamit ng site mo, maaari mong ipagpatuloy ang kasalukuyan mong nakaluklok na MySQL 4.1.12 (o mas bago).';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'Ang MySQL 4.1.16 ang minimum na bersiyong kinakailangan ng Moodle 1.6 upang matiyak na lahat ng datos ay makukumberte sa UTF-8, sa hinaharap.';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'Hindi isinaayos ang PHP na may MySQL extension para magawa nitong makipag-usap sa MySQL. Pakitsek ang iyong sakong php.ini o muling ikompayl ang PHP.';
$string['name'] = 'Pangalan';
$string['next'] = 'Susunod';
$string['pass'] = 'Pasado';
$string['password'] = 'Kontrasenyas';
$string['php50restricted'] = 'Ang PHP 5.0.x ay maraming problema, itaas po ang bersiyon sa 5.1.x o ibaba sa 4.3.x o 4.4.x';
$string['phpversion'] = 'Bersiyon ng PHP';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'Ang pinakamababang bersiyon ng PHP na puwedeng gamitin ay 4.3.0 o 5.1.0 (ang 5.0.x ay maraming problema)';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Kinakailangan ng Moodle ang isang bersiyon ng PHP na kahit man lamang 4.3.0. o 5.1.0 (ang 5.0.x ay maraming problema)</p>
<p>Sa kasalukuyan ay pinatatakbo mo ang bersiyong $a</p>
<p>Kailangan mong gawing bago ang PHP o lumipat sa isang host na may mas bagong bersiyon ng PHP!<br />(Sa kaso ng 5.0.x ay maaari mo ring ibaba ang bersiyon sa 4.4.x)
$string['previous'] = 'Nakaraan';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'Ang paglusong ng mga piyesa sa server mo ay hindi pinapahintulutan (ang allow_url_fopen ay pinatay).<br /><br />Kailangan mong ilusong ang
<a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a> sako nang mano-mano, kopyahin ito sa \"$a->dest\" ng iyong server at iunzip ito doon.';
$string['report'] = 'Ulat';
$string['restricted'] = 'Limitado';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Maaaring magkaproblema ang moodle kung naka-ON ang safe mode';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Dapat ay patay ito';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = 'Lagpasan ang Pagsubok sa DB Encoding';
$string['status'] = 'Katayuan';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Tagalog';
$string['user'] = 'Tagagamit';
$string['welcomep10'] = '$a->installername ($a->installerversion)';
$string['welcomep20'] = 'Nakikita mo ang pahinang ito dahil matagumpay mong nailuklok at napagana ang paketeng <strong>$a->packname $a->packversion</strong> sa iyong kompyuter. Maligayang bati!';
$string['welcomep30'] = 'Ang lathala ng <strong>$a->installername</strong> na ito ay naglalaman ng mga aplikasyon na lilikha ng kapaligiran na tatakbuhan ng <strong>Moodle</strong>, ito ay ang mga sumusunod:';
$string['welcomep40'] = 'Nilalaman din ng paketeng ito ang <strong>Moodle $a->moodlerelease ($a->moodleversion)</strong>.';
$string['welcomep50'] = 'Ang paggamit ng lahat ng aplikasyon sa paketeng ito ay alinsunod sa kani-kaniyang lisensiya. Ang kumpletong pakete na <strong>$a->installername</strong> ay <a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html\">open source</a> at ipinamamahagi alinsunod sa lisensiyang <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\">GPL</a>';
$string['welcomep60'] = 'Dadalhin kayo ng mga sumusunod na pahina sa mga madaling hakbang upang maisaayos at mapatakbo ang <strong>Moodle</strong> sa kompyuter ninyo. Kung gusto ninyo ay panatilihin ang umiiral o kaya ay baguhin ito ayon sa inyong pangangailangan.';
$string['welcomep70'] = 'Iklik ang \"Susunod\" na buton sa ibaba upang maituloy ang pasasaayos ng <strong>Moodle</strong>.';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = 'Mali ang patutunguhang landas';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = 'Mali ang URL base ng source.';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Mali ang ngalan ng sako na ZIP';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'Mukhang hindi tanggap ang \'Web Address\' - mukhang wala roon ang iluluklok na Moodle. Inireset ang halaga sa ibaba.';
@ -74,26 +74,7 @@ $string['safemodeerror'] = 'Mahalo e \'iai ha palopalema \'i he mutolo kapau \'e
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Sesini kamata \'otometiki ';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = '\'Oku totonu ke \'ofu eni';
$string['status'] = 'Tu\'unga';
$string['alphabet'] = 'A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z';
$string['backupnameformat'] = '%%Y%%m%%d-%%H%%M';
$string['firstdayofweek'] = '0';
$string['locale'] = 'mi_NZ.UTF-8';
$string['localewin'] = 'Maori.1252';
$string['localewincharset'] = 'WINDOWS-1252';
$string['oldcharset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['strftimedate'] = '%%d %%B %%Y';
$string['strftimedateshort'] = '%%d %%B';
$string['strftimedatetime'] = '%%d %%B %%Y, %%I:%%M %%p';
$string['strftimedaydate'] = '%%A, %%d %%B %%Y';
$string['strftimedaydatetime'] = '%%A, %%d %%B %%Y, %%I:%%M %%p';
$string['strftimedayshort'] = '%%A, %%d %%B';
$string['strftimedaytime'] = '%%a, %%H:%%M';
$string['strftimemonthyear'] = '%%B %%Y';
$string['strftimerecent'] = '%%d %%b, %%H:%%M';
$string['strftimerecentfull'] = '%%a, %%d %%b %%Y, %%I:%%M %%p';
$string['strftimetime'] = '%%I:%%M %%p';
$string['thischarset'] = 'utf-8';
$string['thisdirection'] = 'ltr';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Tongan';
$string['user'] = '\'Iusa';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Tu\'asila Uepi';
@ -9,4 +9,169 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Belirtilen yönetici dizini hatalı';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Yönetici Dizini';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = 'Yönetici dizini ayarlanıyor...';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = 'Bazı web hostingler kontrol paneline ulaşmak için /admin olarak belirtilmiş bir URL kullanıyor. Maalesef, bu Moodle yönetici sayfalarıyla karışıklığa sebep olmaktadır. Yönetici dizininin ismini kurulum sırasında değiştirerek bu sorunu ortadan kaldırabilirsiniz. Örnek: <br /><br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br /> <br />Bu Moodle içinde yönetici linklerini düzeltecektir.';
$string['bypassed'] = 'Geçti';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = 'Dil dizini oluşturulamıyor.';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = 'Geçici dizin oluşturulamıyor.';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = 'Bileşenler indirilemedi.';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = 'ZIP dosyası indirilemedi.';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = 'Bileşen bulunamadı.';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = 'Md5 dosyadı kaydedilemedi.';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = 'ZIP dosyası kaydedilemedi.';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = 'Dosya arşivi açılamadı.';
$string['caution'] = 'Dikkat';
$string['check'] = 'Kontrol et';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = 'Bir dil seçin';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = 'Lütfen, SADECE kurulum için bir dil seçin. Site ve kullanıcı dillerini sonraki ekranda seçebilirsiniz.';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Bu pencereyi kapat';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = 'PHP ayarlarınız kontrol ediliyor...';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = 'Moodle\'ın düzgün çalışması için sunucunuz bütün testleri geçti.';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = 'Bileşen günceldir.';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Kurulum programı, Moodle dizini yazılabilir olmadığından dolayı seçtiğiniz ayarları içeren bir config.php dosyası oluşturamıyor. Aşağıdaki kodu kopyalayıp bu kodu config.php dosyası içine yapıştırıp Moodle kök dizinine oluşturduğunuz dosyayı yükleyebilirsiniz.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php dosyası başarıyla oluşturuldu';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = 'Yapılandırma tamamlandı';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'Ana moodle dizine yapılandırma dosyasının kaydedilmesi için girişimde bulunuldu.';
$string['continue'] = 'Devam';
$string['database'] = 'Veritabanı';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = 'Şimdi, Moodle verilerinin saklanacağı veritabanını
oluşturmanız gerekiyor. Bu veritabanı kurulum programı tarafından aşağıdaki ayarlara göre otomatik olarak oluşturulacak.';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<b>Tipi:</b> kurulum tarafından mysql olarak sabitlendi<br />
<b>Sunucu:</b> kurulum tarafından localhost olarak sabitlendi<br />
<b>Adı:</b> veritabanı adı, ör: moodle<br />
<b>Kullanıcı:</b> kurulum tarafından root olarak sabitlendi<br />
<b>Şifre:</b> kullanıcı şifresi<br />
<b>Tablo öneki:</b> tüm tablo isimleri için isteğe bağlı önek';
$string['databasesettingshead'] = 'Şimdi, Moodle verilerinin saklanacağı veritabanını
oluşturmanız gerekiyor. Bu veritabanı önceden oluşturulmalı
ve bu veritabanına erişmek için kullanıcı adı - şifre ayarlanmalı.';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<b>Tipi:</b> mysql veya postgres7<br />
<b>Sunucu:</b> ör: localhost veya db.iss.com<br />
<b>Adı:</b> veritabanı adı, ör: moodle<br />
<b>Kullanıcı:</b> veritabanı kullanıcısı<br />
<b>Şifre:</b> kullanıcı şifresi<br />
<b>Tablo öneki:</b> tüm tablo isimleri için isteğe bağlı önek';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Veri Dizini';
$string['datarooterror'] = 'Belirtilen \'Veri Dizini\' bulunamadı veya oluşturulamadı. Dizin yolunu düzenleyin veya bu dizini kendiniz oluşturun.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Belirtiğiniz veritabanına bağlantı kuramadık. Lütfen veritabanı ayarlarını kontrol edin.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Veritabanı oluşturma hatası. Belirtilen ayarlardan sağlanan isimle bir veritabanı oluşturulamadı.';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Veritabanı Sunucusu';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Tablo öneki';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Tipi';
$string['dbwrongencoding'] = 'Seçili veritabanı tavsiye edilmeyen dil kodlamasında ($a) çalışıyor. Bunun yerine bir Unicode (UTF-8) kodlamasını kullanmanız daha iyi. Yine de aşağıdaki \'Veritabanı Dil Kodlama Testini Atla\' kutucuğunu seçerek bu kısmı geçebilirsiniz, ancak ilerde sorunlar yaşabilirsiniz.';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = 'Lütfen, Bu Moodle kurulumu için yolları onaylayın';
$string['directorysettingssub'] = '<b>Web Adresi:</b>
Moodle\'a erişilecek olan tam web adresini belirtin. Web siteniz bir çok URL\'den erişilebiliyorsa, öğrencilerinizin
en sık kullanacağı bir tanesini seçin.
Sonuna / (slash) ekleMEyin.
<br />
<br />
<b>Moodle Dizini:</b>
Bu kurulama ait tam fiziksel klasör yolunu belirtin. BÜYÜK/küçük harflerin doğru olduğundan emin olun.
<br />
<br />
<b>Veri Dizini:</b>
Siteye yüklenen dosyaların nereye kaydedileceğini belirtin. Bu dizin sunucu kullanıcısı tarafından okunabilir ve YAZILABİLİR olmalı. (genellikle \'nobody\',\'apache\',\'www\' olur)
Ancak, bu dizine direkt olarak webden erişim olMAMAlı.';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle Dizini';
$string['dirrooterror'] = '\'Moodle Dizini\' ayarları hatalı görünüyor - Burada bir Moodle kurulumu bulunamadı. Aşağıdaki değer yeniden ayarlandı.';
$string['download'] = 'İndir';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = 'İndirilmiş dosya kontrol hatası';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = 'Dil paketini $a indir';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = 'Dil paketi indir';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = 'Varsayılan dil paketini \"$a\" kullanarak kurulum işlemine devam edebilirsiniz.';
$string['downloadlanguagesub'] = 'Şu anda bir dil paketi indirme ve bu dilde kuruluma devam etme seçeneğiniz var.<br /><br />Dil paketini indiremezseniz kurulum işlemi İngilizce ile devam edecektir. (Kurulum işlemi bittiğinde ek dil paketlerini indirme ve kurma fırsatınız vardır.)';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = 'Bu Moodle sürümünü kurmaya başlamadan önce yukarıda bulunan bütün ortam sorunlarını (hatalarını) çözmeniz gerekiyor!';
$string['environmenthead'] = 'Ortam kontrol ediliyor...';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = 'yüklenmesi/etkinleştirilmesi tavsiye edilir';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = 'sürüm $a->needed tavsiye edilir ve şu anda $a->current çalışıyor';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = 'yüklenmesi/etkinleştirilmesi gerekli';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = 'sürüm $a->needed gerekli ve şu anda $a->current çalışıyor';
$string['environmentsub'] = 'Çeşitli bileşenlerin sisteminizle uyum içinde olup olmadığını kontrol ediyoruz';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = 'Ortam verisini okurken hata ($a->error_code)';
$string['error'] = 'Hata';
$string['fail'] = 'Hata';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'Dosya Göndermeleri';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Bu açık olmalı';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD sürümü';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'GD kütüphanesi resimleri oluşturma ve işleme özelliği sunmalı';
$string['globalsquotes'] = 'Güvensiz Global Değişkenler';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = 'PHP ayarlarınızı düzeltin. register_globals\'ı kapalı ve/veya magic_quotes_gpc açık tutun.';
$string['help'] = 'Yardım';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = 'Sitenizde latin olmayan dilleri kullanıyorsanız isteğe bağlı ICONV kütüphanesinin kurulması site performansını arttırmak için şiddetle tavsiye edilir.';
$string['info'] = 'Bilgi';
$string['installation'] = 'Kurulum';
$string['invalidmd5'] = 'Geçersiz md5';
$string['langdownloaderror'] = 'Maalesef \"$a\" dil paketi kurulamadı. Kuruluma İngilizce olarak devam edilecek.';
$string['langdownloadok'] = 'Dil paketi \"$a\" başarıyla kuruldu. Kurulum bu dilde devam edecek.';
$string['language'] = 'Dil';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Bu kapalı olmalı';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = 'Sitenizde latin olmayan dilleri kullanıyorsanız isteğe bağlı MBSTRING kütüphanesinin kurulması site performansını arttırmak için şiddetle tavsiye edilir.';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Bellek Limiti';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'PHP bellek limiti ayarı çok düşük... Daha sonra bu ayardan dolayı bazı sorunlar oluşabilir.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>Sunucunuz için PHP bellek limiti şu anda $a olarak ayarlanmış durumda.</p>
<p>Özellikle bir çok modülü etkinleştirilmiş ve/veya çok fazla kullanıcınız
varsa bu durum daha sonra bazı bellek sorunlarına sebep olabilir.</p>
<p>Mümkünse size PHP\'e daha yüksek limitli bir bellek ayarı yapmanızı,
örneğin, 16M, öneriyoruz. İşte bunu yapabilmeniz için size bir kaç yol:</p>
<li>Bunu yapmaya yetkiliyseniz, PHP\'yi <i>--enable-memory-limit</i> ile yeniden derleyin.
Bu, Moodle\'nın kendi kendine bellek limitini ayarlasına izin verecek.</li>
<li>php.ini dosyasına erişim hakkınız varsa, <b>memory_limit</b> ayarını 16M gibi
bir ayarla değiştirin. Erişim hakkınız yoksa, bunu sistem yöneticinizden sizin
için yapmasını isteyin.</li>
<li>Bazı PHP sunucularında Moodle klasörü içinde şu ayarı içeren bir
.htaccess dosyası oluşturabilirsiniz:
<p><blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>Ancak, bazı sunucularda bu durum çalışan <b>bütün</b> PHP sayfalarını engelleyecektir.
(sayfanız altına baktığınızda bazı hatalar göreceksiniz)
Böyle bir durumda .htaccess dosyasını silmeniz gerekiyor.</p></li>
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = 'Bazı gerekli alanlar eksik';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = 'Siteniz SADECE iso-8859-1 (latin) dillerini kullanıyorsa şimdiki kurulu MySQL 4.1.12 (veya yüksek) veritabanını kullanmaya devam edebilirsiniz.';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'Moodle 1.6 için ilerde tüm verilerin UTF-8\'e çevrilebilmesinin garantilenmesi için en az MySQL 4.1.16 kurulu olması gerekir.';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP, büyük ihtimal MySQL uzantısıyla birlikte yapılandırılmamış. Bu yüzden MySQL ile bağlantı kurulamıyor. php.ini dosyasını kontrol edin veya PHP\'yi tekrar derleyin.';
$string['name'] = 'Ad';
$string['next'] = 'Sonraki';
$string['ok'] = 'Tamam';
$string['pass'] = 'Geçti';
$string['password'] = 'Şifre';
$string['php50restricted'] = 'PHP 5.0.x sürümünde çok fazla hata var. Lütfen sürümü, 5.1.x\'e yükseltin ya da 4.3.x veya 4.4.x sürümüne düşürün.';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP sürümü';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP sürümü en az 4.3.0 veya 5.1.0 olmalı (5.0.x sürümünde çok fazla hata var)';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle, PHP sürümünün en az 4.3.0 veya 5.1.0 olmasını gerektirir (5.0.x sürümünde çok fazla hata var).</p>
<p>Şu anda çalışan sürüm: $a</p>
<p>PHP\'yi güncellemeli veya PHP\'nin yeni sürümünü kullananan bir hostinge taşınmalısınız!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Önceki';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = 'Sunucunuza bileşen indirmeye izin verilmiyor. (allow_url_fopen pasif).<br /><br />Arşivlenmiş dosyayı elle buraya \"$a->dest\" indirip <a href=\"$a->url\">$a->url</a> arşivi açmalısınız. ';
$string['report'] = 'Rapor';
$string['restricted'] = 'Sınırlandırıldı';
$string['safemode'] = 'Safe Mode';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle, safe mode\'ın açık olması durumunda bazı sorunlar çıkartabilir';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Otomatik Oturum Başlama';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Bu kapalı olmalı';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = 'Veritabanı Dil Kodlama Testini Atla';
$string['status'] = 'Durum';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Türkçe';
$string['user'] = 'Kullanıcı';
$string['welcomep10'] = '$a->installername ($a->installerversion)';
$string['welcomep20'] = 'Bilgisayarınıza <strong>$a->packname $a->packversion</strong> paketini başarıyla kurdunuz. Tebrikler!';
$string['welcomep30'] = '<strong>$a->installername</strong>\'nin bu sürümü <strong>Moodle</strong>\'da bir ortam oluşturmak için uygulamaları içerir:';
$string['welcomep40'] = 'Bu paket <strong>Moodle $a->moodlerelease ($a->moodleversion)</strong> sürümünü de içerir.';
$string['welcomep50'] = 'Bu paketteki tüm uygulamaların kullanımı her biri kendine ait olan lisanslar tarafından yönetilir. <strong>$a->installername</strong> paketinin tamamı <a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html\">açık kaynak</a> kodludur ve <a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\">GPL</a> lisansı altında dağıtılır.';
$string['welcomep60'] = 'Aşağıdaki sayfalar <strong>Moodle</strong>ın kurulumu ve yapılandırılması için size basitçe yol gösterecektir. Varsayılan ayarları kabul edebilir veya ihtiyaçlarınıza göre bunları değiştirebilirsiniz.';
$string['welcomep70'] = '<strong>Moodle</strong> kurulumu için aşağıdaki \"İleri\" tuşuna basın.';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = 'Hatalı hedef yolu';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = 'Hatalı ZIP dosya adı.';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Web adresi';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = 'Web adresi doğru ayarlanmış görünmüyor. Moodle kurulumu belirtilen yerde görünmüyor.';
@ -9,4 +9,17 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = 'Закрити вікно';
$string['continue'] = 'Продовжити';
$string['error'] = 'Помилка';
$string['help'] = 'Допомога';
$string['language'] = 'Мова';
$string['name'] = 'Назва';
$string['next'] = 'Далі';
$string['ok'] = 'OK';
$string['password'] = 'Пароль';
$string['status'] = 'Статус';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Українська';
$string['user'] = 'Користувач';
@ -9,4 +9,76 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Thư mục quản trị được chỉ ra chưa đúng';
$string['admindirname'] = 'Thư mục quản trị';
$string['caution'] = 'Cảnh báo';
$string['closewindow'] = 'Đóng cửa sổ này';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = 'Kịch bản cài đặt không có khả năng tự động tạo một file config.php file chứa các thiết lập chọn lựa của bạn, có thể thư mục Moodle không có khả năng ghi. Bạn có thể copy bằng tay đoạn mã sau vào một file đặt tên là config.php trong thư mục gốc của Moodle.';
$string['configfilewritten'] = 'config.php được tạo một cách thành công';
$string['continue'] = 'Tiếp tục';
$string['database'] = 'Cơ sở dữ liệu';
$string['dataroot'] = 'Thư mục dữ liệu';
$string['datarooterror'] = ' \'Thư mục dữ liệu\' bạn chỉ ra không thể được tìm thấy hoặc được tạo. Hoặc đường dẫn đúng hoặc tạo thư mục Either correct the path or create that directory manually.';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = 'Chúng tôi không thể kết nối cơ sở dữ liệu bạn chỉ ra. Vui lòng kiểm tra các thiết lập cơ sở dữ liệu.';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = 'Lỗi tạo cơ sở dữ liệu. Không thể tạo tên cơ sở dữ liệu với các thiết lập được cung cấp';
$string['dbhost'] = 'Host Server';
$string['dbprefix'] = 'Các bảng cố định trước';
$string['dbtype'] = 'Type';
$string['dirroot'] = 'Thư mục Moodle';
$string['dirrooterror'] = ' Thiết lập \'Thư mục Moodle\' dường như không đúng - chúng tôi không thể tìm thấy một sự cài đặt Moodle ở đó. Giá trị dưới đây được đặt lại.';
$string['download'] = 'Tải xuống';
$string['error'] = 'Lỗi';
$string['fail'] = 'Thất bại';
$string['fileuploads'] = 'File tải lên';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = 'Điều này sẽ là';
$string['gdversion'] = 'Phiên bản GD';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'Thư viện GD nên được cho phép để xử lý và tạo các hình ảnh';
$string['help'] = 'Trợ giúp';
$string['installation'] = 'Sự cài đặt';
$string['language'] = 'Ngôn ngữ';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = 'Magic Quotes Run Time';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = 'Điều này nên là off';
$string['memorylimit'] = 'Giới hạn bộ nhớ';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'PHP thiết lập giới hạn bộ nhớ quá thấp... you may run into problems later.';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p> PHP thiết lập giới hạn bộ nhớ cho máy chủ của bạn hiện tại là $a.</p>
<p>Đây có thể là nguyên nhân Moodle có các vấn đề về bộ nhớ vào một thời điểm nào đó, đặc biệt
nếu bạn có nhiều môđun được cho phép và nhiều người dùng.
<p>Chúng tôi đề nghị rằng bạn cấu hình PHP với một giới hạn lớn hơn nếu có thể, chẳng hạn như 16M.
Có một số cách để làm điều này mà bạn có thể thử:
<li>Nếu bạn có khả năng, biên tập lại PHP với <i>--giới hạn bộ nhớ cho phép</i>.
Điều này sẽ cho phép Moodle tự thiết lập giới hạn bộ nhớ.
<li>Nếu bạn truy cập file php.ini của bạn, bạn có thể thay đổi <b>giới hạn bộ nhớ</b>
thiết lập trong đó thành một giá trị nào đó chẳng hạn như 16M. Nếu bạn không được phép truy cập
bạn có thể yêu cầu quản trị viên của bạn để làm điều đó cho bạn.</li>
<li> Trên một số máy chủ chạy PHP bạn có thể tạo một file .htaccess trong thư mục Moodle
chứa dòng này:
<p><blockquote> giá trị giới hạn bộ nhớ 16M</blockquote></p>
<p>Tuy nhiên, trên một số máy chủ điều này có thể ngăn cản <b>tất cả</b> các trang PHP làm việc
(bạn sẽ nhìn thấy các lỗi khi bạn xem xét những trang này )vì thế bạn sẽ pahỉ di chuyền file .htaccess.</p></li>
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP chưa được cấu hình thuộc tính với đuôi mở rộng MySQL với mục đích là để nó có thể làm việc tốt với MySQL. Vui lòng kiểm tra file php.ini hoặc biên dịch lại PHP.';
$string['name'] = ' Tiêu đề';
$string['next'] = 'Tiếp theo';
$string['ok'] = 'Đồng ý';
$string['pass'] = 'Pass';
$string['password'] = 'Mật khẩu';
$string['phpversion'] = 'Phiên bản PHP';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'Phiên bản PHP phải ít nhất là 4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle yêu cầu một phiên bản PHP ít nhất là 4.1.0.</p>
<p>Bạn đang dùng phiên bản hiện hành $a</p>
<p>Ban phải nâng cấp PHP hoặc di chuyển một máy chủ với một phiên bản PHP mới hơn!</p>';
$string['previous'] = 'Trước';
$string['safemode'] = 'Chế độ an toàn ';
$string['safemodeerror'] = 'Moodle có thể gặp một số sự cố với chế độ an toàn';
$string['sessionautostart'] = 'Bắt đầu tự động Session ';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = 'Điều này nên là tắt';
$string['status'] = 'Trạng thái';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Vietnamese';
$string['user'] = 'Người dùng';
$string['wwwroot'] = 'Địa chỉ web';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = ' Địa chỉ web không xuất hiện hợp lệ - sự cài đặt Moodle không xuất hiện ở đó.';
@ -9,4 +9,150 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['admindirerror'] = '指定的管理目录不正确';
$string['admindirname'] = '管理目录';
$string['admindirsettinghead'] = '设定管理目录...';
$string['admindirsettingsub'] = '有一些服务器的/admin用在了如控制面板之类的特殊功能上,但这与标准的Moodle管理页面冲突了。通过修改管理目录的名称并将新名称填写在这里就可以避免冲突了。例如: <br /> <br /><b>moodleadmin</b><br /> <br />
$string['bypassed'] = '忽视';
$string['cannotcreatelangdir'] = '无法创建 lang 目录。';
$string['cannotcreatetempdir'] = '无法创建 temp 目录。';
$string['cannotdownloadcomponents'] = '无法下载组件。';
$string['cannotdownloadzipfile'] = '无法下载ZIP文件。';
$string['cannotfindcomponent'] = '找不到组件。';
$string['cannotsavemd5file'] = '无法保存md5文件。';
$string['cannotsavezipfile'] = '无法保存ZIP文件。';
$string['cannotunzipfile'] = '无法解压文件。';
$string['caution'] = '原因';
$string['check'] = '检查';
$string['chooselanguagehead'] = '选择一种语言';
$string['chooselanguagesub'] = '请选择在安装过程中使用的语言。稍后您可以根据需要重新选择用于站点和用户的语言。';
$string['closewindow'] = '关闭窗口';
$string['compatibilitysettingshead'] = '检查您的PHP设置...';
$string['compatibilitysettingssub'] = '要正确地安装Moodle,您的服务器需要通过以下测试';
$string['componentisuptodate'] = '组件已经是最新的了。';
$string['configfilenotwritten'] = '安装脚本无法自动创建一个包含您设置的config.php文件,极可能是由于Moodle目录是不能写的。您可以复制如下的代码到Moodle根目录下的config.php文件中。';
$string['configfilewritten'] = '已经成功创建了config.php文件';
$string['configurationcompletehead'] = '配置完毕';
$string['configurationcompletesub'] = 'Moodle会尝试将配置存储在您的Moodle跟目录中。';
$string['continue'] = '继续';
$string['database'] = '数据库';
$string['databasecreationsettingshead'] = '现在您需要配置数据库选项,Moodle的大部分数据都是存储在数据库中的。Moodle的安装程序会根据下面的选项自动为您创建数据库。';
$string['databasecreationsettingssub'] = '<b>类型:</b>安装程序只允许“mysql”<br />
<b>主机:</b>安装程序只允许“localhost”<br />
<b>名称:</b>数据库名称,如moodle<br />
<b>用户名:</b>安装程序只允许“root”<br />
<b>密码:</b>您的数据库密码<br />
$string['databasesettingshead'] = '现在您需要配置数据库,Moodle的大部分数据都会存储在其中。您应当事先创建好这个数据库并设定好用于访问该数据库的用户名和密码。';
$string['databasesettingssub'] = '<b>类型:</b>mysql或postgres7<br />
<b>主机:</b>如localhost或db.isp.com<br />
<b>名称:</b>数据库名称,如moodle<br />
<b>用户:</b>访问数据库的用户名<br />
<b>密码:</b>访问数据库的密码<br />
$string['dataroot'] = '数据目录';
$string['datarooterror'] = '找不到也无法创建您指定的“数据目录”,请更正路径或手工创建它。';
$string['dbconnectionerror'] = '无法连接到您指定的数据库,请检查您的数据库设置。';
$string['dbcreationerror'] = '数据库创建错误。无法用设定中的名称创建数据库。';
$string['dbhost'] = '服务器主机';
$string['dbprefix'] = '表格名称前缀';
$string['dbtype'] = '类型';
$string['dbwrongencoding'] = '您选择的数据库使用了字符集{$a},我们推荐您使用一个Unicode (UTF-8)字符集的数据库。当然,您可以选择“跳过数据库字符集检查”来跳过这个环节,但您将来可能会遇到问题。';
$string['directorysettingshead'] = '请确认安装Moodle的位置';
$string['directorysettingssub'] = '<p><b>Web地址:</b>
$string['dirroot'] = 'Moodle目录';
$string['dirrooterror'] = '“Moodle目录”的设置看上去不对——在那里找不到安装好的Moodle。下面的值已经重置了。';
$string['download'] = '下载';
$string['downloadedfilecheckfailed'] = '下载文件检查失败。';
$string['downloadlanguagebutton'] = '下载“{$a}”语言包';
$string['downloadlanguagehead'] = '下载语言包';
$string['downloadlanguagenotneeded'] = '您可以使用缺省的语言包“{$a}”继续安装过程。';
$string['downloadlanguagesub'] = '您现在可以下载一个语言包并以该种语言继续安装过程。<br /><br />如果您无法下载语言包,安装过程将会以中文继续。(当安装过程结束后,您就有机会下载并安装更多的语言包了。)';
$string['environmenterrortodo'] = '在您继续安装这个版本的 Moodle 前,您必需受限解决上面所列出的所有环境问题!';
$string['environmenthead'] = '检测您的运行环境...';
$string['environmentrecommendinstall'] = '- 推荐安装/激活';
$string['environmentrecommendversion'] = '推荐 $a->needed 版本,而您的是 $a->current';
$string['environmentrequireinstall'] = '- 必需安装/激活';
$string['environmentrequireversion'] = '需要 $a->needed 版本,而您的是 $a->current';
$string['environmentsub'] = '我们正在检查您系统中的某些组件是否符合需求';
$string['environmentxmlerror'] = '读取环境数据时错误($a->error_code)';
$string['error'] = '错误';
$string['fail'] = '失败';
$string['fileuploads'] = '上传文件';
$string['fileuploadserror'] = '这应当是开启的';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD版本';
$string['gdversionerror'] = '为了能够处理和创建图片,服务器上必须有GD库。';
$string['globalsquotes'] = '处理全局变量的方式不安全';
$string['globalsquoteserror'] = '修正您的PHP设置:禁用register_globals和/或启动magic_quotes_gpc。';
$string['help'] = '帮助';
$string['iconvrecommended'] = '我们强烈建议您安装时 ICONV 库,特别是您的站点使用非拉丁语系的语言时,它可以大大提升系统性能。';
$string['info'] = '信息';
$string['installation'] = '安装';
$string['invalidmd5'] = '无效的md5';
$string['langdownloaderror'] = '很不幸,语言“{$a}”并未安装。安装过程将以英文继续。';
$string['langdownloadok'] = '语言“{$a}”已经成功安装了。安装过程将会以此语言继续。';
$string['language'] = '语言';
$string['magicquotesruntime'] = '运行时的 Magic Quotes';
$string['magicquotesruntimeerror'] = '这应该是关闭的';
$string['mbstringrecommended'] = '我们强烈建议您安装时 MBSTRING 库,特别是您的站点使用非拉丁语系的语言时,它可以大大提升系统性能。';
$string['memorylimit'] = '内存限制';
$string['memorylimiterror'] = 'PHP内存限制设置的太低了...以后您会遇到问题的。';
$string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>您的服务器的PHP内存限制是${a}。</p>
<blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote>
$string['missingrequiredfield'] = '缺少了必需的字段';
$string['mysql416bypassed'] = '如果您的站点使用只 iso-8859-1 (latin) 语言,您可以使用您当前安装的 MySQL 4.1.12(或更高)。';
$string['mysql416required'] = 'MySQL 4.1.16 是 Moodle 1.6 所需要的最低版本,否则将无法保证所有数据都能转换到 UTF-8 编码。';
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP的MySQL扩展并未安装正确,因此无法与MySQL通信。请检查您的php.ini文件或重新编译PHP。';
$string['name'] = '名称';
$string['next'] = '向后';
$string['ok'] = '好';
$string['pass'] = '通过';
$string['password'] = '密码';
$string['phpversion'] = 'PHP版本';
$string['phpversionerror'] = 'PHP版本至少为4.1.0';
$string['phpversionhelp'] = '<p>Moodle需要PHP 4.1.0以上的版本。</p>
$string['previous'] = '向前';
$string['remotedownloadnotallowed'] = '不允许为您的服务器下载组件(allow_url_fopen失败)。<br /><br />您应该<a href=\"{$a->url}\">{$a->url}</a> 先手动的把它复制到“{$a->dest}”您的服务器上然后解压.';
$string['report'] = '报表';
$string['safemode'] = '安全模式';
$string['safemodeerror'] = '在安全模式下运行Moodle可能会有麻烦';
$string['sessionautostart'] = '自动开启会话';
$string['sessionautostarterror'] = '这应当是关闭的';
$string['skipdbencodingtest'] = '跳过数据库编码检测';
$string['status'] = '状态';
$string['thischarset'] = 'UTF-8';
$string['thislanguage'] = '简体中文';
$string['user'] = '用户';
$string['welcomep10'] = '$a->installername ($a->installerversion)';
$string['welcomep20'] = '您看到这个页面表明您已经成功地在您的计算机上安装了<strong>$a->packname $a->packversion</strong>。恭喜您!';
$string['welcomep30'] = '<strong>$a->installername</strong>包含了可以创建<strong>Moodle</strong>运行环境的应用程序:';
$string['welcomep40'] = '这个软件包还包含了<strong>Moodle $a->moodlerelease ($a->moodleversion)</strong>。';
$string['welcomep50'] = '使用本软件包中包含的应用程序时应遵循它们各自的授权协议。整个<strong>$a->installername</strong>软件包都是<a href=\"http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html\">开源</a>的,并且遵循<a href=\"http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html\">GPL</a>授权协议发布。';
$string['welcomep60'] = '接下来的页面会引导你通过一系列步骤在您的计算机上安装配置好<strong>Moodle</strong>。您可以接受缺省的设置后,或者根据需要修改它们。';
$string['welcomep70'] = '点击“下一步”按钮以继续<strong>Moodle</strong>的安装过程。';
$string['wrongdestpath'] = '错误的目标路径。';
$string['wrongsourcebase'] = '错误的源URL基地址。';
$string['wrongzipfilename'] = '错误的ZIP文件名。';
$string['wwwroot'] = '网站地址';
$string['wwwrooterror'] = '这个网站地址似乎是错的——在那里并没有刚刚装好的Moodle。';
@ -9,4 +9,15 @@
/// File generated by cvs://contrib/lang2installer/installer_builder
/// using strings defined in installer_strings (same dir)
$string['closewindow'] = "關閉本視窗";
$string['continue'] = "下一頁";
$string['error'] = "錯誤";
$string['help'] = "說明";
$string['language'] = "語言/文字";
$string['name'] = "名稱";
$string['ok'] = "OK";
$string['password'] = "密碼";
$string['status'] = "狀態";
$string['thischarset'] = "UTF-8";
$string['thislanguage'] = "正體中文";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user