MDL-60848 atto_recordrtc: language string changes

1. Ordered alphabetically by index.
2. Uncapitalised words after the first per Moodle standards.
3. Added string used by getUserMedia() on Chrome (possibly others).
This commit is contained in:
Mark Nelson 2018-04-09 17:27:56 +08:00
parent 1ecf5c15ca
commit b5a3388bb1
3 changed files with 51 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -24,56 +24,56 @@
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['pluginname'] = 'RecordRTC';
$string['settings'] = 'RecordRTC settings';
$string['audiortc'] = 'Insert audio recording';
$string['videortc'] = 'Insert video recording';
$string['onlyaudio'] = 'Audio only';
$string['onlyvideo'] = 'Video only';
$string['both'] = 'Audio and Video';
$string['allowedtypes'] = 'Allowed types';
$string['allowedtypes_desc'] = 'Which recording buttons should appear in Atto';
$string['audiobitrate'] = 'Audio bitrate';
$string['audiobitrate_desc'] = 'Quality of audio recording (larger number means higher quality)';
$string['videobitrate'] = 'Video bitrate';
$string['videobitrate_desc'] = 'Quality of video recording (larger number means higher quality)';
$string['timelimit'] = 'Time limit in seconds';
$string['timelimit_desc'] = 'Maximum recording length allowed for the audio/video clips';
$string['nowebrtc_title'] = 'WebRTC not supported';
$string['nowebrtc'] = 'Your browser offers limited or no support for WebRTC technologies yet, and cannot be used with this plugin. Please switch or upgrade your browser';
$string['gumabort_title'] = 'Something happened';
$string['gumabort'] = 'Something strange happened which prevented the webcam/microphone from being used';
$string['gumnotallowed_title'] = 'Wrong permissions';
$string['gumnotallowed'] = 'The user must allow the browser access to the webcam/microphone';
$string['gumnotfound_title'] = 'Device missing';
$string['gumnotfound'] = 'There is no input device connected or enabled';
$string['gumnotreadable_title'] = 'Hardware error';
$string['gumnotreadable'] = 'Something is preventing the browser from accessing the webcam/microphone';
$string['gumoverconstrained_title'] = 'Problem with constraints';
$string['gumoverconstrained'] = 'The current webcam/microphone can not produce a stream with the required constraints';
$string['gumsecurity_title'] = 'No support for insecure connection';
$string['gumsecurity'] = 'Your browser does not support recording over an insecure connection and must close the plugin';
$string['gumtype_title'] = 'No constraints specified';
$string['gumtype'] = 'Tried to get stream from the webcam/microphone, but no constraints were specified';
$string['insecurealert_title'] = 'Insecure connection!';
$string['insecurealert'] = 'Your browser might not allow this plugin to work unless it is used either over HTTPS or from localhost';
$string['browseralert_title'] = 'Warning!';
$string['browseralert'] = 'Use Firefox >= 29, Chrome >= 49 or Opera >= 36 for best experience';
$string['startrecording'] = 'Start Recording';
$string['recordagain'] = 'Record Again';
$string['stoprecording'] = 'Stop Recording';
$string['recordingfailed'] = 'Recording failed, try again';
$string['attachrecording'] = 'Attach Recording as Annotation';
$string['norecordingfound_title'] = 'No recording found';
$string['norecordingfound'] = 'Something appears to have gone wrong, it seems nothing has been recorded';
$string['nearingmaxsize_title'] = 'Recording stopped';
$string['nearingmaxsize'] = 'You have attained the maximum size limit for file uploads';
$string['uploadprogress'] = 'completed';
$string['uploadfailed'] = 'Upload failed:';
$string['uploadfailed404'] = 'Upload failed: file too large';
$string['uploadaborted'] = 'Upload aborted:';
$string['annotationprompt'] = 'What should the annotation appear as?';
$string['annotation:audio'] = 'Audio annotation';
$string['annotation:video'] = 'Video annotation';
$string['attachrecording'] = 'Attach recording';
$string['audioandvideo'] = 'Audio and video';
$string['audiobitrate'] = 'Audio bitrate';
$string['audiobitrate_desc'] = 'Quality of audio recording (larger number means higher quality)';
$string['audiortc'] = 'Insert audio recording';
$string['browseralert'] = 'Use Firefox >= 29, Chrome >= 49 or Opera >= 36 for best experience';
$string['browseralert_title'] = 'Warning!';
$string['gumabort'] = 'Something strange happened which prevented the webcam/microphone from being used';
$string['gumabort_title'] = 'Something happened';
$string['gumnotallowed'] = 'The user must allow the browser access to the webcam/microphone';
$string['gumnotallowed_title'] = 'Wrong permissions';
$string['gumnotfound'] = 'There is no input device connected or enabled';
$string['gumnotfound_title'] = 'Device missing';
$string['gumnotreadable'] = 'Something is preventing the browser from accessing the webcam/microphone';
$string['gumnotreadable_title'] = 'Hardware error';
$string['gumnotsupported'] = 'Your browser does not support recording over an insecure connection and must close the plugin';
$string['gumnotsupported_title'] = 'No support for insecure connection';
$string['gumoverconstrained'] = 'The current webcam/microphone can not produce a stream with the required constraints';
$string['gumoverconstrained_title'] = 'Problem with constraints';
$string['gumsecurity'] = 'Your browser does not support recording over an insecure connection and must close the plugin';
$string['gumsecurity_title'] = 'No support for insecure connection';
$string['gumtype'] = 'Tried to get stream from the webcam/microphone, but no constraints were specified';
$string['gumtype_title'] = 'No constraints specified';
$string['insecurealert'] = 'Your browser might not allow this plugin to work unless it is used either over HTTPS or from localhost';
$string['insecurealert_title'] = 'Insecure connection!';
$string['nearingmaxsize'] = 'You have attained the maximum size limit for file uploads';
$string['nearingmaxsize_title'] = 'Recording stopped';
$string['norecordingfound'] = 'Something appears to have gone wrong, it seems nothing has been recorded';
$string['norecordingfound_title'] = 'No recording found';
$string['nowebrtc'] = 'Your browser offers limited or no support for WebRTC technologies yet, and cannot be used with this plugin. Please switch or upgrade your browser';
$string['nowebrtc_title'] = 'WebRTC not supported';
$string['onlyaudio'] = 'Audio only';
$string['onlyvideo'] = 'Video only';
$string['pluginname'] = 'RecordRTC';
$string['recordagain'] = 'Record again';
$string['recordingfailed'] = 'Recording failed, try again';
$string['settings'] = 'RecordRTC settings';
$string['startrecording'] = 'Start recording';
$string['stoprecording'] = 'Stop recording';
$string['timelimit'] = 'Time limit in seconds';
$string['timelimit_desc'] = 'Maximum recording length allowed for the audio/video clips';
$string['uploadaborted'] = 'Upload aborted:';
$string['uploadfailed'] = 'Upload failed:';
$string['uploadfailed404'] = 'Upload failed: file too large';
$string['uploadprogress'] = 'completed';
$string['videobitrate'] = 'Video bitrate';
$string['videobitrate_desc'] = 'Quality of video recording (larger number means higher quality)';
$string['videortc'] = 'Insert video recording';

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@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ function atto_recordrtc_strings_for_js() {

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ $ADMIN->add('editoratto', new admin_category('atto_recordrtc', new lang_string('
if ($ADMIN->fulltree) {
// Types allowed.
$options = array(
'both' => new lang_string('both', 'atto_recordrtc'),
'both' => new lang_string('audioandvideo', 'atto_recordrtc'),
'audio' => new lang_string('onlyaudio', 'atto_recordrtc'),
'video' => new lang_string('onlyvideo', 'atto_recordrtc')