New user inteface

This commit is contained in:
bobopinna 2005-03-01 17:52:39 +00:00
parent 3320057725
commit b7ddb4a618

View File

@ -65,239 +65,180 @@
$modestring = '';
$scoidstring = '';
$currentorgstring = '';
if (($scorm->popup == "") && ($frameset == "top")) {
if (!empty($_GET["mode"])) {
$mode = $_GET["mode"];
$modestring = '&mode='.$mode;
if (!empty($_GET["scoid"])) {
$scoid = $_GET["scoid"];
$scoidstring = '&scoid='.$scoid;
if (!empty($_GET['currentorg'])) {
$currentorg = $_GET['currentorg'];
$currentorgstring = '&currentorg='.$currentorg;
} else {
if (!empty($_POST["mode"])) {
$mode = $_POST["mode"];
$modestring = '&mode='.$mode;
if (!empty($_POST["scoid"])) {
$scoid = $_POST["scoid"];
$scoidstring = '&scoid='.$scoid;
if (!empty($_POST['currentorg'])) {
$currentorg = $_POST['currentorg'];
$currentorgstring = '&currentorg='.$currentorg;
if (!empty($_POST["mode"])) {
$mode = $_POST["mode"];
$modestring = '&mode='.$mode;
if (!empty($_POST["scoid"])) {
$scoid = $_POST["scoid"];
$scoidstring = '&scoid='.$scoid;
if (!empty($_POST['currentorg'])) {
$currentorg = $_POST['currentorg'];
$currentorgstring = '&currentorg='.$currentorg;
if (($frameset == "top") || ($scorm->popup != "")) {
add_to_log($course->id, "scorm", "view", "playscorm.php?id=$cm->id", "$scorm->id");
// Print the page header
$bodyscripts = "";
if ($scorm->popup != "") {
$bodyscripts = "onUnload='SCOFinish(); closeMain();' ";
print_header($pagetitle, "$course->fullname",
"$navigation <a target=\"{$CFG->framename}\" href=\"view.php?id=$cm->id\">$scorm->name</a>",
"", "", true, update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, $strscorm), "", "", $bodyscripts);
echo "<table width=\"100%\">\n <tr><td align=\"center\">".text_to_html($scorm->summary, true, false)."</td>\n";
if ($mode == "browse")
echo "<td align=\"right\" width=\"10%\" nowrap>".get_string("browsemode","scorm")."</td>\n";
echo " </tr>\n</table>\n";
add_to_log($course->id, "scorm", "view", "playscorm.php?id=$cm->id", "$scorm->id");
// Print the page header
$bodyscripts = "onUnload='SCOFinish(); closeMain();'";
print_header($pagetitle, "$course->fullname",
"$navigation <a target=\"{$CFG->framename}\" href=\"view.php?id=$cm->id\">$scorm->name</a>",
"", "", true, update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, $strscorm), "", "", $bodyscripts);
<style type="text/css">
.scormlist {
<script language="Javascript">
function playSCO(scoid) {
function expandCollide(which,list) {
var nn=document.ids?true:false
var w3c=document.getElementById?true:false
var beg=nn?"document.ids.":w3c?"document.getElementById(":"document.all.";
var mid=w3c?").style":".style";
if ($scorm->popup != "") {
echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"request.js\"></script>\n";
echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"api.php?id=$cm->id\"></script>\n";
<br />
<script language="Javascript">
function playSCO(scoid) {
function expandCollide(which,list) {
var nn=document.ids?true:false
var w3c=document.getElementById?true:false
var beg=nn?"document.ids.":w3c?"document.getElementById(":"document.all.";
var mid=w3c?").style":".style";
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which.src = "pix/plus.gif";
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="request.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="api.php?id=<?php echo $cm->id ?>"></script>
<table width="100%">
<tr><td valign="top">
<p><?php echo text_to_html($scorm->summary, false, false) ?></p>
<p><?php echo $mode == "browse" ? get_string("browsemode","scorm") : '&nbsp;'; ?></p>
<?php print_simple_box_start(); ?>
<tr><th><?php print_string("coursestruct","scorm") ?></th></tr>
<tr><td nowrap>
<ul class="scormlist">
$incomplete = false;
if ($scoes = get_records_select("scorm_scoes","scorm='$scorm->id' AND organization='$currentorg' order by id ASC")){
foreach ($scoes as $sco) {
if ($parents[$level]!=$sco->parent) {
if ($level>0 && $parents[$level-1]==$sco->parent) {
echo "\t\t</ul></li>\n";
} else {
$i = $level;
$closelist = "";
while (($i > 0) && ($parents[$level] != $sco->parent)) {
$closelist .= "\t\t</ul></li>\n";
if (($i == 0) && ($sco->parent != $currentorg)) {
echo "\t\t<li><ul id='".$sublist."' class=\"scormlist\"'>\n";
} else {
which.src = "pix/minus.gif";
echo $closelist;
$level = $i;
<style type="text/css">
.scormlist { list-style-type:none; }
echo "<table>\n";
echo " <tr><th>".get_string("coursestruct","scorm")."</th></tr>\n";
echo " <tr><td nowrap>\n<ul class=\"scormlist\">\n";
$incomplete = false;
if ($scoes = get_records_select("scorm_scoes","scorm='$scorm->id' AND organization='$currentorg' order by id ASC")){
foreach ($scoes as $sco) {
if ($parents[$level]!=$sco->parent) {
if ($level>0 && $parents[$level-1]==$sco->parent) {
echo " </ul></li>\n";
} else {
$i = $level;
$closelist = "";
while (($i > 0) && ($parents[$level] != $sco->parent)) {
$closelist .= " </ul></li>\n";
if (($i == 0) && ($sco->parent != $currentorg)) {
echo " <li><ul id='".$sublist."' class=\"scormlist\"'>\n";
} else {
echo $closelist;
$level = $i;
echo " <li>\n";
$nextsco = next($scoes);
if (($nextsco !== false) && ($sco->parent != $nextsco->parent) && (($level==0) || (($level>0) && ($nextsco->parent == $sco->identifier)))) {
echo " <img src=\"pix/minus.gif\" onClick='expandCollide(this,".$sublist.");'/>\n";
} else {
echo " <img src=\"pix/spacer.gif\" />\n";
if ($sco->launch) {
$startbold = '';
$endbold = '';
if ($sco->id == $scoid) {
$startbold = '-> <b>';
$endbold = '</b> <-';
if (($scoid == "") && ($mode != "normal")) {
$scoid = $sco->id;
$startbold = '-> <b>';
$endbold = '</b> <-';
$score = "";
if ($sco_user=get_record("scorm_sco_users","scoid",$sco->id,"userid",$USER->id)) {
if ( $sco_user->cmi_core_lesson_status == "") {
$sco_user->cmi_core_lesson_status = "not attempted";
echo " <img src=\"pix/".scorm_remove_spaces($sco_user->cmi_core_lesson_status).".gif\" alt=\"".get_string(scorm_remove_spaces($sco_user->cmi_core_lesson_status),"scorm")."\" title=\"".get_string(scorm_remove_spaces($sco_user->cmi_core_lesson_status),"scorm")."\" />\n";
if (($sco_user->cmi_core_lesson_status == "not attempted") || ($sco_user->cmi_core_lesson_status == "incomplete")) {
if ($scoid == "") {
$incomplete = true;
$scoid = $sco->id;
$startbold = '-> <b>';
$endbold = '</b> <-';
if ($sco_user->cmi_core_score_raw > 0) {
$score = "(".get_string("score","scorm").":&nbsp;".$sco_user->cmi_core_score_raw.")";
} else {
if ($sco->type == 'sco') {
echo " <img src=\"pix/notattempted.gif\" alt=\"".get_string("notattempted","scorm")."\" />";
$incomplete = true;
} else {
echo " <img src=\"pix/asset.gif\" alt=\"".get_string("asset","scorm")."\" />";
echo " &nbsp;$startbold<a href=\"javascript:playSCO(".$sco->id.");\">$sco->title</a> $score$endbold\n </li>\n";
} else {
echo " &nbsp;$sco->title\n </li>\n";
for ($i=0;$i<$level;$i++){
echo " </ul></li>\n";
echo "</ul></td></tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo "\t\t<li>";
$nextsco = next($scoes);
if (($nextsco !== false) && ($sco->parent != $nextsco->parent) && (($level==0) || (($level>0) && ($nextsco->parent == $sco->identifier)))) {
echo "<img id='img".$sublist."' src=\"pix/minus.gif\" onClick='expandCollide(this,".$sublist.");'/>";
} else {
echo "<img src=\"pix/spacer.gif\" />";
echo "<table width=\"100%\">\n <tr>\n";
echo " <td align=\"center\" nowrap>
<!--<iframe name=\"cmi\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\" src=\"cmi.php?id=$cm->id\" style=\"visibility: hidden\"></iframe> -->
<form name=\"navform\" method=\"POST\" action=\"playscorm.php?id=$cm->id\" target=\"_top\">
<input name=\"scoid\" type=\"hidden\" />
<input name=\"currentorg\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$currentorg\" />
<input name=\"mode\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"".$mode."\" />
<input name=\"prev\" type=\"button\" value=\"".get_string("prev","scorm")."\" onClick=\"top.changeSco('previous');\" />&nbsp;\n";
if ($scorm->popup == "") {
if ($scoes = get_records_select("scorm_scoes","scorm='$scorm->id' AND organization='$currentorg' order by id ASC")){
foreach ($scoes as $sco) {
if ($parents[$level]!=$sco->parent) {
if ($level>0 && $parents[$level-1]==$sco->parent) {
} else {
$i = $level;
while (($i > 0) && ($parents[$level] != $sco->parent)) {
if (($i == 0) && ($sco->parent != $currentorg)) {
} else {
$level = $i;
if ($sco->launch) {
$startbold = '';
$endbold = '';
if ($sco->id == $scoid) {
$startbold = '-> <b>';
$endbold = '</b> <-';
if (($scoid == "") && ($mode != "normal")) {
$scoid = $sco->id;
$startbold = '-> <b>';
$endbold = '</b> <-';
$score = "";
if ($sco_user=get_record("scorm_sco_users","scoid",$sco->id,"userid",$USER->id)) {
if ( $sco_user->cmi_core_lesson_status == "") {
$sco_user->cmi_core_lesson_status = "not attempted";
echo "<img src=\"pix/".scorm_remove_spaces($sco_user->cmi_core_lesson_status).".gif\" alt=\"".get_string(scorm_remove_spaces($sco_user->cmi_core_lesson_status),"scorm")."\" title=\"".get_string(scorm_remove_spaces($sco_user->cmi_core_lesson_status),"scorm")."\" />\n";
if (($sco_user->cmi_core_lesson_status == "not attempted") || ($sco_user->cmi_core_lesson_status == "incomplete")) {
if ($scoid == "") {
$incomplete = true;
$scoid = $sco->id;
$startbold = '-> <b>';
$endbold = '</b> <-';
if ($sco_user->cmi_core_score_raw > 0) {
$score = "(".get_string("score","scorm").":&nbsp;".$sco_user->cmi_core_score_raw.")";
} else {
if ($sco->type == 'sco') {
echo "<img src=\"pix/notattempted.gif\" alt=\"".get_string("notattempted","scorm")."\" />";
$incomplete = true;
} else {
echo "<img src=\"pix/asset.gif\" alt=\"".get_string("asset","scorm")."\" />";
$indenting = "";
for ($i=0;$i<$level;$i++) {
$indenting .= "-";
$options[$sco->id] = $indenting."&gt; ".$sco->title;
echo "&nbsp;$startbold<a href=\"javascript:playSCO(".$sco->id.");\">$sco->title</a> $score$endbold</li>\n";
} else {
echo "&nbsp;$sco->title</li>\n";
choose_from_menu($options, "courseStructure", $scoid, "", "document.navform.scoid.value=document.navform.courseStructure.options[document.navform.courseStructure.selectedIndex].value;document.navform.submit();");
echo " &nbsp;<input name=\"next\" type=\"button\" value=\"".get_string("next","scorm")."\" onClick=\"top.changeSco('continue')\" />\n";
echo " </form>
echo "</tr>\n</table>\n";
if ($scorm->popup == "") {
echo "</body>\n</html>\n";
} else {
for ($i=0;$i<$level;$i++) {
echo "\t\t</ul></li>\n";
} else {
if ($scorm->popup == "") {
// Frameset
echo "<html>\n";
echo "<head><title>$course->shortname: $scorm->name</title></head>\n";
echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"request.js\"></script>\n";
echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"api.php?id=$cm->id\"></script>\n";
echo "<frameset rows=\"$CFG->scorm_framesize,*\" onUnload=\"SCOFinish();\">\n";
echo "\t <frame name=\"navigation\" src=\"playscorm.php?id=$cm->id".$modestring.$currentorgstring.$scoidstring."&frameset=top\">\n";
echo "\t <frame name=\"main\" src=\"loadSCO.php?id=$cm->id$scoidstring\">\n";
echo "</frameset>\n";
echo "</html>\n";
<tr><td align="center">
<form name="navform" method="post" action="playscorm.php?id=<?php echo $cm->id ?>" target="_top">
<input name="scoid" type="hidden" />
<input name="currentorg" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $currentorg ?>" />
<input name="mode" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $mode ?>" />
<input name="prev" type="button" value="<?php print_string('prev','scorm') ?>" onClick="top.changeSco('previous');" />
<input name="next" type="button" value="<?php print_string('next','scorm') ?>" onClick="top.changeSco('continue')" />
<?php print_simple_box_end(); ?>
<td width="100%">
<iframe name="main" height="500" width="100%" src="loadSCO.php?id=<?php echo $cm->id.$scoidstring ?>"></iframe>
/*$popuplocation = '';
if (isset($_COOKIE["SCORMpopup"])) {
$popuplocation = $_COOKIE["SCORMpopup"];
echo "<script language=\"javascript\">\n";
echo "\t top.main ='loadSCO.php?id=$cm->id".$scoidstring."','main','$scorm->popup$popuplocation');\n";
echo "</script>\n"; */