mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:30:15 +01:00
MDL-63213 core_message: update get_conversations to support favourites
Added the type param here, which will be used in MDL-63549.
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
namespace core_message;
use core_favourites\local\entity\favourite;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/messagelib.php');
@ -274,11 +276,31 @@ class api {
* @param int $userid The user id
* @param int $limitfrom
* @param int $limitnum
* @param int $type the conversation type.
* @param bool $favouritesonly whether to retrieve only the favourite conversations for the user, or not.
* @return array
public static function get_conversations($userid, $limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 20) {
public static function get_conversations($userid, $limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 20, int $type = null,
bool $favouritesonly = false) {
global $DB;
$favouritesql = "";
$favouriteparams = [];
if ($favouritesonly) {
// Ask the favourites subsystem for the user's favourite conversations.
$service = \core_favourites\service_factory::get_service_for_user_context(\context_user::instance($userid));
$favourites = $service->find_favourites_by_type('core_message', 'message_conversations');
if (empty($favourites)) {
return []; // No favourited conversations, so return none.
$favids = array_values(array_map(function ($fav) {
return $fav->itemid;
}, $favourites));
list ($insql, $inparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($favids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'favouriteids');
$favouritesql = " AND m.conversationid {$insql} ";
$favouriteparams = $inparams;
// Get the last message from each conversation that the user belongs to.
$sql = "SELECT m.id, m.conversationid, m.useridfrom, mcm2.userid as useridto, m.smallmessage, m.timecreated
FROM {messages} m
@ -305,10 +327,12 @@ class api {
INNER JOIN {message_conversation_members} mcm2
ON mcm2.conversationid = m.conversationid
WHERE mcm.userid = m.useridfrom
AND mcm.id != mcm2.id
AND mcm.id != mcm2.id $favouritesql
ORDER BY m.timecreated DESC";
$messageset = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, ['userid' => $userid, 'action' => self::MESSAGE_ACTION_DELETED,
'userid2' => $userid], $limitfrom, $limitnum);
$params = array_merge($favouriteparams, ['userid' => $userid, 'action' => self::MESSAGE_ACTION_DELETED,
'userid2' => $userid]);
$messageset = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
$messages = [];
foreach ($messageset as $message) {
@ -409,6 +433,34 @@ class api {
return $arrconversations;
* Mark a conversation as a favourite for the given user.
* @param int $conversationid the id of the conversation to mark as a favourite.
* @param int $userid the id of the user to whom the favourite belongs.
* @return favourite the favourite object.
* @throws \moodle_exception if the user or conversation don't exist.
public static function set_favourite_conversation(int $conversationid, int $userid) : favourite {
if (!self::is_user_in_conversation($userid, $conversationid)) {
throw new \moodle_exception("Conversation doesn't exist or user is not a member");
$ufservice = \core_favourites\service_factory::get_service_for_user_context(\context_user::instance($userid));
return $ufservice->create_favourite('core_message', 'message_conversations', $conversationid, \context_system::instance());
* Unset a conversation as a favourite for the given user.
* @param int $conversationid the id of the conversation to unset as a favourite.
* @param int $userid the id to whom the favourite belongs.
* @throws \moodle_exception if the favourite does not exist for the user.
public static function unset_favourite_conversation(int $conversationid, int $userid) {
$ufservice = \core_favourites\service_factory::get_service_for_user_context(\context_user::instance($userid));
$ufservice->delete_favourite('core_message', 'message_conversations', $conversationid, \context_system::instance());
* Returns the contacts to display in the contacts area.
@ -341,6 +341,304 @@ class core_message_api_testcase extends core_message_messagelib_testcase {
* Test verifying that favourited conversations can be retrieved.
public function test_get_favourite_conversations() {
// Create some users.
$user1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user3 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user4 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// The person doing the search.
// No conversations yet.
$this->assertEquals([], \core_message\api::get_conversations($user1->id));
// Create some conversations for user1.
$time = 1;
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user2, 'Yo!', 0, $time + 1);
$this->send_fake_message($user2, $user1, 'Sup mang?', 0, $time + 2);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user2, 'Writing PHPUnit tests!', 0, $time + 3);
$messageid1 = $this->send_fake_message($user2, $user1, 'Word.', 0, $time + 4);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user3, 'Booyah', 0, $time + 5);
$this->send_fake_message($user3, $user1, 'Whaaat?', 0, $time + 6);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user3, 'Nothing.', 0, $time + 7);
$messageid2 = $this->send_fake_message($user3, $user1, 'Cool.', 0, $time + 8);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user4, 'Hey mate, you see the new messaging UI in Moodle?', 0, $time + 9);
$this->send_fake_message($user4, $user1, 'Yah brah, it\'s pretty rad.', 0, $time + 10);
$messageid3 = $this->send_fake_message($user1, $user4, 'Dope.', 0, $time + 11);
// Favourite the first 2 conversations for user1.
$convoids = [];
$convoids[] = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$user1->id, $user2->id]);
$convoids[] = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$user1->id, $user3->id]);
$user1context = context_user::instance($user1->id);
$service = \core_favourites\service_factory::get_service_for_user_context($user1context);
foreach ($convoids as $convoid) {
$service->create_favourite('core_message', 'message_conversations', $convoid, $user1context);
// We should have 3 conversations.
$this->assertCount(3, \core_message\api::get_conversations($user1->id));
// And 2 favourited conversations.
$conversations = \core_message\api::get_conversations($user1->id, 0, 20, null, true);
$this->assertCount(2, $conversations);
* Tests retrieving favourite conversations with a limit and offset to ensure pagination works correctly.
public function test_get_favourite_conversations_limit_offset() {
// Create some users.
$user1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user3 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user4 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// The person doing the search.
// No conversations yet.
$this->assertEquals([], \core_message\api::get_conversations($user1->id));
// Create some conversations for user1.
$time = 1;
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user2, 'Yo!', 0, $time + 1);
$this->send_fake_message($user2, $user1, 'Sup mang?', 0, $time + 2);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user2, 'Writing PHPUnit tests!', 0, $time + 3);
$messageid1 = $this->send_fake_message($user2, $user1, 'Word.', 0, $time + 4);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user3, 'Booyah', 0, $time + 5);
$this->send_fake_message($user3, $user1, 'Whaaat?', 0, $time + 6);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user3, 'Nothing.', 0, $time + 7);
$messageid2 = $this->send_fake_message($user3, $user1, 'Cool.', 0, $time + 8);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user4, 'Hey mate, you see the new messaging UI in Moodle?', 0, $time + 9);
$this->send_fake_message($user4, $user1, 'Yah brah, it\'s pretty rad.', 0, $time + 10);
$messageid3 = $this->send_fake_message($user1, $user4, 'Dope.', 0, $time + 11);
// Favourite the all conversations for user1.
$convoids = [];
$convoids[] = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$user1->id, $user2->id]);
$convoids[] = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$user1->id, $user3->id]);
$convoids[] = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$user1->id, $user4->id]);
$user1context = context_user::instance($user1->id);
$service = \core_favourites\service_factory::get_service_for_user_context($user1context);
foreach ($convoids as $convoid) {
$service->create_favourite('core_message', 'message_conversations', $convoid, $user1context);
// Get all records, using offset 0 and large limit.
$this->assertCount(2, \core_message\api::get_conversations($user1->id, 1, 10, null, true));
// Now, get 10 conversations starting at the second record. We should see 2 conversations.
$this->assertCount(2, \core_message\api::get_conversations($user1->id, 1, 10, null, true));
// Now, try to get favourited conversations using an invalid offset.
$this->assertCount(0, \core_message\api::get_conversations($user1->id, 4, 10, null, true));
* Tests retrieving favourite conversations when a conversation contains a deleted user.
public function test_get_favourite_conversations_with_deleted_user() {
// Create some users.
$user1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user3 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Send some messages back and forth, have some different conversations with different users.
$time = 1;
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user2, 'Yo!', 0, $time + 1);
$this->send_fake_message($user2, $user1, 'Sup mang?', 0, $time + 2);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user2, 'Writing PHPUnit tests!', 0, $time + 3);
$this->send_fake_message($user2, $user1, 'Word.', 0, $time + 4);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user3, 'Booyah', 0, $time + 5);
$this->send_fake_message($user3, $user1, 'Whaaat?', 0, $time + 6);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user3, 'Nothing.', 0, $time + 7);
$this->send_fake_message($user3, $user1, 'Cool.', 0, $time + 8);
// Favourite the all conversations for user1.
$convoids = [];
$convoids[] = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$user1->id, $user2->id]);
$convoids[] = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$user1->id, $user3->id]);
$user1context = context_user::instance($user1->id);
$service = \core_favourites\service_factory::get_service_for_user_context($user1context);
foreach ($convoids as $convoid) {
$service->create_favourite('core_message', 'message_conversations', $convoid, $user1context);
// Delete the second user.
// Retrieve the conversations.
$conversations = \core_message\api::get_conversations($user1->id, 0, 20, null, true);
// We should only have one conversation because the other user was deleted.
$this->assertCount(1, $conversations);
// Confirm the conversation is from the non-deleted user.
$conversation = reset($conversations);
$this->assertEquals($user3->id, $conversation->userid);
* Test confirming that conversations can be marked as favourites.
public function test_set_favourite_conversation() {
// Create some users.
$user1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user3 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Send some messages back and forth, have some different conversations with different users.
$time = 1;
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user2, 'Yo!', 0, $time + 1);
$this->send_fake_message($user2, $user1, 'Sup mang?', 0, $time + 2);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user2, 'Writing PHPUnit tests!', 0, $time + 3);
$this->send_fake_message($user2, $user1, 'Word.', 0, $time + 4);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user3, 'Booyah', 0, $time + 5);
$this->send_fake_message($user3, $user1, 'Whaaat?', 0, $time + 6);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user3, 'Nothing.', 0, $time + 7);
$this->send_fake_message($user3, $user1, 'Cool.', 0, $time + 8);
// Favourite the first conversation as user 1.
$conversationid1 = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$user1->id, $user2->id]);
\core_message\api::set_favourite_conversation($conversationid1, $user1->id);
// Verify we have a single favourite conversation a user 1.
$this->assertCount(1, \core_message\api::get_conversations($user1->id, 0, 20, null, true));
// Verify we have no favourites as user2, despite being a member in that conversation.
$this->assertCount(0, \core_message\api::get_conversations($user2->id, 0, 20, null, true));
// Try to favourite the same conversation again.
\core_message\api::set_favourite_conversation($conversationid1, $user1->id);
* Test verifying that trying to mark a non-existent conversation as a favourite, results in an exception.
public function test_set_favourite_conversation_nonexistent_conversation() {
// Create some users.
$user1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Try to favourite a non-existent conversation.
\core_message\api::set_favourite_conversation(0, $user1->id);
* Test verifying that a conversation cannot be marked as favourite unless the user is a member of that conversation.
public function test_set_favourite_conversation_non_member() {
// Create some users.
$user1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user3 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Send some messages back and forth, have some different conversations with different users.
$time = 1;
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user2, 'Yo!', 0, $time + 1);
$this->send_fake_message($user2, $user1, 'Sup mang?', 0, $time + 2);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user2, 'Writing PHPUnit tests!', 0, $time + 3);
$this->send_fake_message($user2, $user1, 'Word.', 0, $time + 4);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user3, 'Booyah', 0, $time + 5);
$this->send_fake_message($user3, $user1, 'Whaaat?', 0, $time + 6);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user3, 'Nothing.', 0, $time + 7);
$this->send_fake_message($user3, $user1, 'Cool.', 0, $time + 8);
// Try to favourite the first conversation as user 3, who is not a member.
$conversationid1 = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$user1->id, $user2->id]);
\core_message\api::set_favourite_conversation($conversationid1, $user3->id);
* Test confirming that those conversations marked as favourites can be unfavourited.
public function test_unset_favourite_conversation() {
// Create some users.
$user1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user3 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Send some messages back and forth, have some different conversations with different users.
$time = 1;
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user2, 'Yo!', 0, $time + 1);
$this->send_fake_message($user2, $user1, 'Sup mang?', 0, $time + 2);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user2, 'Writing PHPUnit tests!', 0, $time + 3);
$this->send_fake_message($user2, $user1, 'Word.', 0, $time + 4);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user3, 'Booyah', 0, $time + 5);
$this->send_fake_message($user3, $user1, 'Whaaat?', 0, $time + 6);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user3, 'Nothing.', 0, $time + 7);
$this->send_fake_message($user3, $user1, 'Cool.', 0, $time + 8);
// Favourite the first conversation as user 1 and the second as user 3.
$conversationid1 = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$user1->id, $user2->id]);
$conversationid2 = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$user1->id, $user3->id]);
\core_message\api::set_favourite_conversation($conversationid1, $user1->id);
\core_message\api::set_favourite_conversation($conversationid2, $user3->id);
// Verify we have a single favourite conversation for both user 1 and user 3.
$this->assertCount(1, \core_message\api::get_conversations($user1->id, 0, 20, null, true));
$this->assertCount(1, \core_message\api::get_conversations($user3->id, 0, 20, null, true));
// Now unfavourite the conversation as user 1.
\core_message\api::unset_favourite_conversation($conversationid1, $user1->id);
// Verify we have a single favourite conversation user 3 only, and none for user1.
$this->assertCount(1, \core_message\api::get_conversations($user3->id, 0, 20, null, true));
$this->assertCount(0, \core_message\api::get_conversations($user1->id, 0, 20, null, true));
// Try to favourite the same conversation again as user 1.
\core_message\api::unset_favourite_conversation($conversationid1, $user1->id);
* Test verifying that a valid conversation cannot be unset as a favourite if it's not marked as a favourite.
public function test_unset_favourite_conversation_not_favourite() {
// Create some users.
$user1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user2 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Send some messages back and forth, have some different conversations with different users.
$time = 1;
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user2, 'Yo!', 0, $time + 1);
$this->send_fake_message($user2, $user1, 'Sup mang?', 0, $time + 2);
$this->send_fake_message($user1, $user2, 'Writing PHPUnit tests!', 0, $time + 3);
$this->send_fake_message($user2, $user1, 'Word.', 0, $time + 4);
// Now try to unfavourite the conversation as user 1.
$conversationid1 = \core_message\api::get_conversation_between_users([$user1->id, $user2->id]);
\core_message\api::unset_favourite_conversation($conversationid1, $user1->id);
* Test verifying that a non-existent conversation cannot be unset as a favourite.
public function test_unset_favourite_conversation_non_existent_conversation() {
// Create some users.
$user1 = self::getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Now try to unfavourite the conversation as user 1.
\core_message\api::unset_favourite_conversation(0, $user1->id);
* Tests retrieving conversations.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user