diff --git a/lang/en_utf8/quiz.php b/lang/en_utf8/quiz.php index a3489b800a6..52fbdb5e4de 100644 --- a/lang/en_utf8/quiz.php +++ b/lang/en_utf8/quiz.php @@ -182,7 +182,8 @@ $string['feedback'] = 'Feedback'; $string['file'] = 'File'; $string['fileformat'] = 'File format'; $string['fillcorrect'] = 'Fill with correct'; -$string['filloutoneanswer'] = 'You must fill out at least one possible answer. Answers left blank will not be used. \'*\' can be used as a wildcard to match any characters. The first matching answer will be used to determine the score and feedback.'; +$string['filloutoneanswer'] = 'You must provide at least one possible answer. Answers left blank will not be used. \'*\' can be used as a wildcard to match any characters. The first matching answer will be used to determine the score and feedback.'; +$string['filloutnumericalanswer'] = 'You provide at least one possible answer and tolerance. The first matching answer will be used to determine the score and feedback. If you supply some feedback with no answer at the end, that will be shown to students whose response is not matched by any of the other answers.'; $string['filloutthreequestions'] = 'You must provide at least three questions with matching answers. You can provide extra wrong answers by giving an answer with a blank question. Entries where both the question and the answer are blank will be ignored. '; $string['fillouttwochoices'] = 'You must fill out at least two choices. Choices left blank will not be used.'; $string['finishattempt'] = 'Submit all and finish'; @@ -227,6 +228,8 @@ $string['incorrect'] = 'Incorrect'; $string['indivresp'] = 'Responses of Individuals to Each Item'; $string['info'] = 'Info'; $string['introduction'] = 'Introduction'; +$string['invalidnumericanswer'] = 'One of the answers you entered was not a valid number.'; +$string['invalidnumerictolerance'] = 'One of the tolerances you entered was not a valid number.'; $string['invalidsource'] = 'The source is not accepted as valid.'; $string['invalidsourcetype'] = 'Invalid source type.'; $string['itemanal'] = 'Item Response Analysis';