mirror of https://github.com/moodle/moodle.git synced 2025-03-26 18:42:40 +01:00

MDL-78890 gradereport_grader: Final deprecation of get_right_avg_row()

This commit is contained in:
Mihail Geshoski 2024-10-10 17:14:12 +08:00
parent 67f5ee3cec
commit c5b1dd50ae
2 changed files with 10 additions and 173 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
issueNumber: MDL-78890
- message: >-
The method gradereport_grader::get_right_avg_row() has been finally
deprecated and will now throw an exception if called.
type: deprecated

@ -1490,180 +1490,10 @@ class grade_report_grader extends grade_report {
* @deprecated since Moodle 4.4 - Call calculate_average instead.
* Builds and return the row of averages for the right part of the grader report.
* @param array $rows Whether to return only group averages or all averages.
* @param bool $grouponly Whether to return only group averages or all averages.
* @return array Array of rows for the right part of the report
public function get_right_avg_row($rows=array(), $grouponly=false) {
global $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $CFG;
debugging('grader_report_grader::get_right_avg_row() is deprecated.
Call grade_report::calculate_average() instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
if (!$this->canviewhidden) {
// Totals might be affected by hiding, if user can not see hidden grades the aggregations might be altered
// better not show them at all if user can not see all hidden grades.
return $rows;
$averagesdisplaytype = $this->get_pref('averagesdisplaytype');
$averagesdecimalpoints = $this->get_pref('averagesdecimalpoints');
$meanselection = $this->get_pref('meanselection');
$shownumberofgrades = $this->get_pref('shownumberofgrades');
if ($grouponly) {
$showaverages = $this->currentgroup && $this->get_pref('showaverages');
$groupsql = $this->groupsql;
$groupwheresql = $this->groupwheresql;
$groupwheresqlparams = $this->groupwheresql_params;
} else {
$showaverages = $this->get_pref('showaverages');
$groupsql = "";
$groupwheresql = "";
$groupwheresqlparams = array();
if ($showaverages) {
$totalcount = $this->get_numusers($grouponly);
// Limit to users with a gradeable role.
list($gradebookrolessql, $gradebookrolesparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(explode(',', $this->gradebookroles), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'grbr0');
// Limit to users with an active enrollment.
$coursecontext = $this->context->get_course_context(true);
$defaultgradeshowactiveenrol = !empty($CFG->grade_report_showonlyactiveenrol);
$showonlyactiveenrol = get_user_preferences('grade_report_showonlyactiveenrol', $defaultgradeshowactiveenrol);
$showonlyactiveenrol = $showonlyactiveenrol || !has_capability('moodle/course:viewsuspendedusers', $coursecontext);
list($enrolledsql, $enrolledparams) = get_enrolled_sql($this->context, '', 0, $showonlyactiveenrol);
// We want to query both the current context and parent contexts.
list($relatedctxsql, $relatedctxparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($this->context->get_parent_context_ids(true), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'relatedctx');
$params = array_merge(array('courseid' => $this->courseid), $gradebookrolesparams, $enrolledparams, $groupwheresqlparams, $relatedctxparams);
// Find sums of all grade items in course.
$sql = "SELECT g.itemid, SUM(g.finalgrade) AS sum
FROM {grade_items} gi
JOIN {grade_grades} g ON g.itemid = gi.id
JOIN {user} u ON u.id = g.userid
JOIN ($enrolledsql) je ON je.id = u.id
FROM {role_assignments} ra
WHERE ra.roleid $gradebookrolessql
AND ra.contextid $relatedctxsql
) rainner ON rainner.userid = u.id
WHERE gi.courseid = :courseid
AND u.deleted = 0
AND g.finalgrade IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY g.itemid";
$sumarray = array();
if ($sums = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params)) {
foreach ($sums as $itemid => $csum) {
$sumarray[$itemid] = $csum->sum;
// MDL-10875 Empty grades must be evaluated as grademin, NOT always 0
// This query returns a count of ungraded grades (NULL finalgrade OR no matching record in grade_grades table)
$sql = "SELECT gi.id, COUNT(DISTINCT u.id) AS count
FROM {grade_items} gi
CROSS JOIN ($enrolledsql) u
JOIN {role_assignments} ra
ON ra.userid = u.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN {grade_grades} g
ON (g.itemid = gi.id AND g.userid = u.id AND g.finalgrade IS NOT NULL)
WHERE gi.courseid = :courseid
AND ra.roleid $gradebookrolessql
AND ra.contextid $relatedctxsql
GROUP BY gi.id";
$ungradedcounts = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
$avgrow = new html_table_row();
$avgrow->attributes['class'] = 'avg';
foreach ($this->gtree->items as $itemid => $unused) {
$item =& $this->gtree->items[$itemid];
if ($item->needsupdate) {
$avgcell = new html_table_cell();
$avgcell->attributes['class'] = 'i'. $itemid;
$avgcell->text = $OUTPUT->container(get_string('error'), 'gradingerror');
$avgrow->cells[] = $avgcell;
if (!isset($sumarray[$item->id])) {
$sumarray[$item->id] = 0;
if (empty($ungradedcounts[$itemid])) {
$ungradedcount = 0;
} else {
$ungradedcount = $ungradedcounts[$itemid]->count;
if ($meanselection == GRADE_REPORT_MEAN_GRADED) {
$meancount = $totalcount - $ungradedcount;
} else { // Bump up the sum by the number of ungraded items * grademin
$sumarray[$item->id] += $ungradedcount * $item->grademin;
$meancount = $totalcount;
// Determine which display type to use for this average
if (!empty($USER->editing)) {
} else if ($averagesdisplaytype == GRADE_REPORT_PREFERENCE_INHERIT) { // no ==0 here, please resave the report and user preferences
$displaytype = $item->get_displaytype();
} else {
$displaytype = $averagesdisplaytype;
// Override grade_item setting if a display preference (not inherit) was set for the averages
if ($averagesdecimalpoints == GRADE_REPORT_PREFERENCE_INHERIT) {
$decimalpoints = $item->get_decimals();
} else {
$decimalpoints = $averagesdecimalpoints;
$gradetypeclass = $this->get_cell_display_class($item);
if (!isset($sumarray[$item->id]) || $meancount == 0) {
$avgcell = new html_table_cell();
$avgcell->attributes['class'] = $gradetypeclass . ' i'. $itemid;
$avgcell->attributes['data-itemid'] = $itemid;
$avgcell->text = html_writer::div('-', '', ['data-collapse' => 'avgrowcell']);
$avgrow->cells[] = $avgcell;
} else {
$sum = $sumarray[$item->id];
$avgradeval = $sum/$meancount;
$gradehtml = grade_format_gradevalue($avgradeval, $item, true, $displaytype, $decimalpoints);
$numberofgrades = '';
if ($shownumberofgrades) {
$numberofgrades = " ($meancount)";
$avgcell = new html_table_cell();
$avgcell->attributes['class'] = $gradetypeclass . ' i'. $itemid;
$avgcell->attributes['data-itemid'] = $itemid;
$avgcell->text = html_writer::div($gradehtml.$numberofgrades, '', ['data-collapse' => 'avgrowcell']);
$avgrow->cells[] = $avgcell;
$rows[] = $avgrow;
return $rows;
#[\core\attribute\deprecated('grade_report::calculate_average()', since: '4.4', final: true)]
public function get_right_avg_row() {
\core\deprecation::emit_deprecation_if_present([self::class, __FUNCTION__]);